Joseph Armato - Property Buying Tips

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Joseph Armato - Property Buying Tips

Tips for Property Buying

By Joseph Armato

• As vaguely hinted at, buyers should concentrate

on whether buying is affordable and the right

decision long term. Concentrate on the bigger

picture: financial security.

• Work out the true cost of buying as purchasing

property usually costs more than you think. Also,

always consider costs of moving from your

present place to the new property as part of your

calculations (if a house is what you are buying).

• Find out how much you are able to borrow prior

to looking and when looking at properties,

always look in your budget. If not, you will

always be disappointed.

• Peruse the area you are purchasing property in,

question the locals or neighborhood watch

coordinator if one is available.

• Before putting in an offer ask as many questions as

possible. Even if you do not get a truthful answer you

can probably sense their discomfort when they do


• Take pictures when looking at properties. They are

a useful reference point when making a decision.

• View the property during the day to get a

feel of what the area is like at different

times during the day.

• Have a list of deal breakers and go

through it with each property

• Find areas where sellers drop prices.

• Consider the property’s resale potential