Jordyn Becich, Madison Hart, Tara Wilkes, Jemma Kim.

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Transcript of Jordyn Becich, Madison Hart, Tara Wilkes, Jemma Kim.

Ancient Rome

Jordyn Becich, Madison Hart, Tara Wilkes, Jemma Kim

Geography Republic Empire Culture Technology

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Geography - 10

Where was Rome located?

Geography – 10

Central Italy

Geography - 20

What river was Rome located on?

Geography – 20


Geography - 30

What 3 groups were in Ancient Italy before Rome?

Geography – 30

Latins, Etruscans, and Greeks

Geography - 40

Which had more open farmland: Rome or Greece?

Geography - 40


Geography - 50

Why was Rome the perfect location? Give 2 reasons.

Geography – 50

Center of Italy, Center of Mediterranean, open terrain, fertile farmland, close to the ocean, etc

Republic - 10

What 2 social classes were involved in the Republic’s government?

Republic – 10

Patricians and Plebeians

Republic - 20

What did consuls do in a time of crisis?

Republic – 20

They appointed a dictator who had complete power for 6 months.

Republic - 30

What were the twelve tables?

Republic – 30

The first written law code in Rome, made to help Plebeians, became the basis for Roman law

Republic - 40

Summarize the Punic Wars

Republic – 40

• Rome gained Sicily and Western Mediterranean

• Second: Hannibal wanted revenge, marched through Europe for ten years burning the

country, barely defeated by Romans• Third: Rome laid siege on Carthage and

burned it, it became a Roman province

Republic - 50

List 2 reasons for the fall of the Repubic.

Republic – 50

Punic wars led to bigger gap between rich and poor, small farms couldn’t compete with estates,

urban poor was ¼ of population, military generals were not loyal and started trying to

take control with their poor soldiers

Empire - 10

Who was the first Roman emperor?

Empire – 10

Augustus (Octavian)

Empire - 20

What were some of Augustus’s accomplishments as emperor?

Empire – 20

Construction projects, first police and fire fighter forces in Rome, first Roman library,

conquered Judea and Armenia, pushed boarders, civil service system

Empire - 30

What was the Pax Romana and how long was it?

Empire – 30

Period of Roman peace, lasted 200 years

Empire - 40

What emperor ended the persecution of Christians?

Empire – 40


Empire - 50

What was the immediate cause of the fall of the empire?

Empire – 50

Invasions by Germanic tribes and the Huns

Culture - 10

What was the official language of Rome?

Culture – 10


Culture - 20

What major religion was born in the era?

Culture – 20


Culture - 30

Name 3 Roman gods.

Culture – 30

Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, etc.

Culture - 40

What things did the Romans borrow from the Greeks?

Culture – 40

Art, literature, ethical values, architecture, some gods

Culture - 50

What did the Romans borrow from the Etruscans?

Culture – 50

Alphabet and ceremony features

Technology - 10

What were Roman roads made out of?

Technology – 10

Sand, gravel, clay, and stone

Technology - 20

How did aqueducts work?

Technology – 20

Water went down a steady slope from the water source into the capital city. About 200 million gallons of water flowed into the city each day

Technology - 30

Why is the Pantheon known as the most amazing structure built by the Romans?

Technology – 30

It has a rotunda that lets light through a hole in the top.

Technology - 40

What did the Colosseum symbolize?

Technology – 40

The strength and size of the Roman Empire.

Technology- 50

What was the Circus Maximus?

Technology – 50

A race track where men and women could sit together, it is no longer in existence.