Jonathan Furr Director Northern Illinois University Office of Education System Innovation

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Jonathan Furr Director Northern Illinois University Office of Education System Innovation. Illinois Pathways. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Jonathan Furr Director Northern Illinois University Office of Education System Innovation

Jonathan FurrDirectorNorthern Illinois University Office of Education System Innovation


Illinois Pathways

• Mission: Empower and support Illinois learners to explore, progress through, and transition from high quality, structured career pathway systems into rewarding careers in critical growth areas for the Illinois economy.

• Illinois Pathways consists of two strategies…• Support local career pathway systems development that empower

students to explore their academic and career interests in STEM fields.

• Launch new statewide, public-private partnerships known as STEM Learning Exchanges that better coordinate investments, resources and planning.


Illinois Pathways – Focus Areas

Builds off of the National Career Cluster Framework and supports career pathway systems in nine STEM application areas:

Elementary and Middle School

Elementary and Middle School

• Build a strong academic foundation, particularly in math and science.

• Foster STEM skills and interest through authentic learning experiences.

• Prepare for career area focus through education & career plan development.

Secondary Education 9th and 10th

Secondary Education 9th and 10th

Secondary Education 11th and 12th

Secondary Education 11th and 12th

Postsecondary Education and


Postsecondary Education and


• Provide orientation level courses that may cut across career clusters.

• Integrate work-based learning activities that support career exploration.

• On track for college and career readiness in core academic subjects.

• Commence pathway-specific course sequence, with dual credit opportunities.

• Integrate work-based learning activities that build pathway skills.

• Develop portfolio of academic and employability skills and credentials.

• Manage effective transitions to college and/or employment.

• Continue portfolio development through stackable credentials.

Career Pathway Systems: Key Features

Elementary and Middle School

Elementary and Middle School

• Career Awareness

• Career Exploration

Secondary Education 9th and 10th

Secondary Education 9th and 10th

Secondary Education 11th and 12th

Secondary Education 11th and 12th

Postsecondary Education and


Postsecondary Education and


• Problem-based Learning/Competitions

• Service Learning

• Job Shadows

• Career Preparation

• Internships

• School-based Enterprises

• Apprenticeships

• Work Experience

Work-Based Learning Opportunities


Overview of Implementation Efforts

1) Race to the Top Network – Funded through a Round 3 U.S. Department of Education Race to the Top grant to the State of Illinois.• 35 school districts building two or more STEM Programs of Study

2) Pathways to Prosperity Network – Participating in a multi-state network led by Jobs for the Future and Harvard Graduate School of Education to implement regional career pathway models.

- Chicago - Aurora - Peoria - East St. Louis

3) The Ready and the Willing…- Rockford - Wheeling - Quad Cities – North Chicago - Decatur


STEM Learning Exchanges

Defining STEM Learning Exchanges

• Launch public-private networks in each of the identified STEM application areas

• Organized to support local implementation of P-20 STEM Programs of Study by improving coordination and reducing the transaction costs among network partners.

• Available to partner with and support K-12, postsecondary and workforce programs statewide.


Illinois Pathways – Learning Exchange Members

• Employers and employer-led organizations • Labor unions• Professional associations• Secondary and postsecondary teachers and faculty• Students and student organizations• Community colleges and universities

Who makes up a STEM Learning Exchange?

• School districts and regional • Economic and workforce agencies• STEM education experts• Federal labs and research centers• Local workforce investment boards• Museums and non-profit organizations• Community-based organizations

Organized and coordinated by an industry-supported lead entity

Designated STEM Learning Exchanges

STEM Cluster Area Lead Entity

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Illinois Foundation for Future Farmers of America

Health Sciences University of Illinois at Chicago

Information Technology CompTIA Workforce Development

Manufacturing Illinois Manufacturers Association Education Foundation

Research & Development Illinois Science and Technology Institute

Energy Illinois State University

Finance Econ Illinois

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Illinois Manufacturers Association Education Foundation

• Note: For STEM Learning Exchange contact information please visit

Manage System Design and Track Performance

Deliver Resources and Supports for

Local Pathway Systems

Outreach Resources


Lab Space & Equipment

Teacher PD

Student Organizations

Expand Quality Work-based

Learning Opportunities

Internships, Job Shadows

Sponsor industry challenges

STEM Learning Exchange Functions

AFNR Energy Health Sciences IT Manufacturing R&D

• Supervised Ag Experiences

• Expanded Challenges

• New Curriculum Development

• Curriculum catalogue

• Online toolkit of career dev. programs

• PD on Energy and NGSS

• Virtual speakers bureau

• IL Junior Academy of Sciences statewide challenges

• Out-of-box curriculum and lesson plans

• Web-based curriculum, including online lesson plans and curriculum maps

• In-service and pre-service teacher training

• IT career roadmaps

• Web-based curriculum library

• 500 internship commitments

• Machining, robotics, and welding competitions

• Mfg. Skills Standard Council (MSSC) training

• Virtual platform for standard-based resources, with focus on NGSS practice standards

• Sponsor R&D student competitions

• Online mentor matching platform

Immediate Learning Exchange Priorities




Historic Funding & Support ModelOne – Off System

= Funding & Technical Assistance

State Government (Economic Dev. Agency)

Federal Government


State Government (Education Agency)

Employer Associations













School Program





Local Implementation InfrastructurePrivate-Public Backbone Organization(s) as Major “System Engines”Develop: Convene stakeholders to identify needs and arrange commitments to collaborate. (Leadership Team)Oversee: Monitor and report to regional leadership on the status of system development; identify needs for support and accountability for front-line organizations & collaborations.

Better Post-Secondary & Career Outcomes for Young Adults

Front-Line Organizations: these Directly Serve Young People and Employers

Learning Exchanges

• Provide curriculum resources

• Expand access to lab space and equipment

• Support student organizations

• Provide internships and other work experiences

• Sponsor industry challenges

• Provide PD• Provide career

development and outreach resources

Elementary and middle schools

Non Profit Organizations


Workforce Intermediaries (Connecters)



Teachers face challenges that make it hard to connect with students individually

“It’s frustrating to figure out how to take

data and use it to help students.”

“What’s broken? The idea that ‘one

size fits all.’”“Just give us time to do some of the

things we don’t have time to do!”

That’s where the Illinois Shared Learning Environment (ISLE) comes in

What is ISLE?

ISLE’s Mission

An online platform that will empower educators and learners with integrated data and tools to personalize learning and drive student success from pre-K through career.

To drive academic achievement and career success for all lifelong learners in Illinois by enabling personalized learning through open and accessible technologies.

ISLE empowers educators by organizing and integrating data with educational tools

Assessment Authoring

Learning Maps

Student Interventions


Searchable Content

Educators helped us identify five main ways to use ISLE to help students succeed

Learning MapsStudent Intervention Tracker


Searchable Content

StudentInformation Dashboard

Assessment Authoring

ISLE will continue to evolve over the coming months and years

2012-PresentPlan, design, test, gather user feedback

School Year 2013-2014Pilot

School Year 2014-2015Begin rollout to RT3 Districts and STEM Learning Exchanges

School Year 2015-2016Continue rollout to other districts and workforce programs

Questions or More Information

Jonathan Furr