Join a List of Strings in a String Using a Glue String

Post on 10-Apr-2015

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Join a List of Strings in a String Using a Glue String

Transcript of Join a List of Strings in a String Using a Glue String

• join a list of strings in a string using a glue string

join(s, l) Perl, Perl6, PHP

String.Join(s, l) C#

s.join(l) Python

l.join(s) JavaScript, Perl6, Ruby

l asStringWith: s Smalltalk

join l s Tcl

implode(s, l) PHP

ListTools[Join] Maple

rjoin E

join Io

concat F#, OCaml

strcat Matlab

concat_atom Prolog

l * s Pike, Ruby

(mapconcat 'identity l s) Emacs Lisp

componentsJoinedByString Objective-C

intercalate Haskell

StringJoin @@ Riffle[l, s] Mathematica

• list size

size C++, Dylan, E, Io, Java, Matlab, merd, Pliant, Ruby, Scilab, Smalltalk, YCP

sizeof Pike

length C#, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, F#, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Matlab, Mercury, OCaml, PostScript, Prolog, Ruby, Scheme, SML

Length Ada, F#, Mathematica, Oz

length? Rebol

len Python

llength Tcl


elems Perl6

getn Lua

count Eiffel, FishShell, Objective-C, PHP, SQL92, XPath

numel Matlab

scalar @l Perl

nops Maple

# Lua

• iterate with index

each_with_index merd, Ruby

enumerate(l) Python

foreach($l as $i => $v) PHP

a foreach(i, e, ...) Io

for i => v in l E

for (v in l, i from 0) ... end Dylan

forAllInd Oz

foreachi Lua

foreach(l; typ0 i; typ1 v) { ... } Pike

withIndexDo Squeak

iteri F#, OCaml

IterateIndexed F#

MapIndexed Mathematica

(loop for v in l as i upfrom 0 do ...) Common Lisp

• remove duplicatesabram

arya adiuniq merd, Perl6, Pike, Ruby

uniq! Ruby

uniq2 Pike

unique(11) C++, Io, Matlab, Rebol

nub Haskell

array_unique PHP

ListTools[MakeUnique] Maple

delete-duplicates Common Lisp, Scheme-SRFI1

delete-duplicates! Scheme-SRFI1

remove-duplicates Common Lisp, Dylan

lsort -unique Tcl

toset YCP

distinct SQL92

set Python

Union Mathematica

• sort

sort(12)C#, C++, Common Lisp, E, Eiffel, F#, Haskell, Io, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Maple, Matlab, merd, OCaml, Perl, Perl6, PHP, Pike, Prolog, Python, Rebol, Ruby, Scheme, XSLT, YCP

sort! Ruby

sorted Python

Sort Mathematica, Oz

sort_by merd, Ruby

sortBy Haskell, Io, Smalltalk

order by SQL92

lsort Tcl

asort Awk

sort-object MSH

sortedArrayUsingSelector, sortUsingSelector Objective-C

predsort / keysort / mergesort Prolog

• reverse

reverseC++, Common Lisp, Dylan, Emacs Lisp, Haskell, Io, Java, JavaScript, Logo, Mercury, merd, Perl, Perl6, Pike, Prolog, Python, Rebol, Ruby, Scheme

Reverse C#, Mathematica, Oz

reversed Python, Smalltalk

reverse_copy C++

rev F#, OCaml, SML

Reverse_Elements Ada

lreverse Tcl8.5

array_reverse PHP

ListTools[Reverse] Maple

fliplr flipud... Matlab

l[::-1] Python

• list of couples from 2 listsabram

arya adicombine F#, OCaml

zip F#, Haskell, Maple, merd, Perl6, Python, Ruby, Scheme-SRFI1, SML

pairlis(13) Common Lisp

transpose Ruby

Transpose Mathematica

[a b] Matlab

• 2 lists from a list of couples

split F#, OCaml

unzip F#, Haskell, merd, SML

unzip2 Scheme-SRFI1

transpose Ruby

Transpose Mathematica

zip(*l) Python

a(1,:), a(2,:) Matlab

• lookup an element in a association list

lookup Haskell

assoc Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, F#, OCaml, Ruby, Scheme

assq Emacs Lisp, Scheme

assv Scheme

get_assoc Prolog

select Rebol

a.(e) Matlab

a[e] Maple

gprop Logo

/. Mathematica

• list out of a bag

to_a Ruby

toArray Java

asArray Smalltalk

to_list merd

list Python

map-as(<list>, bag) Dylan

[a.(:)] Matlab

array get Tcl

• f(... f(f(init, e1), e2) ..., en)

foldl Haskell, Maple, Mercury, merd, SML

FoldL Oz

fold_left OCaml

fold F#, Scheme-SRFI1

Fold Mathematica

reduce(14) Common Lisp, Dylan, Io, Perl, Perl6, Pike, Python

inject Ruby

inject into Smalltalk

• f(e1, f(e2, ... f(en, init) ...))

foldr Haskell, Maple, Mercury, merd, SML

FoldR Oz

fold-right Scheme-SRFI1

fold_right OCaml

foldBack F#

rreduce Pike

(reduce f '(e1 e2 ... en) :from-right t :initial-value init) Common Lisp

reverseReduce Io

Remarks• (1) restricted to initialisation of a local variable in C and C++

• (2) a b c must be constants • (3) beware, if you give only one integer argument, it is the size! • (4) for write access: a i o put • (5) in C++, it is range-checked whereas a[i] is not. in Smalltalk, for write access: a :at i :put o • (6) see also Head • (7) list comprehension • (8) in List::Util • (9) not in standard • (10) Python >= 2.5 • (11) in C++, it is done in place • (12) in Scheme, not standard, but nearly standard • (13) the result is not guaranteed to be the same as the order in the input • (14) in Perl, in List::Util

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abram dedi parman tukang sayur

abram dedi parman tukang sayur