Johnny, Brady, Jaimee, Katie S

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Johnny, Brady, Jaimee, Katie S

Bubble Gum in school!!!!!!!!

by: Johnny G, Brady C, Jaimee B, and Katie S!!!!!!

Focus and dont mess Around

Think Better

School lunch later cause gum takes away hunger

Its Delicious!!!!!!!!


Makes kids Flawless

taste Great

Happier and joyful

better than Icebreakers

Juicy ,quenches thirst

threat to taKe it away! give me


Long lasting

Many kids love it!

Not like candyIts SUGAR FREE!!!!

Use as a reward to give to kids!!!!!

1 piece per day:-)

Gum is quiet!!!!!!!

Raises learning ability.

Makes everything Satasfactory!


Takes away hUnger!

Very lovely

Would stick in unwanted places.

EXcept they could smack it loudly.

If you touch it , it makes you hands sticky......ewwwwwwww

Choking hazards.(not good!!!!!)

Remember LET KIDS CHEW GUM IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!