Johnna coopertop 5leadership skills

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Transcript of Johnna coopertop 5leadership skills


Johnna CooperJuly 4, 2011


Define Leader

Define Leadership

Identify Top 5 Leadership Skills


Work Cited

Definition of a Leader:

lead·er   [lee-der]  Show IPA

noun1.a person or thing that leads.2.a guiding or directing head, as of an army, m

ovement, or political group.

What is Leadership?Leadership:

–noun1.the position or function of a leader: He managed to maintain his leadership of the

 party despite heavy opposition.2.ability to lead: She displayed leadership act or instance of leading; guidance; direction: 

They prospered under his leadership.4.the leaders  of a group: The union leadership agreed 

to arbitrate.

1. Listening2. Vision3. Communication4. Integrity5. Motivating

Top 5Leadership Skills

Listening could arguably be the most important leadership skill. A good leader needs to be able to listen to what information others are giving them to be able to effectively use the information.

A good leader will listen to their team members with empathy and sympathy while not letting the speaker to get off track or deviate from the topic.

A leader will be attentive and respectful of the speaker.

A good leader will show a degree of conversation, but not interrupt.


An effective leader needs to have a clear vision and direction of where the team/group wants to be a certain time. Vision gives a clear path the team is to follow.

Vision evokes change

When a leader has a clear vision for his team it helps boost morale and enthusiasm for the new project

Vision is something that all leaders need to have and express to their team to be able to achieve a common goal


Communication is an essential leadership skill

Leaders need to be able to communicate their vision and goals to their team

Communication also gives the team a voice to express their concerns and ideas

Leaders use open communication to keep their teams informed

For a person in a leadership role one must give full attention to what the other person is saying to be able to fully understand and discuss their ideas


Integrity can be considered a backbone of leadership

A leader can be considered a role model to their team. Therefore their character or integrity plays a big part of being an effective leader.

Integrity in leadership establishes the core values of the team

Integrity in leadership establishes:1. Stability that they team has a strong leader2. Safety within the team to be able to perform at their best3. Reference or guide for the rest of the team


Someone in a leadership role can use motivation as a way to challenge an individual to grow and expand within the workplace

Many times when someone in a leadership role gives praise for a job well done it serves as motivation for that person to push harder to meet goals or to advance further

Motivation helps promote cooperation between the team and the person in the leadership role

Motivation is a way for the person in the leadership role to find out what their team wants from the job


Being an effective leader and having strong leadership skills means being able to take all the essential leadership skills and apply them to various situations

“Teams” are more likely to succeed when they have a strong leader

Leaders have to be good communicators, innovative thinkers, have strong morale character and motivators

Leaders have to keep their people informed and on task

Strong leadership skills are not a born trait. They have to be developed and refined with training and experience

How Does This All Work?


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