John Holland Johnson Family

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History of the Johnson family of Syracuse, New York

Transcript of John Holland Johnson Family

© 2012, Beth Davies AG®. Permission is granted to copy for personal, non-commerical use.

New Hampshire Birth Records,

Early to 1900, FamilySearch

John Holland Johnson FamilyBeth Davies AG

John Holland Johnson was born 8 August 1795 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire,the son of Moses Johnson and Sarah Holland. (Vital Statistics of the Town of Keene, G. S. film1,005,549 p. 39).

He married Lucia Hutchinson before 11 November 1825 (LesterCard, Onondaga County Cemetery, Vital Records, etc., FHL Film17,837, Vol. D Onondaga Probate Records, p. 9., Hutchinson,James of Onondaga, date 11/11/1825 . . . dau–Lucia wife of JohnH. Johnson). Actual will of James Hutchinson (AmericanAncestors, digital image Wills, Syracuse N. Y. Surrogate(stamped Aug 7 1929) p. 249 of Abstracts of Wills, Admins, andGuardianships in NY State, 1787-1835) says“to my three daus Lucia Johnson wife of JohnH. Johnson, Betsey Hutchinson, and NancyHutchinson my farm in Town Marcellus of 210described in a mortgage by Daniel Hutchinson& Pearlis his wife.” This is probably anabstract, not the original record. Find outwhat happened to Lucia’s land! Note: JamesHutchinson was in Onondage County by the1810 Census.

Lucia was born about 1801 (age 42 at death)and died 24 February 1843, probably in Onondaga County, NewYork. She is buried in the family plot in Walnut GroveCemetery, Onondaga.

John and Lucia had three known children:

1. Mary Johnson, born about 15 June 1825, died 11 September 1889, New York City, married(1) Edward Osborne Gould (1814-1858)–3 children, (2) William Abbott Moseley (1799-1873).2. Cornelia Johnson, born about 1836, death unknown, married Charles H. Holt (1832-1863),two children.3. John Holland Johnson, born about 1838, died 24 Nov. 1863 during the Civil War at theBattle of Lookout Mountain, buried (at least there is a gravestone) in the family plot in WalnutGrove Cemetery, married Sarah Jane Smith (1843-1867), one child.

There are small stones in the cemetery plot with the names Edward and James who could bepossible other children–there is a large gap between the birth of Mary and that of Cornelia.


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The 1820 Census shows: 1 male under 5, 3 males 20-30, 1 male 40-50, 1 female under 5. 2female15-20, 1 female 20-30, 2 females 40-50

The 1830 census shows for John’s household: 2 males 30-39, 2 females 5-9 (Mary, but who wasthe 2nd one?) , 2 females 30-39 (Lucia and possibly Frances Precott who was 44), a female 50-59(probably his mother). These two census records are for Salina, which was formed in 1809 fromManlius and Onondaga. There are other Johnsons in Onondaga County, so possibly this is adifferent family.

John Holland Johnson married (2) Eliza Tarpenny about 1845. From census records she wasborn about 1826 in New York, probably in Cicero, Onondaga where her family lived. JamesTarpenny names John H. Johnson as his son-in-law, Sophia as his wife, children David, James,Eliza, Lovina, and Maynard, and appoints John H. Johnson as guardian of his minor childrenLovina and Maynard in his will, dated 2l November 1846 (Onondaga County, New York Wills,Volume H: 484-485, FHL Film 873192 ). Eliza’s death is unknown. She is not buried in thefamily plot. The last record I have been able to find of her is the 1865 New York state censuswhen she was still living in Syracuse. She does not appear with her son in later census records.

John and Elisa had one child:

1. F. B. Jewett Johnson, born 1 January 1846 at Syracuse and died 5March 1917 at Syracuse. He is buried in the family plot in Walnut GroveCemetery. From census records he appears to have married (1) Annie,about 1863, 1 child, (2)Fannie A., no children, and (3) Cora, about 1882,7 children.

John Holland Johnson died 10 February 1865, probably in Onondagaand is buried in the family plot in Walnut Grove Cemetery.

Will of John Holland JohnsonOnondaga Will Book N: 41-42FHL Film 873,195

I John H Johnson of the city of Syracuse Onondaga County N.Y. Do hereby make executepublish and declare this my last Will and Testament First I direct the payment of my funeral expenses in the discrition of my Executors and Executrixhere in after named; the payment of all my just debts and liabilities, and of all costs expenses andcharges incident to the settlement of my Estate. Second I give and bequeth to Cornelia Holt,widow of Charles H Holt late of Syracuse deceased, the sume of One Thousand Dollars to bepaid to her within twelve months after my decease. Third I give and bequeath to my Executor andExecutrix, and their successor or successor in the trust hereby Created, the sume of one thousand


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Dollars in trust for the use and benefit of my grandson Charles Holland Johnson, now of SpaffordOnondaga County New York the annual interest on which from my decease I direct to be paid orexpended annually, toward his support and education until he shall become of age, when theprincipal & accrued interest shall be paid to him and the trust shall cease, and if there shall notbelong to my Estate in bills receivable or dits and securities a sufficient sum to pay off anddischarge the two bequests above specified I authorize and direct my Executor and Executrix tosell and convey so much real Estate as shall be necessary to raise any deficiency therein Fourth the Residue of my property rel and personal of every name and nature I give and bequeath in fee to my wife Eliza Johnson in consideration of her long continued care andkindness and affection and in full confidence in her disposition to do justice to my son Jewittwho is not yet of age this bequest is made absolute & in fee simple. Fifth I appoint my friendS Harris Hancock of Syracuse & my said wife Eliza Executor & Executrix of this my last Willand Testament hereby revoking and annulling all former Wills and codicils at any time executed. Sixth. In case of the death of the said Cornelia Holt before my decease the legacy abovebequethed to her shall pass to the heirs of her body.

In witness whereof I the above testator John H JohnsonHave hereunto set my hand and seal this third day ofNovember in the year one thousand eight hundred andsixty -four at Syracuse in the county of Onondaga andState of New York

John H Johnson The Children:

Mary Johnson was born about 15 June 1825 (based on age at death) in Syracuse, OnondagaCounty, New York (New York Death Certificate, #29466, 1889, Mary Moseley Film 1322672). She married (1) Edward Osborn Gould 11 January 1844 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church,Syracuse, Onondaga, New York (Fred Q Bowman, 10,000 Vital Records of Central New York,1813-1850 (Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1986.), p. 98, #3571)

They had four children:

Edward Gould, born about 1845, died before 3 Sept 1883, New York CityJulia Gould, born about 1847 (married twice, died in Paris, France, 19 Nov. 1924)Frederick Gould, born about 1851John Johnson Gould, born 25 January, 1852 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, died 17 Aug1891, New York City

Mary’s husband, Edward Gould died 31 July, 1858, probably in Buffalo and is buried inSyracuse (Bill and Martha Reamy, Erie County, New York obituaries as found in the files of theBuffalo and Erie County Historical Society (Finksburg, Maryland : Pipe Creek Publishing,1992), 105.)


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From his estate records (Erie County, New York, Surrogate’s Records, #8355, FHL Film945,636)

“County of Erie. Surrogates CourtIn the matter of the administrationof the Goods chattels and credits

ofEdward O Gould deceasedTo Abram Thorn Surrogate of Erie County.The petition of Phares Gould and Mary Gould of the City of Buffalo Erie County New Yorkrespectfully showeth that the said Phares Gould is the father and said Mary Gould the widow ofEdward O. Gould late of the City of Buffalo aforesaid now deceased, That the said Edward O.Gould died a natural death and died a natural death and died intestate as your petitioners verilybelieve. That your petitioners have made diligent search inquiry for a will of the said deceasedand have not found any or obtained any information that he left or ever made one. That yourpetitioners have to the best of their ability estimated and ascertained the value of the personalproperty of which the said deceased died possessed and that the same does not exceed in valuethe sum of about Ten thousand Dollars. That the said intestate left kindred entitled to his estate whose names and place of residenceare as follows, Edward Gould, Julia J Gould, Fredrick Gould and Johnson Gould his onlysurviving children, all of whom reside in the City of Buffalo and all of whom are minors underthe age of fourteen years. That the said intestate also left him surviving Mary Gould one of yourpetitioners who resides at Buffalo aforesaid. That said intestate left no other relatives in the County of Erie than your petitioners and saidminors. Your petitioners further show that the said intestate at and for a long period previous tohis death was an inhabitant of the City of Buffalo, Erie County, that your petitioners are of fullage and that they are informed and believe that the Surrogate of Erie County has sole andexclusive power to grant letters of administration of the good chattels and credits of the saidintestate. They pray that such letters may be granted them in pursuance of the statue in such ?made and provided. And your petitioners will now pray & C. Dated September 24, 1858

Phares GouldMary Gould”

“Petition For Final Settlement”To the Surrogate of the County of Erie. The Petition of Mary Mosley late Mary Gould–of the City of Buffalo —in the County of Erie—showeth that Pharez Gould Admr (since died) & Mary Gould admt. Duly qualified and appointby the Surrogate of the County of Erie as administrator & administratrix of the Estate of EdwardO. Gould —deceased on the thirty first day of March 1859 and that 11 ys. & 6 months and


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upwards have expired since such appointment. That to the best of her knowledge and belief, the following named persons, with their ages andplaces of residence, as far as they can be ascertained by your petitioner, are all the persons interestedin the settlement of her accounts to wit:Edward O Gould, Julia Gould, Frederick Gould, and Johnson Gould, all of the City of New York,that the said Edward & Julia are of lawful age & the said Frederick & Johnson are still minors, andaged the said Frederick twenty years, and the said Johnson Eighteen. Your petitioner therefore prays for preceedings in said Surrogate’s Court, to enabler her to renderan account of her proceedings as such surviving administratrix to end that a decree may be entered,discharging her as such. Dated lst October 1870

Mary Moseley(late Mary Gould) AdmxOf Edward O.. Gould decd.”

Mary married (2) William Abbot Moseley 5 May 1862, probably in Buffalo. (June Patridge Zintz, Index of Marriages from Buffalo Newspapers 1811-1884 (Hamburg, New York : J.P. Zintz, c1999),161.) He was a former US Congressman, elected to represent New York's 32nd District in the UnitedStates House of Representatives, serving from 1843 to 1847. Also served as a Member of NewYork State Legislature. He died 18 November 1873 in New York City and is buried in Buffalo.

New York Herald, 20 November 1873, p. 9,“Moseley–On Wednesday, November 19, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, Hon. William A.

Moseley, of Buffalo.Funeral services will be held at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo, on Saturday, November 22, at

eleven o’clock A.M. Buffalo papers please copy”

http://www.archive.orgYale University, Obituary record of the graduates of the undergraduate schools, deceased 1860-70--1950/51

“William Abbott Moseley, son of Dr. Elizur Moseley (Y. C, 1786), was bom in Whitesboro', Oneida County, N. Y., in 1799.

He studied law at home, and began practice in Buffalo in 1822. In 1834 he was drawn into politicallife by being elected to the State Legislature. Again, in 1837, he was returned to the State Senate,for the term of four years, and believing his duties as Senator (and one of the Court of Appeals)somewhat incompatible with his professional employments, he relinquished his practice, which he did not again resume.


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Declining a re-election, he made an extended tour in Europe, and the week after his return (in 1842)was nominated for Congress, and served in that body for four years. He spent the rest of his life inBuffalo and abroad, and died at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, N. Y. city, Nov. 19, 1873. He was twicemarried.”

Mary’s son Edward O. Gould died 3 September 1883 in New York City. His obituary in the NYHerald Tribune, 4 September 1883, p. 5 ( says

Edward O. GouldEdward O. Gould, a member of the Stock Exchange, died at his home--the Florence ApartmentHouse--yesterday of peritonitis. He had been sick a week. Mr. Gould was born in Buffalo in 1844. He came to this city at an early age and began his business career in Wall Street. He was engaged inthe stock-brokerage business about thirteen years; for some time past as a member of the firm of B.P. Learned, Jr., & Co. of No. 11 Wall-st. Mr. Gould was formerly a member of the Turf CLub andfor some years had been a member of the Union and the Jocky clubs. He was not married. He washighly regarded in both stock and club circles. The funeral will be held at the Church of theAscension tomorrow.

Will of Edward O. Gould (NY County Wills 317:112-113, FHL Film 1,314,058

In the Name of God, Amen, I Edward O. Gould, residing in the City of New York and beingof sound mind and disposing memory do make publish and declare this to be my last will andtestament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time made. I direct that all my just including funeral, expenses, and the expenses of administration be paid bymy beloved mother, Mary Moseley, whom I hereby appoint sole Executrix of this my will. I give and bequeath all my Estate, both real and personal, to my beloved Mother absolutely and itis my desire that she should receive the entire proceeds of the sale of my seat as a member of theBoard of Brokers of the New York Stock Exchange and I also desire that the Trustees of theGratuity Fund connected with said Stock Exchange should make her the sole beneficiary of saidfund. I also desire that she shall receive and have all interest, profits, and benefits, resulting from anyand all agreements and contracts which I may have made or entered into and which would havebeen due me were I living.

On Witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and seal this twenty-secondday of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine.

Edward O. Gould


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Mary’s daughter Julia Gould married (1) Moore Furman Hunt 3 July 1874 in Manhattan, NewYork (New York Marriages, 1686-1980, Family Search). He was born 16 March 1834 in Trenton,New Jersey (U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1924, 1872, Moore Furman Hunt, and died 5 June 1885 in Liverpool, England. His body was returned to NewYork for burial. (New York (New York). Department of Health, Manhattan bodies in transit, 1859-1894, FHL Film 1,671,687). They had one daughter, Julia Hunt, born 26 March 1876 in Nice,France (U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925, Passport application 16 Feb 1915, Furman had been previously married and had a daughter Marie. He andMarie were listed in the 1870 census of Brooklyn (3rd Ward, p. 137) in the household of ThomasHunt (who is not the father named in his marriage record). He applied for a passport to travel toEurope on business when he was 21. He and Marie were listed together on a passenger list in 1872returning from Europe (Scotia, August 13, 1872). A 1919 passport application for Marie says shewas born 13 December 1859, in Brooklyn but does not name her mother. The 1860 census ofBrooklyn shows her mother was named Mary. Furman was listed as married in an1863 draftregistration record, so his first wife died sometime between then and the 1870 census.

The will of M. Furman Hunt

I M. Furman Hunt of the city county and State of New York, do hereby make publish and declaremy last will and Testament in the manner following that is to say___________First I direct the payment of all any just debts funeral and testamentary expenses ------------------------Second I give and bequeath unto my wife Julia G. allmy household furniture, plate,wearing apparel and personal ornaments ----------------Third, I give and bequeath unto my daughter MarieLouise Hunt the sum of One Thousand Dollars I have made nofurther provision for my said daughter because for years past I havemaintained insurance on my life for the sum of Forty thousanddollars which on my deceasewill be payable to my said daughter and because my said daughterhad inherited through her late mother a considerable property-----------------------------------Fourth I direct my executors herein after named toconvert all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate real andpersonal into monies and to invest the same and collect the incomethere of and to pay over the same unto my wife Julia G. during herlife and upon her decease to pay the moneys so invested for thebenefit of my said wife to my daughter Julia if she be then of full agebut if my said daughter be not of full age at the time of the decease ofmy said wife then I direct my said executors to apply the income ofthe moneys so invested and held in trust by them to the support ofmy said daughter till she shall become of full age and then and at such time to pay over unto my


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said daughter Julia the money so held in trust and I give and bequeath said money to my saiddaughter accordingly but if my said daughter should die after the decease of her mother but beforearriving at full age then and in such case I give and bequeath the money so held in trust unto mydaughter Marie Louise to have and to hold the same unto my said daughter her executorsadministrators and assigns forever----------------------------------Fifth in case of the remarriage of my said wife I direct my executor out of the mon-eys held in trust by them under the preceding clause of this my will to pay over the sum of Twentyfive Thousand Dollars unto my daughter Julia G. if she be then living and of full age but if my saiddaughter should not at such time be of full age then I direct my said executors to invest said sumand apply the income there of to the support of my said daughter till she shall arrive at full age andthen and at such time to pay over unto my said daughter the said principal sum of twenty fivethousand dollars invested for her benefit--------------------------------------------Sixth- In case of the death of my said daughter Julia G. before the death of my said wifethen upon the decease of my said Wife I direct my executors or survivor of them to pay over out ofthe fund under the Fourth clause of this my will the sum of Twenty five thousand dollars to suchpersons and in such proportions as my said wife may be her last will and Testament or aninstrument in the nature there of, direct of appoint and to pay over the remainder of said fund untomy daughter Marie Louise to have and to hold the same unto my said daughter her executorsadministrators and assigns forever--------------------------------------------------Lastly I hereby appoint my said wife Julia G Hunt and my friend Edward O. Gould to bethe Executors of this my last will and Testament and I hereby authorize and empower my saidExecutors or the survivor of them to sell any and all real estate of which I may die seized etherat public or private sale and give good and sufficient conveyances for the same and I hereby furtherdirect that in investing funds or moneys under the provisions of this my will my said Executors shallnot be limited to the securities approved or authorized by law for the investment of trust funds but Iauthorize and empower my said executors to invest any funds held by them in such manner asreasonable prudence may dictate and to retain any investments made by me in my lifetime______________________In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this fourth day of Februaryeighteen hundred and eighty

M Furman Hunt.

Two versions of the wedding of Marie Louise Hunt, Julia Gould Hunt’s step-daughter, appeared inNY papers. The 2nd clarified who the mother was in the first paper.

NY Tribune, June 23, 1887


At S. George’s Protestant Episcopal Church, in Stuyvesand Square, Miss Marie Louise Hunt,daughter of the late M. Freeman Hunt, was married yesterday afternoon, before a large and brilliantgathering of friends and relatives, to Marion Story, son of Francis Story, of Boston.


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The Rev. Dr. Rainsford read the marriage service . . . The bride walked with her great uncle, Wilson G. Hunt. Her mother went first with the bridegroom,and her sister, Miss Julia Hunt, followed with the best man, Woodbury Kane . . . Among the guests were. . . . Mrs. W. A. Moseley. Johnson Gould, Frederick Gould . . .Mr. And Mrs. Story have taken the old Van Schalek house, on the Fort Schuyler road, WestchesterCounty, and will live there after their return from a wedding trip.

New York Herald, June 23, 1887


A quiet wedding was celebrated yesterday afternoon in this city at St. George’s Church onStuyvesant square, between Miss Marie Louise Hunt, daughter of the late Furman Hunt, and Mr.Marion Story, son of Mr. Francis Story, of Boston. The Rev. Dr. Rainsford, rector of the church,officiated. The bride was given away by her grand uncle, Mr. Wilson G. Hunt. The best man was Mr.Woodbury Kane, and the ushers were Messirs, Thomas Howard and Percy Allen. A reception followed at the residence of the bride’s stepmother, Mrs. M. Furman Hunt, No. 151East Twenty-first street. Among the guests present were . . . Mr. W. A. Moseley and Mr. And Mrs.John Gould.

Shortly after her step-daughter’s wedding, Julia Gould Hunt remarried.

(New York Sun, Thursday, Nov. 10, 1887, p. 5–From Chronicling America web site)A FRENCH BANKER WEDDED



One of the biggest weddings of the season was that which packed St. George’s Church onStuvesant square yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Munroe of the Parisian banking house of Munroe & Co. was married to Mrs. Julia Gould Hunt, daughter of Mrs. W. A. Moseley andwidow of M. Furman Hunt.. . . .There were neither bridesmaids nor best man. Three little nieces of the groom led thebridal party. . . .then John Gould, brother of the bride and Miss Julia Hunt, the bride’s eleven-year-old daughter. The groom followed with the bride’s mother, Mrs. W. A. Moseley, and last the bride upon the arm of her brother, Mr. Fred Gould. . . .

Mr. and Mrs. Munroe will return to the city after their bridal tour and remain here over the holidays. Then they will sail for their home in Paris.”

Mary Johnson Gould Moseley died 11 September 1889 in New York City.

New York Herald, 13 September 1889, p. 1,


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“Moseley–At the Florence, 109 East 18th St., September 11, Mary Johnson Gould, widowof the late Hon. William A. Moseley, of Buffalo, N. Y.

Funeral at her late residence, Friday, September 13, at one P.M. Internment at Woodlawn.Buffalo and Syracuse papers please copy.”

Will of Mary Johnson Gould Moseley

“Know all men be these Presents, that I, Mary Moseley of 109 East 18th Street in the City of NewYork, County and State of New York, aged sixty three years and upwards, and being of sounddisposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last will, and testament, in mannerfollowing, that is to say:

First–I direct that my funeral charges, the expenses of administering my estate, and all my debts, bepaid out of my personal estate, and if that be insufficient, I expressly charge the payment thereof, orof any deficiency upon the real estate whereof I may die seized or possessed, and for that purpose Iauthorize my executor, and executrix hereinafter named, to sell, at public or private sale, the wholeof such parts of my real estate as may be sufficient for that purpose.

Second, I give and bequeath to my daughter Julia G. Munroe all my jewels, silverware, andwardrobe

Third, I direct all the rest residue and remainder of my estate, real, and personal, of every name andnature, and wheresoever situate to be divided by my executor and executrix herein-after named intofour equal parts, and for this purpose I authorize my executor and executrix hereinafter named, intheir discretion to sell at public or private sale the whole, or such part of my real estate, as my benecessary, and to make conveyance of the same, in fee simple

The said division of my estate to be made, as it may be invested at the time of my death, or byconverting the same, in whole, or in part, into money, as to my executor and executrix may seemproper.

I authorize my said executor and executrix to make all necessary conveyances in fee simpleof my real estate, to the trustee herinafter named, as may be required to carry out the provisions ofthis Will.

Fourth, I give, devise, and bequeath one of said equal fourth parts of my estate to my son, John J.Gould, his heirs, and assigns forever.

This share shall include a certain promissary note if then outstanding–made by my said sonto my order whereby he promised to pay the sum of twenty one thousand dollars, which note shallbe surrendered to him, and he to receive the same for the amount of principal due thereon, at timeof my death, as part payment, to that extent of said one fourth part of my estate.

I release my said son from all interest due on said note, at time of my death, or that shallgrow due thereafter.


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Fifth–I give, devise, and bequeath one of said equal fourth parts of my estate to my daughter JuliaG. Munroe, her heirs, and assigns forever.

Sixth–I give, devise and bequeath the remaining two one fourth parts of my estate to my friendEdward J. [T?] Bartlett, Counsellor at Law No. 48 Wall Street, City of New York as trustee, in trust,to apply the net income thereof as here-inafter directed, provided that the trust as to the one of saidfourth parts of my said estate to the net income of which my son Frederick Gould is entitled shallcontinue only during the life of my said son Frederick Gould; and the trust to the one of said fourthparts of my estate to the net income of which my said sons John J. And Frederick are entitled, shallexist only during the continuance of two lives now in being, to wit: my said sons John J. Gould andFrederick Gould, subject to such further limitation as are hereinafter contained.

I also direct that my said trustee may continue the investments of said two one fourth partsof my estate in the form in which he shall receive the same, or may in his discretion change saidinvestments real and personal from time to time and reinvest the proceeds of any sale, or sales madefor the purpose in such manner as he may deem most expedient.

My said trustee may make conveyances from time to time in fee simple of any of my realestate included in said two one fourth parts of my estate.

Said trustee may also from time to time, make leases of said real estate with reasonablerents, and suitable covenants, and for such lawful, terms, as he may deem most beneficial.

As to one of said fourth parts of my estate, so vested in my said trustee I direct said trustee topay over the net income of said share every three months, if convenient, to my said son FrederickGould during the term of his natural life, and on his death to pay the principal of said one fourth partof my estate to my son John J.Gould, and my daughter Julia G. Munroe share and share alike, or tothe survivor of them.2. As to the other one fourth part of my estate, so vested in my said trustee, I direct said trustee topay over the net income of said share, every three months, if convenient, one half thereof to my saidson John J. Gould, and one half thereof to my said son Fredrick Gould, and on the death of either ofmy said sons who shall first depart this life the trust, as to the half of said principal sum of onefourth part of my estate shall terminate, and said one half of said principal sum shall be paid to mygrand daughter Julia G. Hunt for her use and benefit forever.Should my said grand daughter die before the death of my said son first departing this life, asaforesaid, leaving lawful issue her surviving said half of said principal sum shall be paid upon thedeath of my son first dying, to said issue, share and share alike for their respective use and benefitforever.Should my said grand daughter die before the death of my said son first depart this life, as aforesaid,leaving no lawful issue her surviving said half of said principal sum shall be paid upon the death ofmy son first dying to my daughter Julia G. Munroe, and my son John J. Gould share and share alikefor their respective use and benefit forever, or to the survivor of them

The net income of the remaining half of the said one quarter share of my estate shall be paidover by my said trustee to the survivor of my said two sons during the term of his natural life, and athis death said remaining half of said principal sum shall be paid over to my said grand daughter ifliving-if not living to her issue share and share alike–and if no issue to my daughter Julia G. Munroe


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her heirs and assigns forever.On the event my grand daughter Julia G. Hunt shall receive any part of said one quarter of

my estate as herein before provided I solemnly request her never to permit any portion thereof to goto or benefit any one of the Hunt or Story blood.

I feel confident that my grand daughter will respect this request, realizing that I have the bestof reasons for making it.

Seventh, I hereby appoint my daughter Julia G. Munroe to be guardian of the estate hereby createdof my grand daughter Julia G. Hunt, in the event my said grand daughter shall be entitled to thesame during her minority, and hereby direct that no bond or other security for the faithfulperformance of her duty as such guardian shall be required of my said daughter.

Eighth, I hereby appoint my said son John J. Gould, and my said daughter Julia G. Munroe, the ex-ecutor and executrix respectively of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former willsor codiciles by me made.

I direct that no bond or other security for the faithful performance of their duties as Executorand executrix respectively shall be required of them, or either of them

I also direct that no bond, or other security for the faithful performance of his duties shall berequired of my said trustee Edward T. Bartlett. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of June in the year of ourLord one thousand eight hundred, and eighty eight.

Mary Moseley

Mary’son, John Johnson Gould married Ella J. who died 11 Mar 1886 in New York City. Theirmarriage record has not been located. (Mortuary Notice)Date: 1886-03-15;Paper: New York Heraldp. 9

Gould-Suddenly, at the Florence, 18th st. and 4th av. on Sunday, March 11, Ella J., wife ofJ. Johnson Gould.

Funeral services on Tuesday, March 16, at half past ten a.m. , at the Chapel of the HolyCommunion, 20th st. and 5th av. Internment at Woodlawn.

John Johnson Gould died 17 August 1891.

New York Times, Aug. 18, 1891 p. 5DIED

GOULD--On the 17th inst., of pneumonia, John Johnson Gould, in the 40th year of his age.


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Funeral from his late residence, 322 West 28th St., Wed. morning, 10 a.m.

It appears from John’s will that this couple had no children (their marriage record hasn’t beenfound). John Johnson Gould’s will (NY County Wills Vol. 461, 250-254, FHL Film 1,314,203item 2)

In the name of God amenI John J. Gould residing at “The Florence,” corner Fourth Avenue and Eighteenth Street, in

the City of New York aged thirty seven years and upwards, and being of sound disposing mind andmemory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that is to sayFirst, I direct that my funeral charges, the expenses of administering my estate, and all my debts, bepaid out of my personal estate, and if that be insufficient, I expressly charge the payment thereof, orof any deficiency, upon the real estate whereof I may die siezed and possessed, and for that purposeI authorize my executor and executrix hereinafter named, to sell, at public or private sale, the wholeor such part of my real estate as may be sufficient for that purpose.Second, To my brother Frederick Gould I give, and bequeath the sum of one dollar. The conduct of said Fredrick Gould has been such I do not wish him to receive any portionof my estate I can control. Furthermore he will, at my death become a beneficiary in the Gratuity Fund of the New YorkStock Exchange of which I am a member to the extent of five thousand dollars, and I deem thisamount sufficient for him, under any circumstances.Third, I give, devise and bequeath all the residue of my estate, real and personal to my sister Julia GMunroe (wife of John Munroe Banker, doing business in Paris, France), her heirs and assignsforever.Fourth, I appoint my friend Edward Tuck of No 7 East Sixty first, City of New York, Executor, andmy said sister, Julia G. Munroe executrix of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking allformer wills and codicils by me made. In witness whereof I have here-unto set my hand and seal this twentieth day ofDecember in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine.

John J Gould

The whereabouts of Frederick Gould after the death of his mother and brother and what hisconduct was that his family did not like have not yet been found

Mary Johnson Gould Moseley appears to have had only one grandchild, Julia Hunt. A 1915passport, when she was 36, showed she was still single at that point, but her mother’s death recordprovided her married name and lead to more information. Julia Gould Hunt Munroe died 19November 1925 in Paris, France (Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835-1974, The information on her death record was supplied by her daughter:

Name in full: (Mrs.) Julia Gould Munroe Age: 77 years

Native, born at Syracuse, New York, September 19, 1847

Date of death: November 19, 12:30 a.m. 1924


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Place of death: 31, Avenue Pierre de Serbie, Paris, France

Disposition of remains: Embalmed; buried in the family lot at Saint-Germaine-an-Laye, Seine-et-Oise, France, November 22,


Dispositon of the effects: Taken in charge by daughter, Mrs. Edouard Champion, 31, Avenue Pierre de Serie, Paris, France

Address of relatives:

Mrs. Andrew Murray Young, 29 Park Avenue, New York, step-sister

Remarks: The deceased, Mrs. Julia Gould Munroe, was the widow of the late John Munroe.

Julia Hunt Champion lost her U.S. citizenship when she married a French citizen, butshortly after his death she came to the U.S. and applied for citizenship (passenger records show shemade many trips between Europe and the U.S.). Her citizenship application included the followinginformation:I am widow. The name of my husband was Edouard Jean Marie. We were married November 13, 1915 at Paris, France. He

was born at Paris, France on October 10, 1882, Died at Paris France on February 28, 1938.

(Selected U.S. Naturalization Records--Original Document, 1790-1974, Southern District, New York, Petition #308154, Julia

Hunt Champion,

Cornelia Holland, 2nd daughter of John Johnson Holland, was born about 1836, probably inSyracuse, Onondaga County. She married Charles Henry Holt (1830-1861) on 23 Dec. 1852 atSt. Paul's Episcopal Church, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. (Lester Card, Records of the St. PaulEpiscopal Church, Syracuse, New York, p. 16, FHL Film 17,968)

Census records (1855 and 1860) show they had two children:Charles H, born about 1854Mary A (Minnie), born about 1859, died 20 June 1863.

Charles died 12 April 1862 in Syracuse. Two articles concerning his death appeared in the SyracuseDaily Standard . The first, dated 13 April 1862 said:

“Death of Major Holt–This well known and esteemed gentleman died at his res-dence on South Salina street yesterday fore-noon?. He was a social and generous man and had avery large circle of acquaintances and friends who will mourn his loss. The Auburn Advertisternoticed his death as follows: Intelligence has been received of the death this morning in Syracuse of Maj. Holt. The deceas-ed was formerly a well known resident of this city, and was, we believe, a nephew of JonasWhite, Jr. of the Western Exchange. It will surprise many who knew him in this city and have seenhis strong and active form, to hear that the Major fell a victim to consumption.”(Syracuse NY Daily Standard, Saturday, April 13, 1861, 1861 image 94,

The 2nd, written a few days later on Monday, April 15, 1861 , stated:

“The Late Major Holt–the late Major Holt, whose death we recorded on Saturday morning,was largely known throughout the State. He was born in Auburn, Cayuga Co., Sept. 27th 1830. Hisfather died while he was quite young and he was given in charge of his uncle, Mr. Jonas White, Jr.,who kept the Americana Hotel, at Auburn, when the lad Holt was in his sixth year. He remained


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with his uncle till he came to the Syracuse House, kept by N. H.Gillett.. Here he remained for several years, and was called toAlbany, where he filled a position in the office of Secretary of Stateunder Mr. Randall. From hence he returned to Syracuse, and engagedwith the firm of Johnson & Kingsley, liquor merchands, on Jamesstreet. He married the daughter of J. H. Johnson and became one ofthe firm known as Holt & Johnson. His title of “Major” is not amilitary one, but was given him by his school teacher on his firstappearance at school. His remains were taken to Auburnon the 1 o’clock train this afternoon for interment.”(Syracuse NY Daily Standard, Monday, April 15, 1861, 1861 image98,

Cornelia and Charles’ daughter “Minnie” died two years later, on 20June 1863, age 4.(Mrs. Minnie L. Kellogg, Deaths & marriages from the Daily standard, Syracuse, N.Y., 1860-69, p.70)

Cornelia, widow of Charles H., was listed in an 1864-1865 city directory of Syracuse, living at 132N Salina (FHL Film 1,377,528, Syracuse City Directory 1864-1865). This was the last record Icould find of Cornelia or her son Charles., but she was named in her father’s will, dated 3November 1864.

John Holland Johnson Jr. was born about 1838, probably in Syracuse (age 12 in the 1850 censusof Syracuse). He died 24 November 1863 at the Battle of Lookout Mountain in the Civil War(tombstone inscription, Walnut Grove Cemetery)He married Sarah Jane Smith. No record has been found of their marriage, but he was still single inthe 1860 census (Syracuse 6th Ward, p. 48 where he is listed as age 22, a liquor merchant, apparentlyliving in a boarding house). Sarah’s Civil War Widow’s pension file showed that John had been asergeant in Company H, 149th Regiment of the New York volunteers (Civil War "Widows’Pensions" Files,

John and Sarah had one child, Charles Holland Johnson, born 4 January 1863 (Onondaga County,New York Guardianship Records, Film 873,236, Vol. E:150, Guardianship of Holland C. Johnson).

Sarah was born about 1843 (census records), died in 1867, and is buried in the Coldbrook Cemeteryin Spafford, Onondaga County (Coldbrook Cemetery, Spafford, Onondaga, New York,, leaving her sonan orphan at the age of 4.

In the 1870 census “Holland” was living with his maternal grandmother, Marsha Smith, in Spafford(Spafford, Onondaga County, New York, p. 28). He married Nellie C. Smith 5 May 1881 (The


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Cortland Democrat 1881,

Blodgett's Mills.

Married. JOHNSON - SMITH - At the residence of the bride's father, Eli SMITH, Esq., May 5, 1881, by Rev. D. Kendall SMITH,

Mr. Holland C. JOHNSON, and Miss Nellie C. SMITH, all of McGrawville, N.Y.

In the 1900 census, he and Nellie were living in Cortlandvill, Cortland County, New York (E.D. 85sheet 5A). The census indicated they had been married for 19 years and Nellie was the mother oftwo children, one living, but no children were listed with them. Nellie appears as a widow in the1910 Census in Corland City (E.D. 111, sheet 5A). This census says she was the mother of onechild, one living.

Freeburn B. Jewett Johnson, son of John Holland Johnson and his 2nd wife, Eliza Tarpenny, wasborn 19 December 1846 and died 2 March 1917, both in Syracuse (Death certificate of F. JewettJohnson, City of Syracuse, obtained by correspondence), but lived elsewhere for part of his life. Heappears to have been married three times. He is buried in the family plot in Walnut GroveCemetery, but none of his wives are buried there.

In the 1865 New York State census of Syracuse, taken a new months after his father’s death, he isage 19, living with his mother, his wife Annie M., age 17, and a son age 1 6/12, John H. Johnson. (1865 NY State Census, Syracuse 5th ward, image 51, In1870, his mother is nolonger living with him, but his wife Annie, age 22, and son John, age 6 are still with him in theSyracuse 5th Ward (p. 14). In 1880, Jewett is still in Syracuse with his son John, age 16, but hiswife is listed as Fannie A. (Syracuse, E.D. 214, p. 18). While this could still be Annie, the age andbirthplace do not match previous census records.

By 1883, Jewett was in Ramsey County, Minnesota, with a wife named Cora. Their son, Bertie,was born there on 4 March 1883 (Minnesota Births and Christenings, 1840-1980, They were still there, in St. Paul, in an 1885 Minnesota state census (Ward 2, p.7) and had added a daughter Cora, age ½, to their family. By 1892, Jewett and Cora were back inSyracuse and had added daughters Caroline (age 4) and Charlotte (age 1) to their family.

The 1900 census (Onondaga Town, Onondaga County, E.D. 72, sheet 8A) indicated that Jewett andCora had been married for 18 years. Since Cora was born in New York, this couple could havebeen married in either New York or Minnesota, but no marriage record has been found yet. Thefamily in 1900 looked like this:


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In the 1910 census, the family was living in Auburn City, Cayuga County (5th Ward, E.D. 14, sheet5A) and had added a daughter, Frances (then age 7) to the family. Cora’s name appeared asFrances C. on Jewett’s death certificate. She remained in Onondaga County, living with one ormore of her children, at least through the 1930 census.