John Bronskill - Machine Learning Is Everywhere

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of John Bronskill - Machine Learning Is Everywhere

Machine Learning is EverywhereJohn Bronskill Partner Architect Microsoft Research Cambridge

Who is this?

Paul the Octopus: Correctly predicted 85% of Germany’s 2010 World Cup matches!

Paul died in October 2010 and the pressure was on to find a replacement…

There is a better way to make predictions…That is Machine Learning

Machine Learning entails the use of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data.

Machine Learning is Everywhere

All of these applications would be difficult or impossible to program by hand.

Information Retrieval

Fraud DetectionRecommendations

Predictive Maintenance

How does machine learning work?

Predict the sale price of a home


Home Features - Size - No. of bedrooms - Distance to school - Interest rate - …

Sale Prices ($, £, €)

Learned Model

Learn from previous sales

Home Features Sale Price ($, £, €)Learned Model

Predict current values

• Can be extremely effective, but: • Need a large number of labelled training examples • Getting labelled training data can be manpower intensive • Doesn’t generalize well to new domains

Learning Algorithms

Logistic Regression Neural NetworkRandom Forest

Human in the loop

▪ Facebook M ▪ Hybrid system: AI + supervision by humans

▪ “Everything the trainers do, we record every step,” ▪ Websites they visit ▪ Telephone conversations ▪ What they type in response to M users, etc.

▪ In the future, this data can help train a more advanced system.

Why machine learning use is ubiquitous

cloud computing2011 ➔ 2016 5x increase

inexpensive storage

+ powerful compute

Moore’s Law

90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone

data explosion

connected customers

1B+200M10.4M 160M

Movement to the Cloud

Machine Learning at Microsoft Research Cambridge

Kinnect learned body tracking

front view top viewside viewinput depth inferred body parts

Visual Studio Developer Assistant

Visual Studio Developer Assistant

Office 365 Clutter


▪Machines can learn ▪ But they are not yet intelligent ▪ Poor generalization of learning ▪ Extensive human interaction still required

Any Questions?