Job Search Survival Kit -- Part 19 -- Simple Mistakes That Hurt Your Job Search Bigtime.

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Transcript of Job Search Survival Kit -- Part 19 -- Simple Mistakes That Hurt Your Job Search Bigtime.

The Job Search Survival Kit – Job Search And LinkedIn Tips. Part 19

Getting The Upper Advantage No Matter The OddsBy: Anthony Hines

A Reminder Of Who Am I & Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me?

Who Am I….I am a hardworking guy who, like many others, found himself out of work during the economic downturn in 2010. After a long battle of wrong turns, job search strategies that led to no where, and dead end leads, I decided to take a more strategic approach to my job search. Like anything else in life, I needed to treat my search like a full-time job and create a plan that would allow me to stand out above the competition.

Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me…because I quickly realized that to handle an event like that is to focus on what you can control and share the experience to help others. I believe that an experience not shared is a lost opportunity in life, and that smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s experiences.

Step By Step By Step By Step.

BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING MORE.Get Your Resume Checked Email your resume to and tell them I sent

you. That way you will get a free comprehensive and detailed report of how your resume looks and flows. Go for it because without a great resume, you have no chance of getting any job much less a great job. The turnaround is quick and the service is stellar.

Read My Job Search Tip Document First .These are the Free documents that tell you everything that I did to get activity & visibility in my search. Email me at and I will send you them.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

The next group of slides will discuss various mistakes that I have seen people do multiple times throughout all the aspects of the job search process. These are to be avoided at all costs. Some are well-known and obvious and others are not. I never assume that someone knows sometime just because I do or it is perceived as popular. I never take anything for granted.

I will tell you the tip or idea and let you know why I like it to help you in dealing with the process.

Remember, I am by no means a professional and never claim to be. I am just giving you things as I see them to help you to see through the ‘fog’ and get ahead in your career.

I hope my ideas help you out and help me to end unemployment one person at a time.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

Someone has told you that you did not get the job and you keep trying to beg for the job.

Please stop doing that. They have made their decision. Better to say good luck with your choice and keep me in mind for future opportunities as I would love to work at this company.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

Your LinkedIn profile has an invalid email address.

Please check your profile and make sure that there are no invalid email addresses or twitter accounts. How can someone contact you if your email address is wrong.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

You exaggerate your education on your resume.

Be honest on your resume. Companies check everything now. Make sure you don’t list that you graduated from a college or university if you did not. Companies pay services big money to check everything. Believe me, they will find it if it is a lie.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

You think that you can let it all hang out on Facebook and thing no one is going to check.

Companies check all social media for your presence and may make a decision based on posts or pictures that are posted. No matter what, make sure that the public can only see what you want them to see. Watch what people drop on your page as well. That can hurt you as well if you are not careful. Jokes, videos and other things can hurt you. Watch yourself and keep checking.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

You assume that your identity and reputation are fine online without ever checking.

Always check your name online and make sure that you have no issues from the past that suddenly make it online. More and more state and federal law enforcemnt departments are getting online so you should always check for past “issues” and if found, work with the posting entity to possibly remove it.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid..

You assume that you are the only person of your name in social media.

Go check how many of your name exists on social media and differentiate yourself with adding a middle initial to your social media names, resume, business cards etc. This is a huge assumption that people make that is just wrong. Go check and see. You will be shocked how many of your name exist out there in most cases.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

You don’t send a thank you after an interview because you assume you have no chance based on your “feel”.

OMG, get over yourself PLEASE. Remember, there are two people in the room. Always send a thank you note and I prefer one that is mailed to make the best personal impression because think about it. How many people get mail physically mailed to them that isn’t a bill or an advertisement. Think you won’t be remembered ? Wrong. You have a better chance to stand out if you do send it because so few people do. Advantage YOU.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

People send notes without checking names or spelling?

You would not believe how many people call me by the wrong name when they ask for my docs or call me by my last name or just butcher Anthony and I am just some guy giving stuff away who is not that big a deal. You think a hiring manager is going to think much of you if call him/her by the wrong name in writing or vocally? I don’t think so.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

Getting upset when someone gets interrupted or takes a call during the interview.

Yes, I know all about common courtesy and I agree that it should not happen but some people do it on purpose just to see how you handle it because if you are going to get all high-maintenance over that, the interviewer may ask themselves if you can be depended on during a real crisis or will they have to walk on eggshells if they hire you. Remember, they are working and sometimes work gets in the way. Be cool with it and show your flexibilty.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

People leave their old job as the current job on LinkedIn.

How in the world are recruiters and job search resources going to know that your are looking if you don’t put it on your profile. Recruiters from all over the world who place people all over the world are searching for job seekers 24/7. They will go right by you if you are not telling them that you are seeking another position.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

Not putting a picture on LinkedIn or putting an avatar or Facebook appropriate picture as your LinkedIn profile picture.

I know that it is a personal choice but I believe you need something up there.

Look at the Linkedin profile stats of profiles that are checked with vs. the ones checked with no pictures. There is a huge difference.

I chose a picture that is me. It fits all scenarios but it shows the viewer what I look like. Not a big deal but it is if the wrong picture is up there and people could go right by you if no picture is up there. Look I know “I have a face for radio” but I still have something up there. Consider it as you don’t want a reason for someone to not check your profile. Consider a professional photo if you are worried. I see more and more people doing black and white shots or far-away shots as well. That’s fine as long as it portrays you to the viewer.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

You have too many sets of initials or too much industry slang in your profile or resume.

Make sure that your resume is understandable by non-industry types as you may have to get past them to get to the industry people. That’s why I keep telling people to have their resume critiqued or written professionally. If you do it yourself, you may make it too “insiderish” without even knowing it.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

Assuming that the person interviewing you looks young that they are young and if you are older you have no chance.

Look, some people age well and you have no idea what a person thinks just because they look young. Be yourself in the interview and talk about what your experience can bring to the position and company and let the chips falls where they may.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

Being angry at your old company.

Business is business and that’s the way it is. Put all your energy in finding your next position and taking your lessons learned from your old job to help you improve at your new job.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

I am too embarrassed to let people know that I am looking because if I tell people they will think less of me.

If people do not know that you are looking, then how are they going to help you? You want to network in all aspects and keep those business cards with you at all times.

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid.

Having business cards have tropical settings or vacation settings on them or have writing that you can read or that are printed on cheap stock.

Do you really want someone to squint to read your name or try to find your info in a picturesque setting that has nothing to do with your industry or have the card fall apart in their hands because you didn’t buy the quality stock weight? Think about it.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Got great professional skills and experience that you can share with a company that needs help? You may want to consider Maven. This company has a list of many requests for information or experience that maybe you could answer and pick up some cash on the side while doing it. Plus, you can tell your friends about it and make some cash if they signup . Check out this link for more information.

Thoughts For You To Ponder

I want to reiterate that I am not a professional and only providing you with things I did that helped me out during my own job search.

I do these presentations because the job search process has a lot to do with attitude and outlook. That’s on you. Excuses are for losers. Be a winner and take charge. You can do it because you have done it before I bet.

Make sure you individualize any all of the information provided on this or any of my presentations. My ideas are to guide you and help you to understand concepts.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

If you want to quickly increase your linkedin connection total, including many recruiters, go to .

This paid service will make your connection total explode. I caution that if you are not ready for a substantial amount of LinkedIn connection requests especially from recruiters, you may not want to sign up and believe me it doesn’t stop. They keep coming.

Now if you want that type of traffic and want many more contacts guaranteed, please use the above link for quick service.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

If you have found this presentation helpful and found some ways to gain an advantage in your job search, then my hours of work to help the unemployed one person at a time has been a success.

please email me at and tell me how its going. If you have read my docs and have seen my other Job Search Survival Kit presentations , I believe that you are on your way to your next group of opportunities. Embrace the challenge and do your best daily. Go for it and don’t look back. No excuses, no delays, no procrastination. Go for it.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Come join the LinkedIn group that I recently created. It is called the Anthony Hines Job Search Survival Group. It’s a unique group because the people in it really support and help each other to get their next opportunity.

Just log into, go to groups and join the above named group. People really seem to find it useful and I check in often as well. Come join today.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Go back to and check out my other “Job Search Survival Kit” presentations because over the recent past, I have added a bunch of new chapters that enhances what you have just read and will also help to get you an even better edge in your job search journey.

Check out my Job Search Survival Kit on as well.

Just search for it and it will come right up.

Most importantly, make sure you email a copy of your resume to for your free resume critique because you have no chance of ever getting a great job without a great resume to get you noticed.