Job roles

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Job roles

Amy Poole

Job rolesEditor In control of the content of the paper, the editor is totally responsible for everything that is published and will be the person taken to court if anything illegal is published. Sub-Editor Works with the editor to make decisions on content and then is responsible for planning the pages, making decisions on the size of the stories and where they should be placed on the page. Also checks stories written by reporters for spelling, grammatical errors and to see if they have covered all aspects of the story. Finally, once the space has been allocated and the story checked a sub-editor also writes the headlines. Reporters General news reporters are the Leicester Mercury's news gatherers. They are often allocated an area of Leicester to cover and have to get to know all the influential people in that area: religious leaders, politicians, and school heads and community group leaders. They spend a lot of their time on the phone investigating stories. Some reporters specialise in certain areas such as politics, education or business. Technicians Once pair of pages has been completed they are printed out in the form of a photographic negative. This is then used to create a printing plate by placing it on a sheet of aluminium coated with a material sensitive to the light. A strong light is shone through the negative, hitting the plate and developing the image of the pages. This plate is then sent on to the press team. The technicians in this area often work under great pressure and must ensure the correct plates are processed in the correct order, for the time they are needed.

You will now conduct your own research into the different roles involved in producing a magazine. In your group answer the 4 questions and feedback your research to the rest of the class:

1. What qualifications would be needed to fulfil this role in a professional context?

2. What skills are needed?3. Who will you be managing and why. 4. What are the main responsibilities?5. Who are you responsible for?

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Layout and design manager Who they Manage?:

Writers Photographers Designers

Reason for this They have to be able to delegate to people and meet deadlines because it is important as they are answerable to the editor if they don’t clearly meet deadlines. Therefore, the layout managers have to negotiate with the writers and photographers so they have time to research articles, articles, conduct interviews and write them. Before they even go through the layout process the layout editor has to wait for the sub editor to finish analysing the mistakes before lay outing the articles on time with any added time to prefect the article to a high standard as the writers and photographers are the ones who structure the article both visually and structurally. This them means they the writers and photographers create a direction for the layout manager to grasp and bring to life the article through the information they showcase within their magazine.

The main responsibilities/Skills : •have skills in software programming and graphics •have creativity and imagination •be adaptable and able to pick up new techniques •have good interpersonal and communication skills •be able to work on their own or in a team •be able to work to tight deadlines •be thorough and precise in their work •be able to multi-task Designing and creating theme a deeper meaning Oversee the designing process Structure the layout for the project Delegate among the team MANAGE PROBLEMS

Reason why these skills are important The reason why the person is needed to be creative and have eye for designing as they are the ones who have to the vision how the product will look in the end to meet the target audience needs of the magazine and the brief of the concept of the magazine from which the client has set. Qualifications •BTEC National Diploma in Art and Design (Multimedia), Computer Studies or IT. Applicants typically need four GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3) or equivalent qualifications and courses normally last two years, full time.•SQA National Certificate in IT. Applicants normally require four GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3), and courses normally last two years, full time.•BTEC/SQA higher national diplomas. Colleges normally ask for at least one A level/two H grades and four GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3), or a BTEC/SQA national certificate/diploma in a relevant subject. Courses can be full time or

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part time, and some colleges offer sandwich courses, with one year's work experience.•NVQs/SVQs are available in IT practitioner subjects, including Design at Levels 2 to 4.According to this is importantThis is important to understand because IT skills are needed because the layout for magazines are used within certain software’s such as Photoshop and InDesign as it offers a more precise and effects for the layout manager to get the best result for the magazine such as manipulation of texts to create themes whether it is the front cover or the articles which is characteristic when making any magazine.

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Senior Photographer:



A senior photographer is someone very high up within the photographer sector that has overall impact on the other photographers shoots and determines what they can or can’t use within the magazine. They can work with other main editors to meet deadlines being given from the editor of the magazine through negotiating when and what time they take the photos in order to get the article finished on time. The senior photographer has to take various shots and experiment with themes of the images to be able to evaluate which pictures will suit the magazine through number pictures being taken. Prior to this they would have meeting with the main editor to discuss the concept of the theme which would be allowed for product and it may change if the main editor isn’t impressed with the senior photographer decisions.

Qualifications/skills GCSEs/SCEs at Grade G/6 minimum or equivalent in English language and maths. Qualifications in graphics and an IT-based subject are desirable.•have excellent technical and photographic skills•have good communication and people skills•have good IT skills, especially with computer programs such as Photoshop•be commercially aware and good at marketing themselves.•have computer skills, especially with computer programs such as Photoshop•have good communications skills•be confident organising people

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•be able to listen and interpret the client's needs•be able to focus on getting a good picture no matter what is going on around them•have commercial awareness and be good at marketing themselves.Art degree, gcse, A levels The Main responsibilities: Take photos Organise the shoots Understand the concept from the brief Meet the deadlines Offer guidance to photographers.

These qualifications are important as the photographer has to have excellent knowledge of being able to use special software and equipment when taking photos in order to be able to get the best result for their pictures i.e through Photoshop to manipulate for the magazines front cover and articles. They are required to be creative and have excellent communications skills as they will be delegating to other people how they want the shots to be shot i.e through different angles like medium close up and eye level. There are some people who have key photographic skills from courses from university and a levels in order to understand the terminology being used within the industry and how they operate through experience they have gained through studies.

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News/Features Editor Who they Manage? Writers Photographers

This management is important as they are at the centre of the action therefore they have to able to negotiate between the two fields of job roles i.e writers and photographers so that they can react to any broken news which the features editor may need them to report at short notice i.e in the tv news and magazines. Prior to the story they would along with the journalists researched the story and concept with the editor to choose the best story to target the audience and for the product. They would also work along with subeditors to negotiate when the stories needed to be editied before so they can be published.They would also need to negotiate with the layout designer in order to be able fully complete the production stage while trying to meet the professional deadline of the layout designer and the main editor deadline for the whole process which can be stressful process. Responsibilities •overseeing the layout, appearance and content of feature articles;•generating ideas for features with writing staff;•commissioning articles from freelance and in-house writers;•managing writing staff and freelance feature writers;

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•editing and re-writing articles, some of which may be rejected or returned to the writer for revision;•overseeing artwork, design and photography for the features section of the magazine;•attending photo-shoots;•organising meetings with writers and artists to discuss ideas for artwork, layout and features;•negotiating payments with freelance writers;•dealing with legal matters;•selecting feature articles for each issue;•sending out briefs to writers which can include word count, deadline, fee and writing style;•proofreading all pages before going to press;•raising the profile of the magazine;•networking with others at industry events;•assisting other staff to meet their deadlines

Why responsibilities important?These responsibilities are important within the magazine process as the features editor ensures that their publication is full of entertaining, informative and newsworthy articles. This can also feature within their powers to generate ideas for features; through commissioning work by freelance writers; editing and proofreading; managing writing staff; and liaising with artists and photographers. This is important through analysing the writers work they have checked the content is right for the article itself in order not to give wrong information which is important to do in this process in order get rid of potential mistakes which wouldn’t make the magazine not effective .For example the editor looks at how much the writer has wrote in the word count of the article and which parts aren’t good or attractive within the article to make sure the tone of article is professional and effective rather than looking amateur. Qualifications Graduate qualifications are useful within this career but are not always essential. Postgraduate degrees in creative writing or English are deemed as popular, and a postgraduate qualification in journalism is a useful way of topping up an undergraduate degree gained in another subject. English is important because this job is mainly writing based as the editor job is analyse writers work through the tone and content article. English language and literature qualifications as well as a creative writing play a pivotal role in bringing to life the article and concept of the magazine. Through the feature editor obtaining this English qualifications it helps them evaluate peoples work more critically and professionally in •confidence; the magazine interest to make it an overall success. Media can be qualification for this job role because it can help form experience within the job and important contracts within the media industry through understanding how this job role works and the opportunities that can be created to further develop the person’s skills.

Key Skills: •creativity;

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•the ability to take constructive criticism;•management skills;•the ability to multi-task;•attention to detail;•decisiveness;•organisation skills;•excellent writing skills.Why these skills are important These are important skills to have because it is important to establish where the direction of the magazine is heading through analysing article itself and the general message of the product which the writer has put into the article. Therefore the feature editor has to give important yet critical feedback in order to bring out the best of the article and for the magazine reputation which aims to be a high standard. The person who undertakes this role has to have clear communications skills and organisation skills as they are part of a management who need to dictate what needs to be done a certain way while trying to keep on top of deadlines being set by the main editor who is in control of the production and wants feedback during the process how that particular section is doing.

Sports EditorWho they manage?

Photographers Writers Contacts

The purpose of a sports editor is be in charge of range of sport journalists ranging from ie basketball, formula one, football and etc in great detail in order to establish and analyse the content the writers put into the article . The point of understanding this as the sport editor role is that partly the role consists to establish whether the information is it right and acknowledge parts that unsuitable for the target audience within the article and by looking at the original brief itself set by the editor. Prior to the management of this job role itself it requires the person to have excellent knowledge of the sporting industry i.e research and personal experience in order to give accurate information and have a whole range of contacts to make effective stories within the magazine through arranging this with the photographers and writers to do make certain interviews happen. They would also have regular meetings with photographers and writers to be able to evaluate the writing via the sub editor and photos to choose the best one for the product. Sports editor themselves are often are journalists who have progressed their writing ablity to meet the highest standard.

Skills and qualifications: English language English literature

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Sports Creative writing Communications and Media Passion Computers IT Team player

Meaning behind thisThe reason behind is that by having an important understanding they can clearly structure their writing through technical language and tones to make the article look and feel professional through understanding the purpose of the genre itself sport in detail. What is also important is that IT skills and media are crucial a way of getting the story to a bigger audience through the internet i.e through social media such as twitter etc. Therefore the person has to be able to adapt and reach out to specific contacts to attract the audience’s attention to the story they are reporting rather than to the competitors. They must also have the passion for sport while working a team to achieve the best results while under a tight deadline to complete the article.Roles and responsibilities:

Review copy and correct errors in content, grammar, and punctuation, following prescribed editorial style and formatting guidelines.

• Photograph or videotape news events, or request that a photographer be assigned to provide such coverage. • Develop ideas or material for columns or commentaries by analysing and interpreting news, current issues, or personal experiences. • Transmit news stories or reporting information from remote locations, using equipment such as satellite phones, telephones, fax machines, or modems. • Write columns, editorials, commentaries, or reviews that interpret events or offer opinions. • Conduct taped or filmed interviews or narratives. • Present live or recorded commentary via broadcast media. • Write reviews of sports, based on knowledge, judgment, or experience. • Edit or assist in editing videos for broadcast.

Source: Why important This reason why this is important for sports editors do because they are in charge to make this section within the magazine or news effective and stand out than the others. Therefore they have to consider the legal and ethical constraints when analysing peoples articles in order not conflict rules and regulations which may jeopardise the article itself and magazine which isn’t good or professional when making a professional magazine.

Entertainment EditorRoles and responsibilities

Research from both the editors and journalists would be essential when writing stories along with important negotiations meetings with sub editor to get the stories mistakes rectified before being published. There would be also

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further meetings with photographers and writers to display and create an important theme being set from orders from entertainment editor and main editor. The purpose of an entertainment editor is to be familiar with all upcoming bands, concert events, and the latest movies within the entertainment industry. This entertainment editor must be willing to attend music concerts and review newly released movies in showcasing their professional and personal opinion to the audience when writing the reviews in order to attract people to article .This position can receive an enormous amount of incoming mail with CDs, DVDs, press releases; it is up to the entertainment editor to sort through and analyse the mail for possible stories. This is partly down to the contacts the editor has have developed over the course of their career who have contacted them to give them press releases. Therefore when deciding which stories they would include within the magazine they must taking into consideration the impact it will have on the target audience if they were to choose the content within the magazine article.

Other roles responsibilities/skills/qualifications

Works with associate entertainment and layout editors to determine graphics ideas for Features cover

Contributes constructive and helpful criticism of writers work Assign stories to journalist and photographers Attend a meeting with the editor. Creative Writing for structuring the articles Knowledge of Music , dramatic arts, gaming and media industry IT-able to use various software for manipulate of articles , and writing

stories English degree , A levels Forming important Contacts

Why this importantThe reason why it is important to understand what is happening within the important sectors of the industry i.e music, drama, media and gaming industry in order to not mislead the audience by giving false information which isn’t right as people are looking for reliable information when reading this section within the article. This means the editor has to be even more critical when analysing the authors work in order not allow any mistakes to be made. The person has also to be computer literate as all stories as can be shown on various platforms i.e internet and apps which the audience can view the content so the editor has to make sure that the information that is put online has no further mistakes as it wouldn’t look professional. They also have to attend meetings with the main editor of the whole production in order to clarify which stage of the stories are at, so that they make sure the deadline of the set work of end product will be on time. The importance of using creative writing and English within the job they can further build upon their writing skills to create an effective article which can symbolise a specific theme which can interest the target audience and the tone of the magazine.

What is even more important within the job entertainment editor itself is to establish important contacts to make the story itself effective because without

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being a well-established entertainment editor they won’t get high profile stories to report to the audience involving well known celebrities. This means with experience within the job role over amount of time they the editors will progress up the social scale to be able to get those important contacts to make the article effective is what the audience looks for.

Marketing and Advertising Manager

Roles and responsibilities . The purpose of a marketing and advertising manager is to be able to delegate among the marketing team to increase revenue and reputation of the magazine through certain strategies they come up to achieve success. So they have to have strong negotiation skills and communication in order to target and fulfil advertisements within the magazine from outside advertisers who are competing to be featured within magazine to maximise their own reputation.

They work with the editor and other editors to make the product even more attractive and promising through advising how they can market the product to meet target audiences needs through the market team who do the necessarily research into the target audience through questionnaires, focus groups .This helps them improve the product to meet the demands of what the target audience wants within their magazine through analysing strengths and weaknesses. This can also determine what themes and content can be used within that particular issue of the magazine which can add more value through the marketing team offering special treatment to the issue by saying its special edition and one off which draws the audience attention and more revenue towards the magazine.Skills and qualification

Organising market research Writing press releases Arranging promotional events Assessing the results of a marketing campaign Assisting the manager in writing reports and analysing data Communicating with clients Business degrees, A levels Maths MediaSource :

The reason why business, media and maths is important because within the job it requires the person to run a business admissions service which requires charts and money detailing the results of sales in order clearly highlight areas that needed highlighted so they be rectified when they approach the next product in not repeat the mistakes. Media is an important skill within marketing as it shows how the industry works and the purpose of researching

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to achieve the best result when trying to market a product to meet the target audience needs.

Now that you have looked at each of the roles you must allocate roles within your group and then individually write up why you were given this role i.e. skills, ability and general suitability for the job.

Zashia Editor:The reason why Zashia is the editor of our magazine is that she can be organised at times which is important to the job itself as at requires the person to be organised to do the job justice while meeting deadlines. This is important as she will have to set important deadlines for us as journalists and editors to follow to meet the deadline on time. She has excellent communication skills which would benefit our production as in the past she has given feedback on my work when I was stuck and unsure of what do. This will be important when I will be writing for the magazine as she will need to be critical of my work so I can achieve the best results for the magazine.. She is also not afraid to voice her opinions if she doesn’t like something which is crucial when being editor to give critical feedback to make the product even more successful and professional among the group.Omar- news features entertainment editor The reason why Omar is editor of the entertainment section because he has clear communication skills which is needed to form important contacts around the latest news and stories within the entertainment section. These skills are important because he will produce an effective story which will hook the audience which is the purpose of the editor by getting people involved within the stories he made. He also has good writing skills and good knowledge of the music industry and other popular stories which is needed to showcase varied stories within this section which is important.

Layout designer- meThe reason why I’m a layout designer because I have a clear distinctive idea how I want things to turn out which will be effective as I have found out when making my Mixmag magazine which looked effective using Photoshop and InDesign features to the best of my ability .Another reason why I am best suited for this job is that I’m organised and able to work to a deadline as I have shown in the past and currently I am able to take on feedback from tutor to improve on my work. This will be important when I will take orders from the editor when guiding the other journalist on when I want the deadline for the work to be done for the layout. I have also shown I’m able to work from a concept to create unique theme which will make the magazine effective which when I will incorporate this within our student magazine.

Brad- sports news editor and features news The reason why we have chosen brad as this role is that he is a keen sports person as he is in a football team and has knowledge within this field which is important when trying showcase this sport to the audience in a lot of detail who don’t know much about this genre. He can be at times creative and professional when writing his work which is important when undertaking this role in order to maximise the result of the article as sport is an important

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subject that needs this attention to detail as it a fun subject. Another reason why we chosen him for this role is that he has important communication skills needed to include people to take part within the article which will effective.

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