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Transcript of jl91

The magazine of the Jesus Army & Multiply Christian Network

JESUSIssue 91 FREE three / 2012www.jesus.org.uk




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History Makers 15-17 ‘Beguines’: radical women of God

Jesus Centres 27-29 The journey toward Birmingham Jesus Centre

Astounding news 33 An excited blog post from Stuart Patnell

Just four questions 34 Jesus Life asks a Jesus radical just four questions

Keep in touch 35 Phone numbers for UK Multiply churches


New Generation 4-7 Rich Wilson of Fusion on raising up future leaders

Called out of chaos 8-9 Carrie-Ann Edwards tells Jesus Life how Jesus rescued her

On the margins 11-14 A look at the ‘hidden problem’ of middle-class alcoholism

Talking to... 18-22 An interview with “Digital Nun”, Sister Catherine Wybourne

Multiply Rwanda 23-26 A moving story of a community of reconciliation

To forgive is divine 30-32 A young man’s testimony of difficult forgiveness

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The Jesus Fellowship ChurCh, which is also known as the Jesus Army and includes the New Creation Christian Community, upholds the historic Christian faith, being reformed, evangelical and charismatic. it practises believer’s baptism and the New Testament reality of Christ’s Church; believing in Almighty God: Father, son and holy spirit; in the full divinity, atoning death and bodily resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ; in the Bible as God’s word, fully inspired by the holy spirit. This church desires to witness to the lordship of Jesus Christ over and in his Church; and, by holy character, righteous soci-ety and evangelical testimony to declare that Jesus Christ, son of God, the only saviour, is the way, the truth and the life, and through him alone can we find and enter the kingdom of God. This church proclaims free grace, justification by faith in Christ and the sealing and sanctifying baptism in the holy spirit.

© 2012 Jesus Fellowship Church, Nether heyford, Northampton NN7 3lB, uK. editor: James stacey. reproduction in any form requires written permission. The Jesus Fellowship does not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in articles and interviews printed in this magazine. unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the holY BiBle, New iNTerNATioNAl VersioN®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 international Bible society. used by permission of hodder & stoughton ltd, a member of the hodder headline plc Group. All rights reserved. photographs in this magazine are copyright Jesus Fellowship Church or royalty-free stock photos from www.sxc.hu. The Jesus Fellowship is part of Multiply Christian Network. Both the Jesus Fellowship and Multiply Christian Network are members of the evangelical Alliance uK. Jesus Fellowship life Trust registered Charity number 1107952.



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A word from Mick Haines, apostolic team leader of the Jesus Fellowship

LONDON WAS very busy this summer with the Olympics. We were very pleased to be

able to march for Jesus in the West End of the capital in June. There was rain before and after, but as we marched along the streets and gathered for a Jesus demonstration in Trafalgar Square the sun shone! We were very blessed to have around 65 delegates from Africa, the Indian sub-continent, South America and several other places join us for the march. They came for our Multiply International Leaders’ conference. Our eight apostolic men helped to enrich the Jesus Fellowship “Power Festival” at Pentecost, with songs from their countries and inspirational testimonies. Rukundo (pictured right) is our apostolic man for Rwanda. You can read more about him on pages 23-26. We recently held our “Winning Festival” in our Golden Marquee. Our focus was “the overcoming church”. There is a real sense of God moving us forward as we face many challenges including succession and the strengthening of our distant plants. We ever want to be an army spreading and enforcing the victory of Jesus. We do value the friendship and support of many in the UK and other nations. Please continue to pray for us. The spiritual battle is intense. Finally: this issue of Jesus Life magazine is the last! In keeping with this internet age,


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we are moving our focus more fully onto our website, jesus.org.uk. A new updated version of this website will be coming out before the end of 2012. In future we will release, just once a year, a magazine named jesus.org.uk with highlights from the website. This will be distributed by Jesus Fellowship members and friends; we will no longer be maintaining a mailing list. However, if you wish to receive the first jesus.org.uk magazine in January 2013, fill in the card between pages 10 and 11 and we will send it to you free of charge. May God bless you as read this last Jesus Life magazine.

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Rich Wilson is the National Team Leader for student network, Fusion. He spoke at the Multiply International Leaders Conference this year about releasing a younger generation of students.

I’M PASSIONATE about connecting students to church and church to students. Courageous

steps need to be taken to create space and expectation for young adults to come and pioneer the church.

Risk-taking is the only way At Fusion we took a risk with a young woman called Anna. We’ve been seeking to engage with Loughborough University and to bless it for nearly twenty years now. A few years ago we asked the university how we could bless them and they said, “Well, you can serve us. You can help us clear up some litter after a festival and do some car park attending”. Around the same time, a girl called Anna had real compassion for the female students who were getting very drunk in the student union night club. The student union night club in Loughborough holds around 3000 people and it’s a mad place to be, a challenging place to be. It’s a place where we need a whole load of Christians to stand out and do things. So Anna started hanging around the female toilets, looking after the really drunk female students because they were vulnerable. She’d hold their hair while they were being sick and make sure they got home safely. Then another group of Christians started working with her and ministering to the girls and guys. The student union noticed what was going on and they said, “You’re doing what we should be doing, but you’re better at it, so why don’t you take responsibility for the pastoral and practical needs of the students on these nights?” It’s a bit like having Street Pastors inside the nightclub. It has grown and grown, and now


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Are we able to see through people’s ordinariness? To see what God has

put in them? they’ve named the club event after us!Desperation makes taking risks easier! How desperate are you to see a new generation released into effectiveness? The woman in the bible who was bleeding for twelve years took a big risk to touch the rabbi’s clothing, but in taking a risk, power is released and she is rewarded. Desperation drove her to take the risk. Anna was released in a risky venture in reaching people. It’s a great story which can be multiplied and replicated right around the UK and Europe. We estimate on “Club Mission” nights there are 40 Christians out in t-shirts doing all kinds of things, like looking after the drunk students, giving out water, handing out cups of tea, and flip flops to girls with high heels they can’t walk in when they’re drunk. We reckon we minister to around 15 per cent of the university in one night. Sometimes a time in the wilderness prepares us for taking risks. There are clear parallels between Elijah’s and Jesus’ “wilderness experiences” in 1 Kings 19 and Matthew 4. Both Elijah and Jesus travelled through the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and were ministered to by angels. Both of them called people to follow them – Elijah called Elisha to leave his lifestyle behind and follow him, and Jesus called the disciples to follow Him, promising to make them “fishers of men.”

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She’d hold their hair while they were being sick

and make sure they got home safely

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Desperate measures are neededWe all enter into ‘the wilderness’ for some seasons in our life. Most of the time it’s not our choice, or something that we want to do, but we find ourselves there. Elijah was intimidated and depressed, but he was sustained by the Spirit. He was encouraged and ministered to by angels for 40 days and nights. He ventured through the wilderness before he met with God. Jesus, affirmed by the Father, led by the Spirit, enters the desert to “face his demon” and he’s ministered to by angels. There’s something about the wilderness that makes us aware of our weakness and it’s out of that weakness that we gain clarity. We will struggle to truly release younger leaders from a place of strength and sufficiency. There’s a cost to truly releasing people; it’s not just about recruiting volunteers to do our bidding, it’s about multiplying leaders. That’s a whole other level of risk and I think it’s difficult to do that from a place of strength – we need it to happen out of desperation.

The art of seeing needs to be embraced This is what happens to Elijah: God very clearly speaks to him about his successor. We don’t get that from Jesus, but my guess is, it’s a very formative time; He’s got an idea about what’s going to happen next, even who He’s going to choose to be His disciples. These were common people – Elisha was just a farmer, one of twelve teams ploughing the fields, Peter and Andrew were fishermen. They were ordinary people and the challenge for us is: are we able to see through people’s ordinariness? To see what God has put in them? Do we embrace this art of seeing what God sees? It’s going to be the key to getting the right people and the right leaders beyond their self doubt. Beyond the enormous ego that is sometimes there in young men, lies potential.

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A high challenge is mandatoryPhilip Petit is a tightrope walker. In the early 1970s, when the twin towers had been built, he read about them in a magazine in a dentist surgery. He saw the plans for the towers and thought, “I know what I want to do: I want to rig up a wire from one tower the other and walk across.” He got so excited about the vision of it. He said, “It’s impossible – so let’s start working”. “It’s impossible – so let’s start working”. That could be our mandate. And that’s what Philip Petit did on 7 August, 1974 – he illegally rigged a wire from one tower to the other and walked across. We must call a generation to respond to a high challenge. Young people don’t need a low bar; they need a high bar, something to reach for. They need something that will be a challenge and will cost them. With Elisha, there was a gap, a time for consideration. Once Elisha’s made up his mind there’s no going back; there’s a high challenge.

Celebrate the competency gapThis isn’t always very easy to do. I remember a student just turned up Loughborough University a few years ago now. In the first week he was very keen: he said to me, “I’m not sure which team to join! The student leadership team or the church leadership team?” I thought, “Well, let’s just see how you get on, shall we?!” But there was certainly a desire in him to achieve. How do we release young men and women who’ve still got issues and character failings?

Release young leaders: they

are going to do it differently


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For a start, I mustn’t be unrealistic about how I was like when someone released me. Some of the students I meet now are way further on than where I was when I was their age. It was the same with Elisha: he had his issues (he couldn’t take ridicule, for instance) even after ten years of training with Elijah. Or Jesus’ disciples: they wanted to be first; they wanted to call down fire; they didn’t understand most of what Jesus told them. We often think young people “aren’t quite ready yet” – but we’ve got to release them anyway. There are some things that God will deal with in individuals – they’re not for us to deal with. We have to release them. Don’t fear what you see as the competency gap – recognise God works with the new generation “as they are” – and celebrate it.

Can we release without agenda? This is perhaps the hardest thing for leaders. They’ve worked hard to get to where they are, to steward what God’s given them – but there is an imperative to release younger leaders, not just create volunteers. They are not just there to do our bidding or to enhance our position, our reputation, our credit, or our work. Release young leaders: they are going to do it differently. They are not there to be our shadow; they are there to lead and take the church forward. That’s something we need to work out. May we all have the courage and the wisdom to multiply out younger leaders. JL

Rich Wilson is team leader for Fusion. He works across the four purposes of Fusion to ensure joined up thinking and action for

the delivery and expansion of the network. He is responsible for strategy that builds partnerships with students, churches and other organisations. Rich is married to Ness and has been based in Loughborough since 1992.VISIT THE FUSION WEBSITE: fusion.uk.com

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I WAS starving hungry, had no money, three of my family members were in prison, mum had

died and I had lost my daughter. I felt like my life had been a lie, so far, and I felt so alone. I’d just been released from hospital (from an overdose) and now I wanted to end my life again. I phoned a helpline: “Try the Coventry Jesus Centre,” they suggested, “they give out food parcels.” I went down to the Jesus Centre and sat at the back; they were talking about God and I was angry: “There is no God. You’re taking the Mick. I hate God – He’s hurt me.” When the meeting was over I was invited back to Promise House, a Jesus Fellowship community house, for lunch. People were sit-ting round tables and I was shocked to notice glasses of water. I had never sat at a table to eat, or to drink water – we only had beer! Then someone prayed: “Thank You, Lord, for the food we’re about to eat.” In that moment I found God; something inside me changed and for some unknown reason I fell in love with God. Hope had come back into my life. I was brought up in Coventry and my parents

Carrie-Ann Edwards tells Jesus Life the moving story of how God healed her from her chaotic past.

It was like I was at the cross and everything in me was nailed to it – my habit, my hurt, my pain


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were alcoholics. I was an alcoholic at the age of twelve and at fourteen I began taking drugs. At sixteen I moved in with my boyfriend; we later got married and had a baby. We began arguing; I was drinking anything I could get my hands on and my husband began turning violent. When my child was five, I went to a safe house. Mum became very ill. I had a bad nerv-ous breakdown; I couldn’t cope anymore and I asked social services for help. Then Mum died and my child was taken into care. I was traumatised and tried to commit suicide. I also self-harmed. After two years I left the safe haven and got a flat. I fought to get my child back but I still drank and took drugs. The social services thought I was an unfit mum because of my habit and because I kept breaking down. It was at this point that I walked into the Jesus Centre. Life wasn’t plain sailing afterwards. I lost my child after finding God and at one point I felt like I was losing God too. On New Year’s Eve 2010 I got really wasted with drugs and drinks and the next day I phoned up someone at the Jesus Centre for help. They invited me to a meeting in Northampton. That day I got really free from drugs and drink. I fell on my knees and I called out to God: “I can’t take any more.” Everything I had, all of me, I gave to Him. God brought me, for the first time, to the cross. It was like I was actually at the cross where Jesus died and everything in me was nailed to it – my habit, my hurt, my pain. I experienced God embracing me. It was really peaceful. God lifted everything off me. I was lost in Him. God has been faithful; it’s Him that keeps me afloat. He’s helped me get clean and eased the pain of losing my daughter. I’ve got a new family I can trust now and I have been shown what love is again. I live in Christian community and have a full time job. It’s not always been an easy journey but it has been exciting and fulfilling. JL

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ONEheart & soul

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...these people would!A Jesus Fellowship DVD production

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and only



To order your DVD, flick to the card between pages 26 and 27 and fill out the order form, or go to www.jesuspeople.biz

sus Life www.jesus.org.uk

10/09/2012 11:35:08



I had a young family and a

mortgage and started drinking

incessantly to cope with the stress

Dominic Finch-Noyes leads an alcohol support group ‘Stay Dry, Be Free’

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Jesus Life takes a look at the widespread but often hidden problem of alcoholism amongst middle-class professionals in the UK

I THINK Britain has a huge drink problem,” Alistair Campbell, former Director of

Communications and Strategy for Tony Blair, recently told Jesus Life. “I think there’s a real danger that all the focus is on binge drinking and people causing trouble in city centres. I’m not saying that isn’t a problem, but I think the bigger problem is the middle class professionals who are addicted to alcohol. “As a country I don’t think we have accepted that so many people, particularly middle-class people, are addicted to drink. They’re not so vis-ible – they are often at home – they don’t come out drunk.” Dominic Finch-Noyes, 58, a member of the Jesus Fellowship, runs a group at Northamp-ton Jesus Centre for people who with serious alcohol issues called “Stay Dry, Be Free”. Dominic has experienced firsthand the painful slide into alcoholism. “My father was a wine merchant,” explains Dominic; “I grew up in a drinking environ-ment. I went into the wine trade, too, and had my own business. Until my late 30s I was a borderline alcoholic. “In the late 80s and early 90s I had been very successful businesswise. But the early 90s finan-cial crisis caused interest rates to rise quickly. Be-ing a small business man, my company overdraft suddenly cost me much more; customers stopped paying; cash-flow dried up. I had a young family and a mortgage and started drinking incessantly to cope with the stress. “My wife, Susan, was a Christian (I wasn’t). She had the courage to believe that things would eventually get sorted. She coped until she couldn’t cope anymore, but eventually told me I had to live somewhere else.

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I know from experience that the first step you have to take is to admit

your problem

Alistair Campbell, speaking at Northampton Jesus Centre

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“I tried as hard as I could, for four years, to give up drinking – unsuccessfully. I wanted more than anything to stop. I managed to get into residential rehab, but was chucked out for drink-ing (worse than ever) and hitched to near our house in Huntingdon, where I lived rough. One morning, I waited till the kids were at school, knocked on the door and asked my wife for a cup of tea. I went into the downstairs toilet and saw myself in the shaving mirror and the enormity of my helplessness hit me; I looked like a twitchy scarecrow. I realised I just couldn’t fix this. At that point, for the first time in my life, I started crying out to God.” Dominic’s wife had heard about the Jesus Fellowship and rang asking for help. Two weeks later, Dominic went to stay at Honeycomb, a Jesus Fellowship house in Northamptonshire. Dominic continues: “I was ill with alcohol, underweight and weak. I spent June and July 1994 working on the Jesus Fellowship’s farm. I got physically well and at the same time I found new life; I was born again. Later I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I did drink a couple more times, but six months later I had my last drink. That was in January 1995.” “My wife visited me and made friends, too. I lived at Honeycomb for six months and Susan was so happy with what she found that she had the confidence to agree to sell our house in Huntingdon. In 1995, my family all moved into Honeycomb with me and we stayed for

WHAT IS AN ALCOHOLIC?Someone who is dependent on or addicted to alcohol.

WHAT ARE ALCOHOL’S WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS? When alcoholics abstain from drink their experiences include: sweating, nausea, shaking, diarrhoea, rapid heartbeat and seizures (which can be life threatening). Psychological symptoms include stress, anxiety and depression.

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six or seven months before moving to our own new home. “My family was back together again. They’ve forgiven me for the pain I caused them and I have a new church family too. Jesus continues to give me the strength to stay dry and to help others to do the same.” Alistair Campbell describes his “big crash”, back in the 1980s – the day he ended up in hospital when drinking and depression triggered a breakdown – as “the best day of my life and the worst day of my life; it was the best because I survived and sorted myself out”. He added, “I think part of the problem with all mental illness, and I include alcoholism in that category, is that there’s still so much stigma and taboo attached to it that people are generally reluctant to open up. The most important thing, I think, is to bring it more out into the open. If you’re reluctant to open up, you don’t find the services that might be able to help you. “I know from experience that the first step you have to take is to admit your problem. My worry is that for some people there is no rock bottom, before death. “It’s only because of what I gained through the experience that I have been able to do what I have done since. It’s helped me prioritise and accept things that are important which before I had

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WHAT ARE THE SIDE-EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY? •Physicalproblemsinclude:insomnia,infertility,

memory loss, liver disease, high blood pressure, stroke, coronary heart disease and obesity.

•Psychologicalproblemsinclude:anxiety,depression and suicidal feelings.

•Personalproblemsinclude:lossordisruption of relationships, loss of employment, financial difficulties.

•Socialproblemscanincludecrimesuchasviolence or theft.

•Safetyproblemsincludeaccidentsatwork,at home, and on the road.

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People need to not just know

about forgiveness; they need to experience it

Stay Dry, Be Free group members

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pushed away.” Dominic identified relationships as key to his recovery: “I had never met Christian men I could relate to before. Now I met guys of my age, people I could connect with. I realised there was a masculine, virile, radical faith available. I’d never appreciated this – and it was for me.” “Stay Dry, Be Free”, the alcohol support group Dominic and others run, aims to be a secure, trusting environment for people to share honestly how they have coped with their addiction during the last week. “The group has to be a safe place,” Dominic ex-plains.“Peoplecanlookatusandsay,‘Iftheycando it – people who have hit rock bottom – I can. The group is inclusive – people of any faith or none arewelcome.However,wedosay,‘ThisistheJesus Centre; sometimes we may pray – but we will not shove it down your throat. We may also discuss our experience from a spiritual dimension.’ There is no programme, no professionals and sometimes we just sit around and have a discussion.” Paul,amemberofthegroup,putitlikethis:“A car that has had a head on smash can take months, even years, to repair and that is the same with us. We have to learn to cope with the guilt, theregrets.Peopleneedtonotjustknowaboutforgiveness; they need to experience it.”

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WHAT CAUSES ALCOHOL ADDICTION? Sometimes drinking is an integral part of people’s social life and dependence gradually creeps up on them; sometimes it runs in the family; sometimes stress at work or in the family such as the death of a family member causes people to find temporary relief in alcohol.

HOW WIDESPREAD IS ALCOHOLISM? More than one in 25 adults in the UK are dependent on alcohol and the UK has one of the highest rates of binge drinking in Europe. According to The Office for National Statistics, the professional classes are the most frequent drinkers in the country.



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Trevor Saxby tells the remarkable story of the Beguines, a radical Christian women’s movement in the Middle Ages.

WE LIVE IN days of great social upheaval. The late 1100s were much the same.

There was a great migration away from rural life and into the towns, where a new “middle class” of merchants and craftsmen evolved. Also, the Crusades had led thousands of men to their death, leaving an imbalance of women. The Church was not well placed to cope with this new climate. For centuries, the beating heart of the faith had been the monasteries, but these were usually in the country, their ancient traditions out of touch with new social developments. Many had grown rich and cared little for service and evangelism. Women who wanted to live radically for God had few openings. The time was ripe for a new expression of the kingdom of God, and the Beguines rose to the challenge. This was a grassroots movement that began with a group of praying women in Liège, Belgium, in the 1190s. Their name derives from Lambert le Bègue, a parish priest who preached against abuses in the established church and urged a new movement of godly women to rise up to serve their generation. Adult women during the Middle Ages were

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expected to be either a wife and mother, or nun. The Beguines questioned this concept and lived outside the boundaries. They also saw how society was changing and chose to stay in the towns, especially the poor suburbs, where they could serve the people with Jesus’ love. Women who entered Beguinages (Beguine houses) were not bound by permanent vows, in contrast to women who entered convents. They could leave the Beguinage to marry. Some were widows with children; others came to escape arranged marriages. There were celibates like Yvette de Huy, who had a prophetic gift. Together, these radical women pioneered a new form of community. They pledged themselves to prayer, poverty and service. They aimed to recover the simplicity, love and outreach of the early Church. They preached (which was not allowed), and in the language of the people, not Latin. Their communal settlements had a hospital, a chapel, and craft workshops to generate an income. They held literacy classes for poor children, supported widows, and took in orphans. And at every turn, they proclaimed God’s love for the poor. Beguines had no mother-house or appointed head. Every community was complete in itself and fixed its own rule of life. Some only admitted ladies of high degree,

Others came to escape arranged marriages


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Trevor is a senior leader in the Jesus Fellowship. He says, “I love learning from God’s movers and shakers in history because I

want to be a history-maker now! READ HIS BLOG: radical-church-history.blogspot.com


others only the poor, but most welcomed any women, and these were the most densely peopled. Several, like the great Beguinage of Ghent, numbered around a thousand. In the beginning, the clergy’s attitude towards Beguines was ambivalent. The groups were religious and dedicated to charity, which was acceptable; but they existed without men (except for priests and confessors), which was dubious. The Church did not approve of their lack of permanent vows. Women were not supposed to have that much freedom. In time, this led to the Beguines being opposed as heretics. The Beguines made their mark for God. They had heard the pulse of the society God had placed them in, and met its need. The movement multiplied, and by 1270 there were Beguine communities in most towns in Belgium, Holland and North Germany.

They preached (which was not allowed), and in the language of

the people

17Jesus LifePhoto: Kat Cole, Flickr.com

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Online NunOn Twitter, Sister Catherine describes herself as a “Benedictine nun, keen on God, books and technology” who “likes people, too”. She is the Prioress of Holy Trinity Monastery, formerly at East Hendred, now at Howton Grove Priory in Herefordshire.


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Sister Catherine Wybourne is better known online by her Twitter name: “Digitalnun”. She talks to Jesus Fellowship writer Amy Williams about community, vows, sharing and technology.

It’s great to talk with you, Sister Catherine. Could you tell us a bit of your own story to start

with, about your vocation? I was born of poor but honest parents and I had a Catholic education, which was a bit unusual as neither of my parents were practising Catholics. I was very influenced by the sisters who taught at the Catholic school. They were lively, intellectual people who would talk about faith in a very open way that made me do a lot of thinking about my own life. I decided to do a PhD in Spanish medieval history. I was studying the Cistercians, so I had to read the collected works of St Benedict. While I was reading it, the monastic life began to speak to me – not in an academic way, but as something that I should pursue. I sat down and thought about where I’d be when I was 50, and realised I didn’t want to be living in isolation from other people. I took myself off to Stanbrook Abbey in Worcester in 1981, where I lived until 2003.

What is the process that somebody goes through to become a nun? Well, the first stage is postulancy, which lasts at least six months and can be extended to a year. They wear their own clothes and essentially live with the community and pray with the community, but they don’t have any particular commitment. They can leave at any time – they can also be asked to leave at any time. Then you’d get the monastic habit with a white veil, which lasts about two years, but can be extended. That’s a period of more serious formation, with more study in scripture, theology


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I’m sure there must be a way of opening up the internet as a sacred space

where people can encounter God

and rules of St Benedict. Then you have first vows for three years – although they can be repeated – vows of stability, conversion of life and obedience. Then, finally, solemn confession, which means you make your vows for life and wear a black veil. It takes at least five and a half years to get to that stage – and they are vows for life. You become a full member of the community. That’s the point where you have to give up everything, all your worldly possessions.

There must be times when somebody who has made life vows does in fact break those vows. Or is that extremely rare? It’s extremely rare, particularly for women. I have known only two cases where a nun has asked to be laid aside from her vows: one was ill and the other person wanted to live as a hermit. They’re the only ones I personally have known in my life.

Do you think that is because of the process before making those vows? Oh yes, it’s a real “weeder-outer”! We find a lot of people can’t cope with small community, doing pretty much the same thing day after day

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I see the vows like this: one roots us, one opens us up,

and one lifts us up to the Father

Sister Catherine in her Priory Garden

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and not having very much in the way of material possessions. Some people just don’t grow. But usually you find that people who stay perhaps two or three years still feel that they have gained something from that monastic experience, though they may not spend their whole lives in the community.

Vows of ‘conversion, stability and obedience’ – can you unpack them a little more? What do they mean? Stability is a vow which binds you to a specific community or group of people and a specific way of living a monastic life. All Benedictine Monasteries are independent, so each of them will have their own take on how the rules of Benedict should be lived and stability is a commitment to live in that way and to carry it forward. Conversion is really a promise, a vow to live the monastic life as it should be lived and to be open to the process of conversion every day of our life. Obedience is having an attitude of listening to God. I see the vows like this: one roots us, one opens us up, and one lifts us up to the Father. That’s how I see it anyway.

Give us a flavour of your community life. Well, we have what’s called a “chapter of faults”. That’s an occasion when we specifically meet together to apologise to one another for ways of which we may have hurt each other or brought down the community. The other person may know nothing about it: for example if I’ve been a bit short tempered with some of the people I deal with on e-mails, I will acknowledge that and ask for their prayers because I have weakened the public perception of the community. Equally, we have an important rule – again it’s from St Benedict – which is that if we have any dispute or disagreement during the course of the day, it must be settled before nightfall. I have noticed that very often it’s the

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Amy Williams


person who hasn’t given offence that goes to the other and asks forgiveness. It’s a great liberation.

You have everything in common. How do you work that out in practice? Do you have a common bank account as a community? Yes, we own nothing personally; St Benedict is very clear about private ownership. A monk would have absolutely nothing of his own. Yes, we’ll use our own toothbrushes and so on, but anything that we need is asked for from the community. So if my shoes were worn out I would ask the community if I may have another pair of shoes. We try to make sure that our own private life as a community is as simple as possible.

So you don’t have a television? No, but we read a lot.

Your work means that you’re online quite a lot – so there is media exposure in your life! Yes, we made a conscious decision as a community back in 2003 to use social media as a way of reaching out to other people. Because my work is typesetting and web development I’m on the computer most of the day so it isn’t really too much of an interruption in my life. Everything I do is either with the encouragement or the sanction of the community. We decided as a community that it would be a good thing for me to have a Twitter account. I didn’t decide that for myself.

So – “Digitalnun”! I don’t know of many digital nuns! Why did you make the decision to actively use the internet and social media? The “Digitalnun” bit actually came from my email address in the 1990s – I wanted something memorable. We were reading the rules of St Benedict on welcoming and hospitality, and I said “How do we put this into practice, in a house with very limited space for guests?” So we thought, “We haven’t got any space, why don’t we do our hospitality online? It’s something that we could teach ourselves.”

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Why would people be looking

for us online, what would they

be seeking?Jesus Life22

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I’d had a bit of experience with building websites so we sat down and said “How do we want to present ourselves online?” But then we realised that most monasteries were doing just that – talking about themselves and what they do – and so we asked ourselves a different question: “Why would people be looking for us online, what would they be seeking?” Trying to answer that question has decided how we’ve used the internet and social media.

So what are people seeking? A lot of people are seeking some sort of community online; I am appalled by the loneliness that we seem to touch. A lot of people are seeking anonymous information about Christianity or the monastic life – it’s a lot easier than knocking on the door and asking. People also want an experience of God and that’s why I’m very keen that we move from what I call the ‘declarative’ – proclaiming things online – to the ‘immersive’ – an experience. I’m sure there must be a way of opening up the internet as a sacred space where people can encounter God. I have a feeling that if we pray hard enough and work hard enough, we might find a way of doing it.

Is there anything that you’d like to say to the Jesus Army? I think that what I would most want to say is, be encouraged, because in the life of any community there is a ‘middle-aged sag’ and if you’re getting on for 40 years old now you may be experiencing a bit of that. There comes a point where the initial enthusiasm has waned a little bit, maybe some of the initial dynamism has gone. I think that’s when it’s really important to remember why you started, to remember what it is that you were called to be. So be encouraged and don’t give up.

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Rukundo, himself a Tutsi, lost 78 relatives before the war

was overRukundo (top left) with his wife and children

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Rukundo Bartholomew is building a remarkable church community against a background of tribal warfare and genocide in Rwanda. He tells Jesus Life his story.

WOUNDED RWANDA” are the words Rukundo Bartholomew uses to

describes his homeland. He experienced firsthand the genocide that shook the world in 1994 when extremist Hutus rose against Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Rukundo, himself a Tutsi, lost 78 relatives before the war was over. While fleeing the bloodbath in Uganda, Rukundo heard God’s voice, audibly, bringing him words of reality, vision and hope: “You were part of the problem; now you are part of the solution.” Rukundo said, “God revealed to me how bad I was! I felt I was worse than anyone! Now I understood people because I understood my-self! I began forgiving everyone! This changed everything. I had been full of hatred toward the Hutus. Now I could look at every Hutu and say, ‘they are my problem!’ I realised that we all need Jesus and we all need changing. I knew everyone needed to come to that same place and forgive. Now I knew – I could be part of the solution!” Rukundo’s life had been turned around. A few months later Rukundo again heard God speak audibly to him again: “The solution is in the church.”

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“Jesus tribe”: Rukundo with his brothers and sisters

both Tutsis and Hutus (and a smaller tribe, the Twas) are called to live in

harmony as members of one “body of Christ” – as a fourth “Jesus tribe”

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Being a New Testament Christian is

simple: living for Jesus equals

living for our brother

Rukundo (right) at the Multiply International Leaders Conference


Having returned to Rwanda, in 1997 Rukundo established the first Christian com-munity house of what was to be called the New Humanity Mission. These are houses of Christians from different tribal backgrounds, living together as a family, sharing possessions and lives. In 2006, Rukundo started the Disciples of Jesus Christ church, which now has about 70 members. In 2009, some members of Disciples of Jesus Christ chose to make up a second Chris-tian community house. Last March, another family of five joined it. The survival of this prophetic venture has been a financial struggle at times, due to high unemployment in Rwanda. Recently members of the community began a small business sell-ing second hand clothes. Enough money has been generated to provide enough for everyone to eat. In 2007, Rukundo founded a group called, One Heart One Mind, with the aim of bring-ing people together from different churches with a united message: forgiveness and reconciliation must begin in the church where both Tutsis and Hutus (and the smaller tribe, the Twas, considered primitive and inferior by many Rwandans) are called to live in harmony as members of one “body of Christ” – as a fourth “Jesus tribe”. Rukundo says, “Being a New Testament Christian is simple: living for Jesus equals living for our brother. To love Jesus is to do His will and love our brothers and sisters. “The new tribe needs to be seen by everyone in Rwanda,” he adds. Today there are small One Heart One Mind groups, made up of the different tribes and coming from different denominations, all over Rwanda, as well as in Burundi, Tanzania and the Congo. These meet often locally and alto-gether once every three months for two days,

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Rukara Barthelemy, from Rwanda, is married to Ericka and has four sons and two daughters. He is better known by the name

Rukundo (Kinyarwanda for “love”).

praying, “Your will and kingdom come” and, “Teach us to love each other”. Rukundo and his team make use of radio broadcasting skills. Rukundo compares this to “shelling” the land before the “infantry” move in – preparing the people “over the air” not only for the message of God’s forgiveness, but also that “Jesus must be Lord as well as Saviour”. Then small ‘One Heart One Mind groups are formed to put the message into practice. Rukundo said, “In Rwanda, the Church is a people chosen from the three ever-warring tribes and the many conflicting denominations to shine for wounded Rwanda with the love of Jesus. Rukundo spoke at the recent Multiply Inter-national Leaders Conference in the UK with this message: “When we first become Christians we often pray ‘My Father in heaven.’ We must step beyond that, into calling God ‘Our Father’ and living not only for God, but for our brothers and sisters, too.”

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WHAT IS MULTIPLY?Multiply Christian Network is a worldwide apostolic stream of churches, initiated by Jesus Fellowship Church.

CONTACT MULTIPLY:www.multiply.org.ukContact Multiply Director, Huw Lewis, Tel: +44 1327 344533Email: huw.lewis@jesus.org.ukWrite to: Jesus Fellowship/Multiply, Nether Heyford, Northampton, NN7 3LB, UK


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cool oasis in the city sprawl

27-29 final.indd 27

THE NEW York Times rated Birmingham in the top twenty places to visit in 2012,

consolidating the city’s reputation as a major tourist destination, replete with world class cultural, entertainment and gastronomic at-tractions. But beyond the vibrant night life and über-chic shopping destinations like the Mailbox, there’s a darker side to the city. Gangs deal drugs, homeless asylum seekers surf sofas and impoverished families struggle. Loneliness haunts both bedsits and penthouse apartments. In this city, both champagne and tears flow, and an angry restlessness, erupting vividly in the rioting of 2011, is stoked up by the glaring inequalities illustrated by all the conspicuous consumption. At Jesus Centres, every kind of person is welcomed. The Birmingham Jesus Centre will attract both the kind of people who’ve been shopping in Selfridges, and those who have been shoplifting in Aldi (or, for that matter, in Selfridges). It’s the kind of place where the haves, and the have-nots mingle, and where you’re not judged for your past or the label you are now wearing. It’s a cool oasis of kingdom life, a peaceful space in the bustling heart of the city where you can catch your breath, find yourself, and get a bit of help

The fifth Jesus Centre is to be in central Birmingham. laurence cooper tells its story so far.

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when you need it. After looking for a suitable property for a couple of years, we thought we had found a good place in the Jewellery Quarter. It wasn’t to be. A few local businessmen didn’t fancy a drop-in on their doorstep: they conspired to thwart us. We won the support of the council for our plans but, in a desperate move, a property speculator gazumped the property from under our noses. Disappointment! We were back to square one, or so it seemed. From the jaws of defeat, however, we snatched a victory. We were led by the Spirit to identify the ideal area we wanted for our building. Eventually, we found a vacant property. The value of a place is all “location, loca-tion, location”, and it seemed God wanted us to have a far more central location than the Jewellery Quarter. Now we’re going to be a stone’s throw from the Bullring and New Street, right smack in the heart of the city. It’s no time for resting on our laurels. There’s work to do – to inform and motivate the Jesus Fellowship congregation in Bir-mingham, apart from anything else. A Jesus Centre is effective if it has a crew of volun-teers who are engaged and willing, and we’ll struggle if the congregation doesn’t “buy in”. So far, our people in Brum have showed they are up for it. Financial giving is up sig-nificantly. A “Jesus Centre fair” will take place soon, when we will hear about what Jesus

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Centres are like from people who are doing it already. A broader spectrum of people are being brought into planning talks, and young people especially are being invited to key management and operations meetings. Jesus Centres need to be hubs of youthful energy and enthusiasm for Jesus and his cause. It’s time to dream and to work our imagina-tions: what shall we do at our centre? After school clubs? Lunches for office workers in the building above? Most importantly – what is the Spirit saying about the role of the Jesus Centre in this sprawling city? Many challenges loom. How might we meet some of the gaps in homelessness provi-sion created by budget cuts – without simply allowing the government to use us as a con-venient means of outsourcing their respon-sibilities? We will encounter many practical challenges along the way as well as spiritual challenges. This is to be expected as we seek to demonstrate the kingly rule of Jesus in a modern city. Yet the same Jesus who is the source of our inspiration will also provide what we need for the tasks ahead.

Laurence is a writer, fund-raiser, and leader in the Jesus Fellowship. He lives in a Christian Community house in Birmingham

and supports Jesus Centres around the UK.READ HIS BLOG:laurencecooper.wordpress.com


WHERE ARE JESUS CENTRES? There are Jesus Centres in Coventry, London Northampton and Sheffield with one planned for Birmingham in the near future, with vision for further locations.

MORE INFO: jesuscentre.org.ukfacebook.com/jesus.centre

WHAT ARE JESUS CENTRES? Places where the love of Jesus is expressed daily in worship, care and friendship for every type of person.

JESUSCENTRESworship • friendship • help for all


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We seek to demonstrate the

kingly rule of Jesus in a modern city

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Forgiving those “who sin against you” is one thing. How about when they beat up your mother? A young Jesus Fellowship member speaks out.

I WAS woken up at 6am, one Wednesday morning, by a distress call from my mother.

I could tell by her voice on the phone that she was distraught. She told me that she had just been released from the hospital. A few weeks earlier she had been beaten up by four women in a local park. Some background: my mum has spent the past seven years homeless, or as near as, and involved with the harsher aspects of that scene. She got caught up with a guy who went on to commit some very nasty acts against her. This was the reason she’d been assaulted so badly in the park that day: the women had asked her, “Are you ****’s missus?” to which she’d replied, “No I’m his ex.” She told me she didn’t see the first punch. And she didn’t feel the last, because when they’d finished she was unconscious. She told me in that phone call that she has some brain damage that the doctors will never mend. She was slurring and had trouble remembering what she had just told me because her short term memory was affected. After planning to meet with her in the next few days, we said goodbye and I put the phone down. Needless to say, I couldn’t get back to sleep. I sat there in my bed numb. How was I to feel about this? I started to ask God “Why?” It was all I could say. I felt led to look up the word “abuse” in the concordance in my bible. It took me to the verse in Luke’s Gospel, where Jesus talks about turning the other cheek and says “Pray for those who abuse you”. What was I supposed to do with that? I said


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She didn’t see the first punch. And she didn’t feel the last,

because when they’d finished

she was unconscious

to God, “I could do that – just about – if it was me! But this is my mum! I should protect her; I’m her son!” I read further on and was shocked at what I saw at the bottom of the page: “God is kind to the evil and ungrateful.” How impossible! How can He be?! And how can He expect me to be that? What I did next may not be what you’d have done, but people have different ways of handling strong emotions: I grabbed my guitar and started making up a song. I was singing what I felt. And I started to cry. As the tears ran down my face, a song took shape: “Lord, my heart is small and black. I want to hurt them, Lord, I want to hurt them bad. But You said we don’t fight against flesh and blood, so I won’t. Instead I’ll give them

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This article was written by a young man in the Jesus Fellowship. His name has been left out in order to protect his and

his family’s safety and confidentiality.

Your love. Pour Your blessing out on them, O Lord. Pour Your favour out on them, O God.” Not exactly lyrical genius, but I felt a peace begin to settle on me as I sung those words. I started to pray for the women who had assaulted my mother and the man who had abused her so badly. Fast forward a week or two and I was at a big church event. During a time of worship and singing, I imagined myself visiting the man in jail (there is to be a court case against him for what he’s done), talking to him about God’s love. “How impossible! How can I do that?” I asked God, tearfully. And the reply I sensed was: “You can’t. But I can, through you.” It’s impossible. But I must trust God. If I am to lead a life of love, I have to trust God. I can do that.

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I imagined myself visiting the man in jail, talking to him

about God’s love


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From the blog of Jesus Fellowship pastor, Stuart Patnell.


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SACK living for the old, normal, natural things. The comfortable things. The predictable.

Sack living a this-is-how-it’s-always-been kind of life. An everyone-else-does-it-so-it-must-be-the-way-to-go kind of life. A norms-of-society-don’t-rock-the-boat-live-a-decent-life-get-a-job-have-a-family-buy-a-house-with-a-nice-little-dog-two-cars-and-a-beautifully-paved-drive-all-nicely-placed-in-the-middle-of-the-road kind of life. Sack that! Living for Jesus is about the never-seen-before, not the always-been-there; it’s a journey of discovery into what’s on its way, what’s coming in, what is destined to be. It’s about the new, not the old. And the good news of the New Testament is exactly that – news! The news, or new things, as spoken by and lived out by Jesus. The news, or new things, as freshly passed on to His disciples. The news, or new things, as startlingly endowed with power by the Holy Spirit. The strong, exciting, life-changing, brand spanking new things, fresh out of God’s exceptional, inimitable, omnifangled heart. And, in Christ, it’s available to anyone and everyone. Here’s a short burst of the kind of news I’m talking about: New birth (John 3:1-8); new wine (Matthew 9:16-17); new covenant (Luke 22:17-20); new creation (2 Corinthians 5:14-17); new humanity (Ephesians 2:14-16); new earth (2 Peter 3:11-13). Yes, as if heaven wasn’t enough, there’s a new earth on its way! And, of course, we mustn’t forget the new commandment either (John 13:34). Ah, it’s good to be in the news. JL

Stuart Patnell is a leader in the Jesus Fellowship and lives in a Christian community house in Coventry. He made a vow of

celibacy 13 years ago. He says, “I’m single and I love it. Living undivided.” READ HIS BLOG: single4jesus.blogspot.co.uk

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When I love God, I love

those He loves


Jesus Life34

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R S Jesus Life asks Olivia Scott

just four questions.

Why do you live on this estate when you could live in a nice country house?

Don’t rub it in! Sometimes the constant smell of weed and the barrage of bad language can get too much. On days like that I would love to live in a nice country house with a proper garden! But there’s need here, people to love.

Why live with so many people? With so many other people who love God! That’s the key; it would be a painful disaster if it wasn’t for our joint love for God. When I love God, I love those He loves (well, at least I give it a shot) and I want to be with them. And when people see that, hopefully they will see God.

What’s it like being a mother in community? When I was single, living in community meant “living with my friends”. Getting married was a whole different ball game. It got harder – and even harder when we had a family! We had to work out how to be a family inside another family. Our parenting skills (or lack of) are played out on a very public stage. Saying that, though, community is a great way of life for the children; their lives are jam-packed full of love and they get to learn pretty early on to think of others (still a way to go on that one though).

You’re 29. What do you want to be doing in 50 years time? To still be in God’s will. I want to be able to look back and smile, not hold onto bitterness and disappointments. I want my life to be like a snowball going downhill; not slowing down with age, but speeding up and gathering more momentum the closer I get to heaven. JL

Olivia, 29, is married to Stevo and has two children, Liberty, 4, and Eben, 2. She lives with twelve other people at Living Light, a Jesus Fellowship community house on a council estate in Northampton.


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Sevilla Orange Panel Shoulder

BELFAST Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 123 5552BirminghAm Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8153BLACKBUrn Hyndburn Christian Fellowship ............01706 222 401BLACKBUrn Rishton Christian Fellowship ...............01254 887 790BridgEnd The Bridge Community Church ...........01656 655 635BrighTon Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8151ChAThAm King’s Church Medway .......................... 01634 847 477CovEnTry Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8154gLoUCESTEr Living Word Fellowship ......................... 01452 506 474high WyComBE Church of Shalom ..................................01494 449 408KETTEring Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8157LEiCESTEr Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 644 9705LivErpooL Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8168London CEnTrAL Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8152

London n Glad Tidings Evangelical Church .........0208 245 9002London S Bible Life Family Ministries ..................07932 938 911London SE Ephratah Int’l Gospel Praise Centre ...0208 469 0047London SE Flaming Evangelical Ministries ...........01634 201 170London SE Glorious Revival Eagle Ministries ........0208 855 3087London SE Life For The World Christian Centre ...07956 840 002London SE Mission Together for Christ .................. 07737 475 731miLTon KEynES Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8159norThAmpTon Jesus Fellowship Church ......................0845 166 8161norWiCh Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8162oxFord Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8164rAmSEy hoLLoW (hUnTS) Christians United ....................................01487 815 528ShEFFiELd Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 166 8183SWAnSEA Jesus Fellowship Church .......................0845 123 5556

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Jesus Life www.jesus.org.uk36

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