Post on 15-Aug-2020

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Transcript of JILIBtfJ W. CMBI W ROOPMANN -...

W$tf QEamfeeii3®Mlp Jaoriifll.

Letters for OoL Kershaw's Regiment, on service inwilT-be'directed 'to",the person addressed,

Kershaw's Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, Rich§K^/

for Kershaw.has been appointed Coroner

Kcrsbuw District^anJ may be found at the storu

k Boswsix, when required to act in that

~ district Mfttlup.__

HaH| Tffe citizens of(Kershaw District are earnestly reBE^sIhclytRlc^ t0 meeffit Town TTall in Camden on Saturday

BflBfHf May 4th, to corwider and offoct the ways and moans [££ BhQ necessary fbrassTsting the immediate families of those

who hare-&5Iunteercd and are already in tbo service of

." Sureijr'ttw-y.citizen,'\vilh the instinct of patriotism."""' *- - -it *_ *i.:. o-t-ntoful anil indinnpnsihlwI-aBU VTIIL JS51SI IU WiJO^iuvvfvuuwv.

p. Kershaw Troop of Cavalry, Capt. E. B. Cxntey, one

f ofthe oldest in the State, having tendered their aeri"vices tortlie Governor, cither, as Caraliy or Infantry,I bare been accepted, and are to be attached to Col.

KEBS2ti)v's Regiment.'.maK* jhtthVompanies icsf'^luateeis-iin the

picdd 'frp^Sershaw- Ilistrict, out of a votiDg populationofjlOOCPjiuen. Beat it who can? Capt.'Cantex's

^company, will likely, leave by the List of the week.

\ ;

y Zouave Exercises.Mora.' C. Metzixh .Vax Eekelkx has recently visitBg&iteVtownand engaged in instnicting a class ofCaRbtsSfeloriging

to Mr. Peck's School, in the new and

F very efficient Zouave Brill.

h^Sfiie Cadets are improving rapidly, and are dostinedtheir already admirable attainments this

IpRjBrnilitnry improvementp^&ons. Van E. has also instructed one or two classes

BgSjgp broad sword exercises, He is an accomhfVsd teacher., %_

[ ;~e.roro much gre tidedis? grasp theliands ofsever\r,ifc.'j««rv>vnlimtoer£. on d' brief furlourfj visjt to tlwir

i :. W. Z. LEixxiir..the C harleston Meicury had

WS&j -Lsitneh, ought to correct it.and Lieut. AY".

SS; also several fliers, among whom we are

privates t T. Davis, J. il. Riddle,

ATT3,;all in..'excc3ent health. and spirits,* .'jo Lave left for tlic scat.pf war.

IfZo e I ii tec

The TlnVRock Gnurds,- of this District, under com-

ianebpf Capt. C. C. Hatle, and^Lancaster Invinciblcs,int. A. McMaxcs.' having nobly and promptly re!;Amdedto the call of Col. Kershaw, arrived in town

<yli-Sunday afternoon, er» route for Virginia.S- They were met at llobkirk-liill .by" Col L'jfanrw.

^'ttend^by Capt J. I. ViLLilriGl-^ of his

v -At Laurens square theyVbcarfQttt bya large numBcrr.vif and tlie hosuitalities ofthoTf>wr»s^jj^c-

^SISSjR'- teadgd-by the iftcndaor, Tno.Sna&WpnB "W^CTnwftDiB8'..were

'''Z'iPPv .^-'fe 21!'-" ^ iMH «**«» Sw$^i>eti rank, and nlok

H fpi, v»i_r'r> i' ,-, \. JaW" ; RMS!KB Uiet.atRouk buarusaro officered by *.JB9ttiraSlIfiEa

gmC C. Bsii^i C'Bpt?.iii,> ^PBhr'''' "f

M1 X J" tt-OT.'latLifcutenant,- ^jS' J.'K'rgf T. ll.CASTE^^I^enant,»^ Yi^MJp^diientenant, W

T^iese are-tjv.e wide companies, with Tory few ox

ceptiousjflK^u:^ and active.m^n, eager for a place inR -v.tho'pictnrc, and ready to strike effectively, for tbo doI

1$s$§sg^*4^.I coudoci, v>ith B>e morning cars for Wilmington. TheyIuere ^eompanicd by CpLKzasiuir and a portion of

I his Staff.Capt J.v.s. L rffctn-JOCT* Commissary, Rev.X--Z-iteWTAEmR Chdnloiix Cant ^WrVr.nrv^^nt.ComjnL^n-/.flnd;S2?u^i'ids, JJessts. Tobyend Hardy.A large number or citizens accompanied thero to tjio

Pepot, and araid the load ringing h.nzztis of tlieir friends

flic'oti* of anion'.. ' ' P^,'jOur: Volniiteers,

Ve luve never hod greater cause pride and grot- ^ifleaticn tbau at present, at the,course which ourgal-' jj jyj'lant volunteers. have purswdgm obeying, -with unpar- ;j;"alleled"promptness, the OJ«B*;^aU oftbo State for jIThe Camden Tolraten^'^^EsKSBDT, on duty. VV.' 3

at HorrisIslaDd, «ben tl»e-request was made for IVel- f. F... .nrnteers to go to Virginia, came'noble ibng^^Kttft- ^ jj

adurintiioii from all. ^ jrThoPcKalb Rtfio Guards.' Capt T: L."BOYKLY,'had patHc^rohriitcered their, renricax. 'and- held tbJfcselves in J. T.

readiness to march at any.call, bad*the opportunity on p.- J..Monday evening last of wcWriting their gallantly and Georg;nqblo devotion to their State snd country. .Summoned J. R. Jon Monday evening, they assembled '.their Company J. H.-jand left on Tuesday night,^ftger for a place in'the. E. T.

"mcttire. Thyitizens gave'^fot-'a capital sopper be- R, L.fore they left, at tfco DeKal^House, land they were li. B..

- £aq_ who bade them rtmemtorD̂- Gra

rights and liberties, wooM prove wot^^thar noble Ir'heritage; nut!. before tlieir banner would bo-allowed to ^

etaiwr^ and eveipr ^ ^Rxca

ccmplinient which bud^gn paid th^^toireturned ^on^cn"**Sjtheir-gratefal appreciation ofyje conrtesira^ndhospi-: 1S

taiitle^witendcd by. their feU^-<ati2en8,-^Bjni<iiug' T'ell ancthat- tiicy would-die rather than^wWnJcJrom tbejSS^ jfigiigneclbrmance ol any duty,.bo that duty whatht-xnay. vyicAlargo number of Qtireilusns ucconip'antedSbem to

' the Depot, and"at J o'clock thev left, amid U1<^.^- hnzzas find cheering oi the citizens. v'v?f

On "^"ednesday at noon another dlbsehnien^ under tllte-Api':command of Lieut. Wv. Clydcus and Sergt. U. P. cm ConpossEY, left, wUKthe ''old flag'' borne in Hexi6tr-£oat- jt ;s s

ing pro^/n the breeze. X ft|f the rAsotherf-detnchmentleft on Saturday, in charge of. .

IJenta.'Leitser and DePass, of the Camden "Void#- rnunc

toers, which will join their comrades at Richmond.A. complete list of the officers and men will be pub-.

liglied as soon as it can "be obtained.»

-Hop. A. II. Eovkis accompanied the Guards'to Omah

r *


C0M1UW1CATMS. THonor to It'hum Houor is Due.

Our town and district are under great obligations to 1

Mr. J. X. wttherspoox, £r bis unwearied attenUou, 1by night and by day, to the Telegraph office.thereby j

enabling us to get the news at the earliest moment.

His courtesy mid patience in answering the thousandquestions which are hourly pressed upon him, demandat least our thanks and hearty appreciation.

One "Who cax Appreciate a Favor:

Mr. Editor:.Old Kershaw has manfully done her

_cluty, already. The Bight Infantry, the DeKalb Guards,and the Flat Rock Guards, are upon the soil of the

"Old Dominion," and before the close ofthe week the JKersliaw Cavalry (after in vaiu trying to ride into service,

all winter, and now having dismounted from their jloved steeds) will march as Iufantiy to the bristlingborder.Four Companies from one little Regiment.Dearly

one-half of the effective men oftho District.have volunteeredfor Virginia. "We regret it not "Wo rejoice in

the enlarged patriotism which so promptly tenders aid 1

to our new but greatly valued sister; and we rcjoico in (

-theintelligence which perceives that a How struck for

Virginia is a blow for our own homes. KershawDistricthas responded nobly. But all is not yet done; '

.the mili'dh/ men of the District have mostly gone, but.wehave as good material left, which may be needed-'at home or abroad before this war is over, but it needs ,

organization and military education. Lot mo urge,then, the citizens of- eacli precinct in the District to

form militaiy companies, mostly of minute men, and

rto persist in thorough preparation ibr service, combiningwith their duties a rigid police.

The companies will not only be of use at home now,

but will furnish tlio material for other volunteer companies,if the county needs them. Wlrile with iboso.

fccmpauies organized and systematized, our District

couldjet, if needs be, spare other companies with per-feet safety to its interests. CAMDEN.

Home Gunrda.Mb. Editor :.In common with inanyofthe citizens ^

of Cntcden, I highly* pprfciato the laudable effort

which is being made to organize ^and drill a Home

Guard.Many of our jottng men arc now In active service,

and most of the others ore daily expecting to be called jaway.so that we are,or soon will be, without any

military organization iarthe town.

Now, I nrn not one who thinks there is the least '

danger or insecurity at home; yet, there are those 1

who do feel an uneasiness, and who are entitled to our 1

consideration and protection. I refer to our wives and

daughters.many ofwhom, like the mothers oftheolden

time," have said to their sons, "Go fight the battiest^ Ayour country, and return not till victoriousS-. ^

Fellow-citizens, can we who remain neglect any pre.u..c,.!:.', .rcaution or provision wnicn can uuu w iuuv ikhub w» jsecurity and safety which is 60 necessary to the.liappiuess

of those depending upon us ? I trust not The' jmere fact of such a company being in existence, ready- ]to assemble at a moment's warning, will have a greatinfluenca on all classes. The admirable police systemwhich we have adopted, supported aud backedby sucf£a military o^gtmizatiori'ns this, will, in niy opinion, af- iford a better protection and a stronger-feeling of so- y

curity .than, perhaps, is secured in*atTy dtlfertown in £the .State. 'Can, there not be found one hundred men

in*tD£towxyD^xianiden, who nre'willing to dovote -one -j7«5ia$& the' evening, once or twice a monljifW this

purpose^Stlnless'iy* have greatl^^uistaken the selfFacrifictng'anci.upbledisposition of our townsmen, this

movement wilkoteet with-encourajjep^ilf^iid support ifipm-on-*- >*., frj&g&tinimL "

in i i ii ji id i

^^ Keellaneous.

y&8gSB%5gBrr_^a^._;/.,- rxBT *""'-* ' ',%> 1011 uf&cvry qaen


W. L. DePASS, Third Lieutenant. NavyE. NILES, First Sergeant. t AJ. J. McKAIN, Second-Sergeant. (WasJ. D. DUNLAP, Third Sergeant pressiJ. L. IIAJLE, Fourth Sergeant. .ouViOlJ. J. PRAKEFORD, Fifth Serjeant.;A. NILES, First Corporai.U. G. McELAGEN, Second-Corporal. AB. HONNET, Third Corporal. MoW.C.DUTTON,'Fourth Corporal. rc!i^>J. P. BOSWELL, Fifth Corporal. or Ba<J. A. PERRY, Sixth Corporal. took, o

privates. citizenVAHen; M. L. LeiDmond, f°rtsv.Allen, James Mcititosh,.'Arrants, Joel McMillan,?a-i t. w v,^irauvb, vv. r. xucAagen,*Barnc?,S. B. Meares, 't.

. Bear, J.P.Mickle, .

Beaver, D. J. Middleton.: *Ion n"

Brasnjgton, C. P." Miles, were s

Brown, M. W. Morrison, reply l3owcn, Gebrgo Nelson, Six iBoykin, Hiram Nettles, a\t1.'Bnliock. Jesse Nettles,impbell, | William Barker, soou tc

Crump, J C.J. Pegues,' Inde& Cusick, I R. U. Pegneg, . cd on tDavis, 1 J. li. PicVett, .

n 'n. T w TX.I1. ?: b<? -twc.g,».-«*< ** »» tknt Sti Evans, T. W.-Pope,

Ferrel, R- "W. Proctor,Franqis, J.M. Riddle,Gardner, R. F. Small, . TjieGerald, John Smith, lowingGibson, W. "W*. Stokes, ment oli. Glenn, B. R. Stmwbndge, :i,nrVFtham, Jam'cs|tuart,Iraliam,John loam,liaison,

W-... mmm ,:is55' SST" <& >

icGraud, " W. II. Wright.. cornmim

tempted,News from Virginia.. menfgo

imond, Aprii 25..Propositions of-poaco, an<' ar"

crstood, are coming fromXincoln and his -blown "

» through third parties to the Virginia' ?itjtiori. macliijicbelieved that Judges Taney, Camp- ',u'r3' Wi

Wayne, of the Supreme Bench, have 11P Ht 1

j.roundedPresident Stephens. leaves to-morrow martial h

; for Montgomery. ; position i

Pbumiissioners have been appointed bv t'Je Dcx'

Liuia.0%ention1 to-day, to the South- ^ (

tated here, on^Veiinble authority, that *'Ut>ubiic b'.hidings in Washington are un-

a"t'CCIS r

d, readyteLbc blown up.o c oc c

^(^harlesioii Mercury. ^n' r^from Nebraska. oi tl

f. X. T., April 20.-fce .Nebraskaitea, cit>\ 'ncl

to-day, the stcamer^Shwa/f?,'' and PU^'IC ,r)C

that boat ahould not remove the l'0n was.om Fort Randall.-.- A difficulty ensued, W0^four,were killed and a nomber wound-"^cat-returned; to Fort Randatt?^ .

Mtrcury. Henry iiTht \iiar^r^^W^gt. f ^!1Pta^, 1

a rriv c d' h ersJusf J'cs^(j a-vr


From llie Seat of War.Alexandria, April 29..It was rumored in

Baltimore yesterday that the U. S. Governnent had 6ent workmen across the SusquemnnaRiver, under the protection of infantry,;o reconstruct the destroyed bridges over Gunpowder

and Bush Rivers. The repairs are

.aid to be for the forwarding of the mails 011y-

The military route via Perrysville and Annapolisis deemed sufficient for the troops.

It is believed that the Legislature of Marvandwill not have a quorum to-day at Frediricksburg.

Fortress Monroe is said to contain 2000 ar.illerymen.

A. large schooner from New York, ladenwith military stores, was brought to and seizedpy Fortress Monroe.The force of Federal troops now conccn:ratedat Annapolis, at last accounts was 10,100.A large number of Northern troops are on

lie Pennsylvania line, nearly ready to move.

Alexandria, April 'iv..11 is reported mat

Scneral Harney was "captured at Harper's Ferry,and' sent to Richmond.General Hutler's Regiment from Massachusettslias arrived at Washington.Several Soutliarners have been arrested at

Washington. They will he released on promiseto quit the city.f -^e greatest excitement and consternationprevails among the citizens of'Washington,many of whom are leaving for the South.The Deigbts at Georgetown! have been

jarrisoiied by Federal troops.More troops are expected at Annapolis from

:he North.Tbp tone of the Northern Press is more do

fiant and insulting to the South than ever,

Alexandria, Ya., April 24..The secession

eeling is strong at this point.The state of public affairs engrosses all attention,

and'business is almost entirely suspend:d.Provisions arc scarce, and floiy; bas advanced.".Charleston Mercury. . .

mttEBm:. .

From Washington.^Alexandria, Va., April 28..Four vessels.;w\o'war steamers and two. transports.passedu]) the Potomac this morning, with northern:roops."' Governor Hicks, of Maryland, has issued a

proclamation recommending that State to ocJnpya neutral position.

[Gov. Hicks ought to he lmng..Ed. Jour.]The steamer Adelaide, of the Norfolk line

was fired at by the Harriet Lane, on Fridaynight, oft" Rappahannock, in Chesapeake Bay.The Adelaide was hoarded, and then allowed

tp^prateed..-Citizens who are suspected of sympathizing

with the South are still being compelled to leave

Washington. JA large quantny-of shell has bqen landed

at Fort Washington hy the Lincoln government.«


Jfco persons have been arreted and are

tlj {baked npen v it. >. 1sf . »<v mi-SIstrntfon.'pas;

ie 71.-t New York regiment, quartered at suj(,'ucatipn Ha!i revolted on account cf their Qjuartcrs, and had to be "removed to the troqYard.mam named Boyd was shot on the Island Fftmgton) by two men on account of ex- is inlig Southern .sentiments, fie was ended andf his beef at niidnighVnnd shot. pnrs<

\ Southern Guardian will'

be Lincoln StealingXegroe.*. qiiexTGOUKavy Ajn il 28..Itis reported ..on pr,,ve authorityYhat thc.governiucnt steam'lietouched 'bust week at ,Tottngas, and Itft twenty-two. negroes belonging to the Just.iiiin Florida. The ncgros worked about hay&Nothing of interest from PersacolaV* the w

Southern G-uardian. const'

XhThe Fcnlius; in Missouri. [iann(

iNGTox, Mo^'-Apfil 23..At the Scccseetingheldhere on Saturday, resolutionsidopted, tluutking the-Governor for his j^II(]t>President Lincoln.Military companies havo been formed.nion flag was hoisted tir-day, but it was'irn down. Dint

tlio 61 ^;pendence, Mo., April2.4.It is report- jjjin^he Upper Missouri that there will soon ofjtevcmtv thpusnnd troops ready to defend .W;^Vf.',ate against invasion. in wind

Charleston Mercury, gg- . " 'made a!

E-AR'peii's Fer*y AieXir..Tlie'fol- Miaous.A tber. ais communicated to us-asa^orrcct stiite- ]astin(.' the taking of the Federal post ip liar- ilo,e°1 -A Chr -c. ('rry:- Church,.'Cramp,, special aid ot tho Governor, Her pin

iff ^

there'lie ordered, .the Jefferson Regi'.-SCC>-Ttxicn,and Gapt. Ashby's troops of '""Thou"to surround'the town aiid cut off.nll i!<

ication, and if a.reinforcement was at- "Whento burn thc bridgA r 'Wben the retri- pl

t to the edge of tlic-Iown, the arsenallory, containing 14,000 gun.", were -p-|,er,p, and the carpenter shop set on fire. diZens, saved 4000 improved arms; tljeshops did not take fire, and the niacli- SPis saved. The Virginia flag wns run

!. o'clock at night. Col. Crump surtlietown with picket guards, declareduv in the place, and remained in that G3TT1liiti) the rear guard arrived, about dnv ,°' * the Gin omorning."


April 2Jol. Gregg's Rkoimext..We learn1st Regiment of South Carolina Yol

encbcdWilmingtih''at half-past ten Th1

°. m, monthly})m Tuesday morning. I lie citizens , jt ISwereout en masse to receive them. be

ikfasted at the Railroad Hotel, sev- jn thet-or}le'raost prominent gentlemen of the unless 'heuding Judges, Solicitor and other shall be s£n, waiting on the table. The rcccp °[color w

his or norof the mpst extravagant kind. All,n ^e m- jand in gooiLspirits.-- C

Charleston Mercury. IT IS I.' Ordiiiance

.L'NTEER FR01I FORT SUMTER. Mr. within theonle,-'o£ IJaltimore, wio.-was clerk to nijdit," willfoster,"of the' United*States Army, wilUie allc

siege of Fort Sumter^ arrived' homeandjinmedintel^m'ollct] himself in

Alexanduja, J^nrwcr^Mb}; vrg on FriMarylnndconvened at'F^^Wggiri ^8 niosday.On Saturday Gov. jEjMfcgjj^^festlyentertain the ecmvictionTuW^M fpositionMaryland lies, in preserving n^g lid of thebetween our brethren of the S' M

Tli/ message was lecei^P ^ jfaryland,adopted an address to the po<i^ an ;IC^stating that .the Legislature vvi^ people deof

secession, but it they boliev^ ,,'ufyy 0f (]e_sire it, they will give them iiiLTa J^tin}*.clarii'g for themselves the#' foil. a pr0It

is reported that 5 blockadecinmalion to-morrow, extending bniinodore 11

to Virginia and North Carojiii/, y'0ct;Kliug ISlrinrrliHin will command ttsquadron. % h s ^i.ai theThe Brazilian^*Mi«fetcr ^^ftde,three montli"-'' nbfofc.Qf.ri^nli; given |j0_

required hv the law otVnpT|pfore the blockade goinWashingSeveralworkmen are ^t^v'^Rthesecessionton for suspected counecti£ 1

movements. ^nited StatesAlexandria, Apii^^jsj^yn jn-great

troops arc pouring into*^®^"numbers without hindraiMB yf jMarv]atid,

It is reported that Goy^^fc^has resigned. JRhHll and must;Old Frank Blair,says jier j-_

be a free State, if every wli^Htiers has to Ik; destroyed.^®; drilling, andThe troops here ar$^K_preparingfor any <*mer^0fcTng t]|e C;|pi.The Northern troo^um^ alu| greastolvery ranch, n:ntiintiigvM|cr(.d in fivc of

ing the walls.. They J^tpitol.the Committee KooinFjK^ VCfiter(]ayjA gentleman from «Bt},ere; ti,at thc

says there are.l5,OOO^Bj]jjg,.nt|j, fortifi.Georgetown Hraj^Jt^B^B^|(jjng3 arc nn.pd. and that all.... ...

g»dcrmmed. is,members of theThe families o\ arc all to he

Cabinet Iiave allclosed.

_ Pig between hereThe steamers are still rig r'v-ll0

and Washington, but tlicjj jj^DEXTraOMoca o\\ n cofo .lialncv was ar.Ricumond, April 28-Virginia army,rested by Gen. Oiiyn^Mrrv> °jjc was on

now.cdinmandingTi^^^rdcrg JJe CllincLis way to \Y ashingtoi) { ;r I(|| es(.01.^ COniwillinglyto Richmond, of tll0 Virginiaposed of the following" cl 3>a'tl011j Captainsarmy ; Major^Tl^jgj i^l.all-the latKennedv,Jlflwday, Staff, comtergentleman, of Majorf/I*.mife^teC5CO,t' /#»y.C!ov. Letcher(^MOBriva! and by the

and. his^^mcil held uk^Fnud Commanderadvice of Gun. KoW^- 0f war.

ilaiiry, rclea&l the^jBs Southern sentiGeneralllarney^lH^jngtyn to-morrowments. lie jl(. wj|l imniediandis firmlyately resign. are stj]| |,er£ ,aH

3. lie South |<!:morrow but

bom baitimo^pj"5 ci|y of baltimorea comiti(jn one-liunclivri ihoiisof

I iffii-'litV'gMCTf'ATics. Gov. IlicJkS in

Jesiji^^icf^kiilire ..comiuniiitjh j"*authority tlir.t CJj.icf: £iVr Stiprcmo Judges.! ^UiMisli anaddress tp j Q"coin's policy as mi- j N

olonmc mid Kappa- ^ycd. iiTcinrv Cameron liasi. mission of some


near Canrdon. S. C., inJlAitv R, wife of Dr.

iifljor-WfllU .TVbitnkor. I -*

iflowed by Tier Creatorer tn adorn the sphere ^

.Modest and domesundwhich heraffecillness,and which she * j\rtues Sl^o was a ju- \il and afleetionato mo- ]stress, a sincere and



ho professed -fkifh in "Vrith the Presbyterian -J-*c-h she lived mid. died. .«

Irnsivo. She felt the .

ripi simple Until upon-hrifit for pardon nud r

istrcssing illness with*

boufcn groan, without "

p in. Jesus. Sul7 desires to.imfnlcre purupon record an hum- fr,-elays down his pen. yjbut 'twere wrong- to

thy gu-i rdian and

and soon will restore '^°ve nice, .atra^v-,oe,> deatbUiaa^^*'*!'11®. 8'uce tl'° 'Saviour has

.'.''l'.^^P' «

ECidt: yOTIGES. %Bniik:*'f Csiimlci'i, S. C.,

,r*| 221) April, ]sgi. J Jic Annual "Mj^P'ttH,fropll,t' Stockholders of this

1 be iieliVat/jj^P0 Biinkiojr IIouso on J/OSDA Y /~

1 MayV °'clocI< a. :n. V^.

3.td. A Cashier.

i,iau»L notice. j t

c legislating*-,,nvinP Pro>«»bilt-d the giving of i f(')r'ositf tosljf^^**- &*' '


UEiiEBTpKM^r-KFI'. Tlint the ;£:o must lore

observe^tl,nt 1,0 Pe,mit t0 If with- \VrHttt.Jirg"u.7i«R|1,10 Town will be recognized, "'

Vmi'andf'r^Bfr"r "'h'cl' porm'sxion is givened; anfl no "!nve ?r person

illw'tl,or without n permit from Aot an uni'etuonabU knur ^

it unlosttajH. bo u CiS0 of" ''"porative neeessi- "j.'URTUEf! 0itI)ERFI) by Council, Tluit the

firi"'5' °rK"n'"']li<!t0,s- ,tc | Pj^.cofpdroje^^^K1 lb' oft',e Town, especially .-it: 'J"jbe RIGI^Bt' YhNF0RCED' and no tiring tjf.,

)wq<1 c.^dP1' ''T I'10 s])ecijil pei mission of tho give1 Kvo,T citizen is interested-in lar)

that all wi.'i interest them- p-'n

elnc' tlwt is st' icl!- °he>Jc(l- f?





Spring and Sninmer

\\TE rXVITE THE ATTENTIONV T of our iricDds und tlie public generally to our

stock of


GOO^p"Vi'hicli is con pieto in VcfiOTi^"nc1ios.


Flour, Fa con, Lard & HamsI^ORSALE BY1 April 30. .VicCURKY a. EAMM b'USLOGGIL

Corn and Kay.IX quantities to suit purchasers, at


PERSONS In,villi.' professional business with thefirm of Kershaw ,fc Davis, will call on Win. M.

Shannon, who will uike pleasure in attending, in theirbehalf, to their engagements. April 30.

LEAF LARD.-A choice article just receivedand for sale low for cos/i, by

april30 GAYLE k YOUNG.


Groceries, Provisions,&c.,


Sugars.\ B., and Stewart's C., New Orleans do., in Illid.s.

-Tjl and Barrels, for sale low lor caxh, bynpril30 GAYLE ,t YOUNG.

not?cFs~CtOL. WARREN is my authorized Agent during

/ my absence from the Stato.april 30. E. J. MEYXAKDIE.

Notice.I HEREBY constitute anil appoint Pol. Thomas J.

Warren as my legal attorney and Agent to transactall my financial, or other business, and to signmy name when necessary,, cither in Bank or otherwise.durimr tnv nbsence from the State.Mr. Johnson, nn cxpertynced Druggist, will superintendllie business at the store,iiprii30. JOHN J. McKAIN.

Third Notice.SOMK Imve told nie bad I notified them, liioy could

have paid me The Journal will prove nearly allthis year tliej' have been notified: but probably theylliink I paid Col. Warren just C>r the fun of it. Now,those who owe nic for last ye>r will please pay whenthey see this third notice, especially those who havequit trading with me. Tito amounts due mo uro small,and could he paid almost any.nionth.

I oD'er for sale for cash on delivery,Fiour and Bacon, Lard ant)Hams, Sugar and Codec.

1 also SeepTobacco and Cigars, Srtmkihg Tobacco and Pipes,Candy in great variety, Nir.s. Lemons, kc., Ac.''oinmoti Shoes and.Dry Goods; Rice and Molasses;Tin, Jug and Jar Wure; I'pwdcr and Shot.Also, quite a variety of ifcriuetically Sealed Fruits.

Fish and I1 reserves; andimnjt articles-found m a fancy

1 l./i-e anJ bot^iiid legs white. The owner cantve him by paying Cor this a.ivertisfcineiu.April 30. /, | '


Wanted to Hire, '>>Y the year or month, a man, 113 Ooariiman andJWagotior CTdo-d wages, to lie paid punctually'.

PAUL TKAPIKU.Kirlcwood," Aprii».*!0, 1SG1. 17-tf.


X yhole and hair BbIs;also»?n Kits, for sale lowfor cash, by g GAYI.E A YOUNG. C

-.r.'~r-.. v ''J.'., k,X^iverpooi Salt IJf dtmhlc-tvviiksfe.e.'miless Sacks, low for csh\ bv.njiril 50 * | GAYLTJ A Y0 l?X G. ,

L&uJSLOJS.t;AXr. H. COLL&S' Superior Axes, for sale low for ,J.) caslf.hr GA YLIi A YOUXG.^ ®

1 FADES and SHOYKLS, for sale low for cash by te5 opriL 30 GAYLK A .YOUNG. el

Cigars.IOUNT VErSoX, Colorado. Maduro, Oscuro, A

Rio Hondo and Plantation Cigars, for sale lowcash,-by: *" § G A YLE A YOUNG.~~

'^iEA.-ST. ;*" I

7GRTH HIYKGrahd Eastern flay. for sale low for atS cash. by ( G.vYLK'A YOUNG.

"^"'Icoen; ,

>UB1IELS ..^just received and for sale low forJ cash, by £ G. YLE A YOUXG. '

|MoIasses. '


7ETT ORLEANS MOLASSES, in whole and l.alf 1^ Barrels, for stiio low for cash, by Cmipril 30 J GAYLK k YOUNG. lej


1R. -J: S. DKPiss will net as my Agent during 'J11my absence Ironi the State. " Fipril305 VT. L. DePASS. ed

JJotiice. Es

IR. S. C. CLY^UHN will act as my Agent duringmy absence from the State,

ipril 30 i '

T. J. CLYBURN. tini __i DfPUBilC MEETING. kil

^z7~A meeting bf the citizens of Grannis Quarterit No. -4. wiU.be. held at their IIuster Ground on

urdny Afternoon. May 12th. at 3 o'clock, for the

pose of fomiingjn Company of Home Guards All jnLndly to the can* are earnestly and respectfully in- leystl to attend. | April 23.2t. at~ ~

Notice.(ICRSOXS indebted tome for Professional Services.

will find thcirtjotes and accounts iu tlio hands ot

sepli W. Doby, Esq., at the Brunch Bank.Vpril 1G. i T. W. SALMONI), M. D. citi

I. « ,

DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.[T53E Bond's die me. as Administrator of John ®v<

llv, deed., have -|en placed in the Bands ofWin. M. t'icunion for collection. Arrangements for the installingpast due musebe made at an early uny. 1101

'ersons having (jjims on the estates, or on me as

ininistrator. will Resent them to Mr. Shannon.Vpril 13.tf J. ROSS L»YE, Admr.

NOTICE.<0L THOMAS WARREN is authorized to act -L1 as my oQicful Atelit during my nlisencc. cryiprll 10 * E K. SILL, S. K. D. daj

t FeiNOTICE. *<"

LL Guardians. Tiiistees, Ac., who arc. 1>j* law, re- ovjl quired to tu-eo&it annually to tlie Court of Equity to|,Kershaw Disi ric^ S. C.. will please lile their re- CU|.is with the Coiit-iissinner of said Court, on or beitie first day of Mt.y next. _!lonitnissioucr's oflie. April 12th, A. D. 1861.|ini lit.. id |\M. I'.. TAYLPII, C. E. K D


Cologne "Water. ^MOST I.iELIi>If' KTJL ART.CLE, SUPERIOR np,

t to i'-.tj tiling «;l ll,e kind in this market, andvery cheap in pint ur quart bottles. 9lal

'or sale o> ! '. I,. ZKMP.

Instruction. --ps^nr,-M'A V'ROEi'iSSOR OF TUK^fPimio-i^ .'.a'Af r.piii;', will by happy to - Jit J are. vivo Pupils iVing Ihe Summer vnea.Si.e undertakes the eil .fvation ofthe Voice, and

instruetion in Vocal Xluihl (both seered and seen- 1111

in the Italian, French, iUruiau dud Huffish Lan '"-,r

ge.s. | STerms porlWuarter. pfxtiiN'i I ...$25J^|iavc-Fohtk. j


their NEW STOCK of

syyi ¥ am

CONSISTINGBlack and Colored Silk?, Bareges, Bomb}

limits, and Calicoes, Curtain Goods a

description. Mantelets, Lace PointFlats, and Parasols, of tlie latest*

Boots and Shot_-G&. Hl_

Groceries, Hardware, (]Kltirgj Window Shi

The above. GOODS have been selected w

Figures, for CASII. and to punctual payers.CAMDEN. SO. CA..April 9,.tf.



sx fokji,May be laid to-day at THIS OFFICE. Price 25

cents, CASH. * April 23.

M1S. BABIEf"HAS opened, next door North of the Branch Bank,


Misses' and Cliildrens' Flats.Ac., of the latest fashion.

Bridal OrdersFilled nt tl.c shortest notice.

rsy'l'he patronage of the Ladies of Camden andvicinity, is respectfully solicited.

April 13. tf.

Kershaw.-In Equity.Mary Jane Bask'in, vs. Bill. Daniel P. ilhhaffcy,

Trustee, et. al.

J N pursuance of an order passed in above stated case,J. (Bill.) at chambers, I will offer for sale at publicout-cry,'before the Court House door in Camden. S. C.,on the first Monday in May next, at 12 o'clock, if.,the following named Negro slaves. To-wit:

William, Mary, Nancy, Charlotte, Jim, and an InfantTerms..So much cash as will pay the costs ofproceedings mid. costs of sale, and the sum of OnoHundred Dollars, to complainant. The balance on a

credit of one, two and tlire-> years, to be secured byBond, with at least two go.*! m: dies. and a Mortgagoof the property. I'tuelr s-.-r to pay for papers

Commissioner* OP.'u-o. i u if. R TAYLOR,April9th, A. D. ltl-fl. )' C. K. K.I).

Caution.I Forbid all persons employing my boy.POMPtlY,

without a written permit, and the terms given inperson or writing to i;k- or \\". Wallace.

A^ril r.,.tf S. Y. WO ifKMAN.

Ksn'ucky Elue Grass Seed.

HEIfl'S Crass See*I.White Clover .Seed.

April P..if. For sale by JOHN J. McKAIN.

April 1C. WrXNl^CI*Ol

Hax^aiia, Sesars.rlE Subscriber 1ms just opened.8 select Stock of

Genuine Havana Scpus, of die following Brands:southern confederacy,Mount vernon, ) ,nxn, nmanola, j L0*D-°punch.

April 9,. *, J. J McKAIN.

^PIUXG Clothine, Hats, kc., just opened at theJ '-Old Corner." .

April'9,. E. IV. BONNEY.

I "otice.r WOULD most earnestly request all persons indobtL"cd to'nie liy open- book-account to settle the samer cash, and if that is impracticable, they will pleasoill and close their accounts by note. My personaljscnce from business demailds attention to this matr,and persons would confer a favor by immediatelyosinp their-accounts by note.April 23. JOHN J. McKAIN.'t LOT of Superior Bread Corn for sale at the "old\ corner.'' Terms cash. . E. W. BONNEY.

BeKalb House Cmnibus.3 AS.^i'iXOKRS will be conveyed to and from the

Dcdoi at shortcs; notice by leaving their ordersthe office of tne Hotel.NO D/SArFOlNTMENTNEED BEFEARED OFKING LEFTIN '/HE MORNING.April'13 W P. HARRIS.

SHERIFF SALES._>Y virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fit, to me directed,J I will offer for sale before tne. Court House iurmden, on the first Monday in "May next, within the;al hours of.stile, tho following property, to-wit:One tract of Land, containing two litindred acres,)re or less, situated in the District of Kershaw, upofie waters of Dig BulValoe.Creek, adjoining lands of S.Clyburn, James Cato, and Henry Mothershcad. levionas the property ofJames Estridge, at the suit ofm W. Winchester, W.- Mungo, et al, vs. Jamestridgo. .

Alio,One Negro Woman and ODe Negr.. Boy, levied on as

j property of John McCaskill. at the suit of Jamesinlnp, A. M. & R. Kennedv, et al. vs. John McCas1.

A No,Ono tract ofLnnd, containing two hundred and scvty-flveacres, more or less, situated in the District ofirshaw, on- the waters of Big Lynches Creek, adjoin- .

r lands of Charity Hough, Brian King. Charles Ra .et al., levied on as the property of Betij Hough,the suit of K. J Stokes, pro al., vs. Benj. Hough.April 12S.td 15. E\ SIDE?. K. 1)


TH E-i subscriber would respectfully inform theizens of Camden aud vicinity that he is prepared tonish them with 1

Fresh lircad nii<| Cake*;ry uny, ui iiisxautcry uh jjiu.ui-aui-i-i, juuuiauiwif

Market, c

Drdcrs for anything iu his lino lillcil at tlie shortest |;icb. |

Gi ORCiK A. WI1ITK.April 13.tf ' c

T^MIKISTRATORTrSALR J> Y'permission of William M. Bullock, Ordinary for s

} Kershaw District, S; C.t I will sell at public ont ,before tho Court House in Cnnideu, on the 4th; of May next, the following property to wit: Twoither Beds, belonging 'to the Estate of Martin Wili,deceased.VKJIJIS.All sums of and under live dollars, cash :

>r that amount, on a credit until the first day of Oe- j,er next, purchasers giving note and two good settles.interestfrom day of saleApril 16..td. JOEL WIL OK, Admr.


Notiee. .,

2gT*Tho immediate families of the Kershaw Volun- r

s now in service, in need, may call upon tin under- c

ned for help Certificates setting forth the fact thatilicants arc entitled, will bo required in every in- siice. tl

W. K. IICGHSOX,tpril 13.tf . Sec. Coin, l'oor K. D. J

I'tuliioiialilc Dre** .Tlriliiiijj. n


lies of Camden and viciuity, that she is prepared to

<e dressesTmantles, and eiouks, in the neatest manandmost fashionable style. > tl

he nutv he found nt Mr. Fukitac's, next to tho" |i|^ Bc, where slio will bo happy to wait on those

^Kivour her with a call.


IN PART OFizine, Alapaccas, Muslins, Ginghams, BiilindEmbroideries, White Goods of everys, and Dusters, Iloopskiru, Bonnets,,style. Ready made Clothing, Hats,.;s, for Men and Boys.,i^s»GLI2>9

rockery and Gooperware.ides and Wall Paper,itli great care, alio' will be sold at very LOW*







Agents for Wl:ilc!i>ck & Co.'*Super Phosphate of Lime.

c. a. geaeser. a. sydney smith.

references: /'~tCol. Tiio. J. W.ututx,Cnpt. Emanuel Pardee,joun J. McKaIX, Ejq. 4

April 0..tt;'


Homfe*Manufacture,The subscriber would call tiie attcationof the public to the following preparationsof liiiT own Manufacture, and which aie warranted to

he all they are represented to he.

Eaume de Vie, cr Balsam of Life,For Purifying the Eleod, Dyspepsia and Sick Head.

ache, &c.Cordial Elixir Calisaya Bark,

A pleasant Tonic, containing all the virtues of PeruvianDark. '

COUCM 323XTUKE, /.A sovereign remedy for Coughs. Colds, Ac. ~~j|

Aromatic Touic Bitters, JHAre of the most pleasant Tonic known, and ndinirn-. Jb9

h1y a dapted to relieve the languor produced by the ap-proachof warm wcorher.Ali the above are prepared and sold hy

J. Ji 1Y>cKAll;, Camden, So. C*. 1April 2,. tf. ' K Jj

Horses for Sale. ^||' Jan. S.T OFFICE.

IN a great variety of size i and Ionic nide.just re-»J ceived'at "the "Oiil Corner" j*|

AKOTHERJilGllf. ' ®AND A GOOD LIGHT JAnd tlie BEST LIGHT >||aIAnd the Light for SAFETY N'11The Vesper "Gas LIGHT


Tlie cheapest LIGHTA Scientific LIGHT'The J3vigi,tfest LIGlIT__yvT[More like GAS than GAS IS ,'i PJust what GAS ought to be |Call at ZEMP'S and SEE [Call at ZEMP'S and BUYAnd save your EYES ",

%IIAnd spend your MONEYFor just the thing YOU WANT. "v

3fuy 8, 'G0~t£ 1 .r^~irwmMm JWATCMMAKEE,

(From Charleston,)C a md e n , S C-,

Announces to the public of Camden and vicinity,that he lias removed to the Store next do«r belowMr. W. 1). McDowull. ..

lie <i-siiectlullj solicits a share of public natronage,promising, by stiict and prompt ntleutioij to busi-ness. 10 preserve ir. } 1

All work warranted .'or 12 months^im^iveryar-. Itide in the line repaired witU-uefrtrn-i^aTuKpMLll.*" » j ;


Baled Hay, Com, Oats, Peasr®ranKShorts, Flour, &c., -pL,Charleston, So. Ca., .i! p v

Country orders respectfully solicit'^ and; /iicin.plly annulled to.Jan 1,.12mo | ^ ^

iE/iR. WISTAK'Sj r

BALSAM OF WILD CHERSY. | ,"iflBSIn the whole history of Medical Discoveries® hem-.itiY has performed so many or such reuiarkaw cure3 JRjtf the numerous affections of the Throat AhtpvaadCYir.if.of Coughs, CoMs, TJruncbitis. Influenza, Thoopug

Cough, Croup, Asthma, or of Consumption itself, '0wlis this far-famed, long-tried, and justly cclebrntiB.u.- JBfl;am. So generally acknowledged is the stipepr ex-. flijiclletjee of this remedy that but few of-4je JBrave tested its virtues by experience fail to i-MBtw&jif kjMland as a speedy ant' certain cure for snddcnJ^^J^^^^^^^Hif Colds.lully believing that its remedial polfloniprehensivc enough to embrace ever)- furiflHnse from the slightest cold to the most ua^Hymptom of pulmonary complaint.

Dr. lUistar's Balsam of IHUlj (£l)flVirginia ToftiinonjT*

Certi'ieiile Ire in i Mr Xud-oTtic Norton, of theacrOtlicv, Richmond :=.

Richmond, Y\, Feb. 23, iBMessrs. S. TV. Fowte & Co, Boston..Genilem^|

ritli pleasure testify to the great merit ofyourble lunp uieilieine. I)r. Wistar'a JJcdtuin ofy, which is likewiso hiplily valued by ninnystcemed citizens, wholmve tested its virtues hy^HI tirst made use of this Balsam some tbrevc&E

idee fora violent and distressing cough, 'MB10 skill of physicians, and to my joy. e.vpcrience^BratiI) ing relief us to induce mc to persevere in 'y valways keep it by me and ever lind ittn be ou^B

1 its efleets. No medieiuo that I have ever tisfB'iven rtieS.pco.ly relief. Yours truly.

XORBORNK XORTBCato I'mrl tiitm. The only

it's Balsa"«luut the v.t itten signature of '*1 Butt |Hic printed ope of the proprietors on thooutet^Ben all other is vile i.nd worthless.Prepared by RUTH TV. FOTVLE k CO.. llesnj^BCnmd-u.