Jiang anna 389892 week2journal

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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updated week two journal

Transcript of Jiang anna 389892 week2journal

studio AIR Anna Jjiang BENV UniMelb 389892

Greetings strangeer, this is Anna Jiang (human) from the BENV of Melbourne University. My interests in becoming an architect are: 1. Design new and ingenious buildings that shock, amaze and intrigue people; and to shape the world around us. 2. Would love to work in the Disaster Relief sector as an ‘emergency architect’ to help rebuild towns after natural and/or human disasters; give that little bit back to the world.

As a design student, i prefer more hands on approach, drawings and modelling, but i am looking forward to learning and exploring the new techniques of Rhino 3D modelling and scritping!

When you look around us at the incredicle modern architecture of this day and age you can not help but wonder how the desgin came about; unless of course you’re an architect or designer with Rhino and Grasshopper skills under your belt.Complex designs such as the Beijing Water Cube can be dissected into smaller and easier to design blocks such as the examples i played with. As it can be seen in all three Rhino images, it is a lot like a 3D jig-saw puzzle pulled apart. When you look at the simple script that is required, the task of designing complex geometric and algorithmic designs seems much less daunting. It is much simpler to use logic and functions to mathematically calculate and design; than it was a few decades ago - when everything was done by hand and brain power.Other possible

Components in grasshopper involed include: Trangulation - Voronoi 3D, Vector - Grid - Populate 3D, DeBrep, Input - Number Slider, Panel and Item.





The loft is an easy enough to understand concept, connceting lines/curves and joining them with surfaces. The Grasshopper scripting for it is easy to manipulate as well, the results are something fantastic to look at.

However, i had trouble with altering each curve after it was drawn, as i did not know about ‘CONTROL POINTS‘. This was easily remidied by turning the control points on, and thus each curve, and the overall shape, can be manipulated.



My reason for choosing the ‘TREE‘ submission as my favourite is beautiful aethetic outlook, i think for a place to be used as it needed to be Fresh Kills Park, you need to invite people to come and enjoy the place. Also the designer’s, Yijie Dang and Tom Tang, cleaverly usage of m2e power kinetic batteries is engaging. The tree moves as it would in a living tree, with the movements dictated by the amount and direction of sunlight. Another design implimented that makes it so appealling is hidding the batteries and other internal workings of the energy collection in a muted and obtrusive manner. Whilst it is some times preferble to show how things work, the 90ft tall tree made of recycled industrial balloons and PVC pipes hides such parts. Also i like it that they considered a the landfill cap at Fresh Kills contains only enough soil for grasslands and is not deep enough to support the large roots of a wide canopy tree. Often times, designers tend to foget the site context, and its really good to see that didnt.

REVIEW OF RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGYPhotovoltaic - thin film organic photovoltaic (OPVC) or polymer solar cell

Organic thin films has the distinct advantage of being eaily fabricated into various flexible shapes and even adhere to fabrics or non-uniform shapes - such as walls, sculpture etc. Similarly, the material has high transparency, which makes it even possible to applied to windows or other light transmitting surfces. Also OPVC funcitons well under low light conditions, meaning even on over cast days, it will still function and collect energy; compare to other solar techonology that require a large amount, if not constant, of sunlight.Costs of making the organic film are cheap as solutions can be painted or rolled onto proper substrate materials quite easily; this may also be a good consideration for designs with a consideration with future alteration - as this can be easily removed or renewed at very low costs. The costs are significantly cheaper than that of inorganic materials such as silicon, mass production is also possible and fast.

Organic solar cells are made of materials that contain carbon, the solar conversion efficiency of these cells is only 8% in the laboratory and 4% in real life, and the fact that they tend to have a short production lifespan of 6 years. How ever, the ingenuity and with ongoing research; the possibilies are quite limitless.

The possibilites of OPVC are endless:1. OPVC sewn into backpacks, cases or jackets; some may be sufficient to charge portable electronic devices.2. US Military are beginning to manufacture portable photovoltaics for operations in areas where grid power is absent, on clothing or devices.3. Large quanitities of the OPVC can be used, such as the Japan Paviliion in the 2010 Shanghai Expo, the entire building was covered in OPVC which sustained parts of the electrcity required for the building.


EXPERIMENTATIONWhat an interesting result, not the desired one, but and interesting shape. I did finally discover that one of the input was joined in-correctly, and tried again. See next page, top right corner, to see the correct result.


“The building incorporates solar energy collection batteries and a double-layer membrane that can filter sunshine to coincide with its interpretation of how technology can better our lives.”

· How does computing affect the design process? The complex geometric design of the exte-rior can be easily understood via technologies such as Rhino and Grasshopper. Systems (overall - such as cooling and heating, also mini-systems of each ‘bubble’ of the exterior such as water sprinkling system, ETFE layers) can be also easily understood via logic and methods such as scripting.

· What are the ongoing and incoming changes within design and construction industries? Being able to use new materials that can conform to new shapes, designs and concepts.


· How does computation impact on the range of conceivable and achievable geometries? More facets, more angles and better designs can b computated and achieved.

What unique opportunities and innovations does computation present and how do these con-cepts relate to preceding architectural theory?

JAPANESE PAVILLION - The inner ETFE layer out two layers, which is the same crimson/pur-ple color as the pavilion, blocks the light 99.99 percent; this design can work even at the North Pole or the South Pole in extreme environments. - It allowed the architect, Yutaka Hikosaka, to design with a brand new material, for that time, that has never been used.

AUSTRALIAN PAVILLION - The building has a sheer 20-metre walls are taller than the Na-tional Gallery of Victoria (NGV), its arched openings also recalling the famous St Kilda Road gallery. The building is mainly conctructed using concrete and timber. - With out the usage of comuputeration in the design stages, the sizes of the materials, each geometirc shape will be difficult to calculate to fit the curves of the building.
