Jeopardy Which event? Which president? Constitution Which president? 2 Why Important? Q $100 Q $200...

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Transcript of Jeopardy Which event? Which president? Constitution Which president? 2 Why Important? Q $100 Q $200...

JeopardyWhich event?

Which president?

Constitution Which president? 2

Why Important?

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1

The Treaty of Ghent ended this war

$100 Answer from H1

What was the War of 1812?

$200 Question from H1

This rebellion was successfully put down by Federal Troops, showing that the US government could enforce its laws

$200 Answer from H1

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?

$300 Question from H1

This rebellion showed that the weakness of the Articles of Confederation, in that the US could not force the states to provide troops in the event of an emergency

$300 Answer from H1

What is Shay’s Rebellion?

$400 Question from H1

This was occurred after the War of 1812, during Madison & Monroe’s presidency; an era of prosperity and economic prosperity

$400 Answer from H1

What was the Era of Good Feeling?

$500 Question from H1

This was called to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

$500 Answer from H1

What was the Constitutional Convention?

$100 Question from H2

The Whisky Rebellion

$100 Answer from H2

What was Washington’s presidency?

$200 Question from H2

The XYZ Affair

$200 Answer from H2

What was Adam’s presidency?

$300 Question from H2

The Louisiana Purchase

$300 Answer from H2

What was Jefferson’s presidency?

$400 Question from H2

The War of 1812

$400 Answer from H2

What was Madison’s presidency?

$500 Question from H2

Compromise over the National Bank, leading to the compromise to where to locate the capital:

$500 Answer from H2

What was Washington’s presidency?

$100 Question from H3

He is considered the Father of the Constitution

$100 Answer from H3

Who was George Washington?

$200 Question from H3

Name of the plan that called for representation to be based on population

$200 Answer from H3

What is the Virginia Plan?

$300 Question from H3

Name of the plan that called for each state to have equal representation

$300 Answer from H3

What was the New Jersey plan?

$400 Question from H3

Name of the group that advocated for the Constitution to be ratified

$400 Answer from H3

Who were the Federalists?

$500 Question from H3

This was the compromise that resulted in the argument as to how to count the slave population

$500 Answer from H3

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

$100 Question from H4

The Alien & Sedition Acts

$100 Answer from H4

What was the Adams’ presidency?

$200 Question from H4

The Creation of Judicial Review

$200 Answer from H4

What was Jefferson’s presidency?

$300 Question from H4

The American System

$300 Answer from H4

What was Monroe’s presidency?

$400 Question from H4

The Corrupt bargain led to this man becoming president

$400 Answer from H4

John Quincy Adams

$500 Question from H4

Rush-Bagot Treaty & Adams-Onis Treaty

$500 Answer from H4

What was Monroe’s Presidency?

$100 Question from H5

The term for the power for the Judicial Branch to determine if a law if constitutional or not

$100 Answer from H5

What is Judicial Review?

$200 Question from H5

This is the Supreme Court case that led to Judicial Review

$200 Answer from H5

What is Marbury vs. Madison?

$300 Question from H5

This led to the size of the country being doubled

$300 Answer from H5

What was the Louisiana Purchase?

$400 Question from H5

Name given to the Congressmen and Senators who wanted to go to war with Britain in 1812

$400 Answer from H5

Who were the War Hawks?

$500 Question from H5

Name of the plan that called for a bicameral legislation; one based on population and one were each state had equal representation

$500 Answer from H5

What was the Connecticut Compromise?

Final JeopardyWhat was the first of the 13 states to ratify the Constitution, and which was the last?

Final Jeopardy Answer

What were Delaware & Rhode Island