Jeopardy, The great Triumvirate Edition. Categorie s Henry Clay’s Life Daniel Webster’s Life...

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Transcript of Jeopardy, The great Triumvirate Edition. Categorie s Henry Clay’s Life Daniel Webster’s Life...

Jeopardy, The great Triumvirate Edition

CategoriesHenry Clay’s Life

Daniel Webster’s Life

John Calhoun’s Life






















The End

Henry Clay was born on April 12,1777, at the Clay homestead in Hanover County, Virginia. His father was reverend John Clay and he had 8 other siblings. His father owned 22 slaves which made him part of the “ ” class, owning more than 20 slaves. After his father’s death, Henry and his brothers received 2 slaves each while his mother recieved 18 slaves.


What is: Planter Class

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Henry Clay’s stepfather, Captain Henry Watkins, gave Henry a job in the Virginia Court of Chancery where he served as the “ ,” to the chancellor, continuously writing as the Chancellor dictated sentences. After working long enough, the Chancellor took personal interest in Henry Clay’s career and helped him purse law.


What is:Amanuensis

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From 1803 to 1810, Henry Clay served as a state legislator 1 time, a speaker of the state house 1 time and a state senator 2 times in the state of . In 1811, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives


What is:Kentucky

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was the year Henry clay was selected as secretary of the state after coming up fourth place in electoral votes for president. That year, he helped John Quincy Adams win presidency which led to his name being slandered by Andrew Jackson supporters. Long after he was selected, he helped write out the compromise of 1850, reconciling Northern and Southern interests.


What is:1824

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Henry Clay died on June 29, 1852 in Washington D.C. from . He was the first person to lie in state at the United States Capitol. His will was to free all his current slaves and the iconic story “Uncle Tome’s Cabin” was dedicated to Henry Clay.


What is:Tuberculosis

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Daniel Webster was born on January 18, 1782 to Abigail and Webster in Salisbury, New Hampshire, with a father whose name may remind you of Charles Dickens. He attended Phillips Exeter Academy and proceeded to finish his education in Dartmouth University.


What is:Ebenezer

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After graduating from Dartmouth, Daniel Webster became one of the most successful constitutional lawyers in his generation, gaining lots of clout and respect in the supreme court. The most famous case he has worked on was Dartmouth College v. Which he won and successfully defended the separation of corporations and state.


What is:Woodward

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In 1814, Henry Clay appointed Webster as of the Judiciary committee to gain political support from citizens. During this time, he made large strides in changing the U.S. criminal codes and supported John Quincy Adams.


What is:Chairman

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In 1841, Webster was appointed as Secretary of the State under President Harrison. That same year, due to problems with the national bank, all the Whig party supporters resigned from their government posts except for Webster. During this period, Webster also helped create the Webster- treaty that helped outline the eastern border and bring peace between the U.S. and Canada.


What is:Ashburton

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Webster died on October 24, 1852 after getting trampled by his . The day before, he is quoted telling his friend "Be faithful friend, I shall be dead tomorrow.“ His son served in the Civil war which Webster tried to prevent after giving support to the Compromise of 1850.


What is:Horse

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John C. Calhoun was born in 1782 to Irish immigrant in South Caroline. At the age of 17, his father died and he was forced to leave his education to help on the farm until his brother could afford sending John to University. Afterwards, John passed the South Carolina bar exam from Tapping Reeve law school and became a certified lawyer, Phi Beta Kappa.


What is:Yale

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In 1811, John Calhoun married his cousin and proceeded to lead the War Hawks along with Henry Clay, a group of strong, charismatic, outstanding American citizens who wanted to rid themselves of British rule. He had the largest say in declaring the War of .


What is:1812

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Calhoun supported protective tariffs to help the industry after the war and was highly commended by John Quincy Adams for being honest and hard working. In 1817, Calhoun began serving as Secretary of under President James Monroe. Under Calhoun, the military’s form changed after the war and he also created the Bureau of Indian affairs to help maintain peace.


What is:War

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In 1824, Calhoun had planned to run as president but due to disapproval from the South Carolina legislature, he instead chose to run as Vice President. During this election, he won the position by a landslide of Electoral college votes. During his Vice presidency, he dealt with the Crisis where he fought for protective tariffs to remain in place in North Carolina.


What is:Nullification

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John Calhoun was a strong proponent of slavery and supported the Slave Law that required any escaped slave to be arrested immediately. He did not approve of the Compromise of 1850 and wrote against it but since he was too weak to form a true speech, the compromise was passed. On March 31, 1850, Calhoun died owning slaves and his body was moved from its original burial place in fear of ransacks.


What is:Fugitive

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The quote “It is harder to preserve than to obtain liberty.” was said by:


Who is:John C. Calhoun

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The quote, “God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.” was said by:


Who is:Daniel Webster

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The quote “I have heard something said about allegiance to the South. I know no South, no North, no East, no West, to which I owe any allegiance.” was said by:


Who is:Henry Clay

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The quote “Man is a special being, and if left to himself, in an isolated condition, would be one of the weakest creatures; but associated with his kind, he works wonders.” was said by:


Who is:Daniel Webster

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The quote “The Union next to our liberties the most dear. May we all remember that it can only be preserved by respecting the rights of the States, and distributing equally the benefits and burdens of the Union.” was said by:


Who is:John C. Calhoun

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What is the one connecting factor of all three of these men


They were all non congressional leaders and non presidents