Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8Q 13Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 10Q...

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Transcript of Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8Q 13Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 10Q...


Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

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Q 6 Q 16Q 11 Q 21

Q 7 Q 12 Q 17 Q 22

Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23

Q 9 Q 14 Q 19 Q 24

Q 10 Q 15 Q 20 Q 25

Final Jeopardy

American Indians/Exploration

Question 1

The Inuits lived here.

Answer 1

What are-- Alaska and NorthernCanada ?

Question 2

Describe the area where the InuitIndians lived.

Answer 2

What is-- the temperature is belowfreezing much of the year ?

Question 3

The Kwakiuti Indians livedhere.

Answer 3

What is-- the Pacific Northwest coast?

Question 4

Describe the climate of the PacificNorthwest.

Answer 4

What is-- rainy and mild ?

Question 5

The Sioux Indians lived here.

Answer 5

What is --the interior lowlands called the Great Plains ?

Question 6

Describe the chief characteristicof the Great Plains.

Answer 6

What is --dry grasslands ?

Question 7

The Pueblo Indians lived here.

Answer 7

What is --the southwest in what is nowArizona and New Mexico ?

Question 8

Describe the area where the PuebloIndians live.

Answer 8

What is --desert and areas borderingmountains and cliffs?

Question 9

The Iroquois Indians inhabited this area.

Answer 9

What is --Northeast North Americacalled the Eastern Woodland?

Question 10

Describe the Eastern woodlandarea.

Answer 10

What is --heavily forested ?

Question 11

These people were the first Americans.

Answer 11

Who were --the American Indians ?

Question 12

These activities provided food for the American Indians.

Answer 12

What are --fishing, hunting and harvesting crops ?

Question 13

The clothing of the American Indians was made of this.

Answer 13

What are --animal skins and plants?

Question 14

This provided shelter for the American Indians.

Answer 14

What is --resources found in their environment, e.g. sod, stones, animal skins, and wood ?

Question 15

These were motivations for exploration of the new world.

Answer 15

What is --areas of varying elevationscontaining isolated mountain rangesand Death Valley, the lowest pointin North America?

Question 16

These were the economic motivators for exploration.

Answer 16

What are --gold, natural resources and trade. ?

Question 17

Name four obstacles toexploration.

Answer 17

What are 1. poor maps & navigational tools 2. disease/starvation

3. fear of unknown 4. lack of adequate supplies ?

Question 18

These were the accomplishments of exploration.

Answer 18

What are 1. exchange of goods & and ideas

2. improved navigational tools and ships 3. claimed territories ?

Question 19

This man claimed the southwestregion of the United States forSpain.

Answer 19

Who was --Francisco Coronado?

Question 20

This man established the Frenchsettlement of Quebec.

Answer 20

Who was --Samuel de Champlain ?

Question 21

This man claimed the Mississippi River Valley for this country.

Answer 21

Who was --Robert LaSalle and what is --France ?

Question 22

Coronado explored thisregion.

Answer 22

What is --the United States southwest?

Question 23

John Cabot explored this area.

Answer 23

What is --Eastern Canada?

Question 24

Portugal explored this area.

Answer 24

What is --the western part ofAfrica ?

Question 25

Explain the cultural interactionof the French and the AmericanIndians.

Answer 25

What is --the French establishedtrading posts and spread theChristian religion?

Final Jeopardy

Explain the cultural interaction of theSpanish and the American Indians.

Final Jeopardy Answer

What is --the Spanish conqueredand enslaved the AmericanIndians and brought Christianityand European diseases to the newworld ?