Jeopardy. Magnetic Earth Static Electricity More Magetic Earth Electron Transfer “Mystery”...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Jeopardy. Magnetic Earth Static Electricity More Magetic Earth Electron Transfer “Mystery”...


Magnetic Earth Static ElectricityMore Magetic Earth Electron Transfer “Mystery”


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•The region of Earth’s magnetic

field shaped by the solar wind.

100•Category 1

•One part of a freely spinning magnet always points to :

A. magnetic field B. Earths’ magnetic pole in the Northern Hemisphere C. the center of the Earth D. the East

200•Category 1


The Earths’s magnetic poles are the part where the magnetic effect is the weakest.

300Category 1

What are the glowing regions on the Earth’s poles that are caused by particles from the Sun?

400•Category 1

What is the build up of charges on an

object called?

100•Category 2

What words describe the loss of static electricity as electric charges transfer fromone object to another ?

200•Category 2


Electronic charges that are differentattract each other.

300•Category 2

Electric Force is _______________________________________________.

400•Category 2

Both the Earth and Sun have flipped their magnetic poles. How often does the Sun’s magnetic pole usually flip?

100•Category 3

Earth is like a bar magnet because it has 1. ____________________2. ____________________3.____________________

200•Category 3


Charged particles from the solar wind come closest to Earth at the Equator, where Earth’s magnetic field lines dip down to Earth’s surface.

300•Category 3

What do spinning electrons produce in a magnet?

400•Category 3


Conduction is the transfer of electrons from a charged object to another object by rubbing.

100•Category 4

When charging by _____________, the objects do not touch each other.

200•Category 4

The law of ______________of charges states that charges cannot be created or destroyed.

300•Category 4

An ___________ is a particle that carries a

negative charge.

400•Category 4

__________ is the interaction between 2 or more objects.

100•Category 5

The region around a charged object where the object’s electric force is exerted on other objects is called _______________.

200•Category 5

What does the Vesorium device detect?

300•Category 5

Opposites ______________ !

400•Category 5


100•Category 1 Answer

B. Earth’s magnetic pole in the Northern Hemisphere

200•Category 1 Answer

• FALSE. The North and South Poles have the strongest magnetic effect.

300•Category 1 Answer

The Auroras ( North- Aurora Borealis, South-Aurora Australius)

400•Category 1 Answer

•Static Electricity

100•Category 2 Answer

•Static Discharge

200•Category 2 Answer


300•Category 2 Answer

The attraction or repulsion between electrical charges.

400•Category 2 Answer

Every 11 years.

100•Category 3 Answer

1. Has a north and south pole 2. Has a magnetic field 3. Has a magnetic force

200•Category 3 Answer

FALSE. The solar winds come closest to the North and South Pole.

300•Category 3 Answer

•Magnetic Field

400•Category 3 Answer

FALSE. Conduction is the transfer of electrons of a charged object by direct contact with another object.

100•Category 4 Answer


200•Category 4 Answer

Conservation of Charge

300•Category 4 Answer


400•Category 4 Answer


100•Category 5 Answer

Electric Field

200•Category 5 Answer

A Vesorium detects if there is an electric charge.

300•Category 5 Answer


Electric Charges Magnetic ChargesElectrical Charges Magnetic Charges

400•Category 5 Answer