
Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Jeopardy. Heritable Diseases. Specific Tissues. Factors affecting wound healing. Phases of Wound Healing. Treatment. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Jeopardy

JeopardyPhases of Wound Healing

Heritable Diseases

Specific Tissues

Factors affecting wound healing


Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1

Name the three phasesof wound healing.

$100 Answer from H1

a. Hemostasis and inflammationb. Proliferationc. Maturation and remodeling

$200 Question from H1

In the hemostasis phase, these arethe first infiltrating cells to enterthe wound site, peaking at 24 to 48hours.

$200 Answer from H1


$300 Question from H1

In the proliferation phase, these cellsproliferate extensively and participatein the formation of new capillaries?

$300 Answer from H1

Endothelial cells

$400 Question from H1

They couple with proteins to form proteoglycans, and compromise a largeportion of the “ground substance” that makes up granulation tissue.

$400 Answer from H1


$500 Question from H1

Breaks down collagen in the maturationand remodeling phase.

$500 Answer from H1

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)

$100 Question from H2

Genetic defect is in an extracellular protein,fibrillin, and presents with tall stature, arachnodactyly, lax ligaments, pectusexcavatum, and aneurysms.

$100 Answer from H2

Marfan’s Syndrome

$200 Question from H2

Defect in collagen formation. Thin, friableSkin with prominent veins. Associated with GI problems

$200 Answer from H2

Ehler-Danlos Syndrome

$300 Question from H2

Mutation in Type I collagen, four major subtypes, dermal thining and increasedbruisability.

$300 Answer from H2

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

$400 Question from H2

Classified into 3 major subtypes. impairment in tissue adhesion within the epidermis, basement membrane, or dermis, resulting in tissue separation.

$400 Answer from H2

Epidermolysis Bullosa

$500 Question from H2

An autosomal recessive disease of childrenthat causes an inability to absorb sufficient zinc from breast milk or food. Impaired granulation tissue formation.

$500 Answer from H2

Acrodermatitis Enteropathica

$100 Question from H3

The early integrity of a bowel anastamosis isdependent on formation of a fibrin seal on theserosal side, which achieves watertightness, and on the suture-holding capacity of the intestinal wall, particulary which layer?

$100 Answer from H3

Submucosal layer

$200 Question from H3

With a nerve injury, these cells ensheatheand help in remyelinating the regeneratingaxons.

$200 Answer from H3

Schwann cells

$300 Question from H3

What is the main characteristic that distinguishes the healing of fetal woundsfrom that of adult wounds?

$300 Answer from H3

Scar formation

$400 Question from H3

Cartilage consists of these cells, surroundedby an extracellular matrix made up of several proteoglycans, collagen fibers, and water.

$400 Answer from H3


$500 Question from H3

The fetal wound is characterized by excessiveand extended production of what glycosaminoglycan?

$500 Answer from H3

Hyaluronic Acid

$100 Question from H4

This medication inhibits the inflammatoryphase of wound healing and the release of lysosomal enzymes.

$100 Answer from H4


$200 Question from H4

The best known of the metabolic disorderscontributing to increased rates of woundinfection and failure.

$200 Answer from H4

Diabetes Mellitus

$300 Question from H4

What perioperative measure can be takento decrease wound infection rate by 66%?

$300 Answer from H4

Prophylactic antibiotics

$400 Question from H4

This deficiency impairs wound healing, while supplement benefits wound healingin nondeficient humans and animals.

$400 Answer from H4

Vitamin A

$500 Question from H4

With this deficiency, there is decreasedfibroblast proliferation, decreased collagensynthesis, impaired overall wound strength,and delayed epithelialization.

$500 Answer from H4


$100 Question from H5

This dressing uses negative pressure to increase the rate of wound healing by increasing blood flow to subcutaneous tissues.

$100 Answer from H5

V.A.C. Dressing

$200 Question from H5

List a complication of sulfamylontreatment.

$200 Answer from H5

Metabolic acidosis

$300 Question from H5

This is a serious complication of Silvadene application.

$300 Answer from H5

Leukopenia and Neutropenia

$400 Question from H5

This treatment has a serious complicationof hyponatremia and methemoglobinemia.

$400 Answer from H5

Siver nitrate

$500 Question from H5

These two concepts are critical in selecting appropriate dressing.

$500 Answer from H5

Occlusion and absorption

Final Jeopardy

Who were the first people to differentiatebetween infected and diseased wounds compared to noninfected wounds?

Final Jeopardy Answer

The Egyptians