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Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Linked List Structures Limitation of arrays: An array cannot be expanded and so must be created with enough capacity for the maximum intended use. Limitation of vectors: Though they can be expanded, they produce fragmentation of memory. So, if rapid access to elements by index is not required and sequential access suffices, then LINKED LISTS can be used. Linked list can be thought of as resembling an anchor


It is a chain of elements.

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Example of an Use of Linked List Structure Example: An object belonging to the class Student can now be created using the following:Student oneStudent = new Student ();

Memory space is allocated for the object. The following statement creates a Student reference with a name of twoStudent. Student twoStudent; No new memory space created. The following statement initializes the pointer: twoStudent = oneStudent; Pointer twoStudent points to the same location as oneStudent.

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Example of an Use of Linked List (cont.) Subclass of the Student class is given below: class linkedStudent extends Student { linkedStudent nextStudent; } The following statements create two objects belonging to the linkedStudent. firstStudent = new linkedStudent (); secondStudent = new linkedStudent (); We can thus dynamically allocate a series of record locations and tie them together with pointer fields. This series of objects, tied together with pointer fields, is called a linked structure.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Creating Linked List Objects The following statements create two objects belonging to the class linkedStudent.

firstStudent.nextStudent = secondStudent;secondStudent.nextStudent = null;




Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Creation of a Chain of Lists The following program segment creates a chain of students. firstStudent and linkedStudent temp, current; current point to current the same node int i; firstStudent firstStudent = new linkedStudent (); current = firstStudent; for (i=0; i < 9; i++) { temp = new linkedStudent (); current.nextStudent = temp; current = temp; } current.nextStudent = null;


Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Creation of a Chain of Lists (cont.) When the value of i is 0, a new node pointed by temp is created. First node pointed by current is linked to the new node.The value of the current pointer is moved to the new node shown by dotted line.




At the end of the loop, there are a total of 10 nodes created and the current pointer points to the last node in the linkedlist. nextstudent pointer of the last node points to null.when i=0 i=1 i=8 i=9null current

firstStudent current

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Traversal and Insert Afterpublic static linkedStudent lookFor (linkedStudent firstStudent, String newName) { linkedStudent current; current = firstStudent; while ((equal (current.Name, newName) == 0)) && (current != null)) {current = current.nextStudent; } return current; } temp = lookFor (firstStudent, Smith); if (temp != null) { newStudent.nextStudent = temp.nextStudent; temp.nextStudent = newStudent; }Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Deletion from a Linked Listpublic static linkedStudent deleteStudent (linkedStudent firstStudent, String deleteName) { linkedStudent previous, current; if (firstStudent.Name.equal(deleteName)) { firstStudent = firstStudent.nextStudent; } else { previous = firstStudent; current = previous.nextStudent; Java code for Deletion cont.

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Deletion from a Linked List (cont.)while ( (current != null) && (current.Name.equal(deleteName))) { previous = current; current = current.nextStudent; } if (current != null) { previous.nextStudent = current.nextStudent; }

} return firstStudent;}Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Deletion Shown PictoriallySmith



After deletion, the firstStudent pointer will point to the node given by the dotted arrow if Smith is contained in the first node.



firstStudent previous current



Otherwise, after deletion,the nextStudent pointer corresponding to the previous node will point to the node pointed by current. nextstudent and is shown by a dotted arrow.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Deletion using Single Pointer Let current point to the node that is to be deleted. Replace the contents of node current with with the contents of the the node current. nextStudent. Now, two nodes have exactly the same contents.But during traversal, the old current. nextstudent will be skipped entirely. Example: Node containing John is the one that follows the node pointed by current.The replace operation replaces Smith with John and the new pointer assignment is null shown by dotted arrow.Smith JohnJohn


firstStudentData Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Abstract Data Type for a Linked Listcreate() // creates an empty linked list isEmpty() // returns true if the list is empty, but otherwise returns false size() // returns the number of nodes in the list add (object) // adds object to the beginning of the list info () // returns the data from the head node, or null if the list is empty next () // returns the linked list pointed by this linked list setNext () // attaches a linked list following the head node. The linked list \ // previously following that head node is returned. delete () // deletes the first node of the linked listData Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Exception Classesimport java.io.*; public class LinkedListException extends Exception { } public class LinkedListAddedNull extends LinkedListException { }

A linked list is recursively defined: A linked list points to

another linked list.

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Operations Executable on a Linked List Several primitive operations that can be executed on a linked data structure are:

Traverse a linked list.Search for an object in the linked list.

Insert an object into the linked list.Delete an object from a linked list.

Get an object at a particular position in the linked list.

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedListADT Class Header Fileimport java.io.*; import java.util.*; public interface LinkedListADT { public Object info (); // returns the object in the head of the linked list, // or null if the list is empty public LinkedListADT next (); // returns the linkedList pointed by this linkedList public boolean isEmpty(); // returns true if the list is empty, // but otherwise returns false public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull; // adds object to the beginning of the list LinkedListADT Class Header File cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedListADT Class Header File (cont.)public LinkedListADT setNext (LinkedListADT next) throws LinkedListAddedNull; // attaches next as _next field of list; // returns old _next field. // if next is empty and current list is also empty, // no effect and null is returned. // if current list is empty but next is not, throws exception. public void insertAt (Object newObj, int position)throws LinkedListAddedNull; // inserts newObj so that it will be at node number position // (counting the head node as 0) public Object infoAt (int position); // return the object in the linked list at the location // specified by position, or null if position is beyond // the end of the linked list LinkedListADT Class Header File cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedListADT Class Header File (cont.)public Object find (Object key); // returns a node matching key or null if none matches public Object delete (); // deletes the first node of the linked list, if any, and // returns it. Returns null if the list was empty. public Object delete (Object key); // deletes the node matching key, if any, // and returns it; otherwise returns null public Object deleteAt (int position); // delete an object in the linked list at the location specified // by position and return the object that is deleted, or null // if position is beyond the end of the linked list public int size(); // returns the number of nodes in the list public Enumeration enumerator (); // returns an enumeration of the data contained in the listData Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan



Linked List Enumeration Class Methodsimport java.util.Enumeration; class LLEnumerator implements Enumeration { protected LinkedList _LL; // _LL moves from original head through // list until it reaches an empty list public LLEnumerator (LinkedList LL) // LL = head of list to enumerate { _LL = LL; } public boolean hasMoreElements () { return ((_LL != null) && (!_LL.isEmpty())); } LinkedListEnumerator Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Linked List Enumeration Class Methods (cont.)public Object nextElement () { Object oTemp = null; if ((_LL == null) || (_LL.isEmpty())) { return null; } oTemp = _LL.info (); _LL = (LinkedList) _LL.next(); return oTemp; } }

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methodsimport java.util.Enumeration; public class LinkedList implements LinkedListADT { protected Object _info; protected LinkedList _next; public LinkedList () { _info = null; _next = null; } public LinkedList (Object info) { _info = info; _next = null; } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)protected LinkedList (Object info, LinkedList next) throws LinkedListAddedNull // create a linked list as head of an existing list { if (info == null) { throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } _info = info; _next = next; } LinkedList Class Methods cont..

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info, _next); _info = object; _next = newList; } } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public void insertAt (Object newObj, int position) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (newObj == null) throw new LinkedListAddedNull(); if (position == 0) { add (newObj); } else { if (_next == null) { _next = new LinkedList(newObj); } else { _next.insertAt (newObj, position - 1); } } } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public Object info () { return _info; } public Object infoAt (int position) { if (position == 0) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.infoAt (position - 1); } public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public Object delete () { Object temp = _info; if (_next == null) { _info = null; } else { LinkedList oldnext = _next; _info = _next._info; _next = _next._next; // the purpose of these two lines is to remove any // stray pointers into the linked list oldnext._info = null; oldnext._next = null; } return temp; } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public Object delete (Object key) { Object temp = _info; if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return delete(); } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.delete (key); } public Object deleteAt (int position) { if (position == 0) { return delete(); } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.deleteAt (position - 1); } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public boolean isEmpty () { return (_info == null); } public LinkedListADT setNext (LinkedListADT next) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (isEmpty()) { if (next != null) throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); return null; } LinkedListADT temp = _next; _next = (LinkedList) next; return temp; } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public boolean isEmpty () public LinkedListADT next () { return (_next); } public int size () { if (_next == null) { if (_info == null) return 0; else return 1; } else return 1 + _next.size(); } LinkedList Class Methods cont..Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


LinkedList Class Methods (cont.)public Enumeration enumerator () { return new LLEnumerator (this); } public String toString() { Enumeration e = enumerator(); String s = ""; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { s = s + " " + e.nextElement(); } return s; }Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Add Method Implementation(Adding an Object into empty list)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info,_next); _info = object; _next = newList; } }

Consider a case where we have an empty list and we want to add an object B to it.Inserting B


_info=NULL and hence new object is inserted into the list.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Add Method Implementation (Adding an Object into empty list) (cont.)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info,_next); _info = object; _next = newList; } }

B_info is not equal to NULL.

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Add Method Implementation (Adding an Object into empty list) (cont.)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info,_next); _info = object; _next = newList; } }

Consider another case where we have two linked lists B and C. We want to add an object A to it.

Bobject = C. So, object is not empty and no exceptions occur.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Add Method Implementation (Adding an Object into empty list) (cont.)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } This is not executed. if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info,_next); _info = object; _next = newList; } }

Consider another case where we have two linked lists B and C. We want to add an object A to it.



_info is not equal to NULL.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Add Method Implementation (cont.)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info,_next); _info = object; _next = newList; } }original list



B Bnewlist


Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Add Method Implementation (cont.)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info,_next); _info = object; _next = newList; } The object A is to be added. So, the _info field of the }

original node is made as A. original list



A B Bnewlist


Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Add Method Implementation (cont.)public void add (Object object) throws LinkedListAddedNull { if (object == null) {throw new LinkedListAddedNull (); } if (_info == null) { _info = object; } else { LinkedList newList = new LinkedList (_info,_next); _info = object; _next = newList; } The original list is now made to point to the newlist. }original list Originals next list



A Bnewlist


Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Methods for Inserting(Adding) DataInserting A on an empty list

A B BOriginal list and new node

Empty list


CNon-Empty list

Inserting A


New node linked in



Original list

New node

Originals next list

AData Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan



Find Method Implementationpublic Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } Consider a case where we have 4 linked lists A,B,C,D. Say, we have to find the list C. key = C , *_info = A A B C Dnull

Key is not equal to NULL and so does not return NULL.

Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key = C *_info = A A *_info key is not equal to *_info.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan






Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key = C *_info = A A *_info _next is not NULL and so does not return NULL.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan






Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key A *_info find method for the next object pointed by _next is executed.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan

= C B C Dnull


Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key = C *_info = B A *_info Key is not equal to NULL and so does not return NULL.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan






Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key = C *_info = B A *_info key is not equal to *_info.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan






Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key = C *_info = B A *_info _next is not NULL and so does not return NULL.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan






Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key A *_info = C B *_info C Dnull

find method for the next object pointed by _next is executed.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key = C *_info = C A B *_info Key is not equal to NULL and so does not return NULL.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan





Find Method Implementation (cont.)public Object find (Object key) { if (key == null) return null; if (key.equals (_info)) { return _info; } if (_next == null) { return null; } return _next.find (key); } key = C *_info = C A B *_info key is equal to *_info. So, the value C ,i.e, *_info is returned back.Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan



Main Method for Linked List Classpublic static void main (String args[]) { String [] movies = {2001, Tron, Wargames, Robocop, Robot Monster, Colossus, A set of characters Forbidden Planet}; which are to be inserted. LinkedList L = new LinkedList (); try { for (int i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) { L.insertAt (movies[i], i); Exception occurs if we try to insert more than what has been provided. } Inserts a number of characters } into the linked list. catch (LinkedListAddedNull e) {System.out.println ("This couldn't happen");} Main Method cont.


Data Structures Featuring Java Sridhar Radhakrishnan


Main Method for Linked List Class (cont.)System.out.println (); Linkedlist.java System.out.println (L); Removes the string L.deleteAt (4); System.out.println (L); at position 4. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { L.delete (); Exception occurs if we try } to remove from an empty list. System.out.println (">" + L + "