Jazz Timeline 1900-2000

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Jazz Timeline 1900-2000

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    Year Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • A cutting contest (a colloquial term for music competition) for

    ragtime pianists is held at New Yor!s "amman# Hall$

    • Hawaii %ecomes official &$'$ territor#$

    • irst electric %us runs in New Yor it#


    • harles *ooth!s performance of J$ *odewalt +ange!s Creole

     Blues is recorded for the new ,ictor la%el$ "his is the firstacoustic recording of ragtime to %e made commerciall#availa%le$

    • "he American ederation of -usicians (the musicians union)

    votes to suppress ragtime$

    • +ouis Armstrong is %orn$

    • &$'$ .resident /illiam -c0inle# is


    • .ainter .a%lo .icasso!s first e1hi%it is h


    • "heodore 2oosevelt %ecomes president$


    • "he John .hilip 'ousa *and records the ragtime piece3

    Trombone Sneeze3 written %# Arthur .r#or$

    • +incoln .ar is opened in New 4rleans as a center for ragtime

    and earl# 5azz performances$

    • 'cott Joplin pu%lishes The Entertainer: a Ragtime Two-Step3

    which would %ecome a popular hit nearl# 67 #ears later$

    • .ianist Jell# 2oll -orton claims to have invented 5azz in this


    • "he Electric "heatre3 the first movie th

    in the &nited 'tates3 opens in +os Angealifornia$

    • u%a gains independence from the &nit



    • .ianist and composer Eu%ie *lae pu%lishes his first piano


    • "he /right %rothers mae their first

    successful flight$


    • ornetist *udd# *olden %egins to develop a reputation in New

    4rleans for pla#ing music that fuses elements of %lues and


    • "enor sa1ophonist oleman Hawins is %orn$

    • "he third -odern 4l#mpic 8ames ope

    't$ +ouis3 -issouri as part of the /orld


    • "he ice cream cone is created$

    • "he first underground line of the New

    it# 'u%wa# opens$

    • "he first New Year!s Eve cele%ration is

    in New Yor it#!s "imes 'quare$


    • A %lac newspaper in 9ndianapolis releases a statement inreaction to racist songs popular during this period: ;omposers

    • 'cientist Al%ert Einstein presents his sp

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    should not set music to a set of words that are a direct insult tothe colored race$;

    theor# of relativit#$

    • .izza is introduced at +om%ardi!s in Ne



    • Jell# 2oll -orton composes King Porter Stomp$   •


    • ornetist *udd# *olden is committed to a mental institution

    without having ever recorded an# music$

    • 'cott Joplin moves to New Yor$

    • "he first wireless %roadcast of classical

    music is produced in New Yor$


    • Alcohol is %anned in North arolina an



    • "he &$'$ -arine %and records Joplin!s Maple Leaf Rag $

    • "he popularit# of ragtime continues to grow among *lacs and

    white resulting in increased pu%lic interaction %etween theraces$

    • Alcohol is %anned in "ennessee$

    • 2o%ert .ear# reaches the North .ole$

    • /illiam Howard "aft %ecomes presiden


    Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • omposer and conductor James 2eese Europe founds the lef

    lu%3 an association for *lac musicians %ased in New Yor$

    • "he NAA. is founded$

    • -ar "wain dies$

    • -arie urie isolates radium$


    • .ianist 'cott Joplin pu%lishes his opera "reemonisha$

    • 9rving *erlin records Ale1ander!s 2agtime *and3 which

     %ecomes a hit %ut is scorned %# ragtime purists$

    • 2aold Amundsen reaches the 'outh .ol

    • ivil /ar occurs in -e1ico$


    • "he "itanic sins$


    • "he word ;5azz; first appears in print$ •

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • James 2eese Europe records ragtime arrangements in New

    Yor with the first %lac ensem%le to %e recorded$

    • ,ernon and 9rene astle3 a married dance team3 %egins

     performing floor shows at James Europe!s shows$

    maing it the largest %uilding in the wo

    • /oodrow /ilson %ecomes .resident$


    • .ianist /$$ Hand# writes 't$ +ouis *lues$   • /orld /ar 9 %egins in Europe$

    • "he .anama anal opens to commercia



    • "rumpeter 0ing 4liver forms a %and in New 4rleans with

    clarinetist 'idne# *echet$

    • 'cott Joplin stages "reemonisha himself and the show fails$

    • ,ocalist *illie Holida# is %orn$

    • Al%ert Einstein presents his general the


    • "he 8reat -igration %egins> over the n

    #ears < million *lacs will leave the 'ofor northern cities3 the mid=west andalifornia3 carr#ing their musical influewith them$


    • 2evolution occurs in 2ussia$


    • 'cott Joplin dies$

    • "he classic era of ragtime ends$

    • "he 4riginal Di1ieland Jass *and (an all white group) maes

    the first 5azz recording3 +iver# 'ta%le *lues3 and also %ecomesthe first 5azz group to appear on film in the movie3 "he 8oodfor Nothing$

    • "he &$'$ Nav# closes New 4rleans!s 'tor#ville red=light


    • Jazz musicians %egin to leave the cit# for the North$

    • Dizz# 8illespie and "helonious -on are %orn$

    • "he &$'$ enters /orld /ar 9$

    • -ore than @773777 *lac men served t

    armed forces in segregated units$

    • James Europe leads the

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    -amie 'mith and %egins to develop a unique st#le of pla#ing$ people worldwide$

    • 'inger3 actor3 and civil rights activist .a

    2o%eson graduates first in his class fro

    2utgers &niversit#$


    • "he 4riginal Di1ieland Jass *and performs in +ondon$

    • /ill -arion oo tours Europe with his 'outhern '#ncopated

    4rchestra which includes clarinetist 'idne# *echet$ After thetour *echet sta#s in Europe$

    •  New 4rleans trom%onist 0id 4r# moves to +os Angeles and

    forms a %and3 %ringing 5azz to new ears$

    • James Europe is murdered %# a fellow %andmate after an


    • +a%or and housing tensions lead to race

    in hicago3 East 't$ +ouis3 /ashington3and other cities3 illing hundreds and %thousands out of their homes$

    • "he first airplane crosses the Atlantic 4

     piloted %# John Alcoc and Arthur /hi*rown$

    • -e1ican re%el leader Emilio Capata is

    am%ushed and murdered %# governmenforces$

    • .h#sicist Ernest 2utherford3 nown as t

    father of nuclear ph#sics3 discovers a winduce the splitting of an atom$ "his is tfirst instance of an e1periment performinuclear transmutation3 the changing ofchemical element into another$

    YearDevelopments in Jazz Historical Events


    • "he town of Cion3 9llinois %ans 5azz performances3 la%eling

    them ;sinful$;

    • .ianist James .$ Johnson records "he Harlem 'trut and

    arolina 'hout3 the earliest stride piano recordings3 in NewYor$

    • A crisis occurs surrounding 8erman wa


    • Adolf Hitler is elected leader of the Na


    • 2ussia is refused entr# to the +eague of


    • "he first -iss America contest is held$

    • /arren 8$ Hardin %ecomes president$


    • "rom%onist 0id 4r#!s %and3 %ased in +os Angeles3 maes the

    first recordings %# a %lac ensem%le pla#ing in the New4rleans st#le$

    • .ianist ats /aller maes his first recordings$

    • -ahatma 8handi is imprisoned$

    • "he ** (*ritish *roadcasting orpor 

    is founded$

    • 9sadora Duncan!s suggestive dancing is

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    • .ianist /illiam ;ount; *asie maes his first recordings$

    • *lues singer -amie 'mith continues to grow in popularit#3

    recording twent# songs with her %and "he Jazz Hounds3 which

    features sa1ophonist oleman Hawins$

    • 2agtime pu%lisher John 'tar goes out of %usiness signif#ing

    the end of ragtime$

    • 2ace records are created3 mareting and categorizing music %#

    the race of the performers$

    • +ouis Armstrong moves to hicago to 5oin 0ing 4liver!s *and$


    • -ussolini seizes power in 2ome$

    • Eg#ptian pharaoh "utanhamen!s tom%discovered$

    • /riter James Jo#ce pu%lishes &l#sses$


    • *lues singer *essie 'mith maes her first recording3 Down=hearted *lues3 which sells a million copies in si1 months andleads to her signing a nine=#ear contract with olum%ia2ecords$

    • ornetist 0ing 4liver!s %and3 which includes +ouis Armstrong

    on trumpet and Armstrong!s wife +il Hardin on piano3 maesits first recordings3 including Dippermouth *lues$

    • .ianist and arranger letcher Henderson forms the letcher

    Henderson 4rchestra and %egins performing at lu% Ala%amain New Yor$

    • .ianist Jell# 2oll -orton3 now %ased in hicago3 maes

    several recordings including solo pieces such as 0ing .orter'tomp and performances with the New 4rleans 2h#thm 0ings$

    • larinetist 'idne# *echet maes his first recordings$

    • *andleader Elmer 'nowden!s /ashingtonians performs in New

    Yor with Due Ellington on piano$

    • "he first networ radio %roadcast occur the &$'$

    • Earthquae in "o#o ills 773777$

    • ongress approves a law maing all Na

    Americans citizens of the &$'$

    • alvin oolidge %ecomes .resident$


    • Due Ellington maes his first recordings as leader of the/ashingtonians$

    • 8eorge 8ershwin de%uts 2hapsod# in *lue along with .aul

    /hiteman!s %and$

    • ornetist *i1 *eider%ece and his %and3 "he /olverines3 mae

    their first recordings$

    • +ouis Armstrong moves to New Yor it# to wor with

    letcher Henderson$

    • ,ladimir 9l#ich +enin3 leader of theommunist 2evolution3 dies$

    • 'talin %ecomes dictator of 2ussia$

    • "he ascist .art# wins the 9talian electi

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  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • ornetist *i1 *eider%ece 5oins .aul /hiteman!s %and$

    • .ianist and %andleader Due Ellington %egins his residenc# at

    the otton lu% in Harlem3 increasing the %and from si1 to

    eleven mem%ers$

    across the Atlantic 4cean$

    • olum%ia *roadcast '#stem (*') is


    • "he first ;talie; film is released3 "he J

    'inger3 starring Al Jolson$


    • larinetist *enn# 8oodman maes his first recordings$   • Japanese troops enter hina$


    • .ianist ats /aller participates in a mi1ed=race recording

    session in which he is forced to pla# %ehind a screen toseparate him from the white musicians$

    • "he film 't$ +ouis *lues a%out the life of pianist /$$ Hand# is

    released3 featuring %lues singer *essie 'mith3 Hand# asmusical director3 and pianist James .$ Johnson!s %and$

    • Yugoslavia is formed under 0ing Ale1a

    "he &$'$ stoc maret crashes$

    • "he 't$ ,alentine!s Da# -assacre occur


    • "he first Academ# Awards are held in


    • Her%ert Hoover %ecomes president$


    Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • "rumpeter +ouis Armstrong records *od# and 'oul$

    • 9n a recording session with Armstrong3 percussionist +ionel

    Hampton pla#s his first vi%raphone solo and decides to maethat his main instrument$

    • *andleader .aul /hiteman and his orchestra star in the movie

    "he 0ing of Jazz$

    • *andleader a% allowa# %ecomes a regular at the otton


    • ree 5azz sa1ophonist 4rnette oleman is %orn$

    • "he planet .luto is discovered$

    • "he 5et engine is invented$


    • ornetist *i1 *eider%ece dies of pneumonia at age $

    • ornetist *udd# *olden dies$

    • .ianist +il Hardin separates from her hus%and +ouis Armstrong

    • "he Empire 'tate *uilding opens in Ne

    Yor it#$

    • 'pain %ecomes a 2epu%lic$

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    and forms an all=female %and$

    • 2A demonstrates the first F rmp long=pla#ing disc$

    • Japan invades -anchuria$

    • "here is massive worldwide unemplo#


    • Due Ellington records 9t Don!t -ean a "hing (9f it Ain!t! 8ot

    "hat 'wing)3 the first 5azz composition to use swing in the title$

    • larinetist *enn# 8oodman %egins his career with the letcher

    Henderson 4rchestra$

    • .ianist Joe Cawinul3 trumpeter Donald *#rd3 and 5azz harpist

    Doroth# Ash%# are all %orn$

    • John occroft wors in nuclear ph#sic

    is the first to split an atom in a completcontrolled manner$ "his wor3 for whicwon a No%el award in B?3 was also othe first e1periments to verif# Einstein!sEGmc@$

    • Japan forms a -anchurian 2epu%lic an

    attacs 'hanghai$

    2adio it# -usic Hall opens in New Y

    • Aviator harles +ind%ergh!s son is



    • /ith the rise of the Nazi part# in 8erman#3 *erlin radio station

    unstunde %ans 5azz %roadcasts$

    • .ianist Art "atum records his first piano solo3 "iger 2ag3 which

    is thought %# man# to %e a duet$

    • Due Ellington and his orchestra %egin their first tour of


    • 'inger *essie 'mith maes her last recordings$

    • 'inger *illie Holida# maes her first recording$

    • Adolph Hitler %ecomes hancellor of

    8erman#3 followed %# the creation of tDachau concentration camp3 political aand the appropriation of Jewish financethe government$

    • ranlin D$ 2oosevelt %ecomes preside

    intiates economic recover# in the &$'$

    • -ahatma 8handi is imprisoned$

    • .rohi%ition ends in the &$'$

    • "he first photographs of the +och Ness

    monster are pu%lished in *ritain!s Dail#


    • letcher Henderson!s %and folds due to financial difficulties

    and Henderson sells his arrangements to *enn# 8oodman3 who performs with his %and at *ill# 2ose!s -usic Hall in NewYor$

    • "he 5ournal Down *eat: the ontemporar# -usic -agazine is

    launched in hicago$

    • "he Iuintette du Hot lu% de rance3 featuring guitarist

    D5ango 2einhardt and violinist 'tephane 8rappelli3 gives itsfirst pu%lic performance at the Ecole Normale de -usique in


    • 4utlaws *onnie .arer and l#de *arr 

    are shot dead$

    • 9talian troops invade Al%ania$

    • "he Nazi coup fails in Austria$

    • Adolf Hitler %egins his dictatorship in


    • *lues singer +ead%ell# is released from

     prison in +ouisiana after writing a song

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • Jimmie +unceford!s %and replaces a% allowa#s at the

    otton lu% in Harlem$

    • larinetist Jimm# Dorse# and trom%onist "omm# Dorse# form

    the Dorse# *rothers 4rchestra$

    • Due Ellington and *illie Holida# appear in the film

    '#mphon# in *lac$

    governor asing for a pardon$

    • "he first cheese%urger is served in +oui



    • .ianist and %andleader *ennie -oten dies$

    • .ianist ount *asie forms the *arons of 2h#thm with

    mem%ers of -oten!s %and$

    • ,ocalist Ella itzgerald maes her first recordings$

    • larinetist *enn# 8oodman records letcher Henderson!s

    arrangement of Jell# 2oll -orton!s 0ing .orter 'tomp$

    • *enn# 8oodman %egins recording with a raciall# integrated

    trio that includes pianist "edd# /ilson and drummer 8ene0rupa$

    • *illie Holida# maes several recordings with pianist "edd#

    /ilson3 including /hat a +ittle -oonlight an Do$

    • 8eorge 8ershwin!s three=act opera .org# and *ess opens at the

    Alvin "heater in New Yor$

    • 9tal# invades Ethiopia$

    • "he first paper%ac %oos are pu%lishe

    • "he electric guitar is invented$


    • *illie Holida# and "edd# /ilson record 9 ried for You3 which

    goes on to sell ?3777 copies$

    • .ianist Nat 0ing ole maes his first recordings with the 'olid

    'wingers3 a %and led %# his %rother3 Eddie ole3 a %assist$

    • *enn# 8oodman3 adding vi%raphonist +ionel Hampton to his

    trio3 records -oonglow3 which starts a series of popular quartetrecordings$

    • Due Ellington provides music for the -ar1 *rothers movie A

    Da# at the 2aces$

    • *lac American athlete Jesse 4wens wi

    four gold medals at the 4l#mpic 8ames*erlin> Hitler leaves the stadium and reto %e photographed with 4wens$


    • *illie Holida# maes her de%ut with ount *asie!s %and$

    • oleman Hawins records with D5ango 2einhardt and

    sa1ophonist *enn# arter in .aris$

    • "he Hinden%urg e1plodes in New Jerse

    • "he Japanese capture .eing and contr 


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    • Due Ellington records aravan3 %# Juan "izol$

    • ount *asie!s %and %roadcasts from the 'avo# *allroom in


    • ount *asie!s %and records 4ne 4!cloc Jump3 which %ecomes

    their signature tune$

    • *enn# 8oodman records 'ing3 'ing3 'ing$

    • 8eorge 8ershwin dies of a %rain tumor$

    •  Nat 0ing ole creates a new ensem%le with piano3 %ass3 and


    *essie 'mith dies in a car accident$

    • "rumpeter Dizz# 8illespie maes his first recordings$


    • *enn# 8oodman!s %and hosts a sold out concert at arnegie

    Hall which features a 5azz histor# element and a 5am sessionwith mem%ers of Due Ellingtons and ount *asie!s %ands$After the 8oodman concert3 ount *asie!s %and and hic/e%%!s %and have an informal competition at the 'avo#*allroom$

    • ornetist 0ing 4liver dies after #ears in povert# woring as a

     pool=room 5anitor$

    • *enn# 8oodman!s %and records *ach 8oes to "own: .relude

    and ugue in 'wing3 which com%ines elements of classicalmusic and swing$

    • 8erman# anne1es Austria and 'udetenl

    • 'hopping carts are introduced for the fi

    time in 4lahoma$

    • Actor 4rson /elles %roadcasts /ar of t

    /orlds3 a radio science=fiction drama a-artian invasion3 and causes a nationw



    • A new %and led %# trom%onist 8lenn -iller gains notoriet#

    through regular radio %roadcasts$

    • *illie Holida# records 'trange ruit3 with controversial l#rics

    regarding l#nchings which causes it to %e %anned from severalradio stations$

    • hic /e%% dies and Ella itzgerald taes over his %and$

    • 8lenn -iller records the hugel# successful 9n "he -ood$

    • *enn# 8oodman hires guitarist harlie hristian$

    • +ester Young records +ester +eaps 9n with ount *asie$

    • oleman Hawins records *od# and 'oul3 setting a new

    • /orld /ar 99 %reas out in Europe$

    • 8erman# occupies *ohemia3 -oravia3

    'lovaia3 and +ithuania and invades .o

    • -ilitar# conscription is introduced in *

    • Hitler and -ussolini agree to a ;.act of


    • "he 'panish ivil /ar ends$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    standard for improvisational sophistication on the sa1ophone$

    • Artie 'haw retires$

    • 'inger -a 2aine# dies$

    • harlie .arer moves to New Yor to pursue music$

    • *lue Note 2ecords is founded$


    Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    •omposer and %andleader Due Ellington hires sa1ophonist*en /e%ster and records 0o=0o3 oncerto for ootie3 andottontail$

    • "rumpeter ootie /illiams leaves Ellington!s %and and is

    replaced %# trumpeter and violinist 2a# Nance$

    • ,i%raphonist +ionel Hampton!s %ig %and records l#ing Home$

    •  Nat 0ing ole!s trio records the timel# piece3 8one with the


    • -inton!s .la#house in New Yor %ecomes a hot spot for 5azz3

    where musicians such as pianist "helonious -on3 trumpeterDizz# 8illespie3 and drummer 0enn# lare are featured$

    • "he American 'ociet# of omposer3 Authors3 and .u%lishers

    (A'A.) issues a %roadcast %an of A'A. wors3 resulting inthe growth of rival organization *roadcast -usic 9ncorporated(*-9)$

    •"he 'oviet &nion attacs inland$

    • 8erman# invades Norwa# and Denmar 

    • /inston hurchill %ecomes .rime -ini

    of *ritain$

    • Holland and *elgium fall to 8erman#$

    • 9tal# declares war on *ritain and ranc

    8erman# occupies .aris$


    • Due Ellington!s %and records composer *ill# 'tra#horn!s "ae

    the !A! "rain3 which %ecomes the %and!s signature tune$

    • "rumpeter 2o# Eldridge 5oins drummer 8ene 0rupa!s

    orchestra as featured soloist$

    • larinetist 'idne# *echet pla#s five different instruments on

    "he 'hei of Ara%# and *lues of *echet3 using some of theearliest overdu%%ing techniques$

    • 'a1ophonist harlie .arer maes his first recordings with Ja#

    -c'hanns %and and %egins participating in the famous-inton!s .la#house 5am sessions where %e%op is created$

    • 8erman# invades Yugoslavia3 2ussia3 a

    sends troops to North Africa$

    • "he *ritish arm# goes to +i%#a and Eth

    • Japan %om%s .earl Har%or3 Hawaii$

    • "he &$'$ and *ritain declare war on Jap

    • "he &$'$ declares war on 8erman# and

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • A'A.!s %roadcasting %o#cott ends$

    • Jell# 2oll -orton dies$

    • ootie /illiams forms his own orchestra3 which eventuall#emplo#s musicians such as Eddie !+oc5aw! Davis3 harlie.arer and *ud .owell$

    • Dizz# 8illespie is fired %# a% allowa# after an altercation

    involving a nife$


    • .ianist ats /aller appears at arnegie Hall$

    • omposer +eonard *ernstein performs in *oston as a 5azz


    • "he American ederation of -usicians %ans its mem%ers from

     participating in studio recordings for record companies that failto pa# ro#alties to performers$

    • "rom%onist 8lenn -iller dissolves his %and and enlists in the

    Air orce where he forms a new %and$

    • Eighteen=#ear=old singer 'arah ,aughan wins a talent

    competition at Harlem!s Apollo "heater$

    • harlie .arer and Dizz# 8illespie 5oin pianist Earl Hines


    • Eddie ondon!s integrated %and appears on *' television$

    • *ill%oard magazine pu%lishes the first %lac record chart under

    the title ;Harlem Hit .arade$;

    • "he &$'$ %om%s 8erman#$

    • 8erman# attacs 'talingrad3 &$'$'$2$

    • Japan wages campaigns in East 9ndies3

    -ala#a3 and *urma$


    • Due Ellington!s 4rchestra performs *lac3 *rown3 and *eige

    and New /orld Aomin! at arnegie Hall$

    • .ianist Art "atum esta%lishes a trio with guitarist "in# 8rimes

    and %assist 'lam 'tewart$

    • 8lenn -iller pu%lishes a te1t=%oo for arranging music$

    • *ritain captures "ripoli$

    • 8erman# surrenders at 'talingrad and


    • 9talian leader *enito -ussolini resigns

    the Allied invasion of 'icil#$

    • "he Allies land on mainland 9tal#$

    • 9tal# turns against 8erman#$

    • "he 5itter%ug dance %ecomes popular in


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    • .roducer Norman 8ranz initiates the series3 ;Jazz at the

    .hilharmonic; in +os Angeles$

    • *ud .owell urges %andleader ootie /illiams to record

    "helonious -on!s !2ound -idnight$ "his is the first nownrecording of this song3 which has since %ecome the most=recorded 5azz standard composed %# an# 5azz musician$

    • "helonious -on maes his first recordings with the oleman

    Hawins Iuartet$

    • harlie .arer and Dizz# 8illespie leave *ill# Ecstine!s %and$

    • "rumpeter -iles Davis arrives in New Yor to stud# at

    Juilliard 'chool of -usic %ut promptl# withdraws$ Hecomplains of the classical F European focus of the school and

    decides he can learn more from .arer3 8illespie and the NY 5azz scene$

    • +ester Young is drafted into the arm#3 is voted most popular

    sa1ophonist %# Down *eat magazine3 and appears in the filmJammin! the *lues$

    • "he American ederation of -usicians lifts the recording %an$

    • 8lenn -iller disappears in an Air orce flight from +ondon to


    • "he siege of +eningrad ends$

    • "he Allies land on Normand# %eaches

    what %ecomes ;D=Da#$;

    • An unsuccessful assassination attempt i

    made on Adolph Hitler$

    • .aris and *russels are li%erated$

    • "he &$'$ Arm# crosses the 8erman %or 

    • "he &nited Negro ollege und is



    • Dizz# 8illespie records *e=*op$

    • harlie .arer hires -iles Davis to replace Dizz# 8illespie at

    the "hree Deuces on ?@nd 'treet3 leading Davis to quit school$

    • harlie .arer records Now!s "he "ime3 his first session as a

    leader3 with -iles Davis on trumpet and -a1 2oach on drums$

    • harlie .arer and Dizz# 8illespie pla# in +os Angeles3

    helping to esta%lish an interest in %e%op$

    • .ianist -ar# +ou /illiams gives the first performance of her

    Codiac 'uite at New Yor!s "own Hall$

    • /arsaw and *udapest fall to the &$'$'$

    • ologne falls to the Allies$

    • .resident ranlin 2oosevelt dies$

    • 9talian leader *enito -ussolini is e1ecu

    his corpse later hung upside down for pviewing$

    • Adolph Hitler commits suicide$

    • *erlin is captured %# 2ussian troops$

    • 8erman forces surrender$

    • "he &$'$ drops atomic %om%s on Hiros

    and Nagasai$

    • Japan surrenders$

    • omposer Anton /e%ern is accidentall

    to death %# &$'$ militar# policeman in

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000



    • omposer *ela *arto dies$

    • "he &nited Nations is founded$

    • E%on# -agazine is founded$

    • Harr# '$ "ruman %ecomes president$


    • harlie .arer and Dizz# 8illespie perform at ;Jazz at the

    .hilharmonic; in +os Angeles$

    • harlie .arer performs with -iles Davis in +ittle "o#o3 +os


    • -iles Davis records 4rnitholog# and Night in "unisia with

    harlie .arer3 and then re5oins *ill# Ecstine!s %and$

    • 8uitarist D5ango 2einhardt and violinist 'tephane 8rappelli

    are reunited after their wartime separation$

    • Dizz# 8illespie forms a %ig %and that includes pianist John

    +ewis and drummer 0enn# lare$

    *illie Holida# performs at "own Hall in New Yor$

    • Hungar# %ecomes a repu%lic$

    • .resident Juan .eron assumes power in


    • 9tal# %ecomes a repu%lic$

    • -ao "se="ung revives the hinese ivi

    • "he %iini is introduced$


    • +ouis Armstrong appears at arnegie Hall with *illie Holida#$

    • -iles Davis continues to perform with harlie .arer at the

    "hree Deuces and maes a series of recordings with .arer$

    • -iles Davis maes his first recordings as a leader3 featuring

    harlie .arer3 pianist John +ewis3 and drummer -a1 2oach$

    • harlie .arer records numerous tracs for the Dial and 'avo#la%els$

    • *illie Holida# is convicted for possession of heroin$

    • Ella itzgerald and Dizz# 8illespie appear at a sold out concert

    at arnegie Hall3 where 8illespie performs u%ana *eFu%ana*op$

    • Dizz# 8illespie records -anteca3 %ringing attention to Afro=

    u%an 5azz$

    • "helonious -on maes his first recordings as a %andleader

    for *lue Note$ 'everal of his original compositions are

    • risis occurs in .alestine$

    • 9ndia and .aistan gain independence f 


    • ommunists assume power in Hungar#

    • Jacie 2o%inson %ecomes the first Afric

    American in ma5or league %ase%all$

    • "he sound %arrier is %roen in the &$'$

    • "he entral 9ntelligence Agenc# is crea

     %# .resident Harr# "ruman$

    • "he House &n=American Activities

    ommittee %egins investigating commuin Holl#wood3 leading to the %laclistinten filmmaers$

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    featured3 including 9n /aled *ud3 -on!s -ood and /ellYou Needn!t$

    • Drummer Art *lae# forms a group that is later to %ecome the

    Jazz -essengers$

    • "he Atlantic la%el is founded$

    • +ouis Armstrong and *illie Holida# appear in the film New


    • hano .ozo introduces Afro=u%an 5azz in New Yor$

    • "he first microwave oven is introduced$


    • Dizz# 8illespie %rings %e%op to Europe3 performing at the Nice

    Jazz estival in rance along with +ouis Armstrong and others$

    • 8illespie!s u%an drummer3 hano .ozo3 is shot dead in


    • *illie Holida# performs twice at arnegie Hall3 %oth times

     %reaing %o1=office records$

    • olum%ia 2ecords introduces the first long=pla#ing vin#l discs$

    • -iles Davis forms a nonet which appears for two wees at the

    2o#al 2oost as a replacement for pianist ount *asie!s %and$

    • 'a1ophonist *en /e%ster re5oins Due Ellington!s %and$

    • -ahatma 8handi is assassinated in Ne


    • ommunists gain control of zechoslo

    • *ritain a%andons .alestine$

    • 9srael is founded$

    • "he &$'$'$2$ isolates *erlin$

    • /riter 8eorge 4rwell!s BK is pu%lish

    • 'outh Africa esta%lishes the apartheid


    • 9n the &$'$3 a 5udge rules that it is illega

    homeowners to refuse to sell to %lac %


    • -iles Davis and composerFarranger 8il Evans record *irth of

    the ool$

    • "he first estival 9nternational de Jazz is held in .aris3featuring harlie .arer3 Dizz# 8illespie3 'idne# *echet3 -ilesDavis3 0enn# lar3 and others$

    • .ianist +ennie "ristano records earl# e1amples of free 5azz


    •  Norman 8ranz pairs anadian pianist 4scar .eterson with

     %assist 2a# *rown at a ;Jazz at the .hilharmonic; concert atarnegie Hall$

    • .ianist Dave *ru%ec records in 'an rancisco with his piano


    • "he 2epu%lic of Erie is esta%lished$

    • "he /est 8erman ederal 2epu%lic is


    • "he first passenger 5et aircraft maes a

    • "he .eople!s 2epu%lic of hina is foun

     %# hairman -ao "se="ung$

    • "he East 8erman Democratic 2epu%lic


    • ivil /ar ends in 8reece$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • "he clu% *irdland3 named after harlie ;*ird; .arer3 opens on


    • harlie .arer appears at arnegie Hall> the same #ear he also

    records harlie .arer with 'trings$

    • 'tan 0enton performs progressive 5azz at arnegie Hall with a

    @?=piece orchestra$

    • ,ietnam achieves independence from


    Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • .ianist 4scar .eterson maes his first recordings$

    • ,ocalist 'arah ,aughan records in NY with trumpeter -iles


    • 'a1ophonist harlie .arer and pianist "helonious -on

    record together$

    • "helonious -on is arrested for possession of drugs and

     %anned from performing in NY nightclu%s for si1 #ears$

    • .ianist Errol 8arner composes -ist#$

    • .ianist Ahmad Jamal forms his first piano trio$

    • .ianist ount *asie and trumpeter Dizz# 8illespie %oth

    dis%and their %ig %ands due to financial constraints$

    • /riter 8eorge 4rwell (BK) dies$

    • "he 'oviet &nion declares its nuclear


    • "he 0orean /ar %egins$

    • hina invades "i%et$


    • "he -iles Davis All 'tars record their first long=pla#ing al%um

    for .restige$

    • .ianist Dave *ru%ec forms his first quartet with sa1ophonist

    .aul Desmond$

    • .ianist John +ewis forms the -ilt Jacson Iuartet with

    vi%raphonist -ilt Jacson3 %assist 2a# *rown3 and drummer0enn# lare$

    •  New Yor police strip "helonious -on of his ca%aret card

    after he refuses to testif# against *ud .owell for a narcoticsarrest$ "he loss of his card severel# restricts "helonious! a%ilit#to find gainful emplo#ment in New Yor (a ca%aret card wasrequired to pla# in an# esta%lishment that served liquor)$

    • &nited Nations troops tae 'eoul$

    • /riter J$D$ 'alinger pu%lishes "he atc

    the 2#e$

    •  NA"4 is formed$


    • harlie .arer records sessions with strings and +atin • /riter 'amuel *ecett!s pu%lishes /ait

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    repertoire for -ercur#$

    • *assist harles -ingus and drummer -a1 2oach form the

    De%ut la%el$

    • arnegie Hall presents a concert devoted to alifornia 5azz

    featuring trumpeter het *aer and sa1ophonists 8err#-ulligan and .aul Desmond$

    • -ilt Jacson and John +ewis rename their group the -odern

    Jazz Iuartet$

    • *andleader letcher Henderson dies$

    • Due Ellington!s @?th Anniversar# is cele%rated with two

    concerts at arnegie Hall featuring *illie Holida#3 sa1ophonist

    'tan 8etz3 harlie .arer3 and Dizz# 8illespie$

    • 8err# -ulligan!s piano=less quartet records -# unn#


    for 8odot$

    • "he 9mmigration and Naturalization Ac

     passed3 removing the last racial and eth

     %arriers to naturalization$


    • Dave *ru%ec!s quartet records Jazz at 4%erlin during a highl#

    acclaimed college tour$

    • *enn# 8oodman!s %and goes on tour with +ouis Armstrong!s

    All 'tars eventuall# leading to a fight that ends with 8oodman

    having a nervous %readown$

    • "rom%onist *o% *roome#er replaces het *aer in 8err#

    -ulligan!s quartet$

    • harlie .arer3 Dizz# 8illespie3 -a1 2oach3 *ud .owell and

    harles -ingus travel to "oronto3 anada to record Jazz at-asse# Hall$

    • 'oviet leader Josef 'talin dies$

    • omposer 'erge .roofiev dies$

    • Iueen Eliza%eth 99 is coronated in +on

    • "he 0orean /ar ends$

    • Dwight D$Eisenhower %ecomes preside


    • -iles Davis records /alin! and -iles Davis and the -odern

    Jazz 8iants3 the latter featuring "helonious -on and -iltJacson$

    • "he highl# popular het *aer Iuartet records -# unn#

    ,alentine and *ut Not or -e$

    • Dave *ru%ec appears on the cover of "ime magazine3 his

    quartet records Jazz 8oes "o ollege$

    • Drummer 'hell# -anne records /est oast 'ound$

    • "he first American 5azz festival is organized in Newport3

    • "he &$'$ tests the h#drogen %om% on *


    • American composer harles 9ves dies$

    • *ill Hale# and the omets introduce th

    song 'hae3 2attle and 2oll$

    • "he ,ietnam /ar %egins$

    • "he &$'$ 'upreme ourt rules that raci

    segregation in pu%lic schools inunconstitutional$

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    2hode 9sland %# 8eorge /ein$

    • harlie .arer attempts suicide and is later admitted to

    *ellevue Hospital$

    • *assist harles -ingus maes his first recordings with the Jazz

    omposers /orshop$

    • "he film "he 8lenn -iller 'tor# is released3 starring Jimm#

    'tewart and featuring +ouis Armstrong and others$

    • Drummer -a1 2oach forms a hard %op quintet with trumpeter

    lifford *rown$

    • Drummer Art *lae# records his first al%um under the name

    the Jazz -essengers$

    • "helonious -on tours Europe3 where -ar# +ou /illiams first

    introduces him to *aroness .annonica !Nica! de 0oenigswarter3for whom "helonious will later dedicate the song .annonica$

    • "he first nuclear power is produced in t

    'oviet &nion$


    • harlie .arer dies$ "he coroner who performs his autops#

    mistaenl# estimates .arer!s K=#ear=old %od# to %e %etween?7 and

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • .ianist Horace 'ilver leaves the Jazz -essengers$

    • Due Ellington!s popularit# is respared %# an appearance at

    the Newport Jazz estival and %# a cover stor# in "ime


    • -iles Davis records 2ela1in!3 ooin!3 and 'teamin! and then

    tours Europe$

    • Art "atum dies$

    •  N* launches the Nat 0ing ole 'how$

    • "rumpeter +ee -organ maes his first recordings$

    "helonious -on records *rilliant orners3 with 'onn#2ollins$


    • "he -odern Jazz Iuartet provides the score for the film 'ait=

    on 5amais3 and tours Europe performing the music$

    • -iles Davis and arranger 8il Evans record -iles Ahead$

    • -iles Davis records the soundtrac for the rench film

    +!Ascenseur pour l!echafaud and performs the music in .aris

    with %assist .ierre -ichelot and drummer 0enn# lare$

    • "helonious -on records with the Jazz -essengers$

    • larinetist Jimm# Dorse# dies$

    • *assist harles -ingus records "i5uana -oods3 using elements

    of +atin music$

    • +eonard *ernstein!s /est 'ide 'tor# opens in /ashington3


    • 'a1ophonist John oltrane records the al%um *lue "rane$

    • +ouis Armstrong causes controvers# %# speaing out against

    .resident Dwight Eisenhower$

    • *illie Holida# performs ine and -ellow in a live ",


    • "he 'tate Department sends *enn# 8oodman on a tour to the

    ar East$

    •.ianist and arranger "oshio Ai#oshi wins a poll in Down

    • onductor Arturo "oscanini dies$

    • omposer Jean 'i%elius dies$

    • "he &$'$'$2$ launches the first 'putni


    •8overnor au%us of Aransas calls out

     National 8uard to prevent desegregatio

    • Dr$ 'euss! children!s %oo "he at in th

     %ecomes a %estseller$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    *eat and receives an award from the *erlee ollege of -usic$

    • *randies &niversit# commissions "hird 'tream wors %#

    harles -ingus and others$


    • ritic *arr# &lanov speas out against se1ism in 5azz in an

    article in Down *eat$

    • 'onn# 2ollins records reedom 'uite with 4scar .ettiford and

    -a1 2oach3 using the liner notes to attac racism in America$

    • Dave *ru%ec performs in Denmar$

    • 4scar .eterson performs in Amsterdam$

    • *andleader /$$ Hand# dies$

    • "he film 't$ +ouis *lues depicts Hand#!s life and features Nat

    0ing ole3 Ella itzgerald3 and %lues singer -ahalia Jacson$

    • -iles Davis records -ilestones3 featuring earl# modal 5azz$

    • -iles Davis records 4n 8reen Dolphin 'treet with pianist *ill


    -iles Davis and 8il Evans record large=ensem%learrangements of composer 8eorge 8ershwin!s opera .org# and*ess$

    • Art *lae#!s Jazz -essengers record -oanin!3 a defining

    al%um for hard %op$

    • omposer Antonio arlos Jo%im launches the %ossa nova

    craze3 recording Joao 8il%erto!s hega de 'audade$

    • *ill Evans records Ever#%od# Digs *ill Evans with the

    influential modal trac .eace .iece$

    • Art *lae# records Holida# for 'in with three 5azz drummers

    and seven +atin percussionists and tours Europe with the Jazz-essengers$

    • "he European Economic ommunit# is


    • .ainter .a%lo .icasso!s mural "he all

    9carus is unveiled$

    • "he *oeing 676 5et revolutionizes air tr 

    • "he hovercraft is invented$

    • "he first stereo record is issued$

    • "he sate%oard is invented in aliforni


    • "helonious -on appears at "own Hall$

    • -iles Davis records 0ind of *lue3 which pioneers modal 5azz3

    and will eventuall# %ecome one of the %est selling 5azz al%umsof all time$

    • idel astro assumes power in u%a$

    • 'inger *udd# Holl# dies$

    • Hawaii and Alasa 5oin the &$'$

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    • 'a1ophonist +ester Young dies$

    • John oltrane records 8iant 'teps$

    • larinetist 'idne# *echet dies$

    • +os Angeles=%ased sa1ophonist 4rnette oleman records "he

    'hape of Jazz to ome3 a free 5azz al%um$

    • oleman!s group performs free 5azz at the ive 'pot in New


    • *illie Holida# is arrested for possession of drugs and dies soon


    Due Ellington composes the score for the film Anatom# of a-urder$

    • Dave *ru%ec and his quartet record "ime 4ut3 which includes

    .aul Desmond!s hit "ae ive$

    • .ianist 4scar .eterson forms a trio with %assist 2a# *rown and

    drummer Ed "higpen$

    • Architect ran +lo#d /right dies$

    • .anama is invaded %# u%an forces$

    • hina is %arred from 5oining the &nited Nations$

    • "he first cassette tapes are introduced i


    • Earth receives its first pictures of the da

    side of the moon$

    • "he first Lero1 machines are introduce

    "wo mone#s are sent into space %# Nand return safel#$


    Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • "rumpeter -iles Davis records 'etches of 'pain3 which uses

    lamenco music3 and then tours Europe$

    • "he -odern Jazz Iuartet records an al%um with orchestral


    • rowd distur%ances disrupt the 6th Newport Jazz estival$

    • 'a1ophonist John oltrane and trumpeter Don herr#

    colla%orate on the al%um Avant=8arde3 influenced %#sa1ophonist 4rnette oleman$

    • John oltrane records -# avorite "hings3 as well as 8iant


    • Drummer -a1 2oach records /e 9nsistM: reedom Now 'uite$

    "he al%um has an e1plicit civil rights message$

    • .ianist ecil "a#lor and sa1ophonist Archie 'hepp record "he

    /orld of ecil "a#lor$

    • *assist harles -ingus and sa1ophonistFclarinetist EricDolph# record /hat +ove and a%les of au%us3 the latter

    • /riter Al%ert amus is illed in a car c

    • John $ 0enned# is elected president of


    • "he first laser %eam is demonstrated$

    • African=American students stage sit=ins

     North arolina$

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    written a%out the Aransas governor who opposeddesegregation$

    • Drummer 'hell# -anne opens the clu% ;'hell#!s -anne=Hole;

    in +os Angeles$

    • 4rnette oleman records ree Jazz$


    • Drummer Art *lae#!s Jazz -essengers tour Japan$

    • -iles Davis records live at 'an rancisco!s *lac Haw$

    • -iles Davis and arranger 8il Evans appear at arnegie Hall$

    • "rumpeter Dizz# 8illespie appears at arnegie Hall$

    • .ianist "helonious -on tours Europe$

    • 4rnette oleman!s avant=garde quartet dis%ands$

    • Down *eat magazine prints several articles attacing 4rnette

    oleman!s music and the current (free 5azz) music of Johnoltrane and Eric Dolph#$

    • "he Newport Jazz estival relocates to New Yor after rioting

    in its original location$

    • 'a1ophonist 4liver Nelson records *lues and the A%stract


    • 2ussian cosmonaut Yuri 8agarin is the

    man in space$

    • /riter Ernest Hemingwa# dies$

    • "he *erlin /all is completed$

    • "he %irth=control pill is introduced$

    • /riter Joseph Heller!s novel atch=@@ i


    • u%an e1iles attempt to overthrow u%

    leader idel astro in the *a# of .igsinvasion$

    • John $ 0enned# is inaugerated3 %ecomi

    the first atholic .resident$


    • 'a1ophonist 'tan 8etz and guitarist harlie *#rd record

    Desafinado3 which spars renewed interest in %ossa nova$

    • .ianist Her%ie Hancoc records his first al%um as a leader3

    "ain! 4ff$

    • "rumpeter ootie /illiams re5oins Due Ellington!s %and$

    Ellington records an al%um with harles -ingus and drummer-a1 2oach3 and an al%um with John oltrane$

    • arnegie Hall hosts a %ossa nova concert$

    • 8uitarist Joe .ass maes his first al%um$

    • ecil "a#lor records live in openhagen$

    • Actress -aril#n -onroe dies$

    • /riter /illiam aulner dies$

    • "he u%an -issile risis occurs$

    • +incoln enter for the .erforming Arts

    in New Yor it#$

    • "he *eatles %ecome a sensation with th

    first single +ove -e Do$


    • harles -ingus records "he *lac 'aint and "he 'inner +ad#3 • ivil rights leader -artin +uther 0ing J

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    a landmar in e1tended structure and free improvisation$

    • *ill Evans records onversations with -#self3 which uses


    • -iles Davis performs and records with his new group with

    Her%ie Hancoc3 sa1ophonist 8eorge oleman3 %assist 2onarter3 and 6=#ear=old drummer "on# /illiams$

    • ount *asie tours Japan$

    • "rumpeter +ee -organ records the %est=selling "he


    • Astrud 8il%erto!s 8irl from 9panema %ecomes a huge hit

    featuring 'tan 8etz$

    addresses a rall# in /ashington3 D$$

    • "welve=#ear=old singer 'tevie /onder

    releases his first al%um$

    • &$'$ .resident John $ 0enned# is


    • +#ndon *$ Johnson %ecomes president


    • our %lac girls are illed in an Ala%am

    church %om%ing$


    • "he -iles Davis Iuintet records the classic live al%um -#

    unn# ,alentine3 and soon after sa1ophonist /a#ne 'horterreplaces 8eorge oleman$

    • larinetist and flutist Eric Dolph# records 4ut "o +unch with

    trumpeter reddie Hu%%ard and "on# /illiams$

    • .ianist Horace 'ilver records 'ong for -# ather$

    • John oltrane records A +ove 'upreme3 which sells hundreds

    of thousands of copies$

    • *lind multi=instrumentalist 2oland 0ir performs at the

     Newport in Europe festival$

    • Avant=garde tenor sa1ophonist Al%ert A#ler records the al%um


    • 'outh African political activist Nelson

    -andela %egins his life sentence$

    • omposer ole .orter dies$

    • ilmmaer 'tanle# 0u%ric releases Dr 


    • "he *eatles appear in A Hard Da#!s Ni

    and tour the &$'$ for the first time$

    • "he &$'$ ivil 2ights *ill is passed$

    • rance and *ritain agree to construct a

    hannel "unnel connecting the twocountries$

    • "he soldier doll 8$9$ Joe is introduced$


    • -iles Davis records E'. with his new quintet$

    • .ianist Nat 0ing ole dies of cancer$

    • Her%ie Hancoc records -aiden ,o#age3 a classic modal tune3

    with the other mem%ers of -iles Davis! group plus trumpeterreddie Hu%%ard$

    • "rumpeter "had Jones and drummer -el +ewis form a

    rehearsal orchestra that is to last for #ears$

    • John oltrane records Ascension3 a free 5azz e1periment

    • /riter "$'$ Eliot dies$

    • "he &$'$ intensifies its involvement in


    • "he first spacewal occurs$

    • "hirt#=four people are illed in +os An

    race riots$

    • "he film "he 'ound of -usic receives

    4scar for *est .icture$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    influenced %# 4rnette oleman$   • .olitical activist -alcolm L is assassin


    • Due Ellington receives the .resident!s 8old -edal of Honor$

    • "had Jones and -el +ewis de%ut with their %ig %and at the

    ,illage ,anguard in New Yor$

    • ecil "a#lor records &nit 'tructures3 which is an e1perimental

    al%um that resem%les contemporar# classical music$

    • "he -iles Davis Iuintet records -iles 'miles3 a historic wor

    that e1plores structural freedom$

    • 2ace riots %rea out in New Yor3 lev

    and hicago$

    • ultural 2evolution occurs in hina$

    • 'tar "re appears on ",$

    • *ar%ara Jordan %ecomes the first Africa

    American woman to win a seat in the "'enate$

    • 2ise of the ;*lac .ower; movement>

     Newton and *o%%# 'eale form the *lac.anthers .art#$


    • John oltrane maes his last recordings and dies soon after of

    liver disease$

    • "he -iles Davis Iuintet records 'orcerer and Nefertiti3

    featuring mostl# compositions %# /a#ne 'horter$

    • "he Dave *ru%ec Iuarter dis%ands$

    • *andleader .aul /hiteman dies$

    • "he first -ontreu1 Jazz estival is held in 'witzerland$

    • Down *eat announces it will cover roc music as well as 5azz$

    • "rumpeter +ester *owie forms the Art Ensem%le of hicago3

    an important avant=garde 5azz group$

    • Her%ie Hancoc introduces electric piano to popular 5azz in

    -iles Davis! group$

    • "he first heart=transplant operation is


    • "he 'i1=Da# /ar occurs in the -iddle

    • "he Apollo space crew is illed in a

    launchpad fire$

    • 'inger Aretha ranlin has four top=7

    • .resident +#ndon Johnson orders a

    commission to report on rising racialviolence$


    • ,i%raphonist 8ar# *urton appears at arnegie Hall$

    • Her%ie Hancoc records the al%um 'pea +ie a hild with

    trumpeter "had Jones and %assist 2on arter$

    • Her%ie Hancoc quits the -iles Davis Iuartet$

    • 8uitarist /es -ontgomer#3 whose al%um A Da# in the +ife is

    the %est selling 5azz al%um of the #ear3 dies$

    • -artin +uther 0ing Jr$ is assassinated$

    • 'tudents protest in .aris$

    • "he &$'$'$2$ invades zechoslovaia$

    • .residential candidate 2o%ert 0enned#


    • -assive antiwar protests are staged in t

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • .ianist hic orea and %assist Dave Holland 5oin -iles

    Davis! %and$

    • Avant=garde sa1ophonist Anthon# *ra1ton3 a mem%er of the

    hicago Association for the Advancement of reative-usicians3 records or Alto 'a1ophone and "hreeompositions of New Jazz$

    • omposer arla *le#!s Jazz omposers 4rchestra Association

    forms the New -usic Distri%ution 'ervice to disseminate itsrecordings$


    • 2oc guitarist Jimi Hendri1 soars up th

    charts with two al%ums$

    • ilmmaer 'tanle# 0u%ric!s @77: A '

    4d#sse# is released$


    • omposer 8unther 'chuller completes his %oo Earl# Jazz3 the

    first critical stud# of the origins of the music$

    • *assist .aul ham%ers dies from tu%erculosis$

    • -iles Davis records 9n a 'ilent /a#$ +ater in the #ear3 Davis

    records *itches *rew3 the first important fusion al%um$

    • "on# /illiams forms the group +ifetime with guitarist John

    -c+aughlin and organist +arr# Young$

    • "he Art Ensem%le of hicago records in .aris$

    • oleman Hawins dies of pneumonia$

    •  Neil Armstrong %ecomes the first man t

    on the moon$

    • olonel -uammar 8addafi seizes pow


    • 8olda -eir %ecomes .remier of 9srael$

    • "he /oodstoc pop music festival is he

     New Yor$

    • /riter -ario .uzo!s "he 8odfather is


    • "he lotter# s#stem is esta%lished for thedraft$

    • 2ichard -$ Ni1on %ecomes president$


    Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • .ianist hic orea records "he 'ong of 'inging3 a successful

    e1periment with atonal 5azz$

    • hic orea and %assist Dave Holland quit -iles Davis! %and

    and form the group ircle$

    • .ianist 0eith Jarrett 5oins -iles Davis! group on electric organ$

    • *assist harles -ingus and %andleader 'un 2a record in


    • 'a1ophonist Jan 8ar%are visits the &$'$

    • Artist -ar 2otho dies$

    • "he &$'$ arm# enters am%odia$

    • 8uitarist Jimi Hendri1 dies from a drug


    • 'inger Janis Joplin dies from a drug


    • "he voting age is lowered to $

    • 'tudent demonstrators are illed at 0en

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • .ianist Joshua 2ifin records ragtime composer 'cott Joplin!s


    'tate &niversit# and Jacson 'tate oll

    • &$'$ 'upreme ourt case 2oe vs$ /ade

    defends women!s right to a%ortion$

    • "he /orld "rade enter in New Yor

     %ecomes the tallest %uilding in the worl


    • 0e#%oardist Joe Cawinul!s and sa1ophonist /a#ne 'horter!s

    new fusion group3 /eather 2eport3 records in New Yor$

    • 8uitarist John -c+aughlin!s newl# formed -ahavishnu

    4rchestra records in New Yor$

    • .ianist "helonious -on records in +ondon$

    • 'un 2a!s Arestra tours Eg#pt$

    • *assist harles -ingus pu%lishes his auto%iograph#3 *eneath

    "he &nderdog$

    • "rumpeter +ouis Armstrong dies$

    • omposer 9gor 'travins# dies$

    • "he &$'$ %om%s North ,ietnam$

    • ilmmaer 'tanle# 0u%ric!s A loc 

    4range is %anned in the &0$

    • +ouis Armstrong!s death is reported on

    front pages of newspapers all over the


    • /eather 2eport records 9 'ing the *od# Electric$

    • 0e#%oardist hic orea records with his newl# formed fusion

    group 2eturn to orever$

    • *assist harles -ingus performs at the .hilharmonic Hall in

     New Yor$

    • Hard %op trumpeter +ee -organ is shot dead %# his former

    mistress in New Yor$

    • .ianist "helonious -on goes into retirement$

    • ree 5azz sa1ophonist 4rnette oleman!s 'ies of America is

     performed %# the +ondon '#mphon# 4rchestra$

    • "he -ahavishnu 4rchestra records *irds of ire and +ove

    Devotion 'urrender$

    • *ritish troops ill people in Norther 


    • "he &0 5oins the European Economic


    • "he 'A+" agreement limits &$'$ and

    &$'$'$2$ nuclear weapons$

    • Eleven 9sraelis are murdered %# Ara%

    terrorists in -unich at the 4l#mpics$

    "he &$'$ maes its final %om%ing of No,ietnam$

    • .resident 2ichard Ni1on visits ommu

    hina and the &$'$'$2$

    • 2eggae star *o% -arle# is signed to 9sl

    2ecords and %rings Jamaican music anculture into the mainstream$

    • "he first .olaroid cameras go on sale$

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    • 0e#%oardist Her%ie Hancoc records the 5azz=roc (fusion)

    al%um Headhunters in 'an rancisco3 the al%um!s sales %reaing all records in 5azz$

    "he movie "he 'ting features 'cott Joplin!s music3 creating arenewed interest in ragtime$

    • "rumpeter Dizz# 8illespie arranges a come%ac appearance for 

    trumpeter het *aer$

    • 8uitarist John -c+aughlin dis%ands the first -ahavishnu


    • "he ,ietnam /ar ends$

    • .ainter .a%lo .icasso dies$

    • "he /atergate 'candal occurs$

    • "he mountain %ie is invented in alifo


    • "rumpeter "had Jones and drummer -el +ewis tae their %ig

     %and to "o#o$

    • "he Ai#oshi="a%acin %ig %and records in +os Angeles$

    • "he -odern Jazz Iuartet gives a farewell performance at New

    Yor!s +incoln enter$

    • .ianist 4scar .eterson visits the 'oviet &nion$

    • 'a1ophonist 8rover /ashington Jr$ records his crossover hit

    -r$ -agic$

    • Due Ellington dies from lung cancer and pneumonia$

    • "urish forces invade #prus$

    • .att# Hearst3 daughter of newspaper m

    /illiam 2andolph Hearst3 is idnapped

    • "he ;streaing; craze (running in the n

    for shoc and laughs) hits college campand other pu%lic places$

    • .resident 2ichard Ni1on resigns$

    • 8erald ord %ecomes president$


    • 'a1ophonist -ichael *recer and his %rother3 trumpeter

    2and#3 record together$

    • 2eturn to orever records No -#ster#$

    • -iles Davis performs in Japan3 New Yor3 and at the Newport

    estival %efore going into retirement$

    • 8uitarist .at -ethen# records his first al%um3 *right 'ized

    +ife3 with electric %assist Jaco .astorius$

    • .ianist *ill Evans records the al%um Alone$

    • ourteen=#ear=old trumpet virtuoso /#nton -arsalis performs

    with the New 4rleans '#mphon# 4rchestra$

    • "he 0hmer 2ouge taes control of


    •  North ,ietnam invades 'outh ,ietnam$

    • ilmmaer 'teven 'piel%erg!s Jaws is



    • .ianist Dave *ru%ec!s quartet reunites for an anniversar#


    • "he ,iing space pro%e transmits pictu

    from -ars$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • .ianist "helonious -on performs for the last time at the

     Newport Jazz estival$

    • .ianist Her%ie Hancoc records live at Newport with his group3


    • 8uitarist John -c+aughlin dis%ands the second -ahavishnu


    • /eather 2eport3 now with electric %ass virtuoso Jaco .astorius3

    records its %est selling al%ums *lac -aret and Heav#/eather$

    • /riter Ale1 Hale#!s 2oots is pu%lished$

    • "he &$'$ cele%rates the %icentennial of

    independence with Kth of Jul# festivitie

    • .un roc %ecomes popular in *ritain$

    • 'cott Joplin is awarded a posthumous

    .ulitzer .rize for his contri%utions toAmerican music$


    • .ianist Errol 8arner dies$

    • Alto sa1ophonist .aul Desmond dies$

    • "he /orld 'a1ophone Iuartet is founded$

    • Drummer 0enn# lare returns to the &$'$

    • -ulti=instrumentalist 2oland 0ir dies$

    • .op 5azz group 'p#ro 8#ra records its first al%um$

    • "he &$'$ space shuttle maes a test flig

    • 'inger Elvis .resle# dies$

    • ilmmaer 8eorge +ucas! 'tar /ars is


    • Jimm# arter %ecomes president$


    • .resident Jimm# arter hosts a 5azz concert at the /hite House

    in honor of %assist and composer harles -ingus$

    • "he u%an %and3 9raere3 promotes Afro=u%an music in

    Europe and the &$'$

    • .ianist hic orea records with vi%raphonist 8ar# *urton$

    • 0e#%oardist *o% James composes a popular fusion theme for

    the ", series "a1i$

    • "he .at -ethen# 8roup is formed$

    • 2evolution occurs in Afghanistan$

    • "he hit film musical 8rease is released$

    • "he first video arcade game 'pace 9nva

    is a hug hit worldwide$

    • "elevision reporter -a1 2o%inson is th

    African American to anchor networ ne


    • *assist harles -ingus dies in -e1ico$

    • 'ue -ingus forms the -ingus D#nast# in honor of her late


    • Drummer Jac DeJohnette colla%orates with sa1ophonist

    David -urra# on 'pecial Edition$

    • -argaret "hatcher %ecomes *ritain!s fi

    female prime minister$

    • ilmmaer rancis ord oppola!s mov

    Apocal#pse Now is released$

    •  Nuclear disaster occurs at "hree -ile 9s

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • .ianist 0eith Jarrett and sa1ophonist Jan 8ar%are record live$

    • *andleader 'tan 0enton dies in +os Angeles$

    • Dizz# 8illespie pu%lishes his %oo3 "o *e or Not "o *op$

    • .ianist *ill Evans maes his final recordings$

    • "he first 'on# /alman is introduced$

    Year Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • 'a1ophonist 8rover /ashington3 Jr$3

    records his 8ramm# Award winningal%um3 inelight 3 that includes the hit song

     !ust the Two of "s$

    • "rumpeter -iles Davis comes out of

    retirement and records the fun and roc=influenced The Man with the #orn$

    • Eighteen=#ear=old trumpeter /#nton

    -arsalis records at -ontreu1 with Art*lae#!s Jazz -essengers$

    • .ianist *ill Evans dies in New Yor$

    • ormer *eatle John +ennon is

    murdered in New Yor it#$

    • 73777 u%an refugees come to

    the &$'$

    • -t$ 't$ Helen!s volcano erupts$

    • "he 9ranian hostage crisis %egins$


    • .ianist -ar# +ou /illiams dies$

    • -iles Davis maes his first live

     performance since retirement at Aver#isher Hall in New Yor$

    • 'a1ophonist David 'an%orn records the

    al%um $o%eur 3 featuring the 8ramm#=winning song &ll ' (ee) is *ou3 composed

     %# %assist -arcus -iller$

    •'a1ophonist *ranford and trumpeter/#nton -arsalis 5oins Art *lae#!s Jazz-essengers$

    • "he &$'$ completes its first

    successful space shuttle mission$

    • 2ace riots occur in *ri1ton3


    • .rince harles marries +ad#

    Diana 'pencer$

    • .resident Anwar 'adat of Eg#pt

    is assassinated$

    • .oland declares martial law to

    quash trade union ;solidarit#$;

    • ormer actor 2onald 2eagan

     %ecomes president$

    • Assassination attempts are made

    on .resident 2eagan and .opeJohn .aul 99$

    • 'andra Da# 4!onnor %ecomes

    the first female &$'$ 'upreme

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    ourt Justice$

    • "he 9ranian hostage crises ends$

    • "he A9D' epidemic %egins$


    • .ianist "helonious -on dies$

    • 'a1ophonist 'onn# 'titt dies$

    • *assist Jaco .astorius leaves /eather


    • "rumpeter /#nton -arsalis and vocalist

    *o%%# -cerrin are featured at the 0oolJazz estival$

    • Argentina invades the alland

    9slands$ *ritish forces reclaim theallands forcing the surrender of Argentine troops$

    • ilmmaer 2ichard Atten%orough

    receives eight Academ# Awardsfor the film +han)i$

    • ilmmaer 'teven 'piel%erg

    receives three Academ# Awardsfor E,T, 

    • The Message is one of the earliest

    rap hits$


    • .ianist 0eith Jarrett mae his first

    recordings of standards with drummer Jac 

    DeJohnette and %assist 8ar# .eacoc$

    • .ianist Eu%ie *lae dies$

    • .ianist Earl Hines dies$

    • "rumpeter /#nton -arsalis maes histor#

     %# winning a 5azz and classical 8ramm#Award in the same #ear$

    • 0e#%oardist Her%ie Hancoc!s s#nthesized

    dance hit3 Ro.it 3 reaches num%er one in

    the pop charts$

    • .ianist 'cott Joplin appears on a &$'$

     postage stamp$

    • /riter "ennessee /illiams dies$

    • "he &$'$ invades 8ranada$

    • "he first compact discs are


    • "he a%%age .atch dolls %ecome

    a commercial success$

    • "he 'chool .ra#er Amendment is

    re5ected %# the &$'$ 'upremeourt$

    • Harold /ashington %ecomes the

    first *lac ma#or of hicago$

    • ,anessa /illiams %ecomes the

    first *lac -iss America$


    • *andleader and e#%oardist 'un 2a

     performs in Athens and is voted into the /own Beat  Hall of ame$

    • "he first %lac franchise is

    granted in 'outh Africa$

    • 9ndian .rime -inister 9ndira

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • .ianist ount *asie dies in Holl#wood$

    • Drummer 'hell# -anne dies$

    • -iles Davis records *ou0re "n)er &rrest  

     %efore leaving olum%ia 2ecords andsigning a seven figure deal with /arner*ros$

    8handi is assassinated$

    • 2onald 2eagan is elected to his

    second term as .resident$

    • Apple omputers launches the

    first -acintosh$


    • Drummer 0enn# lare dies$

    • -iles Davis records &ura in Denmar$

    • "rumpeter "had Jones taes over the ount

    *asie %and$

    • *lue Note is relaunched with a concert at

    "own Hall with drummer Art *lae#3 %assist 2on arter3 pianist Her%ie Hancoc3trumpeter reddie Hu%%ard3 and others$

    • Drummer .hill# Joe Jones dies$

    • "rumpeter ootie /illiams dies$

    .ianist hic orea captures a newaudience with his Eletri *and withelectric %assist John .atitucci and drummer Dave /ecl$

    • *ranford -arsalis tours with pop artist


    • 'inger and promoter *o%

    8eldof!s charit# concert ;+iveAid; reaches a glo%al audience$

    • "he sunen cruise ship The

    Titani is located$

    • A new3 sweeter oca=ola is

    introduced %ut oca=ola goes %ac to the original recipe due to poor sales$


    • /#nton -arsalis records Stan)ar) Time3

    esta%lishing his reputation as atraditionalist$

    • Jazz=pop musician 0enn# 8 has a hit with


    • Jazz education and outreach organization

    Thelonious Mon. 'nstitute of !azz  esta%lished in memor# of the 5azz legend$

    • "he film 1Roun) Mi)night  is released3

    starring sa1ophonist De1ter 8ordon as acharacter loosel# %ased on pianist *ud.owell> Her%ie Hancoc wins Academ#Award for original score$

    • "he &$'$ space shuttle

    Challenger  e1plodes on launch$

    • "he &$'$ %om%s +i%#a from a

    *ritish air %ase$

    • ilmmaer 4liver 'tone!s

     Platoon receives an Academ#Award$

    • "he 9ran=ontra 'candal %ecomes


    • "he &$'$ 'upreme ourt upholds

    affirmative=action hiring quotas$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • Jazz legend *enn# 8oodman dies$


    Electric %assist Jaco .astorius dies3 %eat up %# a %ouncer in a 'outh lorida %ar$

    • ree 5azz sa1ophonist 4rnette oleman

    reunites his original quartet$

    • 'a1ophonist -ichael *recer releases his

    first solo al%um$

    • A %ig %and is formed to cele%rate trumpeter 

    Dizz# 8illespie!s seventieth %irthda#$

    • -a5or record la%els %egin massive reissuesof classic 5azz recordings on D3 reflectingthe renewed interest in %e%op and hard %op$

    • Classial !azz2 +incoln enter!s first

    concert series devoted e1clusivel# to 5azz3 %egins in Alice "ull# Hall$

    Artist And# /arhol dies$

    • "he stoc maret crashes$

    • E1=Nazi deput# 2udolf Hess

    commits suicide in a *erlin prison$

    • .resident 2onald 2eagan and

    'oviet leader -ihail 8or%achevsign the first treat# to reducenuclear arms$

    • .op vocalist /hitne# Houston

     %ecomes the first female artist tohave an al%um go straight tonum%er one on the *ill%oardcharts$


    • Arranger 8il Evans dies in -e1ico$

    • "rumpeter het *aer dies in m#steriouscircumstances in Amsterdam$

    • .ianist 0eith Jarrett is nominated for a

    8ramm# for his recording of music %#composer J$'$ *ach$

    • Actor lint Eastwood directs Bir) 3 a

     %iographical dramatization of the life ofharlie .arer$

    • A 5um%o 5et e1plodes over

    +ocer%ie3 'cotland$

    • American ", evangelist Jim

    *aer is forced to resign afteradmitting to an affair$

    • "he antidepressant drug .rozac is


    1989• "rumpeter 2o# Eldridge dies$

    • "rumpeter /ood# 'haw dies$

    •  Nineteen=#ear=old trumpeter 2o# Hargrove

    records /iamon) in the Rough$

    • John Corn records the post=modern al%um

     (a.e) Cit%$

    • "rumpeter and producer Iuinc# Jones

    records Ba. on the Blo.  with a wide

    • Artist 'alvador Dali dies$

    • "he *erlin /all is opened$

    • .rotesters are massacred at

    "iananmen 'quare in *ei5ing3hina$

    • /riter 'alman 2ushdie is

    sentenced to death in 9ran forwriting his novel The Satani

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    variet# of genres from %op to rap$

    • -iles Davis records &man)la$


    • "he &$'$ invades .anama$

    • "he E11on ,aldez oil spilloccurs$

    • 8eorge H$ *ush %ecomes


    Year Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • Drummer -el +ewis dies$

    • ,ocalist 'arah ,aughan dies$

    • 'a1ophonist De1ter 8ordon dies$

    • Drummer Art *lae# dies$

    • "rumpeter -iles Davis pu%lishes his

    controversial auto%iograph# Miles: The &utobiograph% (co=authored %# Iuinc# "roupe)$

    • "he 8ulf /ar %egins$

    • "he /arsaw .act collapses$

    • "he 'oviet &nion falls$

    • omposer +eonard

    *ernstein dies$


    • 'a1ophonist 'tan 8etz dies$

    • -iles Davis appears at the -ontreu1 Jazz

    estival with Iuinc# Jones3 performing earl#wor with arranger 8il Evans$

    • -iles Davis dies in alifornia$

    • &pon winning "helonious -on 9nstitute

    9nternational Jazz 'a1ophone ompetition3

    Joshua 2edman signs with /arner *ros$2ecords$

    •  New Yor!s +incoln enter esta%lishes 5azz

    division !azz at Linoln Center3 /#nton-arsails named Artistic Director$

    • hildren!s %oo writer Dr$

    'euss dies$

    • "he "ailhoo scandal


    • "he 8ulf /ar ends$


    • -iles Davis! final al%um3 /oo-Bop3 which

    features rap3 is released$

    'a1ophonist *ranford -arsalis %ecomes the %andleader on The Tonight Show with !a% Leno3

    • 2ace riots %rea out in +os


    Author "err# -c-illan pu%lishes the hit novel

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    with a group that includes pianist 0enn#0irland3 %assist *o% Hurst3 and drummer Jeff/atts$

    • Hip hop group &' has a hit with a song thatsamples Her%ie Hancoc!s Cantaloupe 'slan) $

    • .ianist Her%ie Hancoc3 sa1ophonist /a#ne

    'horter3 %assist 2on arter3 drummer "on#/illiams and trumpeter /allace 2one# tour in atri%ute to -iles Davis$

    aiting to E4hale$

    • -ae Jemison %ecomes the

    first African American

    woman astronaut$

    • arol -osele#=*raun

     %ecomes the first AfricanAmerican woman elected tothe &$'$ 'enate$


    • *andleader 'un 2a dies$

    •'a1ophonist Joe Henderson receives criticalacclaim for his -iles Davis tri%ute al%um So

     (ear2 So 5ar 6Musings for Miles7, 

    • .ianist hic orea!s Eletri *and is refused

     permission to perform in 8erman# %ecause oforea! s mem%ership in the controversial hurchof 'cientolog#$

    • 'a1ophonist Jan 8ar%are has commercial

    success with his al%um 8ffiium$

    • 'a1ophonist Joshua 2edman records two al%umsand esta%lishes himself as the top star in the#oung lionO 5azz scene$

    • Dizzie 8illespie dies of pancreatic cancer$

    • 'outh African .rime

    -inister $/$ de 0ler and political activist Nelson-andela win No%el .eace.rize$

    • .oet -a#a Angelou delivers

    a poem for the inaugurationof .resident linton$

    • /riter "oni -orrison wins

    the No%el .rize forliterature$

    *ill linton %ecomes president$


    • 8uitarist Joe .ass dies$

    • "rumpeter 2ed 2odne# dies$

    •  & Tribute to Miles3 featuring the -iles Davistri%ute %and3 wins a 8ramm# Award$

    • 'outh Africa has its first

    multi=racial election$

    • .aula Jones files a suit for

    se1ual harassment against.resident *ill linton$


    • "rumpeter 2o# Hargrove ousts "rumpeter

    /#nton -arsalis in the /own Beat  critic polls$

    • ilm director 2o%ert Altman!s film3 Kansas Cit%3

    is released3 featuring a reenactment of a B7!s 5am session with pianist 8eri Allen3 sa1ophonistJoshua 2edman3 %assist hristian -c*ride3

    sa1ophonist James arter3 and others$

    • ormer foot%all star 4$J$

    'impson is on trial formurder$

    • ivil unrest occurs in

    former hechn#a$

    • 4lahoma it# ederal

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • "he 9mpulse record la%el is revived after @


    • Drummer "on# /illiams dies$

     %uilding is %om%ed$

    •  Nation of 9slam leader

    +ouis arrahan organizes

    the -illion -an -arch in/ashington3 D$$


    • 0enn# 8arrett releases Pursuane: The Musi of 

     !ohn Coltrane3 with .at -ethen#$

    • "helonious -on 9nstitute produces ;A

    ele%ration of America!s -usic; on A* ",3 thefirst networ television special devoted to 5azz inover @? #ears$

    • Jazz at +incoln enter %ecomes full constituent

    of +incoln enter3 equal in stature with the tenother organizations on campus including the NY.hilharmonic3 -etropolitan 4pera3 and NY*allet$

    • A %om% is set off at the

    4l#mpic games in Atlanta$


    • /a#ne 'horter wins a 8ramm# Award for his

    electric 5azz al%um #igh Life$

    • 'a1ophonist Joshua 2edman3 %assist hristian

    -c*ride3 and drummer *rian *lade tour as atrio$

    • A P@6 million 5azz museum opens in 0ansas


    • 8roup suicide occurs

    among religious cultHeaven!s 8ate mem%ers inalifornia$

    • ormer .rincess of /ales

    +ad# Diana dies in a caraccident$

    • "he first successful clone

    (Doll#3 a sheep) occurs$


    • 8uitarist .at -ethen# and %assist harlie Haden

    win 8ramm# Awards for their duet al%um

     Be%on) the Missouri S.%$

    • 8uitarist 0evin Eu%ans replaces *ranford

    -arsalis as the %andleader on The Tonight Showwith !a% Leno$

    • .resident linton is


    • 8oogle 9nternet search

    engine esta%lished$


    • "rumpeter Art armer dies$

    • ,i%raphonist -ilt Jacson dies$

    • 'inger Joe /illiams dies$

    • .resident linton is

    acquitted on impeachmentcharges after a 'enate trial$

    ifteen high school studentsare shot dead %# two

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    • "rumpeter +ester *owie dies$ students at olum%ine High'chool in olorado$

    Year Developments in Jazz Historical Events


    • "rumpeter Dave Douglas and vocalist Diana 0rall rise

    in popularit#$

    • *assist Dave Holland tours with a group featuring

    sa1ophonist hris .otter$

    •  New 5azz=related genre3 ;5am %ands3; rises in popularit#$

    • ,iolence erupts in 9srael$

    • "he &$'$ .residential election results are dela

    due to confusion a%out votes in lorida$


    • B=hour3 7=part documentar# !azz  directed %# 0en

    *urns is presented on .*' and released on D,D$

    • amed Juilliard 'chool esta%lishes degree program in

     5azz studies$

    • Dave *ru%ec!s alma mater3 the &niversit# of the

    .acific3 launches the *ru%ec 9nstitute$

    • "helonious -on Jr$ esta%lishes independent record

    la%el Thelonious Reor)s, 

    • Jazz greats Joe Henderson3 John +ewis3 J$J$ Johnson3

    *ill# Higgins3 and "omm# lanagan die$

    • 8eorge /$ *ush %ecomes president$

    • "he /orld "rade enter in New Yor and the

    .entagon in /ashington3 D$$ are rammed %#hi5aced 5etliners in the worst terror attac onsoil> over 3777 illed$

    • &$'$ and *ritain attac targets in Afghanistan

    "ali%an government refuses to hand over terromastermind 4sama %in +aden> "ali%an regimetopples %ut %in +aden remains at large$

    • Apple omputer introduces the iPo), 

    •  9M  satellite radio %egins service$


    • /a#ne 'horter tours and records with his new acoustic


    • Dave Holland forms criticall# acclaimed %ig %and$

    • +os Angeles .hilharmonic esta%lishes reative hair

    for Jazz> vocalist Dianne 2eeves accepts firstappointment$

    • "he faces of 5azz icons Due Ellington3 'idne# *echet3

    +ouis Armstong3 and Ella itzgerald are placed onrench postage stamps$

    • "om +ord pu%lishes comprehensive 5azz discograph#


  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


     5azz divisions3 effecting a rise in the num%er ofindependent 5azz la%els$

    • Jazz legends +ionel Hampton3 .egg# +ee3 2a# *rown3

    and 2osemar# loone# die$


    • *lue Note recording artist Norah Jones wins 8ramm#

    Awards including Al%um of the Year$

    • +ouis Armstrong!s Iueens3 NY home opens as a 5azz

    museum3 educational resource3 and historical landmar$

    •  New development in 5azz3 ;5azztronica; (com%ining

    improvisation3 B7!s fusion era groove3 and studio

    electronics) arrives on the scene$

    • 2esurgence of interest in 5azz vocals and pre=roc


    • Jazz legend *enn# arter dies$

    • 'pace shuttle Columbia e1plodes upon reentr#

    Earth!s atmosphere3 illing all seven astronaut %oard$

    • &$'$ and *ritain wage war against 9raq$

    • .resident *ush signs P?7 %illion ta1=cut %ill$

    • ormer .resident of 9raq 'addam Hussein capin "irit %# &$'$ Kth 9nfantr# Division$

    • Apple omputer launches digital media pla#e

    application and online music service iTunes, 

    • D,Ds replace ,2s as the common standard

    video stores$


    • Jazz at +incoln enter opens rederic .$ 2ose Hall3 the

    first=ever performance3 education3 and %roadcast facilit#devoted e1clusivel# to 5azz$

    • As ma5or record la%les continue to minif# or eliminate

    their 5azz divisions3 more and more 5azz artists recordand release their own Ds on the 9nternet via suchorganizations as Artist'hare$

    • Jam %and *ad .lus rises in popularit#$

    •  NEA increases num%er of Jazz -asters honored each

    #ear from to < and honorarium from P@73777 to


    • Jazz legends Elvin Jones and 9llinois Jacquet die$

    • 'overeignt# returned to an interim governmen

    9raq> &$'$ maintains appro1imatel# ?3777 tr there to fight growing insurgenc#$

    • "wo -ars e1ploration ro%otic rovers successf 

    reach the surface of the red planet and send dedata and images of its landscape %ac to Earth$

    • "sunami causes devastation in 'ri +ana3 9ndi

    9ndonesia3 "hailand3 -ala#sia3 and the -aldivilling appro1imatel# 773777 and promptinglargest humanitarian response for a natural disin histor#$

    • 9nternet usage surpasses ", viewing$

    • ,ideogame industr# profits surpass movie



    • B?6 recording of the "helonious -on Iuartet with

    John oltrane discoved and released on *lue Note$

    • Jazz D,Ds enter maret$

    •  New 4rleans native sons Harr# onnic Jr$ and /#nton

    • "errorists %om% pu%lic transport s#stem in +o

    and marets in New Delhi$

    • Hurricane 0atrina causes catastrophic damage

    -ississippi and +ouisiana> 7Q of New 4rleaflooded> over 3K77 illed> all levels of &$'$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    -arsalis (and others) organize telethons3 concerts3 etc$to help Hurricane 0atrina vicitims> despite dar da#s3

     5azz contiunes to flourish in New 4rleans$

    Her%ie Hancoc3 /a#ne 'horter3 Nnenna reeelon3 and -on 9nstitute ellows tour ,ietnam on %ehalf of the&$'$ 'tate Department3 commemorating 7thanniversar# of normalization of &$'$=,ietnamdiplomatic relations$

    • Jazz legend .erc# Heath dies$

    government criticized for dela#ed and inadequresponse$

    • Earthquae in 0ashmir ills 73777$

    • 9sraeli government enacts unilateral disengage

     plan3 removing 9sraeli settlements from 8aza$

    • .ope John .aul 99 dies at age K and is succee

    .ope *enedict L,9$

    • ell phone carriers add video viewing3 interne

    music downloading services$


    • "on# *ennett3 hic orea and the late 2a# *arretto arenamed NEA Jazz -asters$

    • Jazz legends /alter *ooer and Anita 4Da# die$

    • oretta 'cott 0ing3 ivil 2ights activist and wDr$ -artin +uther 0ing Jr$3 dies at 6$

    • ormer 9raqui .resident 'addam Hussein and

    his senior allies are sentenced to death %# hanafter an 9raqi court finds them guilt# of crimesagainst humanit#$

    • 8oogle %u#s You"u%e for P$

  • 8/18/2019 Jazz Timeline 1900-2000


    first 5azz al%um in K #ears to do so$

    • -iguel Cenon and Ale1 2oss win John D$ and atherine

    "$ -acArthur oundation 8enius ellowships$

    • 8eri Allen was awarded a 8uggenheim fellowship for

    music composition$

    • Dave *ru%ec and Iuinc# Jones are inducted into the

    alifornia -useums alifornia Hall of ame$

    • ,oter turnout is the highest in at least K7 #ears


    • Jazz musician Due Ellington has %ecome the first

    *lac American to %e prominentl# featured on a &$'$coin in circulation with the release of a quarter honoring

    the District of olum%ia$

    • 0oo "a#lor3 %lues singer3 dies$

    • *arac 4%ama is inaugurated as the KKth3 and

    African=American president of the &$'$

    • "he out%rea of the #