JavaScript Everywhere! Creating a 100% JavaScript web stack

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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One of the costs of working on the web has traditionally been having to work in multiple languages. JavaScript has been the only choice for web front-ends, but as soon as you start back-end work, it can be anything from PHP to Python to Perl to Ruby or even C. Anything, that is, but JavaScript.In the last year server-side JavaScript has leapt forward with a passion, partly due to CommonJS but also due to NodeJS. With these new advances we have an opportunity to enjoy more code re-use, and faster, more efficient pages. We’ll explore server-side JavaScript and look at how we can use a JavaScript DOM/BOM to run YUI3 on NodeJS, allowing us to reuse the same code on the client and the server, deliver targeted experiences to various classes of client, and smoke test DOM operations during continuous integration.

Transcript of JavaScript Everywhere! Creating a 100% JavaScript web stack

YUI and Node.jsSitting in a tree


Tom Hughes-Croucher@sh1mmer




Node.js• Server-side JavaScript process

• Uses V8

• Non-blocking

• Event Driven

• CommonJS module format

Node.js• Server-side JavaScript process

• Uses V8

• Non-blocking

• Event Driven

• CommonJS module format


At JSCONF.US 2010Node was ☜⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻☞ this fast

ButRyan doesn’t roll like that. Ryan rolls like this


JavaScript programmers

3 > 2 > 1

Massive Code base of YUI and other JS librariesI heard some people use this thing called jQuery,

but I’m not convinced it’ll catch on

Laziness or “I’m sick of writing stuff twice”I could have said efficiency, but I think we all secretly long to sit around in our y-fronts. Except Higgins, who already does.

Progressive Enhancement is free*Remember WWCD (What Would Crockford Do)

*close enough

TL;DR:SSJS is Awesome

Like a Unicorn riding a Narwhal

YUI3Awesome like a Narwhal riding a Unicorn

YUI 3• Modular

• Sandboxed

• Intrinsic component loading

• Core team + community (50+ extensions)

• Not just about manipulating the DOM

YUI 3• Script Loading

• Remote i/o

• Events and Attributes

• Data Manipulation

• Language Utilities

• Templating

Making it work - 1

if (typeof exports == 'object') { exports.YUI = YUI; }

YUI exports itself per the CommonJS spec

Making it work - 2

YUI({ logFn: function(str, t, m) { if (str instanceof Object || str instanceof Array) { if (str.toString) { str = str.toString(); } else { str = sys.inspect(str); } } // output log messages to stderr sys.error('[' + t.toUpperCase() + ']: ' + m + str); }});


‘ello World Node Style

#!/usr/bin/env nodevar YUI = require("../lib/node-yui3").YUI, Y = YUI();

Y.log('ello World');

‘ello World YUI Style

#!/usr/bin/env noderequire("../lib/node-yui3").YUI().log('ello World');

[~/examples (master)⚡] ➔ ./hello.js [INFO]: ello World

‘ello World YUI Style

Enabling YUI’s LoaderYUI.add(‘get’, function(Y) { // reads from file system or creates a httpClient // for remote data. Y.Get.script = function(s, cb) { var urls = Y.Array(s), url, i, l = urls.length; for (i=0; i<l; i++) { // doesn't need to be blocking, so don't block. YUI.include(url, function(err) { if (err) { Y.log(err, 'error', 'get'); } pass(cb); }); // replaced with process.compile so YUI doesn’t // need to be global // require.async(url, function (err, mod) { } };});

Enabling YUI’s Loader#!/usr/bin/env nodevar YUI = require('../lib/node-yui3').YUI;

YUI({ filter: 'debug'}).use('event-custom', function(Y) { Y.on('pwnd', function() { Y.log('Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...'); });'pwnd');});

Enabling YUI’s Loader[~/examples (master)⚡] ➔ ./loader.js [INFO]: (yui) Module requirements: event-custom[INFO]: (yui) Modules missing: event-custom, 1[INFO]: (yui) Fetching loader: yui_3_1_0_1_12711895820541, ./yui3/build/loader/loader-debug.js[INFO]: (get) URL: /lib/yui3/build/loader/loader-debug.js[INFO]: (yui) Module requirements: yui-base,yui-log,dump,oop,yui-later,event-custom[INFO]: (yui) Modules missing: dump,oop,event-custom, 3[INFO]: (yui) Using Loader[INFO]: (loader) attempting to load dump, ./yui3/build/[INFO]: (get) URL: /lib/yui3/build/dump/dump-debug.js[INFO]: (loader) attempting to load oop, ./yui3/build/[INFO]: (get) URL: /lib/yui3/build/oop/oop-debug.js[INFO]: (loader) attempting to load event-custom, ./yui3/build/[INFO]: (get) URL: /lib/yui3/build/event-custom/event-custom-debug.js[INFO]: (loader) loader finishing: success, yui_3_1_0_1_12711895820541, yui-base,yui-log,dump,oop,yui-later,event-custom[INFO]: (event) yui_3_1_0_1_12711895820544: pwnd->sub: yui_3_1_0_1_12711895820545[INFO]: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...

Accessing Remote Data

#!/usr/bin/env node

var sys = require('sys'), YUI = require('../lib/node-yui3').YUI;

YUI().use('json', 'gallery-yql', function(Y) { var q = 'select * from where (id = "apm")', o = new Y.yql(q); o.on('query', function(r) { //sys.inspects serializes objects to text sys.puts(sys.inspect(r)); });});

Using the YQL module from YUI Gallery

Accessing Remote Data[~/src/nodejs-yui3/examples (master)⚡] ➔ ./yql.js [INFO]: (get) URL:*

{ count: '1', created: '2010-04-13T08:36:47Z', lang: 'en-US', results: { user: { 'gravatar-id': 'fd657f26f290d8869901f0eaf3441b97' , name: 'Adam Moore' , login: 'apm' // -snip- } }}


What about the DOM?• YUI isn’t all about the DOM

• But YUI has many DOM-centric modules.

• Being able to use these components on the server opens up some interesting opportunities.

Rendering HTML - nodejs-dom

• Dav pulled together two open source projects to do it:

• jsdom - DOM level 1 support, written in JavaScript

• node-htmlparser - HTML parser written in JavaScript. Needed for innerHTML

• These are not nodeJS specific implementations

Rendering HTML - nodejs-dom

• DOM element creation and manipulation

• Selector API

• YUI’s Node API

Rendering HTML - nodejs-dom

#!/usr/bin/env nodevar sys = require('sys'), http = require('http'), url = require('url');var YUI = require("../lib/node-yui3").YUI;YUI().use('nodejs-dom', 'node', function(Y) { var document = Y.Browser.document, navigator = Y.Browser.navigator, window = Y.Browser.window; http.createServer(function (req, res) { var urlInfo = url.parse(req.url, true); YUI().use('nodejs-dom', 'node', function(Page) { document = Page.Browser.document; navigator = Page.Browser.navigator; window = Page.Browser.window; document.title = 'Calendar Test';'body').addClass('yui-skin-sam'); var ln = document.createElement('link'); // ...

Rendering HTML

Progressive Enhancement

• YUI 2 calendar control is loaded via the YUI 2 in 3 project

• The calendar control is fully rendered on the server.

• No script.

• Page and nav clicks are round trips.

• If script is enabled, we could enhance the links to pull only the data for each page and render on the client.

Multiple Response Types

Multiple Response Types• First response will render the entire page.

• A client without script can request the fully rendered page.

• A script enabled client can request just the new content.

• A script enabled client with the source that is running on the server can request just the JSON data structure that creates the content.

• It’s the same code.

Other Uses

• Fast utility layer testing with YUI Test.

• Smoke tests for DOM-centric code.

• Could emulate some browser quirks.

• Validation Code

Summary• YUI 3’s design made it easy to get

running on Node.js

• JavaScript libraries are awesomely valuable on the server side

• Server side DOM shows crazy potential for a single code base

Today presentation wasBrought to you by

the letters:J and S

And the fonts:Comic Sansmonofur

Tom Hughes-Croucher@sh1mmer

Slides, etc -->

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