
Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Java

Submitted To: Department of Computer ScienceRIMT-Institute of Engineering & Technology Mandi-Gobindgarh Punjab( India)

Developed By:

Shashi Kr. Singh (1150986)

Introduction to Java:

Java is programming language. It is mainly designed to develop internet application by providing platform independency

Java is very simple, high-level, secured ,multithreaded , object-oriented programming language

It was developed by James Gosling in Sun microsystem in 1990’s for developing internet application

Its first version released in 23 January 1995

History of java

1990 Sun Microsystems decided to develop special software that could be used to manipulate consumer electronic devices. A team of Sun Microsystems programmers headed by James Gosling was formed to undertake this task.

1991 After exploring the possibility of most Object Oriented Programming Language C++, the team announced a new language named “Oak”.

1992 The team , known as a Green Project team by Sun 1994 The team developed a web browser called “Hot Java” to locate

and run applet programs on Internet. 1995 Oak was named “Java”, due to some legal issue. Java is just a

name and is not an acronym. 1996 Java established itself not only a leader for Internet Programming

but also as a general-purpose, object oriented programming language.

Features of Java

JVM,JDK & JRE JVM-Java Virtual Machine is a software that execute java byte codes by

converting byte codes into machine language of current operating system’s understanding format.

Java software is divided into two type

JDK-Java Development Kit has both compiler and JVM So

using JDK we can develop, compile and execute new java application

JRE-Java Runtime Environment has only JVM. Hence using JRE

We can only execute already developed applications.


Java Software



Compiler +





Modules of Java:

Since java can be used to developed all kinds of software application. so

It is called as programming suite

Java can be divided into three modules there are :

JSE –java standard edition

JEE –java enterprise edition

JME –java mobile/micro edition


JSE means java standard edition

It is installable software as JDK software

Latest version is JDK8.0

This module is given to develop standalone application, desktop etc.

The application that specific to one computer and contain main() method is called standalone application

Standalone application that contains GUI is called as desktop application


JEE means java Enterprise edition

It is not installable software

JEE specification contain rules guidelines to develop webserver and application server software like weblogic,Tomcat server

Using this we can be developed

i) Web Application(websites)

ii) Distributed Application

iii) N-tier Application

JME JME means java mobile/micro edition

For JME module, JSE module is base module

It is installable software

To develop mobile application and micro application in java environment like mobile games ,sim cards etc


Principal of OOPs :

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) attempts to emulate the real world in software systems. The real world consists of objects, categorized in classes. In Object Oriented Programming, classes have attributes, represented by data member.

Feature of Object Oriented Programming

Class & object

Information Encapsulation(Hiding)




Where Java is mostly used:

An Example:

class First

{ int a=10;

Public static void main(String[] args)

{ System.out.println(“Welcome to JAVA”+a);}}

System Requirements:

Basic programming knowledge