Japanese Kanji and Kana: A Complete Guide to the Japanese … · 2016. 1. 1. · 電話帳...

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Transcript of Japanese Kanji and Kana: A Complete Guide to the Japanese … · 2016. 1. 1. · 電話帳...

KIN, suji – muscle, tendon; blood vessel; line,reason, logic, plot (of a story), coherence, source (ofinformation)

筋肉  kinniku muscle 223

筋道  sujimichi reason, logic,coherence


筋違い  sujichigai, sujikai a cramp;illogical; wrong


筋書き  sujigaki synopsis, outline,131


hako – box

本箱  honbako bookcase 25

貯金箱  chokinbako savings box,(piggy) bank

775, 23

重箱  jūbako nested boxes 227

豚箱  butabako police lockup, jail, 810


箱根  Hakone (resort area near Mt.Fuji)


HAN – example, model, pattern; limit

範例  hanrei example 622

師範  shihan teacher, master 415

規範  kihan norm, criterion 617

広範  kōhan extensive, wide, far-reaching


TAN – red, red lead

丹念  tannen application, diligence 588

丹誠  tansei sincerity; efforts,diligence


丹精  tansei exertion, diligence, 670

painstaking care

丹前  tanzen man's padded kimono 47

SHŪ, fune, [funa] – boat

小舟  kobune boat, skiff 27

舟遊び  funaasobi boating 1040

舟歌  funauta sailor's song, chantey 395

HAKU – ship

船舶  senpaku ship, vessel; shipping 377

舶来  hakurai imported 69

舶来品  hakuraihin importedarticle/goods

69, 230

HAN – carry; all, general

一般的  ippanteki general 2, 210

一般化  ippanka generalization,popularization

2, 254

全般  zenpan the whole 89

全般的  zenpanteki general, overall 89, 210

先般  senpan recently, some time ago 50

sara – plate, dish, saucer

皿洗い  saraarai washing dishes 705

サラダ一皿  sarada hitosara 1 plateof salad


大皿  ōzara large dish, platter 26

小皿  kozara small plate 27

受け皿  ukezara saucer 260

BAN – (chess/go) board, tray, platter, basin

基盤  kiban basis, foundation 457

円盤  enban disk; discus 13

水盤  suiban basin 21

終盤戦  shūbansen end game 466, 301

鍵盤  kenban keyboard 915

BON – Buddhist Festival of the Dead; tray

盆地  bonchi basin, valley 118

盆景  bonkei miniature landscape ona tray


(お)盆  (O)Bon the Bon Festival        (o)bon tray

TŌ, nusu(mu) – steal

強盗  gōtō burglar, robber 217

盗難(保険)  tōnan (hoken) theft(insurance)

566, 498, 542

盗用  tōyō embezzlement;surreptitious use


盗作  tōsaku plagiarism 361

盗品  tōhin stolen goods, loot 230

EN, shio – salt

食塩  shokuen table salt 322

塩分  enbun salt content, salinity 38

塩酸  ensan hydrochloric acid 525

塩水  shiomizu, ensui salt water,brine


塩入れ  shioire saltshaker 52

BON, [HAN] – common, ordinary

凡人  bonjin ordinary person, man ofmediocre ability


平凡  heibon commonplace, mediocre 202

凡才  bonsai common ability,mediocre talent


凡例  hanrei explanatory notes;legend (on a map/diagram)


HAN, ho – sail

出帆  shuppan sailing, departure 53

帆走  hansō sailing 435

帆船  hansen, hobune sailing ship,sailboat


帆柱  hobashira mast 608

HAN – overflowing, pan-

汎用  han'yō all-purpose, generalpurpose


汎論  hanron outline, summary 293

汎太平洋  han-Taiheiyō Pan-Pacific 639, 202, 289

BŌ, oka(su) – risk, brave, defy, dare, desecrate

冒険  bōken adventure 542

冒険小説  bōken shōsetsu adventurenovel

542, 27, 404

冒頭  bōtō beginning, opening(paragraph)


感冒  kanbō a cold 262

冒瀆  bōtoku blasphemy, sacrilege,defilement

BŌ – cap, hat, headgear

帽子  bōshi hat, cap 103

宇宙帽  uchūbō space helmet 1027, 1028

赤帽  akabō redcap, luggage porter 207

無帽  mubō hatless, bareheaded 93

帽章  bōshō badge on a cap 876

CHŌ, ha(ru) – stretch, spread

主張  shuchō insistence, assertion,contention


出張  shutchō business trip 53

出張所  shutchōjo branch office,agency

53, 153

引っ張る  hipparu pull, tug at 216

見張る  miharu keep watch, be on thelookout


CHŌ – notebook; register; curtain

手帳  techō (pocket) notebook 57

電話帳  denwachō telephonebook/directory

108, 238

(貯金)通帳  (chokin) tsūchōbankbook, passbook

775, 23, 150

帳面  chōmen notebook, accountbook


帳消し  chōkeshi cancellation, writing 864

off (debts)

SHIN, no(biru) – (intr.) stretch, extend; grow

no(basu) – (intr.) stretch, extend no(beru) –(tr.) stretch out, extend

伸張  shinchō extend, expand 1158

二伸  nishin postscript, P. S. 3

伸び伸び  nobinobi at ease, relieved,