Japan · Japan Tsunami Background and causes effects responses prevention people environment. Point...

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Transcript of Japan · Japan Tsunami Background and causes effects responses prevention people environment. Point...

Sendai, JapanPlate margin Convergent plate margin

Plates Pacific and Eurasian Plates

Causes Convergent plate margin

Sima (Pacific plate) moves towards the sial (Eurasian plate)

Sima (Pacific plate) is subducted as it is more dense

Pressure builds due to friction between the two plates

Eventually pressure is released in a sudden jolt - 11/03/11 9.0 Richter scale 2:46pm, Depth of focus 32km, Very long lasted 5 minutes, 130km from Sendai, 200 years of pressure released.Sial flicks upwards causing a tsunami with 10 metre high waves.

Effects • Local residents – 10,000 deaths, 20,000 missing, 2,400 injured, 4.4m households without electricity, 1.5m without water, 11 hospitals destroyed, Soil liquefaction near Tokyo damaged over 1000 buildings

• Tsunami travelled 10km inland -10m high waves. Fukushima Nuclear power plant reactor overheated resulting in a level 7 radioactive leak contaminating a 120km radius

• Infrastructure - The tsunami blocked roads with debris and washed away bridges leaving the 900 residents of Miyagi island isolated.

• Land movement -Coast sunk by 1m, moved 4m into the Pacific Ocean

Responses of people and organisations

Prevention Tsunami wall 10m high (breached by the tsunami due to land level falling by 3m)

PredictionJapanese Meteorological Agency predict EQsWarning systems send automatic messages to the media after P waves to warn of S wavesCommunity preparedness EQ drills in large buildings every month 1919 Buildings Regulations Act requires buildings to be life-safe 1982 review of building regulations required new buildings to have shock absorbers

Response to hazard US military – 2,100 tonnes food 59 expert search and rescue teams US charities raised $49m over 6 days Japanese government predict that rebuilding will take up to 5 years.

Sendai Tsunami, Japan


Japan Tsunami

Background and causes






Pacific Plate

Eurasian Plate


The Pacific plate is ______________ under the Eurasian plate. Gradually __________ built up for 200 years. When the earthquake occurred on the 11th March 2011 at 2:46pm, the focus was very __________, 32km below the earth’s surface, resulting in a magnitude 9 earthquake.

The earthquake caused the ____________ plate to flick upwards displacing the _____________ Ocean causing a tsunami to spread outwards in all _____________. It took just a few _________________ to reach the city of Sendai. As it approached the coastline the wave ___________ shortened and the wave height ___________ due to friction from the shallow sea bed nearer the coastline. When it got to Sendai the __________ was 10m tall.

Pressure deep Eurasian subducted tsunami directions Pacific length increased minutes

Sendai tsunami, 2011


Japan Tsunami

Background and causes






Point Evidence (sp) Explanation – 2 connectives

Death 10,000 people were killed by the tsunami

This means that whole communities may have been killed. As a result recovery from the tsunami will be severely affected due to the lack of skilled workers e.g. architects, builders and council planners.

Nuclear Power Station overheated

Fukushima Nuclear power plant reactor overheated resulting in a level 7 radioactive leak contaminating a 120km radius.

This means that local residents had to be evacuated from the surrounding areas. Also

Blocked roads and washed away bridges

The 900 residents of Miyagi island were left isolated.

Land sunk Coast sunk by 1m, moved 4m into the Pacific Ocean


As a result

This means that



Point Evidence (sp) Explanation – 2 connectives

Food provided for victims of the earthquake

US military – 2,100 tonnes food

Due to the tsunami local food supplies in supermarkets were destroyed and transporting food to the areas affected was difficult. The aid means that communities affected by the earthquake are provided with food in evacuation centres.

Trapped people searched for on the wreckage

59 expert search and rescue teams

This means that people have a better chance of being rescued or dead bodies being found and identified. As a result

Money raised to help victims US charities raised $49m over 6 days

Government develop rebuilding plans

Japanese government predict that rebuilding will take up to 5 years.


As a result

This means that



Sendai, JapanPlate margin Convergent plate margin

Plates Pacific and Eurasian Plates

Causes Convergent plate margin

Sima (Pacific plate) moves towards the sial (Eurasian plate)

Sima (Pacific plate) is subducted as it is more dense

Pressure builds due to friction between the two plates

Eventually pressure is released in a sudden jolt - 11/03/11 9.0 Richter scale 2:46pm, Depth of focus 32km, Very long lasted 5 minutes, 130km from Sendai, 200 years of pressure released.Sial flicks upwards causing a tsunami with 10 metre high waves.

Effects • Local residents – 10,000 deaths, 20,000 missing, 2,400 injured, 4.4m households without electricity, 1.5m without water, 11 hospitals destroyed, Soil liquefaction near Tokyo damaged over 1000 buildings

• Tsunami travelled 10km inland -10m high waves. Fukushima Nuclear power plant reactor overheated resulting in a level 7 radioactive leak contaminating a 120km radius

• Infrastructure - The tsunami blocked roads with debris and washed away bridges leaving the 900 residents of Miyagi island isolated.

• Land movement -Coast sunk by 1m, moved 4m into the Pacific Ocean

Responses of people and organisations

Prevention Tsunami wall 10m high (breached by the tsunami due to land level falling by 3m)

PredictionJapanese Meteorological Agency predict EQsWarning systems send automatic messages to the media after P waves to warn of S wavesCommunity preparedness EQ drills in large buildings every month 1919 Buildings Regulations Act requires buildings to be life-safe 1982 review of building regulations required new buildings to have shock absorbers

Response to hazard US military – 2,100 tonnes food 59 expert search and rescue teams US charities raised $49m over 6 days Japanese government predict that rebuilding will take up to 5 years.

1. When did the earthquake occur?2. Which plate was subducted under the Eurasian plate?3. How deep was the focus?4. How high was the tsunami?5. How many people died?6. What was the name of the nuclear power plant that had a

radiation leak?7. How many people were stranded on Miyagi island?8. How much did the coast sink by?9. How many tonnes of food were donated by the US?10.How many rescue teams were sent to search for people?11.How many years will it take to rebuild?12.How long had the plates been stuck?



11th March 2011 2:46pm








Sendai Quiz

5 years