
Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Japan. Geography and People. Japan is an __________. Island. Which means surround by Water. Japan is a chain of Islands in the Northern Pacific. What is a chain Islands called?. Archipelago. Most of the Japanese live on the ____ Major Islands. 4. Hokkaido Honshu Shikoku Kyushu. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Japan


Geography and People

Japan is an __________. Which means surround by Water


What is a chain Islands called?

Japan is a chain of Islands in the Northern Pacific.


Hokkaido Honshu Shikoku Kyushu

Most of the Japanese live on the ____ Major Islands.4

Much of Japan is covered by ____________.Mountain


188 of Japan’s mountains are _________________.Volcanoes

About 20% of Japan’s land is ____________. Farmable

______ and seafood are important in the Japanese ______.



Japan is surrounded by _________ and has forced Japan

to stay __________Water


Japan developed its own _________, _____, _____________

and ____________.Religion Art Literature


Japan’s earliest settlers probably came from ______________________.Northeast Asia

Around 5,000 BCE a wandering group developed called

____________.JomonThey are known for their Pottery

___________ became a way of life for the Jomon People.Fishing

The Next Group of people are the _________________Yayoi

The Yayoi people grew rice in a ________________.Paddy

A paddy is a rice field that is flooded when rice is planted and drained for

the Harvest

They were skilled in ______________ working and made _____________

out of _________________.


Iron & bronze

A Clan is a group of families related by blood or marriage.

By 300 C.E. the early Japanese organized themselves into _______.Clans

The Clan ________________ protected the people in return for a share of the

rice harvest each year.

Warrior Chiefs

Yayoi would bury their Chiefs in large tombs called __________.Kofun

The story goes 2 Gods dipped their spears into the sea.

When they pulled it out drops of salty water fell and created the islands Japan

The Myth of the creation of Japan

The 2 Gods then created the Sun Goddess _________________ to rule over ___________.


Then the Gods created the Storm God ___________________.Susanowo

Susanowo and Amaterasu’s ______________ became the first

people of JapanChildren

Amaterasu sent her ______________ Ninigi to rule the people of Japan.


This ensured people would follow his leadership

Amaterasu gave Ninigi her __________, her_________, and

___________________.Mirror Jewel

A Great Sword

These objects became the sacred _____________ of

leadership in early Japan. Symbols

Other clans got to keep their land in return they pledge their loyalty

to the chief.

Around 500 C.E. a clan called ____________ ruled most of Japan.Yamato

Yamato Chiefs claimed they came from the _________________

Amaterasu and, therefore, had the right to rule.

Sun Goddess

Yamato Leader named __________ took the title “Emperor of __________”


Jimmu started a long line of Japanese ____________ that has never

been broken. Even Emperor ___________ is a _________________ of



Akihito descendant

About 600 C.E. _________ took control in Japan. He wanted to

create a strong ____________ and he looked to ______as an example.



Constitution is a plan for government

Shotoku created a _______________.Constitution

>Constitution gave all _________ to the __________.>The Emperor will appoint ___________.>The Constitution listed ________ for working in the government.>The rules were based on ____________.

Power Emperor




Shotoku sent officials and students to study ________. They learned about

Art, Medicine, philosophy, and ______________.



Shotoku ordered the building of Buddhist _________&______________.Temples Monasteries

Horyuji – the oldest Buddhist Temple in


Divided Japan into Provinces or Regional Districts. All land came

under control of the Emperor.

In 646 C.E. the Yamato began the _________ or the great change.Taika

Government officials collect a part farmer’s _________ for ________ for the Emperor.

Harvest Taxes

Shotoku created Japan’s first strong central _______________.Government

The Japanese ___________ is called ___________ and was based on __________ spirits.



Japanese believe all things have their own ___________.Spirits


Nature’s spirits are called _______. To honor the Gods

they built ___________.Kami


Shinto means “way of the spirits” and is still followed today.

This is Japan, how it started, who started it, and their beliefs.