JANUARY 1946-DECEMBER 1947publications.iowa.gov/28567/1/Iowa_Conservationist... · 3 flo -3 INDEX ~...

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Transcript of JANUARY 1946-DECEMBER 1947publications.iowa.gov/28567/1/Iowa_Conservationist... · 3 flo -3 INDEX ~...

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··consen atinn .Atlministt·atJon," June ~li, p 41

AIRPLA~ES "Davenporters UsC' Plane tor Hacln~ Pigeon:-,"' \Yood><, Sept 47, 11 166 "Deer Airplan<> llaz;nd," June 41, p H3 "Xew La\\ s" Stih•s, July 47, p 1U Patrol

"Education ConsE.>n ation Oflict>rs' Job," Lindsay, llt'l' 4i, p 1 '·, "Plano>s ~can· J>ut'ks,' Dec Hi, p !IE)

\!bert " E ''Shocking Fat'ls," Feb li, p 111;;

.. \n .. es, Lois "The .\s;;oeiatl' E:ditor ne~igns,"' Ft•b 4t1, p 10

A:\Dil"XlTIOX Filler, Oct II, p 113 ·•Guns and Ammun tion ir> UHI. Jan 41, p 9S ·sporting Goods Still Short," The "omad. :\Iar H. 11 :?n (Also st:t.: Gl:X:·;)

A~DIALS c; EX ElL\ L "Big Game Incrensing-," Ft-h 46, p 16 ''Capture .\lligator in HI:H'khawk Creek," Jan 41 p 11111 Fillet·s, Feb 4H, p 10; Oct lti, p ll> Dec 46, p !1~. Jan li, Jl ll~ ... \pt· 41, P

1:!2, 121 .. Jurw li p 13'1, H2 ; July 41, p 150. Aug 4,, Jl Iii, ::-:Ppt li, Jl 11.3. Jlj';

"Laceyisms" column. Nov 41, p 1S2 ''Things You ~ra~ ~ot Kno\\ ·· (groups of animals ancl binh), .Ju1w IIi,

p 41i ""-'hat ~lam mal Is That?'' Scott

l'art 1, ,\ ug- IIi, p :i7 l'art 11, Sept 16, p !i:i

"\\"ildlife Nur::;eries," llicks !'art II , ~lay 46, p :~3

(Al::;o RN' \\• ILDLlFfiJ, CiEXERAL: and individual SPN:ies) AXTS

"Ant "•h.l," Aug 17, 11 160 (Also see INSECTS)

APPROf'RI \TI0~8 "Iowa's Stx New Lnl;.e~." Fr!"ed, Dec 47, p 1!\5 • Lrll><·:- ('onsl•r\',ttion Pro~ ram Important," June 17. ll 112 "Legislatun Yot<·s ~ix ~e\\ AI tificial Lakes," Hcndl•rsoll, ~lay 47, ll 12!1 "Xe\\ Laws. Sttles JuJ~· 4i, p 1 I;)

.-\T0:\11<" UO:\IP "Hard on the Fish," ,Jan 46, p :;


"Iowa ~tate Pat·ks in HH7," Rush, Dec 47, pISS 'The Beauty ot Hal'khone," .\ug, 411, p ;9

BADGER "Iowa Purs :\fakC' High Quality Garments," BetTY. Xo\ 4ti, Jl s I 'Iowa TrapJlll's Net Two and One-half :\Jillion Dollan;," Apr Hi, P 2~• ·-n·hat Mammal Is That''" Scott

Part II, Sept 4(), p Gil B.\IT

"A TrentiRe on the Art of I•'ishtn~ ... :\lay 4 .i. p 33 'Duu~h Bn l l 'rop Carp Bait," July 47, p 150 "Fall l~'ishing· I s Best," Sept 47, p 161 Filler, .Jun e 17, p l:ll> "Fish Bass in .July and August,'' Speaker, July 4!l, 1> 19 ":\!any I owa L akes Closed to :\linnow Seining," June 46, p 4:; "The AwakC'ninl'!; of the Pond," l\Iar ·16, p 21 "Try It and SN•," Apr IIi, p 26

B.\:-.IDTNG ·'Bit·d ~[igration Pnde t·way," Oct 46, p 77 Fillet·, Aug 4 6, p G2 "Thin~::; You ~lay Not Know,'' Juh 4i, p 149

BASS "Coon Rive•· Bass," Oct 17, p 174 Filler ~Iar ·11i, p l'J "Fish B aRs in .July and Au~ust," Speaker, July 46, p 49

BATS "Bats on tlu· \Ying,'' June 4G, r> 47 "\\'hat ~rammal I s That?" Scott

Part II SC'pt 4 6, p 65 BE.\HS

Fillet , Nov IIi, p l)S BEAYEH.

"Complaining Farml.'rs Can Ha\·e Beavers Sent El"<ewl·ere," Dec lti, fl !II Filler, Apr -lfi, p 32 "Iowa Fu r s ::\lalte Jlig;h Qualit\' Garments," Ben·y, Nov 46, P S1 "Iowa Trapt1e1·s ~et Two and One-half :\Jillion Dollars" Apr IIi, P 25 "It Seems tors," Jan 46, p 2 P oem, "The playful beavtr .... :• :'.Iar 46, p 24 ''Record Iowa ll~a\'er Trapped," Feb 46, p 13

BEEDS LAKE "Beeds Lake Drained," Oct 46, p SO

Bennett, nr. Hu gh IT "There Is Still Hope," July 17, p 145

HlO:NTOX COL1 N'TY FISH AND GA::'.IE CLUB "1,00!1 ~ew Benton County Subscribers," l\Iay 47, p 131: July 17, 11 11 ti

Berrv Ree 1\T " l o\~ a I•'urs l\lal•P ITi ~h Quality Garments," ::-iov 46, p 81

HIHI>HOlTSES "<'onsen·atirm in School" column, ".\tt•·al'ling Hinls to the School

c:round," Apr 47, p 12:3 "~t. Mnry's Troup 2!1 Bird House, Project,'' \Yhite, Apr 17, p 122

BIRT>S (NON GAl\IE) "An Bxpel'ience in Bird Hiking,'' E:nnis, July 46, p :;s "-\ Thousand Sandpipers in One Pnncl," SC'pl 47, 11 l 67 "Uinl noes to School," :\fay 47, p 131 "Bini ~1igration {'nderway,'' Ot't ·IG, p i7 "Brown Crow Shot in Ohio,'' :\la1 Hi, 11 I !I "Cnn:--en•ation in School" columns

".\ttracting Birds to the S<·hool r :rouncls," \pr 17, p 123 "("orne and Go Birds," :'liar 47, p 115 "ThP C"nmmon Birds nf the \\'inter l<'t•('(h•r, Ft b .J.I, p 10i "\\'inter Bit·d Feedinl'!;," Jan 47, p lOCI

"J)a,·enporters l.:se Planes for Ra<·ing- I'igt•ons," \\'nods, St>pt 4i, p ltiti "lletective Jenny,"' <ireen. :\Ia)' 47, 1> 131 "Ea~lt>:-- Concentrate alon~ :IIis!;is"iJIJ>i Hive•·." l•'eb .J.i, p 101 Fillet·s, Feb 46, p 10, 12: .\pr 46, p :11; Junt• .Jti, p ~5 : 0<'t -Hi. p 74. 7S; Sept

~ti. p 61;; ::\oy 46. p 87, ).\;Jan li, p !1~. Atll' 47, p 12;;, June 47, p 13!1; St·Jlt 47. p 163. 16,; <l<'t 41, p I ill

"Hunting- the 'Yren in Old Ireland,'' Ft'h 47, p 111 Lace)·isms" columns, Apr !7, p 12:1, ,Junt• 41, p 13s; July 4i, p 146; Aug !i, p 157; Sept .J7, p 11i:l

"Lettt•r,. from the Bird Ft'ecler><," Apr li , Jl 121 ":\1cthods of Feathered Anglt-rs," ~lay 16 p :l!t "Outdoor Oddities,'' Han·ey, Jan 16, 11 I f'nPIIl "The Buddin~ Xaturali:<ts,'' F'il•l<l, Apr 47, p 122 "St. :'IJ.tn·!; Troup 29 Birdhouse l'rojt•ct" \\'h1te .• \pt· 47, 11 122 "Tahlt> Scr·aps for Birds," Jan .Ji, Jl 1011 "The King Rail," Green, JunL 17. p 1 II "Tht· ~rouse Trap Came to )Jy l>oor," c;, .. ,,n, ,\pr ~~. p 127 "Th in1-~ You :\lay Not Know," ,J u IH· 11:. p IIi; .July 4 i, p 14 !l "Tt·umpeter Swan's Battle Against g:l.t l nl'tion," :\lai lti, p 21 "\\' ilcll ife Nu•·seri.,s," Hicks

l'n rt T, .\pr 16, p 25 "\Yings oYet· Iowa,' ' Hicl,s, Il!ar 16, p 17

HO\T~ l"il!C'r·;;, '!\far 46, p 20, July 46, p 5:i "Outboard Winter Storage," Nov 17, p lSI "Schedule \Yater Safety School," ~l:u· 17, p 120 "StatP Lah:e Patrol P;1ys T>il idt>JlCb," .Jan .Ji, p 104 'Yae;Jtioners l.:rged to t.:se Caution in \\ at<>•· Hl't•rpa(ion," .July 46, p Sfi

HOBC\T 'Bounty on \\"ildcat Fir:-t Clnim , \p-ain'<t Hoard." St'!H 46, p 66 ':'\uml'rnus Bobcats HqJnr·tt•li," :'liar· 17, 1• I 211


HllOKS "Book on ('row Shooting" S•pt II, p lti> "You Can't :'\[iss This Cluistmas ~o\ li, 11 1 l!t IAiso see BULLETIXS)

HOl"XTIES "BountY on \\'ildcat Fir"t Clr.im .. \~ninst Bn.Hd' St pt 46, p 66 ·The Fox and the llount~· Question" )lar 4ti p 1-

BO\ sC'OCTS 'Tht Boy S<.-oU t )[arks:llan's ('Odl ' 81 Ill I i, J1 lli7

nnrnnEs Ji'illu, Oct 4 i, p 17:3 ·'SaYe the Co\'ered Rt·icl~;l s," June · 7, p 1 :l!t

BITHAX \N' COU.XTY \YILDLJFE .\SS(H'l.\TlOX "H1 pot t of Club's Ae-tl\'lties Durin;,! 1 !JIll," :\lar li p 1 :!II

BPFFALO "Lacto"yisms" columns, .Tune 17, 11 1:!1\, ~l'Jlt 17, p 16:i

13VLL E1'IN8 "Aid to Sportsmen's Club Progntnts," Oct 17, p l l:i "C"nptut·ing Foxes," nTnr 46, p 1 !l "Commission to Pt·int Fish and Gantc> l'oli1•y Pnmphlet," June 46, p 48 "L>llT,'' .June 46, p 45 "l>ucl{ Stamp Story," Oct 47, p 173 "Fn•·m Ponds," 1\Iay 46. p 31 "New Bulletin Available," July 17, p 1 19 < \lso see BOOKS: NEVi'S I' A PER~ AXD l'J<;RTODIC \LS)

BULLIIE \DS "Lo~t !:<land Fish Census," Rose, .\Jll' 17, p 121 "l'ity the Poor Fish," Aug 47, p Li7

Burhans, \Yilliam Alfred "Former Commission :\lember Dies," Dt'l' 47, Jl 189


"California Asks $12,600,Ull0 for name Prognun,'' Jan 4t1, p 3 Ca 11 bon, Charles

"The Heal Yalue of Wildlife," :\Ia) lti I' :l:l CA::\IPIXG

"Prt>pare for Banner Park Season ' :\la:>o 4~, p l :15 C'anuck Jack

Poem, "C"lear Title," Au~ 47, p l:i5 CARP

'.\ New \Yeapon for Roul'!;h Fish Rl'ntnYnl." Sp"'akl.'r & Koch, Apr 47, p 12!1

"A Treatise on the Art of Fishing" ::'.la) ·16, p 33 "Carp Traps in Iowa -n•aterR," SpPal<l'l' & Kodt, No\ 41, p 18-1 "Dough Ball Top Carp Bait," Julv 47, p 150 Fillers, March 46, p 18: May 46, p 3H, nfnn·h 17, p 114 "Lost I sland Fish Census," Hos,•, Apr 4 7~ ~ 12 .k "\Yh~· .Rou~r~TiAtrCelll~BRARYP•C01VI Ml~9l'@N OF IOWA (A 1:--n ><ee R(Ql~.IJW)J..,

Historical Buildmg DES MOINES. IOWA 50319 :!9fl094

C\HTUO:\S t'artoon St r it'"" .Tul~ ~7. Jl H:•

!>in~ llarlin:.: l'artour" llon·t S:l\ It Si~-:n It' O ct 47, p 174

'It {'s,·d to Ht·' .Jul~· 17, p U)

Xu \\'ondt•r· It Costs Cs :\lnr·e to Lin: Th .. ,... .. D:\\ ,...," l>t•c 17 , p 1'7 'Tht· t >utlint• or IIiston June -17 p Hn "\\ •· -.;,., .. ,.:\I"'" the \\'ater 'Til the \Yt'll Huns L>n · .\Ia~ 47 p 1:11 \\'hat l>ut•s :\lt·n· )!an KrHH\ \bout the l't>rils ol a '\'un StoJ• Fli:.:ht""

' o \ I 7. Jl I :0. .! '\\'h~· l'.lll Tht•nl Sportsmt>n .,. Sept -t7, p H:!

"\\ h~ '\'ut l'ut E\'t>l ~thing \\ ~e \\ant tu I :t't Hie! ut 111 the Hi\ t•r·'.'" \U!o'; -t7, Jl 1:;:1

'Our <il•·.tt Pnt-Of.J>oor·s," :\la~ -17, p131

C' \TFISII "<'atlish l•'rnd Tllt·lll Fet>ding-," Harri»on, :\l,t~ ti, p 12!• "( 'attlshing Is Booming,'· :\['1.)' 16, p :HJ "l'atCish \'s llw l•'illl'l." SetH -Ill, p 66 Fillers, :\far 17 , p 114,116,117, Apr· -17, Jl 12:!, 1:!:1, !:!,;, .Jul) li, p llti, 1-t:O.;

St•pt 17, p lti~, ''flow Big Is n <'ntfish ''" Feb 47, p lOll "YI)u t'an't l•'ind '1•;m \\hen~ They Ain't," Hanison, :\lac· 17, p 11:1

C\TS 'Cat ~'nkht>s t~uail in Edltor·'s Yard." De<' 16, p !it l•'illto c , :\lay -lh. p 1\ Ft>h 17, p 112 ")..;umtor·ous Boh<'ats llt•J>or ted )far -17, p 1211 < \!so "''" BOne \Tl

C E fl \ H H I \ to: H To Eti•dl\\ ,,, tlw !'t>clar· Hin:r · SJ•eaker, :\lar· 47, 1• 11::

C'h:\'SUS Lo'll T-.larul Fbh Ct·n~u~" nose, Apr ~7 Jl 1:!1 ~hn<'lun~ PaC'ts,'' Alben, Feb -17 p }ll:i \\hat .\bout the l'ht'a"'ant Stoason?· llt>c 47, p 1'5 \\I' l'ount I'Jr..,asarlt,...., .. H tig-1 t Xo\ 41i I> \ti

C'E:\ TE:\ '\I \ L lo\\a Had a ('oat uf \Ian~ <'olor-.," Ha~cl" 1 ,\pr 4ti, p :.?5

'1'\\u I arl,; ,\r..,a~ In ht> Dt>dil'atE><i Dunng- th.- l't nt••nnial Yt·Hc," .Jun .. 4ti, )I 14

I'HJI:c;EHS Chi!.{~t·r·s Ht> ,Jig-t:Pr·~." .Tulv -17, Jl 14!1

l \ 'ET lo\\ a Furs .\l.tkt H i~h (iuality Garment~,'' Bt>rl), '"' In\\ a Tra)lJH r s :-;, t T\\ o liHl One-half :\Jillion Doll;u

'\Yhat .\lanunal Is That'' Scott Ito 1• ' I \pr lti, p :.?5

l'art II, Stopt 41i, p ti;)

<'Ill I> ~I'Hl:-\li ltl•:<'tn;ATio:-:AL RE~EHYE "lo" as SiJ. i'<P\\ Lal<t:'s," Freed, Dec 17, p 1\;; 'LPgislaturp \ 'ott's Sh. :-:t:'\\ AI titicial Lakt's," llt•rHlt>rson, .\Ia.\ 17, Jl 12!1

('0:\l:\ll<JIH'I.\L l•'lSlllXC );'flier, .\ug IIi, p fi2

"Thto ll<H\ of !'ommeon ial Fishin~ on the )fissbsippi," Hohiuson, llt-c• 16, p !12

<'O:M:\TJSSIOX 'Assi::-tant l>irP('tor Ht:'<'t:'rYes Dunlap A\\ard," Jun~ tfo, p 4::

"Htct>f \ual\'srs of lowa Fish and Gan t:' l'olil'Y.' Strlt>~ Pan IV, Jan ll.i. p £i

"('onunrssion Action" .January 1 !llli, :\fat -16, p 2:: February 1!14ti .. \pr 4ti, p ;)u :\larch 1 !llli, :\Ia~ lli, p :H \pr il l!lll.i, .lunt• -IIi, Jl 42

JurH• 1!11ti, July 4ti, 1> ;;1 July J!llfi, Aug 4tJ. p til SeJllt·mht•r· I !l4ti. lkt Hi, p 71i 0('tolwr I~IHr, :-\o\· 4fi, p \7 '\'overniJl•r· 1~116, Oec 46, p !IIi Dt:'C't•rnht•t I!IHi, Jan l'i )I 9\ .Januan 1 ~~ 17 . .'\far 47, p 111 Ft-brunn UJI7, Apr· 4i, 11 1:!~ :\lardt 1!117 :\la) 17, p 1:10 • \ pt i I I ~~ I 7. .I ul )' I i, p 1;; t1 :\lay l!lli, .\ug 17 . 1> 154 June I H 17, Jul) II. p l.in July I!J 17, s.·pt n. p lli2 Au~-:ust I !147. o, t 47, p 1 'jcJ St>plt·lllht·r· I !147, :-:o\ -tl, p 17b <>c·tohpr· 1~1~7. Xo\ 17, p )'j\ :\'ovt'nrlwr· I !HI, DP<' 41, p 1S6

'<'ooJit·cation 111 !•'ish and \\'ilcll ife :\Ianagement,' Sc·ott :-io\ 17, p Iii "l<'ot'lltt·r· ('entlmt ssion :\l(>mbt'r Dies," Dec 47, p lS!I "\\hat Ahnut tht> l'lwasant l:ieason'?" Dec 47, p n.;;

('UNSI~H\',\'I'ION ('LI'HS ".\i<l to Sportsnwn'.s <'lub l't•ogr·ams,'' O<'t 17, p 17;; ",\ f-'1\.l' ('OIISt'r\H(ICin C')Ub," June 47,)) 139 "\n 1•~\. fWtit •ll<'< in Binl Htkin~ ... Ennis, July 16, p :;,, 'Ulil•l .\nalysis ol lo\\a Fish and <>nme Polic•y · Stilt·.s

P ,n l l \', .I :t II 4 6, p li "('oopt·r·ath•· <ian11• Binl T'rogt·am to Continu{' iu 1!117 · :\Jar li, p 11!1 l•'illt·r, St·Jit 17, 11 lfi:i 'Kos-uth <'ounty l•'iPill llay to Be Reviv .. <J,·• :\lay 46, 11 :1!1 "Onto llundrt•d !Iollar· Hl•wanl for· Dt:'er Shooting" \ug lti, 1• li!! "l'n•dator- llit llarct in Franklin County·· :\!a;\· Hi p :11 ''l'upiJ, Sho\\ Cort~PrValiou Knowlt'dl':'t Throu~h Sc !tool's l•:ss;ry l'on­

t<'~t.· Juu•• li, Jl 13i "I~ . )IO!'I ott <'luh's ,\ctlv'tits I>uring 1!146" <Du<han.tn \\'tlcllilp Ass'n),

:\Jar 17, 11 1:!11 • "1,000 Xl'\\' Heuton l 'ouut) Suhscr·ibez·s,'' :\lay ti, p t:!l; .July 4i, p 111;

t'll:-\SI·~H\',\TICI:-\, ca:XER \L "Bc iel An:tlvsi" ul 1<>\\a Fish and Gam•· Policy," Stilt·s

!'art l\' .ian 11;, Jl l.i " <'hllizatlf>ll in <•tt•• J';,,,.l. LP~'"'n,'' :\Iann, l>.,c 17, 1> 1\'i ''!'ull~<<'nadon Adntinistrati<~n," Hein, JunP lli, Jl 41 "<'.,nst•r·\ •tion r• 111't \\'ait," Darling, .\pr -17, Jl 121 "<'on • r\ tUon l'luu \\'orks," Aug ~~. p l:i~ ''<'ons(•r \'Hlion In :-;, hool' l'olumn. "These Are tht> Ails\\ l'l's-You :\fal•c>

UJIIh• uu.•sllolls," \V,tl;:ef.eld. Sept -17, p 1ti:l 'nood Soil thP l<••ystorw," :\t;n 11;, p 21 ''Into tlw Shado\\ s." :\l•>rr·i!ion, I•'eb 46, p 111 "It's Thllt• to Tal,;,• Sto<"k," f>ufr·.-sne, ,\pt• 17, p 1 :Hi "Lac·f•yisms'' c•olunurs, :'lt.u· 17, 11 11~; Apr 47, p 1:!3; :\lay 17, p !;Jfl; .Jurw

17, p J:n .. , .Juh 17, piHo: .\u~ ~~. p 157, Sept 47, p lfi~; :--;ov li, piS2 .. LI\'in~ Jt'',~tH't\s XPt·tlt~,l." .Juntt 47, p 13s ".\lulttplt.: l'so• ot' Stat•• J<'or·ests," :'llacUonald, FPb 16, p !l "l'upils She\\' < on!wr' ntre>ll Kno\\ ledg-e Thc·ough School's Essay ('on­

t f ~ l,.. .1 U J )\I t i o ll 1 :l;

1'0'\"SER\'.\TJII:\' ca;:\'EI! \L l'onttnu .. cl Put and Tal,;e · l>··c II>. p \:1

'Sportsmen Flur k <'onst·l'\ at ion," :\lartin, Oct II, p It;~• 'There 1~ Still Hop· B£·nnett, .lui) 17, J1 14-, 'Tim her .trtd liam... T\\ 111 l'r op ... ;· Tnu,.

Part I :\lar 41;, p I'! !'art II \.pr -ll.i, p 27 Pan III :\Ia\· 46, 1• ;!r. Pat t I\' .Tun· .. -11; , p I\ Part Y July 4ti, p -,,;

'\Yake t'p, Amenca St••·n, ,\fa~ li, 1• 1~!1 • \Y'lkt> l'p Am .. ,·i<:a.· S\\ ift, Junt• 17, J> 1.!7 "\\ hett' Do Bug-,. Fit into l'onst•c ':Ltwn''" fiuncit>r>o<>n , June 41l, p -11 ":\2-I,OnO 000 for ('onst·l\:llion' .1.111 47, p !Ill ( \lso see SOIL C<>XSEH\ \Tio:-: Jo:I!OSIO'\')

"<'OXSER\'.\1'10:-\ I X SCfiO(>L" I'OLl'\1 :-:::-; "\ttr·acting Birds to till• Sehoul Grounds \pr 17, p 1 :!:) "Come ancl (;o Birds ' :\Jar 17, p ll.r 'Sound Ellttl'ation," Oct li, Jl I 71

''The!'e Are the Ails\\ .-t·s, You :\lalq• lht> QuPstlons,' \\'akefiel<l, SE-pt 47, p 163

"The Common Bir·ds of tlw \\ tlltt>J F'<•PciPc,' Ft>h 17, p 1117 Traveling E:\.hihit, Nrn li. p 17!1 "1\'inter Bit·d Fet>drng,'' .Jan li, J> 11111 '"2i0 \\"ildiHe l'o::-ter l'ontt>st,' lll'l li, p 171

C'OXSER \'_\ TIOX 0 1''1-'H'E HS "<'onsE>n'ation Otfic·t·r Johs 0 •ton," .July 17, p J.i2 '('onsenation OtJic,.r» 1<:\.:\luinations," J;'t'i> li , plflto

· <'ons,..r·,·ation Otlit••·r·~ E:>.antinatiolls fo't>hruan 2~>." Kn .. zek F.-> 4•i. p !I Educ•ation C'CJIISPr\atron llOict·rs' .Joh,'' Linrb:a~·. nee 47, )l l\i "\e\\ Laws.'' Stilt's . .Juh ~7. p II' 'Sl hedule \\-ater Sa fd~ ~chew!," :\! l! 17, p 1211 Tht> lnsid" Tr;u•k." Vt·< Ito p !II

'\\ anlerr" E'amination,... in Ear·l~ Spr·in:.:," .Tan 4ii, p 3 "\\'anlt'll~ Tales" <'Olumr s. "'"'' IIi p \:!, lit><' Hi, p !'1: .Jan 47. p f•:l.

1-'t>b li, p 107: :\Jar· 17 p J II; .\pt 47, p 12:!; :\fa~· 17, p 134· .Junt' n. 11 1h. July 17 p 14ti \ ~~ 17, 11 t.i4, s .. pt 47, p 11;2: Ot·t -11. " 1~11. Xo\ 47. p 1'111

\\ .- rt- fnr Th j,. ~1 011 and t'ost,.,


Aug 4~. 1• I ,;t Dt>c• 47, p l'i

· Har' .. ,.t Time for Sur·plu~ <iam.·." ob .. n, O•·t I•> p 7!• :-\"'" Bullt>tin .\vailablt>," Jul~ -li, p ll!t 'Trit d and Tnre Coon Rt>c•ipPs," Obt>n .. J.rn IIi , p '

l'oon, <;t>orge :\I ':\fill "Fair \'isilor·s to :\!iss :\lac• .cncl Santin\ 'Statt> Fair E:\.hibit :!i Y .. ar·~ Olcl" \·ue.


\UL: ~fi , Jl ,, lti fl :.7

"~larvest Time for· Surplus lianw," llbt>n, Oc·t IIi, p i~l l'OTTO:-:TAILS (See H .\Jllll'l'S)

C'HA YF!Sll "Tht Awakening- ot tht' l'o11cl ·· ~!at· lti , p :!1


\pr 17 p 12\ p 1 c; ,

'All..linn C'r·o\\ Shot hv ,John Bot' el 'Book on C'ro\\ Shoc;ting,' St•Jll li 'Brown Crow Shot in Ohro. ~lat

l•'illtor·s. :\lac· 46. p :!4: Jan 17, p tt\ lfi , J1 1 !I

D DA:\fS

"lo\\a Inland f!i\.,, l>anl!"," Ft•lo 17, p 10\-10!~ Public Senice :\lar 47, fl 117

"Repair Charles C'tt~ Dam,'' .Jun .. 1r.. p 1:! "To F'ish\\ay the l'etlac· Rn .. r Sp···ll••r .'\l.u 47, Jl 113

Dart> 'Doc" "\\inter Fish Kill~." ))<'I' IIi, p !I,

U .ulrng, .Ja) X "Ding·· Cartoons

' Don't Sa~ Tt-SI.!{Il lt' ' llet I i. p 17 I "It l'sed to Be," Jul~ 41, J> I l:i "Xo \Yonde r· It Costs l's .\Jon• to Li\i• Thl'"'-' lla) S, o~( 17, p 1,7 "The Outline ot' Histot y,'' .Jun.· 17 p 110 "\Yell A (;arne ('ommissconel''s .lob l!<n't \II Ro!<es," June 4h, Jl 41 "\\-t:' Xeve1· :'lfiss tht \\~atet 'Til lltt• \\ t•ll Hun~ Dry,'' :\[ay 47. p 1:11 "\'Vhat Does l\Ierl:' i\la.n Know .\bout tht• l'e r ib of a :-\on-Stop Flight'?'

:-\O\' 17, J) 18:~ "\\'hy Call Them Sport!'lllt>n''" St•pt 17, p tr;:J "\\ hy Not Put EH•t'Ylhing \\ P \\ant to C:t>l ltid of in the River··:·•

.\ug 4i, p l:i:l "<'artoon Series," Jul) 17. Jl I 1!1 "Conservation ('an't \\ a1t," ,\J> t' 17, p 121 "('oopet·atron in Jo'ish and \\tid lift• )latragt'lllPnt,' Slott Xo' 47, 1' 1 ii "Our Great Out-ot-l>oors,' :\Ia~ 17, p I :11

lJa. vis, Henry I'· "How Fast Do You Shoot:'" St'l>l 47, p 11;1 " Hunt with Him Xot tor· H ittr" '\'en 17, J1 1\1

Da~. .\I bert :\f "Duck Scoreboar-d Htopon .. .lt11w 17. p l 37 "How About It ?•· Sq>t IIi Jl 7:!; 01•t l'i Jl I oil "Xt'w Fish and \Yilcllift' St•r·, ic••• <'hit•f · \111 IIi, p :n '\\-hat Doe::- :\Tt>t't- :\T<tn Kno\\ about tht l't r cis ot' t :'\on Stnp Fli~ht ....

Xo\ -11, 11 ll>3 Dt>Ca Ill p, Pa u I

Daisy, the \\'andering llt>t·r, <'om<·~ Honw." Dt>l' 47, p 1 ' ' DEER

"Hi.e: r;ame Incr .. asing,'' r-'..1> 16, p 11i 'Daisy, the \Yantlt:'rit1g T>t:'t'l', t'onw~ llonw," l>t><' 47, p 1 ' Deter Airt>lane Hazan!," .ltlllt' 17. p 11::

'n.,.,r Problems,·• Knudson. T•'t t. II. p Ill Fair \'isitors teo :\!iss :\lac• ancl S:tllllll). .\ug H, p ;i7

Fillers. Dec 16, p !l;;, Apr 1ti, p :1 Sppl li, 11 I fi~. "One Hundrecl Dollar Rt•\\ atcl fot I>t•t·t· Shooting," .\ug- 41i, p 1:2 "Rt>duee Deer IIer·d Xt·<U l'l'clar· Falb,' \l,u 17, p 117 "Timher· and Gaml Twin l'rop~," Titus

Pan I, l\Iac· 46, p 1\ Part TI. Apr 46, p 27 Pat·t 1\', June 4fi, p 1\ Part \', .Jul) 4G, p ;oti

' \ \' ~; IT a v e It H ere a t l! onw," .J 1111" I i, p I 1 :! '\\.hat :\Jammal Is That'" Sl'ott

Patt II, Sept 41i, p fi.-,









J::-:fH'.:X TO\\' A C'0:-.1SETIY A TIO::-:JST 3

DEYELO P~JRI'\'T' "Iowa';; Si'- X~" Lakes .. Freed, Dec 47, p 185 "Lake Conservation ProgTam Important," June 47, p U.? "Legislature Votes Six :-=ew Artficial Lakes," Henderson, :\Jay 17 p 12!1 '')lud-Hi~h-Swan A1 ea l>evelopment in Emmet CountY.· Zit>lllt'l, Apr 17,

p 1:! I '·Twenty-the Yt>ar·s of y.,,, a Par·l,s," Flicking-er

Par·t I, Feb 47, 1> lO:i Part li, )Jar 47, p 11:~

DOGS Fillers, July 16, p 52, :-=o,· 46, p 87. Dec 4 6, p 9:i: Jan t'i, 11 flS "Friend:;," Dl•e 4 'i. p 1 ~7 "Gentlemen in the I<'it'ld," Sept 47, p 167 "Hobnobbing "ith the Sportsmen," Dec 47 p 192 "Hunting Dogs in 17!10," .June 47, p 1-l3 ' Jokes, Mar 17, p ll!l; Sept 47, p 167 ";:\faking- Friends," Feb 46. p 10 Poem, ''The Atomic Dog," nr·N•n, Oct !6, p 74 "TrainE>d Hound Uring::; $5:i0," :\lay 46, p 34 " \Yhere to Bury a Dog," Lampman, l\Iav 56 p :34 "Your· Hed Fox Is "'ailing," Nov 47, p 1 7"7 '

Dolliver, JamE's I. "Postal Amendment for· 'Iowa ConserYationist'," Sept 47, p lG'i

DREDGING "'Wind up Lalie Cor·nelia DrE>dge Operations," Oct 47, p 17;,

Dl.'CKS Cartoons

"\Yhat Does )Jere )Ian KnO\\ about the Perils of aXon-Stop Flight?" Darlin~. Xov 47, 1 )..:~

"\Yhy Call Tht·m Sportsmen., .. Darling, Sept 47, p 1 ti3 "Duck Caller Decoys Fox," Dec 46, p 94 "Duck Hunter>< See ~Tonkey." Dec 46, p 94 ·Duck S<·orpboard J!pport" Day, June 47, p 137 Duck Stamps

"Duck Stamps Reach X~w Sales High," Apr 46, p 2!• "Duck ~tamps to Re A•:ailablE' July- 1," Apr· 46, p ;;O "Duck Stamp Stor~ ·· Oct -17, p 1 i :l

"Duck Tale," Hawkins, Jan -16, Jl 4 "Farm Duck;; Hit C'PrlinA",·· .\pr ... 6. p 2ti Fillers, Aug 46, p tl:! June 17, p 13 "Furs Pa) for Dud'" Play," Apr 46, p 27 "Han·est Time for Surplu::< <iame," Olsen, Oct 46, p 7!1 "How About It., .. Sept -IIi, p 72. Oct 47, 1> 176 "New Bulletin AYailahle," .July 47, p 149 " P lanes Scare Duck;;," Dec -16, p 9:i Poem. "Duekll at Dawn," Oct 47, p 1 ;;; 'Recommends Desert Island for Star· Pokers," Dec t6, p !10 "Sixty and Six or \\"hat., .. Julv 46 p 49 "Review 191:i Jluntlng and Fi::<hing," Jan 46, p 1 "Skunk RiHr Eddies," Sept 16, p 67, Oct 46, p 74 ""'hat Does J\lere ;\Jan Know about the Perils of aXon-Stop Flight?"

Da), Nov 17, p IS3 " W ildlife Nursel'ies," lficl<s

Part J, Apr 16, p z:; " \ Ying:-; Ove r· Towa," Hick><, 1\Tar· 46, p 17 "You Can't ;\! iss This Chr·i:;tmas," Nov 47, p 179 194 6 Duck Seasor., oct -IIi, p 80 "1947 Durk Season," Sept 17, p 11l8 ''1947 Buntin~ SE'a~<on;;," Sept 47, p 16:~

Dufresne, Frank ".\r·e \Ye OH•r·sellin~- Our \\'ildlife"" XO\' 46, p <>~ "It's Time to Tal.;,• Stol'li, Apr· t7, p 125


Fillers, Xov tG, 1> S4 .Jan 47, p !I EAGLES

"Eagles Con<'(•ntratc alon~ :'IIissis!:'ippi Rh·er," Feb 47, p 107 EDl:CATIOX

"An Experit•m·t• in B11·d Hiking," Ennis, J uly 46, p :i5 "Brrd Goes to School," :.Lay 17, p 134 "Cooperation in Fish and Wildlife :\Ianagement," !::icott, Xov H. p 1 i7 "Conservation in School" columns

''Attracting Birds to the Sehool Grounds," Apr· 47, p 123 "Come and <io Bir·d:;," ;:\Jar -17, p ll:i ··sound Education," Oct 47, p 171 ''The Common Hrrds of the " 'inter Feeder," Feb 47, p 107 ''Th ese Are lhe An::<wet·s, You 1\lake up the Q u estions," \\'akdleld,

Sept 47, p 163 Travel i ng J~xh ihil. Nov 17, p 179 " \ \"inter· Bird Ft-~:ding," Jan 47, p 100 "$250 W ildlife Poster Contest," Oct 47, p 171

"Education Conse r·vation Officers' Job," Lindsay, Dec 17, p 18:i "L etters from the Uir·d Jo'eeders,'' Apr· 47, p 127 "Mobi le Educatlun Exhibit Authol'ized," Mar 47, p 119 '·Pu pils Show Consenation Knowledge Through School's Essav Con-

test," June n. p 1a7 . EEL

Filler, :\Jay 47, p 131 "The Jo'ahulou;; 1•;(•1," Jul~· ~7. p 14!1

EXFORl'E:'ITENT "Editor P int'11ed," Ot't -17, p 174 "Education Cons~:natwn Ollicers· Job," LindsaY, Dec 4i, 11 1\i "Enfor<·ement Xeces><ary," ~o,· 46, 1> \2 · Frller·, Au~ t6, ll :i\ "The Inside Tral·k.'" D~:c 46 p 9-1 ''$100 and Costs," Dec 17, p '1 \7 <Abo seoe \'JOL.\TIOXSl

E nnis, I>r J l larold "An EXIH:rit'IH't- in Bird Hildn~ ... July 46, p :;;;

EROSIO:-: Filler, Jan 47, p !l~ " l owa Xeed:; :\Iorl:! 'T'rel'><," Aug 47, p 159 "TreE's .-\vailabll .\gain fen Erosion Plantings," Feb 41;, p 12 "Trees AYailable for Ern~<ion Control,· Jan 47, p 9~'

RSHAYS D ing Darling Car toon-Es;;a\ Series

",\ re You a Sportsman?'' \'oigt Sept -!7, p 161 "Civilization in One L•;asy Lesso'n," :\Iann, Dec 47, p 1~7 "Po l lution a Ml'asur·e of Ch ilization," :\Jundt, Aug- 17, p 1:i3 "Sportslnl'n i•'lunk Conservation," :\Iartin, Oct -17, p 16\1 "Tho>r·e I s Still ll ope," Bennt>tt, .July 47, p 145 " V\'hat Does l\ l ere l\lan Know About the Perils of a N'on-Stup Flight?"

I>ay, Nov 17, 1> H\:l "Pupil;; ShO\\ Con;;ervalion Knowledge Through School's Essay Con­

t~~t." June l7 &l 12':

EXA:'IIIN A TIOXS "C'onsen·ation Officer Jobs Open,'· July 47, p 1 )2 "C'onsE>n·ation Officel's Examination," Feb 47, p 106 "\onservation Officers Examinations Ft•bruary :!:i," Krezek, Feb 46, P 9 "\Yardens Examinations in Early Spring," Jan 11\, 11 3

I::XI HBlTS . .. , "C'onsen·ation Exhibit at Sports and Vaealron Show, .,Jar "C'onsenation in School" column, Ko\ li, Jl 17!1 "~lobile Education Exhibit Authonzed," )Jar 17, p 11 fl "State Fair Exhibit 25 Years Old,' All~ lh, 11 :ii "'\'h) the State Fair Fish and (;ame E:-.hibit," ~tiloe><, Au~

f Faber·,LesterF. .. J 1 1~ u·

! 6, )l 1'

46, p 6:!

"Farm crops Temp~r Phea!"ant .t,'•·~><lu<"l•?n· :Y Y '· Jl ·• "Iowa Public Shoot1ng Ground::<, Sept 4b, Jl hb • • , .. "The History of Stocking· and 1\IarHl:.!:I'In<'lll of H.ull!,ne('), l heasants in

the State of Iowa" Part J, Oct 46, p 73 Par·t II. XoY 46, p :Sl I' art III, Dec 4 6, p 9 3 Part IV, Jan 47, p 97

FA R:\TER-SPORTS:\IAX TI ELA TIO~SHI 1' "Are You a Sportsman?" Sept -17, p 161 "Ask the Farmer First,'' Oct 4h, Jl 73 "Just a Fable," Dec 46, P 90 ")len Are Xa~turall): Hunters,'_' Dec 1.~· Jl !14 . "RcYie\\ 194:> Huntmg and Ftshmg, Jan 4h, P 1 ""-"dcome, Hunterll, · Dec t7, p 1~7 . . ,. "\\"hat Do You :\lean Southern Hospitality, Ih~l' 46, Jl !•:l '\Yildlife Is Common Pl'opel ty," .Jan 4'i, P !J!I

F.\R)f POXDS (See POXDSI :f'ield, <; F

Poem, "The Budding Xaturalists,' A Ill' 47, 11 I:?:!


FISH AXD G.·DIE Bt;ILDIXG "State Fair Exhibit 2:5 Year;; Old,' .\ug 16, p :ii

FIRES Io"iller. Oct -li, p 171 "Fires Depleting Iowa Forests," \Yakefidd, I<'t>h li, p lll5

FISH, GEXERAL ''Aucient Fish Problem," t'C)v 47, p ISO "Brier Analysis of Iowa Fish and Game l'oli<') ," Stil~s

Par·t IV, Jan 46, p 6 ~ "Catfish-Find Them Feeding," Harri::<on, l\ l ay -1 '· P 129 "Coon River Bass," Oct 47, p 171 .. • "Cooperation in Fish and "'i ldlife ;:\lanagemenl, Scott, :1\ov -17, P 1 ii "Don't Put Fish in Water," May 17, p 131 . ~ "!<'act Find in"' on Spirit Lalte \\"aile~ es," Ros(>, So.>pt 46, P 6.> l•'illers, :'>Iar fs. p 18, 19, 23: June 46, p ,.,, !7, Setl~ 46, 1> 7}; De~c 46, P 94;

l\lar· 47, p 116, 117; Apr 47, p 123, June''· p 13S: Ot't 41, P l10 "l•'il'h and Game Die Young," Oct 17, t> 1711 "!•'Ish :Management Jo""acts from the Show :\It' State," Xo\ -17, Jl 1 ii "Hard on the Fish," Jan 46, p 5 ·If !•'ish Act Funny," Apr· 47, p 123 "Lost Island Fish Census," Rose, .-\pr· 17, 11 121 "(hear, the Sturgeon," Speaker·. Au~ IIi, p 611 "Outdoor Oddities," (Dogfish), IIan·e)·, :\l;u 16, Jl l!l "PaY $18 000 for Fish Pobonin~,'' Jan ~7. Jl lll4 "Pitv the Poor Fish," Aug 47, 11 l:i7 T'oeri1, "It Pays," June 4 6, p t' Pr·opag-ation, Apr 46, p 30 "Shocking Facts," Albert, F~b -17, 11 l!l:i 'Some Xote~ on the Small Fishes of the l'pper )[i;;;;is><ippi," John!:'on,

XoY 47, p 178 "Tht> Fabulous Eel." July 47, p 11~1 "Trout Facts," Ma~ 47, p 1:1:; _ "\\'hv Rough Fish Removal"" )lot>n, .\ug 47. 11 1.1:: "Winter Fish Kill," Dare, nee -16, p H5 "You Can't Find 'Em \Yhere They .\in't,'' IIarri;;nn, :.lar 47. p 113 (Also see individual species. FTSHIXU, HOL'<:H FISH, etc.)

FISHING, GE:-l'ERAL Fillers. Apr 17, p 128; Jul) 47, p 1 11; I~ishing Equipment

"About Fish Hooks," Jul) ·17, 11 146 "Another Step For·war·d for Maquol<eta I ndustry," Apr li, P 127 " r•'ederal Aid for State l•'isheries," .Jan 17, p t\7 Fi ll et•, Apr 17, p 126 "B'ish Bass in Julv and August," Sp!';dtt•l', .Ju l y Hi, P 1!1 ·'F i ~h Benefactors," No..- 16, p ss "I<'I:v Hod C'a1·e," l\lay 46, p :lS "Hooks Evolved," Sept 46, p liG "Sporting Goods Still Short," The .:'lor~nd. ;\Tar Hi: p .~n "Sportsmen l\Ia) Ila Ye to l.'se Hent T\\ rgs anti 'l'\\ tne, June 46, P 45

Uent>ral "All Fishin~ is Good," Au~ 16, p 5S "Ancit>nt Fish Pr·oblem," ~O\ 47, p 1 so "A Treatise on the Art of Fishrng-," :'lla~ 16, ll :1:1 "Can See Them, but Can't Cat<·h Them," Jlllll' IIi, 11 4;, "Catfish-Find Them Feeding," Harnsou, ~~a~ Ji, p 1:!9 "Cat Fi~hing Is Booming," ~lay 46, p 3S "Catfish Ys. the Fillet," Sept 16. p titi "Dough Ball Top Can> Bait," July 17, p t;;n "E,·eryone Does," Powers, .\pr ..JG, p :?ti "Fall Fishing Is Best," Sept 47, Jl 161 "Fish Bass in July and Aug-ust," SJH·akt·r·, .Jut~· 4ti, Jl If> "Fishin' That Is Fishin'," .\ug t'i, 11 l:i:i "Gone Fi:-;hin',' July 46, p :iO ''Iowa Fishing \Yater:<-From the Xt '' High\\ ay and Outdoot· )fap,"

)[ay 46, p -10 "L~t·s Uo Fishin~ ... )[ay .,.6, p 3ti ":\lethods of Feather·ed .\ngl,..r><," :\lay lti, Jl ;!!I ";\[issouri Remo,·e::; Leng-th Limits," Oct 47, p lit\ "Record \Yalleye Taken at Storm Lakt>," .July 4B, p ,,,, "ReviE'\\' 1945 Hunting and Fishing," .Jan IIi, p 1 "Skunk RIYer Eddies,'' Jan 16, p 2: l<'l'h IH. p 12. :\Jar 16, p :!0: AJW -!6,

p 26; i\lay 46, p 39: June t6, p 42, .July lti, 11 :;n, Aug 46, 11 5\, ::5eJlt 46, p 6i. Oct 46, p 74; Xoy 46, 11 84: llt•l' IG, p !16

"SJlOI'ting Ethics," OC't -16. p 7:J "'l'he Care and l<'eecling of FislH'rnwn," Skill, t\ug 17, 11 1:;:1 "The How of Commercial Fishing on tlw ~ilssissit>pi." l!ol>inson, Dec

16, p 92 "Thert' 1>< Something in Common," AUK lli, p li I "You Can't Find 'Em "'here 'J ht•l' .\in't,'' llnrrbon, :\J,q· 17, p 113

l ~ lli·:.X-10\\ \ ('11'\SETn ATIO'\I~T

J'ISHJ'\( i 1;!''\ l'I:AI. Continued .TniHs :\l.u li pll!l;~<'Jll~i.plt;G L~ "s

Fislllll! :-;, ,rsons lor· l!lli," ;\ lay ~~. p 136 '''' L ,\\s Snit·"· .July~~. pH.>

\lor <.\ S)lt·r.t on ,IJHI I'opularit~ of Fi,..hing­Hur lt·l-Fish•·rtn<Hl Dollar." Oct 4i, 11 li2

"1: s T1n" to Tal.:t St<·ck,'' })nfn~sne, Apr~~. p I:!a "Tht· H••.tl Y.thll• of \\'ilcllif..,," <'allison, :\Ia.\ -It:, p 33

\\ ake l'p, \meri<·a. Swift. J .me ~~. p 13i \\h.\ llo l'tnplt• 1:o Fishing- Au~ 4i, p l.i!t

J'IH II ,_

I I)<! Anrlr t'\\ ," St,..lllpel, .lui~ 46 p ~~ "Tht• Sanw Ill<! I ;ul," c:n·Pll, oct 4i p li.;

( \ bo ,_,., inrlt\'ulual :<JI<'l'H·s; PO;\'DS LAKE~ ltlYI·:ItS)

F I:-\IIEHI I•:s l~l'dt• r al \ul fot• St.tlP l~isheril:l','' .Jan li, p !li Shod\in~ Fa<'ts, \ 1\n•t t. Feb 41. p 1!15 To l•'tsh\\ ay tlH l't'clar ltivt>r," Speaker ;\!at 17, p 11:!

I•' l :-\11 J{]o;;\ l ll \ ' \ L ·\ '\, '' \\ hlJH>n for Hough Fish RemoYal. · Sp .... tkt r .'\: ho<·h, .\pr 4i,

Jl I:!~ 'llt<tls L.t l<t· llt':IIIH'rl" llt•t 4h, p \ll

''('at Jl Tr'H)Js in lo\\ n \\'aters. · Spt>akl:'r & Ko< h '\o\ li, p I~ I L <·st !slant! Fish C' ... nsus," Hose, Apr 4i p 1:!1 \\In Hough Fish Ht moval !' )loen. Aug 4i, 11 l.~o!

I· IS II ST< H 'h. I '\I; ( St~ STOCK!:\'(;) Fhclone;"r \' \\',

"T,,·,•nt tiY• Yt•ar·" ol lo\\ a Park:-" Par·t I. F t·h ~i. p lO:i 1'.111 II. )lar 47, p 113

FLiltlll:-; · l'on:<<'t \'ation l'.tn't \Yait,'' llarlin~. APt' 4i, p 121 "I >.11,.~. t l1•· \\•a ndt•t·i ng- llt'l·r·. Come:- Hom I:' ·• II~< 'amp, I,, e 4 7, p l'•S "l<J\\"a Stnt.-• l'ar·l{,.. in 1~q7," Ru~h. Dec 4i. 'p l!\~ Pot•lll, ''Hy Hr::ht ol C'onqUI:'st," Jam..,~. Feb IG, p 11; "(..!tHIIl-l'p m· Ilo\\ 11," ~loornmn, Aug 47, p llill

Fi.llWEI::-> "11.1\\;t llatl n l'o.at '''.:\Ian~· ('•llot·s,'' Haydt•n, ,\yar lti, Jl :!;i

r I IHI·,S'I'I: \' \ Tr•••• tor· a Tr·•·•·,'' :\'oy 46, p st;

I ·on~ l r ,. a t ion 1 ·a n' t \\·a it • • 1> a r l i n g. Apr 4 ; , 11 1 :! 1 'l'on,..Pr\"ation in Sl'hool" <·oiumn ··Thl':<e Are th1• AilS\\ Pr!'!, You .\lake •. up tlu· tlll<'stions." \\'akelleld, Sept 47. p 11i3

1- !IItts ;\lar IIi, p 211: llet H, Jl j)o, Oct 4i, p lil "io'lll·s II• plf'trng Iowa For·ests, \\'akdielll Ft>h 47 p 10:; 'l•'orl·stry l'hips" coluntns ' '

.:'\'all\ e \\'~H>I}s tor· Buil<ling )laterials, • Longwood, .Jutw IG, p ·IG lla l' \\ 111, Stttmp, :\lar 16, p 24

:: l u\1 a l ~;ul a ('oat of ;\[ any Color·s," !Iayden, Ap r· ·lti, p 25 Ill\\ a "'"l·ds :\lott• Tn·ls," Aug 47 Jl l~•H

"La ... ''l') isn~s" l'olumns, ;\ lar 17, p llb, )lay 47. p l:!U; .June 47, p l:ll'>; .July 1,, P llf,, Aug 41, p l:i7, Sept 41. plli5 :\'oy 47 p 1~2

".\lult1ph· l'sl' of Stat<· Forests" )lacnoiulld Ft.'h IIi p 11 "J'o\\ ,., Saws <'olllt' to Iowa," Longwood F~h 4ti p '15 ' '"Stale ~<'tds 'l'r·Pes ... Sept 41i, p 66 ' "Syc·an.,,,,. Blig-ht C'ommou Tht·oughnut Iowa," .JunP IIi, p 12 ''Tirnhlr ,IIHI <:anw TWill Crop:-," TitU!"

l'ilrt I. .\l ar· lfi, p 1\ I' a It II, • .\ pt· 4 fi, fl 27 l'an Ill, .\Ia~ Hi, 11 :l•i l'art I\', .Tull< 4ti, 11 4b ! •an \',Jut~· tfi, p ·,6

:·TrP••s A\ail11hl•• tor l~rosinn C'ontrol," Jan 4i, p ~t!t 'Jwo llundrt•cl Thous.rnd :\'ew '\Yalnut Trees,'' Feh 47 p )llti

\ "tl' t'ans Traming:, Apr lti p 2ti ' "\\'nkt• l'p, .\rnl'rica S\\ Hi, June 4i, p Hi {.A)~ C• SPP 'r I: J·; )"~S)

l· .. O!'-'lt:l. fieurt.;t.• :\I. "Ill tltr· :-\tr"t•:llll>i tht• l'rohlem," ~ept 46, p ti:;

Fl IX "l l tit·l, Hunter Dt·l'OYs Fox," Dec 4fi, p !t:! !:'i,llt•t':<, ,\11.1-:' IIi, J1 ;j!t: llt'C 46, p ~5; .July 4i, p llti

J•ox lll•t•lln" 111 :\l11•htgan lteported.'' Apr 46, p ;Jn "Hohn~>hhing '' ith thl' Spo1·tsmen,'' Dec n, 11 1!J~ "llot f•'o...: Trapp"' " .\Iay 4i. p I3:~ "Iowa Furs .\lakp High Quality Garments K<'rr~ :\o\ lti, Jl \1 "lo\\ a TrapJH'rs :o: .. t Two and llne-Half ;\fill ion Dolla1·s," .\pt· IIi, p 25 "~Jon• Facts .\l>ont I<"nx<'s," Jan 46, p I

:-It·\\ !<'ox Kooklt't," .\Iar 4fl, p l!J ''!'Ill· l•'ox and lht• Hounty Question," ;\lat 46, p 17 'Traps I .'dl l<'ox," ;\lar 11, p 120 "\Vhat '\lamrnal Is That., .. Scott

Pal t II , St•pt IIi, 1' Iii "\\

1 ildlifc• Xnr:<<'l'iPs," lfi cl's l'at·t 11, ;\l;.y lfi, p :1:1

"Your ltc•d !<'ox Is \\'ailing,' X en 47, p 177 Fn·l'rl, I I \\

" l o\\ a's Srx '\t•\\' Lake·:-," Dee 4i, p 1!\i

F'Hitc;S A;\'11 TCIAIIS Ftll• ~'"· )litr· Ill, p 1 !1, 24 At•r 4G, p 26 '"fltl' c'horns," • .\Jn 4i, p 12\

Fl'l: IS••<' Tl:o\I'J'J;\'(;)


1•'1111'1 s •. J\1)\' 41l. Jl a2; .Jan li, p !ll'l G.un• .\Ia u:igt•men t

"l'on11non So•IISI' in Ganu• ;\lanagement," .Jan Ill, fl 1 'Coopt•ratwn 111 F1"h :lllcl \\'ildlife ;\[amH~tmtnt,'' ~colt :\'o\' 4i, p li7 "I' 0 'I' I I P . ' • arm' 1 ops ~·IHJH'r 'l~':tsant rodUCtiOn" Faht'r .Juh 17 p 11.. "In\\ ol Garnt• ;\lallllJ.:I'IIIPilt Agent to :\linnt;ot;t," .Ju'rll' IG, fl 14 ")lnd lltl-l:h-l"\\,lll Ana l>e\'dopment in EmmL•t l'ounl\ Zil!nH'r, Apr

17,pl21 . ::Phl•asuu~~ In ~.outh ]lakota,· Kimball, ;\lay 1i, p 13(1

Put 1111d I HI"'• l>t•e IIi, p S!l "The IJr,.tor·) of St<wking and ;\fanag€-mPnt of Hingru·ck Phl'a!"ants in

tht~ !-\t:ttt• of lo\\a,·• F'aht r !'art I, Ot•t lfi, p 7:! !'art II, :-.:o\" IIi, J> S1 l':nt Ill, I,,.,. Hi, p tl;{ l'nr t 1\', Jan 47. p !Ji

G A "E-Con tinued 'Tinlhe!· and <;amt• T\\ in l'rops,'' T i tus

Part I :\Ia• tti, p JS J>:,rt II. A pr 411. p :.!i Pan I II. :\l ay 4fi, p :lh Pa r t 1\', Junl• l fi, 1• I' I' art Y. J\IIY 4 fi, p ;;fi

"\\'}rat About the I'h ... n,.ant Sea:-on?" l'e•· li, Jl 1 " ( ;flner:-tl

"Briet Analysis of lo\\ a Fish .r11rl t;;llllP Pr,Jic\'," StilP>' l'ar·t 1\', Jan lh, Jl ti

"Fish ancl <;amt JIIP Young,'' Ol'l li, Jl 1i(l "Sportinl': Ethic·,-," Oct lti, Jl 73 "State ~uperilltl'llll<'lll of c:amt• 1:••:-ign:--," .J une Hi, J1 !i "\Yake {'p Amtl'il'a," Swift, .Ju11o• li, Jl 137

(;.\:\IE FAIUI "('ooperati\'t' <iaml' Hinl l'r·ogl'<llll to l'ontrnll<· in l!J 4i," .\ Iar 4i, p 119 · (!uonst•t Hut to llollsl G<lllll· Hinl ll atclwt y,'' :\I ar li, p 1l:i

c; \)IE \\-AHDE:\'S (St .. 1'0'\ SJo:lt \ ", \ T I U:\' OFFJ('I•:I:S)

c:an ctt, \\'ard "J•:du<ation Cons(•l'\'ation llflit•t•r·s' ,Joh," Lin cl !"il)', liN· 4i, p lS.;

f; I;J·~SE "Doesn t :\'eed Gun lor ( ; ei'H', Ill·< 47, p l!tfl Fillers .Jan 4i. p !IS. St•Jlt li, p If,. "Out-Stason 17oost Egg,· .\lnr IIi, 11 :!:1 "Gnusual l;oosl' Flight Throuv;h Stalt•," :\'o\' li, p 1 i:l "\Vin~o:-s oYt'l' lo\\"a, · Hit"ks, .\lnt tfi, p I; 1 !t4ti llucl< S<·ason. Oct IIi, p \U "l!ni Duek St·ason." S<'Jit li, p J t,, "l!t.J.i Hun tin:.: St<tsons," S .. pt 4i, 11 I ti:l (Also s .. e \V.\.TEHFII\VLI

liEOIJE STA'I F. PAHK •·Jo\\: !'Six. ~c\\ Lnl\:t•:-:,"' l~1 t'ed, I ) t•<.~ 17, p 1 '\ ;i "Le~tslature Yotes Sb. :\'e\\ At'tillcral l.nke,..," Hc.nllt'J :-on, ~lay 47, p 1 29

1 i•·H~". ~lilo F "i'ollution Sur\.,~·,' .Tuh· I I., 11 :;n

liJn:!t·r·tch. Arthur· c·. "l:ingl:'rich and Young ;\'P\\" t'onllni,,ion .\lt•mhet·s," July 47, p 1;;:!

1;1 •I'H J.:R "\\'hat .\lammal Is That'?' St'ott

Pan II ~l:'pt ·IIi, p ,;;, <;rl:'en, Allt'n

"l>etet.tiYe Jenny," .\Ia) 4i, Jl 1:11 Poenls

"Tht· Atomic !log-,'' lll't 11:, 1' i I Tit I:' Same Old Lad,'' I ll't li, 11 I;:;

• \\ t- Plan ted a 'l't't'l'," ll<'<' IIi, p \!1 ''Refuge Habbitl< Tn l,;p a \\'all.:." .fan ti, p Jtl4 "Tamt- Yout· 13ircls," .Jub li, p I I s "The King Hail" Junt· 47, Jl 111 "TlH· ;\louse Tr·ap <'anll' to .\1~ Don!', \ pr li, p 12i ''\\ a l ch Your Step,'' Aug l'i p l:i 1

G HOC;\'DHOGS Fill(·rs. Apr .ti, [I 125 ~ ... pt li. p lfifi "Presenting llr. \\'..,athll man.' Ft•h IIi, J1 1!! "\\'hat ;\Jammal Is That. St•ott

Part II St:pt tt;, p fi~.

(;•titl:'rlll<Ul Arthur Poem, ")lotto fot' a llogho\lsl'," St•pt It~, p il

G•tndl:'r·son Harold \\hen~ Do Bugs Fit rntot'oll>'<'l'\atlun,' .Tun!' lti, p 41

G l~ :--:s ·BoYs '>eed to Be Taught That 1:111t•s An '-.nt Toy,.,'' Au:; 11, p l:ii Fill tors, Xuv 411. p S!i; Ol't ·li, p 1 i3 "<>un Uepair Titnl:', · Po\\ f' t's, Jul\' lfi, p ,,f) "C:un Repairs :\'1•\\'," .\pr ~~. 11 I~:; "<;uns and An•munition in l!t.li,'' .ian 41, p !1<\ '·<;un:-mithinJ.: \Yill Ht• TauL:"ht rn <'nllt'A'•·, • .\pt· 4i, p l:!i "How Fast no You Shoot':'" !Ja\is, SPJ>t li, p !til In-Law Uunning,'' D.,,. lti, p :.O:l

Jokes, Feb 46. p 111 ''\tow Laws. Stile:-:, Jul.\' 17, p 11:. Popular Sporting ~ ! yths Esplotlt•tl." \\"a•l• Xo\ 41i p S7 'Shoot with Roth Ey.,.s Opt·n." K :rhn., Sl'pt lti 11 il 'Some Firearms :\lu,;t lh· l tt·gislt'tt·d, · :'\o\· 4 •, p 1\3 'Sporting Fire<nms St ill Shor· t ,'' The· '\omarl, :\!ar 4 ti p 20 'Spr·ing Gun Cleaning,· ;\fa} ·Ill, p :1!1 'The Boy Scout :\Ia r·ksman's Cn<lt·, S1 pt 1 i, p 1 Iii "The Ten C'ommantlme n ts of Sn f l't) ," 01'1 I ll, 11 ;s '\Yhat ;\ l akes a Gun K it•), ?' .Jan 17, 11 101

"Yout· Chri stmas 22," Jan Ill, p :l (Also see A:\1.\l l'XT' i' IO.'\")

H Haight Cecil P.

'\Yh~ Count Pheasants'?'' :\'ov lli, p Stl Hart ison, Harry

C ttfish-Find Thl'll1 Ft't"tling," .\1<1~ 4i p 12!1 \\'here You Goin'," ;\ l.•r 4i, p 11 i You Can't Find 'En \\'hl·n · Th t·~ A11r t," .\J ar l i, p 113

HarYey, '\Yalt "Outdoor Oddi tie,-"

Dogfish. )[ar 46, p l!l H t-aYyweight C'harnp, Fd1 16, p 1:1 Hornt-d Lark J an 1 6, p I

HA TC'HERI ES :-;..,,·..,nty-Four :.!illion P ilH• Ft y Ilatdlt'd," June 46, p 4:.!

Ha\\ kins. Blaine "Duck Tale," Jan 46 11 4

Hayden. Ada Iowa Had a f'oat of :.r.tny <'olors \ p r ·16, p 2;,

Haywood, Enos • ;\ly Legaey,' Jan 4 i. p 104

IIEEHY \\~OODS S TATE P ARK •·Green Pastu r es Ca 11," '\. ug- ·It:, p :; !J

Jll' i n, Edward X "ConsPrYation Administration ' .J une• ·IIi, p H

Henderson, John \\" "Lt-gislature Y otes S i x :-.;"'\ \ t titic tal Lakr·:s, )lay 47, p 129



-1:-\DEX TO\\ A ('():"'SEH,.ATIO:-\IST 5

Hick:-; Ellb A. ·'Lowdown on tlw Slither." June 46, p 43 "Romance in Fur:-;.'" Feb 46, p !I "Squirrel DoJle.'' St>IH 17, p 167 "Tall Tales about Snakt>:-<.'' July 46. p 4!1 '"\Yildli fe Xur:-;eries

Part 1. Apr Hi, p 2~• P art 11, )lay 46, J> :1:1

• \\"ing-s OVl·r lo\\ a:· )lar 46, p 17 HOXEY C'IU~EK LAKE

"Iowa's Sill. Xe\\ Lake:-;," Ft·eed, Dec 47, p 1 '\:i 'Lel!;islature Votes Six Xe\\ Artificial Lakes," Hendt>rson, :\lay~~. 11 12 !~

HU:\I:\IIXG BIHD "Tam .. Your Birds," <:reen, Jul~· 47. p 14..,

HU:"'TIXU General

"Asl• the Fnnnet• l~ir:-<t," Oct 16, p ;:l "Big Ganw ltH'reasin~?,," Feb 46, p 16 "Book on Ct·o\\ Shooting.'' SeJ>t 47, p 165 Cartoon, "\Yhnt Does :\!et·e :\Jan KnO\\ About the Peril~ of H Xon-l-'top

I<'light'l" Dflt'llng, Xov 17, p 183 "Duck Scorebont·d Hepol't," Day, June 47, p 137 "Ea~~ lloes It," Dec 47, p 191 "Friends," Dec 17, p I !17 "Gentlemen in the Field," Sept 47, ~ 167 "Hobnobbing wilh the Spot·t::-men, · Dec 47, p 192 "HO\\ About It"" Sept 46, p 72; Oct 47, p 176 "How Fast no You Shoot?" DaYis, Sept 47, p 161 "Huntt~rs to l•'ind Habbits Plentiful," Oct 47, p 169 "Hunting Dogs in 179U." June 17, p 143 • Hunting Licenses Sold in l'nited States Last Year," Apr 46, Jl 2!1 "Hunting the \\"renin Old Ireland," Feb 47, p 111 ·Hunt Three Hours and Six :;\linutel; for Each Phea~ant in l!IHl,'' .Jan

47, i> )(Hl • Hunt'' ith Him. Xot fot Him.' Da,· i~. Xov 47, p 1S1 ·Iowa Public ~hooting <;n,unds," Faber. Sept 46 p 6fi "Xew Laws:· Stile:-< .. July 47, p 145 ··outdoor· Iowa AmonK the Best.'. Tallman," Xo,· 46, p 81 "Pheasants Xot ~o Scar-e<· After .\11,'. Dec 47, p 1\.., "Pity the Ringm·cl' Hunter, His Heward: A c hes (;a lore,' ' I >ec H i, Jl !l:i Poem, "Timely Hints for the Hunter," :;\lar 16, Jl 2:1 "Quail - l 'p ot· Do\\ n," :\loorman, Aug 47, p 16!l 'Hevlcw 1 !It i Iluntin.c;" and Fish in~.' Jan 46, p 1 'Sporting Ethil'~,' O(•t -IIi, p 7:3 'Squil'rel !lope," Sept 47, p 1Hi "Ten r\'on-Resicll·nt H untet·s Pay $170 to Hunt Pheasants,' ' Dt•c 17,

p 1 <;j ''The Phea~unt Sea~on in the Xewspapet·s," Dec 47, p 186 "\\'eather a Uambh·," :;\lat· -li, p 120 "\\"elcome Hunters," Dec 17, p lSi "\\"hat About the Pheasant Season," Dec 47, p 1~:; "'\"hat Does :\!ere ;\Ian Kno\\ About the Perils of a ~on-Stop PIIAht':"

Day, ~ov 17, p lS:! "'Yhat Do You l\lefln Southern Hospitality?" Dec -tli, p tl:l "\\.ildlife T~ Common Pr·operty," Jan ·17 •• P 99 "Your Red J.'ox I s \\'ailing," Nov 47, p 177 "1 !!47 l>uek Season," S!'Pt 17, p 168 "1 !!17 Hunting Seasons." SeJ>l -17, p 1113 "l!H6 Quail I!unling Excellent," :\1ar 47, p lH "~1 uu ancl Costs," l>t>c 47, p 1 Xi

::'lfoney Spent on and Popularit\ of Hunting Fill~r. (kt 16, p 71 · -"Hotfoot and the Cht'istmas Holidays," Dec 46, p Ml "Hunter-I•'ishPrman Dollar," Oct 47, p 172 '"Hunters Rl•ach Xational All-Time High.' ' )lar 47, p 11!• "It's Tim e to Tal<e Sto('k," Dufresne, Apr 47 p 125 ":\len Arc> :-\aturall~ Hunten,," Dec 46, p 94' "The Rl·al Yalul' ol Wildlife,'' Callison, :\lay 46 p 3:\ ·\Yak~ l,;p, Amer·it-a Swift, June 4i, p 137 ' "\\"h~· l'ubli<: H untin~ Att·a<'' Jan 47. p 9i

(Also :<t•e irHli\ iclunl :<fH'l'it>s, <;ex:-;, A:\DICXITIOX) Huston Ta \'lor·

":::;tate SU.J>t•t·intc•nclt'nt ot Game Resi,e·ns.' June 46 p 17 Hut ton, :\1 L.

"Two Park .\t·t·as to Ill' Declkatecl During the Centennial Yt It'.'' June ~t> . (I 4 4


"'Conservationist Index," Jan 46, p 2

INDIAN CHF•;J·~K LAKJ.J "Iowa's Six Ne\\ Lal<l'S," Freed, Dec 47, p 185 "Legblatut·e Votes Si:\. Xe'' Artificial Lakes," HendeJ·son, :;\Ia) 17, p 12!1

IX SECTS "Ant \\'ho," Aug 47, p 160 "Chig~ers, Be .Jig~ers," Jul~ Ji. p 14 !1 Ftllers, I<'Pb H. pIll, 12. XoY IIi, p S6; Jan 47, p 98; :\lay 1i, p l:ll : .June 17,

IJ 1 3~ • .July 17, Jl II\, Aup, 47, p 154, 159 "\\"hC>re Do Hugs l•'it into ('on:-;et·\·a tion?"' Gunderson Junt> lti, Jl 11 (Also SC'l' HA 11' )

IO\\ A C'OXSl•~H\'AT!OXIST ".-\dclress Please'" :'llat 47, p 117 "Cir(·ulation Hc>aehes 30,000," Juh· 47. p H9 · '('unservationist' Index," J an 4'6, p 2 "Xotic<> Subscribers'" :\laY 46 p 3~1 ·Postal ,\nwnrlnwnt for 'l!iwa 'con~erYationist',' Sept 4i', p 167 ,ThP Asso<'iat .. Editor HPsi~ns" Feb 46, p lfl 1,!1nu llt>nton Count~ Suhsl·r·iber~:· )fay 47, p 1:n, July 17 . p 14ti

TO" A !'OOPEIL\TLYI·; llE~EARCH l"XIT "Cooperation in Fish and \\"ildlife )Janagement" Seott Xn\ 17, 11 Iii ''Lowllo\\ non tht· Slitlwr.'· Hicks, June -!6, p 13 ":\lorE> J.'a,·ts ahout Foxes.'' .Tan -tt; , p 1 "l'res ... nting l>r \\"l'athet·man,' Feb -16, p 12 "Homance in 1;-ut•s," Hicks, Feb 46, p !I "Squirrel l>ope," Sl'pt l'i, p l!ii 'Tall Tall·:- About Snakl's."' Hicks, July 46, p 49

· Trit•d and True Coon Hecipes" 01:-en. Jan 46, p .., '\Yhat ;\lammnl 1s That''" ~c>ntt

Part I Au~ 111. p ;;i Pat·t TI. 8t>IH Ill. p li:i

"\\'ildlifL· Nurst•rlt>~ ... Hick~ Pal't I , .\pt• lti, p 2:i Part 11 , :\lay -IIi, p :l:l

"\\'ings O\ l't ·low;\," llkks, :;\[ar 46, p 17

10 \\'A DE,. ELOP:;\IEXT CO)DIJSSIOX "C;reater Iowa Photographic Contest, .Jul~· 4H, 11 .-,:;

IOWA GEOLOGICAL SCRVEY 'Iowa's Six Xew Lakes," Ft·eed, Dec 17, p lS:i

10\YA OlJTDOOR )lAP · C'onservation Commission Printmg ~o.uoo :\lort• :\laps,' ' June 4ti, p 44 "Jo\\ a Fishing 'Yater!-0-From the Xc\\ Hig-h\\ a~ and Outdoor :\lap,"

:;\lay 4 6, p 4 u "Iowa Highway and Outdoor )fap," )f<l.} IIi, p :14 "Outdoor :;\lap to Be Printed," Feb 46, p 10

" IO'Y A'S BIG FIYE" "Outdoor Iowa among the Best,' Tallman, :-..o\ 46. p \1

IOWA SPORTS AXD YACATIOX SHO\Y "C'onserYation Exhibit at Sports and Yat·atton Sho\\ ... \lnr 46. p IS

lOW\ 25 YEAR C'O~SERYATION PLAX "Big Year Ahead," June .J7, p 112 "C'onservation Plan 'Yorks," Aug 4 7, p 118 "Iowa's Six New Lakes," J;'reed, 1><-c 17, p 1 s~. "Twenty-Five Years of Iowa Parl<s," l•'lit-1\.ingt•r

Part I, Feb .J7, p IO:i Part II, :'.Iar -17, p ll:J

"'Yind up Lake Cornelia DrN1Ae Operation~ ... llc'l 17, 11 175 IZAAK \\"ALTOi:\' LEAGGE

"A r·e You a Sportsman'!" Voigt, Sept 17, p 1til "Cartoon Series," July 17, p 1Hl "Our Great Out-Of -Door~ • .\lay 17, p 1 :ll "Pupils Show Conser\'ation Knowledge Thr·ou~h ~c h ool's E~say Con­

test," June 47, p 137

J James, Allen

Poem. "H' rtight of Conque~t." Feb 4ti , Jl lG Johnson Dr Haymond

'Some :-.:otes on the Small Fisht>s ot tht> tippet' .\lissi!-OSiJ>pi p 17S

.JOSH HJGI;JXS PARK"'..\. Y · Reduce Deer· Herd :-\ear Cedar Fa lis," :\Ia t' ~ 7. 11 117

K Kahrs, !<'rank J .

"::-;hoot with Both Eye~ Open," Sept IIi, 11 il Kimball, Jim "Pheasant~ in South Dakota," )lay 47, p 1:111

Knudson, nih .J1·. "Deer Problems," Feb -17, p 111 "(;ib Looks at the Pheasant Season," ./nn 16, p 7 "Hunter-Fisherman Dollar," Oct 17, p 172

Koch, 0 J ".\ :"'ew \Yeapon fot· Hough B'ish Hemoval," Apr .J7, p 12S "Cat·p Tt·apl:' in Iowa 'Yatt>rs," Xov 17, p I~ I

KrezPI<, K :\1 "Conser ,·ation Officers Examinations I•'1•b ruary 2:i," F(•h -16, p !•


Xo\' 4 I,

"lu\('EYIS)fS" COLL")IXS, :\Ia1 17, p liS, Apr ~7. Jl 12:l: :;\lay 47. p 1311: June 47. p 138. July 47, p 1-16. Au~ ti, p1::07, St.pt ~7. 1> 11\:i; Oct 47, p 173, Xo\ li p 1~2

L.\KI•: AHQGABI "To Protect East Arm of AhC(uahi from l•'illing l:p," .July 4ti, p 52

LAKE ('OH.:\"ELIA ""·ind l:p Lake Cornelia Drt>dAe 0Jll'tations,' ' Ol't -17, 11 17il

LAKE oDESSA AREA "Stntl' Gets Juri:-;diction 0\"et• i,OUII \('r'l'S of :\lississippi \Yilclltfe Land:,:,"

!'khwob, Aug 46, p 6:l LAKI>;S

"Heeds Lake Drained," Oct 46, p \0 "Bi~ Year Ahead," June ·17, p H2 "Fact Finding on Spirit Lal'l' \\'allt' Yl"s,"' Host>, ~ept IIi , p ll> "Famo u s Float in~ Bogs J)isappt>;\ring.'· )la~ I H, p 31l "Iowa's Six Xew Lakes," Freed, Dec 17, p 11\:i "UH•eyisms" column, Sept 47, p lli5 "Lal'e C'on::;erYation Pt·o~Tam fmpot·tant," .JUill' 17, p 112 "l;egtslature Votes Six Xt>w Al'liflcial Lakl's," llencler~on, :'.lay 47, p 129 Ltsts 0f lal<es

Closed to minnow seining·, .Tun<> tG, p I ;) J•'bhing· seasons for I!H7, i\!ay 17, p ! :IIi Open for g·eneral fishing, l\ l ay IIi, p 10

"Lost Island Fish Census," API 17, p 121 ".1\lud-High-S\\"an Area Development in l ·~mll l(•l t'ount~ "Zh•me1·. Apr 47

p 121 ":'-lew Lake Road,'' June 16, p 15 "State LaiH• Patrol Pays Di ·idends," .L\11 17. p 10 I "To Protect East Arm of Ahquahi ft·om Flllinl-! l ' p .'' .July 16. p ;;2 "l:ppet· Pine Lake Repair::; :\lade," :-.:cl\ 47, p IS~ <Also see indiYidual lakes)

Lampman, Ben Hur "\\'ht>r e to Bury a Dog," :\la~ -IIi. 11 :11

LAXI> ACQl:lSITJOX lowa·s Six Xew Lakes.' Freed, Dt>t' 17, p 1\:i

· I~e~islature Yotes Six :"'"w Artltieial Lakl""·" Hencl t>rson, )Jay 47. p 12!1 '~ew Lal<e Road,' June 16, p 1;; · ::Statt' Gets Jurisdit:tion o\"t't· 7,000 .\ct·t'~ of \lis><lssippi Hi\'et· 'Yildlife

!,and~ ... Schwob. Aug -IIi , p ti:l "Twenty-Five Years of Iowa Pal")<s.'' Flid;:tng,•t·

Part I. Feb 17, p lfl:i Part II, )Tar 47, p 113

L.\" S "Fl·rleral Aid for State Fisheries," Jan li, p !17 Fillt>rs, Oct -16, p 7-1; Dec 46, p !II "Fish Benefactors," XO\' IIi, p ss "Fishing Seasons for 1!11 1," )[a~ 17, 11 t:lti "KurPan Lawl:' Strict," Xov 16, p ~2 "Xew Laws,"' Stiles, July ~7. p II ~ "Som(' Firearms :.\lust Bt> Rl'AisterPd," Xo\ 17, p 1!13 <See ,.IOLATIOXS; EXFORCE:\IE:-.'1')

LEDGES STATE PARK "Autumn," Sept 47, p 162 "l~eclges Pal"!< Bridge ClosNl," .run!' lti, p l :i


LJ:lliSI. \Tlo:-.; _ 1,_

10 " ,- 1 s Si\. '>< \\ I ,tl\.t s Frt>ed llet.· ~ ' • p - > • 'fi I L k II 1111 I~ II \1·,,~· 17, I• 1:!~1 L< 1.. i>'l;t tun· \ • tt s Six '-•" ArtJ _5:1H a ,.,. ,. .. 11


"'"." 1.;~\\s Stihs •• lui) -II. _JI 1~;' . • _ ,, ·:-;11 .. Jtsnt<'ll Fl111l;; l onst·r\·,tttol., .\lartin, llt:l 1. , Jl ltt,l \\ t n 1111 This, All!! 17, p 1;;!1

LTTL'HS "ItO\\ .\ho ll lt '1" St•pt lti, ll 72, Oct -l'i. Jl ]7 1;


"l.l'ttt•s 1111111 tlw Bini Ft• t.>llers." Apr -1., I> -• !'It ast So n1l .\It•," .ltlJI<' 11\, J1 41

Ll!'I·:"SI·:s Fillt·l I It'( IIi, I' , I . ,. . flunt<l s ·1ncl Fishtl'llH'Il Favot· Ltcense Increase, I Itt lh, Jl • •

" Hunt• ~~ 'a,•at h "atiotLtl .\11-Time J:lig-h," .\tar~~. I' 11!1 . ., • "Huntlll" ,IIHI Fish1n:..: Lict:"nst·s Exptred :'IIan·l! .11 ,\pi ll•,. Jl :-" 'llunting: Lit'<'ll!-it·s Soft! in t 'n itcd States J.,a;;t \ e:\1,. \JI', llo, Jl .!!1 _ Sp111l:-;m;1n Spt·:ll\.s t'olumns, Xn\ 46, p l>2 Ilec llo, Jl .111; .J:ln lo, Jl :1s;

I•'<' h I 7, p I (I ti .\1 ;11 17 , p 11 ;, , A pI I 'i, p 1 24 t~it.tl~ay , ( :t·nl'~l

" l·~tlllt':ltion ('llllSI'I'\i\lton Ofticer:-;' Job,' De< 4i, Jl 1S::i lA)llg\\·ood, F't·anl"

''Fot't•stn <'hips" t'llilllllll, "~atiVe "'oods fot· lluilcltn:.:; ,\Jatc•ri;ll,'' June 41i, p lti

• P11\\<1 Saw:- !'onlt to Iowa,· Feu -tll,p15

Lll!"T 1-;1. \"II L \1{1·, "Lo>'t hlantl Fi sh I·, nsu>'," l!o"e Apr -l'i, Jl l :!1

L\l('U~. 4 in\ l:ohl. ,. . ,, . l

"1lolllt' ol Fit >'1 Iowa C;o\'l'I'IIOr Becomes ~t< t~c- ~hrlll<'., It~,. 4h, Jl .11 ' l'lum !;to\1• Jit,..tol it' .\lotlllnlt'llt at Jnwa C'it~ !let 11~, 1• !' , '"l'\\ 11 l'ad' Ar• a:- to Bo• lledic•ate•l durin"' tht' c· .. r.t• lllll:tl ) ('HI, .Julio• 41i,

Jl I I

M .\Ia~· Ilona IIl, 1: B. , .. , . ,

• .\lulttplt• t•,_, ol St t t Fnr .. st:-, r elt 4t., Jl ,I

.\1.\n .\Z t.\:ES '~"'' XE\\ SI \I'El!S & PERIUllii'ALSl \l'lnn Hoht rt:s .

('tdl:.-.att••n tn 1111,. l:.a ") Lt'""on,'' nee -17, p 1'•7

\1 \1 •:-; lu\\,\Ttout!"lltams .\1 ~ 17 P 1:.1:;

(.\!so st'l' (11\\',\ lll ' TIHHIH )1.\P)

\1.\HIH,E LAKE · X• \\ Lal'l' ltoacl,'' .June 41i, Jl r,

!\Ian in, 1 il•·nn L. . .. 'Spott::<llll'll l•'lunl\. l'on,..,r,·atton, !let 4'i, 1> 1ti~l

.)J J(' 1•. I•' iII t•t , Oct IIi, p 7 8 "\\ h;~t \lammal Is That'''' Scott

l'at t II Sc•pt IIi, p li!i )I J(' H I I;,\ '\

·Fox lh·t'lttw in .\lichigan lh ported,' Apr 4ti, p :Ill

l\11 < ; 1: \ T I <> :-.; "Bit d )ltgl,tlion l'ndei'Way,'' Oct 46, 11 71 . , . Cartoon "\\'hat litH's .)fPI'c .\Ian Kno\\ .Ahout till' 1'<' 1'11:-- o! :t .'\on-stop

1<'\IJ.dH • · !Jat llllg, ::-:o,· l'i. 11 n.:1 ~ _ "l'oll>'<'l'\ at ton in Sl·hool'' column, ··con1e anc1 c:o Bu·d:-," .\la1 It , J1 1 }., F1ll••r, .\Ia I ' Hi, p 1 !I ''Tant<' Ynlll' Bircb,' c;r, ell Jul) 41, p 14~ "\\'hat flo., :-; .\ll'tt• .\lan Know About the Peril>' ol a :.'\oil-Stop F'IJJ . .:ht'?''

lla) , Xo\' II, p l'i!l "\\'ilcllilP St•ll:<lt i\ ,. to C'hart::!e," Uec 4fi. p !tO ' \\'ing::; o\ ,,, Jo\\ a." Hic'l{:-; , .\Iar IIi. p 17 "t nu:-ual c~oo"' Flu.:ht Through SUite Xu' 47, 11 1 ~fl t.\lso :,;tt· \\'.\TEI:Ftl\\'1..,)

.\JIGHATIIJ:\' \\'.\TEHFit\\'L <:S~e \YATEHFO\\'L)

.\II X K Fill••t \Ia\' IIi, Jl ::s ' lo\\ .~· i•'\11:,_ .\lal{t' IliJ.:h Qual it) Gannent>'.': Bl•n Y, Xo' 4ti, )I ~I

"lo\\:1 Tl':tppPrs .:-.:t>t Two anll nne-half .\lllhon l>11llan;,' \pi' 11;, p 2;; "\ltnl;;,'' .Jan 4i, p 1111

\\'~o !Ia\'<' It IIPrt• at Hnnw," June 17, p 1-1:! \\ hnt \1 unm.\1 !:-; That?· scott

l'a1 t II St pt If., J1 fi;) \II:-.;:\ t•:St IT \

'.\lintH "ota .Jolll!' l'nllution Abatement List," .\!at· 4tl, p :n :.\11 :-: '\ ll \\ S I St•t• 1: \1 'I') \JJ S<' Jo: LLA :'\ J•;o { 'S

'B t·ooms or llo~ :-,' \Ia:. 17, p 130 Filler>', ,\ ItA' IIi, 11 GCI, Iii, June 47, p 13[1, H:3

Jo'ootllolt•s ol an outrloor"man," Xo\ 46, p s:; 'l'nde1 lht· S\;;y" l'i:-;tcnioll>' Oct 47, p 17:{ '"·ant to Bt· lla11P~ ''lin·<'':-; <In Old Chine>'e HE:< ipe,' .'\o\' li, Jl IS:!

"Ynlll Ho~ .trl<l \I ill<•," J>o\\'er>', Aug t6, Jl 58 \IISSISSIJ>l'l t:I\'J·:H

"l•:a;..:-II'S C'on(l·lltrat•· along .\li:<>'i:-;;;ippi lti\·cr,' F<•h 17, p 107 "Some .'\ott•:-; on thP Small Fislll's of thl• L)l)let· .\1 i:-sb:si ppi," .Johnson,

.'\o\ 17, )l 1 iS

\11 SSO l' I' I • :,:l>llllll:,n S<·IIM' in <ianw )fanagt:"mUH " J;l!t IIi Jl 1

"Fann l'ond s,' ' F•·l> lti, 11 lti "Fi:slt .\lan.tJ.:•'IIl<'rtt F;u•ts tn>m the She\\" .\It Stat.•," .\:o\ 17, )J 1 7'i ' IIunt••J s S\\ amp Hahl>tt )larl,et ::\lar 4fi, Jl 2:l " \lr-.:~ou ri Ht•lllll\t's L<'tt:.:tlr Limtt>', O ct II, I· -711 \\1, l'uhlic· lluntliiJ.:. An•as'."' Jan 41, Jt !II

:\II :O:SCil'l: I I: I \ •E It F i lit· n;, ,) 1111 4 i, Jl ICI:! J u 1 ~ ~ i, Jl 14ls I( Fish .\t'l Fltltll~ .Apr l'i , Jl 123

" l'nu >'nal Goo~ .. Flthht Through State," Xu\· t7, I> 1 i'• ;\lo••ll, Tum

'\\'h' l~ou~h Fish J:t•rnoYal?" .Aug tl, p 1;;:~

.\IC tl.l~::; "\\"hrtt ~lnmmal 11:-1 That''" Scott

l'at~t I .• \ug 4•~ . p •7 .\I< 1 :": K I~\'

Dll< ]{ llnlltt Pi Stt• .\l•lllkty," llec 46, J1 94 :\]l >:'o.l :\11~:-:-r:-;

JlontP ol Fu·:st loW<• nov<•r n••r Hecome" State Sht illt:'" I>Pt' 41;, p !ll 'l'lum Unn' <' ll i:-;to1 H' .\lonumNlt at lowa City,'' Oct Ill 11 ih

"Two l'ltt'l{ ,\n·:t >' to B•• lleclic:att:"d during ('t•tH ... nnial \ t:al'," .June• -16, Jl 4·1 .\lool'll\:tll, llob

"(111 a i I I ' p or I 1 o" n '?" A u g 4 7, p 16 0

.\Ill( 1!:-'E Fill<'t ', :'lhr tti, 11 24

.\Iorl'i>'Olt, Kel "Into tht ~h;ulows' Ft•h tt;, 1• 111

.\IOTIUX PIC'Tl'RE~ ".-\ 11 t u rn n · ::-; <·Jll 17 p IIi 2 • < >utdoor Io\\ a arn<•ll;.!' tho• l:o•st," Tnlhnan, Xov .p;, 11 '1

\ll' llHE'\; (See I lH>TI .\ll"D-HI<;I-1-S\\ A:.'\ \I! E.\

":'llucl-High-~wan \t•·n ''"'•loJli11•Ht 111 J•:mnwt t'ounn Zrerner, Apr 47, ,. 121

.)Junrlt. Hon , Karl E. ''Pollution a .\lt·a:sun• nl t'i \'lliz;ttron," ,\ ug- II, p J",J

\lus~l'ov .. .Jael;; Honk , \\atPI'lO\\} ill lo\\H," Xn\ li, p 17:•

.\ILSKH.\TS 'Biologist A>'si,E:IIt:'d to .\lis:-;t:<Sippi Fut· ~llHly,' ' .Ju' tli, p ;;2 FiiJt.t, Aug 41i. p til " lo\\ a Furs )Ial\.e II igh (1uality ,;,,,.llll'llt:-<," B• •r ry "'"' Hi, 1> \1 "Iowa Tntppers .'\et 'I'\\ o and OnP-hall .\fill ron llolJars, Apt· 46, p 2;:; "\\ e HaYe It llet eat lJonH•," .lltllc• 17, p ll:t · \\tiel lilt· Xur>'Piles," H ic·k"

Part II • .\lay 41l , I• a:: .)I l 'S:-;E LS

1'1 ller Xo,· -IIi, p '>7

N X.\ TIt 1 :.'\ .-\ L \\"I l.lJ Ll I•' E I•' E I •I·~ I ! A 'I' I t I X

•·t'on:-t·t· ,·acion in SdH•ol'' t•nlumn, "•!!ill \\'rldlii, l'o"'' r Conte:-t," Oet 41, " 111

I> ttt-,.. ~Pt for Xntionnl \\'ll dlll,. \\"ed;:," .\lar· 4-;' , p 11' ' tint al \\ iltllitP \\'t.' t•k !>at•· So•t ," Ft•l• IIi , p 14

~ VT~ AXIl SEIXES 'Tht.' Ho\\ of <'~'ntlliPrt'lal l•' i ~ htiiA' on tilt' ,\l ls!'t::;stppl,' l:olun:-on, TJec 4G,

)I !I_

XF\\':-;P \ J>EI!S .\XI> l'Eitlt >1111'.\LS .\lt'-4azrnes Pt io!ltcab, etc.

Am{;rican \lusf'Ulll, Jul~ Ill , Jl ::i(t t'anatli:•n X.\lun . .\pi 17, p 12 2: ,\u;.: 17, 1• 11:(1 l'olorado Cuns• I"\ atiou l'ollllltt'llt~:<, .\l,u I•• . 11 :?.~. :.\:•1\' lti, p ~~ C'onsf'l'Yatron "'"" :-, J;llr 17, p ~~~ Field ancl Stream .Jnn l'i, p 1111 Illinois Stalt' )Ju:-t-\lnt, .)Ullt' IIi p 17 Keystone. Apr 46 , p :!'i [Jiving .\lU>'!'Ulll , .\l:tr IIi. p ~~ .\Jl! li, p 12)> .)lanitnha Game anti Fish, Oct 17. p l'i:i .\larylancl Hall~ Hht·l't, ::-.;ov IIi, p S!> .\lissnuri Conset'\'alllllllst, .\l;u IIi ft :!:!; \fay IIi, 11 :33; Jan 47, p 97;

)!a) -17, p 12~1 ~e\\ Yol'l{ Stat<· ('ouser\'ationist, , \ II A" l'i, p I i:l Xnrth llaln>ta Outdoor:-<, l•'l'l1 Ill, p I ti Ohio Consenation l lullr>tln .)Tat Iii, p ~1: .Jan ~7. 11 !t!t Ontario llepa1·tnwnt ol c;,tm•· ancl Fish; Oc·t IIi, p 14; Dec 46, p \:J Outdoor Canada, Aug 17, p I ;,:t outdoor (;uide. Feb ~'i. p 1 llti Outdnot Xebrasl<<t. :\'o\ IIi, 11 \:i Pennsylvania .An:.:let. Jan 17, p 111 I Portlan11 Oregonian, .\lay 4ti, 11 :ll Hemmington X.-w:s Lt'lll•l', St•pt 17, p ltil South Dal;;ota l'oll,...-1 \'rttion lit:.!< ,-t, ,\Ia~· 17, p 130 Tt·llt1t'>',..ee ('ons•·n·ationiH, .\pt' IIi , 1• :!ti Tl xa~:< l~ame and Fi.sh, 1 let 1 'i, 11 1711 \ r:..::inia \Yildlite, Xo\ lli, p :! \\ isconsin Consel Hion Bull•·tlll, .Jun• ~''• 1141, .!11ne 47, p 137

,\; c·\\ "J>a)H'rs Alhia Republican _\u~ ~~. p 1;,!1 .-\\(h·n Timt:"s, nee 47. p l''i .A It •n Denwc1·a t, J a 11 t ti, p :! .\me" :'llilepo:-t, Au~ 4'i, 11 1;,; Anarnn"a 8ureka, Jlo.:c 17 )I l~t:! . \narno,..a Journal, I >t•c· Jt, p !II; Atlantic X~\\:- Telo.:graph St l't IIi p Gti l!ellt'\'UE' Leaclt•r, .\lay IIi p lb \11~ IIi, Jl Iii .\!,1y II, p 130: Dec 47,

p 1 !t:! Bloomtit:lcl R(!puhlican, llt•t IIi. p !II Boone Xew~:< RPpuhlic:an, I lt'l' 11; p !II Britt .:-.:e''"" Tribune, St·Jlt 4i, p lli'i Burlington Hawi"'Yt' t:axl"lt• lll'l Ill p !tl; .\lay 47, p 134. Dec 17, p 1~9 Burlington Sports Jle1 ;tid, Ul'l 17, p 17:1 C'eda1 Falls Hecord, J an IIi, p ~ <'edar Rapids Uazl'tlt•, .Jan IIi, p 2: .Jnnt• IIi, p 17, .July ·16, p 50, .-\ug 46,

p :i8, ~oY -16, p l>li, Aug 17, p J;,s Charle" C'ity Prel's, D<'<' l i, p l !J:! \"he1·okee Times, Dee I !i, p !!6 C' lat k~\·ille Star, Aug lti, p :1!1 <'linton Herald, Dct• ·1'i, 11 I !12 C'olfax Tribune. D•·c l'i, 11 1:12 ('ouncil Bluffs Xonpat'Ptl, 1 IN· 1'i, p 1 i>, C'te"ton :O.:ews Adver t ist•t, .Jun .. 17, p 1 1.! Da\'enport Demo<Tat, Jan IIi, 11 !i; J.'('h IIi, p 1<1, Apr ~6, p 31; June 47,

p 13\. Sept 17, 11 llil•. Od 17, 11 171 lla\'Pnport Time>', .\l.tr ~~- p 1 :!II Tlt:'~'ot·ah Public Opilli<>ll, St•Jil IIi , p II Eagle GroYe Eal!le, lh·l 4'i pl!l:l Eldora Herald Ledgpr l>ec ti, p l!t:! f:l,~:in Echo. June 41, J1 11:! EIJ{ Horn Re\'ie\\, l>t>c ~G. p ~,;, Emrnet>'l>urg Denwerat, .Jan IIi, 11 7; Ihl' It:, Jl !•11, !I;;; Feb 4i, p 111;

Cll't 1i. p li-t Esthen·ille Entt:'rprise. llt'l ' IIi, p (II E>'thel'\'ille Xews. nee t i, p 1 \!t Fayette County l'nion. Dt'l' li, Jl I Sti Fort Dodge .\le>'senget , St•Jit IIi, 11 t>6 ; llt><' IIi, p !II: Dec 4'i, p 1 6 t;ret:"ne Recc·rder, Jtt'c' ~'i. p I!!:! lirinnel\ HE-rald Rd.:i>'tl'l', Ut·t lti, p li , llt·c li, pI. 6 Han.pton Times. lle< II, p l~i Harlan Tribune De< l'i. Jl I 'fi Hopkinton Leade1, .Jan 17, p Inn ; .July l'i, p 1>0 Inclt>pendence Bulletin .Jou1nal, llt't l 'i, 11 l'i-1 llt·c 17, p 1!10 Tndianola Record Herald, .July lfi, p 52 lf.wa ('itv Pre:-s Citi.-.en •\\1'' IIi , Jl ,i\, ~.•.t ,.,,, I • 11 '1 · D~c· 4~ p 1 l•

ISS J • ,... •' -· • • ~ •• •

LakC' Park Xew:s, l>C'c 17, p 1 "li Laurens Sun, Jan 46, p 2 Lt> .)[ars Globe PO>'l, Dec IIi, p !II .:-.raquoketa Community Pt ess, Apr li, Jl 127 \l:n>'halltown Tim(!s Hepuhlican, Junp -17, p 1:11

• I I



l ::"\Pl':X 10\\ A CO::"\Sl~HY A 'fiO:-<IST 7

'\L\Y~PAPEHS AXD PEiti001CALS-Continued )Ia son Cin t;Job~ t~a7.<'ltt', Uet· -tli, p 91: lJec 47, p I !1:! )lunnna Leader, lkt· 47, p 1~6 )[uscatint' ,J<,urnal. Oct 411, p 'i 4 Xashua Repnner. Aug 47, Jl 157 '\ew London Joun1al llec 46, p 91 Xewton Xt.-ws. De<' l'i, p 1 ~1:1 Xonhwood AndHII', Det 47, Jl1\l:! Oelwein ltegistel·, Aug 4ti, Jl ;;!1; Oct 46, p i.J; Jllltt 4i, p 13!1; De<' 17,

Jl 1)7 Parkersburg- Eclipse. Feb 47, p 111 Pella Chromt·le .. June 4i. p 1:~!1 Perry Chief. nee 4i, 11 1 ~ti Primghar Bell, .Jan IIi, p :; Heinbecl;: CnUI'i<•r, )lay ·16, J1 3ti; Au~ 46, p ;)\,, Dec 46, )I !ll, Allp. 17,

p I :.:1 Hemst'n Ul.'ll Enterprise, Apr 47, p12~. June 4i, p 142 ltin~stead l>ispa t<'h, S<•Jlt lti, p ti6 Hock Rapids Heportt•t, Dec 47. p ll\7, l!Jil, 192 Rock Vnllt>Y Bet>, nee 4!i, p !11 Ruthven l•'•·ee l'n.>~<s, l>c:>c 1 (), Jl llll Sac City Sun, Dc:>c 17, p 1!12 Schaller Hcl·nld, lll't' .Ji, p 18~ Sheldon Sun, Dt•c· 17, p 1H2 Shell Hock .:\'ews, l><>c 47, p 1 ~6 Storm Lal<e Pilot Trihun(', .\Jll' H>. Jl 30. Aug 47, p I :;(1 Swea City Heralcl, July 16, p 50 Dec 47, p 192 Thornton Entet·prise. June Hi, p 45, nee 46, p 90 Dec 1i, pl!ll Traer Star Clipper. :\In~ 46, p :l.J Trirwli Lt·Hch•r, l>ec .ttl, p !16 \\'apello H<•JIUblican .. Jan 46, p 4: Dec H\, p !I;; \\'ashington .lournnl. :\Jar .Ji, p lli: Oct 4i, p 1itl \Ya><hta .Jout·nal, .\pr 4fi, p 26 \\'aterloo <'out·i<'r, July 411. p ;,(1 \Ya\'(·t·ly Tlt•mot•rat, 11<•<• ~i. Jl 1Stl \\'an·dy ludt•JH•ndent, Dec 46, p !Ia; June 41, p H:l; })('(.' li, p 18ti, 1!1:? \Yt-h:;tcr City Fn·<•nwn .Journal, Dec -li, p l'-6

:'\E\Y Yoi~K "~:!4,0nll 11011 lor <'on><••t'\'i\tlf>n,'' Jan .fi, p ltll

XI.:\'E E.\GLE::-: LAK 1·: "Iowa's ::-:ix ' ' w l.al"·s Frt•l'd, T>t>c 47, p 1 5 "L£-gislatun· \ott·"' Six Xt \\ Artificial Lake:;," Hencler:>un, :\lay ti, 11 12!1

XP:nad 'fhe "~pol'llll~ (;ou<b Still Sl.trc.. :\la1 4ti, Jl 20

.:\'"llHTIT .·UTEHII'AX \\ ILl>LlFE COXFEREXCE Xorth Am~ri<'an \\'ihllift- Conference Theme-Land and \\•iJdlife," Jan 4 i. p !I'

0 OAK \YIL'l'

"Forestt·y Chips" t•olumn, Stump, :'liar 46, p 2! Olsen, Anna :\Jargr('(hc

"llan•est Tinl<' for Surplu:-; <;ame," Oct 46, p 79 "~cw Bulletin AYailahle,'' Jul~ -li, p 14!1 "Tried and Tille ('oon R<•cipes," Jan 46, p ~

o·Xeil, George Poem. "Xo\\ th<'t·e is frol"t upon the hill . . ." Jan ·ll;, p ·•

Ol'I'OSSl':\L ·Iowa J.~u,·s )taltt' Iligh Quaht~· Garment:s,'' Berr), Xov 1G, p Sl "\\'hnt :\Iarnmal b That'!'' Seott

Part I. Aug 4ti Jl :>7 "Iowa TraJ•Jl•·rs :"<'l Two and One-hall :\IiiJion Dollars," Apr lti, J1 :!:i '\\'ilcllift- Xurst·lles" H1rl.::s

Part- II, :\Ia~ HI, p :1:1 u:-:;r AH

"Oscar, tne Stun..:t•nn," \ug .tt;, p 60 IlTTEn

"lowa Furs :\Ink<• lli);h Quality Garment,..," Berry, Xo\ 46, p ~~ "Ol"TTIOOH Olli>ITIJ·;s· b~ \Yalt Har\'ey

Do~tish, :\Ia•· 4ti, 11 I~• Hea\'yweight C'hamp, F<•h 46, J) 1:3 Horn<•d Lat·J.::, Jan Hi J) I

OWLS · lli\ e Bombet,' lh·c IIi, p !It; Fillers, :\lay 16, p :1!1, .\ug 16, p 6I, Oct 46, p H. Sept 17, p lli7 Poem, 'XeYer a Tloot Hoots He," Jan 47, p 104

OYsTgRS Filll•t·s June 16, 11 12, Dec 41\, p 91

p P.\:\1:\IJU ... PAHK

"Iowa Stale Parl<s in Hl17,'' Hu::;h, December 47, p 1!18 PARKS

"Autumn,' Sept 47, p lti2 "Big Year Ah<·ad," .June .fi, p l 12 :Filler . .JUIH' 16, p IIi "<;reen Pasturt·s Call ," Aug Hi. Jl 59 "Home of Pirst Iowa c;ov<'rtH•r Becomes State Sht·ine," De<' 46, p 91 'lo\\a·~< Six :o\ew Lal«•s," Freed, Dec 47, p 18:i "Iowa State !'arks in l!14i,' Hush, Dec 47, p 18S · Lf'clges Park Bt·id~~: Clost>d,' .June 46, p 45 "Legislaturt· Yotes Six Xcw Al'tificial Lakes," Henderson, )Ia) .Ji, p 129 "Plum G1·ove Histnrit :\Innument at Iowa City," Oct 46, piS "Prt>pare for BantWt l'ark Season,' :\lay 47, p 13:> 'Redutl' Dct:r Ilt·rd X t-ar <'edar Falls," :\Iar 47, p 11 i 'State Park Att<'tHian<'<· :\Iillion Short of All-Time High," .Jan 17, p 102

"Stall' Park Lotlgl· H<·ntals," July 17, p 149 ·'The lleauty of Backhon<>" AliA' 16. p 59 ''TwentY-hVt: Yt·at·,.. ol Iowa Parl<s," Flickinger

Part J, F<·h 4i. 11 1n;; Pat·t II, :\lar H Jl 11:1

"Two Pari< At·ea,., to Be Dedicated durin~ the Centennial Yeat·," June 46, pH

(Also see indi\'ldual parlis and nE\"ELOP::\IE~T) PERCH

'A Treatise on lht· .\rl of Fishing," :\lay 46, p 33 L'HEASA:-<TS

"A H unting \\•e \\'Ill Go," Jan 46, p 2 "A Short ' l'ale ot Long Tails," Dec 46, p 96 "C'hinky Chin!<," Jan 16, p 5 "Cooperative Uame Binl Pro~rnm to Continue in 1947," Mar 47, p 119 "Couple \Yish tot Pht>a~;;nnt It's There,'' Dec 46, p 91 "Crazy ,\in't H '1" Po wen;, Jan 46, p 2

I'll KAS.\XTS-Continued "Ea,..y Docs lt,'. Dec 4 7, p l \11 "!•'arm Crops Temper Pheasant Production,'' Falwr, July 4i, p H.5 l<'illE'r. Sept 4i, p 165 "!iih Looks at the Pheasant Season,' .Jan It; p i "Hnrvest Time for Surplus Game·,· Ol~<en, Ot•t 41\, p i!J "He<t\"~ Rtorm Lo><s to Pheasants,· :\!at li J1 11!1 "Hobnobbing with the Sportsmen,' llt:c 4i, p 1!1:! "Hunting :\lay Be Sport for Some, but f<>t' Othc•r:-; It Is a Pain in the

Xc:>ck," Trumbull, Jan 46, p 2 "Hunt Three Hours and Six :\linutes for Jo;ach l'h<·asant in 1!146,'' Jan 47,

]I 100 "Letters from thE' Bird Feedet·s," , \pt· li, p l:!i "l'hensants Laugh Last," Dec 41i, p !II> "Phea~<ant Seeks Spot at the Jatl. · Tl('(' ti. p Hi "Phcn:-;ants in South Dakota," Kimball, :\lay 17, p 1:10 "Pheasant:-< ::"\ot So Scarre ~\fter All,'' l>ec 47. p 18s "Pity the Ring-neck Hunter, llis Heward . .\rh••s <;;tlon'," nee IIi, p !l5 "Qunn:-<et Hut to House (iame llird HatdHry,' :\Jar 4i, p 115 'ReYiew 191il Hunting- and Flshin);," .Jan 16, p 1

"lton:-;ters <iet ,\round," Dec 47, Jl 1 SH "R('es Albino Pheasant,'' Del' 4i, 1> I !HI "'fen l':on-Hesident HuntE>rs Pay $170 to llunt l'lwasants," Dec ·17, p 187 "The llistnry of Stocking and :\Janagemenl of Hingneck Phea:-;ants in

th e State of Io,,·a," Faber !'art I, Oct 16, p 73 Part II. ::"\o\' 46, p 81 Pn>·t 111, DE'C 46, p ~13 !'art 1 \", Jan 47, p !II

''The I'hea::-ant Season in th<· Xe\\ "'Jl<l)H•rs,' I>•·~ .fi, p lSti "\\'eath .. r a Gamble,'' :\Int· 47, Jl 1211 "\Yhat About the Phea!-ant ::->ea~<on lh·<' li , p ,,;, '\\'h) Count Pheasants," Haight Xov lti, 11 \li "l'lli Hunting Seasons,· Set t 4i 11 IIi I

l'lti 1-:0'\S "Iht\'l•n]HII'tc•rs l.:se Plane for Racing- Pig:cons, \Yoods Sept 47, p 166 " Lan yisms" column, JuJ~· 4i, J1 1lli

PIKE "\ 'frlatise on the )\1 t of F i,..hing,' ' :\lay 41i, p :1:1 Fillet·, June 4i. Jl 13) 's,., enty-four :\!ill ion Pik~ Fr~· Hatl'lwd ," Jllnt• IIi, p 12

I I :'>:E L.\KE 'l !JJHr Pine Lake Repair:s )lade, Xo\ 4i, 11 l\4

l'istot ious, Lero) 'Tncll'l the Sl;:) ," Oct 4i, p 1 i:l

I'ITT:\1 \:"-HOBERTSOX AC'f 'Ask !1-:l,llOO,OOn Pittman-Rohl•rtson T<'un<l:< lot· IHii," ~Iar 4ti, p 24

"fo'c(h ral Aid for State Fisherte:s,·· .Jan li, Jl !Ji "l~lving Fences .:o\eedecl," June 47, Jl l:ls

PLA :-;T~ Filll'rs, F('h 46, Jl 12; Feb 4i, p 1 1'6

I'IX:\I <iH.ovg "IIOinf> of Firl"t Iowa GoYernor H<.'C'OI1ll's State' Shrine," nel' 46, p !ll "l'lum <:roYE' Historil' ?.fonunwnt at Iowa <'ity,'' ()Col 11\, p 7S "T\\o Pari< Areas to Be DeclicatNl <llu·ing ll11• ('l'nlt•nnial Year," June 46,

p 1 I P< l 1•;:\IS

First IIIH's (Poems not litlt'lll "Fishing, if I, a fisher may prnlt•st . • '\tl\ 17, p lSO "It Little Hed Riding· Hood liYed today · .\pr 17, p 12:l "It \\as Autumn and in<'E'~<s<\lll . " Longfello\\', F'eb 46, p 14 "Xow there i~ frost upon the hill . · 0 Xeil, Jan .Jil, p ;) 'Sr•e \\inter comes to rule th~ \'at·it·d ~·<·at "Thompson, Jan !6, p 2 ''fht playful bea\"er builds his lode;<- · :\lat· lti, p 21

Titlt-s "B~· Hig-ht of Conquest,'' James, Ft•h 16, J1 l!i "t'h•at· Titlt>," Canuck, Aug ~i. 11 15:i "llu<'k~< at Dawn," Oct 47, p 1 ;;; " It l'a~·s,'' June 46, p ~~ ":\lotto fot· a Doghnust:','' nuiterman Sept .Jti, p il ·:"\eYer a Hoot Hoots He," Jan 4i, p 1111 "Old Andrew," Stempel. Jul~ 4ti. p ~.:1 "fhe ,\ tomic Dog,'' Grt-en, Oct lti, p i 1

"'fh<• Budding- Xaturaltsls," Field .\pr li, p 122 ::-rhc Same Old Lad," tirl'f'n. On li, p 1;;, Ttnlt'ly Hints for the Huntl:'r," :\la1 Ill p 23

"To Dickie," Feb 4i, p 112 "\Yt; l'lanted a Tree,'' <lreen, net 41i, p \!l

PO I.Ll''f lOX "Better Stl·eams-The Prohlem," Fostu. St•Jlt IIi, p tl:l <'HI' toon. "\\'hy .\iot Put E\'erything \Y<· \\'ant to Gl't Rid of in the·

Hi\·er?" Dal'iing, Aug 47, p 1:>3 ":\linn<'sota Joins Pollution .\batement List," ?.Iar 16, p 21 ''l'ay $18,000 for Fi::;h Poisoning," Jan 17, p 1111 "l'ol lution a l\Iea:sure of Ci\'ilization," :\ l uncH, , \ug 17 p 153 "Pollution and Polio," Powers, .June IIi, p 17 ' "l'ollution Survey," UetTL .July IIi, p ;;o

1 •o:-: ns ''l<'nt·m Ponds,'' :\lay 46, Jl 31

Popowski, Bet·t "Bool< on ('1·ow Shooting-," Sept 47, p ltl :i

l'o\\ er~<, Ft·an k "C't·a:r.y, Ain't It?" Jan HI. p 2 "}<;,·eryone Does," Apr 4ti, p 21i 'tiun Hepait· Time." July 46, Jl ;;o 'Pollution and Polio," June Iii, Jl ;;n "Top Soil SaYed. Dollar~< Enrned," .\up. 46, p ,:-, "Your Boy and :\fine," Aug 46, p ;;~

l'R.\1 HIE CHICKE.:o\S "Pt·nirh Dwellers,'' Quick, Jan 4 i, 11 llll

l'REDA'fORS ":\Tore Facts about Fo:xE's," .Tan 41> , p 1 "Prt'dator~ Hit Hard in F1anklin Couno ")la~ .Jii, p 34 "This You :'lfust Kno\\ to Vndt-r~<tnnd, .\ll,:l 17, p lf1!l

l'l'BLICATIOXS (SE'~> XE\YSP.\l'EH~ \:'>:ll l'EHlODIC.\LS· BOOKS·, Bl.LLETI:'\S) '

l'l'BLIC RELATlOXS "Are \\'e O\·er~elling our\\ ildlife'?" nufn•sne,'' Xov ttl, p ~S "Bncf At~alyst:,; of Iowa Ftsh and Uamt· !'olin·,'' Stile~>

l'nrt n' Jan 46, p 6 "t:onser~·ation Admini:>tralion,'' H E>in. June -16, p 11 "hducatton Con:servatwn Ofticet::- ' .Job," Lind::-a~. DE'c 17, p 185

PlTBLIC SIIOOTI~G GROCNDS "DU<'I' SC'OI'eboard Report," Day, Junt' 1i, p 1:17 "Iowa Public Shootin~ Ground~<," Fahi.'J' Repl 16, p H6 "\\"hy Public Hunting ArE'as''" .Jan 47, Jl '!17

II l \\"A t 'I l.'\ :-;I~ It\'.\ THl:-\ lST

Q Ql •. -\IL

"Appotnt '-• \\ Blolo!d,.t," .Jun .. 4h p .J.ti "t'at <''lttht·,. <~uail in J·:ditot s Y<Hd.' Pt.!~ 4H, p !11 " <'no)H r..r·au' t• <;anw lhrd Program to t'nutinu~: in ]fq7," ,\J.n· 47, p lift Fillt·r, St• lll 17, )I p;;, lll't 47. p 170 .. ,; .. nth·IIH·Il in tht Fi.-ld." s .. pl n. p 1117 " liar \c:-;l Timt• to Surplus t:ame Olst'll, 0<'t 4tl, p l't "Lt•ttt•rs tro111 till Bini l•'et·dcr·s," Apr II, p 1:!7 "{Juail-l'p or llo\\ 11 : .. ~loorm.1n. A u~ -II , p I till "llnun:-l't I hit to llotist• <;ame Bird Halt•hl'l'~ :\far -17, Jl IIi "Ht•\ it\\ I !II"• Hunt inA and Fishin~." .Jan -lti p 1 "Timb,•t and <;anll· Twin Crop" '· Titu,..

Part 11 .. \p1 IIi, p :!'i \\ ildli l < :>\utsel'i"s," Jli('ks

l 'att I .\p• Hi. p :!5 'l!l l b <Juail l!u nttll"\ Ext'ellent." :\Iar -ti p 114

'1!11, J l nnting St>:tsons.' St>pt l i, 11 Illa Ql.l•:s·r•IIJJ\N \J JH:s

" li n\\ .\bout It''" (Duel, Jiuuters), Sept -IH, p 'i:l, tl('( -li p lili " ll un t Pt's and l•' •shttnH•n F'a\'or Lkl'n:-t• lnl'l'!'a:-t•," <h t IIi, p i7 (St'e SI'OI!TS:\1 \ :\ SI'I~.\1\:S COLl.:\f:-\Sl

Qukk, lltthtrt l'nlilll· [l wt·llt t s,' .I an -li, p 10-1


Fill•·t·s. llt·c It· , p !•~·. Ft•h -17, p In6 Apr -li , 1• 125 "Ilutloot ntl tht• l'hrhtmas Holiday,_" Dec ~tl, p ,,, " l htnt••t- S\\ amp Ra hhit :\lat·k~:t. · ::\Iar 4ti, Jl :l:! "llunt .. r·s to Find Haubits Plt'nttlul.· O ct t7, tl lti • "Iowa 1-'111 s .\Iak .. lligh (.JualitY Garm~:nts," Bt•rTy -'• \ lh, p '\} "H .. fug•• Hahhits Tak•· a \\'alk" (;reen •• Jan II, Jl nt "Ht•\ it•\\ 1!11~. lluntin:.; at <I Fi,..hing," .Tau 4ti, p 1 '\\'hat .\lammal (,.. That ~u•tt

I •. II t I I ' :-; t !l t lti. Jl 1);) \\ ht·n Is tht' Jado·ahbit :-\ot a Halthit'.'" F .. h ltl , p }ti \\ ildiJit· :'\utst•!'l<''," Hid<" l'an II. :\It~ lti, p :1:1

1:1~7 lluJttlllg ~ .... asons HA('I'!Hl:\

Ftlh·t, :\1 II 11; p 21 " lo\\,t l·'ut·s ,\1.11, .. llt;..:h <,Jualil) <iarments Bt•l't', ""' tti , 1• \I "lo\\a TtapJ!t rs '\'t t T\\o and One-half :\Iillion llollars ·• • .\JII ' lti, J1 !!fi ·s,·atPd ll t·ns \ pr Hi p :!ti "T r i t' d arHI '1'1 111 <'oon H<"Cipes" Ols.:n, Jan ~li, 11 'o ' \\'c Jl aV< It llt·l't• ;It llomt',' Juu~: 47, p 1-12 ' \\hat :\ lam mal Ts That ·• Seott

!'art II , St·pt I Ii, p 61) l :al,<•s, .1<·<1

"Skunk Hi\ <'I J•:d<liPs ··.Jan JG, 11 2; Ft"h IG, 11 l:l, :\far lh , p :!n p 21i M .n I I • J1 'I~~ .f u ll e 4G, Jl 12 ; J u I y 111, p :; II ; , \ 11 g- 41i, J1 ~ \ p li'i <lt I IIi, J1 i I , :-\o\ -Ill, J1 Sl; Dec• ~li, p !lfi

H l ·:c· ll'J<:S Ha<·c·oon, .Jan IIi, p \ C.\lso ,.,., I'<H>KT:>;<.t

H 1•:< 'IU<; \ T I <1:-\ I: I•: '\ E IL\ L "Bit.: 'I •·at \!wad .[Uilt' ~~ p 142 " l o\\,1 Stat• l'al'l{s 111 l!tll,'' Rush Dec 41, Jl J'o'o

"It's <l Long \\';n to Eldora .-\u~ -1.6 p 6fl

\pt lu, St Ill I G.

":\ l ucl· ll u.;h-S\\ .111 \rea llP\'t-lopment 111 Emm.-t Count,. Ztt lll••l', . \(II' 17, II 1:!1 .

".\Iulttplt• t •:-., "' Stat<• For""ts ':\lacDonald, FPI• ~ti, 1• ·' "l't•·pat•· lor· U;uutt•r l'.trk :-5t.!ason," :\lay 41, p );;:;

l'uhi!C' St•l'\lt .. ," :\l:n -11. p 117 'StiOI'l l llA' J•:thil's," (tel IIi , p 13 'Stat<' !'ark .\tt .. tHiane .. ~lillior• !"hot·t of All-Tinw High," .I.tn 17, 1• lfl2 'Tht· H• al \ 'aluc• ot \\'ilcllife. Call son, :\hn .Jti, p :J3 'Trut>' II ''' Tt UP \!It ~ li, I' 2ti . "T\\ I'll{\ fh c y,.,,," of lo\\'.1 Pat'k:<," Flil'l,tn;.!;t•l'

l'ar·t I, Ft•h 17, Jl ltt~. !'art II :\!at 17 p 11:1

"" .tlu· t·p, Amt·rteol,' S\\ itt, June 4i 11 1::­"\\ h~ 1'\ot St>t· Jo\\ n \\ il<h·tne~s." Aug- Hi, p :;s ( \lsn st • IJ l'\;TJ:-\C FISH TXt: 1

l:Pt'U, :\Ia) n.u·d !look "\\ at• 1 fo\\ I in To\\'a, :-\0\' ~ i. 11 li!l

I U·;s I•; \I tl' II " \ppoint 1\'t>\\ Biologist ,'' .J une ~6. p 46 " Btolog t; t .\ ssignHI to :\lis::;issippi Fut· Stud~," .1 uh Iii, Jl i:! "<'altish l•'lll<l Thl·nt Pt•Pding,'' Ilat'l'bon, :\ lay l i, \l 12!1 "('oopt•t·at i on in Fish and\\ ildli t e :\Ianagement," Sl'otl, :-\en· l i, p l i7 "l•'ad l•'inding on Spint l ,ak{' '\\'alleyes,'' Ros<• , Sppt If•. p li, "Fa rni <'rop:-; Tt mpu Ph .. <tsant l' I oduction," FahPt, .lui' ' '· \l ll :l " !•'ish and <:anH l>iP Young,'' Oct ·li, p 170 " llu nl 'l'hrt•t• Hours anti Six l\linutes fot· Each l'hl'a sant in 1 !t Iii," .Jan l'i,

1, 1 un " I ost ] ,.,\and Fi s h ('.,nsus" Rose, \pr .Ji, p 1:!1 ":\lott· Fac·t s ahout l•'o'\.t's," .Jan .JH p 1 "l'il) lht• l'oot· Pish .\ug- .Ji, p 1 ~i "CJnatl l ' p o1 l >o\\ n :\loonl!an. Aug 47, p lti'J "ShcH'IcinA" l•'al'ts," ,\lht·ll Ft.-h ~1. 1' tO:> "The lltst o r) ot Stol'kin:..: ancl :.ranagt•rnt'nt CJI Hin~~:ru·t•l, t'h••a,;ant!'l HI I

tht- Statt• ol lo\\a," F':tht-<r Pn t' t I. < '"I 4 ti, 1> 7 3 l'ar·t fl , Xo\ lti , p Sl l';u t Ill, llt•t· 4t; , p 9:1 l'art 1'\', .Jan l'i, 11 lt'i

To Fbh\\a~ tilt' C't•dat Hi\Pt·,'' :\Iar 4i, It 11:: \\ h • ,\hnut tht• l'ht>:t:-aut :,;ea:-ou'?" llet• 47, ]l n;:; \\ i) l'ount l'lt••Hs:utt"'?" Hai! . .:ht, :-\o\' 41;, " '>li

•·t. l ".tll't Find 'J·~m \\'hen· Tht-Y .\in't" H at•nson !lla1 17, p 11:1 "l!t [I; IJ U.tll llunting J·:xet•ll ('llt .,·:\lar -t7 , p 114 '

HICJ•; I.AKg "Fntnous Floating llo,.:-s llislli>JIE>l\rine;,'' ~Ia~ 4t 1, 1• :lti

Ttis<'hlli1H ll••t, :\f:ulc•n <'.•rn>ll "F unous In\\ It 1'rt•• s" ··olumlt, "Tht• Lint•nllt io:h11," :'liar IIi, p 1!•


~C\tlll It 1~·1nd rl'ht:.rn 1~-.t f•,ling-,·• IIar1 isnn, )l"ty .ti, p l~~t I• til• r .J.11t li, p 111:1 "h1wn lnltnd Hh•t'r' ll.tms," fc "" 4i pIllS l"!t '"l'o l•'ll<h\\•1~ tit•· ('o•d:ll ltht'l' sp .. aktl :\ial' li ]I It:: .. \ \Tl \ • . 0

, ' II . • • tel<' OU <oOIII Ht'r'IS!>ll :\fat· 47 J1 1J'i "You t'.1n't l•'ln•l 'l~nt \\'1-t· t ,. Tilt'~ .-\in't,'' Jlan·bon, :'ll:~r 17, Jl II :!

Hohinsnn, £d 'Tiw H ow ol c 'omm .. n•t,d Fi-•11111:.: <•II th•· \1 b,.b,_;ippi," [I t"<' 4ti, p ~~~

HocK C'HEEK L \KE lo\\a·~ Si' ~~" Lnl'•~ .. I··•···•d )),•<· 17. p 1'-;

"L .... gisl:ltun• \'ott-'s Si:\ x,.,, \ tttl c t.tl L :tl\t•:-," H t•tuJ..,r·son, ~Ia~· 47, p 1:?~t

ROl l A'-. D C;L.":-\ :'\£\\ S \\ I!JTI~H:-: "Hod and liUI '\'t \ :- \\ l'itPt'" I lt,.:,llliZt•cl,'' .1\llll' 41;, J1 12

Host• , E. T. "Fat•t Fiucling on Spit tt Laltt• \\',lllt•)"<'S,' St'l>t lti, p ti:l "Lost Island Fi ... h l'<-'11"11' ," .\pi 17, p I :!I

HO! <iH !<'ISH <;EXEH.\L "A Xew '\\' t.-apun fn1 Hnu:.:h Jo'bh Ht•muval,' ' ~(le:tkt>l' :11u1 Koch, .\pr ~~ .

)) 1:!\ "ilt'eds Lake Jlr,l illt'd," ( lt't 4ti, p \II

''H!'it'f .\nal~sis of lo\\ 1 Fi:-;h anclt:an~c· l'olil'~,'' ~til.-,. l 'al t !'\' .Jan IIi , [I ti

' 't'alp 'l raps in In\\ <I\\ atPI's," S[lt·.tlH·I ,\ Kot h .'\ov 4i, p 1\! "Lost Island Fish ('t·nsus,'' Hnst•, \ pr I 'i, I' 1:!1

\\ h~ Hough Fish Ht·IIIOVal ," ~l oPn \ 11..: II, p [-,_! ( \lso see tndi\ idtHII :<fH'l'tt''-')

Hush, ""rl!Jur .-\ "lo\\a Slat .. Pa r k,_ 111 l!l l i,' ll t·c 17, I> I\\

s S,\ FI·:TY

t;un "Bo)::; '-ted to HP Tnuvht That Hlllt•s A tt• :\'otTo\:-," .-\ug- -17 , p lii "Cat·t:less Huntet·:-," I It·<' IIi, Jl !II l'Ot'lll, 'Titnd\' llilll:< lol' thP llllnlt I ~[,tl' lh, Jl 23 "Tht- HoY Sco 11 :,\lurk,.man· .. <'nd• St pt ~i. p 11;7 "The Ten ConunandnH•nts ot Salt! c ll•t IIi, 11 7' " \\"hat :\Iak .. s ,1 c;un ' Kick"'" .Ja1. 1, , I' 1111 " Yom ('hristtna" :!.! ".Jan IIi, 11 ~

\\ ltt·l Sc.:hedult' \\·at<·! "ll••t\ ~<'lwol,'' ~lat· 1~ . Jl 1.!11 Stat.- Lakt' Patrol I'.l)s lll\t<l•llcl ~<," .lltll -17 , 11 1111 \' ll',ltion .. r,.. l"rg.,tl to t·,.,. t',tlliiOII ill \\',t«•t' Ht'< r·t':ttlon," Jul~· ~ b.

(1 ,,

:-; \ :.I :\ 1'\ J~,air ,~hdtut·!' to )n!"'~ .. \I,Jc ' and ~ ••n•l'~ ··.AlL! 1L. ,, ;lr•

:-;<.hwob, F T. 'Statt' <iets Ju1 i:<tli<'tinll n\'t'l 7,111111 \t ,., s td ,\I is:-is:-ippi \\'ildlift' Land,.," .\u~ ~ti. p fla

SC'Il·~~c·fi; I•' i 11 .. ,. ,_, Aug .[ G, Jl li I , fi I

~kott Thomas <:. "Coopt'r·ation in F'ish IIHI \\ ildltlo• .\lnna~•'IIH•nt "\\'hat :\lamm<ll Is That"

'\' ()\ 4 7, Jl 17i

Part I, . \ UF, 41:, J1 :;; Panll, SE>pt ~" p "'

SHOT!;l :-\S (S!'t' <'L':'\Sl SIIOT<il-:-\ ~HELLS (:,.;,., .. \ .\1\l l '-.ITI<l'\1 SHH!<:\\ S

·\\hat :\lamn al b Th.lt Sl'ntt !'art I Au!.c lh , p ;,j

Skill. Yit· '!'ar.- OIIl<l FePdin:.!' of Ft"'ht'l'IIIPI!," \11:..:- 17, I' 1·.::

SKI'XK 'l',ur Yt,.itors to :.!iss ~1.1<' and ~:tl1llll\ \u;.; l ti, p

F'tll .. r. :\lay th 11 :J, '' lo\\a Furs :\lak .. Htgh <]lialtl\ c:.lr'lllt r.t:- , Ho•rl\ '-.o\ -It "lo\\'a Tr·appers '\' ,..t T\\ o ancl I >tll•-lt.tll ~!tilton Pol a ,. " \\.hat -'lammal J s That ::-;,·ott

l'an 11 :,;ept 4ti , p ,; :; \Yildlif<· Xurst'l'll's," 1 li< ), !'an 11. )lay ~ ti, ,, •:

(I \1 .. Apr 4ti, p :?t

'!"KL:'<l.C RIYEH EIHll ES. Jo'll Hul,.-s ( ! ':ttl Sttrlpdl, .Jau 41; p ;! · Feb 4ti , Jl 1~. ::\lat Hi, J1 ltt \ pr 4ti, p :!ti, .\In~ ~li 1• l!t; .June .[ti, p 42 July 1•;, p :iiJ, .\ug .Jh, p .,, S<·pt Hi, p til , C>t•t lit, 11 71 :-\o\ IIi, p \4 flt'C 4t1, 11 4 G

~X.\ h .. ES " l> .. tel'liVe Jt nny,'' IOrt•ton, )[:1\ It, p I :I I F tll ers, :\lar 46, p l!t, D•·•· I Ii, Jl •t;; · In t'a,.;e of SnakE> B • t~:," \ u14 l li, p tl.! '' Lo\\ du\\ 11 on tht> Slitht' i ,' J ltc l<s, .Junt• Iii, J1 1:1 "O utdoor Odditit's ll t•:l\~ \\t'tAht <'hamp' llan .. ~. Feh -1 6, [l 13 ''T a ll T a les about Snai,Ps" II " l<s, .J 11 I\ IIi, p I !I

S n Pad, Edwin "Biologist . \ ssigned to ~Itssissi!ll>i l•'t ll Stud~" .J ill~· 41i, Jl >:!

SO l L COXSER '\' .\ 'rJOX ' .\t·ouncl th e Hill," 0<'t ~i. p 1711

l'al'loon, "It \.:st'cl to Bl·.' llatl tn .!!., lui~ 17 . p ll:l "Ch.lnging Fat·m Styl,·s,' 0<'1 l i, p 17'1 "<'onston at ion !'ant \\ att" ll,tl'ltng \p t l i, p 1 :!1 l•'illers, Aug 4ti, 11 :;_, .Junt· 41, il Ill "(;oud Soil the Keystotw" -' ' ·ll Hi, p .!1 "lo\\ a Xeecls -'lot·~: Tr .. e,.. .\ug- 17, p 1;.:1 "~lultiple C:<t' ol St.ltt' For.-s(s, :\1.\C'llnnald, F t•h lti Jl ~· "Pupib Shn\\ l'Oil'-'t:l \'a lion Kno\\ lt•d!, Tht·nugh s, I ool',_; Essa~ t'ou-

(l•s l " .J u n t· -1 i , p I ::7 "Soil Cunset·Yation Is 1 :\Iusi, · 'l'.llllllan \ n~ lti, p .·.:• "Stat<· Xt't'ds Tn• .. s," St•pt -lti, Jl lito "Th .. rt' Is ~till llnp.,," Bt"tllt>lt, .lui~· ~7. ]I II "• "'Top ~oil Sa\-ed, l >olla.-~ I·:at·tH'tl," l'n\\ t•t·:-o, .. \11:.: 4ti , 1, ;., "Tne" A\ailabh• l ot· En>ston t'nntn1l," .1.111 17, p !1'1 ''Tr·· t-s .. \\~ailabl~ J\ga~n to1 l·;tus.tou t•tanltl ~~ f:O~b 11;, p 12

\\ ak.,. l."p, .-\mt't'i".l :,;t•·• 11. :\lay 17. p l:!'t CS.-< t'OXSEHY \Till:'\ GI·:XEJt.\ L, E lll lSIO'\ 1

S< I{ Tll 1>.\KOTA "l'lt.,.;osants in south I>:tl\ota," Kinthall \1 ". 17 p 1:!11

SpP:.tl\••r E B. ",\ Xe\\ '\\'eapon fo1 Hou..;h l•'r~ h l<t•llHl\al \ pt .Ji', p 1:!' "< 'at·p Ttaps in Iowa \\attn· :'\o\ li, p ]\I " Ftsh Bass in July and \ll~-.:11 t .Jul) IIi. Jl 1.1 "<ls<•:u·. the Stu1·geo11 ' .\u~ IIi, p till "To Ftsh\\ a~ lht> Ct>d.u HI\ .. 1·,'' :\!.11· 17, p 11:1

~1'11-UT L.\ l,E "Pat•t l•'indint.: on Spirit LaJ,, \\ tlh•Yt'"·" Hm;<• Sept -16, p 65





'I\ I t

' '



. I

.. I




G. G. 6,


~PORTS AXD SPOl:TlXG GOODS 'Anothel Stt.!P r'orward for :\IaquokHa Indul'try" Apr ·17, p 127 Federal .\id for State Fil<IH'riel'.' Jan 47, p 9'i

" Fi><hermen \lay JTaYe to ~Cse Rent Pins and Twine,'' June 46, p Ia "Gun Repain• Xow:· Apr 47. p 12:l "l>uns and .\mmunition in 1!147." Jan 47, p 9~ Sporting- Fir<'arm" Still Short.'' Xo\· 47, p 1 i'­

"Sporting Gon<b Still Short,'' The Xomad. )[ar 46, p :.!11 <Also l'ee .\:'IL\Jl'XlTlOX. Hl'XTI::-;G. FISHIXG RECRE.\TIOX)

SPORTS .\::-;D Y \t' \TlOX SHO\Y "Cons..,n·ation Bxhibit at Sports and Yacation Show,· )[ar 46, p lS

SJ'ORTS::\IAXSI II I' "Are You n Sportsman''" YoiAt. Sept ·17, p 161 Cartoon, "\\' hy Cn 11 Tlwm Sportsmen?" Da1·Ji ng, Sept 4 i, Jl 16:! "Gentlemen in the Field," Sept H. p 16i "Hunt with Him, Xot for Him," DnYil', :'\oY 4i, p 1!>1 "Laceybm~" <'olumns, .\p1· ·17, p 123. :\lay 17, p 130; Aug 47, p 157 "Sporting ]<;thics," <kt 16, 1> i:i "\Yildlife Is Common Propel'ty," Jan 47, p 99

"SPORTSl\IAN SPl·~AKS" COLl.:::\f~S. :-\oY 46, p S2. Dec 46, p 90; Jan 17, Jl H8. Feb 17, ll lO!i, \Iar H, p }1:;; Apr 47, p 124


SQtJITIREL:-:; Filler . .Junf.> 4i, p 113 "Squirrf.>l DoJlP,' H<•pt n, p 1 Hi "Hevif.>\\' }!q; H untinp. and Fh-:hinp.," Jan 46, p 1 "The .Xose Knows," \Jar .ti, p 117 "\\'hat )lammal Is That"" Scott

Part 11. Sept Hi. p G:l "19~i Hunting Spason,., S<pt 41, p 163

!"T.-\TE F~\IH "Fair Visitol s to \lbs \lac and Sammy" Aug 46, p ~·i ·u,.f'ar the Stul·g..,on ~p..,al:;(;'r Aug- 46, p tiO 'Stat e Fair E:\.1tihit 2"• Yea1·s Old,' Au~ 46, p iii \\ hy thl· State Fair F1"h and Game Exhibit," Stile~. "\u:..: lti, p ti2

Steen ::\Il'l I> ·" ake l'p, "\nwl'it•:~," :\lay 4i, p 12tl

Stempel, Carl J:>oem, ''Old Andn•w," .July IIi, 11 ~.:~ 'Sktlllk Hi\'<·r Eddit.:s,'" .Jan 46, p 2; Feb

p 26: ~Jay 110, p 3!1, Junt.! Hi, p 12 .. July p 67; Oct 16, p il, '\ov .J.Ii, p ~4. Dec 46,

46, Jl 46, Jl p 96

12. \Iar 4ti, J1 20 \pl' IIi, ;;o Aug ~6. p ;;, . St pt Hi,

Stiles. BruCP F. "Brief Analysis ol Jnwa Fish and Game Policy"

Part T V, .Tan 4 li. 11 li "Commission to P1 int Fish and Game Pamphlets," June 46, Jl IS ":'\ew Laws,'' July 17, p 14ii .. ~-hy the State Fair Fh;h ancl Game Exhibit," Aug 41), ll 62


"Fact Findinp. on Spirit Lake \Yalleyes," Rose, Sept Hi, 11 ti5 }"iller, .June 46, p 1!1 "SC'\ enty-four \Iii lion l'il<e l<'ry Hatched," June 4ti, p 42 "Trout Fact~,' )Ia) 47, p 13ii

rheasants "C'oopera tiY e Game Bird T'n>gJ·am to Continue in 191 i,'' \l:tl' 17 p 1 Ul ''The History of StoC'Idng and \lana~ement of Ringnet:l< l'heas;;nts in

the S t ate or Iowa," Fabt•l· Pa1·t I, Oct 46, p i3 P an 11. Xov 1li, 11 S1 Pa1 t IT l, f>e<' 16, J> !t:l Pa 1' t n.. .T a n 4 i. )l !I j

STORAGE 'Outboard \\ intt·r StiJlagt Xov4i,pl~1

STOR\I L OSS "Hea\ )' Storm Los" to Phen!<ants," \Iar 4i, p 119 "\\'t-atiH·r a liamhlt•," )far li 11 120

STREA\IS (Set HI \'ER~. t:EXI'~R.-\L)

Stump "m G "Forestry <'h•ps" column, :\la1 46, p 24

STt'RG80X "Oscar the Sturgeon," ~p(;'aker, Aug 46, p 60


"Trumpet('r Swan Count up HO in 1946," No\' 46, pSi "Trump('ter Swan's Battle Against Extinction," Mar 46, p 21

Swift, Ernt-~t "\Vake l'p, .\m e •·ica," ,June 47, p 137

SWDDIIXG Filler, St•pt 17 p J G:i ::towa State Parks in 1!147," Hush, Dec 47, p 188 .. _repn!·e for H:tlllH'I' l 'nrk Sf.>ason," ::\Iay 47, p 135 'acattoner~ l rg(.~d to l'~e C'aution in " _,.ater Rec1 eation;' July 16, p r,r,

~YCA\IORB BLIGHT "Sycamo•·e Bli~ht Common Thtoughout Iowa," June 46, p ·12

T Tallman, l ton

'Outdoor Iowa among tht> Bt>st ':'\ov 46, p 81 "Soil Consen·ation Is a :\lust," Aug 46, p 59

TitU>', Ha1·old ''Timbe1· and (.;arne-Twin Crops"

l'art I. ::\lar 4ti, p l \ Part Ir. Ap1· l ti, p 27 I' art II 1, :\Ia) 4 ti, p 36 Part I V , June 41i, p IS rart "·July 46, p 56


''Riulog-i s t Assignt>d to ::\lississippi Fur Study," July 46, p 52 "Complaininf!. l<'armers Can Have Beavers Sent Elsewhere,'' Dec 46, p 9·1 Filler, 0<'t 47 p 175 ::Furs Pay for nucl<s Play,'' Apr 46, p 27 .. Hot Fox Trn pper," :-.ray 47, p 13a Iowa F'urs \lake Hi gh Qualit)' Garments," Berr)·, Nov ·16, p 81

THAPPIX<;-Continued 'Jo\\ a Trappers Xet Two and OnP-half \I ill ion Dollars," Apr 46, p 25

":\lin k,'' .Jan 47, p 101 ":-.'ew Fox Booket,'' \Iar 46, p 19 ·'Ht><'m·cl Iowa Bea,·er Trapped,'' Feh 46, p 13 ·Romance in Furs," Hicks, Feb 4ti, Jl !l "The Fox and the Bounty Question ~ )Jar 46, p 17 " Trappin.e in the Air." Oct 4i. p lG!l " T raps 1:;!1 Fox," ::\Iar -17, p 121l " \\ e HaYe It Here at Home.' .Tunt.! -li, p 142 "Your Red Fox Is ~·aitin~ .. :\en ·li, p 177 "1!1-li Hunting Sea~ons,'' Sept 17, p llia (Also st-c individual specit>s)

TJU<:Es ·•,\ Tre(;' for a Tree,'' Xo\ 16, p hG "Famous Iowa Trees," "The Lincoln Blm," His\'111\Hlelh•r, \lar 46, p 19 " I owa Xeeds :;\lore Trees," Aug 4i, 11 J;>!l "Lac-eyisms" column~. Ap1· 17, p 12:1: \lay 17, p 1:10 ".Xatl\'e \Yoods for Bui ld ing \laterials," l..on~" onrl, .)tliH' 4ti, p 46 I'OE'111, " \\'e Planted a Tree," GrPen, Dt'C I !i, n ~!I "Tn.'es Available Again fo1· Erosion Planting-s,'' Feb Ill, Jl 12 "'l' rees AYailab l e for Erosion C'ontrol," .Jan 17, p !l!l "200,000 1\'ew \Yalnut Tree~:· Feb ·17, p 106 (.\ !so see FORESTRY)

'I'ROl'T "A 'l'rC'atise on the Art of Fishing" )Jay 46, Jl 33 "('an SeE> Them, but Cnn't Catch Thf.>m," Jun<> lti, Jl 4:l J.'iJlPl'S, \lar 46, )1 23, .JU11(;' -li, Jl J3\ "Sho<·ldng Fa<'ts," Albert, Feb 47, p 111~. "T1out Fads,' )T'\y 47, p 1:1~•

Tn1n 11, Hichard F ''\\'t• .\tt· a ~n;.pper," "\ug -It> p ~.!1

Turnbull, .\ .\ 'Hunting- \lay Be ~port f01 Snm..,, hut fo1· ntht•rs It ls a Pain in the

Xt·CI< ,Jan 46, p 2

Tt'RTLI<;S Fillers \la1· 46. p 19. Sept H>, p 61i ~'-'J>t 17, p 1t.i2 · Rkunk RiY(;'r Eddies,· Xov IIi Jl q

\\ <' ,\te a :snapper, TrumJl, Au!!' 4h Jl .• ~1 \Yildlife S<:nsiti,·e to Change, lln lti, p !tit

u l l'PI•;H \liSSlSSIPPI Hl\'ER COXSI•:HY.\T IO'\ t'O\l\ITTTEE

"Some Kott'l' on the Small Fislws of the l'ppl'r \[ississiJ)Jli,'' Johnson, Xo\ 17, p 178

l'H.Xl'LA CRATERlP\1 "\\ a tch You•· Step,'' Green, ,\ ug· 1 i, p 1 :l I

ll S. FISH .AXD WILDLIF!<: SERYICJ': "B1g t;ame ln<·reasing," Feh 16, p 16 "C'<HlJH~rntion in Fish and \\'ildlife ~lana~t·nH•nt,'' ::;cott, Nov 47, p 177 "T>ucli S<'Ol"eboard Report,'' Day, .June li, p 1:\i ''How .\bout It?" Sept 46, p 72. Oet li, Jl 1 71i ":'\t>\\ l•'ish and \Yildlife Sen·it·f.> Chit>f,'' \p1 IIi, 11 :11 "~ixty and Six-Or \\'hat"" .July Hi, Jl 111 "State Gets Jurisdiction O\'l'l' 7,0!1!1 .\t'n's ol :\fississippi Hi\'er ~·ildlife

Lands,'' S<·hwob, Aull: 46, Jl 63 'Trumpeter Swan's Batt!~: .\gainst Exlint'tion,' \lar 46, p 21


'Editor Pinched." Oct 4i, Jl li4 "Gamt> Yiolationl' Continue H.-nY~.' .Tan -li p ~'' · $40 nnO in Fines," Sept 4i, p l Gt> (See \\'ARDEXS TALES LA\\ S, EXF<lHCE:\lEXT)

Yoi~t. Rill J1 ' . \rt> You a Spol'tsman"" Sept li, Jl 161

w " acle, C'apta.in Stan B.

"l'opular Sporting ~Iyths Exploclt·<l," Xov Hi, 11 S7

\Yni<C'field, .John P. "ConserYation in School" column, "'l'lwse Are the Answers, You )fake Up the Questions," Sept 47, p 163

"!<,ires Depleting Iowa Forests," F<'h 17, I' 105


"Iowa State Parks in 194i,'' Ru~h. Det• 1i, pHS

\\ \HDEXS <See CONSERY.\TJOX OFFIL'r~HS) "\\'.\HDJ<:;XS TALES" COLl'\I~S Xov ·lli, Jl s2 I)('C' lti, p 91, Jan 47, p 99;

Ft·h 47. p 107. ::\lar 4i, p llt, .\Jll' 17, p122. :\lay li, p 134: .June 47, p 138; July 47. p HG; Au?; 47, p l:l4 Sept II. Jl lli'1 0(t -li, Jl 1i0, XO\ 4i, p 180

W.\T ERFO\YL Cnl'toon. "\\'hat Does \Iere :\Tan Know about the Perils of a ~on-Stop

Flight., .. Darling, .:\oy 4i. p 18:~ "Duel< Scoreboard Report." nay . .Tt.!H· 4i, p 137 "DuC'k Stamp Story," Od 47. 1> 173 'Furs Pay for Ducks Play,' .\pr ·Hi, p ~7 'How About It"" Sept 46, p i2. 0<'t 4i, p liH "Xorth American \Yildlife Conft>n•nee ThPm<' - Land and ~-ildlife," Jan

47, p !I<( "l nusual noose Flight Through Stat.. Xo\ 4i, p 17f~ ""'hat DoE>" :\Jere :\Ian Know about the Pt-rlls of a :\on-Stop Flight?''

Dny, Xov ~7. p U3 "\Yildlife Xurseries," Hicks

Part I, Apr 46, p 25 "~· ings Over Iowa." Hicks, \far 41i, p li "You Can't :;\!iss This Christmas,· :'\en ti, p 179 1946 Duck Season, Oct 46, p SO "1947 Duck Season," Sept 47, p 16~ "19 47 Hunting Seasons," S('pt .Ji, p ltia (Also see DrCKS: GEESE. )JlGR \TTON)

"WATERFOWL 1:-J 10"'.-\" "You Can't \!iss This Christmas," ~O\ 4i, Jl 179

10 I'\ liE'\ ill\\ \ 1'1 lXSEHYA TJOXIST

\\'\TEn S \1-'1•:1'\ (Stt· S.\FETl'l "1·~.\SEL

'ln\1;1 j.'ur·,._ :\l;t1,;, ll1~h UuaJitY <:arment~." IJt'il~, .:\'o\' IIi , )1 'i 'lo\\ a Tr.IJIJit rs ;-,.,.1 1'\\o 11 d One-half :\Jillion llollar·s,'' .\pr ltj , I' 2,i \\hat \l·tnunal Is Th,lt Scott Pan II St Jlt ~t. , p ti:i

\\ hrt• \\ II "St \lar~ " '1'1 oup :?!l BinlhnU>'t:' l'roje<'t

"ILilLIFE, Gio:'\I:HAL \JI li Jl I •) •) ~~

.. \n· \\"t:' 0\tlsdlmg (lUI "ildlife':" DUfl't;'SilP :-..o\ rr. , I',, B i~-: na nH· In·· n·.r s rng,' Ft"l> lti, p lti t'hangin~-: Jo'.u ·m sn lt·s,' Oct 47, p 1 j;{

"Common St·nst• in liam.- ~lana~ement' Jan ~fi p I "('onst·l \"a lion l'an t \\"art, ])ar·ling, API ~7. p 1:! I "Coopt•ratwn 111 f<'rsh and \\ ildhte :\ fanae;ellll'llt,·· Sc.:ot I , Xo\' 17, p 1 ii "r>att•>< s.-t lor XatJOnal \Yildlift• \Yt:'t:'k,'' l\[ar li, p 11 s "D I> T ,' .Jun.- IIi, p J., J.'illt•r·s, .luh lti, p ;;u, \ug ~''· p GJ, Sept 46, p 71 ' f•'1res lh•plPtinl.; lo\1 a !•'or e:sts," \\'akefield, Feh li, p lll!'i "J.'J><h nnd c:anH· ll1e Young," Oct ~i. 11 170 "Furs l'a~ for I lu<'ks Play," Apt .Jfi. p 27 '<lood Soil thl' K\'ys(ollt:'," \lar .JG. p 21 "It's Tinw to Tal,;e S t ot•l,;," Duftt:'sne, Apr 17, p l:!:i "Lat'<',\ isms" tolumn>< :\!at J'i, p 11~. Apr~~. p 12::, .lui~· 17, p llti '':\lultiph· l'><t· ol Stat" Forests:· :\facDonald, Ft:'h l ti, p !I ":\1) L<•ga<·~ " 1-l;n "oocl , .Jan ~'i. 11 104 ··:--a tiona! \\'Jidlllt> \ \ , ... k Ilat~ St>t,' I<'t>h 4<l, p 1~ "Xorth .\lllt>t it an \\ llrllilt> l'nnft>l'l'II Ct:' Tht·mt Lantl nncl \\'rid lift•," ,Jnu

I 'I p !1\ I >utd<><>l lo\\ .1 :unon~ the Best," Tallman :-..o, ~ ti, p '1

Poem , ''To I Ji<.'i<i••," Ft·h 41, )l 11:? "l'I'HII'i<• ''"'' Ilt·r·s," <1uicl,;, Jan 4 ;, p 1114 "l'ut anti Tal<•.'' il•<' lti, 11 '~* "1'ht• Ht•al \' tlut• ol \'.'i ldlJft>," !'allison, )fa~ Hi, p :tll "Thrs You :\lust KIHI\\ to t"lldt>l'>'t ,uui,'' AU'! ~~. p J;';!• "TimiH•r .tnd <:ant•• T\\ 111 l'r·o)h," Titu"

l'nrt I. ~1.11 11;, 11 ' ' "nn II. .\p1 4ti. 11 2i Part Ill. ~T.t~ I ll, p 3ti

I rt I \ .I Ull t• IIi , J1 4 ' I' ••t Y .lui~ 11;, p ·o~;

\\',tl<l' l'p .\lllt·tica Swift, .TUllt:' 47, Jl 1~7 \\ ' H .1 \ t· It llt •r .- a t Il om e," .Tune ~ I, p H ~ \\ ildlit .. I>< <'nmmon l'r"IH' r ty,'' .Jan 41, 1• ~·:•

· \Yildiilt· "ur><••rit•><," Hicks l'at t I \pr Hi , p :!:i !'art II, \Ia, ~ti, p :1:1

"\\'iltllilt' St·nsrtl\·,. In l'h;~ngt>,' Ilec Hi, p !tO (.\lso "f'l' "(JI 'I'Jll)()]t ( l[)[lJTJES')

\\'lLll LIF'I•; :\I..\:'\ .-\f; E:\1 f·;~~T 1:'\:S~I' I 'rt''TJ•: " l 'ooper·ation in Fbh anti \\' tl<llif•• .\llllltJ:;.-mt•nt" Sl'ntt X(o\' 47, p 177

\\'ilson, <:t>on~t:' . \ Postal .\n1e1 dnl.-r t for· 'lo\\,1 l'nllst•r '\ 'at inru ... t','' St•pt ~7. p 1•~7

\\ IXTER FEEI>I~t; 'Brief AnaiY!'<Is ot lo\\',t Fish ;t 11<1 C:anw 1'11lit•y," Stilt's

!'art IV, ian Hi 1• ti · <'<>ll><t:'r\'ation in Sl'luwl" c•olurnns

·common Bird,. ol tht• '\'t lllt•r· l'P••<It•t," Fl h 17, Jl Jo7 '"'inter Bird Ft:'e•lin:.: ," .l.ur 17. p lllll

"H ... n., Storm Lo><s to l'hl'a!':tlll><," )Jar· li, p II~• 'Leltt!n; from tht> Htnl )o',.,.,,,., "•" A til 17, p 1:!1 "Tn hil !-k·rap" for· 1\ rnb,'' .Ta 11 li, p IIIII

\\ IXTEH KILL " l fpav~ Storm Los" to l'ht•:t><ants,'' .\la1 17, p Ill• "\\ intlr Fish Kilb," ll~tn·, J).,,. l ti, p ll~

\\ I SC'O::'\SJ X " l•';nm Ducks Hit <'• il1ng,'' \pr IIi, p :!1; "\\ al<e t ' r •• ..\mer'il'a" S\1 1ft .lllnl' 17, p 1::;

\\ 01,1•'-CO YOTI;; lt'illt!r, St>pt 47, p 1 1;~ "In\\ a f<'ur.s :\fakp llig·h (,!ualit~· <;ar'lllt•nts," T:t>rr ~ '\o\' Hi, p \1 ' l o\\a Trap)ll'l'>< Xet 1'wo and lln.--h;tlf .\lillinn Doll \1"><," Apr 46, I• ~5 \\'hat :'-Tammal Ts That·:·· S<'ott

i'Hil II, St>)lt 46, )I ti;i

' Y CHllH'Ht CK <St •t> <;l{ot'.:\'IIJIIH;J \\ norb " llukt>

l>a\'<ll)lotlt>l's t's .. l'l ,IIH' for· Ha<•rng- l'rgt•on, ::-;,. •t ~~. p lhti

y Young-, L . r;uy

"<:uu.:-Prrt•h an•l Young Xt•\\ l'nmnll,..sir•n ;\[,•mbet·,.," .July 47, p 1 >2

z Zremt:'r, U L.

'Assistant Dirt>C'tor· l{l'l< i\ t•s llnnlap \\I ·ntl," .Junt• 11;, p 4:: ~lud-H i ~h-~\\ an \rt> 1 Ill'\ t•lnpnH•ttt 111 Emnwt <'ounty, • .\pr 47. p 1:?1