Jan 8 : Chapters 24-26 Prayer Point: Senegal, West Africa ·  · 2018-01-11Jan 8 : Chapters 24-26...

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Transcript of Jan 8 : Chapters 24-26 Prayer Point: Senegal, West Africa ·  · 2018-01-11Jan 8 : Chapters 24-26...

Jan 8 : Chapters 24-26

Prayer Point: Senegal, West Africa

Pray that the government of Senegal will treat citizens equally regardless of

religious backgrounds.

Tour Guide Notes: Spot the Landmarks

1. C 24

The entire chapter speaks of

a. Abraham -- as a type of the Father or king who arranges a marriage for

his beloved son (Matthew 22:2; John 6:44)

b. The unnamed servant as a type of the Holy Spirit, who “does not speak

of himself” but takes of the things/gifts of the bridegroom to win the

bride (John 16:13-14). Note that the Holy Spirit never brings glory to

himself, but always points to the bridegroom. Enriches the bride with

gifts (Galatians 5:22; 1 Cor. 12: 7-11). As one presenting the bride to the

groom (Acts 13:14; 16: 6-7; Romans 8:11; 1 Thes. 4: 14-16).

c. Rebekah – type of the church: the “called-out virgin bride of Christ” (

Gen. 24:16;2 Cor. 11:2;Eph. 5: 25-32)

d. Isaac—type of the bridegroom (Jesus Christ) who the bride loves

without having seen, and knowing only through the testimony of the

servant. 1 Peter 1:8;

As a type of the groom who goes out (returns in second coming) to meet

and receive His bride ( Gen. 24:62; 1 Thes. 4:14-16)

2. C 25 vs 5-6 Isaac, the heir of all things. (Hebrews 1:2)

3. The Descendants of Abraham by Ishmael

Purest of Saudi Arabians are descendants of Abraham by Keturah; the

Bedouins also from Keturah. They intermarried with the Ishmaelites –

descendants of Abraham by Hagar. Only Abraham’s descendants from Isaac

remained pure—did not intermarry as per the command of YHWH.

Meanwhile, Arabs” –as they are called-- are a mixed breed.

Sarah stands for the “mother of us all” who are born of the Spirit thru

grace thru Isaac the son of promise (John 3:6-8; Gal. 4: 26, 28, 29; Heb.

2:11-13) – as a type of Jesus Christ; thru Him we are heir of all things (Heb.

1:2; Rom. 8:16-17.

C 25: v 23 Doctrine of election: Jacob chosen over Esau before they were

born. (Romans 9: 8-24)

4. C 25 v 23 Prophecy: The elder shall serve the younger ; Edom will serve

Israel (2 Sam. 8:14—fulfilled)

5. C 26-2-5 The Abrahamic Covenant confirmed to Isaac

Jan 9 : Chapters 27-29

Prayer Point: Nigeria, South Africa

Pray that the church in Nigeria will view persecution as a gift from God.

Tour Guide Notes: Spot the Landmarks

1. C 27 v 40 Prophecy that Edom will break the yoke of servanthood from

Israel (Fulfilled -- 1 Sam. 14:47-48; 2 Sam. 8:13-14; 1 Kings 11:14-22)

2. C 28 vs 1-4; 13-15 Abrahamic Covenant confirmed to Jacob

3. C 28 v 5 Jacob is sent away from Canaan—the land of promise because of

Evil doing. But like Israel, he will be restored. (Gen. 28:15;Deut. 30:1-10)

4. C 29 Jacob’s years at Haran: Illustrated Israel in the dispersion:

a. Out of the place of blessing (Gen. 26:3)

b. Without an altar (Hosea 3:4-5)

c. Earned a bad reputation (Gen. 31:1; Rom. 2:17-24)

d. Remained under the covenant-keeping of YHWH ( Gen. 28:13-14; Rom

11:1; 25-30)

e. Was returned to the land (Gen. 31:3; 35:1-4; Ezekiel 37:21-23)

f. Personal lesson for Jacob: he was not forsaken in Haran (God still

blessed him but he underwent reproof in Laban’s deceitful dealings with


Jan 10 : Chapters 30-32

Prayer Point: Venezuela, Central America

Pray for the spread of the gospel in areas where there are no believers.

Tour Guide Notes:

1. Chapter 30-31 – continuation of Jacob’s years in Haran & flight to Canaan

2. C 31 v 11-13 Jacob called back to Bethel to return to Canaan

3. C 32 Jacob’s name is changed to Israel

Jacob and Israel are switched many times in the Bible: Romans 11: 26-32;

when Jacob is used, it is to the natural descendants of Abraham, Isaac &

Jacob; Israel refers to the spiritual posterity/aspect of the nation. (Isaiah


Jan 11 : Chapters 33-35

Prayer Point: Vietnam

Pray that house church leaders will supernaturally understand God’s Word

beyond their limited education

Tour Guide Notes:

1. C 33 vs 18-19 Jacob comes to live in Shechem, and purchased land there

instead of going to Canaan (Gen. 31:13)

2. C 33 V 20: El-Elohe-Israel: God, the God of Israel (Jacob): Jacob

acknowledging God, as His God, and only through God can he walk in his

new name Israel.

3. C 34 Jacob reaps the harvest of his disobedience. Read Galatians 6:7-8

4. C 35 Jacob finally goes to Bethel, after a period of backsliding in Shechem

where he disobeyed God’s command to return to Bethel, to Canaan, the

land of Promise & Blessing.

5. C 35 v 7 Name of God: El Bethel, the God of Bethel. In contrast to this

passage: Gen. 28:19, where Jacob called the place “House of God” . Now it

is El Bethel—the God of the place (house of God) or the God of the House

of God.

6. C 35 v 11 Name of God: God Almighty; Prophecy: “Kings shall come out of

thy loins” – Kings beginning with King Saul to the King of Kings, Himself.

7. C 35 v 14 The drink offering – first mention of this in the Bible. It was

always poured out, never drunk & may be considered a type of Christ (Read

Psalm 22:14; Isaiah 53:12)

8. C35 v 12 Prophecy- the land will be given to Jacob and his generations.

Abrahamic Promise confirmed.

9. C 35 v 3 Benjamin, “Son of my right hand” to his father & Benoni, “Son of

my sorrow” to his mother : a double type of Christ. As Benoni, He was the

“Suffering One” because because of Him it was said in Luke 2:35 that “a

sword pierced His mother’s heart”; as Benjamin, head of the warrior tribe

(Gen. 49: 27), firmly joined to Judah which is the kingly tribe (Gen. 49:8-13

& 1 Kings 12:21), he becomes a type of the “Victorious One.”

Jan 12: Chapters 36-38

Prayer Point: Dominica, the Caribbean Islands

Pray for those who lost so much during the storms & for believers to connect to a

local church & grow in their knowledge of Christ.

Tour Guide Notes: Spot the Landmarks

1. C 36 Edom also called Seir, is the other name for Esau & his descendants

who will populate the area south of Judah. Edom will play a role in endtime

Bible prophecy. A famous Edomite in the New Testament is Herod the


2. C 37 The account of Joseph’s life:

a. Joseph as a type of Christ, although not explicitly stated in the Bible but

the analogies are too numerous to deny: around 100 of them per some


b. Both Joseph & Christ were special objects of their father’s love ( Gen.

37:3; Mt. 3:17 John 3:35; 5:20)

c. Both were hated by their brethren ( Gen 37:4; John 15:25)

d. The superior claims of both were rejected by their brethren ( Gen. 37:8;

Mt. 21:37-39; John 15:24-25)

e. The brethren of both conspired against them to slay them ( Gen. 37:18;

Matt; 26:3-4)

f. Both became a blessing to the Gentiles & gained a Gentile bride (Acts

15:14; Eph. 5:25-32

g. Joseph was reconciled to his brothers and they were exalted by him so

will it be with Christ and the Jews (Deut. 30:1-0;Hos. 2: 14-18; Rom. 11:


3. C 37 v 28 Note that Ishmaelites and Midianites are used interchangeably to

describe the traveling Bedouins. Based on our study of the descendants of

Abraham by Hagar & Keturah, the Ishmaelites of Hagar’s descent and the

Midianites from Keturah, intermarried freely.

4. C 38 The Levirite Marriage – we see this concept here in the case of Tamar,

being given her husband’s brother to marriage to supply the seed to

propagate the line of the firstborn-- role of the Goel—the Kinsman

Redeemer. See the story of Ruth.

Fingerprint of the Holy Spirit shows design in Chapter 38. The 3 letters of the

names of the family line of King David is found in Chap 38 in chronological order

in 49 equidistant letters.

This was written in Genesis before the family of King David was born. This chapter

shows that it was placed there by design in the middle of the story of Joseph.

Why was Chapter 38 written in the middle of the account of Joseph? You might

note that in this chapter we see an attempt to thwart the lineage of the Messiah

thru the line of Judah—which will be later revealed in the blessing of Jacob near

the end of the book. Both sons of Judah died and Judah tried to keep his last son

from marrying Tamar, his widowed daughter in law in order to propagate the

seed of the dead brothers. IN the end, God was able to accomplish His plan

despite the failings and sins of man—in this case, Judah and Tamar. Pharez, who

will be one of the twins born to Judah thru Tamar—will be the Messianic line from

which Jesus will come.

Jan 13 : Chapters 39-41

Prayer Point: Tanzania, East Africa

Pray for Pastor Marco and the church planters he is mentoring in rural Tanzania,

that God will open doors for the gospel in difficult areas of East Africa and that

many children & their families will receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Tour Guide Notes:

1. C 39 Joseph tested by adversity (Read Psalm 105: 16-20)

2. C 41:45 Asenath is the Gentile Bride of Joseph during the time of his

rejection by his brothers ; The Church is the Gentile bride of Christ during

the time of His rejection by Israel.

Jan 14 : Chapters 42- 46

Prayer Point: Sierra Leone, West Africa

Pray for the protection & provision of former Muslims who share the gospel in

dangerous areas.

Tour Guide Notes:

1. C 46 v 27 “The souls that came with Jacob” was 66 plus Joseph & his two

sons in Egypt and Jacob total 70. (See Acts 7:14)

To this point in the Book of Genesis, Joseph is a remarkable picture of Jesus Christ.

1. Was a shepherd.

2. Loved by his father.

3. Sent unto his brethren.

4. Hated by his brothers.

5. Prophesied his coming glory.

6. Rejected by his brothers.

7. Endured unjust punishment from his brothers.

8. Sentenced to the pit.

9. Delivered to the pit, though a leader knew he should go free.

10. Sold for pieces of silver.

11. Handed over to the Gentiles.

12. Regarded as dead, but raised out of the pit.

13. Went to Egypt.

14. Made a servant.

15. Tempted severely, but did not sin.

16. Falsely accused.

17. Made no defense.

18. Cast into prison, and numbered with sinners and criminals.

19. Endured unjust punishment from Gentiles.

20. Associated with two other criminals; one is pardoned and one is not.

a. Some associate the butler, with his wine, and the baker with the elements of

communion. Along the same lines, some associate the three-day period before their

case is resolved with the three days before the resurrection of Jesus.

21. Showed compassion.

22. Brought a message of deliverance in prison.

23. Wanted to be remembered.

24. Shown to have divine wisdom.

25. Recognized as having the Spirit of God.

26. Betrayed by friends.

27. Glorified after his humility.

28. Honored among Gentiles while still despised or forgotten by his brethren.

29. Given a Gentile bride.

30. Was 30 years old when he began his life’s work.

31. Blessed the world with bread.

32. Became the only source of bread for the world.

33. The world was instructed to go to him and do whatever he said to do.

34. Was given the name “God Speaks and He Lives.”

Jan. 15 Chapters 47-50

Prayer Point: Bhutan in South Asia

Please pray for Christians who are distributing tracts and New Testaments to


Tour Guide Notes:

1. C 48 v 5 Jacob adopts Joseph’s two sons Manasseh & Ephraim to be his own

making a total of 13 tribes

However, in the various listings of the tribes below, always one tribe is

omitted thus, making it 12 tribes.

2. C 49 Jacob’s dying blessing

Why did God choose Judah to be the line from which the Messiah came

from, knowing Judah’s sordid past (Gen. 38, and his betrayal of Jospeh in

selling to the Ishmaelites? Why does God use Judah, and Tamar, & Ruth a

Moabite, and Rahab, a prostitute, and Bathsheba who committed adultery

with David to be the royal line of Jesus Christ? To show the depths of His

mercy and His grace to undeserving sinners like you and me.

The listing of the 12 Tribes of Israel in Revelations 7

The book of Genesis begins with the creation of life and ends with a coffin in

Egypt. Everywhere in the book, you will see Jesus Christ, the atonement or plan of

salvation shown in foreshadowings and types. God’s faithfulness inspite of man’s

sin is clearly evident and the corresponding judgment to sin. However, the

patience and longsuffering of YHWH is shown in His warnings and waitings for

man to repent before He delivers judgment. In Genesis, , a nation is born, as Egypt

becomes a cradle for the Israelites to multiply from 70 people to around 2 ½

million at the time of the Exodus. God allowed for his people to stay in Egypt in

order to keep them from intermarrying with the Canaanites. The Egyptian culture

prohibits them from marrying other races. In everything, God’s plan is sovereign

despite the sinfulness of His people. He worked with each patriarch—Abraham,

Isaac & Jacob and in Joseph in molding them to become the men that He used for

His purposes. I hope that you have learned from the lives of the characters of the

book and discovered the nature of our God in His dealings with them.