Jan. 2012 - HBTS News

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January 2012 Issue of HBTS News - News & Information for Holley by the Sea Residents

Transcript of Jan. 2012 - HBTS News

This is a publication written and produced by Sandpaper Publishing, Inc./Navarre Press for the owners of HBTS and is not an official publication of Holley by the Sea Homeowner's Association, Inc.


Contact Holleyby the SeaPresident Pete Peterzen

Internal Vice-President James Mitchell

External Vice-President Joseph Sipp

Treasurer William Stuart

Secretary Brooke Goldberg Brooke is available at theRec Center M-W-F9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Email to the Board: HBTSBOD@holleybythesea.org

Interim General Manager: Jennifer BarrettEmail: hbtsaccting@bellsouth.net

Holley by the Sea Homeowner’s Association6845 Navarre Parkway,Navarre, FL 32566 850-939-1693

January 2012HBTSNEWS

MEETING Continued on page 2

dome committee, which hasmorphed into more of a“Solar” committee, and thetennis committee didn’t haveenough time to presentenough information for theboard to make final deci-sions. Decisions will nowhave to wait until a specialmeeting is called or until theJan. 10 board meeting.

Electronic Filing SystemThree companies were

contenders after bidding onthe electronic filing systemfor HBTS. The clear choiceafter Interim Manager Jen-nie Barrett made her pres-entation was Berney OfficeSystems. Berney proposedusing Saltmarsh for the com-puter set-up. First year costsare expected to be $16,800.

AuditsSaltmarsh, Cleaveland

& Gund will be the audi-

tors again this year for acost of $17,000. When thevote came up by the boardto accept their engagementletter, member Dan Ram-sey asked what happenedwith the internal auditresults and if it was avail-able to members. BoardPresident Pete Peterzen saidthat it was a thorough auditof May, June and July andno evidence of fraud or mis-appropriation was found.However, the auditors didfind mediocre bookkeep-ing. When the auditorswere asked what kind ofgrade the association wouldget for its bookkeeping,they were told a C or C -minus.

“I attribute this to theexperiment of having anin-house accountant andthe general managementbeing one and the same,a failed experiment. What

we need is a full-time per-son in finance, separatefrom the general manag-er,” said Peterzen. “Mypersonal observation isthat neither job was beingdone very well.” Pool Dome Lighting

HBTS Maintenance Man-ager Jackie Goebel is work-ing with Santa Rosa Countyand Gulf Breeze Electric toadd additional lighting to thepool dome. A motion wasmade to set aside $10,000 toget the pool dome up-to-codewith lighting. The motionpassed.

SolarThe committee is current-

ly looking at two companiesto provide solar heating for thelap pool. It was discussed thatit was probably too late to pro-vide solar heating for the poolthis winter season. However,the committee is looking into

solar for future use. Commit-tee member Billy Neal pro-vided the board membersinformation on the timelineof the solar discussion andwhat he has found out afterextensive research. Becausethere are two companies stillbidding, the details will not bediscussed in this article. How-ever, it was mentioned duringthe meeting that too manydetails from different bids couldbe circulating and tainting thebidding process. The conver-sation became very heated attimes and several membersspoke out. There were alsoheated discussions takingplace outside the meetingarea. The board thanked Bil-ly Neal for his help and saidthat they would take theinformation and make thenext move. HBTS News willhave more on the solar proj-ect next month.

Photos by Sandi KempSanta arrives via firetruck to the HBTS BeachHouse.

Santa and Meadow Vanengen, 5. Santa and Jenna Cavanaugh, 7.

Avery Hackman, 7, Leah Elliott, 8, and Emily Howard, 7, told Santa they wantedAmerican Girl Dolls or American Girl Doll clothes for Christmas.

Breakfast with Santa

Happy New Year!

Bob Gellar, social committee chair-man, wears a Kiss the Cook apronduring Breakfast with Santa.

Solar energy, audit topics at December meeting













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NO. 6



By Sandi KempHBTSnews.com

The December Holley bythe Sea board meeting’sagenda was extensive, andthere wasn’t enough time toget through the agenda with-in the allotted time. The pool

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MeetingContinued from page 1

January 2012

Volume I • Issue 4

HBTS News is published weekly by Sandpaper Publishing Inc., HBTS News and its entire contents and style are fully protected by copyright and registered according tocopyright laws. HBTS News cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the expressed written permission of Sandpaper Publishing Inc. and Navarre Press.

Publisher/EditorSandi Kemp


Interim Assistant EditorChristine O’Connor


Production ManagerDickie Williams


WriterYvonne Harper


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Submitted PhotoRaymond Galmiche of Navarre receives a medical servicedog Dazzle during the ‘Passing of the Leash’ ceremony inWilliston. Dazzle is trained to assist veterans who sufferfrom Post Traumatic Stress Disorder like Galmiche.

Vet receives PTSD service dogBy Jessi StoneNavarre Press

Raymond Galmiche wasa U.S. Army soldier for 20years.

He considered himselfa survivor, but his years incombat during the Viet-nam War slowly crept upon him. He began suffer-ing from night terrors,extreme anxiety anddepression. He isolatedhimself from his friendsand family. It wasn’t until2002 that Raymond wasable to put a name to hisproblem; Post TraumaticStress Disorder.

Today the Holley by theSea resident is 100-per-cent disabled, accordingto his doctors at VeteransAffairs. But Raymondbecame more optimisticin September when he waspaired with Dazzle, a 2-year-old German Shep-ard.

Minnesota Sen. AlFranken and Georgia Sen.Johnny Isakson cospon-sored the Service Dogs forVeterans Act, which direct-ed the Secretary of Veter-ans Affairs (VA) to estab-lish a pilot program pair-ing service dogs with vet-erans suffering from PTSDand other physical andmental injuries and dis-abilities. It was signed intolaw by President BarackObama in 2009.

Raymond was one ofseven people in Floridathat received a service dogand attended the Passingof the Leash ceremonyDec. 3 in Williston, Fla.Actor Brad Garrett, famousfor his role on the sitcom“Everybody Loves Ray-mond,” was the master ofceremonies for the inau-gural event hosted byGuardian Angels MedicalServices Dogs Inc. The cer-emony was held to sym-bolically mark the occa-sion of turning over themedical service dogs fromthe Guardian Angels train-ers to their new owners.

His night terrors are nowfewer and farther between,but when he does wakeup in a cold sweat heknows Dazzle is there to

make sure he is OK. “I used to be scared to

go back to sleep, but nowI wake up and he’s look-ing right at me,” he said.

Raymond’s wife Karenheard about the new pro-gram on the Internet andencouraged her husbandto participate in the studyto see if service dogs couldreally help treat PTSDpatients. When encour-agement didn’t work,Karen forced her hand untilRaymond completed thepaperwork. To Raymond’ssurprise, he qualified toparticipate.

“I was scared,” heexplained. “Part of me did-n’t think I was worthy ofit.”

Karen said it was com-mon for people with PTSDto not think they are wor-thy of anything. About 18veterans commit suicideevery day. Just saying it outloud brought tears to Ray-mond’s eyes because hehas had the same feelings.

“They might have had

the opportunity to survive,”he said. “I wanted to runaway too because I didn’tthink I was worth any-thing.”

Raymond isolated him-self from his five childrenand Karen. He was mar-ried twice before and can’thelp but think that thosemarriages might not haveended if he knew thenwhat he knows now.

He served in the Armyfrom 1965-1986. When heretired he went to workfor Aeronautical RadionIncorporated in Annapo-lis, Maryland.

“I was driving to workone day and the road start-ed closing in on me,” heexplained. “Then it turnedinto a road in Vietnam.”

He then went to the VAto undergo an evaluation.He was diagnosed withPTSD and went throughan intensive therapy pro-gram with six other vet-erans.

“You can’t stop it, butyou can manage it if you

have the right tools,” hesaid.

To have a fresh start,Raymond resigned fromhis job and he and Karenmoved to Navarre in 2004.He takes Dazzle every-where with him and manypeople are quick to pet thewell-behaved dog. How-ever, it is important toknow that Dazzle isn’t likeother pets. He has a job todo and shouldn’t be dis-tracted by petting, eventhough his sweet face willtempt you.

So far Raymond is feel-ing much better with Daz-zle as a companion. Notonly does Dazzle give himunconditional love andsupport, he also gives Ray-mond responsibilities thatcan work as a distractionfrom the symptoms ofPTSD.

“I can’t stay in bed. I haveto get up in the morningbecause I have to take careof him,” he said.

Thanks to the Passingof the Leash ceremony,The Galmiches havesomething else to look for-ward to in February. Karenwon a raffle drawing fortwo plane round-trip planetickets to anywhere in theU.S. But Brad Garrett con-vinced the couple to flyout to Las Vegas in Febru-ary to attend one of hisstand-up shows and to bepart of a public serviceannouncement for theService Dogs for Veteransprogram. Garrett alsodonated $20,000 to theGuardian Angels organi-zation, which is the costof training for the special-ized service dogs.

With many local soldiersreturning from Iraq, Karensaid she wanted the com-munity to be more awareof PTSD and the resourcesavailable to assist familieswith the every struggleassociated with it. Theyhope people see the ben-efits these service dogshave for veterans and any-one else with PTSD andcontinue to fund the pro-gram.

“This is never going togo away, but it can help uslive a better live,” she said.

Facility usage requestsThe following requests were discussed during the December Board

of Directors meeting:� An owner requested access to the common areas for his

father, mother and sister who are all residing in a three bedroomhouse. Peterzen believes the owners should have the same accessas renters. This usage request was granted due to a hardship.

� An owner’s child reached the age of 26 and is still residingwith him. A variance was requested to continue to let the 26 year-old have membership privileges. Request was denied, 3-2.

� An owner requested that he be granted a variance to use thecommon areas. He lives with a partner and one other in a fourbedroom home. Peterzen stated that Holley by the Sea shouldnot be in the business of addressing moral decisions and thatthey would qualify if they were renters. Request passed, unani-mously.

� A renter has a nuclear family, but their family members out-number the number of bedrooms in the home. A variance to haveaccess to the common areas was passed unanimously.


ARCHITECTURAL VARIANCES1. Needle Construction constructed a home on Pineneedle and sold hishouse prior to the house being completed. This was the first time that Nee-dle Construction had built in Holley by the Sea. HBTS had kept his $2,000bond money because he let occupants in the home before it was inspectedby the Architectural Control Committee. (ACC) The ACC - recommends themto give them the $2,000 back. Final inspection is done - everything is fine,and the form for builders has been changed to make sure they understandthe rules. Motion carried to return the $2000 to the builder. 2. An owner wanted to construct a fence to line up with his neighbors onEdgewood. Motion approved. 3. An owner on Jasper would like to construct a 594-square foot shed. Thisowner already has two existing structures which he is going to tear downwhen the new shed is in place. The committee made sure this is not for abusiness and no one is going to live in the shed. This is a “toy shed,” saidcommittee chair Dan Ramsey. Approved.

TennisTennis committee Chairperson Cyndy Linton, presented a Pow-

er Point presentation to the board regarding the tennis commit-tee’s summary of work done in support of hiring a permanent ten-nis pro. It was very detailed and thorough. However, due to timeconstraints, the board could not consider the proposal at the meet-ing. A summary can be found on the tennis page of this publica-tion which was provided by the general manager.

Beach HouseGoebel spoke in regard to research she has done on the acoustics

problem at the beach house. She had three companies look at theproblem with the sound bouncing off the walls and two compa-nies said they could do their best at helping alleviate the problem,but there were no guarantees. A third company said it could doan extensive study for $1,200 and if the association did the rec-ommended steps to alleviate the problem, they would guaranteetheir work. The board voted to have the study done.

Heating and CoolingGoebel spoke to the need for additional heating strips for the

recreational facility to keep it warm in the winter. The board vot-ed to allow $4,000 for additional heating strips. A strip heater is adevice which is mounted on a surface and used to heat the sur-face or air.



January 2012

Staff ReportsHBTSnews.com

The HBTS Flight 6women’s tennis teamclinched the Fall 2011Greater Pensacola LadiesTennis League (GPLTL)Flight 6 Championship,capping off its season witha record of 41-15 advanc-ing them to compete onFlight 5 beginning nextmonth.

The self-proclaimedRed Hot Purple PeopleEaters adopted its nameduring the season as itate up Flight 6 tennisteams from Pensacola toGulf Shores, ending itsseason with a resound-ing victory on Nov. 30,sweeping PensacolaCountry Club 4-0.

The Roger Scott Ten-nis Center in Pensacolafielded three teams onFlight 6 and finishedbehind HBTS taking thesecond, third, and fourthspots.

Gulf Breeze finishedfifth, Pensacola CountryClub ranked sixth, Pen-sacourt was seventh andGulf Shores trailed in theFlight in eighth placed.

HBTS Flight 6 TennisTeam enjoyed a cham-pagne toast following itslast Fall 2011 seasonmatch which clinched theGPLTL Flight 6 Champi-onship.

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HBTS tennis team wins Greater Pensacola Flight 6 ChampionshipTennis committeepresents recommendationsto the board

Chairperson Cyndy Lintonpresented the tennis com-mittee’s summary of workdone in support of hiring apermanent tennis pro. Lin-ton’s report stated that thecommittee had researched jobdescription details and draft-ed a new job description thatthey felt better met the needsof HBTS and the tennis com-munity. She also stated thatcompensation data was col-lected and reviewed in orderto be able to propose whatthey felt to be a reasonable andattractive tennis professionalposition.

The committee’s recom-mendation to the board wasto accept:

� The drafted job descrip-tion detailing a part-time ten-nis professional position anda compensation package toinclude a market-competitivesalary plus an 80/20 commis-sion split.

� Due to time constraints ofthe evening, little feedback ordiscussion followed. Howev-er, the board plans to review thedata provided and determinewhat steps should be taken. Nofurther action is expected priorto the next regularly scheduledboard meeting.

Submitted photo2011 GPLTL Flight 8 team members Jessica Bonar, from left, Ashley Rivers, Marianne Begg, Lisa Epstein, Amy Hackman, Co-Captain MelindaRobb, Captain Kerry Logan and Maria Little. Not pictured are Meghan Chiappetta, Marci Howard, Kathy Karsten, Eileen Nohava and MarshaShealy. The 2012 team will see all players returning with the addition of Eddi Salamone and Robin Stevenson.

Tennis committee beginsregular monthly meetings

HBTS Tennis Programs

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat4-4:30 pm 4-5:30 pm 4-4:30 pm 4-5:30 pm 11-noonTiny Tennis HS & Tourney Prep Tiny Tennis HS & Tourney Prep Cardio Tennis

4:30-5:30 pm 4:30-5:30Future Stars Future Stars

6:30-8 pm 6-7 pm Men’s Clinic Ladies 3.5+ Clinic

A special “create your own” tennis clinic is also available.For more info on any of these programs, or to inquire about

lessons, team clinics, etc., visit the tennis page on the HBTSwebsite (www.holleybythesea.org/tennis.html) or contactJimmy at:

HBTS Office: 939-1693 ext. 7CELL number: 203-722-0376EMAIL: tennispro@holleybythesea.org

In addition to the special meetings thatare being held, the tennis committee willbegin holding a regular monthly meetingstarting January 2012. Meetings are sched-uled for the fourth Thursday of each month,from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Regular noticesof meetings and meeting minutes will beposted according to HBTS requirement. Allinterested parties are invited to attend.

Tennis Club The first meeting of the Tennis Club is

tentatively scheduled for 7 p.m. Jan. 25. Any-one interested in actively supporting ten-nis at HBTS is invited to attend.





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January 2012

By Yvonne C. HarperHBTSnews.com

Buffalo, N.Y., is a far cry fromNavarre and not just geo-graphically. According to PamBaty, where Buffalo has won-derful eateries consisting ofdelicious Greek and Italianfoods, pizzerias on every cor-ner and the Buffalo staple Beef-on-Weck, Navarre has whitebeaches, warm weather and agreat military population.

“When I get over there tothe beach,” Pam said, “I just sitand think this is a dream thatI live here. I love the people andour community.”

Pam Baty and her husbandMike of 26 years, have cometo call the southern beach-townof Navarre home.

Pam is the Holley by the SeaOffice Manager. She startedas the social liaison in 2002 andworked her way to the posi-tion of office manager. She isresponsible for running thefront office, staying abreast ofall the programs Holley by theSea offers, assisting residentswith membership dues pay-ments and other point-of-sales,marketing various events, han-dling gate passes and securi-ty, taking all reservations forclasses, rooms and the beachhouse, and managing the fourfull-time and two part-timeemployees working in the front

office, among other responsi-bilities.

Pam and her husband madethe move to Navarre from Buf-falo in 2001 to be close to hermother who lives in DefuniakSprings. They made yearly vis-its to her mother’s house andeventually decided to movehere once their two childrenwere grown. Wanting to escapethe hustle and bustle of Buffa-lo and the cold weather, theymade the move; selling theirhouse in Buffalo in two daysreinforced that “it was meantto be,” Pam said.

They originally looked in theDefuniak Springs area and“loved it there,” but it was not

a place where they could findjobs. So they broadened theirsearch to Crestview and thenNavarre to be close to the beach.Pam said her “really great realestate agent” took them every-where and they finally settledon Holley by the Sea becauseof the larger lots offered in thesubdivision.

In Buffalo, Pam worked atthe University of Buffalo for 18years and her husband workedas the general sales managerat a car dealership. Pam retiredfrom the university when herson entered high school in orderto help him be successful.

“It worked,” she said, addingthat after graduating high school

he went onto college, as didher daughter.

Her son and daughter-in-law now live in Mobile, Ala.;her daughter and son-in-law,however, still reside in Buffa-lo. She enjoys having her sonso close because it allows herplenty of time to see her twograndchildren, ages 4 and 16-months.

Pam’s job as the office man-ager keeps her very busy andshe feels that she does not haveenough time to get everythingdone. However, she loves herjob and enjoys the interactionwith the residents.

She has especially lovedmaking friends with the mili-tary families that come to thearea, something she rarely hadan opportunity to do in Buffa-lo.

If there is one thing Pamwould like the residents to knowabout the front office it is “howmuch all of us really care aboutthe community,” adding, “thatwe all enjoy what we do andtry to make it positive for peo-ple.”

She would also like the res-idents to know about theplethora of programs the recre-ation center offers. She real-izes how busy everyone is, espe-cially those families with chil-dren, but she encourages allresidents to come in and checkout what is available.

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Spotlight: Baty, dedicated and driven TurboKick your weight loss goalsStaff ReportsNavarre Press

A new kind of exercise class is forming at Holley bythe Sea: TurboKick.

The program, designed by Charlene Johnson of Pow-der Blue Productions, will take place Mondays, Wednes-days and Fridays from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

It will be taught by Brooke Goldberg, who also sitson the HBTS Board of Directors.

The program is a cardio-kickboxing class with a hip-hop style and intense interval training. TurboKick issimilar to the home workout programs called Turbo-Jam and TurboFire, but TurboKick is only taught in gymsby certified instructors.

“It’s the ultimate cardiovascular challenge that’s aunique blend of intense intervals strength/endurancetraining, and a relaxing cool-down,” said Goldberg.“TurboKick requires no previous kickboxing experi-ence or equipment.”

After taking TurboKick herself, Goldberg decided tobecome a certified instructor and completed her train-ing in Baton Rouge in November.

“I took a few classes over the summer when I was inOregon and fell in love with the music, the format andthe intensity,” said Goldberg. “When I came back toNavarre, the only class available was in Pace. So, if Iwanted to take a class regularly, I was going to have tocreate one, and every workout I did seemed lacklusterin comparison to TurboKick. I had to do it.”

To sign up, call the front office, 939-1693.

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By Joanna HammondHBTSnews.com

Christopher and Yvonne Campbell havelived in Holley by the Sea since 1999, whenthey built their custom home on a cornerlot. Since then, the Campbells have workedhard to landscape and maintain the yardof their dreams.

“He’s always been a yard person,” Yvonnesaid of her husband.

Even when the couple lived in militaryhousing during Christopher’s three-yearcareer with the U.S. Air Force, the coupletook pride in maintaining the lawn andlandscaping.

“I like being on the outside,” Christo-pher said of his landscaping skills.

During the summer, most weekendsfollow a predictable routine for Christo-pher. Golf in the morning is followed byyard work, something he enjoys.

The Campbells’ yard is meticulouslygroomed and edged, with towering palmtrees dotting the landscaping. Their homeis offset on the lot, providing a visuallystimulating view of the home and gar-den.

Christopher said he’s not one for manyflowering plants, so the Campbell’s yardis adorned with greenery and native plantsthat survive long into the winter months.

While they own their home now, theCampbells have been renters in the past,and still feel like caring for the yard is parta reflection of how they live.

“It represents you,” said Christopher,“and it encourages you for one day whenyou have your own property. It affectsthe neighborhood.”

Yard of the Month: ‘He’s always been a yard person’

Yvonne agreed saying, “We definitelytake good care of our yards.”

When planning the landscaping fortheir home, the Campbells toured oth-er properties with a contractor and pickedelements they admired in other homesto incorporate into their own yard.

Their attention to detail and pride ofownership show in every aspect of theirbeautiful yard. The plant beds are linedwith brick pavers, and the mulching iskept tidy and neat.

The curved driveway in the front of thehome allows ample guest parking and

grass is kept trimmed and edged. “When you see the yard, it’s a reflec-

tion on you,” Christopher said. The reflection of the Campbell’s yard

is one of pride and care and is what award-ed them Holley by the Sea Yard of theMonth for January.

Photo by Joanna HammondChristopher and Yvonne Campbell have lived in Holley by the Sea since 1999, when they built their custom home on a corner lot.

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� Seller: Adams HomesBuyer: Joseph R. PritchardAddress: 2010 Eagle LaneDate: 11-10-11Price: $223,500

� Seller: Bruce D. StanselBuyer: Shanil S. JonesAddress: 1980 Eagle LaneDate: 11-28-11Price: $205,500

� Seller: Cary ManningBuyer: Brian E ParadiseAddress: 6570 Kempton St.Date: 11-30-11Price: $234,900

� Seller: Robbins BuildersBuyer: Kevin J. TaboadaAddress: 6523 Hartland St.Date: 11-22-11Price: $296,800

� Seller: Don C. DesrosiersBuyer: D H Mosley ContractorAddress: 1260 Pearson Rd.Date: 11-14-11Price: $43,000

� Seller: Lawrence A. DeanBuyer: William C. Lunsford, IIAddress: 6816 Valley WayDate: 11-07-11Price: $188,500

� Seller: Paul C. BeckmanBuyer: Niccolaus T. HoyAddress: 7227 Rankkfort St.Date: 11-29-11Price: $153,000

� Seller: Mark AbramsonBuyer: Whitworth BuildersAddress: Date: 11-15-11Price: $41,000

� Seller: Gordon R. WestBuyer: Adams HomesAddress: Date: 10-28-11Price: $35,000

� Seller: Jorge RomeroBuyer: Mathew ScrogginsAddress: 1930 Commodore Dr.Date: 11-30-11Price: $190,500

� Seller: Samuel D. SchindlerBuyer: Hal L. SchindlerAddress: P.O. Box 176Date: 11-23-11Price: $40,000

� Seller: Paula J. HiltibranBuyer: Adams HomesAddress: Date: 11-23-11Price: $35,000


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21 3 4 5 6 7

98 10 11 12 13 14

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3029 31

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class

5:00pmPoker Night


10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class



8:30amMen's Tennis Clinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:00amSocial CommitteeMeeting

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

9:00amArchitectural Committee Meeting

10:20amZumba Class

5:00pmPoker Night


Fun Factory:We have new hours! Pleaseremember reservations arerequired. For reservations, contactthe Youth Department. Mon. – Fri. 8am – Noon, 5pm – 8pm Sat. 8am – Noon

8:30amMen's TennisClinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


7:00pmFree weight room orientation with Marsha

10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


5:30amGreat Games NightCome play Games with everyone.Bring a snack or appetizer to share.See flyer for more information.

5:00pmMonthly Pot Luck - "Supportour Troops" - Taste of AmericaHBTS Social Committee monthly potluck for January 2012 is "Support ourTroops" -Taste of America. Bring yourfavorite dish to pass and a small itemfor our care package that will be sentto the troops.

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

9:00amArchitectural CommitteeMeeting

10:20amZumba Class

5:00pmPoker Night


8:30amMen's TennisClinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:00amFree weight roomorientation withMarsha

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

8:30amCombo Aero-bics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class



10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

6:30pmBunco Night

7:30pmZumba Class

10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class

5:00pmPoker Night


8:30amMen's TennisClinic

8:30amPyramid Train-ing

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class

5:00pmPoker Night


8:30amMen's TennisClinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


7:30pmZumba Class

7:30pmZumba Class

This content provided by Holley by the Sea

Before and After School: We currently have a waiting list. Ifyou are interested in having yourchild’s name added to the list please contact the Youth Department.

For information about HBTS Calendar Events contact 939-1693


January 2 & 169 am

6:30pmBunco Night

7:30pmZumba Class

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

Want to get involvedwith social events? Our monthly committeemeeting will be at night starting in January. For more info, please call939-3018 x0 or email theSocial Committee chairpersonatbobgeller@bellsouth.net

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

6:15pmBody Conditioning

Night Class

7:30pmZumba Class

January 14at 5:30 PM

A word from thegeneral manager:Happy New Year

Well, 2012 is finally uponus.

For the New Year we willhave new aerobics classes.Please go to the Holley by the Sea website formore details.

If you haven’t mailed your 2012 Assessmentpayment, please get it in by the end of the monthto avoid a $25 late fee and interest on Feb. 1. Foryour convenience, you can pay online at holley-bythesea.org. Just have your account numberready.

We’re also going to be updating our member-ship information and pictures for our informa-tion desk. Our goal is to make sure we have allthe correct information for your account. So,please take a minute to stop by, give us a call oremail hbtspam@yahoo.com. We appreciate all ofyour patience in helping us complete this task!

We have had complaints about pets in theneighborhood wandering loose. Please remem-ber to keep your pet contained on your propertyor on a leash. It’s the law. And don’t forget to bepolite and pickup after your pet.

And as always, feel free to call me if you haveany questions or suggestions. My door is alwaysopen.

Thank you, Jennie Barrett


From the desk of Pam BatyOur annual Breakfast with Santa was a great success once again. With

over 135 people who attended, we were all anxiously awaiting Santa thatarrived on time via Fire truck. We thank the firemen at Holley Navarre Firestation who got Santa there safely. Thanks to the HBTS Social Committee,Youth Room, Front Office Staff, Maintenance Department, Holley NavarreFire District, and of course Warren, all together making this a wonderfulcommunity event.

I’d like to thank the HBTS Social Committee for having another greatyear of fun filled and excited events. They offered the traditional annualevents plus added some new trips and pot lucks. Keep a look out for theup-coming events in 2012. Thanks to all the wonderful members who vol-unteer and work hard to make Holley by the Sea a great community to livein, and as always, everyone is invited to become a volunteer in any of theHBTS Committees and Clubs we have to offer. Hope to see you all in 2012.

Pam BatyOffice Manager

Social Committee Events

International Pot-Luck Jan. 14: Do you have a favoritefood dish from Germany, Italy,Thailand or another country?Come to our Pot-Luck to shareand sample dishes from aroundthe world on Jan. 14 at the HBTSBeach House, from 5 – 8 p.m.Pre-register at the office, $2 aperson. Includes coffee, tea andsoda.

Sweetheart BreakfastFeb. 11: This annual breakfastwill take place from 9 – 11 a.m.at the HBTS Beach House. Thebreakfast includes traditional fareserved with coffee, tea and juice.Cost is $4 for adults, and $2 forchildren. Make sure to reserveyour spot early. Reservations arerequired.

Community Yard SaleIn March we will have our springCommunity Yard Sale. Memberscan reserve a table for $10 orjust a space for $5. For memberswho would like to donate any un-sold items, we have arranged pickup, no need to pack up and re-turn home.

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