James Silk Buckingham

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James Silk Buckingham and his Contribution to Indian Journalism

Transcript of James Silk Buckingham

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


James Silk Buckingham________________________________________________________ 1

Contribution to Indian Journalism ________________________________________________ 2

Buckingham vs. Hickey ________________________________________________________ 6

Buckingham vs. Raja Ram Mohan Roy ____________________________________________ 8

References _________________________________________________________________ 9

Pg. 01

James Silk Buckingham

James Silk Buckingham

The newspapers came to India as an alien product, as one the benefits of

British colonialism. The initial strength and power for launching of newspapers

was directly fostered in England. James Augustus Hickey has the distinction of starting

the press in India. Later, James Silk Buckingham got the title for being called as the

Pioneer of true Indian Journalism. He infused a new light to Indian Journalism. He was

the trailblazer among the Europeans who fought for liberal Press in India.

In 1821, his “Travels in Palestine” were published, followed by “Travels Among the

Arab Tribes” in 1825. After years of wandering he settled in India, where he established

a periodical, the Calcutta Journal, in 1818. This venture at first proved highly

successful, but in 1823 the paper’s outspoken criticisms of the East India Company

led to the expulsion of Buckingham from India.

Buckingham continued his journalistic ventures on his return to England. He started

the Oriental Herald and Colonial Review (1824) and Athenaeum there. He was a

prolific writer. He travelled in Europe, America and the East, and wrote many useful

travel books, as well as many pamphlets on political and social subjects.

At the time of his death in London, Buckingham was at work on his autobiography, two

volumes of the intended four being completed and published.

James Silk Buckingham

Pg. 02

Contribution to Indian Journalism

Contribution to Indian Journalism

Buckingham was born in 1784 near Cornwell in England. Son of Christopher

Buckingham, his was a chequered career-- as a jailor, printer, book-seller,

mariner and editor. In 1813 he offered his services to the Pasha of Egypt to explore

the Isthmus of the Suez to trace as far as possible the course of ancient canal.

Thereafter he was given a commission by the Pasha to establish a trade between India

and Egypt. But the venture did not succeed owing to unwillingness of the Bombay

merchants. In June 1818 he commanding the “Humayoon Shah” when he was asked

to sail to Madagascar coast for the purpose of giving convoy to some ships carrying

slaves. Rather than embark on such an obnoxious quest, he surrendered his

command. This gesture, widely applauded in Calcutta, did not escape the notice of the

Company authorities and the other leaders of the society in Calcutta. It inspired the

public to read the journal in which he had recorded some impressions of his travel in

Palestine. His literary ability caught the imagination of John Palmer, head of the well-

known mercantile house of that name, palmer felt that the merchants of the city should

have their own paper to air their problems. He requested Buckingham to accept the

editorship of the newspaper. Buckingham gave his consent. On September 22, 1818

Buckingham published a prospectus of a newspaper to be entitled “the Calcutta

Journal or Political or Literary Gazette”.

The prospectus announced: “The state of the Press has been a subject of surprise, of

disappointment, and of regret to all strangers on their first arrival in India: and the

impression of its imperfections gradually loses its force after a long residence in the

country, yet some of its ablest apologists and most zealous supporters acknowledged

its reform to be desideratum.”

The Calcutta Journal appeared as bi-weekly with eight pages on Oct 2, 1818. The first

issue came out with a quotation from Bacon in bold letters, which was declared to be

the motto of the paper. It stated, “A forward retention of custom is as turbulent a thing

as innovation and they that reverence too much old times are but a scorn to the new.”

The paper was presented a wide selection of news and drew the attention of the

On September 22,

1818 the prospectus

of a newspaper was


The ‘Calcutta Journal’

appeared as bi-

weekly with eight

pages on Oct 2, 1818.

The motto of the

newspaper was

stated as, “A forward

retention of custom is

as turbulent a thing as

innovation and they

that reverence too

much old times are

but a scorn to the


Pg. 03

Contribution to Indian Journalism

people and the authorities to such prevailing grievances as the insufficient state of the

police and the allegations that certain persons in European dress were making the

streets of Calcutta unsafe at night. The correspondence columns were thrown open to

any who had grievances to air.

As an editor, Buckingham said, “he considered it his Sacred right to admonish

Governors of their duties, to warn them furiously of their faults and to tell disagreeable

truths.” He courageously faced all odds, followed the motto scrupulously and

performed his duties fearlessly. The paper was the success from its very first issue.

The paper, “well conducted,” “independent” and “cleaver”, become a talk of the town

in no time. Buckingham was a Whig and most of his reprints from the British papers

were in condemnation of the Tories. He also gave a proof of his literary bent of mind

by introducing Byron’s “Childe Harold” and “Don Juan” and Scott’s “Ivanhoe” to

Calcutta readers1. As a sailor he was interested is development of new means of

communication. He drew attention in his columns to the North-west passage, Red sea

route, steam navigation, and the possibility of a voyage by air from Bombay to London.

A champion of free trade, Buckingham campaigned for the abolition of East India

Company’s monopoly. In his view the whole continent of Asia should be opened to the

unrestricted competition of whoever was willing to risk his health and fortune.

The government and the papers which he criticized in his ‘prospectus’ now joined

hands to crush him. Undaunted, Buckingham soon converted his bi-weekly into the

‘first daily of Calcutta’ on May1, 1819 under all the disadvantages of a combined


1 Modern History of Indian Press, p 42 (Sunit Ghosh)

As an editor,


considered it his

Sacred right to

admonish Governors

of their duties, to

warn them furiously of

their faults and to tell

disagreeable truths

through his


On May1, 1819 the

Calcutta Journal was

converted in to the

‘First Daily of


Pg. 04

Contribution to Indian Journalism

Quite expectedly, the existing newspapers in Calcutta received this newspaper with

violent opposition. Rev Samuel James Bryce, who owned the ‘Asiatic Mirror,’ openly

cast doubts on the moral standard of the new editor. His allegations were based on

the fact that Buckingham had demonstrated the steps of a quadrille on Sunday-

apparently a heinous offence against Bryce’s ideas of Sabbath. But the counter

statements given by Buckingham resulted the death of Asiatic Mirror.

The financial success of the journal enabled it to have its own building constructed, a

new improved Columbian Press imported from England together with English, Greek,

Hebrew and Arabic fonts. The value of the enterprise in 1822 was estimated at 40,000

pounds. According to Margarita Barns, “Buckingham’s yearly income was about eight

thousand pounds, he may be called on of the leading pioneers of modern journalism

in India.”2

Buckingham late emphasized on news of local conditions rather than talking about

fashion, social elites or criticism of popular people. He was fearless in writing against

certain Indian customs like Sati system. Parda and child marriages. He started giving

prominence to news and views published in Bengali and Persian and started printing

the summary into Calcutta Chronicle. He advocated the policy of freedom press &

2 The Indian Press, p 96 (Barns)

Pg. 05

Contribution to Indian Journalism

expression. He was of an opinion that free press is required to keep a check on the

working of the government.

In 1819 he again targeted corrupt system of East India Company by making adverse

comments on the appointment of Hugh Elliot as the Governor of Madras. An infuriated

Elliot asked the Calcutta authorities to punish the editor. The Government at Fort

William sent a warning to the editor with which was enclosed a copy of Press Rules of

1818. But Buckingham carried on his tirade and spared none in his attacks. Not even

the Chief Justice, the Governor of Madras or the Lord Bishop of Calcutta.

Libel suits were filed against him. He was also threatened and physically assaulted.

Despite heavy odds Buckingham had so long held aloft his ideal of press freedom. But

his fortune suffered a jolt after Hastings’ regime came to an end. John Adams became

the officiating Governor- General on January 13, 1823. He was also against the

Buckingham and his newspaper. He revoked Buckingham’s license to stay in India.

And, finally, he was deported back to England in 1823. In England he filed a case

against East India Company and was awarded 500 pounds as a compensation every

year in 1834.

In 1823,

Buckingham’s license

to stay in India was

revoked and he was

deported back to


Pg. 06

Buckingham vs. Hickey

Buckingham vs. Hickey

James Silk Buckingham versus James Augustus Hickey

James Augustus Hickey was an Irishman who is considered as the birth giver

of Indian press. He is the person who started a newspaper which was called

as ‘Hickeys Gazette’ or ‘Bengal Gazette’; even it was aliased as ‘Calcutta General

Advertiser’ which came into being on January 29th 1780. It declared itself as “weekly

Political and commercial paper open to all parties but influence by none.” It is very

important to observe the statement which implicates that the newspaper was not

influenced by the Government or other party, but to the interest of people, which

although proved to be a tool used by James Augustus Hickey’s personal contention

with the British rule or its representative- East India Company.

The content was mainly for criticizing the East India Company. But to make it more

catchy and readable, Hickey added other things four page Gazette, like a Gossip

column, a poet’s corner, news related the European scandals and most importantly

the advertisement. The thing to be noted here is that the content was used to more

emphasis on criticizing the men in power like Warren Hastings and even people related

to the rulers like Lady Hasting. The content of ‘Hickey’s Gazette’ was used more for

acting as a tool of criticism and not for the benefit of the general masses and public. A

severe criticism can be done to Hickey’s Gazette as it lacked the ethics of Journalism

James Augustus Hickey

Pg. 07

Buckingham vs. Hickey

and was more slang-using nicknames of people, and also wasn’t a benefactor to the

common public.

If we compare and set a contrast between Hickey’s contribution to the contribution of

James Silk Buckingham; there is no doubt that Hickey provided and initiated a platform

for Indian press, but we can’t deny and defy the fact that Buckingham’s contribution is

more legendry and praise worthy. Buckingham was an Anglo-Indian who is titled as

‘the Father of true Indian Journalism.’ He in true sense can be termed as pioneer of

ethical Journalism of India. It is said that in the early years of 19th century, Calcutta

saw the emergence of a first real and outstanding journalist. Jawaharlal Nehru has

described him as ‘the earliest champions of the freedom press in India’ and one ‘who

is still remembered’ in this country.

Although, he came to India as an editor of the ‘Calcutta Chronicle’, which was started

by the Calcutta merchants to safeguard their vested interested, but Buckingham laid

more emphasis and meant his content for uplifting the issues of common public, news

of local conditions and purified his content from making criticism, fashion,

advertisement, gossip and Anglo Social Scandals. He was more concerned about the

social reforms and that is the reason, he was more liked by the public. He was also

coordinate by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, as he became a pioneer of not only the freedom

of speech and expression but a social reformer as well. The reason can be drawn as

for he was more accustomed to the rituals, cultures, beliefs and values of Indian

masses in particular and world in general. He was a prolific writer and was more

successful in influencing the hearts of suppressed people of British India.

In conclusion, it can be said that James Augustus Hickey is the pioneer of Indian press;

but the title of Pioneer of True Indian Journalism, must be given to James Silk


Pg. 08

Buckingham vs. Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Buckingham vs. Raja Ram Mohan Roy

James Silk Buckingham versus Raja Ram Mohan Roy

In late 18th century two eminent personalities appeared in the field of journalism

in Calcutta. They were James Silk Buckingham, an Englishman and Raja Ram

Mohan Roy. Both fought energetically against any bureaucratic encroachment on

freedom of press and suffered for it but left the impress of their vision and character

on contemporary journalism. Both played a significant role for the freedom of the press.

Both attracted the staunchest supporters from among their countrymen and at the

same time provoked bitterest antagonism. Ties of friendship and mutual admiration

brought them closer and they waged relentless fights for the right of the press

simultaneously in England and in India.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was on Indian scene from 1772-1823. He was born in a Brahmin

family. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was also credited for laying the foundation of Indian

Journalism. He was perhaps the first Indian journalist. He remembered for bringing in

social change in India. He brought a renaissance in Hindu society. The prime focus of

Buckingham was to promote open trade across the Middle East whereas Roy wanted

to eradicate the social evils from Indian society. Buckingham started Calcutta Journal

with a motive to promote trade and was fully devoted to mercantile class. Roy started

Sambad Kamumdi (moon of intelligence) and Mirut-ul-ukbar to bring a social change

in the Indian society. Later on, they both fought for the freedom of the Press.

Buckingham also published some articles against Hindu costumes like Parda system,

Sati System and Child Marriages.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Pg. 09



Textual Books

1. Modern History of Journalism

(Sunit Ghosh)

2. Handbook of Journalism & Mass Communication

(Vir Bala Aggarwal & VS Gupta)

3. History of Press, Press Laws and Communications

(B.N. Ahuja)

Electronic Books & Websites

1. History of Media and Media Legislation in India

2. Blogger

3. Media in India

(N Ananth Padmanabha)


1. Google images