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Audio recordings in the Eastland Collection include campaign jingles and advertisements, speeches, news interviews, oral histories, committee hearings, and unsolicited recordings sent to the senator by constituents and citizens across the nation. The James O. Eastland Collection possesses a total of thirty-four reel-to-reels, forty-three cassette tapes, and five 78 rpm discs. In January 2007, the Modern Political Archives received a $1,000 grant from the University of Mississippi Provost’s Associates and Partners Grants Program to restore and create digital copies of eight audio reel-to-reels in the Eastland Collection. The audio laboratories at Cutting Corporation completed the work one month later. In 2010, the Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded a $450,000 grant to the University of Mississippi to preserve and digitize all recordings in the Modern Political Archives. This grant permitted the archive to complete the digitization of all audio recordings in the collection by May 2011. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. For preservation reasons, the original recordings are stored in a climate-controlled facility, and access is restricted. However, digital counterparts are available as part of the James O. Eastland Digital Collection. Although descriptions of the recordings are available to anyone on the internet, not all of the recordings are accessible on the web due to copyright. Researchers may only review restricted recordings via onsite computer terminals in the J.D. Williams Library. Access status is noted at the end of each recording’s description below. The list of digital files below provides the unique identifier (comprised of a format and numerical/alphabetical sequence); title; date; brief description; time length of the recording; and an access statement. More information is available via the metadata provided in the James O. Eastland Collection Recordings Digital Collection. In the digital versions, the archives has chosen at times to break up the presentation of a single recording on the original format into separate audio clips when the changes in subject matter seemed to warrant the action. This change is reflected in the format and numerical identifier at the beginning of each description (i.e., “Cassette 3A1” and “Cassette 3A2” were originally on the same cassette tape). Finally, a number of audio recordings in the collection were duplicates, and the digital collection only makes available one of these copies. 78 rpm Record 1. Presentation of Sons of the American Revolution Medal to U.S. Senator James O. Eastland. 19 March 1954. Autogram from Dennis Rhodes to W.E. Ditmire regarding a recording of the presentation of the Sons of American Revolution award to U.S. Senator James O. Eastland. Time: 1 minute, 21 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_78rpm_1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers.

78 rpm Record 2A. Sue Eastland Speech on Speech Class (Part 1 of 2). October 1959. Sue Eastland (daughter of U.S. Senator James O. Eastland) on her Speech Class. Time: 3 minutes, 20 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_78rpm_2_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. 78 rpm Record 2B. Sue Eastland Speech on Speech Class (Part s of 2). October 1959. Sue Eastland (daughter of U.S. Senator James O. Eastland) on her Speech Class. Time: 36 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_78rpm_2_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. 78 rpm Record 3A. Reading of Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters (Part 1 of 2). Unidentified man reading in Russian an excerpt from the first Act of Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters. Time: 3 minutes, 51 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_78rpm_3_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. 78 rpm Record 3B. Reading of Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters (Part 2 of 2). Unidentified man reading in Russian an excerpt from the first Act of Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters. Time: 3 minutes, 40 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_78rpm_3_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. 78 rpm Record 4. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland’s 1954 Campaign Song “Cotton State: Roll On Mississippi Roll On.” [1954]. Sung by the Mississippi Ramblers. Time: 1 minute, 39 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_78rpm_4. Audio Reel 1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Speech at Citizens’ Council Meeting in Belzoni, Mississippi. 25 September 1957. Topics covered include school integration; use of military troops in Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce school integration; U.S. Supreme Court; Internal Security Subcommittee; communism; U.S. Constitution; race; states’ rights; Citizens Council; Civil Rights bill; Civil Rights Commission; voting rights; and the federal judiciary. Time: 34 minutes, 45 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_1. Audio Reel 2. U.S. Representative John S. Monagan Radio Program with Guest William “Fishbait” Miller. 29 November 1967. Radio program of U.S. Representative John S. Monagan of Connecticut with guest William M. “Fishbait” Miller, Doorkeeper of the U.S. House of Representatives: origin of Miller’s nickname; Pascagoula, Mississippi; Doctor of Law degree from Atlanta Law School in Georgia; history and responsibilities of the Doorkeeper; recycling program; John F. Kennedy; Winston Churchill; Charles De Gaulle; Madame Chang Kai-Chek; Queen Elizabeth; John McCormack; Sam Rayburn; freshmen members; service as Sergeant at Arms at the Democratic National Conventions; and Paul Douglas and Estes Kefauver at the Chicago Democratic National Convention. Time: 13 minutes, 27 seconds.

Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 3. Radio Talk Show Discussions on Gun Control. Post 1968. Wes Lynch Talk Show with call-in discussion of gun control; commercial music; Don Brewer of Spokane, Washington introduces recorded discussions of “the recent hysteria for stringent gun registration” following the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kenney, and Martin Luther King Jr.; “Sound Off” radio program in Spokane, Washington with call-in discussion on gun control; Wes Lynch Talk Show on gun control; commercial music. Time: 5 hours, 33 minutes, 16 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_3), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 4: Testimony of Dita Beard before Senate Judiciary Committee (Part 1 of 4). 26 March 1972. Special Subcommittee hearing of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in Denver, Colorado to take testimony of Dita Beard with respect to contributions of ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation) to the Republican National Committee allegedly resulting in a favorable Justice Department antitrust settlement. Includes discussions of arrangements for hearing Beard’s physicians; debate over reading of Beard’s statement to the committee; Beard’s statement; questions to physicians regarding Beard’s mental and physical abilities; and questions for Beard and her responses. Time: 58 minutes, 54 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_4. Audio Reel 5: Testimony of Dita Beard before Senate Judiciary Committee (Part 2 of 4). 26 March 1972. Special Subcommittee hearing of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in Denver, Colorado to take testimony of Dita Beard with respect to contributions of ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation) to the Republican National Committee allegedly resulting in a favorable Justice Department antitrust settlement. Includes explanation for delay in hearing due to the failure of electrocardiograph machine; questions for Beard and her responses continued; and an announcement of a recess. Time: 25 minutes, 57 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_5. Audio Reel 6: Testimony of Dita Beard before Senate Judiciary Committee (Part 3 of 4). 26 March 1972. Special Subcommittee hearing of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in Denver, Colorado to take testimony of Dita Beard with respect to contributions of ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation) to the Republican National Committee allegedly resulting in a favorable Justice Department antitrust settlement. Includes discussion about scheduling subsequent hearings to accommodate the hospital; and continued questions for Beard and her responses. Time: 55 minutes, 31 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_6. Audio Reel 7. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland [1972] Campaign Song. [1972]. Time: 2 minutes, 50 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_7.

Audio Reel 8. American Medical Association Radio Segments with Dr. W.W. Bower. Undated. Separate audio segments of “More Life for Your Years” with Dr. W.W. Bower speaking for the American Medical Association: tuberculosis; the teeth of the elderly; checking on the contents of medicine cabinets; overuse of prescriptions; and the health and ability of senior citizens. Time: 8 minutes, 11 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_8), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 9. Recorded Conversations of Jimmie Tarentino (Part 1). December 1951 – February 1952. Copy of recorded conversations of Jimmie Tarentino. An unidentified narrator describes subject of each separate recording before it begins. Topics of first conversation between Tarentino and Robert Braswell (20 December 1951) include Tarentino’s book Six Years of Hollywood Life; a researcher for the House Un-American Activities Committee; an Army agent named “Starky”; Nazi party leader Martin Bormann. Topics of second conversation (21 December 1951) between Tarentino, Braswell, and Bob Schloss: tickets for East-West football game for Braswell’s superior John Marx and the Marine Cooks and Stewards Union. Tarentino telephone conversation with Western Union sending holiday greetings to several individuals (31 December 1951). Telephone conversation between Tarentino and Braswell regarding Braswell’s transfer to Europe and regarding Anna Palka, a Bulgarian Communist leader. Time: 1 hour, 3 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_9), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 10. Recorded Conversations of Jimmie Tarentino (Part 2). February 1952. Copy of recorded conversations of Jimmie Tarentino. An unidentified narrator describes subject of each separate recording before it begins. First conversation between Tarentino and Robert Braswell (5 February 1952) regarding Braswell’s going to Europe to make money. Second conversation between Tarentino and James Smythe of the Internal Revenue Service in San Francisco, and Brawell (7 February 1952). Conversation between Tarentino and Braswell (7 February 1952) regarding Anna Palka; a missile; arrests in Los Angeles; an investigative report on Raymond Moyer; Civil Rights Congress; General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s rejection of an early German offer to surrender; assistance Eisenhower received with his book Crusade in Europe from communists, threat of General George S. Patton’s widow to reveal her husband’s diary if Eisenhower ever runs for office. Time: 1 hour, 3 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_10), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 11. Recorded Conversations of Jimmie Tarentino (Part 3). January-May 1952. Copy of recorded conversations of Jimmie Tarentino. An unidentified narrator describes subject of each separate recording before it begins. First conversation occurred on 19 January 1952 in Tarentino’s hotel room at the Belleview Hotel in San Francisco, California with a William Branhowe “and a Benny Barrish” present: meeting with Senator Pat McCarran’s investigators regarding grand jury investigation into communist activities on the San Francisco waterfront. Second conversation occurred on 7 February 1952 with Tarentino on the phone with unknown party: Senator Pat McCarran’s office mentioned. Third conversation on 17 March 1952 with

Tarentino on the phone with Joseph Karesh, U.S. Commissioner in San Francisco. Fourth conversation on 5 May 1952 between Tarentino and David Fink. Time: 24 minutes, 1 second. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_11), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 12. Dr. Franklin H. Littell Speaking in a Methodist Program “Christianity Confronting Communism.” 18 March 1963. Church program of First Methodist Church in Harlington, Texas. Introduction by Darryl Hester. Speaker Dr. Franklin H. Littell as part of a series entitled “Christianity Confronting Communism.” Request for contributions to defray expenses followed by a question and answer period with Littell. Time: 1 hour, 34 minutes, 23 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_12), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 14. Two Episodes of Dan Smoot’s “Facts Forum” Radio Program. Circa 1953-1954. First episode on the subject “Should civil service laws be changed to increase job security for federal employees?” Second episode on the subject “Do you approve of statehood for Hawaii?” which includes mention of Senator James O. Eastland’s Internal Security Subcommittee investigations into communism in Hawaii. Time: 25 minutes, 8 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_14), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 15. “Stars and Stripes Forever.” Circa 1976. U.S. Marine Band playing “Stars and Stripes Forever.” Time: 2 minutes, 43 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_15. Audio Reel 16. U.S. Representative Jamie L. Whitten Addressing Unknown Mississippi Agricultural Group. Circa early 1970s. Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture Jim Buck Ross introduces and pays tribute to U.S. Representative Jamie Whitten. Whitten discusses flood control and soil conservation; conservation challenges of the 1970s; rural development; agriculture; environmental movement and Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring; and the Environmental Protection Act. Time: 42 minutes, 19 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_65. Audio Reel 17: Testimony of Dita Beard before Senate Judiciary Committee (Part 4 of 4). 26 March 1972. Special Subcommittee hearing of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in Denver, Colorado to take testimony of Dita Beard with respect to contributions of ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation) to the Republican National Committee allegedly resulting in a favorable Justice Department antitrust settlement. Includes questions and responses on Beard’s memoranda and filing system, whether Beard felt her ITT job was threatened, association with Richard Kleindienst. Termination of meeting. Time: 6 minutes, 25 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_17. Audio Reel 18. Episodes 7 and 13 of Radio Program LIFE Line. Circa 1958-59. Two episodes of the conservative Christian radio program “LIFE LINE.” Episode 7 discusses government spending and the federal deficit followed by the hymn “Faith of our Fathers” and a commentary

on Jesus Christ. Episode 13 contains commentary on treaties and international organizations followed by a hymn and religious discussion. Time: 26 minutes, 13 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_18), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 19. Episodes 3 and 4 of Radio Program LIFE LINE. Circa 1958. Two episodes of the conservative religious radio program “LIFE LINE” devoted to the topic of the U.S. Supreme Court and the communist conspiracy. Following the opening commentary on the Supreme Court in Episode 3 in hymn, a narrative about gold champion Judy Eller’s favorite Bible passage, and “Today’s Thought to Remember.” Episode 4 to includes a commentary on the Supreme Court, a hymn, and a narrative of one person’s favorite Bible passage, and “Today’s Thought to Remember.” Time: 27 minutes, 13 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_19), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 20. Episode 5 of Radio Program LIFE LINE. Circa 1958. Episode 5 of the conservative Christian radio program “LIFE LINE.” Opening commentary on the Supreme Court and the communist conspiracy, particularly its ruling in Sochower v. Board of Education of New York City, followed by a hymn “Old Rugged Cross,” a discussion of the crucifixion of Christ, and “Today’s Thoughts to Remember.” Time: 12 minutes, 58 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_20), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 21. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland’s Retirement Announcement. 21 March 1978. James O. Eastland announces his decision not to run for reelection in 1978. Time: 8 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_audioreel_21. Audio Reel 22. Unidentified Child and Adult Converse. Undated. 1 minute, 22 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_22), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 23. Episodes 1 and 2 of Radio Program LIFE LINE. Circa 1958. Episodes 1 and 2 of the conservative Christian radio program “LIFE LINE.” Episode 1 opens with commentary on the Supreme Court rulings on communism, followed by a hymn, the day’s devotional on the Bible, reading of a scripture passage, and ending with “Today’s Thought to Remember.” Episode 2 opens with commentary on Supreme Court rulings that protect communists and it ends abruptly. Time: 17 minutes, 39 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_23), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 28. Episode 70 of Radio Program “Facts Forum.” Circa late 1950s-early 1960s. Episode 70 of the radio program “Facts Forum” hosted by Dan Smoot. Subject of the program: “Is inflation, when planned and regulated by the government, good for our economy?” Smoot presents the arguments for both the affirmative and the negative. Time: 12 minutes, 29 seconds.

Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_28), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 29. Jazz Music of Bille & De De Pierce. Undated. Time: 41 minutes, and 49 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_29), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 30A. Observations of Professor Robert Brown Recorded for [Robert F. Williams]. Circa 1968. A private recording by a Professor Robert Brown of New Jersey to a Mr. Williams (likely Robert F. Williams) providing his observations on the current climate of opinion among African Americans and how it might affect Mr. Williams’ return to the United States. Time: 10 minutes, 33 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_30A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 30B. Music of Judy Collins. Undated. Time: 15 minutes, 26 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_30B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 31. Speeches by Robert F. Williams in China. 1968. First speech by Robert F. Williams in China’s Great Hall of the People in 1968 on the third anniversary of Mao Zedong’s speech against racial discrimination in the United States and in support of African Americans in their civil rights struggles. Topics include black power, history of African Americans, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy, and Vietnam. The second speech by Williams pays tribute to Mao Zedong and China and addresses the topic of the revolution against race discrimination. Time: 41 minutes, 30 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_31), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 32. Radio Free Dixie Broadcast from Cuba. Circa 1961-1965. Begins with female announcer followed by the songs “Old Jim Crow”; Nina Simone’s “Mississippi Goddam”; “Alabama, You’re a Friend of Mine”; “Lord, I’m in Trouble”; Robert F. Williams editorial on the oppression of African Americans in the United States and Vietnam; “Good Old Fashioned War”; “The Ballad of Samuel Mabry”; news highlight stories on Dick Gregory turning over evidence of three lynch victims to the FBI; African American protests against police brutality in Jersey City, New Jersey; Robert F. Williams sending a statement of congratulations to China on the first anniversary of Mao Zedong’s speech against race discrimination in the United States; and the rebellion of African American troops in West Germany. Followed by “Oh, Freedom” and a female announcer signing off the broadcast. Songs “Feel Like Cryin”; “In the Danger Zone’: “There Will Be No Tomorrow when You’re Gone”: “Sweet Little Woman Like You”; “I Felt Like It Like That”; “Shake It”; “Rock Me, Babe”; “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”; “Heartbreaker”; “Come on”; “Sun Going to Shine in My Back Door Someday.” Female radio announcer on allocation of an hour to Radio Free Dixie broadcast, followed by instrumental jazz music, then an editorial from the Washington Afro-American on 18 July 1964 “We Are All Involved” on the murder of a Washington legislator, followed by more instrumental music.

Williams speaks against American hypocrisy regarding civil rights, arming of civil rights activists. Instrumental jazz music returns, then news highlights about Fannie Lou Hamer and forced sterilization of African American women in Sunflower County, Mississippi; a civil rights leader says the movement is no longer interested in public accommodation; a Heidelberg, Germany solder flees unit because of Harlem riots; an entertainer arrested in Harlem; Malcolm X remarks in Cairo that Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders have sold out their race; and New York riots. Instrumental music returns. Female announcer signs off of broadcast. “Trouble in Mind” and “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen.” Time: 2 hours, 22 minutes, 13 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_32), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 33. Two Sermons by [Albert] Cleage during the 1967 Detroit Riots. 1967. First sermon (23 July 1967) discusses the scripture passage from the Book of Samuel. Discussion of riot; a Roy Wilkins editorial on two African American boys beaten in a New Jersey airport; middle class African American families and the civil rights movement; looters; southern civil rights movement; and Black Power. Second sermon (30 July 1967) continues discussion of riots and the civil rights movement; the Black Messiah; efforts by whites to create division among African Americans; crime during the riots; meeting of Detroit mayor with leading African Americans in the community; black ghettos; and judges in Detroit. Note: Rev. Albert B. Cleage Jr. legally changed his name in 1972 to Jaramogi Agyeman. Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes, 46 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_33), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Audio Reel 34. Instrumental Jazz Music. Undated. Time: 1 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_34), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 1A. Media Coverage of Clement Haynesworth’s and G. Harrold Carswell’s Supreme Court Nominations. 1969. Twelve news reports: Clement Haynesworth’s Supreme Court nomination; report about Haynesworth; Eastland & Roman Hruska press conference on the Haynesworth nomination; ABC News report by Bob Clark on Haynesworth nomination; NBC News report on the Eastland-Hruska press conference and Haynesworth; CBS News report by David Dick on Haynesworth and Eastland-Hruska press conference; Metro News report on Haynesworth; Eastland press conference Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on Haynesworth; ABC News report by Bob Clark on the Haynesworth nomination; NBC News Report on Haynesworth nomination; CBS News report by Daniel Shore on the Haynesworth nomination; and Eastland Press Conference on G. Harrold Carswell nomination to the Supreme Court. Time: 59 minutes, 16 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_1_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 1B. Media Coverage of G. Harrold Carswell’s Supreme Court Nomination. May-June 1969. Eight news reports: Eastland press conference on G. Harrold Carswell (continued from Side A); Eastland and Roman Hruska press conference on Carswell; Eastland press conference

on Judiciary Committee approval of Carswell; interview with Eastland on Carswell nomination; Eastland statement of closure of Rhodesian embassy; Eastland interview on Cuba and Carswell; and Nixon statement on failure of Carswell nomination. Time 55 minutes, 19 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_1_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 2A. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Interview & Media Coverage of Harry Blackmun’s Supreme Court Nomination, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, and Violence against Police. April 1970 – October 1971. Eastland interviewed by an unidentified man. Topics covered include G. Harrold Carswell; the Supreme Court; early political career; fellow senators; segregation; view of Mississippi in the press; Eastland plantation; hobbies; exercise; Confederate flag; the future of the South; Eastland’s grandchildren and his relationship with them; avoidance of DC social functions; Richard Nixon; communism; and Cuba. Recording of a press conference about Harry Blackmun’s nomination to the Supreme Court and rioting across the country. Several television news stories about violent attacks on police; journalist Bob Clark of ABC discussing Internal Security Subcommittee hearings on violence towards police; NBC news story about violence towards police; CBS report on violence towards police. Unidentified woman interviewing Eastland on the Washington, DC riots. Time: 45 minutes, 58 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_2_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 2B. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland and Leflore County Centennial Celebration; News Report on Supreme Court Nominees. Undated. Recorded statement from Eastland for the Leflore County Centennial Celebrations time capsule ceremony; second recording of Eastland’s Leflore County statement. Recording of a press conference, re: American Bar Association statement about the nomination of Hershel Friday to the U.S. Supreme Court; News report about Judge Lewis Powell, Jr. Time: 23 minutes, 3 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_2_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 3A1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 20 July 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 20 July 1971: transfer of Camp Shelby lands to the state of Mississippi. Time: 1 minute, 18 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A1. Cassette 3A2. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 27 July 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 27 July 1971: Appalachian development. Time: 1 minute, 27 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A2. Cassette 3A3. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 3 August 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 3 August 1971: National Hunting and Fishing Day. Time: 1 minute, 12 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A3.

Cassette 3A4. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 4 August 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 4 August 1971: crime. Time: 1 minute, 32 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A4. Cassette 3A5. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 10 August 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 10 August 1971: Richard Nixon’s trip to China. Time: 1 minute, 16 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A5. Cassette 3A6. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 17 August 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 17 August 1971: prisoners of war in Vietnam. Time: 1 minute, 7 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A6. Cassette 3A8. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 28 September 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 28 September 1971: inflation. Time: 1 minute, 9 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A7. Cassette 3A8. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 21 September 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 21 September 1971: riot at Attica Prison. Time: 1 minute, 21 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A8. Cassette 3A9. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 22 September 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 22 September 1971: appointment of a southerner to the U.S. Supreme Court. Time: 1 minute, 34 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A9. Cassette 3A10. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 5 October 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 5 October 1971: Taiwan’s seat in the United Nations. Time: 1 minute, 19 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A10. Cassette 3A11. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 12 October 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 12 October 1971: busing children to school. Time: 1 minute, 30 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A11. Cassette 3A12. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 12 October 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 12 October 1971: environmental laws blocking the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. Time: 1 minute, 23 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A12.

Cassette 3A13. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 19 October 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 19 October 1971: pornography’s effect on young people and the Supreme Court’s decisions on pornography. Time: 1 minute, 24 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A13. Cassette 3A14. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report [October-November 1971]. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on [October-November 1971]: Bill Waller’s election as governor of Mississippi. Time: 1 minute, 25 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A14. Cassette 3A15. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 16 November 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 16 November 1971: Supreme Court nominations of Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist. Time: 1 minute, 12 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A15. Cassette 3A16. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 23 November 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 23 November 1971: Supreme Court nominations of Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist. Time: 1 minute, 39 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A16. Cassette 3A17. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 30 November 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 30 November 1971: remarks on the development of a seagoing missile system in an address at Clarksdale, Mississippi. Time: 1 minute, 29 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A17. Cassette 3A18. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 7 December 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 7 December 1971: anti-imperialist demonstrations worldwide by communists; Vietnam; and divisions between the Soviet Union and China. Time: 1 minute, 35 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A18. Cassette 3A19. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 8 December 1971. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 8 December 1971: rural development needed as urban sprawl expands. Time: 1 minute, 15 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_A19. Cassette 3B1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 24 January 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 24 January 1972: increase in Social Security to reflect inflation. Time: 1 minute, 6 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B1.

Cassette 3B2. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 8 February 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 8 February 1972: protection of soft drink manufacturers from Federal Trade Commission rules. Time: 1 minute, 3 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B2. Cassette 3B3. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 15 February 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 15 February 1972: two bills promoting tourism and historic preservation in Mississippi; Gulf Islands National Seashore; and Springfield Plantation on the Natchez Trace Parkway. Time: 1 minute, 53 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B3. Cassette 3B4. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 22 February 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 22 February 1972: nomination of Richard Kleindienst as U.S. Attorney General. Time: 2 minutes, 9 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B4. Cassette 3B5. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 27 June 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 27 June 1972: global illegal narcotis traffic. Time: 1 minute, 18 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B5. Cassette 3B6. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 4 July 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 4 July 1972: endorsement of disaster relief for areas damaged by Hurricane Agnex. Time: 1 minute, 30 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B6. Cassette 3B7. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 11 July 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 11 July 1972: rising conservative viewpoint in the U.S. Supreme Court. Time: 1 minute, 21 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B7. Cassette 3B8. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 25 July 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 25 July 1972: Eastland’s remarks upon receiving National Small Business Association award for his position on tax reform. Time: 2 minutes. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B8. Cassette 3B9. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 28 July 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 28 July 1972: revenue sharing. Time: 1 minute, 20 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B9. Cassette 3B10. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 5 August 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 5 August 1972: Eastland’s elevation to post of Senate President Pro Tempore. Time: 1 minute, 16 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B10.

Cassette 3B11. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 29 July 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 29 July 1972: comments about Senator Allen Ellender and Eastland’s election to replace Ellender as President Pro Tempore of the U.S. Senate. Time: 54 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B11. Cassette 3B12. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 10 August 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 10 August 1972: remarks at the Neshoba County Fair on how southern power is tied to seniority of delegates in Congress; and an election speech opposing Republican attempts to replace Democratic officials. Time: 1 minute, 10 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B12. Cassette 3B13. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report [August-September 1972]. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast [August-September 1972]: Soviet Union surpassing the United States in terms of military strength. Time: 57 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B13. Cassette 3B14. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 11 September 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 11 September 1972: Internal Security Subcommittee hearings on global drug traffic. Time: 54 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B14. Cassette 3B15. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 19 September 1972. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast on 19 September 1972: campaign to wipe out drug problem in the United States. Time: 1 minute, 7 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_3_B15. Cassette 4A1. News Report on 1971 Mississippi Gubernatorial Election. 1971. NBC Nightly News report on Mississippi gubernatorial election between Charles Evers and Bill Waller. Various television reports on Senate hearings of Supreme Court nominees William Rehnquist and Lewis Powell. Time: 1 minute, 35 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette4_A1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 4A2. News Report on Senate Hearings of Supreme Court Nominees Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist. 1971. Various television reports on Senate hearings of Supreme Court nominees Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist. Time: 20 minutes, 30 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_4_A2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 5A. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Campaign Advertisement for 1972 Election. 1972. Campaign advertisement with James O. Eastland and a narrator discussing Eastland’s involvement with the Disaster Relief Act after Hurricane Camille in 1969; home loans; federally funded rural water systems; Mississippi economy; crime and law enforcement; Social Security;

support for President Nixon’s Vietnam policy; Eastland’s reputation in Congress; and Eastland’s belief in the American system and laws. Time: 29 minutes, 32 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_5_A. Cassette 5B. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Address in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. [1972]. Eastland address on the future of Mississippi; school busing; double standard for integration in the nation; conservatism; U.S. Supreme Court; Eastland’s seniority in the Senate; Mississippi’s natural resources; and Mississippi industry. Time: 14 minutes, 8 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_5_B. Cassette 6B1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Press Conference on 1972 Primary Election Victory. 6 June 1972. Eastland press conference after 1972 primary election victory: short question-and-answer period with reporters. Time: 4 minutes, 28 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_6_B1. Cassette 6B2. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Press Conference on 1972 General Election. 8 November 1972. Eastland press conference following 1972 general election. Question-and-answer period with reporters: the election, Gil Carmichael, George Wallace, Edward Kennedy, Democratic Party in Mississippi; and the Republican Party in Mississippi. Time 12 minutes, 28 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_6_B2. Cassette 7A. 1972 Democratic Rally on the Gulf Coast. 24 October 1972. Introduction by U.S. Senator John C. Stennis; U.S. Senator James O. Eastland speaking on the Democratic Party and the importance of seniority in Congress; Ben Stone discussing seniority, Republicans, President Richard M. Nixon, and split tickets; Reverend Gus Smith provides a benediction prayer; recording continues afterwards with crowd noises, travel to next destination, and marching band; ends with second rally event introductions. Time: 1 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_7_A. Cassette 7B1. 1972 Eastland Rally in Tupelo, Mississippi. 3 October 1972. Introduction by U.S. Representative Jamie L. Whitten discussing the Mississippi Democratic Party, the importance of seniority, the bright future of Mississippi; U.S. Senator John C. Stennis on Eastland; Eastland discusses how voting for Republicans would decrease the power of the Mississippi delegation because of the loss of seniority, his relationship with the president, Jamie L. Whitten’s seniority on the House Appropriations Committee, John C. Stennis as chair of Military Affairs Committee, Eastland as President Pro Tempore of the U.S. Senate and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, the U.S. Supreme Court, and Eastland’s seniority on the Agriculture Committee. Time: 26 minutes, 7 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_7_B1. Cassette 7B2. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Speech at Unidentified Event. [1972]. Topics discussed: energy; Soviet Union’s efforts to build up its naval fleet and nuclear arms; and the need to build up the U.S. fleet and the long-range missile system. Time: 10 minutes, 22 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_7_B2.

Cassette 8A1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Speech at Natchez Trace Association Meeting. [1973]. Dirk Kirby introduces Eastland and describes his legislative service and accomplishments. Eastland discusses the Natchez Trace Parkway, the National Park Service, progress on the parkway and additional appropriations, terminal points of the parkway, environmental impact statement, accomplishments, and the target date to complete the Parkway during the American Bicentennial; followed by a moderator making further introductions of those present at the event. Time: 30 minutes, 17 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_8_A1. Cassette 8A2. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Press Conference during 1972 Election Campaign. 1972. Topics discussed include Eastland election to the Senate; George McGovern; possibility of Eastland switching to the Republican Party; prisoners of war in Vietnam; Eastland not campaigning for the Democratic nominee; Loyalist Democratic Party in Mississippi; President Richard M. Nixon; anti-busing amendment in Congress; cloture; and Gil Carmichael. Time: 5 minutes, 43 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_8_A2. Cassette 8B. Eastland Tribute Event at Richton, Mississippi. Begins with crowd and podium noises; Jones County Junior College Band plays the national anthem and two other songs; prayer; an unidentified man introduces Mayor Henry Stephens of Richton who welcomes the crowd; introduction of individuals on the stage; Mississippi legislator Henry Jones introduces Governor Bill Waller who discusses Richton and Perry County, the creation of the Mississippi Arts Festival, Eastland’s serve and accomplishments, and Mississippi highways and state parks; Mayor Henry Stephens introduces his father, former mayor Ben Stephens; Ben Stephens introduces Miss Mississippi Glenda Meadows who introduces Eastland; Eastland discusses the importance of senate seniority to Mississippi and Richard Nixon; and Bill Bowen reads proclamations honoring Eastland. Time: 1 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_8_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 9A1. 1972 Democratic Dinner in Columbus, Mississippi. Tribute dinner for Democratic candidates U.S. Senator James O. Eastland and David Bowen at the Holiday Inn in Columbus, Mississippi; Columbus Mayor Ellis with words of welcome; introduction of dignitaries at the head table; reading of telegrams sent by John C. Stennis, G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery, William Winter, and Evelyn Gandy; remarks of Governor Bill Waller; remarks of Eastland on the Mississippi congressional delegation, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, and Supreme Court appointments. Time: 28 minutes, 36 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_9_A1. Cassette 9A2. 1972 Campaign Event [in Vicksburg, Mississippi]. Begins with remarks of U.S. Senator John C. Stennis who discusses Ellis Bodron as Democratic candidate for U.S. House of Representatives and the reelection of James O. Eastland; remarks of Governor Bill Waller on the Democratic Party in Mississippi in the upcoming election and introduction of Eastland; James O. Eastland discussing the Mississippi Democratic Party, John C. Stennis, the U.S. Supreme Court,

Senate Agriculture Committee, Senate Government Operations Committee, and Ellis Bodron; Ellis Bodron discusses upcoming election; crowd noises. Time: 34 minutes, 4 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_9_A2. Cassette 9B. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Address at Rotary Club in Tupelo, Mississippi. Veteran’s Day address by U.S. Senator James O. Eastland at the Rotary Club in Tupelo, Mississippi in 1972. Topics covered include national defense; weapon system treaties with Soviet Union; bomber planes; oil; merchant shipping; naval strength; and Trident submarines. Time: 25 minutes, 6 second. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_9_B. Cassette 10A. 1972 U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Radio Campaign Commercials. One commercial on crime; a second on welfare; and a third on President Richard M. Nixon. Five versions of Eastland’s radio campaign advertisement song. Time: 6 minutes, 57 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_9_A1. Cassette 11A. Delta State College Event. [1972-1973]. Delta State College President Aubrey Lucas introduces U.S. Senator James O. Eastland who introduces U.S. Attorney General Richard Kleindienst. Eastland discusses the U.S. Supreme Court. Kleindiest talks about Eastland, his tenure at the Department of Justice, antitrust laws, crime, law enforcement, illegal drugs, civil rights, organized crime, wiretapping, and privacy. Lucas then presents cigars to Eastland as a token of appreciation. Crowd noises. Time: 53 minutes, 52 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_11_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 12A1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 1973. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast in 1973: presidential impoundment of federal funds. Time: 1 minute, 6 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_12_A1. Cassette 12A2. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 1973. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast in 1973: presidential impoundment of federal funds. Time: 56 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_12_A2. Cassette 13A2. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Interview on L. Patrick Gray Nomination as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 1973. Time: 3 minutes, 20 seconds. Note: Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_14_A2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 12A3. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Audio Report 1973. Audio press release issued by James O. Eastland’s office for radio broadcast in 1973: nomination of L. Patrick Gray as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Watergate investigation. Time: 2 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_12_A3.

Cassette 13A1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Staff Reading Story on North Mississippi Flooding. [1973]. Time: 1 minute, 48 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_13_A1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 13A3. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Staff Reading Stories on L. Patrick Gray Nomination as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 1973. Time: 3 minutes, 31 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_13_A3), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 13A4. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Staff Reading Story on Proposed Gulf Coast Sterling Plant. [1973]. Article about the Greater Gulf Coast Housing Development and the proposed building of a Sterling plant on the Gulf Coast (with mention of alleged involvement by an Eastland staff member. Time: 11 minutes, 1 second. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_13_A4. Cassette 13A5. Conversation between U.S. Senator James O. Eastland’s Staff Larry Speakes and Courtney Pace. [1973]. Sporadic conversation between Speakes and Pace; subject matter unclear. Time: 5 minutes, 8 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_13_A5. Cassette 14A. ABC News Interview with U.S. Senator James O. Eastland on Immigration. 18 December 1974. Re: Rodino immigration bill and employment of illegal aliens in agriculture. Time: 14 minutes, 11 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_14_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 15A. ABC News Program on Immigration (Part 1 of 2). 3 January 1975. Re: immigration law and Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization. Time: 31 minutes, 26 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_15_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 15B. ABC News Program on Immigration (Part 2 of 2). 3 January 1975. Includes a segment of an interview with Senator James O. Eastland about immigration and the Rodino bill. Time: 15 minutes, 25 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_15_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 16A. CBS News Interview with U.S. Senator James O. Eastland on Marijuana. 1 October 1975. Time: 27 minutes, 19 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_16_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers.

Cassette 17A. Press Conference of Mississippi Governor Cliff Finch during Trip to Washington, DC. December 1975. Includes discussion on employment and housing. Time: 4 minutes, 44 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_17_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 18A. Interview with Woods Eastland (Part 1 of 3). February 1976. Dan Smith interview with Woods Eastland on his father U.S. Senator James O. Eastland. Topics discussed include potential candidates for interviews about Eastland; courtship and wedding of Eastland and Elizabeth Coleman; Eastland’s parents and other relatives; Governor Paul B. Johnson and his appointment of Eastland to the U.S. Senate; town of Forest, Mississippi; election campaigns; University of Mississippi Student politics; and service in the Mississippi legislature. Time: 31 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_18_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 18B. Interview with Woods Eastland (Part 2 of 3). February 1976. Dan Smith interview with Woods Eastland on his father U.S. Senator James O. Eastland. Topics discussed include: family correspondence; entertainment during the Great Depression; Eastland’s home and law practice; social habits; college education; speech on post-World War II Germany; Eastland’s public image; Elizabeth Eastland; Eastland’s service to Mississippi and its residents; and a general discussion on the legal profession. Time: 31 minutes, 14 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_18_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 19A. Interview with Woods Eastland (Part 3 of 3). February 1976. Dan Smith interview with Woods Eastland on his father U.S. Senator James O. Eastland. Topics discussed include: courtship and marriage of Eastland and Elizabeth Coleman; family moves between Mississippi and Washington, DC; first Woods Eastland; Elizabeth Eastland’s family and youth; politics and campaigns in Mississippi; 1954 campaign; parenting skills; Eastland’s parents; Eastland in social situations; religion; move to the Delta; and agriculture in the Delta. Time: 31 minutes, 18 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_19_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 20A. Speeches of U.S. Senators James O. Eastland and John C. Stennis at the 1976 Legislative Banquet in Jackson, Mississippi (Part 1 of 2). 3 February 1976. Unidentified man introduces Eastland who speaks about his tenure in the Mississippi Legislature, drafting tax bills, Governor Theodore G. Bilbo, electing a Speaker of the House, relations between the legislature and Bilbo, on being presented to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the New Deal, Mississippi Legislature impeaching public officials, appropriations, and salary of legislators. Unidentified man introduces Stennis who speaks about his time in the state legislature: state deficits, running for Senate, Governor Theodore G. Bilbo, Mississippi Forestry Commission, and appropriations. Time: 30 minutes, 20 seconds.

Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassett_20_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 20B. Speeches of U.S. Senators James O. Eastland and John C. Stennis at the 1976 Legislative Banquet in Jackson, Mississippi (Part 2 of 2). 3 February 1976. Senator John C. Stennis continues speaking at the 1976 Legislative Banquet on energy, George Washington’s army at Valley Forge. Dan Smith recites background information about the recording’s contents. Time: 8 minutes, 34 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassett_20_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 21A. Interview with Mrs. Vera Lackey about U.S. James O. Eastland (Part 1 of 2). 11 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: parents Woods and Alma Eastland; growing up in Forest; Jim Eastland Day in Scott County; Paul B. Johnson Sr.; Elizabeth Eastland; social activities; reaction to Eastland’s appointment to the U.S. Senate; election campaigns; agriculture; Great Depression; lumber business; and assessment of Eastland. Time: 30 minutes; 53 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_21_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 21B. Interview with Mrs. Vera Lackey about U.S. James O. Eastland (Part 2 of 2). 11 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: Eastland’s character and his role as husband. Time: 6 minutes, 39 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_21_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 22A. National Cotton Council Appreciation Dinner for Lew Barringer (Part 1 of 2). 7 April 1976. Unidentified moderator entertains and introduces speakers Thomas Cochran, Margaret Truman Daniels, James O. Eastland, Orville Freeman, and J. William Fulbright. Time: 47 minutes, 32 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_22_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 22B. National Cotton Council Appreciation Dinner for Lew Barringer (Part 2 of 2). 7 April 1976. Time: 54 minutes, 53 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_22_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 23A. Judgement [sic] on America and the End of Israel (Part 1 of 2). Circa 1977. An unidentified woman speaking on the subject of Christian prophecies and scripture supporting the country of Israel. Time: 27 minutes, 15 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_23_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers.

Cassette 23B. Judgement [sic] on America and the End of Israel (Part 2 of 2). Circa 1977. An unidentified woman speaking on the subject of Christian prophecies and scripture supporting the country of Israel. Time: 14 minutes, 30 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_23_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 24A. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Speech at Retired Officers Association in Jackson, Mississippi. 26 August 1977. Topics discussed: citizen soldiers, national defense, the Panama Canal Treaty, Brazil, communism, and labor unions. Time: 24 minutes, 37 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_24_A. Cassette 25A1. Excerpts of National Public Radio Broadcasts of 1977 Senate Debate on the Panama Canal Treaty. 1977. Excerpts of National Public Radio’s broadcasts of U.S. Senate debate on the Panama Canal Treaty interrupted by brief audio clips of television programs and classical music; includes speech by U.S. Senator James O. Eastland expressing his opposition to the treaty. Time: 8 minutes, 56 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassett_25_A1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 25A2. News Story on Farmers Protest March in Washington, DC. [1977]. Television news story of a farmers protest march in Washington, DC; includes a quote from Mississippi Governor Cliff Finch. Time: 1 minute, 59 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassett_25_A2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 26A. 1977 Jefferson-Jackson Day in Biloxi, Mississippi. 15 October 1977. Tom Riddell introduces U.S. Senator James O. Eastland who then introduces Kenneth M. Curtis, Chairman of the National Democratic Committee. Curtis discusses the Mississippi Democratic party followed by an unidentified man interviewing Eastland about whether he intends to run in the 1978 election. Time: 10 minutes, 58 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_26_A. Cassette 27A. Speech by R. Vaughn on Negligence on Unworthy Ships. Circa 1977. Begins in the middle of a speech by R. Vaughn on maritime law, negligence on unseaworthy ships, and compensation for maritime workers. Time: 7 minutes, 27 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassett_27_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 27B1. Speech by Gil Carmichael on the Republican Party in Mississippi. [1977]. Speech by Gil Carmichael on the Republican Party in Mississippi and the upcoming Senate election. Time: 11 minutes, 57 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassett_27_B1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 27B2. Radio Excerpt on Gil Carmichael. [1977]. Time: 28 seconds.

Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_27_B2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 28A1. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Interview on U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy. 2 March 1978. Time: 10 minutes, 52 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassett_28_A1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 28A2. Class on Taxation of Stocks (Part 1 of 2). Class lecture by unidentified speaker discussing 305 taxation rates of shareholder stocks. [1978]. Time: 22 minutes, 50 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_28_A2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 28A3. Music and Background Noise of Two People. [1978]. Various popular songs with background noises of two unidentified individuals. Time: 29 minutes, 7 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_28_A3), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 28B. Class on Taxation of Stocks (Part s of 2). Class lecture by unidentified speaker discussing 305 taxation rates of shareholder stocks. [1978]. Time: 11 minutes, 22 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_28_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 29A. WLBT Interview with U.S. Senator James O. Eastland. 12 April 1978. Interview of U.S. Senator James O. Eastland by WLBT Television Reporter D.S. Smith. Discussion includes the topics of Congress; retirement; 1941 appointment to the U.S. Senate; 1943 election; Mississippi politics; Cliff Finch; the Mississippi economy; Aaron Henry; civil rights; Justice Department investigations into Mississippi corruption; Thurgood Marshall; Judge Harold Cox; the Senate Judiciary Committee; U.S. Attorney General Griffin B. Bell; Eastland’s receipt of federal funds from agricultural price support programs; farm bill; cotton; Eastland’s low public relations profile; the Soviet Union and the Middle East; federally funded projects and government spending; and Eastland in the line of presidential succession. Time: 31 minutes, 19 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_29_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 30A. Reading of Memorandum on Biloxi Housing Project. Circa 1975. Reading of memorandum from Mayor O’Keefe to Senator James O. Eastland staff member Bill Simpson regarding Catholic Charities’ intent to relinquish ownership of Santa Maria del Mar and Villa Maria retirement apartment houses for senior citizens to Biloxi Housing Authority subject to approval by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Time: 13 minutes, 7 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_casssette_30_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 31A1. Reading of News Stories. [1976]. Recordings of individuals in Mississippi reading newspaper stories over the phone to U.S. Senator James O. Eastland’s Washington, DC

staff; occasionally the staff inserts comments about the stories. Begins with a Memphis Commercial Appeal story about a dispute between Gil Carmichael and Republican fundraiser Billy Mounger regarding Carmichael’s potential challenge of Eastland in the 1978 campaign. Second story discusses Mississippi Governor Cliff Finch’s political appointments. Time: 5 minutes, 4 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_casssette_31_A1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 31A2. Press Conference on Disaster Relief for Mississippi Tornados. 1976. Press conference(s) by Mississippi Governor Cliff Finch and an unidentified man on the White House’s commitment to tornado disaster areas around Canton, Smith County, and Hinds County. Time: 4 minutes, 20 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_31_A2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 31B. Reading of News Stories by U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Staff Member. [1976]. Reading of news stories by U.S. Senator James O. Eastland staff members with their own comments occasionally inserted. First story on indictments regarding Sterling Homes Inc. fraud case and Rubel Phillips. Second story in Rankin County News on Eastland ordering the Internal Revenue Service to conduct audits of Mississippi Highway Department Director Boetler and other examples of Eastland’s influence. Third story on Mississippi politics. Fourth story with Gil Carmichael’s comments on Mississippi Highway Department; fifth story on Eastland and U.S. Senator Jennings Randolph as political campaign fundraisers; sixth story from the Rankin County News on the Mississippi Highway Department with a quote by Gil Carmichael and discussion of lost federal funding for Tennessee-Tombigbee bridges. Time: 26 minutes, 23 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_casssette_31_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 32A. Interview with Tiny King about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 1 of 2). 12 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: Eastland family; Mississippi legislature elections; high school; basketball; Paul B. Johnson’s gubernatorial campaign; 1941 appointment to the Senate; 1941 cottonseed speech; 1942 campaign; Theodore G. Bilbo; Eastland office; Harry Truman as a 1944 Vice Presidential candidate; 1948 States’ Rights Party; post-World War II Europe; and the 1948 reelection. Time: 30 minutes, 26 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_32_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 32B1. Interview with Tiny King about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 2 of 2). 12 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: 1954 election; Mississippi politics; and the 1976 gubernatorial election. Time: 7 minutes, 46 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_32_B1), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers.

Cassette 32B2. Interview with Red Cochran about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 1 of 5). 12 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: early days; campaign for Mississippi Legislature; Theodore G. Bilbo; Woods Eastland; Paul B. Johnson Sr.; Eastland law practice; and the 1941 appointment to the U.S. Senate. Time: 22 minutes, 52 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_32_B2), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 33A. Interview with Red Cochran about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 2 of 5). 12 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: 1942 election; 1954 election; Woods Eastland; Ross Collins; and Fred Sullens. Time: 33 minutes; 28 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_33_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 33B. Interview with Red Cochran about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 3 of 5). 12 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: early years; Eastland’s parents; 1942 campaign; 1941 cottonseed speech; cotton farming; constituent services; and Paul B. Johnson Sr. Time: 30 minutes, 25 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_33_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 34A. Interview with Red Cochran about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 4 of 5). 12 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: Alma Eastland; Eastland law practice in Forest; Theodore G. Bilbo; life after the Mississippi legislature; Woods Eastland; management of the Eastland plantation; and Paul B. Johnson Sr. Time: 30 minutes, 27 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_34_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 34B. Interview with Red Cochran about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 4 of 5). 12 February 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: Harry Byrd; Scott County court; and the Eastland plantation. Time: 18 minutes, 17 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_34_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 35A. Interview with Chester Eastland about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 1 of 2). 24 April 1976. Interview with Dan Smith took place at Woods and Alma Eastland’s old home in the Delta. Topics discussed include Eastland’s early years; education; Mississippi legislature; Jack Wright; courtship and marriage to Elizabeth Coleman; law practice in Forest and Ruleville; appointment to U.S. Senate; Chester Eastland’s relationship to the senator and his family; financial arrangements within the family; Woods Eastland; 1927 Mississippi River flood; Norman Pentcost; Theodore G. Bilbo; Elizabeth Eastland’s family; construction of the senator’s home and other buildings on the plantation; Mississippi politics; and Eastland’s 1941 cottonseed speech. Time: 44 minutes, 55 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_35_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers.

Cassette 35B. Interview with Chester Eastland about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 2 of 2). 24 April 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include religious influences; Oliver Eastland; murder of James Eastland; 1942 election; labor unions in Southern Mississippi construction; Chester Eastland’s service in the Army Air Corps and education at Mississippi State College; Paul B. Johnson; Eastland’s low publicity profile; Paul B. Johnson Jr.; Hiram Eastland; Alma Eastland; and Will Austin. Time: 39 minutes, 42 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_35_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 36A. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 1 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: early life; Pace and Eastland in the Mississippi legislature; tax bill; special legislature session in 1931 and 1932; state publication of school textbooks; Mississippi highways; Muscle Shoals; Woods Eastland; and the Eastland plantation. Time: 1 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_36_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 36B. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 2 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: political aspirations; Woods Eastland; campaign manager Joe Brown; President Harry Truman; patronage system; 1941 Senate appointment; cottonseed bill and speech; Theodore G. Bilbo; 1942 campaign. Time: 58 minutes, 32 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_36_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 37A. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 3 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: 1941 Senate appointment; 1942 campaign; the editor of The Progressive Farmer; the Republican Party; speeches printed for campaigns “The Barter of Our Heritage” (1948) and “The Miracle of Water” (1954); Carroll Gartin; campaign cartoon; campaign mailings; old age pensions; Ross Collins. Time: 31 minutes, 8 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_37_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 37B. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 4 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: lumber prices; Theodore G. Bilbo; 1942 campaign; “Mississippians in the Capital” series; Fred Sullens; Virginia Simmerman; economics as a political issue; James K. Vardaman; Leroy Percy; and Wall Doxey. Time: 29 minutes; 30 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_37_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 38A. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 5 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include Eastland’s speeches on Brazilian cotton imports; 1942 campaign; Ross Collins in 1941 special election to Senate; Theodore G. Bilbo; workmen’s compensation law; vote on military draft; and campaign issues

such as veterans’ pensions, unions, and civil service retirement for members of Congress. Time: 30 minutes, 30 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_38_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 38B. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 6 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: prevention of future wars; GI Bill of Rights; 1942 campaign; Roland Wall; T.R. Smith; Wall Doxey; Ross Collins; government regulation, congressional franks as campaign issue; Eastland campaign organization; Governor Paul B. Johnson; and campaign financing. Time: 30 minutes, 34 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_38_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 39A. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 7 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: 1942 campaign; Dennis Murphree; Alma Eastland; Elizabeth Eastland; bill to allow soldiers to vote via absentee ballot; States’ Rights Party convention in Birmingham, Alabama; support for Germany post-World War II. Time: 31 minutes, 4 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_39_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 39B. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 8 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: committee memberships during first term; Agriculture Committee; Naval Affairs Committee; trip to Europe; fear of flying; cotton acreage. Time: 15 minutes, 4 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_39_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 40A. Interview with Courtney Pace about U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (Part 9 of 9). 19-21 January 1976. Topics discussed with interviewer Dan Smith include: post-World War II Germany; KonradAdenaur. Time: 4 minutes, 3 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_40_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 41A. Human Rights in Panama. [1970s]. Reporting on human rights in Panama. Time: 23 minutes, 29 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_audioreel_41_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 42A. Grace Bank Discussing Her Legal Problems. Undated. Grace Bank discusses her legal problems with regards to identity theft and her marriage to Henry Bank. Time: 9 minutes, 8 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_42_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers.

Cassette 43A. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Staff Member Reading Written Replies to Received Correspondence (Part 1 of 2). [1976]. Unidentified U.S. Senator James O. Eastland staff member reading written replies to correspondence received: Albert B. Moore, president Home Builders Association in Jackson, Mississippi, re: receipt of letter; Carl T. Curtis, U.S. Senator, re: invitation to attend Hruska party; Holt Smith of Holmes County Bank & Trust Company, Lexington, Mississippi, re: invitation to speak to Rotary Club; Mel O. Scarborough, president of Mississippi Air National Guard, re: invitation to attend dinner of National Guard Association of Mississippi; Alfred A. Livingston of Livingston, Jack, and Livingston, re: New Porter Bayou Water Management District; Stanley Livingston, president of First National Bank of Bolivar County, Mississippi, re: receipt of letter; memorandum to Sam [Thompson], re: write letter to Jack C. Kean; F.H. Ingrahm to receive Agriculture Yearbook; Cy Rosenblatt in Charlottesville, Virginia, re: receipt of letter; L.L. Beachman of Creekmore and Beachman in Jackson, Mississippi, re: receipt of letter; A.L. Whiney, President of Coastal Distributors, re: receipt of letter; Ivy Boon of Mississippi, re: receipt of letter; Mrs. Randolph G. Kinnobrough of Oxford, Mississippi, re: receipt of letter; Mrs. Hoyt Bass, re: oil divestiture bill and abortion; W.J. Johnson Jr. of Meridian, Mississippi, re: new Delta air route; John D. Pennybaker of New Albany, Mississippi, re: Tennessee Valley Authority appointment; W.O. Luckett Jr. of Clarksdale, Mississippi, re: endorsement of Harold Raymond Mosby Jr. for Eastland staff; E.F. Lowe of Picayune, Mississippi, re: receipt of letter; Sam [Thompson] to answer Dr. Seager’s letter; Russ N. Johnson of Jackson, Mississippi, re: divestiture bill and price of petroleum products; [?] in Disbursing Office, re: remove name of Colin Clark and James Prude from office payrool; re: remove name of John Daniels from office payroll; Bank of Ruleville, re: enclosed checks for deposit to account. Time: 14 minutes, 39 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_43_A. Cassette 43B. U.S. Senator James O. Eastland Staff Member Reading Written Replies to Received Correspondence (Part 2 of 2). [1976]. Unidentified U.S. Senator James O. Eastland staff member reading written replies to correspondence received: recipient unclear, re: appointment to court; Judge W.W. Ramsey, re: J.P. Coleman and Charles Clark judicial appointments; Sherwood Wise, re: J.P. Coleman and Charles Clark’s recommendations to judicial bench; W. Riseman, re: Myers McDougal appointment; J.E. Davis, re: letter to Health, Education, and Welfare; William B. Alexander, re: Tom Church recommendation; Floyd K. Haskell, U.S. Senate, re: Captain Thomas M. Stewart; letter to Senator Gary Hart; J.C. Whitehead, Chairman of Bank of Mississippi, re: S. 1267; letter to Herman Hines; Hugh B. McClure Jr., re: Sanitorium project; J.K. Morgan Jr, re: recommendation of Morgan to governor-elect; James L. Davis, re: recommendation of party mentioned in received letters; J.K. Morgan Sr. in Starkville, Mississippi, re: recommendation of son; Shirley P. Palmer, re: recommendation of Palmer; Dr. Frank M. Davis, re: recent trip to Washington, DC and crime. Time: 7 minutes, 13 seconds. Note: Available online as part of the Eastland Digital Collection as eastland_cassette_43_B. Cassette 44A. Inside Story on the Panama Canal Crisis (Part 1 of 2). [1977]. Freedom Forum discussion against the Panama Canal Treat narrated by U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch with additional speakers: U.S. Representative John M. Murphy, U.S. Senator James B. Allen, U.S. Representative Philip M. Crane, U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt, and Admiral Thomas H. Moorer. Time: 31 minutes, 37 seconds.

Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_44_A), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers. Cassette 44B. Inside Story on the Panama Canal Crisis (Part s of 2). [1977]. Freedom Forum discussion against the Panama Canal Treat narrated by U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch with additional speakers: U.S. Representative Philip M. Crane, U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt, and Admiral Thomas H. Moorer. Time: 31 minutes, 43 seconds. Note: Although part of the Eastland Digital Collection (as eastland_cassette_44_B), it is only available to on site researchers on J.D. Williams Library computers.