James 3.13-18 Will Groben. Biblical Archaeology Review James Ossuary “James, Son of Joseph,...

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Transcript of James 3.13-18 Will Groben. Biblical Archaeology Review James Ossuary “James, Son of Joseph,...

James 3.13-18Will Groben

Biblical Archaeology Review

James Ossuary

“James, Son of Joseph, Brother of Jesus”

James 3.13-18Will Groben

The Book of James

Chapter 1: Stand Confidently!

Chapter 2: Serve Compassionately!

Chapter 3: Speak Carefully!

James’ Two Life Philosophies



Result: humility for self

3.13 ESV: Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.

James’ Two Life Philosophies


Content: bitter jealousy, selfish ambition

Result: humility for self

3.14 ESV: But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.

James’ Two Life Philosophies

Source: culture, flesh,demons

Content: bitter jealousy, selfish ambition

Result: humility for self

3.15 ESV: This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.

James’ Two Life Philosophies

Source: culture, flesh,demons

Content: bitter jealousy, selfish ambition

Result: disorder, humility for selfvile practices

3.16 ESV: For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.

James’ Two Life Philosophies

Source: culture, flesh, Goddemons

Content: bitter jealousy, purity, gentlenessselfish ambition peacemaking,

reasonableness,mercy & service,impartiality,sincerity

Result: disorder, humility for selfvile practices

3.17 ESV: But the wisdom from above is first pure...

James’ Two Life Philosophies

Source: culture, flesh, Goddemons

Content: bitter jealousy, purity, gentlenessselfish ambition peacemaking,

reasonableness,mercy & service,impartiality,sincerity

Result: disorder, {humility}, peace,vile practices righteousness

3.18 ESV: And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

James’ Two Life Philosophies

Source: culture, flesh, Goddemons

Content: bitter jealousy, purity, gentlenessselfish ambition peacemaking,

reasonableness,mercy & service,impartiality,sincerity

Result: disorder, {humility}, peace,vile practices righteousness

Are you known for humbly promoting peace and righteousness with your speech, for being pure, merciful, impartial, and sincere?

Or is your speech characterized by cussing, gossip, criticism, name calling, lying, sarcasm, meanness, and harshness?

What is in your heart and mind?

Are you reflecting the character of God?

Or are you driven by bitter jealousy and selfish ambition?

What does the evidence of your tongue suggest about your source of life philosophy?

Are you filled with the wisdom of God?

Or are you filled with the life philosophy of the world, the flesh, and demons?

1. Spend more time learning from God.

2. Spend less time taking in what the world has to offer.

3. Spend some time evaluating the current state of your mind and heart.

1. Exposure to the influences of the world, the flesh, and evil can mislead you in life.

2. If you have trouble with your tongue, then you are driven by the wrong life philosophy.

3. If God is the source of your wisdom, then your speech will bring peace and righteousness.

4. Therefore, take steps to limit bad influences and to increase God’s influence on you.

James 3.13-18Will Groben