Jamaica bay marine debris program nov 2016

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Jamaica bay marine debris program nov 2016

Marine Debris

Abandoned Boats

Gerritsen Creek Boats

Schmidt’s Marina

Old Docks and Floats

Balloons, plastics, Styrofoam, cans, bottles, etc.

Tires and Timbers

Plumb Beach, c. 2006

Religious Rituals

Incense Pots

Saris /prayer flags

Hindu Deities: Hanuman ( monkey) and Ganusha ( elephant)

Durga – Divine Mother

North Channel Bridge

In India during all Pujas one of the most common offering made is that of a coconut. It is a part of rituals carried out during everything new and happy – weddings, new

constructions, festivals, havans (homa). The coconut is broken and offered to the deity being worshiped and later on distributed as parsadam to the devotees.

VOODOO: Ghede Nibo is considered a great healer, carrying a bottle of white rum

He often also carries a staff and smokes a cigar. Nibo is the special patron of those who die young.Purple is considered his sacred color, and usual offerings include black goats, black roosters,

calabash, cigars, coconut, fried plantains, pistachios, smoked herrings, sweet sesame balls, and white rum spiced with African bird pepper.

Cigars and Rum, candles, matches

Santaria Ceremonies: Santería has its roots in the Yoruba people of West

Africa. The slave trade brought many Africans to Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, the southern USA, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and other Caribbean basin nations.

Chicken, vitamin C

Debris from People Fishing

General Shoreline Debris

NY State Coastal Cleanup

Church of God has been cleaning Jamaica bay beaches twice/yearly for last 8 years…

Spring Creek shoreline, September, 2016

Spring Creek shoreline, 11-16-2016

Spring Creek shoreline, 11-16-2016

Recommendations- Have Park Rangers do daily patrols of all known debris issue shorelines ( NC Bridge, Spring Creek, Plumb Beach, etc.), note violations and problems, talk with people, make friends and discuss park regulations and concerns. ( Roving Ranger)

- Learn about park users and different cultures.

- Place readable signage with distinct message at critical sites.

- Enlist volunteers and give out program flyers

- Enforce Regulations

Jamaica Bay Aerial c. 1938

New York Harbor Aerial c.1979

Jamaica Bay Aerial c. 1979

Stranded whales

Butterflies and Moths


