Jacob gets isaac’s blessing

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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powerpoint. children. bible. genesis. jacob. isaac. esau. rebecca.

Transcript of Jacob gets isaac’s blessing

Jacob Gets Isaac’s

BlessingGenesis 27

Once, in the valley of Gerar…There lived Isaac and Rebekkah’s family whom the Lord has blessed.

Isaac, who was then getting weaker and weaker, as he grows older, has sent for the firstborn of his twins to give him his blessing. He called for Esau, his favorite son.

Father.. You have sent me?

Aaah. Esau.

Yes. Yes.I have

something very

important for you.

So you see my son, my

eyes are now almost


It is now time to

grant you my


What do you mean

by that father?

My death is coming and you are my heir. I have to bless you


But as Esau was talking to his father to receive instruction …

Rebekka was listening behind the tent.And she was not happy with this. She is not in favor of Esau. Rather, she loves Jacob more than she loves her firstborn.

After hearing Isaac’s words, both the mother and the son have the same idea in their minds.

They need a meat, most probably a goat from the hunt. And this meat shall be cooked as Isaac’s favorite meal.

Rebekka Waited for Esau to set off for hunting in the woods.

She’s got better ideas for Jacob, anyway.

I’m sorry Esau. But I’m doing this for your brother’s


Jacob was then in the fields, along with the flock.

His mother came rushing to him.


Is someone calling


Yes. Its me, your


Is it so important that you need to rush?

My son, Your father is

giving out his blessing to

your brother.!

He is???What am I supposed

to do now?

He wouldn’t

have anything for me…

Follow all of my

instructions and surely,

you’ll succeed

So.. As Jacob was instructed to get a fattened goat from their herd. They shall make use of its skin and meat.

Mother, I still worry that father

might discover

my pretending

What makes you

say that Jacob?

Esau has a different

scent from me. He’s

hairy and I am not.

Were two different people.

Try these. These are

Esau’s robes.

They’ll make you smell like

Esau’s scent..

And what about his


Put this goat-skin around you. It’ll

make you look and feel hairy.

Now go and bring the meal to your father!.

Is anybody there?

…Esau is that you already?

Yes father, it is I. I brought

your meal already.

Really? You sound more like Jacob to me. Come

closer so I can touch you.

Jacob went in front of Isaac. Isaac felt the goatskin around his neck and thought that it was Esau’s hairy neck.

You sound like Jacob when you


Oh no…!But your smell and hairiness

proves that you are my son


GREAT! Just great.

I will now eat the meal you prepared so I can give you my blessing.

By the time, Jacob already received Isaac’s blessing, Esau was still preparing for the meal he ought to offer Isaac. Little did he know that the blessing he is expecting is no longer there for him.

When Esau got In Isaac’s tent, Isaac was then resting and was so shocked that another “ESAU” has come to take his blessing.

Both of them realized that Jacob conned them.

Esau was so hysterical that he pleaded Isaac to give him his blessing….if there is anything left…

Then Isaac said…Your dwelling

will be away from the earth’s

richness…away from the dew of heaven above.

You will live by the sword and you will serve

your brother. But when you grow

restless, you will throw his yoke from off your


This made Esau very very mad. He? Serving Jacob?!NO WAY!

Jacob Flees To Laban

Genesis 28

He was so furious with Jacob that he said to himself..:

My father’s mourning days are near. I’ll kill

Jacob that time. I will avenge for

whatever he did to me!!!

Fortunately, there is someone who heard his plan and thought that it might be good if he’ll tell this to Rebecca.

When Rebecca knew this already, she was so worried of what might happen.

She could not take it. She have to do something than losing both her sons in one day.

JACOB!You have to flee. Your brother is so mad at you and he is planning to kill you after your

father’s death.

What shall I do now

mother? I don’t have

anywhere to go.

No. you shall stay in the place

of my brother Laban. He is in Paddan Aram.

I will make an excuse to your

father, don’t you worry about it.

Rebecca lied that she is disgusted of Canaanite women and does not want Jacob to marry any of them telling Isaac that she wishes Jacob to marry women from her brother, Laban’s place.

Isaac then blessed Jacob for his travel to Paddan Aram.

So while Jacob was already travelling towards Paddan Aram..

That was the time that Esau heard that Jacob was blessed by their father in his travel to marry a non-Canaanite woman.

Esau then realized that his father, Isaac disliked those women. So he also traveled to find a non-Canaanite woman.

Esau had traveled till Ishmael and married Mahalath, one of the grand daughters of Abraham.

On the other side, Jacob is still travelling.

He just stopped when he reached a place in Haran because the sun has already set.

Jacob got a stone for him to lie his head on before he slept.

Then he dreamt of something…

He dreamt of a staircase from heaven..Wherein angels from heaven went up and down the stairs.!

Suddenly as if God spoke.. There was a voice that says....

Iam the Lord your God. I will give you and your descendants the land you are lying.

Your descendants will spread like dust, and people will be blessed because of you, and your descendants.

I am always with you and will never leave you until I have done all that I have promised you.

Then he woke up.

Surely God is in this place.. And I am not aware of it!

This is an awesome

place.! The gate of


I will call this place Bethel.Which means

“house of God”.

Very early that morning, he made a pillar for the Lord using the stone he used as his pillow the previous night.

He poured oil in it as he make a vow to it.

If God is always with me, keeping

me safe and sound, providing

all my needs, then He will be

my God.

And this stone I have set up as your pillar will be Your house.

And with everything you

give to me, I will give you a


Summary Of Report

Genesis 27

For us, a blessing is an act of benediction. It is a moment wherein we give our favor for the one who seeks it. In short, it is a sacred moment in which one is blessed and given power and authority over something.

What’s Wrong With Isaac’s Blessing?

There is nothing wrong with Isaac’s blessing, except for one thing:

It should’ve been given to the RIGHT person. It should’ve been given to Esau and not to Jacob.

What’s Wrong With Isaac’s Blessing?

Because in the ancient times, usually it is the first born males who are given authority over all the family’s heirloom. They are older than any other offspring around, so their parents expect that they are more responsible and mature to handle things.


Pharaoh’s son (during Moses’ time)see Exodus 11:5

Examples Of Firstborn Male Heirs In The Bible:

Every male firstborns in the time of Mosessee Exodus 13:1-2

First of all, he asked Esau to hunt for him

Then he asked for the hunted animal to be cooked as his favorite meal

What Did Isaac Asked For In Exchange For His Blessing?

Rebecca, Esau’s own mother, prohibited him in owning what’s rightfully his.

She spoiled the event by encouraging Jacob that he should pretend to be Esau.

Who or What Interrupted the scene?

Rebecca loves Jacob more than she loves Esau, because Jacob is a mild person and Jacob grew up with her.

Why Did She Do This?

Rebecca knew that hunting is a long event. She just asked Jacob to get one animal from their flock for easier competition.

Then she herself cooked it so Isaac would love the meal for sure.

What are their plans therefore?

Both of them also know that Esau is a Hairy man and smells different with Jacob. Rebecca let Jacob wear his brother’s clothes so he would smell like Esau.(since there are no perfumes back then)

What are their plans therefore?

Rebecca also knows that Esau is hairy and Jacob is not. Thanks to those goats in their backyard. They’ve gotten an improvised hair for Jacob’s neck and arms using goatskin.

What are their plans therefore?

Isaac heard Jacob’s voice when Jacob entered the tent as “Esau” because he really is “Jacob”. But Jacob denied he is.

So, to prove his doubt, Isaac touched Jacob. When the old man felt Jacob’s hairy skin, He thought he was touching Esau and believed Jacob that very moment. (His vision was so weak back then)(almost blind)

Did the plan succeeded?

In short, Jacob got away with it. He had fed Isaac with a meal his mother had prepared and he had been blessed.

Their plan succeded.

Did the plan succeeded?

Well, since Esau got home late because he hunted the game he is ought to serve his father, he was far too late for the blessing.

What about Esau?

He was so mad with his brother. Even madder when his father told him something.

(lets go back in the story)

What about Esau?

Esau planned to kill Jacob after Isaac’s death. Fortunately, this issue has reached Rebecca’s knowledge, sparing Jacob from the threat. Jacob was sent by Rebecca to Laban (Rebecca’s brother).

What about Esau?

Jacob was sent to Paddan Aram by his mother. There are two reasons why.

1.To find a wife that’s non-Canaanite2.To flee from his deaththreat

Rebecca only told the first reason to Isaac so that he’ll bless Jacob wholeheartedly.

How is Jacob then?

Summary Of Report

Genesis 28

Fortunately, Esau had let his anger pass the moment Jacob was out of sight. He was also moved by his parents’ favor; that what they really like his wife to be was a non-Canaanite woman just like what they advised Jacob.


While Jacob was travelling to Paddan Aram after he was blessed by Isaac for his journey and marriage…

…Esau was being married again to Mahalath, one of Abraham’s granddaughter by Ishmael.


First and foremost, as it is mentioned in the previous chapters in the scriptures, Isaac’s family was not originally from Canaan.

Second, Canaan people are sinful and have different beliefs with of Isaac’s family; and knowing this, it is better to marry a relative than of strangers in the land you are living that could later on cause trouble to your family.

Why not Canaanite?

Well, Jacob is fine. He has reached Haran after a few moments of travel and have stopped there to rest for the night. He got a stone for a pillow before he dozed off.

But its like God has talked o him, promising something by a dream.

(lets go back in the story)

How are you Jacob?

The dream made Jacob very uneasy. He told himself that he was in a holy place where the presence of the Lord is in but he did not recognized that he was.

How was that?

He made a pillar made of the stone he used as a pillow the previous night that morning.

He poured oil in it as a symbol of vow.

So..he did what?

“And this stone I have set up as your pillar will be Your house. And with everything you give to me, I will give you a tenth.”

So..he did what?

Then he told himself,“If God is always with me, keeping me safe and sound, providing all my needs, then He will be my God.”

Thank you for

watching!The End..