Jacob Cirulis

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Jacob Cirulis

Stone age Step-upsWhat early humans accomplished and how it is important to modern

human life

By: Jacob Cirulis

Learning how to Farm

Nomadic people

Learning how to farm was one greatest achievements in the stone age. It let people stay in one place, they didn’t have to be nomads. People could reproduce food instead of moving around after they used all the food up.

Early farmers grew grains, fruit and they also raised animals. The farmers used sickles made from stone and wood that they used to harvest grains.

This achievement is really important to modern life because without the discovery of farming, villages could not have been formed because all the food would eventually run out if people didn’t start farming. This means that modern cities could not have been formed.

Early villagesModern cities

Learning to CommunicateLearning how to communicate is very important to how the world developed. When early humans learned to communicate, they could do so many more things! They could talk with other “clans”, work together better, teach more easily and tell stories. When stone age people learned how to communicate, it eventually developed into modern languages and this led to communication devices like telephones and radio.


Early languageCell phones

Learning how to CookLearning how to cook was an important factor in how the modern world is today because one humans learned how to cook, they were then able to make an extensive variety of new dishes.Early examples of cooking were just cooked pieces of meat but, then people realized that they could cook other things and more advanced dishes developed. The skill of cooking really improved the health level of people because cooking things burned away the bacteria in meats.

Uncooked foodModern dishes