Jaclyn riel timeline 442

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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This is my technology timeline project. I learned a lot as I began to play with all of the features (animation, transitions, hyperlinks, etc)

Transcript of Jaclyn riel timeline 442

Technology and MeBy: Jackee Riel

A personal timeline of educational technology

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OverviewAloha! My name is Jackee Riel.

I started school in 1982 in Bridgewater, New Jersey.

I graduated from high school in 1995 from Bridgewater Raritan High School.

I first went to college at Southern Connecticut State University in 1995-1999. I then attended Quinnipiac University for my Masters in Education in 2000.

I am currently finishing my second Masters in Administration and hope to pursue a Principal position in the near future.



High SchoolHigh










Words of WisdomWords of Wisdom




My definition of educational technologyEducational technology is the

use of various tools and resources in technology to

learn, create and grow professionally and

personally. As 21st century learners, our students need to be challenged to explore learning through interactive and engaging technology.

Web Sites on Ed Tech History

Timeline of Technology in Education


Technology Old and New


Classroom Technology Wish List Blog.ClassroomTeacher


Kindergarten technology

When I started Kindergarten…Sony released its first Trinitron monitorDisney released the movie Tron on July 9, 1982, the first movie to use computer generated special effects.By the mid 1980s, the two main uses of computers in the classroom are drill-and-practice, and teaching and learning about computers.Chalkboards were the main use for writing in the classroom

High school technology

While I was in High School…A survey indicates that during the 1990-1991 school year, 97.1% of all teachers had access to instructional television and that 79.4% of all teachers use it. Computers with floppy discs and CD Roms were visible in most classrooms and used for Skill and drill type of activities.

College technology

When I was in college…Laptops were the popular choice for college students to use for school work.Classrooms began to use whiteboardsCell phones were the main use of communicationSix Degrees, which was the first major social network was developed in 1997

A vivid technology learning experience

One vivid experience I have of learning technology was when I worked for my college

professor. I was working with data and she taught me the wonderful world of Excel. I

remember being blown away at all the features and functions that Excel had to offer.

A technology I want to use in my classroom


We have recently purchased15 Smart boards for our schooland I would love to learn moreabout integrate them into engaging lessons in the classroom.

My vision of the classroom of the future

I would like to see all students with tablets interacting through smart boards and learning from multiple sources online. I would love classrooms use project based learning with various technology as the core resource.

A challenge for teaching

A challenge that teachers have at my school is funding for resources and lack of professional development for technology use in the classroom. We also struggle with internet connection throughout campus which presents a challenge to teachers who want to use technology in the classroom.

Words of Wisdom

There are three types of baseball

players: those who make it happen,

those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what

happened? -Tommy
