Post on 13-Nov-2021

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• Advertising Contract* can tm made.

Officers of liedwootl Countj. Juttjf ? <» f t 'robate—S. .1, K. Ill TER. C{(• rk o Court—W. I.T. i tK. Sheriff—tAMES PI RTXAI.. Coroner—P I. HITCHCOCK Auditor—1. M. VAN SCIUACK. Treasurer—A, TOWER, Rt'Slateraf Deeds—ril.I. T1B3ETT8. 8sr»»yor—l> L. BICHAM, Atto.-nev—M.^-rOWEM-OtJor* Commissioner—S.S. STIOKLF S Jp't ofScheo'.s—P. I.. BTGIUM. Cousty CoTr,n;i».>1ciiiors—D. O. KIN'Q Cli'n.,


ManoiUc—AVtqi'lTY I.OPOE No. 91. A. K & A. M.—Rt»J;ni.IRM.IPTII)'r« on the 1st .mil-Ml Wetl-nesiltvsln each luur.tii. nt 7'« nVl,.ik P. M.

W. F. MCittXSOX Secy.

PAT*0!t80r IlesnANPRY.—Til. Re 'win!Cranee No. 234, meet* regularly on tlio n.>l tUiul Mit •filay's of each month at 1 o'-locfc P. M.

W. A, SwisHKit.See.


Church Pfreotory. pRrsRTTKKi\.v.—lir", Ili nry A. OrJjte, Pa»trr

Services trerj Sablath at 11 a. in. and at * }i a. m.

SaMiatk school at 10 o'clock a. te. MsTHiitiisT - lev. (leo Galpin, Pastor.Servii-f

• very Salituth at lOKa.m, Sabbath school every S»bt-ath, at 1 j p.m.

KrisoorAL Services on alternate SundarsRtll o'clock A.M.and T P. M. Ker. E.G. Hunter, Rector

Sunday School at 4 o'clofW p. m.

CIIRISTIAS.—Sunday School at 4 o'clock P. M. ir tlie Church.

New rim & Redwood Stasre Linos. £ A PAILY STA«K KA<-W WAY.]

Kt»'!*rno«i Fall* to SpringtkM on Friday and return same d*y.

R*d«rood Falls t<> Minnesota Fallp.rU Yellow Medicine on Toes Jay* anUFriday* and r#tnmon Wf Jnf*days*and ?at«r*ays.

Re-Vvoot! Fall Find Bearer Fall# ftwfi wtorn »!* r<*r> Tuesday. Tlmi>d»\ and Sat nrday.

Sis small fires occurred in Mii.ne How Long Will The Forests Last? j apoij9 iagt Saturday, and the .1, part

Icier such a fni»u ndoU3 yearlv i m<were knit out a'l night. The • !:iin, the question naturally cotucs up. !a*gi!-t ;0f» »«» that ot Grace Chapel, how long \yi!i our fonsts hold out at. pr^bab'}" So 010. j i>.icovered ty ilc proent raie of manufacture? It is i isuraocu niilly an important, .-pies'ion, upon which follows tho inquiry as to what WE J\TC to do for building material when this niagtvikvnt wood—pi tie—i.-• xlmtsted. One authority alter an­ther has entered formally upon its

-olution, with satisfactory results in local instances, but very vague oues as

» the field at lartie At the rate we arc cutting it to day, from thirty to fifty years soonf to bo agreed upon as ibout tlie limit. Twenty yours a^o •hero was apparently no limit, for the •oirsuti'.piion was not only less, but. the means for its manufacture were prim­itive, and aeeotiplislud much smaller results than now. It seems as if it •ore impossible to further improve the machinery of saw mil's, hut the •tear future may, for all (hat, sec saw­ing machinery in comparison to which that of the present will bo contempt ta­bic. So, although twenty years ntro there was no foreseeing the end of the timber, now. with the modem inilis and myriads of them, we are be^ini;^ to calculate with diro certainty as ti­the time when the ' Wooden Age" will be a thing of the pa t.— [Otiurlos 1). Robinson; Scribneo for Peeeiaber.


TOR :.S"-3.

S . T . B U N C H ,

manaf.ic'urcr s.tul dfal"r in t>]T «(

T!I3 Saint Pail £npie! HARD TIMES —Tho times not on!} ;

seem hard, but they are. Yet in eici | parist.n with previous exo rienoo manv! » farmer nojiiMly complains. In mauv i ""vh^jiow for m»*c !!.*».

J r ;«im vrar itmW its pr^nt irtanaL^inent.

u r n i t u s pja

parts of the eountr}', less than twenty live jo.rs ago, tho farmer was com­pelled to sj>eud a week in gettinvr a lead of grain to market, and when he got there, h<; was paid in money tba' was worthh'ss by the time he got home, i lu'se are betier timesthau those times were. — [Western Rural.

England's Wlieat Supply.

The latest information we have of the British wheat supplv is obtained from an article complied from a recent isMie of the London Times. Tho auth or of the article is inclined to the be lief that there will be an r,nu-nailv iar_'c call from tho United Kingdom t'or wheat during the eoniinsr vrar. ard shit it will have to bo supplied mainly from the Vr.itrd States. He says that tho United Kingdom for tho years 1ST" 8. on tlie hisisof :}3.7">0 000. and an average consumption of;"»} hn«he's

11 he 23".2fS.3S52

Horrible Affsir.

John Johnson and wife, living in the town of Lou iston, tliis county, were in the habit of locking their children up in the house, and both working on the larm. On the nlternoon of the !)th inst., the two children were locked up. (a boy 4 and a girl 3 jcais old) and ttie p:ronts went to work as usual. About lie tnidtilo of tho afternoon, Mr. John­

son saw smoke at the house, and oil ar riving at his dwelling found it on fire — the inside literally fail of fire and j phrase oi^' if-miim- muiiii-ijiii ', s'>dn! ;unt

sti.oke. lie opened the; d'tor and i r '1 ' 'rni, it is, nevrr'hless, ns in the

reached in, and I is baud came in con tract with the do id body of his b >v

present nmnageineiit, (•'.aims to hnv<- fiitlyr' ihfisKd its ple.!^-t' cur'istly ami vijp.rt.iwly r<'|ires> i;t. the ie'^t i ietiiciits • >( the [nrty, i:nl • -pt ixh lit ol cliipu rt and rin^s, sup[;lying want loin? l:-it, i 'ur i r.-ilalnc . xjuji'en'. ' I til-- prinei|iles ot that organization n' th" Stut' ruiiilul. It r -reivi-s inistiiit» tl jir.vis-fuv its t'airiiHss towar.l all persons uml par­ties. Ami it hns I;.-),! its promise to mak<= the eolieetion itnil jiuhlii-ati..!! »f.

Tiio News ef I3is Day Full, trust'.vurtliv, it^ ixi-


Tlie Daily Dissatcb.

Fn'ly maintains its elm»ael>T us the brigh­test, livflicst, and most entorpiMinsj tt. \vs-pap-T in tli.- r.Ttliw. st. Tliri-i- lsrije dail.T editions uro jMililisU' iJ, ami r.'.n h t!n-lat-'.st trains on all the r:i*Iroads radiatin-j rroni . t. l 'aul lia'iicstljr ami siin-i rely R-j»iil>-'ie:m in politi and ii'dl;; ii to fat* ir i-very

Mr. Henry Armstrong arrived at the scene and began to cut away a' the house, until lie reached tho inside and saw the corpse of tho girl on (he bed. iiy tho nso of a board be hauled i f out nearly burned up The cruelty of these parents toward their e iildren lias caused much < xcitenicnt in the neighs l.orhood. t"g to all ptrents wuo are >n tlio li bi

past' priiuai ily a New>-pn]>cr f and et'dfjir-ITS t>> eiitnmaiid a W li ome 1V..111 in'ffliin 'IIT nieii of all creeds and parties, l>_v its com­pleteness i:i tiiis ri nard, as well as l>y its political ean.'.or :tiid eonsisten.-y.

The Weekly Dispatch,

Chicago & North-western Raiiwav. Time of departure of Passenger Trains fron

t'lm. I.xare for Chicago and the East 5:45 A, X.


St Paul weekly Pioneer-Press



<* >n*atns sit tie- i 'nportant Editorial »tid Mi>eWian»»«>ns matter of the Daily* with a cond nsation and re-nrram;"ni<'iit of the

This should serve as a w irn ! Ni'w*> thns supplying a complete mirror o: the world's tlj.-n^lit and doin^-i. It cn-

.... niii . i tains a lull, iate ainl a-eur.ite Marke! Ite-.t leaving small children at fome | viau its Agriculture :.nd Wunseh,.id alone—the custom is both cruel and | Department^ under clears:; ol Mr. U.S. dangorotts. Tho little ones need the! Hollkter, a pracucat fanner and stardctc.r parenta' care and protection, audio: i"' w''^' reputation as an agrien'itur.il writ-,1 1 1/1 • • 1 er, proves a most valuable fcatuo t > its r,icui have it; and for humanirv s sake,! M

do not leave them a lone exposed to the| •Jnnger of fire.—[Montevideo Vtnti lator.

Scrihnei' for December.

by each poison, quarters, about 1S5.000.000 bushels Of this amount ir is thought 'h it the outside limit which can be supplied at home is SO 000 000 bushels, leaving 105 OOO.OOd bushels to be procured from elsewhere.

The total nmonnt imported into the TTnitrd Kingdom in 1870 7 was !»l»ont 05,000 (tOO. The witor a'so cal s special attention to the fact that there is but little probability of procuring wheat from Ku^sia, that country doinjr wc;l if it can supply its homo demand. This fact will drive the Continent-.', nations, who usually buy efR\i»sia. to

look for their supp!:^, t0 Australia and

tfec Uni*Ca Sratr-s* At flie present j tor Culture' ' (a!s> illustrated) is not a. tftne it is said that the United States!compilation of Watts'tc-<. but an infer- ;

jtS St'tiding 500,000 bushels of wheat jesting account of the methods fmploy-



THE !> VH.V OIRVATCII is t.uMinhed every day, (Sunday 1 w;, tdli for ciriulatira by Carriers News-nirn, «ml tuc Mail. IVr Quarter, by Mail ..$1 75 IVrVcsr, bv .Mail..... 7 00

Opens with a paper 011 the l'tniber! T«tt WKI Kt.v DISPATCH, puMiaii.! evcrv Ttiarx-t r u ' e o f t h e U n t i e d S t a t e s , b y D h n r l c s 5 8 0 1 1 4

D- Robinson K-q entitled4 'Tht; Wo >d-jone Year ti &» en Folhtwinij OLO^t'LY UJWM: TLIIS.Sxx - —• "5

i\ '.l AV....:. « n i . CIu5»bi«jr arrnnm'mcnts witli tliis na-" ^ 11» LI S C!it IUl." ic ti*lk amjut • pi.;- For t'/rms nut iff, <»r iiitj nir<* «>f l 'ublinhor. • 'Tho TIlOrOHuilbrcd *' TvMcll' payable invariably ia advance.

% ' Adifcss, contains sug.estions about •ratnii." for ST.rMJt.DiSPAcit co, the till} "and vidit^ to hounds, and a, St. fuuU Minnesota.

pict""esr|!U' deso'iption of an English IOX hunt, WIT li reprodueti'ins of some of Leech's famous cartoons. James Richardson's paper 011 "American Oys

We will furnish the two papers to new j weekly to the Continent, of Europe. "?d in American waters for the oulum

The St. Paul Weekly Dispatch



ON'i: Vl'.VTl FOR §2.50.

Subseri Iters at $ a,83 jter year; or, both p.apt-rs with either of the Pioweer-1'ress maps fi>r f0,30.

Wood taken at this office, on ac­

count .


The people of thi^ eommonitjr have ppeetn! reasons for sincere and devout thanksgiving to Almighty Ood for his mer­cies and blessings and they should, this •lay,render it.

Services will be held in the Episcopal Mel Presbyterian churches atlO 1-2 O'clock A. M. Services will be iu Chriitf*n

church at 7 1-2 0,clogk P M.

We have made arrangements with the

-CCH A3—

^ofar', Ibm-ana.

Cbairs, Tnbies,

Besteads hiking O'.-i- ,,-.

fICTTJBE PSAKS5, &e. f &o.

T An, f)re?viee<! at my ttow store on Mil! St I to WMWi»<..latc those wishin-' aiivthii"

;" my lfne. 1 •

J ©"fc> \S07~ oi^T r

of every devei ipti,,,! done to Order

o:i iiaml, a::4 tiiiin .

e .my -i sirablc style, 011 »Ii,.rt notice.

All orders trom abi\>.ul pro:n|»t!y atteioi-

d to, remeiiil.er the pj.n-e

«. T. iii;N«;u

.Mill Street.Redwood l-'„il.s. 5-2'




Second St. . . . lied wood Fullh

W ill bo found at all tiuios, a ehoict selection of


Cash paid for fat hides.

battle, ho<;s, an


Tnese facts, the Times' writer thinks. |°f the oyster Tho travel paper takes indicate that the present prices, if not j1 '"? reader ' Front the Atlantic to the

to low, are decidcdlv not t^o high I Andes," via tho Amazon and Ma leria St. Paul Weekly D'snateli, {the only Re-The present avert go "prieo of wheat in rivers. With her paper on "Ants," of jour !1! l5 t ]\0 a,ul *a ! ivp

Great Britain is about 81 65. and the which ir.any cotmous facts are told, viporon8 a t l l l In l,.p?l l ( i;., l t riewS].ap< r,) C A <1T nn.l Fh,Mnn« T trcneral conclusion of the article, fron. I Mrs- Herru k closes her series ol na whrTP, e are CI iabled to furnish it and' A U L ' l ,wber ' which we have drawn these figures is |"ros<vipo studies. The drawings, as fc t t he low ra te of r2.50 a

thft it- is likely to go higher rather usual, are by herself. Another scion


We call your attention to ous complete stock of




than lower.

Lumber supplied l»y the Cm

M» f0"*3" c-u '"^""'.^iload let at wholesale p.i.vs

If soti c person would bring potatoes 'Naval Observatory, whoso calculations

to this Town they could sell them at a^h,aTe ,met t,ie aPPr(™al oi' prof-, . the oiscoverer of the moons. "ho

good price.

tifie paper, "Mars and nis ^loons." 13 by Lieut. E. W. Sturdy, of the IT. S. (lui rPd in a ' lva"CP- 8pecim-n8 of the Dis. j

A. M. Knight, of Giencoe, was in Towu yesterday.

Tenney gives an entertainment this Thursday, evening at Truesdell's Hall.

Julge Baldwin has been spending the last ten days at his office in Marshall.

A dozen new desks have been purchased for the School house and will be here in a few days.

The Gazette Office has been mored to Mr. Dunnington's building corner of 2nd and Wasliincton Streets


Ladies will find

cloaking very cheap at


Our office moving, and Thanksgiving oc-euring within the present week materially interferes with this issue.

We believe that the vote for Representa­tive will be canvassed on Saturday, when we hoi**, the result will be found out

Winter commenced in pretty cood style on Monday nL-lit and during Tuesday after noon and night the storm amounted to a very respectable blizzard.

Our merchants are already receivins pilej of Christmas goods. There is no ne cessity for sending away for holiday pres ents this year.

The frame of the new Episcopal chapel is up. It is not probable that tln-y will be able to complete more than the study un­til after the return of good weather next Bpring.

The marriage of Miss Bnnua Moore leaves the Presbyterian church without an organ­ist. She has earned the lasting gratitud of the members by three ytard of voluntary and faithful service.

jESSt'P offers a new and full stock

of choice groc rries to his customers.

Klder Frest arrived last week awl held services on Sunday in the Christian Church. He has come to remain and will hold services every Sunday at 14) 1-2 A. M. and 7 P.M.

A PLEABEMT OCCASION. Mr. D. A. Mc-Intyre of Marshall and Miss Emma Moore of this village were Married last Monday morning at 8. O'Clock, in the Presbyterian church in presence of a large number of their personl friends and acquaintances They started the same monring to Marshall and will reside in that vicinity. Miss Em­ma has'a host of friends here whose regrets for ber departure and earnest wishes for ber future happiness are deep and true,

Renville County is likely to have a con­tested election case. In one of the Towns in tbe eastern portion of the County a Mr. Niles received 30 votes for County Com miaaioner, his opponent not receiving any. The Judges of election, instead of convey iog in person the returns to the County Auditor, entrusted them, unsealed, to a neighbor from an adjoining Town who was on his way to Beaver Falls. When the re turns reached the County Auditor the cy pher bed been erased from the figures showing the number of votes cast for Mr. Niles, leaving him 8, and a Mr. O'Harra's name had been added as receiving 27 votes. Mr. O'Harra wasihe opposing candidate and owing to tbe change stated above, has a larger number of votes in his commissioner district than Mr. Niles, according to the re­turns in the hands of the County Auditor. The dereliction of duty, on the part of the

Fresh lot of Candies, at

ILu.mvix & Co's

patch may be seen at this office. 1 . -

The Daily Dispatch and the (JASKTTB I%NDERSON will be supplied one year for $7.GO, ,

serials are continued,—Miss Trafron's hero coming nearer to ' His Inbori-' taoee." and Mr. Kuglesrou's

{Indiana story presenting new I . , „ , , *. . ;phrases of life in the "Pocket." Tbe \ new stock of very elegant Jewelry1 , . • , „ „„

j reader is a'so enabled to compa;

DB. nmmcociv\s.

Cratibehrles, No. 1, at.

BALDWIN <£• flo's

Musical Iustruments at


pare Mr. jEggl"St n's fiction with reality, by the; appearance, in this nu t.her, of tbe !,t 'e;

! Robert Pale Owen's reminiscences andj Raritan and Heaver angcj, tes of life in the same part of

In:itna. In his special department. Dr. TI<>!

land discusses •'i'ioteoti>n," 1 A R< -

form in t V Civil Service" and • T' e Public Charities." and gives a rec rd ot the recent 'Harvard Examinatio• for Women*" ' The Cabinet" H abn j,lThe Jicwspiper." "Architec'ure and {Art in New York," oto. Among tl e books reviewed are Clarence C >"k\s new le o'< on household art, ''The House ]>eautilu!,'" I' -roe'.; ••Mem>ir of Su suuer," atid Mis RUIIK-K'S 'Sur­ly Tim au i other Storits" In '•line­s'Brae" Mr. Stockton gives a second installment of his humorous "Models for Letter-writers." — — ... ..... 1 1 ——1 •• -

A Choice lot of Holiday Goods now at Watson's. Among t'iicm wo noiiee. in the book lino, the l'oetioal work.- of Burns, Goldsmith, Moore, Uyron Mis.

mwm i \ l i o; m o

The now 3. R. Depot



was opened for bu-incps M:>y 2d.

Geo. H. n.\n>TAi:! i

Fresh goods ju»t received at


H«»>j is tag* or smell quantities at



Redw md F .lis

Married. McIsTTRE-MooRr—In <he Prfsbyteria'i

Chureli, by the Rev. n. A. Dodsre, Nov rah r 26th, 1877, Mr. D. A. Mclntyr- of Marshall Minn, to Miss Kmma A. Moore daughter of Homans, Tonoyson, l*t>pe. Sbakespoai Mr. Andrew Moore of Redwood Falls.

Wheat Wanted,

At highest market, price, for cash


One Cent p. Day!

Economy is the order of the honr, and every expenditure, however, sinai! ,is expected to give a retnru in full value. Every family requires one good reliable family newspaper. If such an ar­ticle can be procured for less than one cent for each working day of the year, we are not aware of it. A Family Newspaper should contain a carefully-prepared sum­mary of all the news of the day, both R#-ligous and Secular ; and if arranged so that the two departments may be separated and read by two individuals at the .same time, so much the better. The Family News-pap* r should have attractive reading and information for the various member's of a household. Some portion of the paper should be devoted, every weok, to religi­ous and moral improvement, to current secular news, to agricultural, commerce, markets, finance, to general literuture, &c., with a special department for the young Above all. the Family Newspaper should be perfectly pure, and free from any coin-taminating influences in its reading matter or in its advertisements. Too much atten­tion cannot'be paid to this feature, when the press is fioodiug the country with so much that is Tile and pernicious. To corwn all, the Family Newspaper shonld bs untrammelled by any affiliation with sect or party, and should be free to give all the good news from and about all the world. If snoh a Family Newspaper can be had for one cent a day, it should be taken by every family in the land

Such a Family Newapaper, in every re­spect, we find in the NEW YOBK OBSERVKH, now commencing its fifty-sixth volume.

& c,. & c, While his stock in the English classics is full of that choice, standard literature, the same time those who wish to see recent tffirts for lit erary fame will here find theui. The works of Bciij. F. Taylor, whoso writ­ings are the very poesy of thought,

and every sentence, a string of idea pearls, aro found on his counter.

Call and see his goods If you do not buy.

The Minnesota Famer



ONE YEA It E.'fit $2,00.

We have made arrangements with the. Publisher of the MINNESOTA PARMER,; an illustrated, live mid vigorous agricnit- ; ural moi.tbly, of 32 pages, pub ished at Minneapolis and St Paul, II E Newton, 1

•Editor, Minn, apo'is, whereby we :ir" enn- : bled to furnish both it and th" R.'dw- d Gazette at the 1 w rate of $2,00 a y a*^ postage pr* -p >id, cash in advance. !-poci» men copies of the FARMER may b;- seen at this office.

Dissolution of Copartnership.

Notice is hereby given that the Copart­nership heretofore existing between H. D. Baldwin & Alfred Wallin is tliid day dis­solved by mutual consent.

November 1st 1S77. II. D. BALDWIV.


To Our Customers.

We are under the necessity of asking those indebted to us to call ami settle at once. We ruiist have money. Not only the firm accounts hut the eld accounts of J. B. Wasson.

WASSON & CROOKS. Redwood Falls, Sep't. llith, 1877.


Select Circulating Library.



illi. Mu.TiCKKfa.4 *

I , $3 00. $£.90.

TRANSIENT RATES. 1. The smallest charge is 10 cents;

and by the week 15cts; if a book is kept longer thr»n one week, 3cts a day additional will be charged.

2. Books may be exchanged at plea­sure, but Volumes out must be re turned before others can be taken.

3. Strangers must deposit the value „ . . ... of the book when taken, which amount

. . . . , P r o « r M P 1 V P . o o m P r e ^ n B , v ^ a o u n d . r e h a - w i l l be refunded less charges on its re Election Judges and the subsequent mis- j ble, pure, it is just what is needed in your j

bap to the returns, while iu the hands of j household. Send |3.15 for a year to the 4/Boots lo?t, or defaced, must be au irresponsible person, complicates mat- j NEW YOBK OBSBRVSB. 37 Park Row, New: f0P before Others can be drawn, t-r* our neighbor. (York. 8ample oopies are seat free. j

A. W. Henderson F. E. 14. C. (Fellow of the Edengburgli Musical College)

1'rofeasor and Teacher


Vocal and Instrument

WATERS' Orchestrion chimes ORGAN t 'llhrmoHtbcnntifnl

a in style ami per foot in tone ever made. It has th-- celebrated Concerto Mop, vrlil-cli i* tt flue imitation cjthc Tltitnan Voice* and two nn«l a half Ortavcs «/ bells tii-

•C^gaiSwiMH neil in perfect bar-- | wiih ZiereeiN,

^aSSSiiWlii ^ th'ir ellc-et i- niinf. ' r I1 ' iV el«'etril> iiiK-WATi:it>'« l.MM-

" ONA, OK< lll>TU-AI,.ri)X('K'tT(VfESPEB, C'K>TKNN1 AI4 Clli.HI>, < tlAl'i:i„ nml COTTAUK Oll-:;A.\S in l 'ni<ni<' i-reneii Cases arc ti»cvi> r.v ri-M'eet F1IIST t 'liASS.

WATERS' P!fl!SS8, ami l"pri«lit| AKKTIIEBKSTMAIIE;^ Tone, Toueli, W«»rkiiiiin-lii|>,A: l»nrnl>iliiy Unsurpassed. \Vnrr!iiil4*il lor SIX YKAltS. l»KI( i:s i:\Tlti:UI!I.Y I.OW for rank. Mmillilv Instnlliiieiits l'< eclvci'.. A I.ihernl IHsi-nuut 11 'lUt'-hem. Miui.<terf,Chure'ie».fi-l,o<-l«t etc.At.»:.VS'S IVASTi:n. f»|ieeinlimliice-luentNlo I lie irmle. 111 nut rated t alulofliics Mailed.Secomt-linml InntruiiieiitsnUJrcat llnraniiiM. llf»l{A:'K WATUKS A SONS, Manufacturer* and l>ealer-.

40 KAST 14th STREET, UNION SQUARE, MiW VUItKi Boa> 3007.


Failing BSckness

VF.ll M AX K X T1 ,Y ( ' T H Kl >—X •> :>\K MOXTirs

THIS standard article is compounded vitli tho greatest care.

Its effects arc as wonderful and at atisfactory as ever.

It restores gray or faded hair to iti 'outkful color.

It removes all eruptions, itching and (andruff. It gives the head a cooi­ng, soothing sensation of great com-ort, and the scalp by its use bccomes rliite and clean.

By its tonic properties it restores he capillary glands to their normal 'igor, preventing baldness, and mab ng the hair grow thick and strong.

As a dressing, nothing has been bund so effectual or desirable.

A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayei if Massachusetts, says, "The con-titucnts arc pure, and carefully se< ectcd for excellent quality; and ] onsider it the BEST PREPARATION £01

ts intended purposes." Price, One Dollar.

Buckingham's Dye

FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be re*

ied on to change the color of the bearc rom gray or any other undesirabk j hade, to brown or black, at discre- j ion. It is easily applied, being in one reparation, and quickly and effectu< illy produces a permanent color, whicl Till neither rub nor wash off.

Manufactured by R. P..HALL & CO., NASHUA* N.H.

HA ty an Dnoliti, a

.! \S. M' MILI.AN"

in-: \

Dry (itiods. Notions, Groceries',.

ClotliiaL', Ilats <fe C-ap<s, Boots <fc

Ci'.K'!,, ;y 4te.


at F. J. PEAnODY'3

Bridge St.


From and after to-Jay, and until further Notice, we will grind no more grists, liu. will do an exclusively Exchange businesst

Will give, 35 to 37 lbs. flour, offal in pro­portion, making 50 lbs for each bushel of Wheat.

Flour Warranted. BUTTER A CUFF.

May 22th 1877.

SAY I Just ea'l and see our new goods j«M

received. Best Prims 8 cts., Si.cotii'gs yd. wide 8 cts., Flannels for 15 cts., to 18 Cts. Goods just in mid uior com ing. Bring in your butter and eggs, corn and wheat, we mean to live and let live.

STICKI.K & WruiinK, llcdwood Falls,

Sep't 5th, 1877.

lii 'Mnrr;—hy i's.wik or or: oori.Attfivt

KHKATKP I.N'I'Al.l.im.K PIT r<UVI>Kl:s. To cm unee usifiVrers th;it. thcti«» ]>OW«1'TR will <!<> w

for tlcm, wc wii! pond thcjniiv : J'tH'f a KKKK TPJAl. R(>X, As Pr. OmiUn! !« f

>»IY tliftt 1MS FVR IMAUI* this tiis»-nst» »• jiecittl stmlv, Hn«iasto our krsowli'iT^i- thouNJuH!*


MAXKXT curt' in cverv en***, or RKFLTXD YOU \ ]A , MOXKY KXP XPKD. AH sunprer.s ohouM Povr<1f»rs *r> *»arly trial,amibo c-Mivir.cert of tj.eir curativt?

f*. P-ice,f'»rI?irjfob-»x.?^00,or 4 vnt

liy mail to .my ptirt ^tat- n or ot n of price,or l«v vxprfas,^. O, P. A<Mn»sii,



COIiSUlPTBN Fosltiu'©!^

All Kiiffer'-rsfr^-ni tl»is tiintfii>« nn\it)t»s t.» »><• rnrt ti slimil'l trv P!t. Kl hU\S t'KM'.lI.S WW* CDX.^r.MPriVK P(»Wi>::n^. P.'W.< r* nr.' tu*' only )»r« i |>:tn>tioiiknown tliat will car" (.'• »:. '.ar VIP* TION ftn»J »!1 thf 'IIUJOAr AXD —' A4* ui«r iaitliin ami »U«- t> conrirtco you that thov f«ro no inimfMijr, will f<-.r *«rd to nvt»ry sull rer, l»jr mail, poat pAi<1, a KKKK i iUA». HOX

Wo fl'-n.t want your noii^v until yotl an-ly satMfie«l «>i t!»»»ir o *r.-»tiv;» power*. ify«»nr li:*» if worth saving,«i<kn't-lelny In tfivin-c thf-»:f PoWDKi.S a trl.il, as tli« y will stir>*lv curt* you.

P»-ic»% for larifo I***, $:fc;0r*i»rt to any part «if Oh-Uuitfd ^UtcB or CauacUby uiAiioD rec» i| t of prid.-.

AdJreas, A«n .V* Horrid,

860 Fulton Street, Brooklyn* X* T.

WHEAT WANTED. I will pay, in Cash, tbe highest market

price for wheat.

M. OFFER MAN. Redwood Fqlls, Minn.,

—Faker's Artist's Pone Is, T>ixot Graphite Pencils, Copying Pencils, at


M I L L T N E R T .

Mrs. OJAI 1

REDW00D X \ tLS. U1N N

In the stqre formerlv ooet|p|ed by Mrs Stickle. •

Mrs Oj:ii is an exp-rienc-d M'.iliiief, keeps an assortment ol Mitlu.i iy g-->uis on

hand and will sell at very iow price*.

: i

Ayer's Sarsaparilla

For Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases.Ery-tipola-. Rose or St. An­thony's Fiio, Eniption-: and Eruptive diseases of the skin. Ulcerations cf the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, I.migs, I'im-

ra. ..jplcs, 'Pustules, Boils, MM i>lotchesrTumors, Tct-

»-•?' _>r tcr, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, liingv.-orm, Ulcers, Sovos, Rhcnniati^in, Xouralgia. Pain in tho Bones, Side and llorLit,Female W eak­ness, Sterility, Lcueoniuea, arising from internal* nicer.t!ion. and uterine disease, Syphilitic atid ifercuiial dis­eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia­tion, General"Debility, and for Puri­fying the Blood. " This Sai'sapariila is a combination of

vegetal ,1c alteratives—Stillir. gia.Man-drake.Yel'.ow Dock— with tlio iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the inrv-t ellicacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure.

Its iiifrredients are so skilfully combined that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to he harmless even to children, it is still so ci'l'cctual as to purge out from tho system those impurities and corruption; which develop into loathsome disease.

The reputntior. it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the country repose in it proves their experience of its usefulness.

Certificates attesting its virtues have arcnnralfitcd, and arc con­stantly being received, and as many of these ca^es are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sarsaparilla over every other alterative medicine. So renerally is it- superiority to any other medicine known that we need do 110 more than to a-:-lire the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed arc strictly maintained.


Dr. J. C. AVER Si CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemist*.



manufacturer of


& c






&c.. &c.

P&rticu?>ir attrnfio/- to

R g . P A I R | S 1 ' 0 >

All order promptly attended to.

Shu. ST., ilEDWMOli FaI-T S

•5-i-i v-1 y



\\Te olft;r to the public a well assorted stock of General Merchandise at lowest prices for CASH and FARM PRODUCF..


Our .:>fcoe.k is replenished by every train from our large as­sortment in New Ulm.

Fred C. (iley will be hap]>y

to wait on all who favor him

jwithacaii, ..

j He also keeps fehe -AMisia-

CAN ivxt'RESs Co's OFFICE in our blare. • | Burns', May 4th, 1377.



P E 0 P L E -OF —

•\V--i Lavf ia>.v one of the most attractive stocks of good

ever di.splnyed in this section, consisting of

F M c O Y t i n d STAPLE:

• 1 3 " G O O D

of the latest styles and best quality.

ETQ-rzosra, TainimiaiGS, Ac.


Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, Over-shoes, Arctics


G-snt's. Parni&hisig Goods. CROCKERY & GLASoWAlitt .

All <>f which wil l be sold for cash as low as any one can sell and deal fairly.

We have no LEADING ARTICLES to sel l at or IM IOW cost and then make it op on articles, customers are-not posted in prices ot. Thaiikifg the public for past favors. Wo WDUM respectfully ask^ «F#

who wtifit anything in our line to call and see ourstock of goods and prices, »nd siiiiisiy l^eawelves before pnrcliat'ing eisewhet« t :Mil'

WE ASSURE TIIEM they shall be Liberally and Honestly dealt with.

Stickle <fc Wiltshire. Redwood Falls, Minn.


- ' jj • 'III

BRATTLEBORO, VT. The Most Extensive Manufactory of Reed



Organ* axo VmiTAtodi