IWERNE MINSTER NEWS July 2016 News Letter.pdf · IWERNE MINSTER NEWS June/July 2016 The Queen’s...

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Transcript of IWERNE MINSTER NEWS July 2016 News Letter.pdf · IWERNE MINSTER NEWS June/July 2016 The Queen’s...



June/July 2016

The Queen’s 90th birthday party Wow! What a party. I’m sure Her Majesty would have

been impressed!

It all began weeks ago when everyone had their first

invitation to reserve their Barbeque ticket. Our street

reps did a good job visiting everyone and asking you to

help in whatever way you felt appropriate. Donations of

money and offers of food began to come in. In the week

before the party the whole thing gained momentum. On

Saturday 11th June, a gallant team of men assembled on

the field to put up small marquees and gazebos, to haul

tables, straw bales and crockery. The chiller truck began

to fill with food and the ladies were checking there was

enough food.

On Sunday the 12th the bells rang out and a very large congregation

stood for the Benefice choirs rendering of “Zadoc the Priest” and the

National Anthem. The afternoon began with the children enjoying some

energetic sports overseen by Mat Forsbrey (thank you Mat). This was

followed by tea in the Marquee – the only time that rain really

intercepted the festivities. The Lord Lieutenant of Dorset – our own

Angus Campbell, arrived in full regalia to cut the beautiful cake (made

by Colleen Ruddock) with his sword. He then stayed and talked to many

of the crowd. During this time each of our own 90’s was presented with

their own individual cake, again provided by Colleen. A rather vague

pause preceded evening events.

The music started, the bar opened and the barbeque began. Delicious

food was cooked by Helen and Bill Peat and a number of ladies in the

Village plus lots of equally scrumptious salads. The Bishop of Sherborne

proposed the loyal toast and the National Anthem rang out again. I’m

not sure how

many tug of

wars were

pulled but

everyone enjoyed themselves. As the evening drew

to a close and darkness fell, a superb firework

display rounded off the evening.

So many people helped in different ways that it is

difficult to thank everyone personally but special

thanks must go to Dianne Benfield – my co-

organiser; Pam Payne who was in charge of the food;

Chris Nadin for running the bar; Hugo Purdue for

the music and fireworks; Susan Smallwood for a

fantastic Raffle.

Thankyou to everyone for making this such a special



Thank you to everyone who helped make The Hollow’s

Open Garden on Sunday 26th June such a success. By

baking, serving, selling or simply visiting and buying

we raised £360 for the Village Club Repairs. It was

lovely to share our garden with the village and raise

money from something I love doing, so it is with delight

but some trepidation that I can say, we have been

accepted by the National Garden Scheme to be

included in the Yellow Book for next year.

Sue Le Prevost

Open Garden

It is nice to share some good news.

Today I have heard that the

Talbot has won a 2016 Trip

Advisor’s certificate of excellence.

The Parish Council have also

heard from Chris Chapman, the

Commercial Manager for Hall &

Woodhouse, that they have no intention of closing the

Talbot permanently or selling the site for

redevelopment. Hall & Woodhouse are selling the

Talbot as a going concern and are looking to find a

purchaser who wants to run a successful community

public house serving good food with letting

accommodation. Good news on all counts.

The Talbot

Golden Wedding

Sandy and Rob Cuff have spent most of their 50 years

in Iwerne Minster. In June they celebrated their

Golden Wedding with friends and family from all over

the country. Colin Steven, an International Singer,

now living in Tenerife was a very special guest at the

event, which was held at the Royal Chase Hotel. The

party raised over £800 in aid of the Dorset & Somerset

Air Ambulance. What a great way to celebrate for

these childhood sweethearts of Iwerne.

Farewell to a fine man

The village of Iwerne Minster cannot let Martin and

Eleanor Cooke leave without a fitting farewell. Martin

has been headmaster at Clayesmore for longer than

many of us have lived in the village but we have all

come to know and trust this man of music and deeds.

Not only has he loved the school but his support of the

village has always been paramount. We hope he finds

retirement a worthwhile continuation of his life and

that he now finds time to enjoy those things that he

has never had time to do. Good luck and fond farewell.


Update on progress and future actions and dates


The last action that we asked the residents of Iwerne Minster to do was to determine if they had any

land that they would like to be considered for housing development. We gave everyone a deadline of

June 17th.

We have had several offers of land made to us in confidence. We are due to meet as a committee on

June 23rd to discus the offers that we have had and at that meeting we will identify those tracts of

land that we may support in the Neighbourhood plan.

Please note, that despite all of the rumours floating around, no decisions have yet been made.

The people with land that we jointly, with the owners, decide to proceed with will be invited to

approach developers and get an idea from the developers exactly what they would like to use the land

for. From the offers of land that we have so far had, it seems that there may be problems associated

with some of them. Only if we can be convinced that our concerns can be met by the developers/

owners will we consider going forward with those offers of land.

The deadline for developers to give us feedback is the 12th August.

We will then match the offers being made by the developers with the profile of housing that we have

established that we need as a result of the answers to the questionnaires sent out in March and

shared with all at the public presentations made in April.

Once we have reached an agreement with all parties, we will document our conclusions and share it

with everyone at three open meetings in the Abingdon hall on:-

Thursday 15th September 18;00 – 20;00

Friday 16th September 18;00 – 20;00

Saturday 17th September 10:00 – 12:00

Cllr Arthur Evans

01747 811287


Neighbourhood Development Plan

We promised you all a financial statement when we

had paid the bills after the 90th Birthday Party, so

here goes – Thanks to the incredible generosity of so

many villagers with donations of money for the party,

your buying of raffle tickets, tombola tickets and

supporting the bar, a magnificent profit of just over

£3.400 was raised that day. This has been added to the

Village Club Repair Fund which now stands at £10.874

with more promised. The Committee would like to

thank you all for this magnificent effort.

Penny Marsh [chairman]

From the Village Club IMPHA

Plans are well under way for this year’s Summer Show

on the Parish Field. Again it is hoped to have another

bumper show with entries from all sections of the

village. Thanks to Peter and Judith Dutch, there is a

new trophy for the men only class called the Bowhay


We are still hoping to encourage as many entries for

the children and those in the 16 and under classes so

please check this year’s Schedule, which was delivered

to every address in the village. If you didn't see it,

there are some left in the Village Shop or contact

Sheelagh Duly on 811463.

It is always at this time of the year that we beg those

who want to support the Show to dig deeply and

sponsor whichever class or classes they would like.

Even small amounts help make it such a fantastic

event for the entire village.

The Committee

Parish Council

Web Site

The Parish Council Web Site can be

found on -



June 12th was an eventful day of national thanksgiving

and rejoicing for our Queen’s 90th Birthday. The fact

that our corner of Dorset did its best for the occasion

was only right and proper. The day was launched by

some glorious bell-ringing on the exceptional peel of

bells that we are fortunate to have in St Mary’s. By the

time the ringers descended from the tower the church

was overflowing. The congregation was estimated to be

in excess of 140 by the time the Benefice Choir sang the

Introit to begin what was acknowledged to be a

beautifully constructed and appropriate service in

thanksgiving for an exceptional person.

The Choir was, from first to last, in marvellous voice.

The anthem, the great “Zadok the Priest” by Handel, is

known to be a challenge for any choir, but on this

occasion it was given a fluent and exciting rendering by

organist and singers on top form. This anthem has been

sung at coronations in Westminster Abbey since George

1’s day, and that is why it was so important to do it full

justice on June 12th. It was rewarding to hear so many

compliments from all sections of the congregation


There was also some triumphant Hymn singing from

everyone present, a range of appropriate prayers and

readings, and a suitably effective sermon to maintain

the sense of a very special occasion, which was

concluded by the National Anthem and a majestic organ

voluntary. Genuine thanks are due to all who came to

participate in the occasion and particularly to the

singers, the bell-ringers, the Director of Music and

organist, James Smith, and our Vicar who designed it

all, David John.

Malcolm Green



News from St. Mary’s - May 2016

Gardener’s Scratchings JUNE

Water and dead head regularly. Remove perennial

weeds. Mow on regular basis [probably weekly].

Propagate softwood cuttings. Trim fast growing

hedges. Dig up Tulip & Hyacinth bulbs, dry off and

store in a cool place. Continue planting out summer

bedding plants including Lilies and Cannas. Sow

winter and early spring bedding plants in pots or trays

under glass. If dry, water fruit trees well. Damp down

in the greenhouse in hot weather. Keep removing side

shoots and tying in Tomatoes and feed regularly.

Things to look out for! Lily Beetle, Black Fly,

Blackspot and those slugs & snails.


Prepare the garden if you are going away in the

summer – water well, pick fruit, veg and feed

greenhouse plants. Raise the cutting height of lawn

mower blades during hot, dry spells when grass is

under stress. Keep dead heading roses and other

bedding and perennial plants. Clip fast growing

hedges. Continue taking softwood cuttings of shrubs.

Divide clumps of old Bearded Irises and replant.

Harvest vegetables as they are ready, although root

crops can stay in the ground. Stop outdoor Tomatoes.

Tidy Strawberry bed and grow spare plants from

runners. Harvest Raspberries, Redcurrants,

Blackcurrants and Gooseberries. Re-pot Cyclamen

corms saved from last winter and water very lightly to

start back into growth. Water frequently in

greenhouse in hot weather. Top up ponds if water level

drops. Divide water Irises. Keep an eye out for

Containers drying out, Cabbage white butterflies

laying eggs on Brassica plants, Potato blight on

Potatoes and Tomatoes. Order spring-flowering bulbs

from mail-order magazines. Remember next month it’s

our Show, so do keep an eye out for suitable fruit, veg

and flowers. Enjoy your gardening.


These pictures that Mervyn sends us are

all from his collection of gardens, which

he and Penny have visited.


Iwerne Valley Walking Club On June 21st at 5.30pm 13 members and 3 dogs met at

Pentridge (Thomas Hardy's 'Trantridge') village green to

start a 4½ mile walk across Martin Down. Having been

apprehensive about the weather, we were surprised and

relieved to find we were walking on mainly dry land under

patches of blue sky, and with an occasional glimpse of

sunshine. We followed a gently rising path between trees

and bushes then walked downhill to the large, ancient

Bokerley Dyke. It is thought to predate the Roman

occupation but they are believed to have used it to keep the

Saxons out of Dorset. The Dyke was swathed with orchids

and provided a favourite nesting area for skylarks, and we

walked alongside it for some while, savouring the wonderful

scents and views. A short uphill walk across the Dyke took

us to the first really muddy bit then, after bordering

woodland, we crossed a large field, went through a small

gate and walked over more grassland and uphill to Penbury

Knoll. The view from this small wood was as far as the New

Forest and an ideal place to have our picnic. All 13 of us

were able to sit on a huge, strategically placed tree trunk!

After a relaxing half hour we decided it was getting a bit too

chilly to wait for the sun to oblige so we went downhill to

the village green, agreeing that it had turned out to be a

thoroughly enjoyable walk.

Pauline Morphy

Great News

Do you remember the missing

poster that recently appeared on

our notice boards. Thanks to

“doglost.co.uk” and the many local

dog owners who desended on

Iwerne Minster and the

surrounding area, “Remidy” was

found and is now back with his


MacMillan Coffee Morning

Advanced Warning

St Mary’s Church is arranging for the Coffee Morning in

aid of MacMillan Cancer Support to be held on Saturday

24th September. Come to the Abingdon Hall 1030 am

to 12 Noon.

There will be delicious Cakes and interesting Produce to

buy, a SUPERB Raffle, MacMillan Challenge, some

surprises and, of course, yummy refreshments to enjoy

while chatting with friends. This Village is always so

supportive of this Charity; and as always your baking

talents are needed together with gifts and donations.

Look out for notices nearer the time, please do contact

Sheelagh Duly 01747 811463 for more information.

Note: A reminder also that the next Friendly Coffee

Morning is this Wednesday 13th July, there will then

be the usual summer break but we will be back in


Stream Clean There will be a stream clean on Watery Lane on:

Saturday 23rd July.

Anyone interested in helping, please meet by the

stream in Watery Lane, at 9am, please bring a rake.

For further details please contact Chris Nadin

[812337]. Initiative

In late June there was an accident in the village

involving a lorry, which failed to stop after hitting a

garden wall on Higher Street opposite the war

memorial. Thanks to two Clayesmore boys who showed

great initiative by taking photos with their telephone

mobiles, the culprit was traced and has been made to

pay for the damage he caused. A great example to

everyone on what to do in the spur of the moment. Well


Primary Business Address Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Address Line 4

BUSINESS NAME Last Copy Day for the next issue is Monday

15th August 2016.

Contributions for consideration should be submitted as

early as possible, preferably by email.

The views expressed in this publication by contributors

are not necessarily those of the Editor.

Primary Business Address Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Address Line 4

JULY 2016

Phone: 01747 812173 E-mail: paul.leprevost@btinternet.com

Iwerne Minster News Editor: Paul Le Prevost The Hollow, Tower Hill Iwerne Minster, Blandford Forum Dorset DT11 8NJ

Parish Magazine Printing



Nr Holsworthy


EX22 6TD

Tel: 01288 341617

Email: philip.tucker@homecall.co.uk

Williamsons Fresh Fish Provided to your door

Wednesday afternoon and Friday evening

Mobile: 07966 452717

Tel: 01258 860150

Clerk’s Corner (Notes from the Parish Council)

Since I last wrote the ongoing issues are:

• Some sad news is that Dorset County Council's Cabinet has voted to maintain only one home mobile library

service van and to withdraw the three others. This decision follows a consultation with library users and local

town and parish councils to look at alternative ways to access the library service. People who are unable to

access a library due to a disability or frailty will continue to have access to books, and other reading material

delivered to their homes through a partnership with the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS).

• Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP) Joint Committee members have agreed to remove recycling bring banks for

glass, plastic bottles, cans, paper and cardboard from the remaining 21 sites around the county that still

have them in place. Further details can be found on the dorsetforyou.com website.

• We are still progressing the 20mph project for the village and think that we are nearing a decision. When this

is finalised we will let everyone know.

• The X9 bus service from Gillingam to Blandford may be removed in 2017. when we know more this will be

circulated to everyone in the village.

• More locally, we are aware that the wet weather we have been having has meant that all our footpaths have

been very overgrown. Rather than use the ever willing services of groups like the Tuesday Club we decided to

use some of the precept to pay for this to be kept under control. These should be cut in the next few weeks.

• Finally, unfortunately the promised celebration coins for all our young people did not arrive in time for the

Queen's 90th birthday celebrations but they are here now and are being distributed by Cllr Le Prevost. If you

want them quickly, he can be contacted on 812173 or at The Hollow, Tower Hill.

Nicky Philips, Clerk to IM Parish Council

01747 850515