IUCN – The World Conservation Union Rehabilitation and Restoration … · 2013-09-12 · soy,...

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Transcript of IUCN – The World Conservation Union Rehabilitation and Restoration … · 2013-09-12 · soy,...

Issues in Forest Conservation

Rehabilitationand Restoration

of Degraded Forests

David Lamb and Don Gilmour

The World Conservation Union

Rehabilitation and R

estoration of Degraded Forests

IUCN – The World Conservation Union

Founded in 1948, The World Conservation Union brings together States,government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organizationsin a unique world partnership: nearly 980 members in all, spread acrosssome 140 countries.

As a Union, IUCN seeks to influence, encourage and assist societiesthroughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and toensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologicallysustainable. A central secretariat coordinates the IUCN Programme andserves the Union membership, representing their views on the world stageand providing them with the strategies, services, scientific knowledge andtechnical support they need to achieve their goals. Through its six Commis-sions, IUCN draws together over 10,000 expert volunteers in project teamsand action groups, focusing in particular on species and biodiversity conser-vation and the management of habitats and natural resources. The Union hashelped many countries to prepare National Conservation Strategies, anddemonstrates the application of its knowledge through the field projects itsupervises. Operations are increasingly decentralized and are carried forwardby an expanding network of regional and country offices, located principally indeveloping countries.

The World Conservation Union builds on the strengths of its members,networks and partners to enhance their capacity and to support globalalliances to safeguard natural resources at local, regional and global levels.

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WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environmentand to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:• conserving the world’s biological diversity;• ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable;• promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

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The World Conservation Union

Issues in Forest Conservation

Rehabilitationand Restoration

of Degraded Forests

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The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN, WWF or otherorganizations referenced on this page.

This publication has been made possible in part by funding from Lafarge Aggregates, through itssupport to WWF’s Forest Landscape Restoration Programme; the United States Department ofState, Bureau of Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Yuhan-Kimberly andNEAFF (Northeast Asian Forest Forum).

Published by: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK in collaboration withWWF, Gland, Switzerland

The World Conservation Union

Copyright: © 2003 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resourcesand WWF – The World Wide Fund for Nature

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Citation: David Lamb and Don Gilmour. (2003). Rehabilitation and Restoration of DegradedForests. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and WWF, Gland,Switzerland. x +110 pp.

ISBN: 2-8327-0668-8

Cover design: Patricia Halladay

Cover photo: Understorey regeneration, northern Queensland, Australia. Photo: R. Keenan

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Issues in Forest Conservation

Rehabilitationand Restoration

of Degraded Forests

David Lamb and Don Gilmour

September 2003

IUCN’s Forest Conservation Programme

IUCN supports a people-centred approach to conservation that ensures that biological

resources are positively employed to help secure sustainable and desirable livelihoods. The

goal of the IUCN Forest Conservation Programme is the maintenance and, where neces-

sary, restoration of forest ecosystems to promote conservation and sustainable management

of forests, and equitable distribution of a wide range of forest goods and services. TheProgramme consists of a network of regional nodes located in Asia (http://www.iucn.org/

themes/fcp/about/details.html), Africa, Latin America and Europe, coordinated by a small

global secretariat located in the IUCN headquarters in Switzerland and an outposted global

office in Canada. The network engages in partnerships undertaking a wide range of

activities to further the mission of IUCN in relation to conserving and managing the

world’s forests, and fosters change by linking practice and policy at the landscape, national

and global levels.

WWF’s Forests For Life Programme

WWF’s vision for the forests of the world, shared with its long-standing partner, IUCN, is

that: “the world will have more extensive, more diverse and higher-quality forest landscapes

which will meet human needs and aspirations fairly, while conserving biological diversity

and fulfilling the ecosystem functions necessary for all life on Earth”.

WWF’s approach to forest conservation has evolved over time into a global programme of

integrated field and policy activities aimed at the protection, management and restorationof forests, whilst at the same time working to address some of the key threats to forests

which could potentially undermine these efforts. Those of particular concern to WWF are

illegal logging and forest crime, conversion of forests to plantation crops of palm oil and

soy, forest fires and climate change.

The Forests for Life Programme consists of a global network of more than 250 staff

working on over 300 current projects/programmes in nearly 90 countries, with regional

forest officers working to coordinate efforts in each of the five regions supported by a core

team based at WWF International in Switzerland.


Preface ........................................................................................... i

Chapter 1. Introduction.................................................................. 1

1.1 Responses .........................................................................2

Chapter 2. Degradation .................................................................. 4

2.1 Deforestation ....................................................................4

2.2 Measuring degradation .....................................................7

Chapter 3. Addressing degradation ............................................... 10

3.1 Biophysical aspects ..........................................................10

3.2 Human well-being aspects ..............................................16

Chapter 4. Why undertake forest landscape restoration? ............... 19

4.1 Ecological reasons ...........................................................19

4.2 Socio-economic reasons ..................................................22

Chapter 5. When and where to intervene ..................................... 25

5.1 Ecological factors ............................................................25

5.2 Socio-economic factors ...................................................28

5.2.1 Likelihood of change ............................................29

5.2.2 Impact of the intervention on local livelihoods .....29

5.2.3 Equity considerations ...........................................30

5.2.4 Additional risks .....................................................30

Chapter 6. Approaches at the site level ......................................... 31

6.1. Biophysical considerations ..............................................31

6.1.1 Preconditions ........................................................31

6.2. Interventions at a site level ..............................................34

6.2.1 Passive restoration .................................................34

6.2.2 Enrichment planting.............................................35

6.2.3 Direct seeding .......................................................36

6.2.4 Scattered tree plantings .........................................36

6.2.5 Close-spaced plantings ..........................................37

6.2.6 Intensive ecological reconstruction ........................38

6.2.7 Intensive ecological reconstruction after mining ...40


6.3. Directing ecological successions .........................................41

6.3.1 The “founder effect” .............................................41

6.3.2 Distance from intact forests ..................................43

6.3.3 Wildlife ................................................................44

6.3.4 Disturbances .........................................................44

6.3.5 Recovery rate ........................................................44

6.3.6 Ecological “surprises” ............................................45

6.4. Interventions providing biodiversity and productivity .....50

6.4.1 Managing secondary forests ..................................50

6.4.2 Enrichment plantings ...........................................51

6.4.3 Agroforestry ..........................................................52

6.4.4 Monoculture plantations ........................................2

6.4.5 Monoculture plantations and buffer strips ............54

6.4.6 Mosaics of species monocultures ...........................54

6.4.7 Mixed species plantations .....................................54

6.4.8 Encouragement of understorey development ........56

6.5. Managing for goods and other ecological services ............57

6.5.1 How many species? ...............................................57

6.5.2 Trade-offs .............................................................59

6.5.3 Time before harvest ..............................................61

6.6. Socio-economic considerations .......................................62

6.6.1 Reconciling interests of different stakeholders .......63

6.6.2 Tenure and access .................................................65

6.6.3 Economic incentives for tree planting ...................67

6.6.4 Institutional arrangements ....................................68

Chapter 7. Approaches at the landscape level ................................ 69

7.1. How much of a landscape should be restored? .................69

7.2 Generating diversity at the landscape scale ......................71

Chapter 8. Case studies ................................................................ 73

8.1 Natural forest regrowth in northeastern USA ..................73

8.2 Restoration of temperate forest in Canada ......................74

8.3 Community initiated forest restoration in Nepal .............75

8.4 Maximum diversity plantings on mined land in Brazil ....76

8.5 Reforestation of mountains in Japan ...............................78

8.6 Pest control in New Zealand ...........................................79

8.7 Understorey development in Australia .............................81

8.8 Assisted natural regrowth in Nepal ..................................82

8.9 Agroforestry in Indonesia ................................................83

8.10 Reforestation of Fijian grasslands ....................................85

8.11 Reforestation in Kenya ....................................................86

8.12 Reintroduction of traditional agriculture in Tanzania ......87

8.13 Large-scale reforestation in Korea ....................................89

Chapter 9. Criteria for success ...................................................... 91

Chapter 10. Promoting Forest Landscape Restoration .................. 96

10.1 Raising public awareness .................................................96

10.2 Putting restoration on the policy agenda .........................97

10.3 Incorporating restoration into land-use planning ............97

Chapter 11. Conclusions .............................................................. 99

Chapter 12. References ............................................................... 101



Box 1. Deforestation, degradation and reforestation ..................... 8

Box 2. Will degraded sites recover without intervention? ........... 11

Box 3. Definition of forest restoration terms .............................. 14

Box 4. Is ecological restoration ever possible? ............................. 21

Box 5. Forest dependence and decision-making ......................... 23

Box 6. Restoration in the Buxa Tiger Reserve, India ................... 24Box 7. Some generalizations concerning ecological restoration ... 46

Box 8. Key concepts for pluralism in sustainable forestry ........... 64

Box 9. Tenure systems ................................................................ 65

Box 10. Aspects of tenure systems ................................................ 66


Figure 1. Deforested landscape at old copper mine and smelter ....... 5

Figure 2a. Different forms of forest degradation ............................... 12

Figure 2b. Ecological restoration, rehabilitation and reclamation ..... 15

Figure 3. Ecosystems and human well-being .................................. 17

Figure 4a. Forest restored after mining, Australia ............................. 42

Figure 4b. Restored forest in an acacia-dominated site ..................... 42

Figure 4c. Monoculture of acacia seedling regeneration ................... 43

Figure 5. Rate of recovery of biodiversity ....................................... 45Figure 6. Understorey regeneration, Australia ................................ 56

Figure 7. Number of species and ecosystem function ..................... 58

Figure 8. Timber production and wildlife benefits ......................... 59

Figure 9. Effects of reforestation on diversity ................................. 71

Figure 10. Monitoring recovery by comparing number of species .... 93


Table 1. Annual global transition, 1990–2000................................ 6

Table 2. Reforestation using monocultures of exotic species .......... 19

Table 3. Sites to target for forest landscape restoration .................. 26

Table 4. Potential key plant species for restoration ........................ 33

Table 5. Potential benefits of a plantation mixture ........................ 55

Table 6. Various methods of overcoming forest degradation ......... 62

Table 7. Species diversity in different forms of agroforestry ........... 84

Table 8. Potential indicators of success ......................................... 91


Widespread deforestation and declining condition of the world’s

forests has resulted in environmentally, economically and aestheticallyimpoverished landscapes. To some extent the effects of deforestation

and loss in forest quality have been offset through natural regeneration

of forest and the establishment of plantations. However, much of the

regenerated forest consists of a few species designed to yield one or two

products rather than seeking to produce a broader range of forest

goods and services that will also contribute to the well being of local


Conventional approaches to plantation forestry are seldom capable ofdelivering the multiple values of forests and adequately addressing the

needs of all interest groups (e.g. forest-dependent communities and

downstream water users). Indeed, such schemes can result in a reduc-

tion in the range, quality and volume of forest goods and services,

social and economic dislocations and an increased vulnerability to

climate change and other natural perturbations. There is an urgent

need to both improve the quality of forest restoration and rehabilita-

tion at the site level and to find effective ways to undertake theseactivities in the context of broader environmental, social and economic

needs and interests.

Lamb and Gilmour present approaches to restoring and rehabilitating

the vast areas of degraded, fragmented and modified forests which

cover much of the world. They argue that by applying best practice at

the site level it is possible to enhance socio-economic and ecological

gains at the landscape level. This approach is consistent with the

ecosystem approach called for in the Convention on BiologicalDiversity. The ecosystem approach is based on the realization that:

• land management has on-site and off-site impacts on ecosystems

and people and therefore must be undertaken within the limits of

ecosystem functioning;• viable species populations and healthy ecosystem processes cannot

be contained within small units of land measured in tens or

hundreds of square kilometres, particularly when these areas are

disconnected; and

• conservation planning and action must take place across whole

landscapes and involve multiple interest groups.



IUCN – The World Conservation Union and WWF – The Conserva-

tion Organization have been working with a range of other partners

since 1999 to promote an approach called “Forest Landscape Restora-

tion”. Their aim, through both practical projects and the provision ofcredible policy advice, is to promote ecological integrity and enhance

human well-being in deforested or degraded forest landscapes by:

• offering an approach to forest restoration that includes improving

rural livelihoods;

• producing a wide range of goods and services, rather than simplyplanting trees;

• linking forest restoration and rehabilitation activities at the site

level with the environmental, social and economic needs at the

landscape and ecoregional level;

• recognizing and attempting to balance land-use trade-offs; and

• providing a multi-sector approach that ensures the participation of

interest groups in decision-making.

Much needs to be done to turn Forest Landscape Restoration from an

idea that is implemented in a few pilot areas into mainstream practice

that is adopted and promoted by governments and the private sector.

Nevertheless, we hope that the approach can enhance the contribution

of forests to rural poverty reduction, increase the productive capacity

and commercial viability of existing land-use systems, minimize long-

term, environmental and economic risk, improve ecosystem services,

ensure greater habitat connectivity, mitigate against threats to forested

areas and enhance biodiversity conservation.

This book provides an important contribution towards the objectives

of Forest Landscape Restoration and is essential reading for practition-

ers and decision makers involved in forest restoration.

Dr. William Jackson Director, Global Programme, IUCN

Stewart Maginnis Head, Forest Conservation Programme, IUCN

Dr. Chris Elliott Director, Forests for Life Programme, WWF International



Large areas of the world’s forests have been lost or degraded and

landscapes everywhere are being simplified by current land-use

practices (Dobson, Bradshaw and Baker 1997). In many tropical

countries increasing areas of forest or woodland are cleared for agricul-tural use. The same is true in some temperate countries although, for

the most part, land-use patterns there have stabilized over the last

century. In many temperate countries, however, agricultural practices

are intensifying. Small family-owned farms are being replaced by larger

industrial operations owned by corporations, and forest remnants and

hedgerows are being removed to allow for larger-scale operations. In

both tropical and temperate regions, therefore, landscapes are being

homogenized. Ironically, there are also increasing areas of abandonedland in both tropical and temperate areas. In some cases the previous

forms of agriculture were unsustainable and farmland was abandoned

when productivity declined. In other cases, particularly in western

Europe, social and economic changes (including reductions in agricul-

tural subsidies) have led to the abandonment of previously productive

agricultural land.

Agricultural expansion and intensification have decreased the overall

area of forest and woodland, simplified the structure of the remainingforests and broken up forest areas into smaller and more isolated

fragments. The consequences of these changes, seen both on-site and

off-site, include the following:

• on-site reductions in landscape productivity because of increasing

losses of nutrients and soil;• downstream impacts, such as reductions in water quality through

increased sedimentation and changes in water yield; and

• widespread reductions in biodiversity and the supply of various

ecological goods and services.

Such changes, and others likely to occur in the near future, are

described by Vitousek et al. (1997) and Tilman et al. (2001). In some

cases the effects of a loss of forest cover (e.g. erosion) are almostimmediate. Other changes (e.g. salinisation, biodiversity loss) take a

long time to become evident. The cumulative effects of the release of

carbon once sequestered in biomass and soil organic matter are likely

to contribute to long-term changes in the global climate.

Chapter 1Introduction



These biophysical changes have both social and economic impacts,

with the most immediate effects being felt by communities that

depend on forests for part or all of their livelihood. Forest resources

provide food, medicines and firewood, resources that now have to beobtained from more distant forests. And as forest areas are reduced

pressure on the remaining forests increases even more.

1.1 Responses

There have been various responses to these losses in forest cover. In

some relatively small areas attempts have been made to re-establish the

original forest communities. More commonly, reforestation has been

carried out using large- or small-scale plantation monocultures. Mostof these plantations consist of exotic species and most involve a

remarkably small number of species. For example, a limited number of

species from just four genera (Pinus, Eucalyptus, Acacia and Tectona)

account for the majority of tropical plantations. Plantations commonly

produce just industrial timber or firewood, although some have been

specifically established for other purposes such as desertification

control, salinity prevention or slope protection. Forest regrowth occurs

in some degraded landscapes but there have been only limited attemptsto manage these naturally regenerating forests, at least in the tropics.

These responses to deforestation and to the rapid increase in the area

of degraded lands are usually inadequate. Reforestation has been

carried out at a fraction of the deforestation rate and the new forests

provide only some of the goods and services provided by the original

forests. Most new forests, for example, are established simply to

provide industrial timber; they benefit governments or large corpora-

tions rather than local communities. Many reforestation schemes dooffer some functional benefits, such as watershed protection, but their

simple composition and structure mean that they rarely contribute

significantly to biodiversity conservation. Further, new forests are not

always located in places with the largest areas of degraded land.

The overall effect of this process of forest degradation is a reduction in

human well-being and a loss of biodiversity and ecological goods and

services. The fragile state of the world’s forests (particularly tropicalforests) is widely acknowledged and has been the subject of debate for


Chapter 1: Introduction

several decades. But little seems to change. Within a decade most of

the world’s forests will probably have been subject to some form of

harvesting at least once. The only exceptions are likely to be those

forests in steep otherwise inaccessible areas and those in securelyprotected areas. By and large, the remaining forests in most countries

will then be secondary, fragmented and degraded or simplified. This is

the starting point for this report. A number of questions now arise:

• What are the options for the world’s forest landscapes?

• What do we want our forest landscapes to look like in the comingdecades?

• What goods and services do we want them to provide?

• How are we going to manage the vast areas of landscape with

degraded, fragmented and modified forests?

The aim of this report is to address the last of these questions in detail,

while giving some attention to the other three. The report will focus

on how and why forest cover could and should be re-established inmany settings, and the ecological and socio-economic rationale for

doing so.



Badly degraded sites are easy to recognize. Repeated disturbances or

over-exploitation have removed much of the original vegetative cover,

some of which may have been replaced by exotic weeds. Wildlife has

been lost and pest species may have been introduced. Erosion is oftenwidespread, perhaps with landslips and gullies forming on steeper

slopes. Air pollution can cause tree death as well as more subtle

changes to forest health and can do so over very large areas (Fanta

1997). Degraded forests have lost much of their productivity and

biodiversity as well as many of the ecological goods and services they

once provided. But are less disturbed sites degraded? In fact, just when

does a forest become “degraded”? What is the threshold condition

beyond which degradation occurs?

The term “degradation” is taken to mean a loss of forest structure,

productivity and native species diversity. A degraded site may still

contain trees (that is, a degraded site is not necessarily deforested) but

it will have lost its former ecological integrity. The Food and Agricul-

ture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has defined forest

degradation as changes within a forest that affect the structure and

function of the stand or site and thereby lower its capacity to supply

products or services. In practice, however, degradation is much moresubjective; people can have quite different perceptions about the same

landscape. For example, a wildlife enthusiast may see an impoverished

forest, while a forester sees a productive forest regenerating after

logging. Similarly, a forester may see a degraded forest while a shifting

cultivator sees a piece of prime agricultural land. Almost inevitably,

“degradation” is partially in the eye of the beholder. Not all

landholders or managers will necessarily agree that degradation has

occurred; even if they do, they may disagree about the most appropri-ate response (Figure 1). These contrasting perceptions make it hard to

define and measure degradation, and to obtain definitive statistics on

its regional, national or global scale.

2.1 Deforestation

Most global statistics on degradation are based not on assessments of

degradation but on deforestation. FAO (2001) defines deforestation as

the conversion of forests to another land use. For several decades FAO

Chapter 2Degradation


Chapter 2: Degradation

has attempted to assess the deforestation rates of the world’s forests.

This was a hugely difficult task because of incomplete and inconsistent

data from different parts of the world. It was not until 2000 that FAO

was able to attempt a global estimate of deforestation using a commonset of definitions for both industrialised and developing countries. It

estimated that, in the decade between 1990 and 2000, the gross annual

deforestation rate was 13.5 million ha, with most of the loss of natural

forests occurring in tropical countries. Slightly higher estimates were

made by Mathews (2001), who argued that the annual loss of natural

tropical forests was probably closer to 16 million ha.

The overall decline in forest cover was less than these figures implybecause regrowth and plantation establishment on previously cleared

land partly compensated — in area if not in quality — for the loss of

natural forest. Thus the net deforestation rate in tropical countries was

estimated (by FAO 2001) to be 12.3 million ha per year, while the net

forest cover increased in non-tropical countries by 2.9 million ha per

year over the same period. The global net annual deforestation rate was

Figure 1. Deforested landscape at old copper mine and smelter, Queenstown, Tasmania.

Although the site is obviously degraded many people in the community are opposedto rehabilitation because tourists come to the area to see the “moon landscape”.Local residents wish to retain the current status of the town’s degraded environs as atourist attraction. Photo by David Lamb.



estimated to be 9.4 million ha. Regrowth on abandoned agricultural

lands in both tropical and non-tropical countries was 3.6 million ha

annually and plantations were established by afforestation of cleared

land at an annual rate of 1.6 million ha. Another 1.5 million ha ofplantations were created by clearing forested lands (Table 1). By the

end of 2000 the total global plantation area was estimated to be 187

million ha, most of it in Asia.

Table 1. Annual global transition to natural forest, plantations and other use, 1990–2000

From To natural forest To plantations To other land usesi.e. regrowth

(million ha)

Natural forest

tropics 1.0 14.2

non-tropics 0.5 0.4

global 1.5 14.6


tropics ns ns


global ns ns

Other land uses

tropics 1.0 0.9

non-tropics 2.6 0.7

global 3.6 1.6

Note that “forest” is land with a tree canopy cover of more than 10 per centSource: FAO 2001; ns = not significant

Determining the rate of deforestation depends, of course, on the

definition of “forest”. FAO originally defined “forest” as non-agricul-

tural land with a tree cover of at least 20 per cent. This definition was

changed in 2000 to land with a tree cover of at least 10 per cent,meaning that land previously categorized as “woodland” was now

“forest”. FAO recalculated the 1990 data to make them comparable

with the 2000 figures, and concluded that the net rate of deforestation

had probably decreased, although this was mainly due to regrowth and

plantation establishment rather than a reduction in gross deforestation

rates. Mathews (2001) suggested that rates of natural forest loss had

probably worsened in all tropical countries except in Latin America

and that more forest was lost in the 1990s than the 1980s.


Chapter 2: Degradation

Much of the land that is cleared is presumably used for agriculture.

Estimates measure the conversion rate but not the amount of degraded

land needing or available for rehabilitation. Agriculture practised on

fertile soils is likely to be more sustainable than that practised on poorsoils. Unfortunately it is increasingly the poor soils that are being

cleared (Dobson, Bradshaw and Baker 1997). This suggests that a

significant proportion of these newly cleared lands are at risk of

becoming degraded in future. The role of new agricultural technolo-

gies in modifying the current rates of deforestation is extensively

discussed by Angelsen and Kaimowitz (2001).

2.2 Measuring degradation

It is even more difficult to measure global degradation than it is to

measure deforestation. Even defining which areas to measure is a

subjective process. Simple measurements (such as the amount of forest

area lost) do not account for the more complex effects of degradation,

such as fragmentation or an increase in the ratio of perimeter to area

(the so-called “edge effect”). A 1988 estimate of the extent of degraded

tropical lands was 2,077 million ha, much of which was desertified

drylands (Grainger 1988). This area was larger than the total knownforest area of the tropics (FAO 1993). Wadsworth (1997), recognising

two forms of degraded forest, estimated that, worldwide, there were

494 million ha of “cutover tropical forests, and 402 million ha of

tropical forest fallow”. The International Tropical Timber Organisa-

tion (ITTO) distinguishes between three types of degradation:

• degraded primary forest (resulting from excessive and damaging

timber exploitation);

• secondary forest (spontaneously regrowing on land that had been

largely cleared); and

• degraded forest land (which is so degraded that forest regrowth has

not occurred and which is now mostly occupied by grasses and


Based on a variety of sources, the ITTO estimated there were 500

million ha of degraded primary and secondary forest and 350 million

ha of degraded forest land in the tropics; they further estimate that 300

million people use these lands to make a living (J. Blaser, pers. comm.).



While global assessments of degradation are inherently difficult,

regional accounts can be more feasible. One method involves assessing

the area of former forest lands that are now grassland or shrubland and

which might be available for reforestation. Based on this approachsome estimates of degraded land in the four lower Mekong countries

(Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR) are given in Box 1.

Box 1. Deforestation, degradation and reforestation, Lower Mekong

The four lower Mekong countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR,

Thailand and Vietnam in South East Asia have all experienced

high levels of deforestation and forest degradation during recent

decades. The reasons for this are varied, but include logging (legal

and illegal); expansion of agricultural activities (government

sponsored and spontaneous); war; building of infrastructure such

as roads and dams; and shifting cultivation. Accurate statistics are

difficult to obtain but the estimates made by FAO (1995) andshown in Table A for the ten-year period from 1980 to 1990

suggest that more than nine million ha of forest was lost in the

four lower Mekong countries.

1a. Change in natural forest, lower Mekong countries, 1980-1990

Country Area (000s) Annual change (000s)

1990 1980-1990

Cambodia 12,163 –131

Lao PDR 13,173 –129Thailand 12,735 –515

Vietnam 8,312 –137

Total 46,383 –912

Source: FAO (1995)

In fact, much of the area designated as forest land in the national

statistics of many countries in the region may have little or no tree

cover. The example from Vietnam in Table 1b is typical of the

situation across the region.


Chapter 2: Degradation

1b. Categorisation of forest land in Vietnam in 1995

forest class with tree cover without tree cover

(000s) (000s)

special-use forest 700 200

protection forest 2,400 3,300

production forest 6,200 6,200

Total 9,300 9,700

Source: MOF (1995)

1c. Hectares of land potentially available for rehabilitation

Country land available % of total area % of area of

(000s) of country natural forest

Cambodia 2,600 15 28

Lao PDR 8,700 38 70

Thailand 2,306 5 23

Vietnam 9,700 30 120

Total 23,306

While there may be some debate over these figures, it is clear thatan enormous area of land in these four countries has some

potential for rehabilitation (in Vietnam this area exceeds that of

residual natural forest). Of course, this does not imply that all of

this potentially available land is unused, unclaimed or totally

unproductive. Much of it provides subsistence products such as

fuel wood, charcoal, building material and non-timber forest


Source: Gilmour, Nguyen and Tsechalicha 2000; FAO 2001.

This global and regional information reveals the huge land-use changes

underway. These changes have profound effects on the forest biota as

well as on the human populations dependent on forests. Greater efforts

are needed to ensure that degradation is prevented and that furtherdeforestation is only undertaken where subsequent land use is likely to

be sustainable. It is also important to help forests recover on some of

these degraded lands.



Degradation needs to be addressed in a variety of ways and at a range

of scales. While site-level interventions are important, they need to be

coordinated with effective planning at the landscape level.

The most appropriate group to undertake landscape-level planning will

vary from setting to setting. In some countries a medium-level admin-

istrative-political unit (shire, canton or district) may have the mandate

for land-use planning. There may be ad hoc groupings of these units

for important regional or national initiatives. On occasion, there may

also be national-level planning initiatives aimed at restoring natural

vegetation throughout an entire country. The National Heritage Trust

funding and the Landcare movement in Australia in the past decadeare examples of national initiatives which have included major ele-

ments of landscape- and site-level rehabilitation. This report focuses on

site-level considerations, both biophysical and socio-economic,

although some reference is made to landscape-level aspects.

This chapter focuses on the key aspects of biophysical and human well-

being, and their links to each other. These are important considera-

tions in planning and implementing forest rehabilitation initiatives,

particularly at the site level. The chapter provides a conceptual over-view of the biophysical options for intervening in a natural system to

change short- and long-term outcomes.

3.1 Biophysical aspects

Some degraded ecosystems are able to recover naturally (see Box 2) but

many do not. There are several possible reasons for this: too few of the

original plant and animal biota remain at the site, some component ofthe biophysical environment such as soil fertility has changed, or

repeated disturbances preclude successional development. Even at sites

where natural recovery is taking place, the process may be slow. This

increases the chance of further disturbances and degradation. For these

reasons human intervention may be needed to either initiate the

recovery process or to accelerate the rate at which it proceeds.

Chapter 3Addressingdegradation


Chapter 3: Addressing degradation

Box 2. Will degraded sites recover without intervention?

Many heavily degraded forest ecosystems can recover from

disturbances. The process is referred to as a succession and most

ecological textbooks include descriptions of the processes in-

volved. Examples of successions are common but several precon-ditions must be met if successional recovery is to occur:

• The disturbing agent or agents must be removed. If distur-

bances such as fire, timber harvesting or grazing continue,succession is interrupted and recovery is not possible.

• Plants and animals must remain at the site or in the region as a

source of new colonists. Not only must they be present, they

must also be able to move across the landscape and recolonise

the degraded area. The more distant these source populations

are and the greater the degree of biological impoverishment in

the intervening landscape, the slower the recolonisation process.

Conversely, the more forest fragments or “stepping stones” in

the intervening lands the faster the process will be.• Soils at the site must also remain reasonably intact. If severe

erosion has taken place or if fertility has been depleted the soils

may no longer be suitable for the original species and a new

community, possibly exotic species able to tolerate the changed

environment, may take over.

• Weed species or animal pests must be excluded if the original

community is to be re-established.

These preconditions might seem like formidable obstacles but large-scale examplesof forest recovery on seemingly degraded landscapes have occurred. See CaseStudies 8.1, 8.3 and 8.12.

There are three broad categories of degraded land:

• the most severely degraded land has lost much of its original

biodiversity and most of its structure, biomass or site productivity.

It is represented by point B in Figure 2a.

• a second common category is land occupied by woody regrowth

that has developed on a site after an earlier disturbance. This might

have been some form of agricultural clearing after which the land



was abandoned. The site now has some of its former diversity

although it is dominated by early successional species and usually

has fewer plant or animal species representative of mature forest.

The second category is represented by point C in Figure 2a.• degraded primary forests have experienced a very intense distur-

bance, such as heavy logging, which has drastically altered the

forest structure and reduced the biomass. However, some residual

trees remain and many of the primary forest tree species will still be

present, represented by saplings or seedlings. The third category is

represented by Point D in Figure 2a.

Chokkalingam et al. (2001) provide a more detailed typology of typesof degraded tropical forest.

Figure 2a. Different forms of forest degradation



s, s



, pro








An undisturbed forest is represented by position A, where it has a certain level ofbiodiversity as well as biomass, structure or production. Extensive clearing can takeit to point B, where it will have lost a large proportion of this biodiversity as well asmuch of the biomass, structure and productivity. It may or may not recoverunaided to C (e.g. becoming secondary regrowth forests). Some forms of intensivelogging can cause the degradation of primary forest while still leaving a significantamount of the biodiversity (point D).


Chapter 3: Addressing degradation

A variety of approaches can be used to overcome these forms of

degradation. In some cases the objective is to restore the original

ecosystem and recover the former biodiversity; in others the aim is

simply to use the site for some productive purpose such as agriculture.These different approaches have fostered a confused terminology (see

Box 3):

• this report uses the term “restoration” only for those situations

where the intent is to recreate an ecosystem as close as possible to

that which originally existed at the site. The site then contains mostof the original plant and animal species and has a structure and

productivity matching that originally present;

• the term “rehabilitation”, on the other hand, is used where the

original productivity or structure is regained as well as some, but

not all, of the original biodiversity. This might be because commer-

cial imperatives demand the use of certain agricultural or timber

species to justify the rehabilitation effort or because the site has

become unsuitable for some of the original species; and• the term “reclamation” is used for situations where productivity or

structure is regained but biodiversity is not. In fact, native species

may not be used at all. In such cases there are few, if any, benefits

to landscape biodiversity but there may be social or economical

advantages or functional gains such as improved watershed


The three approaches differ in the extent to which they enable the

original biodiversity to be regained. They are similar, however, in thatthey all seek to establish a productive and stable new land use.



Box 3. Definition of terms used in discussions of forest restoration

Landscape level

Forest landscape restoration: A process that aims to regain ecologi-

cal integrity and enhance human well-being in deforested or

degraded forest landscapes.

Site level

Reclamation: Recovery of productivity at a degraded site using

mostly exotic tree species. Species monocultures are often used.Original biodiversity is not recovered but protective function and

many of the original ecological services may be re-established.

Rehabilitation: Re-establishing the productivity and some, but notnecessarily all, of the plant and animal species originally present.

For ecological or economic reasons the new forest may include

species not originally present. In time, the original forest’s

protective function and ecological services may be re-established.

Ecological Restoration: Re-establishing the structure, productivity

and species diversity of the forest originally present. In time,

ecological processes and functions will match those of the original

forest. The Society for Ecological Restoration defines it as “the

process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been

degraded, damaged or destroyed”.

Human well-being

Ensuring that all people have a role in shaping decisions that

affect their ability to meet their needs, safeguard their livelihoods

and realise their full potential.

Ecological integrity

Maintaining the diversity and quality of ecosystems, and enhanc-

ing their capacity to adapt to change and provide for the needs offuture generations.


Chapter 3: Addressing degradation

The difference between approaches is illustrated in Figure 2b. In the

absence of human intervention the degraded forest at point B may

gradually recover some species richness and biomass and move slowly

towards its original condition (A). The rate at which this occursdepends on the speed with which species are able to colonise the site; it

might be accelerated by human intervention (i.e. restoration). Alterna-

tively, recurrent disturbances (e.g. wildfires or grazing) may further

degrade the system and more species may be lost, pushing the system

towards point B2. Reclamation is represented by point E, where a tree

plantation or crop monoculture has been established. This may have

recovered the original biomass (E1) or perhaps even exceeded it (E2)

because of site preparation and fertiliser use. Rehabilitation is repre-sented by point F. In this case structure and biomass and some, but

not all, of the original species richness have been recovered. Each of

these three alternatives (A, F or E) might, theoretically, be applied to

any of the several forms of degraded land described above. Some of the

more common approaches used in various field situations are described

in Chapter 6.

Figure 2b. Ecological restoration, rehabilitation and reclamation



s, s



, pro










If left untreated, the degraded forest (at B1) may degrade further over time to B2(e.g. following repeated wildfires). Ecological restoration seeks to return the forest toposition A; reclamation takes it to E1 or E2 (if site is improved with ploughing orfertilisers) and rehabilitation to F.



There has been some debate over whether restoration is ever possible

(see Box 4). In practice the question is probably not that important. In

most field situations the large extent of degraded land and limited

resources often mean that a modest increase in the biodiversity ofindigenous species through some form of rehabilitation is the most

that can be achieved. Indeed, in many cases social circumstances may

make this the preferred option, because of major trade-offs between

restoration and human well-being. Attempts at ecological restoration

might only be feasible in specialized situations.

3.2 Human well-being aspects

The ecological model described above can be complemented by asimilar model that describes the relationship between the quality of

ecosystem restoration and the improvement that this brings to the

well-being of humans living in or near the new forest area.

The quality of restoration refers to the extent to which ecosystem

integrity has been regained. It includes ecological authenticity (e.g.

ecological naturalness, viability, health) as well as the functional

effectiveness of the restoration process (e.g. the extent to which water-shed protection is established, key ecological processes are regained or

the populations of biota are able to reproduce, etc.). Ecosystem

integrity is promoted more by restoration than by rehabilitation.

The term “human well-being” is necessarily broad, and covers not only

benefits such as the market value of forest products (e.g. timber or

non-timber forest products) and other ecological services such as

watershed protection but also a broader range of benefits that flowfrom them. The elements of human well-being are described by Fisher,

Dechaineux and Keonuchan (1996):

• economic benefits in the form of access to material goods (assets,

capital, labour availability, credit and availability of cash);

• quality of life factors such as health, education, culture and accessto services;

• equity, meaning how fairly well-being is distributed to different

individuals and groups (equity does not imply equality); and

• risk and power relations, which are likely to affect the rate at which

new activities can be adopted.


Chapter 3: Addressing degradation

Unlike ecosystem integrity, human well-being is likely to be promoted

more by rehabilitation than by restoration.

The term “forest landscape restoration” incorporates both ecosystemintegrity and human well-being. The relationship between these two

aspects and the trade-off that might be necessary is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Ecological integrity of restored or rehabilitated ecosystems and human well-being


an w



Ecosystem integrity








The highest quality of landscape restoration is at point 1 where ecosystem integrityand human well-being are both improved. Position 2 represents a less successfuloutcome. Positions 3 and 4 are less likely to be sustainable in the longer term. Itshould be noted that this human well-being model has yet to be validated, though itdoes appear to be conceptually sound. Figure 3 is adapted by Jackson from Prescott-Allen (2001).

At Position 1 intervention has produced improved ecosystem quality as

well as generating a substantial improvement in human well-being.This is clearly the most desirable outcome.

At Position 2 intervention has yielded some modest improvements in

ecosystem integrity and human well-being but these are not as good as

at Position 1.

At Position 3 ecosystem integrity has substantially improved but there

have been no matching gains in human well-being. This means the



biodiversity gains might run the risk of being unsustainable over the

longer term for purely social reasons. For example, a restoration project

in a heavily populated area that involved planting trees for biodiversity

purposes, but which contributed no other short-term benefits to poorfarmers, might run the risk of being burned or grazed. Similarly,

natural regrowth forest managed solely to foster biodiversity might be

“accidentally” cleared for agriculture. A better option might be to

encourage some of the more commercially attractive species in the

regrowth (e.g. by some judicious thinning) so they could be harvested

at a later date.

At Position 4 human well-being has improved but environmental

conditions have not changed. In fact, they may have even declined

further. In this case the gains may be short-term and potentially

unsustainable for ecological rather than social reasons. This might be

true where most of the original landscape is cleared and used, say, for

intensive agriculture.

There are, of course, examples where intensive agriculture is relatively

successful. But there are increasing numbers of examples in highly

simplified landscapes where it is not. Just how much complexity or

biological diversity is needed in such landscapes is currently the subject

of intensive research (e.g. Hobbs and Morton 1999, Lefroy et al. 1999,

Kaiser 2000).

The two conceptual models (Figures 2b and 3) suggest that severaldefinitions are needed to distinguish between the various objectives a

land manager might wish to consider. These now include reclamation,

rehabilitation, ecological restoration and a collective term, forest

landscape restoration (Box 3).


Chapter 4: Why undertake forest landscape restoration?

4.1 Ecological reasons

If a network of protected areas exists, why is it necessary to be con-

cerned about restoration or rehabilitation? Why not use degraded lands

solely for production (i.e. use only the approach referred to earlier as

reclamation)? This approach has been widely utilized and can be

financially successful, although it can have unintended negative

consequences (Table 2).

Table 2. Advantages and consequences of reforestation using monocultures of exotic species

Advantages Potential negative consequences

• potentially good supply of • reduction in range, quality andhigh-quality seed (sometimes quantity of goods and servicesgenetically improved meaning supplied to local people by newtree form is good) plantation

• Known nursery technology for • reduction in ecosystem services,raising seedlings especially for water regulation,

• known site and environmental nutrient cycling and wildlife habitatrequirements • increased susceptibility to climate

• known silvicultural systems for and other environmental changesmanaging plantations • limited opportunities for

• potentially high productivity collaborative management• tree timber properties well-known • loss of biodiversity and of• can choose species tolerant of opportunities to restore it

extremely poor soils or degraded • more frequent outbreaks of pestssites and diseases

• problems with alien speciesbecoming invasive

After Ingles and Jackson 2001

There are several reasons to undertake forest landscape restoration.

One is to provide the goods and help re-establish those ecological

services or functions no longer being provided by the new forms of

land-use. Industrial monoculture plantations produce wood but do not

provide a variety of timbers or the forest products such as fruits, nuts

or medicinal plants used by many rural communities. Plantations may

be effective in sequestering carbon or helping restore hydrological

cycles to overcome salinity, but they are not always as effective inpreventing erosion on the slopes of hills above agricultural areas,

protecting riparian strips or restoring soil fertility.

A second reason for undertaking forest landscape restoration is to

restore some degree of biodiversity to degraded landscapes (Elliott et al.

Chapter 4Why undertakeforest landscaperestoration?



2000). It is unlikely that any network of protected areas will be able to

protect all existing biodiversity. Such reserves represent a small propor-

tion of most landscapes and in many countries there is limited capacity

to increase the number or size of them. Meanwhile the remainingundisturbed areas outside these reserves are being increasingly frag-

mented and homogenized as large-scale agriculture and industrial

timber plantations spread across the landscape. Restoration offers a

means of counteracting these trends towards landscape simplification.

It can also ensure that species and ecosystems — across a large area —

are more resilient and adaptable to change.

At a regional scale, forest landscape restoration is often likely to beneeded to achieve more sustainable forms of land use. Many large areas

of land became degraded because previous agricultural practices were

unsustainable. Production was lost as fertility declined, salinity

developed or weeds, diseases or pests became established. New agricul-

tural systems are needed to replace these unproductive areas; more

diverse landscapes are likely to be a necessary component of such

systems (Hobbs and Morton 1999, Lefroy et al. 1999).

The decision about which approach to use at a particular site —restoration or rehabilitation — is always complicated. As noted earlier,

restoration may only be possible in recently disturbed landscapes where

most of the original biota remains (although even then it may be

problematic; see Box 4). In landscapes that have been heavily used for

a long time it may be unrealistic to aim at restoration because some

original species will have been lost and other exotic species will have

been naturalised. The extent of disturbance is also important: the

choices available in a patchy landscape containing many forest rem-nants will probably be different than those in a landscape where

extensive clearing has taken place and industrial-scale agriculture is



Chapter 4: Why undertake forest landscape restoration?

Box 4. Is ecological restoration ever possible?

Restoration, as defined in Box 3, is a difficult undertaking, both

in principle and in practice. There is some question as to whether

it is even possible. The definition of restoration implies that the

identity and population sizes of the plants and animals oncepresent at a particular site are known. This is rarely the case. In

many situations the best that can be done is to infer the nature of

the original ecosystem from previous descriptions or remnants of

communities. The definition also implies that these communities

were static and would have remained unchanged over time. But

this, too, is unlikely to be the case. Many communities undergo

successional change, often over a period of time involving

hundreds of years. Even mature ecosystems commonly exist in a

state of dynamic equilibrium; changes occur in their composition,even in the absence of degradation. These difficulties mean that

restoration can be both an uncertain goal and a shifting target.

Restoration can also be difficult for other reasons. Our knowledgeof ecological processes is imperfect and our capacity to predict, let

alone direct, ecological successions is limited. In many cases

chance events such as weather or the timing of flowering or

seeding have a major effect on the way successions develop. This

means it might be difficult to achieve a particular outcome even if

the target could be ascertained. Further, the large numbers of

plant and animal species present in many communities mean that

the ecology of species is poorly known. This makes it difficult toassist or encourage them to re-enter a degraded site.

The target might also become unattainable because some of the

original species have become extinct. Exotic species may havebecome naturalised after a long period of human intervention.

Such is likely to be the case, for example, with the ecosystems of

Europe and the Mediterranean basin or in China. In these cases

simply fostering species-rich communities might be a more

appropriate goal. In other situations the extent of topsoil loss, site

exposure or salinity levels may be so great that restoration would

be too expensive even if the technical means were available.



Social constraints may also apply. Traditional owners or users of

degraded lands may be unwilling to agree to restoration because it

is not a goal they share or because they believe that it will lessen

their rights to future use. In such cases intervention from outsidepersons or organisations is unlikely to succeed.

These problems mean that attempts to “ecologically restore”

forests, as defined in Box 3, may at times be unrealistic. It may bemore appropriate to aim at more modest goals, such as recreating

a forest with a large species diversity and a structure and function

similar, but not necessarily identical, to that originally present.

4.2 Socio-economic reasons

Forest landscape restoration incorporates both biophysical and socio-

economic values; that is, ecosystem restoration as well as the changes in

human well-being associated with it. It is important to consider the

social and economic impacts of forest restoration initiatives, particu-larly the effects on people living in or near the restored forest area.

A substantial amount of reforestation has taken place with the intent of

overcoming deforestation or land degradation. Much of this effort

involved fast-growing exotic tree species, planted, in many cases, after

clearing shrublands or secondary regrowth. These reforestation efforts

may have brought some benefits but often the improvements in well-

being have not been as great as expected. New plantations were often

established solely for industrial timber users and provided few of thegoods traditionally used by communities; where new plantations

replaced regrowth or secondary forests a large number of traditional

resources disappeared. Forest landscape restoration differs in that it

seeks to bring greater social and economic benefits to local communi-

ties (Box 5).


Chapter 4: Why undertake forest landscape restoration?

Box 5. Forest dependence and decision-making

In many developing countries large populations of rural people

live near forests and depend on them for subsistence and, some-

times, for commercial purposes. Many of these communities have

had a close and long-standing association with the forests; untilrelatively recently, resource management in more remote regions

was left largely in their hands. Often there were local institutional

arrangements that defined access and use rights to the forest.

Forests were often nationalised by colonial and post-colonial

governments. This legally disenfranchised local communities,

although in many cases they retained usufruct rights extra-legally.

As state control spread, local communities came into closer

contact with government officials. Tensions increased, particu-

larly where upland land-use practices did not conform to those of

lowland (mainly ethnic majority) farmers. Often, government

officials didn’t appreciate the importance of forests to local

communities in terms of food security, income, nutrition,employment, energy sources and overall well-being. The large-

scale exploitation of commercial timber from the forests during

the past few decades brought few benefits to upland communities,

who became even more removed from mainstream development.

The current emphasis on rehabilitation of degraded forests

provides opportunities to build new relationships between

governments and local communities, based on collaboration

rather than confrontation. This will require significant changes in

attitudes and working relationships, as well as a continuing

evolution of policy. Progress is likely to be slow, partly because of

entrenched attitudes in the bureaucracy. Nonetheless, there seemsto be an inevitability about the general direction of policy, with

governments throughout much of the world devolving more

rights and responsibilities to various members of civil society.

Forest landscape restoration also seeks to foster a more participatory

form of forest management. One of the lessons of development and of

general land-use planning and management during recent decades is



that technical solutions alone can rarely resolve complex natural

resource management problems. Virtually all land-use planning and

management involves people as well as the biophysical landscape.

Forest rehabilitation at both the site and landscape levels will affectdifferent people in different ways. The practical reality is that, in many

parts of the world, communities living adjacent to (or even within)

forests are the de facto if not the de jure managers. Any approach that

fails to involve people or take account of their various interests is

unlikely to succeed.

Significant changes are taking place in most countries in the way that

central governments perceive and carry out their mandates of ruralland-use planning and management. There is a shift towards decen-

tralisation of government functions and some devolution of authority.

In some cases this results in a shift in local decision-making and action

to local communities. This brings into sharp focus the interactions

between rural communities, the government and forests (Box 6).

Box 6. Restoration in the Buxa Tiger Reserve, India

India’s Buxa Tiger Reserve, on the borders of Nepal and Bhutan,

contains 37 forest villages, 25,000 people and around 100,000

cattle. It was initially protected in 1879 (the first reserved forest

in India) and was included in Project Tiger in 1987. The reserve

has serious social and ecological problems, and forest restoration

is urgently needed. When commercial logging ceased in Buxa in1987, it removed a major source of income for many villagers.

The local forestry department (funded by the World Bank since

1997) is unwilling to move the villages outside the reserve. Since

the villagers still live in the reserve, and have no alternate source

of income, they have continued illegal felling, which has increased

the overall rate of degradation. Any efforts at sustainable forest

restoration must consider these socio-economic realities.


Chapter 5: When and where to intervene

Both landscape- and site-level considerations must be taken into

account when deciding where to intervene. At the landscape level, a

useful beginning for decision-making could be to identify remnant

forests, especially those with high conservation value (critical environ-mental and social values). These could be used as starting points

around which to carry out site-specific interventions. Interventions at

one or more sites to achieve the greatest functional benefits across the

landscape as a whole is discussed further in Chapter 7.

At the site level, restoration can be carried out on a range of locations,

from severely degraded sites (e.g. by mining) to those that are only

slightly disturbed and need only a few years of protection beforerecovery is underway (Hobbs and Norton 1996). Restoration that re-

establishes biodiversity is difficult to achieve and is only feasible when

certain ecological preconditions can be met (Box 2). It also requires

that a majority of the land owners or land users agree on the need for

restoration and have the financial and other resources to undertake it.

If these ecological, social and economic constraints cannot be over-

come then some form of rehabilitation or reclamation might be more

appropriate. This can recover productivity and some functional

benefits even if it is unable to restore most of the biodiversity.

5.1 Ecological factors

The choice of where to intervene depends primarily on the purpose of

the proposed reforestation (some common locations for restoration

and rehabilitation are shown in Table 3). In many degraded landscapes

the primary purpose of intervention is to provide functional benefits

(such as soil and water conservation) rather than to restore biodiversity.

In such cases, reforestation might target riparian strips to stabilisestreamsides or target steep hillsides and areas with eroding soils.

Reforestation might also be carried out at saline or waterlogged sites.

In some situations treating relatively small areas that are severely

degraded can have a disproportionately large benefit for the landscape

as a whole. Examples are landslip areas, erosion gullies, and old mine

sites; they may be a source of sedimentation or pollutants that affect

large parts of the landscape. The extent of degradation at these sites

may require planting of specialised species able to tolerate the prevail-ing conditions before many of the original species can be restored.

Chapter 5When and whereto intervene



Table 3. Sites or landscape areas to target for forest landscape restoration

Area Reason

Riparian areas • to protect stream banks fromerosion; to improve water quality; tocreate habitats for riparian species

Steep areas and • to stabilise soil surfaces and preventerosion-prone sites erosion and landslides

Saline or waterlogged • to re-establish hydrological cycles andareas lower water tables; to reduce land and

river salinity; may require tolerantspecies to be introduced first beforeother species can be re-established

Mine sites • to stabilise these sites and prevent thembecoming sources of water sedimentation,acidification or heavy-metal pollution

Degraded areas in or • to re-establish habitats of species beingbuffer areas around protected; to eradicate habitats of weedprotected areas species; to reduce edge effect

Habitats of particular • to increase the availability of habitat andspecies resources for vulnerable or threatened

species, thereby allowing an increase intheir population sizes; to create habitatsin more easily protected areas

Offshore islands • to foster populations of endangeredspecies without native or introducedpredators

Corridors between protected • to provide linkages between forest areas;areas or forest fragments to provide opportunities for species

movement and genetic interchange

Buffer strips within and • to create linkages between areas ofaround plantations natural vegetation; for firebreaks or

watershed protection

Over-logged or secondary • to hasten recovery of biodiversityregrowth forests and/or productivity

Other degraded areas • to increase landscape heterogeneity,(e.g. abandoned agricultural biodiversity and sustainability; some oflands, sites with infertile soils, these sites may require specially adaptedgeneral agricultural matrix species (e.g. nitrogen fixers) to amelioratebetween forest remnants) soils before reintroducing native species


Chapter 5: When and where to intervene

In many deforested rural landscapes the focus of treatment is on the

provision of goods (such as firewood or medicinal plants) and ecologi-

cal services. Rehabilitation in the form of small farm woodlots or the

protection of regrowth areas near to the homes or villages of the ruralcommunities might be the best option.

Where biodiversity is the primary focus then protected areas, estab-

lished to conserve significant areas of biodiversity, are obvious targets.

Some of them may contain degraded areas because of land-use prac-

tices prior to their establishment. Restoration will restore the integrity

of the whole protected area and prevent it from being a source of

weeds or pests. Protected areas may have boundaries with largepopulations of invasive weeds or pest species. Restoration can improve

the effectiveness of these buffer areas and perimeters.

Habitats of particular endangered or vulnerable species are another

high priority. An increase in the availability of such habitats may allow

the populations of these species to increase as well. In some cases the

endangered species may need to have habitat restored in specialised

conditions, such as isolated offshore islands, to avoid naturalised

predators that are impossible to remove from the mainland (Townsand Ballantine 1993). Of course the habitats required by some species

may not be necessarily suitable for other species; some deliberate trade-

offs may be needed. A balance must be struck between fostering the

populations of one particular species and maximising the overall

species diversity at a site.

Restoration might also be carried out to facilitate the movement of

plants and animals across a landscape. This could be done by usingexisting forest fragments as starting points and establishing additional

small forest patches to form a series of “stepping stones” between larger

forest areas. Alternatively, corridors could be created to link isolated

remnants of natural forest. Corridors are clearly preferable for those

species unable to cross non-forested areas.

Both approaches have value in facilitating genetic or demographic

interchange, and may be especially useful in linking remnant forestareas at different altitudes to facilitate movement of elevational or



seasonal migrants. There has been some debate about whether corri-

dors achieve the benefits assumed by their proponents (e.g. Simberloff

et al. 1992). Much of this debate concerns animals rather than plants

and centres on the width of the corridors that are needed to avoid edgeeffect. There is general agreement that linkages enhance conservation

outcomes (Bennett 1999). Linkages and landscape heterogeneity can

also be fostered by the development of buffer strips or corridors within

and around industrial timber plantations. In these situations they are

commonly created as firebreaks or to help protect watersheds but they

can bring significant biodiversity benefits as well.

Often, a number of different approaches might be used (see Chapter6). In general it is preferable to treat large areas rather than small ones

because of the significance of edge effects and because many species

need large areas to achieve viable population sizes. The shape of the

areas may also matter; it is usually preferable to treat large broad areas

rather than long thin areas, again because of the edge effect. But there

are many circumstances where these generalisations may be incorrect.

Small restoration projects, if they are strategically situated, often have

considerable value. Likewise, long but comparatively narrow riparian

strips are often key targets for ecological restoration.

5.2 Socio-economic factors

It is always difficult to choose where to invest limited resources,

particularly when so many areas deserve attention. Is it better to devote

a lot of resources to a small but highly degraded area, or to a much

larger area that is not so severely degraded? Fertilisers can improve soil

fertility and herbicides can eradicate weeds. But the more resources

used, the more expensive the operation becomes. It may be preferableto use these resources to treat a larger but less degraded site. There is a

certain irony in this; the most degraded areas may never get treated.

Because of the importance of integrating both biophysical and human

well-being aspects into forest landscape restoration, there must be a

strategic focus in deciding where to take action. It is best to focus — at

least initially — on areas where there is a degree of local interest in

restoration, particularly if success will depend on aspects under thecontrol of local people, such as protection from grazing animals.


Chapter 5: When and where to intervene

An example of this last scenario is found in Nepal. Community

interest in small-scale local reforestation efforts was an important

indicator in deciding where to use scarce resources. If there was little

local interest, experience indicated that success would be unlikely, inspite of the outside perception of importance or need (Gilmour and

Fisher 1991). Further, success tends to breed success. Once the

benefits of restoration have been demonstrated, previously disinter-

ested communities frequently develop a strong interest in becoming

involved, although there have to be tangible benefits to compensate for

their efforts. In Nepal, a small external stimulus was able to trigger a

significant local involvement; over a decade this turned into a large-

scale undertaking that transformed the landscape across much of theMiddle Hills region of Nepal. Another successful restoration initiative

was carried out in the Shinyanga region of Tanzania in East Africa,

where there was a significant improvement in local benefits and in

ecological integrity (see Case Study 8.12).

5.2.1 Likelihood of change

The extent to which planned interventions are likely to lead to changes

(real or perceived) in local communities’ access to existing naturalresources is an important factor. An example of this comes from Papua

New Guinea, where most land is owned by traditional land owners. It

is difficult for government agencies or other external bodies to under-

take any form of reforestation, even on clearly degraded grassland sites,

because land owners are suspicious that this is the first stage in a

government attempt to seize control of their land. Under these

circumstances any approach to reforestation to overcome degradation

necessitates extensive negotiation.

5.2.2 Impact of the intervention on local livelihoods

Imperata grasslands are found throughout the tropics. The species is

widely regarded as a useless weed, and these grasslands often become

the target of reforestation projects. Many local communities do get

some benefit from these grasslands, however (Dove 1986). Reforesta-

tion that reduces the amount of grasslands may have a negative impact

on local communities unless there is compensation of some sort.



5.2.3 Equity considerations

Local communities may not be the major beneficiaries of restoration

activities. The real beneficiaries may be downstream water users, or

national or international urban dwellers who value the enhanced

biodiversity resulting from the restoration. In fact, the adjacent

communities may bear many of the costs associated with the restora-

tion, and thus become worse off. Equity aspects of restoration initia-tives need to be addressed from the outset.

5.2.4 Additional risks

It also has to be determined if local communities are likely to be

exposed to additional risks, such as increased fire hazard, potential

reduction of dry season water supply, increased predation of crops by

wildlife, or increased threat to life or property by increases in large

animal populations.

While landscape and site benefits of restoration activities may be

acknowledged and monitored, adverse impacts or unintended conse-

quences can also occur and tend to be overlooked. This relates to some

extent to the equity considerations mentioned previously. Frequently,

local people bear the costs and risks of restoration activities, while the

benefits accrue elsewhere. This needs to be taken into consideration in

planning and implementing restoration activities.

Restoration should ideally be considered in a landscape context,

particularly to address landscape-scale problems such as salinity and

loss of biodiversity. While this may be possible in a planning sense, it is

much more difficult to implement activities on a landscape scale

because on-the-ground activities are commonly constrained by patterns

of land ownership. Consequently these are often tackled in a piecemeal

fashion that limits success.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

6.1. Biophysical considerations

As noted earlier, a variety of methods can be used to overcome forest

degradation. In many, if not most cases in the past, the most common

approach has been to simply restore economic productivity (e.g.

Moffat and McNeill 1994, Adjers et al. 1995, Gutkowski and

Winnicki 1997). Other alternatives are now possible. Some approaches

attempt “complete” ecological restoration; others have the goal ofproduction gains together with improvements in biodiversity and

ecosystem function (e.g. watershed protection, reductions in salinity)

that lead to more sustainable forms of production. Overviews of the

issues and some of these alternatives are given in Bradshaw and

Chadwick (1980); Rodwell and Patterson (1994); Banerjee (1995);

Goosem and Tucker (1995); and Elliott et al. (2000); Allen, Brown

and Allen (2001) and Zedler et al. (2001).

The specific approaches described below are grouped into methods

that foster biodiversity restoration (section 6.2) and those that foster

biodiversity and production (section 6.4). The time it takes to achieve

the objectives at a particular site using these various methods will vary;

some are likely to be relatively quick while others may last beyond a

human lifetime. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages,

depending on the prevailing ecological and socio-economic circum-

stances. Any work should be undertaken with a full understanding of

how the treated area will be integrated within the broader regionallandscape, especially in terms of those components of the landscape

that may affect the long-term functioning of the restored site.

6.1.1 Preconditions

In the case of ecological restoration, several preconditions must be met

before recovery is possible, irrespective of the method used (see Box 2).

Only then may it be feasible to attempt restoration. A key issue is

deciding how much intervention is needed beyond simply protectingthe site from further disturbances; that is, how many species must be

deliberately brought to the site and how many can be relied upon to

colonise unaided?

One of the practical difficulties facing land managers is that most

communities contain a small number of relatively abundant species

Chapter 6Approaches atthe site level



and a larger number of species represented by relatively few individu-

als. These less common species may be invariably present in small

numbers (i.e. they are always rare) or they may be widespread else-

where and uncommon only at this particular site. Less common speciesmake a significant contribution to the overall biodiversity at any site;

consequently, ecological restoration can only be achieved if they can be

reintroduced. The dilemma is how to do this. Since it can be expensive

to raise seedlings of such species, the usual response is to rely on

natural dispersal from intact forests. This can be slow and is often

problematic (Maina and Howe 2000). This is especially the case when

the site being treated is small and distant from a source of colonists.

Small areas have a high proportion of edge effect and are often proneto weeds, especially in the initial stages of restoration. It is frequently

difficult for the limited populations of many species in these small

areas to be self-sustaining. Larger areas close to a source of colonists are

less likely to face this difficulty.

Where the preconditions referred to do not exist then it might be more

appropriate to carry out some form of rehabilitation or reclamation

that uses more tolerant species or has a more modest biodiversity

target. In such cases some form of site preparation involving ploughingor ripping to improve soil physical properties or hydrological function-

ing may be necessary. Work may also be needed to identify nutrient

deficiencies and develop fertilizer regimes to correct them (Bradshaw

and Chadwick 1980). Sometimes special treatments are needed to

manage or reintroduce mycorrhizae or nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Allen,

Brown and Allen 2001).

Extensive testing may be required before determining which species touse. Native species from the immediate area are clearly most desirable

but exotic species may be appropriate in some situations. An obvious

example is when the site has become too degraded to permit native

species to recolonise it. Where forests are being rehabilitated rather

than restored the choice of species should take into consideration the

domestic or commercial attractiveness of these plants to local commu-

nities as well as their potential to become invasive weeds. Some species

that might be used are outlined in Table 4.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

Table 4. Potential key plant species for restoration or rehabilitation

Species type Purpose

• native species • to enhance biodiversity• species attractive to frugivores • to encourage seed dispersal• species forming mutualistic • to foster wildlife populations

relationships with animals• poorly dispersed species • to facilitate their colonization

(e.g. large fruit)• rare or threatened species • to increase their populations• fast-growing species • to occupy site and exclude weeds• species tolerant of poor soils • to facilitate rehabilitation• nitrogen-fixing species • to improve soil fertility• economically or socially • to provide economic “goods”

beneficial plants• fire tolerant trees • to use in fire-prone landscapes,

create new forests or form buffersaround restored forests

Some situations might require a two-stage approach, with stage one

using tolerant, exotic species to modify the site, facilitating the

recolonisation of native species in stage two. For example, the site

fertility might be enhanced using a short-lived, exotic, nitrogen fixerthat eventually enables native species to be re-introduced. Or a saline

water table might be lowered using a salt-tolerant exotic species able to

transpire large amounts of water. Once the adverse site conditions were

ameliorated, native species could be replanted. These more complex

approaches invariably require more physical and financial resources as

well as a detailed understanding of the ecological processes involved.

Rehabilitation that seeks to improve landscape biodiversity andfunctioning while generating productive output is especially difficult.

A trade-off is usually needed between these two objectives and the

“correct” balance will depend on the ecological and socio-economic

circumstances. One advantage of rehabilitation over restoration is that

by offering a financial yield it allows larger areas of land to be treated.

But who decides the balance between production and the restoration

of diversity or ecological function at a particular site? To what extent

should individual land owners or managers be expected to managetheir land to achieve broader regional goals? And how might these site-

by-site decisions be integrated to achieve the desired outcome at the



landscape level? These issues will be considered after first discussing

some of the options available to land managers at a site level.

6.2. Interventions at a site level that focus on biodiversity restoration

6.2.1 Passive restoration

In this case restoration is achieved by simply protecting the site from

further disturbances and allowing natural colonisation and successional

processes to restore ecosystem biodiversity and structure. This ap-

proach is best suited to situations where degradation is not extensive

and residual forest patches remain or some advanced forest regrowth is

already present. Consequently, the best locations are likely to be placeswhere previous disturbances occurred in the past and some recovery

has already occurred. On the other hand, recently disturbed sites where

the disturbances were slight or short-lived may also be suitable because

they are more likely to have a larger pool of residual seedlings, seed in

topsoil or old but live stumps. Sites close to patches of intact forest are

also favourable because colonization by plants and animals is likely to

be faster. Sites with scattered residual trees that can act as perches for

frugivorous birds able to disperse seeds are also suitable. Passiverestoration is especially advantageous when there are limited financial

resources available to land owners or managers. This means it may be

one of the few approaches that can be attempted across large areas

The word “passive” is something of a misnomer because protection

does require some direct action. This mean the approach has several

potential disadvantages. First, long-term protection of the site from

disturbances such as fire is not necessarily cheap. Likewise, eradicating

weeds and pest animals can also be difficult and expensive (Berger1993, Saunders and Norton 2001), and failure to remove them can

limit natural regeneration of native species and successional develop-

ment. There are several other potential problems with the passive

restoration approach. If the original disturbance has permanently

altered the local environment (e.g. topsoil has been lost) full recovery

may be impossible. Recovery is also likely to take a long time in such

circumstances, meaning there may be a higher risk of accidental

disturbances such as wildfire or further weed invasion. There may alsobe a risk that people do not recognize a regenerating forest but instead


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

see an economic opportunity in the form of apparently unused and

unoccupied wasteland. Nonetheless, this approach is probably the

most common, and in many situations it is the only one feasible.

Reference: Nepstad, Uhl and Serrao 1991; Swaine, Hawthorne and Orgle (1992);Watkins (1993); Berger (1993); Aide et al. (2000) and Case Studies 8.1 and 8.6.

6.2.2 Enrichment planting

Not all regrowth or secondary forests have high levels of biological

diversity. Many have been disturbed so many times in the past that

only a small number of relatively common species remain. In thesecases it may be useful to supplement biological diversity by reintroduc-

ing certain key species to hasten the process of natural recovery. For

example, it might be necessary to quickly increase the population of

several particular plant species that would find it difficult to re-

establish under the passive restoration approach. These might be

endangered plant species, plants with large seeds that are poorly

dispersed or plants needed by a particular wildlife species.

In some situations exotic monoculture timber plantations have beenestablished but the management objective has changed from exclusive

timber production to production plus conservation or sometimes just

conservation alone (e.g. Ashton et al. 1997). Enrichment plantings can

also be used in situations where exotic monoculture timber plantations

have been established but the management objective has changed to

production plus conservation or just conservation. Gaps or strips are

opened up in the canopy and seedlings of the desired species are

planted into them, or seed is directly sown below the plantationcanopy. The size of the canopy opening would need to be adjusted to

match the tolerances of the species being underplanted. This approach

allows some gradual harvesting of the original plantation species,

which provides income. It also ensures that a protective forest cover

protects the watershed and excludes weeds. The extent to which

further canopy openings are created (potentially threatening the

underplanted species when the trees are felled) will depend on ecologi-

cal and economic circumstances.

Reference: Ashton et al. (1997).



6.2.3 Direct seeding

In many cases, the rate of natural succession is limited by the slow

dispersal of seed across degraded landscapes. An obvious way to

accelerate such successions is to deliberately reintroduce the seed.

Various forms of direct sowing have been used: in some cases the seed

has been broadcast or sown by hand; in others it has been sown from

aircraft. Usually the seed must be sown on bare soil so that it canestablish quickly in weed-free conditions. Seed reintroduction has been

highly developed for use in commercial forestry following post-logging

burns; it has also been widely used in mine site rehabilitation projects

immediately after mining has ceased and before weeds have become

established. It can be carried out after sites have been burned or

following a herbicide treatment program to eradicate existing ground

cover and shrubs (this might involve limited spraying on strips along

which seed is subsequently broadcast or might necessitate complete

weed eradication).

The advantage of direct seeding is its low cost; there is no need to raise

seedlings in nurseries and they can be spread across the landscape

easily, including sites that might be difficult to reach when carrying

boxes of seedlings. There are several disadvantages, however. There

must be no weed competition at the time the seeds are sown, meaning

it may only be possible to use the technique in certain specialised

situations. In addition, only certain species can be introduced to a sitein this way since large amounts of seed are often needed. In many cases

only a small proportion of the seed broadcast is usually able to germi-

nate and thrive. Some seed will be lost to seed predators, some will fail

to germinate under field conditions and some seedlings will die

because of dry weather soon after germination. While such losses can

be overcome by increasing sowing rates, seed supplies are often limited,

especially seed of uncommon species. Such species may need to be

raised in nurseries and planted rather than be directly sown.

Reference: Mergen et al. (1981); Allen (1997)

6.2.4 Scattered tree plantings

Another way to accelerate successions is to foster the structural com-

plexity that attracts seed- or fruit-dispersing fauna into the degraded


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

landscape from nearby intact forest. One method involves planting

small numbers of scattered, single trees or clumps or rows of trees,

which form perches for birds. Seedlings are produced from seed shed

below the perch trees. Eventually the clusters of seedlings grow up toform trees and become bird perches themselves. The clumps of trees

enlarge and the process continues. The trees initially planted might be

one or more species with seed not dispersed by animals (e.g. species

with large fruit or seed or wind-dispersed species) or those where

fruiting only occurred infrequently. The approach is probably most

useful in abandoned farmlands with grasslands or shrubs and at sites

without many trees.

This approach is comparatively inexpensive since the trees are widely

spaced and large numbers of seedlings are not needed (although the

closer the spacing between the trees or clumps the faster the landscape

would be revegetated). The disadvantage is that it depends on the

majority of plant species being dispersed by wildlife. It is therefore

appropriate only where there is enough wildlife able to cross the

degraded lands or where few species are wind–dispersed. Another

disadvantage is that the revegetation rate beneath scattered trees is

likely to be slow since many newly germinated seedlings must competewith grasses and weeds. Janzen (1988) described a similar approach in

a situation where most tree species were dispersed by wind rather than

wildlife. In that case wind-dispersed species were planted across the

landscape in rows perpendicular to the prevailing winds and the rows

were spaced at a distance equivalent to the average dispersal distance of

the seed. Wind dispersal ensured subsequent blanket coverage of the

site by tree seeds.

Reference: Nepstad, Uhl and Serrao (1991); Guevara et al. (1992); Toh, Gillespie andLamb (1999).

6.2.5 Close-spaced plantings using limited numbers of species

A variant of the approach above is to use more closely spaced plantings

of a small number of species able to attract seed-dispersing birds. These

early plantings act as “nurse trees”. The approach has been referred to

as the framework species method (Goosem and Tucker 1995, Kirby etal. 2000). Although the planting density is high (1000 trees per ha, or



even more), which means the treatment cost is higher than the

scattered planting approach, the total cost is reduced by the small

number of species used. This eliminates the need to collect seeds from

a large number of species and raise them in the nursery. One option isto plant species from early successional stages, which will create the

conditions for the later arrival of a more diverse community. Alterna-

tively, species might be chosen because they are tolerant of the site

conditions or because they are attractive to wildlife and are able to

reproduce quickly and spread across the site.

The advantage of this approach is that once the trees are established,

they soon out-compete grass and weeds, making it easier for the speciesbrought in by seed-dispersing animals to become established. The

approach is especially suited to areas close to intact forest that can act

as a source of seeds (and wildlife); this allows additional species to be

recruited quickly. Methods that rely on seed-dispersing birds to

reintroduce the original plant species may, of course, also result in a

number of weed species being brought to the site. In all these methods,

therefore, some maintenance is needed in the early years to ensure that

weeds do not dominate the succession.

References: Goosem and Tucker (1995); Tucker and Murphy (1997); Reay andNorton (1999).

6.2.6 Intensive ecological reconstruction using dense plantings of many species

Rapid revegetation of degraded areas is perhaps most easily achieved by

intensive planting of a large number of tree and understorey species.

One of the earliest examples of this approach was in deciduouswoodland in Canada in 1886 (Larson 1996).

More sophisticated versions of the approach in temperate woodlands

are described by Rodwell and Patterson (1994) for the United King-

dom. Although the objective is to establish diverse plant communities

Rodwell and Patterson recommend using pure clumps or clumps of

only two or three tree species rather than more intimate mixtures

because of the difficulties of matching complementary species. The

spacing between clumps can also be varied to create gaps. Theunderstorey and tree species used depend on the sites and soil types.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

Tropical forests have a much larger number of species and a similar

approach — described as the maximum diversity method by Goosem

and Tucker (1995) — uses more intimate mixtures and denser

plantings and attempts to restore as much as possible of the site’soriginal botanical and structural diversity. Again, care is needed in

choosing the species to plant. Those which might be used include fast-

growing species able to exclude weeds, poorly dispersed species, species

forming mutually dependent relations with wildlife and, possibly, rare

or endangered species that might be present only in small numbers or

in small geographic areas. Since the method bypasses the normal

successional sequence the species used should come mostly from late

successional stages, rather than early pioneer species. On the otherhand, some short-lived species able to create canopy gaps and regenera-

tion opportunities can be useful. A range of life forms should be

included (e.g. trees, shrubs, herbs etc.). Although large numbers of

species can be used the method is usually still only able to use some of

the plants occupying a particular site; this means that colonisation

from outside is still necessary. Dense plantings of up to 4,000 plants

per ha can be carried out.

In both temperate and tropical conditions the method has the advan-tage of quickly establishing a large number of species, all of which can

be inoculated with appropriate mycorrhizae in the nursery. This makes

it especially suitable for areas needing rapid restoration, such as areas in

and around national parks or other protected areas. It may also be

useful in areas where natural recolonisation is slow because of isolation

from intact forest remnants.

The method has several disadvantages, however. The growth rate ofplants in such dense plantings can be slow because of competition and

many of the original species may die. This is a particular problem in

tropical sites. Also, while some species may need to be introduced to

the succession in a particular sequence, incomplete knowledge about

the ecology of most species and ecosystems makes it difficult to know

how to do this. In such cases follow-up plantings may be needed to

accelerate the rate at which additional plant diversity is added. The

greatest disadvantage of this approach is cost; it can be very expensive



to collect the seed and raise such a large variety of species in a nursery

and plant them out in large numbers. Consequently it is usually only

suitable in specialized circumstances.

References: Miyawaki (1993); Goosem and Tucker (1995); Rodwell and Patterson(1994); Shear, Lent and Fraver (1996); Kooyman (1996); Tucker and Murphy (1997);Parrotta and Knowles (1999) and Case Study 8.2.

6.2.7 Intensive ecological reconstruction after mining

Areas that have been mined have special requirements. They invariably

have extensive soil damage requiring treatment to restore soil fertility.

There may also be chemical or physical problems. On the other hand,

mining commonly generates sufficient funds to finance more intensiverestoration than might otherwise be possible. Further, the size of many

mines is small in comparison to many other degraded sites, meaning

that sometimes there is only a short dispersal distance from intact

forest cover. Some mining companies have opted for forms of reclama-

tion using exotic species (e.g. pastures for grazing or exotic tree planta-

tions), believing restoration to be too difficult. In other cases, however,

miners have found the most stable long-term land use after mining is a

native vegetation cover and have chosen to undertake restoration.

There are several key considerations that can help accelerate the rate of

recovery after mining irrespective of the approach adopted. One is to

ensure that topsoil is removed and stockpiled before mining begins so

that it can be spread back over the site prior to revegetation. This

topsoil contains much of the nutrient capital of the site as well as seeds

and mycorrhizae. It is an extremely valuable resource whether the

objective is reclamation, rehabilitation or restoration. Lengthy periods

of stockpiling usually cause adverse changes in the density and compo-sition of soil seed stores as well as in microbial properties. This means

that topsoil can only be stored for six months or less.

The second factor that can improve the rate of recovery is to avoid

creating soil conditions during mining that might make revegetation

difficult. For example, many mines generate tailings containing

materials that are damaging or toxic to plant growth. These materials

may be saline or include heavy metals or pyrites that generate highlevels of acidity. These problems should be identified at an early stage


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

in mine development and design; often they can then be dealt with by

burying the materials at depth beneath other mine tailings or overbur-

den. The cost of doing this may be low if the problem is recognised in

the design phase of the mine’s development but very high once a minehas commenced operations. Conditions limiting plant growth, such as

low levels of topsoil fertility or poor soil physical conditions, also need

to be identified and dealt with by fertilisers, ripping etc. Once mining

is complete it is necessary to reconfigure the topography of the site to

minimize wind or water erosion and re-establish drainage lines.

Revegetation after mining can be done by planting seedlings or by

direct seeding, as described earlier.

Reference: Bradshaw and Chadwick (1980); Mulligan (1996) and Case Studies8.4 and 8.5.

6.3. Directing ecological successions

What all these approaches have in common is that successions are

initiated or accelerated without any clear knowledge of the direction

they may take (Luken 1990, Weiher and Keddy 1999). It is assumed

that other plant species will colonise the sites over time from nearbyforest remnants. It is also assumed that animals will be able to migrate

to and reoccupy these new communities once appropriate habitats are

formed. In fact, however, the large number of uncertainties make it

difficult to predict outcomes.

6.3.1 The “founder effect”

This term refers to the extent to which the initial populations —

which species, how many species, density and genetic variability —affect successional development. Will small differences in one of these

factors or in the life histories of the species chosen make large differ-

ences in the rate of successional development? And what difference

might an exotic species rather than an indigenous species make? The

evidence to date on the consequence of using exotic species rather than

indigenous species is equivocal, although it is apparent that in some

extreme cases only exotic species will tolerate the degraded site envi-

ronment. It is also clear that the relative proportions of the species inthe initial community are very important. An example is the restora-

tion of land after mining at Stradbroke Island in Australia (Figure 4a).



Figure 4a. Forest restored after mining, Stradbroke Island, Australia

Patches of acacia dying at the end of their normal life cycle.

A large number of species were reintroduced to the site as seedlings

and by direct seeding. A nitrogen-fixing acacia was included in the mix

of directly sown species (at 700 gm of seed per ha) in order to improvesoil fertility. While all the new species grew well, the acacia grew at the

fastest rate and shaded out most of the other species (Figure 4b).

Figure 4b. Restored forest in an acacia-dominated site

The risk of fire has increased because of the large fuel load created by the dead trees.The acacia have also bequeathed a large store of dormant seed in the topsoil.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

When the short-lived acacia began to die after ten years few other

species remained (Figure 4c). Current practice now uses only 30 gm of

acacia seed per ha and community development is more successful.

Figure 4c. Monoculture of acacia seedling regeneration

A subsequent wildfire at the site resulted in a monoculture of acacia seedlingregeneration that dominated the few other remaining species.

6.3.2 Distance from intact forests

Species differ in their ability to disperse and colonise new sites. Some

species are extremely successful at doing so and are able to cross over

large areas of highly degraded landscape while others are not. One

outcome of restoration, then, might be that a newly restored site iscolonized by just a few common native species or exotic weeds rather

than a more diverse range of species from the original community. All

weeds are potentially difficult but some are more problematic than

others. The most difficult are weeds that might replace key indigenous

species (e.g. keystone species that have an important role in the

maintenance of community composition) or those that have the

capacity to persist indefinitely as sizeable, sexually reproducing or

clonally spreading populations. Weeds that alter community structure

or function (for example, a nitrogen-fixing species that alters soilfertility levels) are particularly problematic. They may out-compete less



common native species and eventually lead to a decline in overall

species richness. A similar pattern might occur in the case of exotic

wildlife species (Maina and Howe 2000).

6.3.3 Wildlife

Wildlife is often the focus of restoration projects. But while many

animals are intimately involved in key ecological processes such as

pollination and seed dispersal, knowledge of trophic relationships or

precise habitat requirements is generally incomplete. Neither is

wildlife’s role in successional development well understood (Majer

1989). Where the habitat requirements of particular wildlife species are

known it may be possible to manipulate the plant community toprovide these conditions sooner rather than later. It appears that some

degree of structural complexity is required before wildlife species will

colonise a site. In some cases it might be possible to add habitat

attributes such as nest boxes, old logs or even piles of stones to provide

structural features before they become available within maturing

forests. If certain wildlife species are no longer present in the landscape

their reintroduction can be very difficult (Bowles and Whelan 1994).

6.3.4 Disturbances

At some point in the restoration process the natural disturbance regime

must be allowed to develop to prevent successions from being diverted

or stagnating. For example, while restoration projects in fire-prone

landscapes often require fire protection in the first few years to ensure

seedlings become established, at some stage fires must be allowed or be

reintroduced to ensure that normal successional processes continue to

operate. Local experience will be needed to determine when to switchfrom fire protection to fire introduction. In other situations different

forms of intervention may be needed.

6.3.5 Recovery rate

The overall rate of restoration is usually a function of management

inputs. Extensive site preparation and the planting of a large number

of trees, for example, is likely to mean the rapid onset of canopyclosure, weed exclusion and recreation of the normal forest

microclimate. This will then either facilitate the arrival of further


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

colonists or at least reduce the extent to which they will be inhibited

from colonizing (see line A in Figure 5). A more modest number of

species and individuals means the process of colonization and canopy

closure will take longer (line B). This means the site will be exposed toa longer period of risk from disturbances such as wildfires or grazing

that will return it once again to its degraded state. Sites which are left

to recover unaided are exposed to this risk for an even longer time

period (line C). In some situations the magnitude of the risk from

disturbances such as fire may mean that recovery will never occur.

Figure 5. Rate of recovery of biodiversity





Full restoration

Safety threshold





The rate of recovery depends on the resources devoted to restoration. When largenumbers of species are planted and substantial resources are applied (A) the rate ofrecovery towards the original degree of biodiversity may be rapid as additionalspecies colonise from outside. With fewer species and more limited resources (B)there is more time before the system crosses a “safety threshold” (i.e. when the canopycloses), leaving the site exposed to risks of further disturbances such as fires orgrazing. If the site is left to recover unaided (C) there is an even higher degree ofrisk and it may or may not recover.

6.3.6 Ecological “surprises”

In many cases things don’t happen as planned. Direct seeding may fail

because predators harvest all the seed. Successions may become

dominated by a small number of aggressive species causing competitive



exclusion and a decline in biodiversity. Trees established to attract

seed-dispersing wildlife may become focal points for weed colonisa-

tion. The removal of exotic herbivores may allow grass fuel loads to

increase and fire regimes to change (e.g. Russell-Smith, Ryan andDurieu 1997). In all cases constant monitoring is needed to ensure

that restoration continues as planned (monitoring is discussed further

in Chapter 9). Some propositions arising from these various methods

are given in Box 7.

Box 7. Some generalizations concerning ecological restoration

Proposition 1. The future state of any restored forest is heavilydependent on the current state (i.e. the species initially present, sownor planted at the site).

Corollary: small changes to initial environmental conditions (e.g.

rainfall, soil fertility) can cause successional trajectories to diverge

rapidly, making it difficult to predict outcomes.

Corollary: disturbances are capable of changing successional

trajectories (e.g. fires or grazing animals can remove particular

plant species from a site).

Corollary: feedback loops can be significant (e.g. canopy develop-

ment enables seed-dispersing birds to enter the succession,

thereby accelerating the rate at which new plant species enter the


Proposition 2. The more plant species that can be initially reintro-duced the faster the subsequent succession.

Corollary: the more species present the greater the structural

complexity at a site is likely to be and the more likely it is to be

attractive to a wider range of wildlife species.

Proposition 3. Some plant species combinations are unlikely to besuccessful.

Fast-growing species with dense crowns may exclude some slower

growing species unless the latter are especially shade-tolerant or

canopy gaps are either present or frequently created.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

Proposition 4. An initial (planted) community of pioneer and earlysecondary species will be short-lived and will not likely be self-sustaining. It is not necessary or even desirable to attempt to simulatenatural successional patterns by initiating restoration projects usingonly pioneer species. In many (though not all) cases, species from thefunctional groups found in later stages of successions can also begrown in the open in early stages of community development. Inmany natural successions their delayed colonisation may be as much aconsequence of their limited dispersal abilities as their physiologicaltolerances. This means that many species from mature successionalphases can often be planted in relatively open, old-field situations.

Corollary: plantings of species from functional groups represented

by fast-growing pioneer and early secondary species may be useful

as a means of quickly eradicating weeds. Ideally there should be

forest remnants nearby from which species from more mature

successional stages and other functional groups will colonise. If

not, such species can be sown or underplanted beneath this initialcanopy.

Proposition 5. The sequence in which species are reintroduced to asite is important in determining the assembly trajectory.

At a basic level this is obvious; for example, trees are necessary

before epiphytes can colonise a site. But at a more fundamental

level some important “structuring” species may be needed early ina successional sequence. If they aren’t present then some of the

other directly sown or planted species may fail and disappear.

This doesn’t mean that all primary forest species must be planted

beneath a canopy of early secondary forest species. Rather,

facilitation and inhibition can occur during successions and

influence successional trajectories.

Corollary: the species most able to “structure” a succession are

likely to be those that rapidly modify the physical environment or

those with large numbers of mutualistic relationships with other

plant or animal species.



Proposition 6. The rate at which restoration occurs depends on theextent of the existing environmental stresses.

Sites with strongly seasonal climates or low soil fertility are likely

to be more difficult to restore. Frequent but unpredictable stresses

(e.g. fires, droughts) make it particularly difficult to reassemblenew communities. Once restored, however, such communities

may buffer some of the stresses (e.g. the more humid micro-

climate within a new forest may limit the spread of fires).

Corollary: It may be necessary to use some non-native species at

highly degraded sites that the original species are now unable to

tolerate. These can ameliorate the site conditions (e.g. nitrogen

fixers that improve soil fertility) and facilitate the subsequent re-

entry of native species.

Proposition 7. Animal are important seed dispersers, particularly inmany tropical regions, and thus have an especially important role toplay in restoration ecology.

Corollary: the propagules of species dispersed by animals will have

certain attributes (e.g. fleshy fruit, seed with arils, mostly small to

medium fruit size) that make them attractive.

Corollary: certain plant species will be unlikely to be dispersed by

wildlife and will need to be introduced. These include species

with propagules lacking animal-attracting features, those with

large fruit or those that fruit infrequently as well as rare species.

Corollary: few wind-dispersed species are likely to reach and

colonise a site once the canopy closes.

Proposition 8. The rate at which additional plant species enter a siteonce restoration has been initiated depends on the distance fromsizable intact forest remnants. It also depends on the extent to whichpopulations of animals capable of dispersing seed from these remnantsremain in the landscape.

Corollary: little colonisation is likely at isolated sites or in

landscapes where only small forest fragments remain and restora-


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

tion of tropical forests is rarely feasible at such sites (although it

may be possible to re-establish species-rich forest communities).

Corollary: the nature of the vegetation matrix separating the

restored site and intact forest will influence the rate at which seed

dispersal and colonisation occur. A matrix containing shrubs and

scattered (perch) trees is likely to foster faster seed dispersal than a

treeless grassland.

Proposition 9. The attractiveness of a site to animal seed dispersersaffects the rate at which they bring seeds of new species.

Structurally complex sites are likely to be more attractive to a

wider range of animal species, but animals are likely to enter the

new community in significant numbers only after the canopy has

closed. Sites with tall trees are likely to be more attractive than

those with only short trees or shrubs and large restored areas are

likely to be more attractive than small areas.

Proposition 10. Species colonising a restored site after canopy closuremust have some degree of shade tolerance that either enables them togrow and join the canopy or allows them to persist in the understoreyuntil a canopy gap is created.

It is difficult for shade-intolerant secondary species to enter a

restored site once canopy closure has occurred. Even primaryforest species that colonise after canopy closure may take many

years to grow up and join the canopy layer. This means the rate of

successional change and progress towards a fully restored state will

be slow after canopy closure.

Corollary: Rapid canopy closure reduces the likelihood of (but

will not necessarily prevent) weed colonisation. Some weed

species may still be able to persist under moderate levels of canopy

cover, particularly when that canopy cover is uneven. Alterna-

tively, weeds may arrive at a site and persist in a soil seedbank.

Based on Lamb (2000)



6.4. Interventions providing biodiversity as well as productivity benefits

The primary benefit of the approaches above is the restoration of some

or most of the biodiversity. Immediate or direct improvements in

human well-being are often limited, although considerable indirect

economic and social benefits may develop over time because of the

ecological services provided (e.g. watershed protection). The absence of

an early direct benefit necessarily limits the number of situations inwhich ecological restoration might be attempted. It also means that

restoration is usually attempted only in relatively small areas.

The most common alternative method of overcoming degradation is

some form of reclamation using monoculture plantings of a single

species. These species are usually exotic trees that provide a commercial

benefit but do nothing to reverse the ongoing trend towards landscape

simplification. Some of the advantages and disadvantages are shown inTable 2. A third alternative is the approach referred to earlier as

rehabilitation, in which are several other ways to overcome degradation

that provide a commercial or socially useful product and also increase

biodiversity across the landscape. As well as improving biodiversity,

some of these approaches may even offer better production or addi-

tional benefits than those provided by reclamation.

6.4.1 Managing secondary forests

Secondary or regrowth forests are often viewed as having little biodi-

versity value or potential for contributing to rural livelihoods. For

example, they are often thought to be exclusively occupied by trees

with low timber densities that have little economic value. These

assumptions may be wrong. Depending on their origins, they may be

able to make a substantial contribution to biodiversity protection and

also help provide a variety of goods and services. In addition, the sheer

extent of the areas of secondary forest now found in most tropical areas

demands that they receive more attention.

Several alternatives are possible depending on the origins of the forest

and the range and abundance of the species it contains. One option is

to simply protect the forest and manage the harvesting of existing

plants and animals. This requires care because of the risk that the forest

will degrade further unless harvesting is carefully regulated. On the


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

other hand, careful management might also allow the gradual improve-

ment of resources as well as biodiversity and other ecological service at

minimal cost. Another approach might be to foster the growth of

certain tree or other plant species within the forest that are commer-cially attractive by removing or thinning competing trees. This may

mean the relative abundance of these favoured species increases over

time although the overall biodiversity of the forest will probably be


Reference: Finegan 1992, Chokkalingam, Bhat and von Gemmingen (2001) andCase Study 8.3

6.4.2 Enrichment plantings

Some forests are degraded by heavy logging. They sometimes lose their

most commercially attractive timbers because these were not repre-

sented in any advanced growth (i.e. saplings and trees smaller than the

cutting limit) or because the advanced growth was damaged by the

logging operation (point D on Figure 2a). Such forests may still have

significant timber resources, however. Rather than clear-felling and

replacement by timber plantations, enrichment planting is a way toenhance commercial productivity while maintaining the sites as

essentially “natural” forests. A common method of enrichment is to

plant fast-growing and commercially attractive species in the new post-

logging light gaps or in strips cut through the forest. Similar forms of

enrichment can be used for non-timber species such as fruit or nut

trees as well as rattans, medicinal plants or food plants.

This approach has several advantages. It enhances the capacity of theforest to maintain commercial or social productivity by promoting the

growth of economically desired species. It also conserves any residual

advanced growth or natural regeneration of timber trees. In addition, it

maintains much of the residual biodiversity still present and prevents

the forest from being cleared for other uses such as agriculture or

plantations. The disadvantage of the approach is the risk that fast-

growing trees may stagnate once canopy gaps close over and weeds or

vines swamp the planted species. Some form of treatment is often

required for several years to ensure success.

Reference: Adjers et al. (1995); Tuomela et al. (1995); Montagnini and Mendelsohn(1997); Dawkins and Philip (1998)



6.4.3 Agroforestry

Agroforestry is a form of agriculture that combines complex mixtures

of trees and other crops grown in the same area of land. There are a

variety of formats. Some involve mixtures of multipurpose trees and

food crops; others combine scattered trees and pastures. In most cases a

variety of species are used in the farm or “home garden” that differ in

canopy and root architecture, phenology and longevity. Some of thesedifferent versions of agroforestry are reviewed by MacDicken and

Vergara (1990) and Clarke and Thaman (1993).

In terms of overcoming land degradation, agroforestry has some

particular advantages, most especially in landscapes where land for

food production is limited and where human populations are large or

increasing. Agroforestry is able to provide food and agricultural

products for these communities in a way that is relatively sustainable.Further, it creates spatial and structural complexity across landscapes

and offers the prospect of agricultural sustainability. Some of the most

interesting examples of agroforestry occur in Indonesia, where some

extremely diverse forests have been established to yield rubber, resin or

fruit (see case study 8.9). A description of how highly diverse

agroforests such as these might be established even on extensively

degraded grasslands is found in de Foresta and Michon (1997).

There are some potential disadvantages. Biodiversity gains are notalways as large as those in Indonesia despite the variety of plants used

and the inherent complexity of most agroforestry systems. This is

because many of the species used are relatively common agricultural

crop species, only a few of which may be indigenous to the area.

Further, not all agroforestry systems are developed on highly degraded

lands; agroforestry may result in a loss of species if, for example, a

farmer establishes a new home garden in a species-rich secondary forest

or a forest that has been subject to a single logging operation.

Reference: Gouyon, de Foresta and Levang (1993); Michon and de Foresta (1997);Cooper et al. (1996) and Case Studies 8.9 and 8.11

6.4.4 Monoculture plantations using indigenous species

Timber plantations are often established as monocultures using exotic

species. There are a number of reasons for this. Such plantations are


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

easy to manage, nursery methods for raising large numbers of seedlings

are well-known and silviculture techniques are understood. These

species are also fast growing and usually established in the marketplace.

They come as a technical “package” that is attractive to plantationmanagers and to farmers establishing small farm woodlots. Indigenous

species rarely have any of these advantages. This means they are usually

bypassed when industrial production is required, particularly when

native timber can still be harvested from natural forests.

Indigenous species do have some advantages, however; in particular

timber quality and price. They may not be able to compete in the

high-volume industrial market but are very competitive in morespecialised markets. Although their volume increment per year may

not be high their value increment can be large. This advantage may

increase further if timber supplies from native forests decline (as they

have in many tropical forests). Further, many indigenous species are

well suited to the climate. Thus there seems to be scope to include

native species as part of plantation programs for the financial benefits

they may bring. Monocultures might not lead to large benefits in

terms of restoring biological diversity to degraded landscapes but will

enable indigenous species to be retained in the region and may benefitwildlife that is adapted to or dependent on them.

In some situations, planting native species in plantations can disadvan-

tage land-owners and discourage deforestation. For example, govern-

ments in parts of Kenya and other parts of east Africa have declared

certain species to be government property even when they were

planted by farmers on private land. Likewise, in parts of Australia,

land-owners who planted native tree species were prevented fromharvesting them because of the loss of community “conservation”

benefit this would entail. Such counter-productive activities are a

major disincentive to using native species and need to be stopped.

Plantations of indigenous tree species are not the only way to rehabili-

tate degraded landscapes. Monocultures of exotic tree species may be

useful at severely degraded sites, when these are the only species able to

tolerate existing site conditions. In some cases it may be necessary to

restore site fertility using an exotic nitrogen-fixing species such as



acacia before using any native species in plantations. Likewise, salt-

tolerant species may be needed in salinized landscapes to lower water

tables before planting indigenous species.

Reference: Evans 1992; Farrington and Salama (1996); Butterfield (1996)

6.4.5 Monoculture plantations and buffer strips

A simple means of enhancing the conservation benefits of plantation

monocultures is to embed the plantings in a matrix of buffer strips of

forest that has been restored by one of the approaches described earlier.This immediately introduces much more spatial complexity to a land-

scape and helps to increase connectivity. Each strip can be a corridor

that enables wildlife to move from one area to another. While there has

been considerable debate in recent years about the merits of corridors,

there seems to be little doubt of the advantages of enhanced linkages

(Bennett 1999). Corridors have other major benefits; e.g. they provide

fire breaks and act as streamside filters to enhance water-shed protec-

tion. These advantages may help to overcome the perceived disadvan-

tage that they occupy land which could be used for production.

Reference: Bennett (1999)

6.4.6 Mosaics of species monocultures

In many industrial plantations a single species is used across the entire

landscape irrespective of landform or soil fertility. Sites are modified byploughing or fertilising to suit the species. There may be advantages in

using more than one species to take advantage of this environmental

heterogeneity. By matching species to sites it may be possible to en-

hance overall plantation productivity and improve landscape diversity.

The landscape diversity in a mosaic of two or more plantation species

could be further enhanced by surrounding each monoculture by buffer

strips as described above. The advantage of this is that plantation

silviculture remains simple; the disadvantage is that precise species-siterelationships must be known if productivity is to be maximised.

Reference: Lamb (1998)

6.4.7 Mixed species plantations

Plantations are commonly established using a single species mono-culture because it is the easiest to manage. Some landscape biodiversity


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

can be increased if mixed species polycultures are used. These might be

temporary mixtures where one species is used for a short period as

some form of nurse or cover crop (e.g. Keenan et al. 1995), or may be

permanent for the life of the plantation. Biodiversity gains from mixedspecies plantations are usually modest since most of them contain

relatively small numbers of tree species. But evidence is growing that

there may be production or financial advantages as well as biodiversity

gains from using mixed species plantings. These benefits result from

better site use, improved tree nutrition and less insect or pest damage.

There may also be financial gains from combining fast-growing species

(harvested early in a rotation) with more valuable species that need

longer rotations. The first harvest provides an initial cash flow and alsothins to improve growth of the remaining higher value trees (Table 5).

Table 5. Potential benefits and mechanisms of a plantation mixture

Potential benefit Mechanism

• reduced between-tree • phenological separation in timecompetition, leading to increased • root separation in space (depth)productivity • foliar separation in space

(canopy architectural differences)

• reduced insect and pest • micro-environment changesdamage, leading to increased resulting from underplantingproductivity (e.g. Red cedar)

• target species “hidden” or toodistant for disease transfer

• improved nutrition, especially at • inclusion of nitrogen-fixing speciesdegraded sites with infertile soils, • faster litter decay and improvedleading to increased productivity nutrient turnover

• improved financial returns • early harvest of fast-growing andeasily marketed species, leavingslower-growing but more valuablespecies to develop over time, andallowing improved growth ofresidual trees

Sources: Ewel 1986; Brown and Ewel 1987; De Bell, Whitesell and Schubert 1989;Binkley 1992; Wormald 1992; Keenan, Lamb and Sexton 1995; Kelty 1992;Montagnini et al. 1995

Plantation mixtures have several disadvantages, however. One is the

difficulty of assembling complementary and stable mixtures. Not all



species combinations are necessarily compatible and an inappropriate

mix of species may lead to commercial failure. Work is needed to

identify species that are similarly competitive and therefore comple-

mentary. A second problem is that having two or more species in aplantation necessarily leads to more complex forms of silviculture and

management. This means that mixtures are likely to be more attractive

to smallholders and farm forestry woodlots than large industrial-scale


Reference: Kelty (1992); Wormald (1992); Montagnini et al. (1995); Dupuy andMille (1993)

6.4.8 Encouragement of understorey development

In many plantation forests, especially those near areas of intact forest,

an understorey of native tree and shrub species will develop over time.

A large number of species may colonise, leading to a substantial change

in the appearance and structure of the plantation over time (Figure 6).

Some weed species may be part of the new community, although many

studies have found these to be only a minor component of the total

understorey flora. Many of the species are dispersed by animals,indicating that wildlife use plantations for foraging and transit.

Figure 6. Understorey regeneration, northern Queensland, Australia

This understorey has developed beneath the canopy of a 60-year-old tropicalplantation of Araucaria cunninghamii. The site, originally planted as a mono-culture, is within 200 m of intact tropical rainforest. Many of the tree colonistshave gradually grown up and joined the canopy layer. Photo by R. Keenan.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

Tree plantations established for commercial timber production are

eventually harvested. This means that any biodiversity they contain is

destroyed. Thus the conservation benefits of industrial or commercial

plantations can be seen as short term. But during the rotation the plan-tation may have helped buffer remnants of intact forest and protected

them from further degradation. The plantation may also have ex-

tended the habitat of a particular species or provided a link between

isolated populations of plants or animals in small remnant areas. Many

of these benefits can be reacquired if the plantation is re-established,

especially if remnants of intact vegetation remain in the landscape.

In some cases the conservation benefits of the plantation will haveincreased over the period of the plantation and may now be more

valuable than the timber. In this case the managers may chose to

develop some form of selection logging that causes less impact than

clear-felling, or even change the management objective entirely and

manage the enriched plantation for conservation purposes alone.

Reference: Parrotta, Turnbull and Jones (1997) and Case Study 8.7

6.5. Managing for goods and other ecological services as well as biodiversity

Forests established to provide goods plus some biodiversity (as well as

the functional benefits that this enhanced biodiversity should provide)

are often difficult to design and manage. In some cases the problems

are scientific. In other cases they are social; they involve value judge-

ments and require trade-offs.

6.5.1 How many species?

Where tree planting is involved a key question is the number of species

needed to achieve a particular functional response (Figure 7). In some

situations a small increase in species richness might be sufficient to

produce the functional response (line A). Thus, watershed protection

or a reduction in the water table to improve salinity might be achieved

with only a small number of plant species and further increases in

species richness may not provide any further benefits. Alternatively, thefunctional response might only occur after a large number of species

are added to the community (line B). Thus, the habitat requirements

of a particular animal species might need many plants to provide the

structural complexity necessary.



Figure 7. Relationship between number of species and ecosystem function



cal f



Number of species



Two hypothetical relationships are shown between the numbers of species in aplantation mixture and ecosystem function (e.g. production, watershed protectionor nutrient cycling, etc.). Line A shows a situation where even small increases inspecies richness achieve significant functional improvements. Line B shows a casewhere improvements come only after a larger number of species are added.

There is much debate over the shape of these curves and the mecha-

nisms at work. Particular attention has been paid to the relationship

between diversity and production (some possible mechanisms giving

rise to higher levels of production in mixed species plantations were

outlined in Table 5). Production increases might be caused by match-

ing species with complementary ecological niches (the “niche differen-

tiation model”) or from mixing nitrogen fixers with non-nitrogen

fixers. However, there has also been considerable debate about the so-called “sampling” effect, whereby production increases might simply

be a consequence of adding more species, therefore increasing the

chance of including species that are productive and dominant competi-

tors (Kinzig et al. 2001). Evidence suggests that while the sampling

effect may be observed in younger communities the niche differentia-

tion model tends to predominate over time. Much of the empirical

evidence has come from studies with short-lived grassland communi-

ties that suggest the point of inflexion is around 16 species (a differentsituation may prevail in forest communities).


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

In any case, species richness per se may not always be as important as

the structural or functional types of species involved (Hughes and

Petchey 2001, Diaz and Cabido 2001). For example, watershed

protection may be better in a forest with a diverse range of life forms(such as a mixture of grasses, understorey shrubs and trees) than in a

multi-species tree plantation. Similarly, more habitats for a larger range

of wildlife species are likely to be created by using a variety of plant life

forms and structural types than by having a larger range of tree species

represented in the forest canopy. In these situations functional out-

comes may be only loosely related to the alpha diversity of plants. It is

also clear that these relationships can be dependent on scale and that

relationships present at small, local scales may not hold at larger,landscape scales. This will be discussed further in Section 7.2.

6.5.2 Trade-offs

Inevitably some trade-offs may be required by managers needing to

balance, say, commercial timber production against wildlife diversity.

This is illustrated in a necessarily simplistic fashion in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Timber production and wildlife benefits in mixed-species plantations




$ pe

r he






tat q



Number of plant species





100% 100%



In Figure 8 the productivity of a plantation with just one species is

shown as 100 per cent. A mixed-species plantation may have either an

increased or decreased level of timber production compared with this

monoculture. A decrease might occur (line A) if incompatible speciesare mixed. An increase might occur (line B exceeds 100 per cent) if

complementary species are combined; this allows production gains

through the mechanisms described in Table 5. However, this increase

in per-hectare commercial productivity is unlikely to persist with

increasing numbers of tree species; at some point the market price of

each additional species declines once the most profitable are included.

Increased numbers of species then simply dilute the density of the

most profitable species in the stand. (This is the reason for the differ-ence in the shape of these diversity-function curves from the hypo-

thetical curves shown in Figure 7). Of course the attractiveness to the

grower of using large numbers of tree species will necessarily depend

on whether there are markets for more than a small number of tree

species and whether commercial timber production is the primary

objective of reforestation.

The right axis of Figure 8 shows wildlife habitat quality. The best

habitat quality has a large number of plant species. Depending on thewildlife and plant species involved, a small decline in plant species

richness may cause a rapid decline in habitat quality (line X). In other

circumstances the habitat quality might be unaffected until such time

as only a few plant species remain (line Y). Depending on the plant

and animal species and, consequently, on these trends, a manager may

be able to adopt a compromise that offers both timber production and

habitat quality not far from the optimum (intersection of lines B and

Y) or be faced with a choice that is suboptimal for both (intersection oflines A and X). Of course, the identity as well as the proportions of

particular plant species can make a difference to these relationships.

Thus the presence or absence of particular food plants or plant life

forms may have a greater effect on habitat quality for certain wildlife

species than biodiversity alone. Additional work on exploring such

relationships might lead to the design of plantation forests where trade-

offs between production and wildlife habitat values are much reduced.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

6.5.3 Time before harvest

Another choice faced by managers is when to harvest. In some situa-

tions, such as agroforestry, the harvesting operation and direct benefits

may be almost continuous or at least annual. Forests used for timber

production are different. Many commercial plantations established to

provide sawn timber have rotations of around 40 years (although

longer or shorter rotations are also common). This is a comparativelyshort time in ecological terms; many conservation benefits may have

only just begun to be acquired. For example, understorey structural

complexity may only then reach a stage where habitats are becoming

available for some wildlife species.

One option is to simply harvest the forests as originally planned. While

this means that any biodiversity benefit is then lost from the site, it can

presumably be re-established in the second rotation using profits fromthe first harvest. In the meantime the surrounding (younger) planta-

tion areas will continue to provide some continued benefits. In this

case a previously degraded landscape is now providing a timber yield

and some modest biodiversity benefits. These may not be great but the

structural complexity of the site (provided by different age classes of

forest as well as logged and unlogged areas) has improved from the

previous homogeneous state. Alternatively, it might be that since the

plantation was established circumstances have changed such that it

now has a greater value as a conservation reserve than as a source oftimber. Indeed, it would be surprising if social, economic and ecologi-

cal circumstances did not change over any 40-year period.

Two other possibilities may be available in cases where vigorous under-

storey development has taken place (Figure 6). One is to carefully

harvest the overstorey trees, leaving behind as much as possible of the

advanced understorey growth. The harvest pays off the plantation

debt, leaving a species-rich community of trees capable of excludingfire-prone grasses and weeds and developing into new forest. This

would then be managed as a conservation forest. Alternatively, the site

could be managed as a selection forest, with any large trees of commer-

cial value being harvested. Again, this would pay for the cost of

reforestation and bequeath a species-rich forest to a former degraded



landscape. Both options require trade-offs and a willingness to explore

alternatives, which are necessarily dependent on local circumstances.

Table 6 summarizes the various approaches used to overcome forestdegradation (described in 6.2 and 6.4). These ratings are necessarily

subjective and depend on the ecological context of any particular site.

Table 6. Costs and benefits of various methods of overcoming forest degradation

Method Relative Relative rate of Potential ecologicaldirect cost biodiversity gain services benefit

a) Prime focus on biodiversity restoration

Passive restoration low slow high

Enrichment planting low–medium slow–medium high

Direct seeding low–medium medium high

Scattered plantings low slow high

Close plantings of medium medium higha few species

Intensive plantings high fast highafter mining

b) Prime focus on production and biodiversity

Managing secondary low–medium medium highforests

Enrichment plantings low–medium medium medium–high

Agroforestry medium-high medium medium

Monoculture high slow mediumplantations with buffers

Mosaics of high slow low-mediummonocultures

Mixed species high slow mediumplantations

Enhanced under- low slow medium–highstorey development

6.6. Socio-economic considerations

The following sections address some of the key social and economic

factors that need to be integrated with biophysical factors in any

serious consideration of forest restoration.


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

6.6.1 Reconciling interests of different stakeholders

In many parts of the world, civil society (such as NGOs and commu-

nity groups) is demanding a greater say in the way natural resources are

used and benefits accruing from them are distributed. This adds to the

pressure for government staff and private-sector operators to become

more transparent in their decision-making and to involve a wider range

of stakeholders. In addition, managers across both public and privatesectors realise that participatory approaches are likely to produce more

viable outcomes than the centralised decision-making of the past.

There are many autonomous and interdependent participants in the

increasingly complex institutional environment described above. A

variety of groups with an interest in forest outcomes (broadly described

as pluralism) is a growing reality at local, national and international

levels (Anderson, Clement and Crowder 1998). This has broadramifications for forest policy, and for approaches to planning and

management. For example, at the local level, such as a forestry district,

many groups have a legitimate interest in the results of forest planning

and the implementation of field programmes. These might include

forest department staff, staff of other government departments (par-

ticularly agriculture and livestock), villagers, local authorities, conserva-

tion NGOs, forest industry organisations, etc. Acknowledging the

differences between the interests of these groups opens the way to

building dynamic institutional frameworks for sustainable forestry.

While most of the concepts outlined in Box 8 are valid, two require

comment. Anderson, Clement and Crowder contend in point 3 that

“no group/organisation can claim a superior or absolute scenario”. The

reality, however, is that a group with particular economic or political

strength frequently does dominate weaker groups. This needs to be

recognised and managed. Point 6 states that “conflicts are inevitable

and cannot be resolved but managed”. While conflicts need to bemanaged so that they do not escalate to intractable positions or

violence, experience indicates that in many circumstances conflicts can

indeed be resolved (Gilmour and Fisher 1991). The practical reality is

that if the interests of different groups of people cannot be reconciled,

with agreement to comply with a set of rules governing resource

management, then long-term sustainable management is unlikely.



Box 8. Key concepts for pluralism in sustainable forestry

1. Different groups have and always will have different experi-

ences, positions, opinions and objectives on sustainable forest

management and rural development.

2. Groups are individual and independent. There is no single,absolute and permanent solution to any substantive natural

resource management problem, and there is no single, absolute,

sustainable management land-use scenario for any given land

unit (there are numerous “sustainable scenarios”).

3. No group/organisation can claim a superior or absolute


4. Sustainable forestry and rural development decision-making is

no longer the sole mandate of expert authorities.

5. A system of organisational checks and balances is necessary toavoid errors of a narrow single-entity management system –

this is the positive aspect of “bounded conflict”.

6. Conflicts are inevitable and cannot be resolved but managed.

7. Equity in decision-making is a distant but worthy ideal.

8. Platforms, mediators and facilitators are often needed to

provide the conditions for negotiation and cooperation needed

for sustainable forest management .

9. Communication is essential and helps participants understandtheir differences better.

10. Consensus is unlikely but progress can be achieved without it.

11. Approaches to sustainable forest management that aim at

consensus are often misguided and unsustainable.

12. Proactive approaches and new processes of sustainable forest

management decision-making in pluralistic environments are

emerging, but more experience is needed.

Source: Anderson, Clement and Crowder (1998)

A different approach was well articulated by the Centre for Interna-

tional Forestry Research (CIFOR) team members during their devel-

opment of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management

(Colfer et al. 1999). They argue that while all stakeholders have

legitimate interests in forests, there are both ethical and pragmatic


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

reasons for forest managers to attend more closely to the needs of some

stakeholders. They propose a method to determine relative importance

that places all stakeholders along a continuum of potentially beneficial

involvement in forest management. The criteria used to rate them areproximity to the forest; pre-existing rights; dependency on the forest;

poverty; local knowledge; culture/forest link and power deficit.

In this new management environment of multi-stakeholder engage-

ment and decentralisation/devolution, the role of government staff is

changing. There is a shift from an emphasis on direct control over

forest management or ecological restoration (often with strong policing

and licensing functions) to an approach that facilitates a process ofbroad-based participation in management by key interest groups. The

direct authority and responsibility for forest management decision-

making is often passing to others (or at least being shared by others).

This requires a more participatory style of management, involving a

range of stakeholders with different interests in forests. It is a manage-

ment style for which few government officials are trained. The tradi-

tional training of forest managers focused on technical aspects of

management: silviculture, inventory, harvesting and marketing. The

more participatory style of management requires additional skills, mostof which relate to understanding and applying social processes (dealing

with “people” issues) and facilitating change by working with a wide

range of stakeholders.

6.6.2 Tenure and access

Sub-optimal use and management of forest landscapes in much of the

world can be partially explained by the tenure regime under which

forest users operate (see Box 9).

Box 9. Tenure systems

Tenurial systems include the following components:

• rights and privileges that exist to use particular natural

resources; and

• arrangements made to regulate or control access to naturalresources.



The more insecure forest users feel with regard to their long-term

rights to use a particular resource, the more incentive there is to exploit

it to the maximum over the short term without considering its

sustainability. Land users require long-term secure rights to use andharvest a piece of land before they will invest time and effort in

sustaining its long-term productivity. As a result of past land alienation

policies, a significant portion of much of the developing world’s forest

lands now falls within the public domain, and has become a de facto

open access resource. If the people using these resources have no

enforceable legal or customary rights (to cultivate, graze or collect

forest products) they have no incentive to conserve the productive

potential of the resources (soil, water, vegetation and animals). Tenu-rial systems (Box 10) are therefore important in any aspect of natural

resource management.

Box 10. Aspects of tenure systems

• The effectiveness of natural resource management depends on

who believes they hold rights to the resource, who recognises

these rights, and how access is controlled.

• There are formal (de jure) and informal (de facto) tenurial


• The lack of recognition of customary rights, removal of rights,

or other tenure conflicts can contribute to resource


• Tenurial systems that are widely accepted and formally recog-nised and supported provide confidence and incentives for the

conservation and effective management of natural resources.

• Natural resource management must be based on secure and

agreed access and use-rights.

In many countries it is unlikely that any real progress can be made

toward sustainable forest management or forest landscape restoration

until tenure issues are addressed and resolved. Experience suggests that

resolution will only come by engaging key interest groups in a partici-

patory and constructive dialogue with a commitment to an equitable


Chapter 6: Approaches at the site level

outcome (see 6.6.1). In addition, forest rehabilitation has to be seen in

the context of integrated rural development, particularly in the case of

communities that depend on forests for part of their livelihood income

(this includes the use of forest land for shifting cultivation).

6.6.3 Economic incentives for tree planting

According to FAO statistics (FAO 2001), there are 187 million ha of

plantations world wide; 17 per cent of industrial wood comes from

plantations and 10 per cent from fast-growing plantations (the focus of

much transfer funding from the public to the private sector). The

proportion of wood coming from plantations is likely to rise to around

45 per cent in the next 30-40 years. The commercial attraction ofplantations includes relatively low wood costs, an increased ability to

choose resource location and the homogeneity of wood and fibre. The

potential public benefits include increased domestic supply, industrial

development, increase in tree cover and reclamation of degraded land.

Incentives for plantation establishment are a well-established tool in

many countries, but they remain controversial (Bazett 2000). They

have a number of advantages:

• they can kick-start an industrial sector, e.g. in Brazil and Chile;

• they promote inter-regional competition, e.g. in Latin America;

• they create a competitive advantage (temporary advantages that

help the early developers); and

• they help support plantation development where private netreturns are low.

There are also some well-known disadvantages:

• equity issues (the people who benefit most tend to be the rich); and• they lead to oversupply, which drives down prices, fosters misuse

and corruption and results in increased land values (in Chile, land

prices in plantation areas have increased by a factor of ten or more).

There are a number of different types of incentives, both direct and

indirect. Direct incentives include the following:

• direct subsidy payments for planting and establishment;

• tax exemption or reduction (Brazil provides a good example);



• freedom from income and/or land tax (examples include the USA

and UK); and

• cheap loans, as in the case of Indonesia.

Indirect incentives include the following:

• market and technical assistance (training, provision of nursery

seedlings etc.); and

• concessions (e.g. Indonesia allocates concession land).

Financial incentives for establishing commercial plantations appear to

be losing their appeal for governments, and are considered more

appropriate for social forestry enterprises. Many restoration initiatives

could fall into this category as they frequently address primarily social

issues rather than purely economic and industrial aspects.

6.6.4 Institutional arrangements for managing restoration

Management of forest landscape restoration activities is normally

carried out by the owner of the land or the person or group with

recognized management authority. In cases where this is uncontested

there may be no need for any special institutional arrangements,

although a range of stakeholder interests must be recognized and

managed. In many parts of the world, however, restoration activities

take place on sites which are managed as common land. This may be

irrespective of the “legal” situation (see Boxes 9 and 10). In such casesthe resources may be treated as open access or common property

regimes. It is quite common for functional institutional arrangements

(indigenous management systems) to be in place for managing access

and use rights for common property, although it is also common for

these arrangements to be unknown to the government agencies which

have the de jure mandate for management. It makes good sense to look

for any institutional arrangements that are in place for managing

natural resources, and to build on them for restoration activities. This

sounds eminently sensible, but in fact is rarely done. Quite frequentlyit is assumed that no institutional arrangements exist, and that there is

a need to create and impose a new institutional structure on local

communities. This can destroy pre-existing arrangements, and may not

provide a sustainable alternative. It is always much better to build on

what is already there.


Chapter 7: Approaches at the landscape level

The approaches described previously are all aimed at specific sites. The

diversity of land use and land ownership across most landscapes means

it is rarely possible to use just one of these approaches over large areas.

More commonly, a variety of approaches are undertaken at differentsites across a landscape and restoration or rehabilitation must be

integrated with other land-use activities such as food production. So

how can the desired functional outcomes be achieved across larger

areas? There are several key issues to be considered.

7.1 How much of a landscape should be restored or rehabilitated?

It is difficult to be precise about how much of a landscape should be

treated to achieve particular functional outcomes. It depends, at leastin part, on the nature and extent of degradation. Treatment might not

be warranted in a landscape with only 20 per cent of the original forest

cover cleared, while some intervention is probably necessary in a land-

scape with, say, only five per cent of the original forest cover remain-

ing. The decision will also depend on the degree of degradation within

these cleared areas and the extent of changes to the hydrological cycle,

the rate of soil erosion or the processes fostering biological diversity.

Landscape ecologists have traditionally been concerned with the way

forest fragmentation affects the flows of energy, water, nutrients and

various materials across landscapes (e.g. Forman 1995). These concerns

have led to generalisations about the principles of managing land use

(e.g. Forman 1995, Dale et al. 2000). More specific studies of the

effects of different types of restoration or rehabilitation on key ecologi-

cal processes have also been done; for example, a number of studies

have explored how secondary salinity (i.e. induced by forest clearing)

might be controlled in agricultural regions. Some of these suggest thatelevated water tables might only be lowered by widespread plantings of

deep-rooted trees (Hatton and Nulsen 1999), forcing a choice between

reforestation and agriculture. Other studies have shown that on sloping

land, belts of trees planted along contours can reduce ground water

recharge and minimize competition with crops (Stirzaker, Cook and

Knight 1999; White et al. 2002). Research has also been carried out on

the extent and effectiveness of different forms of reforestation to

reduce wind or soil erosion or provide buffers or filters along riparianareas.

Chapter 7Approaches at thelandscape level



The proportion of the area required to maintain biological diversity

over landscapes is less clear. As natural forest losses have mounted and

fragmentation has taken place ecologists have debated the threshold for

forest cover below which biodiversity losses (and subsequent ecologicalfunctioning) might occur. Although there is no absolute threshold

condition a value of 30 per cent has been suggested from several

studies in different parts of the world (e.g. Andren 1994, McIntyre,

McIvor and MacLeod 2000, Peterken 2000, Flather and Bevers 2002).

This proportion has also been used for conservation planning by

Sattler and Williams (1999) to define ecosystems that have lost too

much of their original area and are now “of concern”.

It is not just the proportion of the area that is important but the size of

the remaining forest fragments, their spatial arrangement and their

degree of connectivity. Small and isolated forest fragments are likely to

be much less effective in protecting biodiversity than larger forest

patches; these, in turn, are more likely to be more effective if linked by

a series of corridors (Bennett 1999, Peterken 2000). This means an

ideal situation might be a landscape in which forests occupy around 30

percent of the area and are well-distributed and well-connected. The

remaining 70 per cent could be used for other purposes. The biotaparticularly at risk in such landscapes are the poorly dispersed species

restricted to mature successional stages; these might need special


A target area of 30 per cent may be a formidable task to reforest in a

highly degraded landscape but some initial strategic directions might

help work towards this target. One approach is to try to enlarge or

enrich any small residual forest fragments or regrowth areas remainingin the landscape. This will help maintain existing populations of plants

and animals, which can then colonise any subsequently reforested

areas. Another option is to foster a system of strategically placed

corridors or stepping stones between these fragments to enhance

connectivity. This will help species enlarge their distribution across the

landscape and recolonise former degraded areas. Corridors and

stepping stones were discussed in 5.1 and most of the areas listed in

Table 3 might contribute to a landscape network. Bennett (1999) and

Peterken (2000) discuss these issues in more detail.


Chapter 7: Approaches at the landscape level

7.2 Generating diversity at the landscape scale

Many land owners trying to balance production and biodiversity may

use relatively uncomplicated planting designs rather than more

complex, multi-species plantings containing high levels of diversity.

This means that local or site-level diversity (known as the alpha

diversity) may be relatively low, especially in small patches. On the

other hand, provided land owners do opt for a variety of approaches(e.g. not every land owner just planting woodlots of Eucalyptus), the

cumulative diversity present across the landscape (the gamma diversity)

resulting from these many separate management decisions may be

significant. The relationship between alpha and gamma diversity is

illustrated in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Effects of reforestation on alpha and gamma diversity

a: alpha (local) diversity g: gamma (landscape) diversity

a: 0 1 1 3g: 0 1 3 3






Figure 9 shows four degraded landscapes. Three of them have been partiallyreforested; one is in its initial degraded state. The first of the reforested sites hasmonocultures of species A while the second has a mosaic of monocultures of speciesA, B and C. This means that the alpha diversity in these two sites is similar but thegamma diversity has increased in the landscape as a result of the three differentplantations. The fourth landscape has several multi-species plantations. Theseincrease the alpha diversity but not the gamma diversity.

From a silviculture perspective, monoculture plantations are easier to

manage than species mixtures. If the gamma diversity is the same, is



there any benefit from having a higher alpha diversity at a particular

site? The different forms of diversity have different functional conse-

quences, and the answer to this question depends on the primary

management objectives and the function that is most important. If themain objective is to re-establish biological diversity, then plant alpha

diversity does matter and restoration must aim to restore the original

plant species richness and structural complexity that will allow both

plant and animal species to recolonise and reproduce at the site. If, on

the other hand, the objective is re-establish site production and only

some of the original biodiversity then the sacrifice of alpha diversity for

the sake of gamma diversity may be acceptable.

The answer to the question also depends a good deal on the landscape

context. What is the degree of fragmentation? How far apart are the

patches of residual forest? Some species benefit from patchiness or

spatial heterogeneity and the juxtaposition of contrasting habitats (e.g.

forest and grassland) because of the extent of the transition or bound-

ary zones they provide. But the size of these patches — what Forman

(1995) refers to as the landscape grain size — also affects the type of

species that will establish within the patches. A fine-grained landscape

or one made up of small patches suits generalist species but not thoserequiring larger areas of more specialised habitat. Ideally, then, a range

in patch sizes is advantageous although it is the forest specialist species

that are more likely to be at risk than the generalists. Most situations

probably require more than one approach and Forest Landscape

Restoration (as defined in Box 3) will often involve protection of forest

remnants as well as reclamation, restoration and rehabilitation at the

site level.

These biophysical uncertainties also underpin a more difficult social

dilemma: how can a variety of small, site-level decisions made by

individual land managers be integrated to produce the best functional

outcome at a landscape level? Very few planners or land managers

appear to have successfully addressed this issue.


Chapter 8: Case studies

There are many examples throughout the world where degraded forests

have been restored, including both small sites and large areas. Some

have been the result of conscious intervention to achieve a certain

restoration outcome; some have occurred “naturally” as a result ofabandonment of land uses which had previously caused substantial

forest loss; some are the unintended consequences of planned interven-

tions aimed at a different outcome. The following case studies high-

light important lessons which can inform efforts to engage in more

focused, widespread and large-scale restoration activities.

8.1 Natural forest regrowth in northeastern USA

Natural regrowth is a widespread phenomenon and small, localisedexamples can be found in a variety of temperate and tropical locations.

But there are also examples of natural forest regrowth over some very

large areas producing forests that now seem “natural”. For example,

since the early or mid-nineteenth century, forest cover has doubled in

Switzerland and France and tripled in Denmark (Mather 2001,

Kuechli 1997). Much of the recovery was due to natural regeneration.

A similar large-scale recovery appears to have occurred over the last two

hundred years in an extensive area of rainforest in Nigeria (Jones 1956)as well as elsewhere in west Africa (Fairhead and Leach 1998) follow-

ing the cessation of agriculture.

Perhaps the best known example of large-scale natural forest regrowth

is that which occurred in the northeastern United States. Though

forests are now widespread in the region and appear to be old-growth,

many are, in fact, comparatively recent (less than 200 years old). Much

of the area was cleared for agriculture during the first waves of Euro-

pean settlement. Many of these farms were established on lands thatwere marginal for agriculture and settlers moved off when better

agricultural land was later found farther west. Forest regrowth subse-

quently occurred over large areas, presumably because of the presence

of many small areas of remnant vegetation. In most situations no

Chapter 8Case studies



particular effort was made to facilitate or encourage this process.

Recovery began in New England as early as 1840 and in the central

Atlantic states after 1880. Though it is difficult to estimate the total

area involved it is clearly large. Williams (1988) quotes estimates ofmore than one million ha of farmland being reforested in New

England alone between 1880 and 1910.

Several studies show that the nature of the new forests is a consequence

of the previous land-use history (Motzkin et al. 1996; McLachlan,

Foster and Menalled 2000). At one site in Massachusetts, for example,

pine now dominates areas that had been ploughed; oak is more

common on sites that were not ploughed. The difference appeared tobe associated with soil changes as well as dispersal and re-establishment

of certain species (Motzkin et al. 1996). The forests in this area now

contain a diversity of plant species including uncommon varieties,

although this heterogeneity exists despite a homogenous edaphic

environment. Overall the age of the dominant trees and the apparent

stability of the forests masks the extent to which they are different

from the original, pre-European forests and are a product of a cultural


Main lesson: Natural recovery can occur over large areas with minimal input; however,the resultant forest will not always be identical to that once present.

8.2 Restoration of temperate forest in Canada

One of the earliest modern examples of forest restoration is that carried

out in the deciduous hardwood forest region of eastern Canada in

1886 (Larson 1996). The date is interesting because the restorationpredates most of the earliest scientific studies on the ecology of

successions. The site was an old gravel pit and it appears to have been

reforested to demonstrate how rapidly and efficiently a complex forest

cover could be restored to degraded land. Altogether 14 species were

planted at the site in a mixture. These included local deciduous

hardwoods and conifers as well as several exotics (Acer platanoides,Fraxinus excelsior, Larix decidua, Picea abies, Pinus nigra and Tiliacordata). Some 2300 saplings of these 14 species were planted in rows

spaced 2.5 m apart. No subsequent site management was carried outapart from some early pruning. The nearest natural forest was 500 m



Chapter 8: Case studies

By 1930 around 85 per cent of the site had a sparse canopy, 31 per

cent of which was coniferous. By 1993 the canopy cover had increased

to 95 per cent but the conifer comprised only 5 per cent of that. The

site, then 107 years old, contained 220 trees with a diameter at breastheight (dbh) exceeding 30 cm. Of the original 14 canopy-forming tree

species, 10 were still present. Two new species had colonized. A diverse

understorey of woody and herbaceous plants contained 36 species,

most of which were reproducing. Some of the canopy trees were

regenerating and were represented in the under-storey but Picea, Larixand Pinus were absent. Measurements suggest Juglans nigra (native)

and Acer platanoides (exotic) will dominate the site in future. All new

tree regeneration was found in areas with no conifers.

The patterns of community structure that have evolved over time at

the site are different from those in the native forests of southern

Ontario but changes are leading to the development of a forest with a

similar structure and appearance. One recent measure of the success of

the planting is the fact that local authorities mistakenly listed the site as

an important natural forest remnant within the local city boundary.

Main lesson: Even modest levels of reforestation can initiate the development of high-quality forest given sufficient time.

8.3 Community initiated forest restoration in Nepal

In Badase village in the Middle Hills of Nepal, northeast of

Kathmandu, three separate indigenous forest management systems

were identified during an investigation of local responses to forest loss

and degradation (Gilmour and Fisher 1991). One of these systemsrelated to two patches of natural forest covering the slopes on both

sides of a valley. The two forests were managed by a local committee

from about 1981 to 1986. Although the user groups for the two forests

are not exactly the same, there is considerable overlap and the same

committee managed both forests. The land was legally under the

management control of the Forest Department, but the local commu-

nity had exercised de facto management control for several decades.

The forests were managed as common property resources.

Local informants indicated that a shortage of forest products by about

1981 led them to hire a local forest watcher, paying for the service with



the proceeds of a collection of one or two rupees from each user

household. A committee was formed to manage the forests. Thus, this

local system had two formal organisational elements: a local forest

watcher paid by collection from user households, and a managementcommittee. The main purpose of the organisation was to allow a

degraded forest to regenerate by protecting it. Management practices

were clearly developed with this objective in mind. These were the

main silviculture elements:

• users could collect dry branches, grass and fodder, but had to haveapproval from the village leader (who was a member of the user

group) to cut trees for timber;

• cutting green grass was not permitted in the monsoon period since

it is the crucial period for regeneration of grasses and tree seedlings;


• children were not allowed to cut grass at any time, the stated reason

being that children are careless or inexperienced and might cut tree

seedlings as well as grass.

These rules were simple, but provided a sound formula for allowing

the degraded forest to regenerate. They allowed a type and intensity of

utilisation that would not interfere with regeneration. The existence of

healthy broad-leaf forests on both slopes of the valley, replacing what

was once low shrubland, attests to the effectiveness of these controls.

Main lessons: Local communities are able to initiate and manage effective restorationactivities where they have a vested interest in the outcome, as long as they have secureaccess and use rights. They can also develop simple but effective institutionalarrangements to manage the forests and distribute benefits.

8.4 Maximum diversity plantings on mined land in Brazil

A large open-cut bauxite mine at Trombetas in Para’ state in central

Amazonia is located in an area of relatively undisturbed evergreen

equatorial moist forest. A reforestation program has been developed to

restore the original forest cover to the greatest extent possible. The

project has treated about 100 ha of mined land per year for the last 15

years (Parrotta and Knowles 2001).

There are several key steps. First, the mined site is levelled and topsoil

is replaced to a depth of about 15 cm using topsoil from the site that


Chapter 8: Case studies

was removed and stockpiled (for less than six months) prior to mining.

Next, the site is deep-ripped to a depth of 90 cm (one meter spacing

between rows). Trees are planted along alternate rip lines at two-metre

spacings (2,500 trees per ha) using direct seeding, stumped saplings orpotted seedlings. Some 160 local tree species were tested for their

suitability in the program and more than 70 species from the local

natural forests are routinely used (Knowles and Parrotta 1995).

After 13 years most sites have many more tree and shrub species than

those initially planted because of seed stored in the topsoil or colonisa-

tion from the surrounding forest. Not surprisingly, the density of these

new colonists was greater at sites near intact forest but dispersal wasevident up to 640 m away from old-growth forest. The new species,

most of which have small seed, would have been brought to the site by

birds, bats or terrestrial mammals. Large-seeded species may be

dispersed to the site later when habitat is more suitable for the wildlife

that will bring them. If not, they may need to be re-introduced.

Several reforestation approaches have been tried, including natural

regeneration and commercial timber plantations. Comparisons

between these different approaches showed the rate of species accumu-lation varying depending on treatment. The greatest diversity was

measured in the mixed native species treatment (around 130 woody

plant species in 0.25 ha), higher than in sites left to regenerate natu-

rally or planted using mixed plantings of commercial species. Weeds

such as grasses were effectively excluded by the shade created by the

dense canopy cover of the mixed native species community (there had

been concern that shorter tree longevities in the natural regeneration

and tree plantation designs could allow grasses and weeds to persist,making these methods more risky). Overall the reforestation program

has been extremely successful in facilitating the re-establishment of

both plants and animals at the site, although more time will be needed

before composition and structure begin to resemble those of the nearby

intact forest (Parrotta and Knowles 1997, Parrotta and Knowles 1999).

Main lesson: It is possible to restore high levels of plant and animal diversity todegraded tropical forest sites relatively quickly if sufficient funds are available andnatural forests remain nearby. Recovery of structural and spatial complexity resem-bling that present in the original forest will necessarily take more time.



8.5 Reforestation of mountains deforested by pollution in Japan

The Ashio copper mine is located in the mountains of Tochigi

Prefecture. The mine began operations in 1610; with an associated

refinery, it became one of the largest copper mines in Japan (Akiyama

1992). Production intensified in 1876 but the mine and its refinery

eventually ceased operations in 1973. Forests in the surrounding

mountains were lost throughout this period because of industrialpollution from the smelter and from timber harvesting carried out to

fuel the refinery.

Various attempts to reforest were undertaken. These intensified in

1956 when pollution declined following the installation of a new flash

smelting production process. At that time many of the mountain

slopes were bare and much of the topsoil had been lost. There were

2,145 ha of mountain landscape classified as seriously damaged withno vegetative cover, 2,725 ha of moderately damaged forest and 4,470

ha of slightly affected forest. Apart from the damage to the forests there

was extensive pollution in the rivers draining from the site caused by

industrial waste and massive erosion.

The decision was made to try and re-establish the natural forests.

Forests in the area contain maple, chestnut, beech, birch and oak;

hemlock is found at higher altitudes. Although seed from these species

was available there were two key problems. One was the short growingseason; the cold winters last from September to May. The second was

that most of the steep slopes had little topsoil remaining except in

small crevices. This was initially dealt with by making vegetation

blocks. Straw, soil, fertilizer and grass and tree seed were mixed,

covered in newspaper and pressed into small blocks. The blocks were

carried by workers on their backs up into the mountains and placed in

furrows in rows along contours and fixed in place with willow

branches. The blocks were watered from barrels of water carried in tothe sites on workers’ backs. The following spring, after the grasses had

germinated and bound the soil, seedlings of leguminous trees or black

pines were planted. Using this method trees became well established

after five or ten years. The technique was not appropriate to all sites,

however, and a second method was developed using larger vegetation


Chapter 8: Case studies

bags that contained more soil. Gauze bags were filled with 3.6 kg of

soil, seed and fertilizer. These were carried up by hand and placed in

rows about one metre apart along contours and fixed in place with

U-shaped iron stakes. Both approaches were successful but wereobviously very labour-intensive. They were also difficult to use in steep

and remote areas in the mountains. The third approach used a helicop-

ter to spread grass and tree seeds and fertilizer. The mix was held in

place by an asphalt emulsion, also sprayed from a helicopter.

A large area has been treated and now has an extensive forest cover,

although the untreated mountain areas are still extensively deforested.

Over the years the reforestation scheme has used a number of grassspecies and up to 27 tree species (established at densities of up to

5,000-7,000 trees per ha). Species selection depended on the extent of

pollution at a particular site. Many of the planted trees die in the first

season; often, up to 50 per cent of trees have to be replanted the

following season. Some of early plantings are now ten metres tall and

wildlife has begun to recolonise the sites (the Japanese antelope

population in the Ashio area is now among the largest in country). The

increase in wildlife has brought its own problems since some animals

are causing extensive damage to trees and tree seedlings. This issueremains unresolved.

Main lesson: Even extremely degraded sites can be reforested provided resources areavailable. At such sites, however, complete recovery may be impossible.

8.6 Pest control and the recovery of threatened wildlife in New Zealand

Habitat loss and fragmentation have caused a decline in New Zealand’sindigenous plant and animal species. This loss has been exacerbated by

the large numbers of exotic plants and animals introduced by human

colonists. These species have caused changes to the structure and

composition of forest and grassland communities and have led to a

dramatic decline in the vertebrate fauna, most especially birds (for

example, 49 per cent of New Zealand’s non-marine endemic birds are

now extinct).

A vigorous restoration effort has been made to combat these changes(Saunders and Norton 2001). One component of this restoration

program is the use of offshore islands to protect threatened birds from



introduced predators (Towns and Ballantine 1993). Restoration has

begun with the eradication of predators; some 15 mammals and two

birds have been eradicated from 140 islands around the New Zealand

coast. The pests removed include species such as rats, cats, brushtailpossums, goats and rabbits. Islands up to 2,000 ha in size have been

successfully treated. A larger range of carnivorous and herbivorous pest

species are present on the two mainland islands of New Zealand and

similar eradication programs have been carried out there as well, most

especially in protected areas that form “islands” surrounded by a sea of

farmland. In both situations pest species have been eradicated by

trapping and poison baiting, including aerial baiting.

Some striking successes have been achieved in recent years, and are

described by Atkinson (2001) and Saunders and Norton (2001). It is

clear, however, that mainland “islands” will be an ongoing problem,

especially where a core habitat area is located within a larger complex

of similar habitat. Addressing the problem is likely to be expensive.

Pest removal has resulted in an increase in the populations of a number

of threatened animal species. At many sites native plants are also

recovering and regenerating after herbivores such as deer, possum andgoats were controlled. In some cases it was necessary to translocate the

plants or animals needed to re-establish or augment a population.

Around 50 taxa, mainly birds, have now been translocated. Transloca-

tion has been particularly important when offshore islands are used as

safe sanctuaries. There are risks involved, however, especially without a

complete understanding of the ecology of the species involved. Trans-

locations don’t always work; the new habitat may not be appropriate,

or there may be negative interactions with species already on theisland. While offshore islands will continue to be the focus of attention

for threatened species, on mainland “islands” the emphasis is shifting

from improving the populations of single species to the restoration of

whole ecosystems because of the scale of the problem. Fortunately, the

successes to date mean that members of the public have a growing

interest in participating in the programs.

Main lesson: pest and weed eradication alone can sometimes restore species diversityto “islands” relatively quickly, particularly on offshore islands that can provide safehabitats, free from introduced predators, for vulnerable native species.


Chapter 8: Case studies

8.7 Understorey development beneath plantation monocultures in Australia

Plantations of the conifer Araucaria cunninghamii and the hardwood

Flindersia brayleyana grow well in the humid tropics of northeast

Australia. Monoculture plantations of these two native rainforest

timber species are expected to have rotations of approximately 50

years. They may acquire significant numbers of tree species in their

understories over time, especially if they are established close to intactrainforest. Surveys by Keenan et al. (1997) showed just how diverse

these understories can be. Species-area curves in the in A. cunninghamiiplantations, which are more than 55 years old, found up to 35 woody

plant species had colonised a sample area of 300 square metres while

surveys in F. brayleyana plantations of a similar age found around 65

woody plant species in similar sample areas. Overall, more than 350

species were counted in these plantations including trees, shrubs, vines,

epiphytes and herbs. This complex understorey development was

found in plantations up to 200 m from intact forest. In some cases thecolonists had grown to join the canopy level, transforming the planta-

tion from a simple monoculture to a polyculture. Similar observations

in a range of other tropical plantations throughout the world are

described in Parrotta, Turnbull and Jones (1997).

These changes give rise to several questions. One is whether this degree

of colonisation would have occurred without the plantation trees. The

answer undoubtedly depends on the starting point and whether grasseswere then present. In the Australian case plantations require intensive

weed control for the first few years until canopy closure occurs. In the

absence of plantation trees the weeds would not have been controlled

and successional development would undoubtedly have taken much

longer. In addition, fires were excluded from the site, which prevented

further disturbances once successional development began. Thus the

plantations had a catalytic effect.

A second question is whether the understorey development affected the

growth of the plantation trees. In the early stages it probably had

minimal impact, but this would change over time as more of the

colonists grew up and joined the canopy, effectively increasing the tree

density. Plantations are usually thinned to reduce competition and

maximise growth of the straightest and most vigorous trees. Colonisa-



tion therefore meant increased competition. Subsequent measurements

at some of these sites showed the negative effects of this competition

on plantation tree growth (P. Brown; pers. comm.) suggesting that

managers will face trade-offs when deciding to manage for biodiversityas well as production.

Main lesson: Plantations can be catalysts for the recolonisation of very large numbersof plants, especially when there is natural forest nearby. This raises the possibility thatolder plantations can provide some significant regional biodiversity benefits as well asproduction benefits. Some trade-offs may need to be made to reach a balance betweenthese two outcomes.

8.8 Assisted natural regrowth in Nepal for conservation and development

One of the most successful plantation species in the middle hills of

Nepal is the indigenous chir pine (Pinus roxburghii). It is a hardy

pioneer species that occurs naturally at elevations of around 1,300 m.Many of the sites with potential for restoration are heavily grazed

eroding grasslands with shallow stony soils. Chir pine is one of the few

species that can survive and grow on these sites. It is also easy to handle

in low-technology nurseries, making it well suited for small village

nurseries. Attempts to grow more desirable broadleaf species in large-

scale plantings on such sites have largely failed (Gilmour and Fisher

1991). This is particularly the case in the drier locations, although

some success has been achieved in some of the moister areas withspecies such as utis (Alnus nepalensis).

If a plantation area is protected from grazing, a range of tree and shrub

species often invades soon after establishment, particularly on moister

northern aspects. The invading species dramatically increase the

biodiversity of the site and add to its productive potential for the

village forest users. Chir pine acts as a pioneer species, returning the

site to forest which can then be manipulated silviculturally to provide

the goods and services people need.

An example of this is found in a series of studies undertaken in a forest

about 40 km northeast of Kathmandu (Gilmour et al. 1990). Three

waves of regeneration followed planting with chir pine. The first

developed as coppice from stumps which were remnants of the original

forest. The protection from regular cutting and grazing which accom-

panied the planting allowed coppice shoots to survive, and these


Chapter 8: Case studies

became an early component of the stand along with the pines. Most of

the coppice shoots were Schima wallichii, a widespread broadleaf tree

which produces high-value firewood, construction material and leaves

for animal bedding.

The second wave consisted of seedling regeneration which germinated

about five years after plantation establishment (age was determined

from growth ring counts). As in the first wave, the dominant species

was Schima wallichii (Schima seeds are small and are probably distrib-

uted by birds). Although the plantation would not have had a closed

canopy after five years, the site must have improved enough to provide

a suitable habitat for Schima.

A dramatic change in species composition began at about 12 years,

when the canopy closed. The third wave of regeneration occurred at

this time, and included a large number of very useful fuel and fodder

species. The most notable of the newcomers was Litsea polyantha,

which is highly valued for its leaf fodder. It regenerated at high

densities and by plantation age 14 years it covered the forest floor at a

density of about 1,600 per ha with a mean height of 22 cm. Other

valuable species which appeared at the same time included Fraxinusfloribunda, Cedrela toona, Castanopsis indica, Prunus cerasoides and

Michelia champaca. Future silvicultural practices, as well as the actions

of forest users, will determine whether these valuable species become

dominant components of the stand.

Main lesson: Restoration can often start with low technology and low-cost options,relying on natural ecological process to provide added biological diversity over time.Social controls over cutting and grazing are essential to obtain a diverse species mix.

8.9 Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in Indonesia

There is a wide range of agroforestry systems in Indonesia, particularly

in the outer islands. These systems provide 80 per cent of the rubber

latex produced and exported by Indonesia, about 95 per cent of the

various fruits marketed in the country, between 75 and 80 per cent of

the dipterocarp resin traded in and outside the country, a significant

portion of rattans and bamboos, an immense part of the firewood

consumed in the country, and the majority of such items as medicinalplants and handicraft material. Moreover, they ensure the self-suffi-



ciency of most rural households by providing supplementary foods,

fuelwood and light and heavy construction material.

These systems are not home gardens, but more extended systems thathave evolved from previous clearings in natural forests (Torquebiau

1984; Michon and de Foresta 1995, 1997). The main reason they were

established was to provide monetary income for rural households.

Enhanced biodiversity is a secondary benefit, not an aim as such. They

demonstrate the value of ecological and technical control — as well as

socio-cultural control — of resources. This has been achieved not

through the domestication of species, but by a total reconstruction of

the original ecosystem. Table 7 compares the species richness andabundance of a rubber estate, a rubber agro-forest and a primary forest.

Table 7. Species diversity in different forms of agroforestry in Indonesia

Category Number of species Frequency

Rubber Rubber Primary Rubber Rubber Primaryestate agro-forest forest estate agro-forest forest

Trees 1 92 171 28 247 258

Lianas 1 97 89 5 228 219

Tree seedlings 0 26 45 0 170 72

Epiphytes 2 28 63 2 51 261

Herbs 2 23 12 2,000 217 84

Total 6 266 382 2,035 913 897

Trees (except rubber) 0 91 171 0 189 258

Total (except rubber) 5 265 382 2,007 855 897

Source: Michon and de Foresta 1995

These agro-forestry systems are characterised by the manipulation of

individual plants, the maximum use of natural processes of reproduc-

tion and production and the multiple use of the various resources

present in these new forests. This results in integrated management of

a complex ecosystem.

The integrity of agro-forestry structures is ensured through a dominant

private tenure system complemented by overall control by extended


Chapter 8: Case studies

families or clans. Radical transformations, clear felling and sale of

individual agro-forest plots must be approved by these superior

councils, who ensure a respect for tradition and for future generations.

Main lesson: Sophisticated agroforestry systems that resemble natural tropical forestscan be established and managed over large areas of the landscape to provide bothecological and economic benefits as long as appropriate social controls are in place.

8.10 Reforestation of Fijian grasslands

The relationship between reforestation and stream flow has always

been difficult to prove. Anecdotal evidence and traditional knowledge

often points to a reduction in stream flow following deforestation, and

a corresponding increase in stream flow (particularly in the dry season)following reforestation. The science of forest hydrology tends to take

the opposite view, one that is supported by numerous controlled small

catchment experiments in both tropical and temperate environments.

A well-documented study in Fiji demonstrated quite clearly that there

was a measurable and significant increase in soil water use after grass-

land had been converted to Pinus caribaea plantations. This change in

hydrology was a direct result of increased water use by the pines

compared to the grassland; less soil water was available to make its way

into stream flow.

The measured water use, or transpiration, for 132 days (about 72 per

cent) of the dry season was 79 mm for the grassland and 288 mm for

the mature pine forest. There was also a difference in rainfall intercep-

tion between the two vegetation types, with 39 mm recorded for the

grassland and 94 mm for the mature pines. The annual stream flow

from the forested catchment was 288 mm; the annual stream flow

from the grass-covered catchments was estimated to be at least 540mm. This suggests that there was a reduction in water yield of at least

50 per cent, much of it during the dry season, after the establishment

of the pine plantation (Waterloo 1994). These findings accord with

water yield studies in the wet tropics of Australia, where removal of 67

per cent of the tree cover in a rainforest catchment resulted in an

increase in annual water yield of 10 per cent (293 mm), most of it

during the dry season (Gilmour 1977).



The example from Fiji demonstrates that not all impacts of reforesta-

tion are necessarily beneficial in terms of human well-being. In Fiji,

where local people are dependent on using stream water for domestic

use, they could well be disadvantaged by reforestation initiatives.

Main lesson: Not all impacts of reforestation are positive. Frequently substantial costsare borne by local communities, while benefits accrue to distant communities.

8.11 Reforestation in heavily populated landscapes of Kenya

It is commonly assumed that increases in human populations inevita-

bly lead to deforestation. In fact, the situation is often more compli-cated than this. Kenya provides an example of an increasing popula-

tion helping reforest part of the countryside. Kenya has a limited area

of natural forests and good agricultural land. In the early 1990s its

population grew at the rate of over three per cent per year. These

statistics suggest that forest degradation would be widespread and

Kenya did lose 0.5 per cent (93,000 ha) of forest cover annually

between 1990 and 2000. This notwithstanding, an aerial and ground

survey in areas with high agricultural potential found a strong correla-

tion between rural population density and planted trees, with muchmore woody biomass in areas with high population densities (Bradley,

Chavangi and van Gelder 1985; Holmgren, Masakhan and Sjoholm

1994). Further, the rate of planting exceeded the rate of population

growth while the extent of native vegetation in the region remained

constant (over the six-year period ending 1991). At a national level the

volume of planted trees in farmland was greater than the industrial

plantations under government control and the amount of woody

biomass was greater than that in natural forests.

There appear to be several reasons for this. Forest products such as

fuelwood and poles were not available to farmers outside their farm

area so the best way to acquire these products was to grow them on

their own land. But perhaps more importantly, farmers have well-

established tenure over their land; they have the security of knowing

they will benefit from any reforestation activity they undertake.

Much of this reforestation was undertaken with exotics such as fast-growing eucalypts, meaning there was not a direct contribution to

national biodiversity conservation (Holmgren, Masakhan and Sjoholm


Chapter 8: Case studies

1994). In other cases on-farm hedgerows may have a considerable

diversity of indigenous species (Backes 2001). These forms of reforesta-

tion undoubtedly reduced pressure on the remaining natural forests,

which were therefore able to contribute ecological services.

Main lesson: Reforestation can occur in areas with high rural population densities,provided farmers have security of tenure.

8.12 Reintroduction of traditional agricultural practices in Tanzania

The Sukuma people are pastoralists living in the semi-arid Shinyanga

region of northwest Tanzania. The region has 600-800 mm annualrainfall, although it varies greatly from year to year. This part of

Tanzania is occupied by forests and miombo woodlands; high popula-

tion densities (up to 42 persons per sq. km) exert significant pressure

on land resources. Many farmers or communities have traditional

enclosures (known as ngitili) reserved for dry-season grazing and

browsing (Ed Barrow, pers. comm.). This encourages vegetation to

regenerate and provides browse and fodder later in the dry season

when they are scarce. Despite the enclosures, however, much of the

original woodland in the region has been lost because of overgrazingand firewood harvesting. Tree clearance accelerated between 1920 and

1940 when forests in the region were cleared to eradicate tsetse fly.

This practice continued until the early 1980s and established a basis

for much agricultural expansion, including cash crops such as cotton

and tobacco.

Traditionally, ngitili were located near home compounds and fodder

collected from them was used to support calves, old animals and oxen,

which could not follow the rest of the herd. Ownership, management

and tenure rights of ngitilis were governed by customary law. The

practice was widespread; at independence in 1961, almost every family

in the region had a ngitili.

The system broke down when the Ujamaa (Villagisation) Act wasintroduced in 1975. The act relocated farmers from traditional villages

to newly created settlements. Their main household assets, including

houses, farms and ngitilis, were abandoned. This concentration of large

numbers of people and livestock in small areas increased the pressure

on farm and grazing lands. While the new village structure was easier



to administer it disrupted traditional mechanisms for adapting to local

ecological conditions, such as droughts, and led to breakdowns in

traditional soil conservation practices.

With the gradual decline of the villagisation program after the 1980s

and the emphasis on in-situ conservation practices by the government

soil conservation program, previously owned ngitilis are being re-

established or restored. Some new communally managed enclosures are

being established as well. More than 18,000 enclosures covering some

88,000 ha of land were established between 1980 and 2001. These

have allowed a significant increase in forest regrowth throughout the

region. Many of the shrubs and trees are original miombo woodlandspecies, although some exotics have been planted in the reserves and on

farmland. There is no evidence about whether these regenerating plant

communities match those once present. In some places, however, there

is a high diversity of native species in the regrowth, with up to 23 tree

species in less than 0.5 ha. This regrowth is important both for the

resulting fodder and timber trees and because many ngitilis are now the

source of important traditional medicinal plant species. A variety of

mechanisms and management practices has been used in different

communities in order to establish the new reserves. In many commu-nities grazing is prevented for up to five years to ensure that restoration

begins. A range of methods is used to manage the regrowth once it has

become established; for example, some community-managed ngitilishave controls to regulate pruning or tree harvesting.

There are several reasons why the program has been a success. One is

that people have regained ownership and control over their lands and

resources. Another is that the reservation system was once part of thecommunity’s traditional land management practices. This made it

comparatively easy to re-instate (which required the government to put

in place an enabling and supporting policy and a legal framework). It

was also strongly helped by the re-introduction of many traditional

and customary legal mechanisms that previously operated at the village

level. Rules have been developed to meet community needs, rather

than being imposed by higher levels of government.

Main lesson: Rural farmers and villagers can restore very significant areas provided theincentives are right and the legal framework — both traditional and institutional — issupportive.


Chapter 8: Case studies

8.12 Large-scale reforestation in Korea

The extensive forests that existed in Korea in the 19th century were

severely degraded by over-cutting in the period of Japanese occupation

(between 1910 and 1945). During this time the average stand volume

declined from 100 cubic m ha-1 to 10.6 cubic m ha-1. Deforestation

was so extensive that reforestation became a national priority.

Reforestation commenced in 1959 and expanded with a series of

national Forest Development Plans. The first of them was undertaken

between 1973-1978. It was a turning point in Korean forestry,

reforesting one million hectares of forest in a period of only six years.

The land used for reforestation belonged to a variety of land-owners

including national and provincial governments, industrial companies

and private land-owners. The plan had several elements. First, a strict

program of protection was established for the remaining forests,particularly those in mountain areas. Second, a number of zones were

identified in which to carry out intensive forest development. Refor-

estation was undertaken in these zones to increase conservation

benefits and improve rural incomes. There was also an emphasis on

ensuring that rural communities had access to sufficient fuelwood for

their needs. Third, fast-growing species (such as hybrid poplars, black

locust, alders and Lespedeza) were used, so that benefits would be

received as quickly as possible. Finally, the national government sought

wide participation and involvement by the community as a whole andprovided financial subsidies to encourage this participation.

A slight change of emphasis took place in each of the three subsequent

plans. The Second Forest Development Plan (1979-1987) continued

the protection activities of the first plan but gave greater emphasis to

reforestation for larger-scale commercial purposes. The Third Forest

Development Plan (1988-1997) focused on rational land use and on

the creation of superior timber resources. Efforts were also made todistribute forest products. The current plan (1998-2007) concentrates

on achieving sustainable forest management. It marks the end

of government-led reforestation; from this point on the program

will become more self-regulated and will have less government




In the last 30 years, as a result of these programs, over four million

hectares of new forest have been re-established in Korea. In the early

stages of the program the emphasis was on forests for timber produc-

tion; this emphasis has changed over time and the current proportionis now around 50 percent for timber production, 30 percent for

protection and conservation purposes and 20 percent for other

purposes, such as agriculture or building. The forests contain over 20

tree species including native oaks (e.g. Quercus acutissima,Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis, Q. dentate) and pines (Pinus densiflora,P. koraiensis, P. thunbergii) as well as exotic species such as pitch pine-

loblolly pine hybrid and larch (Larix kaempferi). The forests supply

wood for community and industrial purposes provide ecologicalservices, such as slope and watershed protection.

Main lesson: large-scale reforestation is possible if national governments, industry andcommunities make a commitment to it. Success depends on thorough planning, along-term funding commitment and community support and involvement.


Chapter 9: Criteria for success

In most situations an outcome at a particular site is said to be success-

ful when the stated objective has been achieved without compromising

the environments and rights of other land users. The situation is more

complicated than it seems, however. Just how closely must the restoredsite attributes match those of the target? Must it be a 100 per cent

match, or is 80 per cent sufficient to achieve “success”? And how can

success be defined in the case of rehabilitation projects involving

complex mixes of biological, physical, social and economic outcomes?

In fact, these issues are probably less important than more immediate

questions that must be confronted by managers much earlier in the

recovery process. At these stages the key question is whether a success-ful outcome is still likely with the present management regime or

whether some form of corrective intervention is necessary. Restoration

and rehabilitation commonly take many years to achieve. Both involve

successional processes that are unpredictable in their nature and the

impacts of any reforestation program on the communities of land users

are not always as expected. Assuming that rehabilitation goals remain

constant — and this might not be always the case — are there ways to

monitor the recovery process and its social consequences so that

managers can intervene, if necessary, to re-establish the direction andrate of successional development? What are the early warning signals of


A number of possible criteria are shown in Table 8. These are not

expressed as absolute numbers but rather as values relative to what

might be expected if the site were developing appropriately. In each

case an appropriate trigger for taking remedial action (e.g. replanting)

will need to be decided.

Three types of indicators might be used to monitor ecological trends:

• indicators of landscape stability;

• program efficiency; and

• flexibility.

The first type of indicators relate to landscape stability. Apart from the

most obvious indicator of all — whether or not the site is still subject

to disturbances — criteria include structural elements such as the

Chapter 9Criteria for success



extent of plant cover or tree density, the heights of plants and the

extent to which the community is developing an understorey as well as

an overstorey. Some measure of the health or vigour (i.e. growth rate)

of these plants might be appropriate.

The second component of stability involves the composition of the

community, such as numbers, identity and abundance of various plant

and animal species, including weeds and pest species. Determining the

presence or absence of particular life forms (e.g. herbs, grasses, shrubs,

vines, palms etc.) might also be useful. A particularly crucial indicator

may be whether these various species are reproducing in situ or

whether they are dependent on seed sources from outside.

The third component of stability involves indications that the new

plant community has developed appropriate functional responses and

has stabilised the soils or improved the quality of water in streams

draining the catchment. In the case of rehabilitation projects involving

a production element, some indication of production results (e.g.

whether the timber yields are adequate) might be appropriate.

The second ecological category of indicators measures the efficiency of

the program. Is the new community self-sustaining or is it still depend-

ent on supplements and inputs such as fertilisers or weed control?

Success might also be measured by a third category, flexibility, which

indicates the capacity of the new system to be used for alternative,

unforeseen purposes such as recreation, gathering herbs or mushrooms

or protecting particular wildlife species.

These indicators will not be appropriate in all situations and morespecialised factors might be needed in certain conditions. Where the

habitat of an endangered wildlife species is recreated specific measures

might have to be developed for that species. Likewise, a fire-prone area

might require indicators of when fire exclusion is necessary and when

fires should be deliberately re-introduced.


Chapter 9: Criteria for success

Table 8. Potential indicators of success in restoration and rehabilitation programs

Biophysical Socio-cultural

Stability• No further disturbances occur • Stable human populations

that promote degradation • Stable and equitable land tenure• Adequate plant cover or density system

across landscape • Stable land use pattern• Vigorous plant growth • Adequate food supply and

(e.g. tree height, diameters) standard of living• Appropriate community structure • Appropriate balance between

(e.g. overstorey and understorey) tree and agricultural crops

• Appropriate plant species present • Stable market prices(including range of life forms or • Stable firewood consumption ratefunctional groups) • Stable rate of water use

• Appropriate wildlife speciespresent (including mutualists)

• Declining cover or populations ofweeds and pest species

• Appropriate trophic diversity(producers, consumers etc.)

• Adequate regeneration orreproduction of desired species

• Stable soil surfaces• Adequate water quality in streams

draining from sites (e.g. reducedsedimentation or salinity)

• Adequate crop or timber yields

Efficiency• Decreasing need for inputs • Public involvement and

such as fertilizers (because of participation in programnutrient cycling) • Income provided to community

• Decreasing need for weed andpest control (because these arescarce or have been excluded)

• Decreasing need for irrigation

Flexibility• Increasing kinds of alternative • Increasing public ecological

land use possible awareness (especially in children).• Increasing economic flexibility

Socio-economic indicators are also shown in Table 8. These are

divided into the same three categories: stability, efficiency and flexibil-

ity. Stability indicators reveal the extent to which human populations

using the new forest and the lands surrounding it do so in a sustainable



way. If the human populations are themselves more or less stable and

the patterns of land use and food production are constant then the

regenerating forest has a chance of being able to develop without

further disturbances. If, on the other hand, the human populations areincreasing because of in-migration or because land tenure systems are

inequitable, there is a much greater chance that land users will be

obliged to start using the regenerating new forest in some way (e.g. for

firewood collection, grazing or agriculture), and will disrupt the

restoration process. At some stage, of course, such use of forest re-

sources may be necessary; if that happens, different indicators (such as

stable market prices or rate of firewood consumption) may be needed

to measure whether such use is sustainable.

A crucial element for the success of any restoration program is whether

the local community is involved in its development and desire its

success. The extent to which the community continues to be actively

involved in a project is thus an important indicator of its likelihood of

success. In addition, a project may cease to mean a cost to the commu-

nity and start providing direct economic benefits. Public knowledge

about ecological issues and the ability this provides the community to

respond to changes in the forest condition is another aspect of commu-nity involvement.

There are other ways to monitor recovery. One of these, which is

appropriate for restoration, is shown in Figure 10. In this case the

number of species present in certain life forms is compared with the

number of species in these groups normally found in the undisturbed

target ecosystem. The example in Figure 10 reflects the fact that some

species or life forms have recovered more quickly. A similar approachmight be developed using the functional groups or species present in

various trophic levels in a system. These types of approaches depend

on the presence of nearby undisturbed sites to act as reference areas.

Not all attempts at rehabilitation will succeed. Sometimes recovery will

only go so far before the community composition or structure stabi-

lizes at a transitional state that is different from the desired outcome.

In many situations this may not matter provided functional outcomes

are achieved (e.g. preventing soil erosion, overcoming salinisation).


Chapter 9: Criteria for success

Figure 10. Monitoring recovery by comparing number of species



of s


es in




Number of species in original system

Canopy birds

Sub-canopy birds





Trees withsmall fruit

Trees withlarge fruit

Recovery can be monitored by comparing the number of species in different lifeforms in the developing new system with those present in the original system. Figure10 suggests that the numbers of reptiles, birds normally found in the forest canopyand trees with small fruit have recovered to near their original condition whilethere are fewer species of most other life forms than in the original forest. On theother hand, the site now has more grass species.



In terms of forest conservation, world attention in the past has focused

primarily on two areas:

• the need to conserve a representative range of forest ecosystems in a

system of well managed protected areas; and

• the importance of managing the areas of natural forest outside the

protected area system in a sustainable manner.

While protected areas and sustainable forest management are and willremain important elements of any forest conservation strategy, the

rapidly expanding areas of degraded forest land in many countries

around the world also need urgent attention. In parts of Central

America, Madagascar, South East Asia and West Africa, rapid defor-

estation has left such a small part of the original forest area that unless

major restoration efforts are undertaken in the near future, many of

the forest plant and animal species there are at risk of extinction. The

likely impact of climate change on tropical forests in the coming

decades makes this threat even more acute. At the same time, it is clearthat loss of forest cover and degradation of remaining forests are also

massive social problems that compromise the quality of life for many

people. Both ecosystem and human well-being have suffered, and will

continue to do so, unless concerted action is taken to remedy the

situation. Appropriate responses need to be worked out at all levels,

from the local to the global. These include raising public awareness,

putting forest landscape restoration on the policy agenda and incorpo-

rating restoration into land-use planning and action.

10.1 Raising public awareness

It is important to raise public awareness of the extent and conse-

quences of forest loss and degradation, as well as the potential for

forest landscape restoration. Deforestation and reduction in forest

quality are problems in virtually all regions of the world. The conserva-

tion agenda of the past few decades has concentrated largely on the

need to stop these degrading processes and save forests, particularlytropical forests. Creating public awareness of the importance of

embarking on large-scale and concerted restoration initiatives is

probably the first step in any attempt to redirect the expenditure of

public funds. These are some of the issues that need to be highlighted:

Chapter 10PromotingForest LandscapeRestoration


Chapter 10: Promoting forest landscape restoration

• the extent of degraded forest land;

• the cost of this degradation in economic and human terms;

• the options available for rebuilding productive forest ecosystems;

and• the benefits in economic and human terms of restoring degraded

forest ecosystems.

Some of the messages to be conveyed could be drawn from examples

from different ecological regions where forest restoration has been

carried out. A lessons-learned segment could include the practical

implications of what has been attempted, along with an analysis of the

requirements (institutional, policy, legal, tenure, etc.) for successfuloutcomes.

10.2 Putting Forest Landscape Restoration on the policy agenda

Forest Landscape Restoration must be on the policy agenda at global,

regional and national levels. IUCN and WWF have for some years

included forest restoration among their strategic objectives at the

international level, and this agenda is steadily being taken up at

regional levels. A concerted effort to raise the issue of forest restorationor rehabilitation as a positive response to forest loss and degradation in

all available policy discussions at all levels will steadily build momen-

tum for change. A targeted approach is probably the most effective,

initially targeting those groups likely to be responsive, and then

moving on to others.

10.3 Incorporating restoration into land-use planning and action

Forest Landscape Restoration must be incorporated into national,regional and local land-use planning and action. Significant change

will not come about until governments and local communities are

willing to expend scarce resources on restoration activities. Both small-

and large-scale activities should be encouraged. This process can be

assisted by setting up pilot projects in a range of ecological regions.

Such pilot sites can also be used to show that restoration or rehabilita-

tion is in the interests of both local and national government. While

site-level approaches are probably the easiest to demonstrate, signifi-cant advances will depend on demonstrating approaches to working at



the landscape scale, with its attendant challenges of harmonizing

different planning jurisdictions, tenure arrangements and reconciling

conservation and development agendas.

Advances in landscape-level restoration will probably be made in areas

where there is broad-based acknowledgement of a landscape-level

problem that affects most stakeholders across the landscape. Examples

include dryland salinity in much of Australia and deforestation in

Nepal. In both cases, local communities suffer the effects of the

problem, and are ready to acknowledge the need for action. Vietnam

has embarked on a five-million-ha reforestation programme in re-

sponse to the loss of ecological functions and human well-being causedby deforestation and forest degradation across much of the country. A

coalition of donor support is rallying to support this initiative.


Chapter 11: Conclusions

Large areas of the world’s forests are being simplified and degraded.

These changes are causing significant losses of biodiversity and

decreases in human well-being. The loss of biodiversity and other

ecological services may now be affecting the sustainability of many ofthe agricultural practices on these former forested lands.

There are a number of ways in which these trends might be countered.

The appropriate method to use necessarily depends on the prevailing

ecological, economic and social circumstances. Preventing further

degradation is crucial, as is preventing the spread of weeds and pest


Forest Landscape Restoration renews the provision of goods and

services to landscapes. The ecological context determines whether it is

feasible to attempt to restore the original forest ecosystem or whether a

less ambitious target is more realistic. The economic circumstances

determine the level of resources available and whether some form of

direct financial return is needed to justify the reforestation effort. This

may mean that some form of rehabilitation rather than restoration is

the preferred approach. Social circumstances, such as the pattern of

land tenure, legal frameworks and community structures, may deter-mine whether the community becomes actively involved in the whole

process and works for its success. If they are not involved then any

form of Forest Landscape Restoration is unlikely to be successful.

Communities must be convinced of the benefits they are likely to gain

and be empowered to help achieve these benefits themselves.

In most landscapes a variety of approaches may be needed to accom-

modate different circumstances and the different requirements ofvarious stakeholders. The treated landscape may then comprise areas of

agricultural lands, patches of intact remnant forest and a mosaic of

various forms of restored or rehabilitated forest that differ in structural

and biological complexity. Ideally, this new landscape will have an

enhanced level of biodiversity as well as an improved supply of market

or subsistence goods plus some ecological services that collectively lead

to a more sustainable form of land use in the future.

It may not be possible to treat all degraded landscapes; degradation

may be so advanced and widespread that the costs of treatment are too

Chapter 11Conclusions



high. Priorities will need to be developed, and they may be determined

by social rather than ecological circumstances. Small-scale projects are

probably most effective, especially where deforestation and forest

degradation have reached the stage of causing negative effects oncommunities (either through reduction in access to forest products or

emergent problems such as erosion or salinity). Once some initial

success is achieved it is often easy to expand a project.

The conversion from invariably adopting reclamation to considering

the possibility of rehabilitation or restoration will also be easier if net

costs are lower. New technologies, including improved forms of direct

sowing, better ways of introducing mycorrhizae or nitrogen-fixingbacteria or more robust methods of matching species with sites, can

help reduce costs. New market conditions may also help; a market for

high-value native timber species may reverse the trend towards large

monoculture plantations of exotic species. Markets for ecological

services, such as carbon sequestration, biodiversity or salinity reduc-

tion, may also have a profound effect on the scale and form of refor-

estation practices. Such developments are not always beneficial. They

can have unexpected consequences, can lead to more reclamation (e.g.

plantations of exotic species) or even cause further deforestation(Angelsen and Kaimowitz 2001). Outcomes may depend on how

much original forest remains in a region. Governments will have to

balance the rights of land-owners with the legitimate needs of others in

the watershed or the wider community.

Our level of understanding about most ecosystems is usually incom-

plete. Knowledge of the ways in which ecosystems and economic

systems interact is even more superficial. This means that surprisesshould not be unexpected during restoration or rehabilitation and that

monitoring is imperative. It also follows that management regimes

should allow managers to adapt to change and learn from experience.


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Issues in Forest Conservation

Rehabilitationand Restoration

of Degraded Forests

David Lamb and Don Gilmour

The World Conservation Union

Rehabilitation and R

estoration of Degraded Forests

IUCN – The World Conservation Union

Founded in 1948, The World Conservation Union brings together States,government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organizationsin a unique world partnership: nearly 980 members in all, spread acrosssome 140 countries.

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The World Conservation Union builds on the strengths of its members,networks and partners to enhance their capacity and to support globalalliances to safeguard natural resources at local, regional and global levels.

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WWF – The Conservation Organization

WWF – The World Wide Fund for Nature is one of the world’s largest andmost experienced independent conservation organizations, with almost fivemillion supporters and a global network active in over 90 countries.

WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environmentand to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:• conserving the world’s biological diversity;• ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable;• promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

WWF InternationalAvenue du Mont BlancCH-1196 Gland, SwitzerlandTel. ++ 41 22 364 91 11Fax ++ 41 22 364 53 58

The World Conservation Union