It’s Time for a Trivia Game

Post on 16-Mar-2016

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It’s Time for a Trivia Game. How much do you know about Islam?. Q. What does the word “Islam” mean?. prayer rules submission war. Q. What is the name for the holy month in Islam when people are supposed to fast?. Sha’ban Passover Hegira Ramadan. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of It’s Time for a Trivia Game

It’s Time for a Trivia GameHow much do you know about Islam?

Q. What does the word “Islam” mean?

a) prayerb) rulesc) submissiond) war

Q. What is the name for the holy month in Islam when

people are supposed to fast?

a) Sha’banb) Passoverc) Hegirad) Ramadan

Q. Which of the following does Islam prohibit?

a) drinking alcoholb) watching televisionc) Listening to musicd) Holding celebrations

Q. What do followers of Islam pray towards?

a) The city of Medinab) the Ka’abac) The gravesite of Muhammadd) The moon

Q. Salat is very important in Islam. What is it?

a) Obedienceb) Alms-Givingc) Prayerd) Law

Q. The First Pillar of Islam is the Shahadah. What is that?

a) Holy warb) Purity of heartc) Forgiveness of enemiesd) Declaration of faith

Q. Who was Muhammad’s first wife?

a) Khadijab) Zaynabc) Aminad) A’isha

Q. By A.D. 750, which of the following areas had NOT been conquered by Islamic Armies?

a) Persiab) Greecec) North Africad) Spain

Q. Which of the following inventions is NOT attributed to

Muslim Scholars?a) The clockb) soapc) gunpowderd) coffee

Q. In terms of the percentage of followers, Islam ranks _______

amongst world religions?a) 1stb) 2ndc) 3rdd) 4th

Q. The Frankish King Charles Martel stopped the advance of Muslim

Armies into Europe at the battle of:

a) Normandyb) Parisc) Hastingsd) Tours

Q. Even though Sunni Muslims are the majority worldwide, which

of these countries is majority Shi’A?

a) Iranb) Saudi Arabiac) Egyptd) Turkey

So How did we Do?

Q. What does the word “Islam” mean?

a) prayerb) rulesc) submissiond) war

Q. What does the word “Islam” mean?

a) prayerb) rulesc) submissiond) war

Q. What is the name for the holy month in Islam when

people are supposed to fast?

a) Sha’banb) Passoverc) Hegirad) Ramadan

Q. What is the name for the holy month in Islam when

people are supposed to fast?

a) Sha’banb) Passoverc) Hegirad) Ramadan

Q. Which of the following does Islam prohibit?

a) drinking alcoholb) watching televisionc) Listening to musicd) Holding celebrations

Q. Which of the following does Islam prohibit?

a) drinking alcoholb) watching televisionc) Listening to musicd) Holding celebrations

Q. What do followers of Islam pray towards?

a) The city of Medinab) the Ka’abac) The gravesite of Muhammadd) The moon

Q. What do followers of Islam pray towards?

a) The city of Medinab) the Ka’abac) The gravesite of Muhammadd) The moon

Q. Salat is very important in Islam. What is it?

a) Obedienceb) Alms-Givingc) Prayerd) Law

Q. Salat is very important in Islam. What is it?

a) Obedienceb) Alms-Givingc) Prayerd) Law

Q. The First Pillar of Islam is the Shahadah. What is that?

a) Holy warb) Purity of heartc) Forgiveness of enemiesd) Declaration of faith

Q. The First Pillar of Islam is the Shahadah. What is that?

a) Holy warb) Purity of heartc) Forgiveness of enemiesd) Declaration of faith

Q. Who was Muhammad’s first wife?

a) Khadijab) Zaynabc) Aminad) A’isha

Q. Who was Muhammad’s first wife?

a) Khadijab) Zaynabc) Aminad) A’isha

Q. By A.D. 750, which of the following areas had NOT been conquered by Islamic Armies?

a) Persiab) Greecec) North Africad) Spain

Q. By A.D. 750, which of the following areas had NOT been conquered by Islamic Armies?

a) Persiab) Greecec) North Africad) Spain

Q. Which of the following inventions is NOT attributed to

Muslim Scholars?a) The clockb) soapc) gunpowderd) coffee

Q. Which of the following inventions is NOT attributed to

Muslim Scholars?a) The clockb) soapc) gunpowderd) coffee

Q. In terms of the percentage of followers, Islam ranks _______

amongst world religions?a) 1stb) 2ndc) 3rdd) 4th

Q. In terms of the percentage of followers, Islam ranks _______

amongst world religions?a) 1stb) 2ndc) 3rdd) 4th

Q. The Frankish King Charles Martel stopped the advance of Muslim

Armies into Europe at the battle of:

a) Normandyb) Parisc) Hastingsd) Tours

Q. The Frankish King Charles Martel stopped the advance of Muslim

Armies into Europe at the battle of:

a) Normandyb) Parisc) Hastingsd) Tours

Q. Even though Sunni Muslims are the majority worldwide, which

of these countries is majority Shi’A?

a) Iranb) Saudi Arabiac) Egyptd) Turkey

Q. Even though Sunni Muslims are the majority worldwide, which

of these countries is majority Shi’A?

a) Iranb) Saudi Arabiac) Egyptd) Turkey