It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye


  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye


    ]rknse j`r


    Tbns bks heei tbe khseit h``l ni koo tbe wrntnic `j fburfb pokit-

    nic kid pkst`rnic. N bncboy ref`ggeid tbns j`r every y`uic pkst`r

    kid fburfb pokiter hut requnre nt j`r I`rtbS``d fburfb pokiters.

    Sbkt gkles fburfb pokitnic s` bkrd j`r y`uic gei ns tbkt tbey

    kreit aust stkrtnic k fburfb< g`st kre stkrtnic k jkgnoy. Nj we fkitbkve k bekotby jkgnoy, wbkt dnjjereife d`es nt gkle b`w hnc `ur

    fburfb ns0 Nj we fkit g`deo bekotby b`ges, wbkt d`es tbkt sky

    kh`ut `ur gesskce kid oekdersbnp0 N li`w Hrnki kid Kgy, kid

    tbey prkftnfe wbkt tbey wrnte.


    Jnikooy k h``l j`r tb`se wb` kre `i tbe jr`it onies `j gninstry.Hrnki kid Kgy ikno tbe tegptktn`is, fbkooeices, kid hest prkf-

    tnfes ni tbe rekog `j fburfb pokitnic. Tbey bkve stepped `i tbe

    okidgnies s` tbkt y`u d`it bkve t`. Xekd kid beed tbenr wnsd`g.


    Kutb`r `j J`r tbe Fntykid Fburfb ]okiter

    Hrnki kid Kgy teoo tbe st`ry `j fburfb pokitnic, kid tbey teoont onle nt ns. V` j`r every`ie pokiinic t` pokit k fburfb, tbns ns i`t

    k h``l kh`ut prnifnpoes, getb`ds, `r `rckinzktn`i< cet tbkt eose-

    wbere. Tbns ns kh`ut Hrnki, Kgy, kid y`u< nt ns kh`ut wbkt wnoo

    bkppei t` y`u kid ni y`u. Tbns h``l ns k gust j`r kiy`ie f`i-

    iefted t` fburfb pokitnic, hefkuse Hrnki kid Kgy gkle tbe tksl

    s` pers`iko kid trnugpbkit. Xekd . . . . rea`nfe . . . weep k onttoe . . .

    kid prky j`r tbe crkfe `j C`d tbkt wks cnvei t` Hrnki kid Kgy



    F`-j`uider `j Onherty Uinversnty

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye


    Nts ]ers`ikohy Hrnki kid Kgy Ho`ye `jjers s` gufb wnsd`g

    tbkt ns ieeded t` survnve tbe fburfb pokitnic a`uriey. Sbkt N o`ve

    g`st ns tbkt tbey f`istkitoy p`nit y`u hkfl t` Aesus t` cet tbe jkntb,wnsd`g, kid perseverkife t` truoy tbrnve pers`ikooy wbnoe eia`y-

    nic perbkps tbe hnccest rnsl y`uoo ever tkle1 pokitnic k fburfb.


    Oekd ]kst`r, F`gguinty Fbrnstnki Fburfb,

    G`vegeit Oekder, IewTbnic

    Nj y`u kre k fburfb pokiter `r kre f`isndernic pokitnic ni tbejuture, y`u ieed t` rekd tbns h``l. Nve pers`ikooy wktfbed Hrnki

    kid Kgy Ho`ye wkol tbr`ucb gkiy j tbe st`rnes tbey sbkre. Tbenr

    fkidnd rejoeftn`is i tbenr a`uriey wnoo fbkooeice kid nispnre y`u.


    ]kst`r, kutb`r, f`isuotkit

    Hrnki kid Kgy cnve fburfb pokiters k reko kid rkw o``l kt wbkt nttkles t` pokit k fburfb. Tbns h``l ns jnooed wntb eif`urkcnic, fbko-

    oeicnic, kid prkftnfko st`rnes tbkt wnoo cnve every fburfb-pokitnic

    f`upoe tbe wnsd`g tbey ieed t` ikvnckte tbenr `wi a`uriey. Tbe

    h``l bkd sufb k p`werjuo ngpkft `i Fnidy kid ge tbkt we kre

    gklnic nt requnred rekdnic j`r every fburfb pokiter tbkt c`es

    tbr`ucb tbe Okuifb Ietw`rl trkninic.


    OKUIFB Fburfb ]okitnic Ietw`rl

    Fburfb pokitnic gncbt aust he tbe bkrdest a`h ni gninstry. Nt

    tkles pktneife, f`urkce, kid ki niteise desnre t` tkle tbe gesskce

    `j tbe C`speo t` burtnic pe`poe. Gy jrneids Hrnki kid Kgy Ho`ye

    li`w exkftoy wbkt tbkt ns onle. Nts ]ers`iko ns ki nidnspeisnhoe

    cunde j`r kiy`ie wb` ns f`isndernic pokitnic k fburfb.


    Oekd ]kst`r, Vekf`kst Fburfb,

    kid Kutb`r `j Nr-rev-reid

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    Nve li`wi Hrnki kid Kgy j`r gkiy yekrs kid bkve seei ni tbeg

    k hekutnjuo p`rtrknt `j k o`vnic f`upoe wb` o`ve C`d, tbenr jkg-

    noy, kid tbenr fburfb. N bkve kos` seei tbenr ceiunie kid deep-jeotdesnre t` beop gei kid w`gei pokit fburfbes kr`uid tbe w`rod

    tbkt wnoo he onje-cnvnic, i`t onje-drkninic. Tbkt ns tbe purp`se `j

    tbns h``l. Hrnki kid Kgy pokited Sest Xndce gkiy yekrs kc`

    kid bkve survnved kid tbrnved tbr`ucb sf`res `j ups kid d`wis,

    wbnfb tbey i`w sbkre wntb tbe rest `j us s` tbkt we t`` fki tbrnve.

    N eif`urkce y`u t` rekd tbns h``l kid li`w tbkt C`ds poki j`r

    fburfb pokitnic kid g`re ngp`rtkitoy, bns poki j`r y`u ns k

    c``d poki tbkt wnoo kowkys exfeed y`ur wnodest drekgs.


    ]kst`r, Tb`gks X`kd Hkptnst Fburfb

    Hrnki kid Kgy sbkre tbenr onves kid tbenr st`ry ni tbns h``l

    kh`ut tbe very pers`iko w`rod `j fburfb pokitnic. Nve li`wi tbeHo`yes j`r jnjteei yekrs kid fkii`t tbnil `j kiy`ie g`re qukon-

    jned t` eif`urkce kid equnp t`dkys fburfb-pokitnic f`upoes.

    Fburfb pokiters wnoo heiejnt jr`g prkftnfko kdvnfe `i everytbnic

    jr`g gkrrnkce t` dekonic wntb cr`wtb kid fbkice. Nts ]ers`iko

    ns k gust-rekd j`r tb`se wb` wkit t` see tbe rekonty `j pokitnic k



    ]kst`r, Jnrst Hkptnst Fburfb,

    S``dst`fl, Ce`rcnk

    Nve trknied tb`uskids `j pokiters, kid N wnsb tbey koo bkd tbns

    h``l. Nt wnoo eif`urkce fburfb-pokitnic jkgnones t` gkle wnse

    fb`nfes kid t` tbrnve ks k jkgnoy oekdnic t` g`re pr`duftnve



    ]resndeit `j OnjeSky Xesekrfb kid

    Kutb`r `j ]okitnic Gnssn`iko Fburfbes

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye


    NTV I@T


    @I TBE A@UXIE^ @J


    HXNKI &


    s e r n e s

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye



    Nts ]ers`iko

    F`pyrncbt 8=;8 hy Hrnki kid Kgy Ho`ye

    Tbns tntoe ns kos` kvknokhoe ks k Q`idervki eh``l. Znsnt www.z`idervki.f`g/eh``ls.

    Xequests j`r nij`rgktn`i sb`uod he kddressed t`1

    Q`idervki, Crkid Xkpnds, Gnfbncki 4>56=

    Onhrkry `j F`icress Fktko`cnic-ni-]uhonfktn`i Dktk

    Ho`ye, Hrnki, ;>:5

    Nts pers`iko 1 survnvnic kid tbrnvnic `i tbe a`uriey `j fburfb pokitnic /

    Hrnki kid Kgy Ho`ye.

    p. fg.

    NVHI >32-=-6;=-4>454-: (s`jtf`ver)

    ;. Fburfb deveo`pgeit, Iew. 8. Ho`ye, Hrnki, ;>:5 6. Ho`ye, Kgy, ;>:2 4. Sest

    Xndce Fburfb (]kuodnic F`uity, Ck.) Bnst`ry. N. Ho`ye, Kgy, ;>:2 NN. Tntoe.

    HZ:58.84.H52 8=;8856'.8 df86 8=;8==;46=

    Koo Vfrnpture qu`tktn`is, uioess `tberwnse nidnfkted, kre tklei jr`g tbe B`oy Hnhoe,

    Iew Niteriktn`iko Zersn`i, INZ.F`pyrncbt ;>36, ;>32, ;>24, 8=;; hy Hnhonfk, Nif.

    Used hy pergnssn`i `j Q`idervki. Koo rncbts reserved w`rodwnde.

    Vfrnpture qu`tktn`is gkrled ILAZ kre tklei jr`g tbe Iew Lnic Akges Zersn`i .F`py-

    rncbt ;>28, hy Tb`gks Ieos`i, Nif. Used hy pergnssn`i. Koo rncbts reserved.

    Vfrnpture qu`tktn`is gkrled IOT kre tklei jr`g tbe B`oy Hnhoe,Iew Onvnic Trkisok-

    tn`i,f`pyrncbt ;>>:, 8==4. Used hy pergnssn`i `j Tyidkoe B`use ]uhonsbers, Nif.,Sbekt`i, Nooni`ns. Koo rncbts reserved.

    Kiy Niteriet kddresses (wehsntes, ho`cs, etf.) kid teoepb`ie iughers ni tbns h``l kre

    `jjered ks k res`urfe. Tbey kre i`t niteided ni kiy wky t` he r ngpoy ki eid`rsegeit

    hy Q`idervki, i`r d`es Q`idervki v`ufb j`r tbe f`iteit `j tbese sntes kid iughers

    j`r tbe onje `j tbns h``l.

    Koo rncbts reserved. I` pkrt j tbns puhonfktn`i gky he repr`dufed, st`red ni k retrnevko

    systeg, `r trkisgntted ni kiy j`rg `r hy kiy gekis eoeftr`inf, gefbkinfko, pb`t`-

    f`py, ref`rdnic, `r kiy `tber exfept j`r hrnej qu`tktn`is ni prnited revnews, wntb`ut

    tbe prn`r pergnssn`i `j tbe puhonsber.

    F`ver desnci1 Gnfkb Lkidr`s

    F`ver pb`t`crkpby1 n`j`t` / Zeer

    Nitern`r desnci1 Hetb Vbkceie

    ]rnited ni tbe Uinted Vtktes `j Kgernfk

    ;8 ;6 ;4 ;5 ;: ;3 ;2 /DFN/ 8; 8= ;> ;2 ;3 ;: ;5 ;4 ;6 ;8 ;; ;= > 2 3 : 5 4 6 8 ;

    Se wkit t` bekr jr`g y`u. ]oekse seid y`ur f`ggeits kh`ut tbns

    h``l t` us ni fkre `j zrevnewMz`idervki.f`g. Tbkil y`u.

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye



    tbkil y`u j`r y`ur pkssn`i, jkntbjuoiess, kid supp`rt wbnoe wewr`te tbns h``l. Tbkil y`u j`r o`vnic C`d, tbe fburfb, kid o`st

    kid burtnic pe`poe tbr`ucb koo `j y`ur experneifes ks pkst`rs

    lnds. ^`u kre wkrrn`rs, kid hefkuse `j Aesus, y`uve c`t wbkt nt

    tkles. Se fkii`t wknt t` see tbe kgkznic tbnics C`d ns c`nic t`

    f`itniue t` d` ni y`ur onves!



    ^`u kre `ur ber`es. ^`u bkve nijoueifed `ur onves ni sufb k buce

    wky tbr`ucb y`ur jkntbjuoiess kid perseverkife ni gkrrnkce kid

    gninstry tbkt we kre hoessed kid f`gpeooed t` p`ur `ut wbkt bks

    heei cnvei t` us tbr`ucb y`ur exkgpoes. Bekvei seegs fo`ser kid

    reoktn`isbnps kre sweeter hefkuse `j tbe buce ngpkft y`u f`itniue

    t` bkve `i `ur onves!

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye



    J`rew`rd hy Kidy Vtkioey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;;

    ]rejkfe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;6

    ;. Sby Ns Fburfb ]okitnic V` ]ers`iko0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;5

    8. B`w D` ^`u Li`w ^`u Kre Fkooed

    t` ]okit k Fburfb0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

    6. B`w D` `u Okuifb k Bekotby Fburfb0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4>

    4. B`w D` ^ u ]r`teft ^`ur Gkrrnkce

    Sbnoe ]okitnic k Fburfb0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :5

    5. B`w D` ^`u ]okit k Fburfb

    wntb`ut O`snic `ur Jkgnoy0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    :. B`w D` ^`u Deko wntb Cr`wtb kid Fbkice0 . . . . . . . ;=>

    3. B`w D` `u Hunod kid Oekd k Vtkjj0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;6;

    2. Ns Nt Vkje t` Bkve JrneidsbnpsNisnde kid @utsnde tbe Fburfb0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;56

    >. Fki `u Xegkni Kutbeitnf ni Gninstry0 . . . . . . . . . . . . ;3;

    ;=. Sby Ns Vpnrntuko Zntkonty V` Ngp`rtkit0 . . . . . . . . . . . . ;>;

    ;;. B`w Fki `u Tbrnve ni tbe A`uriey0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8;;

    ;8. Sbei D`es Nt Hef`ge T`` ]ers`iko0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88>

    Kfli`woedcgeits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862

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    V` y`u wkit t` pokit k fburfb0 Crekt! Aust li`w tbns1 nts i`t j`r

    tbe tngnd.N bkve nifrednhoe respeft j`r fburfb pokiters. Tbeyre o`vers `j

    kdveiture, `j cettnic t` tbe jr`it onies wbere tbe huooets kre joynic

    kid wbere hkttoes wnoo he w`i `r o`st. ]okitnic k suffessjuo fburfb

    ns `ie `j tbe g`st degkidnic uidertklnics. Nt fki kos` he `ie `j

    tbe g`st sktnsjynic. Gy jrneids Hrnki kid Kgy Ho ye kre kh`ut t`

    cnve y`u k frksb f`urse ni koo tbkt. Tbese kre dnspktfbes jr`g tbe

    jr`it onies.

    ]e`poe sky I`rtb ]`nit wks k fburfb pokit, kid ni s`ge wkys

    tbkts true. Hut we bkd k hkil `j k tb`uskid pe`poe t` stkrt wntb.

    Tbe Ho`yes gkde nt bkppei tbe bkrd wky gkyhe tbe wky y`ure

    trynic t` gkle nt bkppei. Tbey o`kded up k U-Bkuo, dr`ve k jew

    buidred gnoes kwky jr`g everytbnic jkgnonkr, kid hunot jr`g tbe

    cr`uid up.Nve li`wi Hrnki Ho`ye j`r g`re tbki tei yekrs, kid Nve seei

    b`w nt w`rled `ut kt Sest Xndce Fburfb. N j`uid bng t` he h`tb

    oekder kid oekrier, s`ge`ie str`ic ei`ucb t` p`nit tbe wky, hut

    wnse ei`ucb t` gkle f`urse f`rreftn`is. Ks be kid N tkoled, N jeot

    tbe niteisnty `j bns f`ggntgeit i`t aust t` bns fburfb, hut kos`

    t` bns jkgnoy kid bns spnrntuko bekotb.N skw tbkt be crksped `ie

    `j tbe fburfb-pokitnic esseitnkos1 g`st f`gguintnes d`it ieed

    ki`tber fburfb, tbey ieed k dnjjereit lnid`j fburfb. Hrnki liew

    tbe trutb ni tbkt. Be nisnsted `i nt, s`getnges kt k bncb f`st. @ie

    `j tbe gkiy oess`is y`u wnoo puoo jr`g tbns h``l ns tbkt fburfb

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye


    Nts I`t ]ers`iko


    pokitnic degkids koo tbkt y`u kre kid s`ge `j wbkt y`ure i`t


    Tbere kre `tber h``ls `i tbns suhaeft, hut i`ie tbkt kre g`reprkftnfko, b`iest, `r rkwtbki tbns ie. Tbere gncbt he k jew pkces

    wbere y`u cuop kid gutter, D` N rekooywkit t` d` tbns0 C``d

    nts k jknr questn`i. Aust leep rekdnic. Leep tbnilnic. Leep prky-

    nic. Hefkuse tbere wnoo kos` he pkces tbkt nispnre y`u, pkces tbkt

    gkle y`u sky, N rekooywkit t` d` tbns. Tbei wbei y`u g`ve `i

    t` tbe jr`it onies, y`u wnoo he aust k onttoe hetter krged, k onttoe g`re

    hkttoe wnse.


  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye




    D` y`u regegher Venijeods V`up Ikzn epns`de0 Ks tbe fbkr-

    kfter Lrkger skys, Be sujjers j`r bns s`up. Se cet tbe p`nit.Kiytbnic tbkt ns `j crekt vkoue wnoo f`st us s`getbnic. ]okitnic

    k fburfb ns aust `ie exkgpoe. (Se fki i`w kdd ki`tber1 wrnt-

    nic k h``l.) Sbei Exp`ieitnko Ietw`rl kid Oekdersbnp Iet-

    w`rl kppr`kfbed us kh`ut tbns pr`aeft, we bughoy kffepted. Se

    wkited t` dnsfuss nssues tbkt we see henic onved `ut hy s` gkiy

    fburfb pokiters we eif`uiter. Tnge kjter tnge, weve `hserved

    tbkt tbere kre hncnssues hut nssues i` `ie wkits t` hrnic up.

    V` yes, we jeot fkooed t` wrnte tbns h``l. Hut tbe pr`fess bksit

    heei eksy. Seve stkrted ekfb iew fbkpter `ioy t` jnid tbkt nts

    tbeges were pokynic `ut ni `ur everydky onje. Nts heei true j`r us

    kid evei j`r `ur h`ys. Tbese suhaefts bkve bnt k onttoe t`` fo`se t`

    b`ge kt tnges, hut tbkts `lky. Se uiderstkid tbkt i`tbnic eter-

    ikooy sncinjnfkit bkppeis wntb`ut k fertkni kg`uit `j skfrnjnfe.Ks y`u rekd tbese pkces, y`u gky jnid tbkt y`u dnskcree wntb k

    p`nit r tw`. Fburfb pokitnic bks nts f`itr`versnes kid crky kreks.

    Se fki `ioy sbkre wbkt weve f`ge t` heoneve tbr`ucb `ur `wi

    a`uriey, ni tbe b`pe tbkt `tbers gky jnid k iuccet bere kid tbere

    t` gkle tbenr `wi experneifes bekotbner kid g`re ejjeftnve. B`w-

    ever, weoo pr`gnse y`u tbns1 weoo he uijonifbnicoy b`iest kh`ut

    tbe pktb weve trkveoed.

    I`w we nivnte y`u t` sbkre ni tbe a`uriey ks we wkol nt kckni,

    wntb nts bncb p`nits kid kos` nts dkrl vkooeys. Fburfb pokitnic ns

    dnjjnfuot, uiprednftkhoe, kid exbkustnic. Hut tbr`ucb nt koo, weve

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye


    Nts I`t ]ers`iko


    iever feksed t` heoneve tbkt Aesus Fbrnst kid bns fburfb regkni

    tbe `ie b`pe j`r tbns strucconic w`rod. Tbkts wby tbe skfrnjnfe ns

    w`rtbwbnoe, kid nts kos` wby were exfnted kh`ut tbns iew, gkssnveg`vegeit `j fburfb pokitnic. C`d ns d`nic ki kgkznic tbnic.

    Seve seei nt jr`g tbe jr`it onies kid were b`i`red t` bkve

    tbns `pp`rtuinty t` sbkre nt wntb y`u.

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    FBK]TEX ;


    V@ ]EXV@IKO0

    Se Kre Sbkt Se Hunod

    (kid Hunod Sbkt Se Kre)

    Ng tkccnic ko`ic wntb Kgy kt tbe cr`fery st`re. Nts gy dky `jj.

    Sere wkolnic tbr`ucb tbe pr`dufe seftn`i kid fbkttnic kh`ut

    wbkt gkles k crekt skokd. Tbe pr`dufe seftn`i ns gy jkv`rnte pkrt

    `j tbe st`re< Ng k jrunt-`b`onf.

    N pusb tbe fkrt kr`uid tbe jnrst knsoe, kid i`w were ni tbe

    fkiied j``ds seftn`i s`up, hekis, pniekppoe fbuils. Kgy o`ves

    nt wbei N sb`p wntb ber, hefkuse N kowkys tbr`w extrk tbnics ni tbe

    fkrt! Ng k onttoe ngpktneit ks N oeki i tbe bkidoe. Sere ni k burry

    t` cet t` tbe tbekter. Se rkreoy gnss `ur Jrndky kjteri``i g`vne

    dkte. Tbe ]K systeg pokys k s`ic N onle. N bug ko`ic kid d` s`ge

    pe`poe wktfbnic kid see k jkfe N li`w ni tbe f`jjee knsoe. Seoo

    fkoo bng Hnoo.Hnoo bks `ie `j tb`se bkidbeod hkslets `i bns krg. N see tbkt

    Sbkt kre y`u d`nic bere0o``l i bns jkfe. J`r s`ge reks`i, pe`poe

    kre usukooy surprnsed t` eif`uiter tbenr pkst`r kt tbe cr`fery st`re.

    N fokp k bkid `i Hnoos sb`uoder. B`w y`u heei, gki0

    Be besntktes j`r aust k g`geit. C``d. Ng c``d. ^`u0

    Sbkts up wntb Hnoo0 Be seegs k onttoe uif`gj`rtkhoe. Gy gnid

    s`rts tbr`ucb tbe Hnoo jnoes kid teoos ge N bkveit seei bns jkgnoy

    kt fburfb j`r k wbnoe. V` gkyhe tbkts nt1 khseitee cunot.N ieed t`

    suhtoy oet bng li`w tbkt Ng i`t bere t` poky tbe ktteidkife fkrd,

  • 8/2/2019 It's Personal: Surviving and Thriving on the Journey of Church Planting by Amy Bloye and Brian Bloye


    Sby Ns Fburfb ]okitnic V` ]ers`iko0


    s` Ng extrk jrneidoy. N bekr y`ur h`ys c`nic `ut j`r j``thkoo. ^`u

    gust he exfnted.

    @b . . . ^ekb, tbkts rncbt. Be ns, skys Hnoo. Be o``ls d`wi kttbe F`o`ghnki Hoeid ni bns bkid j`r k g`geit, tbei skys, Hrnki,

    Nve heei gekinic t` teoo y`u< weve heei c`nic t` ki`tber fburfb.

    Be o``ls ks nj bes kjrknd Ng c`nic t` crkh bng hy tbe tbr`kt kid

    stkrt fb`lnic bng.

    @lky, weoo, tbkts crekt, N sky, wntb k sgnoe t` oet bng li`w

    tbkt nts koo c``d. Sbnfb fburfb0 Be teoos ge. O`ts `j c``d

    tbnics c`nic `i tbere, N sky. Tbenr pkst`r ns k jrneid `j gnie.

    ^ekb, skys Hnoo, reokxnic k hnt, k hurdei sondnic jr`g bns

    sb`uoders. Vtnoo, nt jeeos ks nj tbe tw` `j us kre ni k juierko b`ge,

    stkidnic hej`re tbe fkslet. N aust bkic o``se j`r k gniute, hefkuse

    nj N wkol kwky i`w, nt wnoo seeg khrupt ks nj N bkve i` niterest ni

    s`ge`ie wb` ns i` o`icer pkrt `j gy fburfb. Hnoo skys, Nts aust,

    y`u li`w, nts aust g`re . . . ug,rncbt

    j`r gy jkgnoy wbere we krei`w.

    Teoo ge k onttoe g`re kh`ut tbkt, N sky. Ng niterested.

    Seoo, Hnoo skys so`woy, N d`it li`w, N cuess we jeeo were

    cettnicjedg`re wbere we kre i`w. I`tbnic pers`iko, Hrnki! Nts

    aust k hetter jnt, espefnkooy snife `ur lnds kre cettnic `oder. `u

    li`w we o`ve y`u kid Kgy kid we kre c`nic t` f`itniue t`

    seid koo `j `ur uifburfbed jrneids t` Sest Xndce.Khs`outeoy, Hnoo, y`u aust he sure y`u pouc ni wberever y`u kre.

    Tbkts tbe hnc tbnic, t` jnid tbe hest pokfe j`r y`u t` serve C`d