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in a deep depression. I had a lot of guys inter-ested in me behind closed doors, they didn’t want to be labeled as possibly being infected because of their appearance with me and I would find myself trying to justify it instead of telling them to kick rocks. Yet I truly under-stood because I was more concerned for their feelings but when alone I wished I was not as vocal and know by HIV. The best thing you can do knows your status and not be so em-powered by words that trick you into being submissive to their will but knowing at the end of the day you have the choice to say yes or no to life. Boldness comes easy for me everyone is not as open as me and many others but less than you would expect when it comes to other illnesses. This disease is heavy in the black community and until we change our be-haviors their will not be an end to a disease that is 100% preventable.

THE MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERTELL US ABOUT YOUR MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING AND ALSO WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO KEEP GOING ON A DAILY BASIS. I started speaking in 2005 and began realizing I started speaking in 2005 and began realizing the things I overcame allowed me to be an expert. So I tailor my message based on the audience and their needs. I speak out on the effects and affects of HIV/AIDS and dig into the factors that cause us to make choices and how not to get trapped in a place of no return. Self esteem is my favorite subject. I feel emSelf esteem is my favorite subject. I feel em-powering inside out creates a dynamic solu-tion to the situations many face. What moti-vates me is my children and granddaughter. Being able to leave a legacy is my passion. However my directive from God has me on assignment. I am accountable and until my last breath I want to do all He has command-ed me to do.

THE COACHYOU RECENTLY STARTED A COACHING SEGMENT; TELL US ABOUT THAT AND THE GOALS FOR THAT AVENUE OF BUSI-NESS, WHAT THAT MEANS TO YOU AND TO THE PEOPLE YOU HOPE TO REACH. Yes, I am a certified Life Coach and my spe-cializations are: relationship coaching, artist/authors/musicians coaching, spiritual coaching, small business coaching, and book coaching. My goal is to legalize my business in 2013 and obtain office space and tap into the core of each situation I will assist by asking the right questions. My goal is for my clients not to need me because they can now

do what I have taught them to do and this can affect all areas in their lives. Coaching to me means success. Being able to see a client motivated by change and stand firm face to face with their challenges and tear the walls down. I hope to reach the individuals who are struggling in relationships or ones that don’t know how to secure relationships. Be it in business or per-sonal life. To advance the attitudes of aspiring artist so they don’t self-sabo-tage themselves out of making their possibilities realities. I expect to create a safe and loving space for individuals on how to seek God in all things and what the word says not me about trusting and believing that they can do, have and go. I love small businesses and because I am challenged to assist them in striving which will allow them to see within what they need to do to see ROI (Return on Investment) and how to seek opportunities to advance their possibilities. There may be an executive that is in jeopardy of losing his job because of lacking organizational skills. I can assist him/her on how to plan their calendar and make appointments and drive motivation back to plan their calendar and make appointments and drive motivation back to what he/she loves even if it means discovering this is not where they want to be.

THE AUTHORTELL US ABOUT YOUR WRITTEN WORKS, PUT IT ON PAPER , BAP-TIZED N’ WARM MILK (THE COLLECTION BASED ON TEMPTATIONS OF THE FLESH, THE LAST FIRST KISS AND ANY OTHER WORKS YOU HAVE PAST OR UPCOMING. Put it on Paper is my first release based on my life before HIV after AIDS. My memoir takes you where I’ve been to why I stand. Baptized N’ Warm Milk is a collection series I was challenged by God to write experiences in fiction form with a twist to assist individual in challenge

childcare. If I need someone because of an event we have people lined up to help us out. I talked to my daughters’ every day. I tell them I love them every day. We spend time when we are at home, church and make time for outings. Balance is necessary, and by taking the time to organize my life to compliment me I am adjusted and prepared for what comes my way when it’s time to work.

HOW HAVE YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN MOTIVATED HOW HAVE YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN MOTIVATED AND INSPIRED YOU? Just being able to see what the doctors said I wouldn’t. Both girls went to college and a new granddaughter. Seeing them reach milestones is a testament in itself.

REAL LIFEDO YOU HAVE ANY GROUP OR AFFILIATIONS RELATING TO HIV DO YOU HAVE ANY GROUP OR AFFILIATIONS RELATING TO HIV AWARENESS? My nonprofit organization Rasberrirose Foundation Inc was incorporated in 2005 to positively impact the mind, body and soul of African American women and girls struggling from low self esteem with a major focus on HIV prevention. I am usually the one in my community you will hear on the radio or TV speaking on HIV or events. I try to post infor-mation on Facebook but I have found that we must tap into the core of what causing the behaviors to put out people at risk but also giving them what causing the behaviors to put out people at risk but also giving them the facts and where and how to get tested.

WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE THE BIGGEST STUMBLING BLOCKS WITH HIV AWARENESS AND GENERAL MISCONCEPTIONS STILL PLAGUING THE COMMUNITY? WHY ARE WE STILL NOT TAKING HEED? The biggest stumbling block to me is not being as front page as Cancer is. There are some hard working advocates and activist I will say that. But not hard enough because if that was the case HIV would be saturated daily with something in the media, print and the conversations will begin to happen again not just when it’s an observance day. The genwill begin to happen again not just when it’s an observance day. The gen-eral misconception I hear is this was not supposed to happen to me. No it wasn’t if you would have taken precautions. I make no excuses for my bluntness. We have to stop pacifying people and motivate them to take full control over their mind, bodies, and souls. Until the behaviors change people will not change and the HIV rate will continue to rise. When pro-grams are hosted for free in the community you have a handful that show up but let a pair of Jordan’s go on sale they camp out and get killed for a pair of shoes. Go figure…

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS THE MOST VALUBLE LESSON YOU HAVE LEARNED THROUGHOUT? I learned that my body is a temple and I should treat it as such. DID OR DO YOU HAVE A MENTOR OR SOMEONE WHO GUIDED YOU? I have many people that crossed my path that was there for a par-ticular process. During my writing publishing process there was and still is, Authors Cheris Hodges, Andrea Blackstone and Cheryl Mayfield. Spiritu-ally, my late Bishop C.M. Beatty Jr. and his son, my now Pastor Curtis Beatty lll and First Lady Dorothy Beatty and coaching Pat Kelsaw.

CLOSINGIF YOU HAD NOT CHOSEN TO SHARE YOUR GIFTS IN THE VARIE-TIES MENTIONED, WHAT DO YOU SEE YOURSELF DOING? I would be doing same thing, I was already working in this capacity if not towards it before my diagnoses. HIV just prepared me for my now.

areas of their lives. My Last First Kiss was my first release in 2011 and it is based on tempta-tions of the flesh.

HOW DID YOU DISCOVER YOUR PASSION FOR WRITING? I kept a diary all of my life and would close it daily God give me wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I wrote poems about love more than anything and dabbled a bit in songs that if ever I published them I would also sing. But my middle school teacher told me I had a unique style of writing and told me I had a unique style of writing and asked me to write for the school newspaper and I did. In 2001 a guy that I was dating, you know when you have somebody that is in to you and you are in to them they bring out the best in you. He told me, “Rose you have so much to talk about you ought to put it on paper. I struggled for a title for my first book paper. I struggled for a title for my first book and it was within that statement all along.

WHAT IS YOUR PREWRITING PROCESS LIKE? Before I write I sometimes create a scene. I may put on specific clothes for my main character and I always set the atmos-phere with music.

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO WRITE EACH PARTICULAR BOOK? My inspiration has always been women that have been living and not enjoying life. The woman who struggles to make ends meet but doing the best she can with what she has. The woman in public hous-ing that sees no way of owning a home or a car. The woman that looks for love in all the car. The woman that looks for love in all the wrong places and showing her God created us to be if only we just do something.

WHAT ADVICE CAN YOU GIVE TO INSPIR-ING WRITERS? Write…Don’t worry about correcting anything that what an editor is for. And do your research, there are a lot of scammers out here taking people money and not doing anything for them. Glamorizing you to be rich and famous…STOP! You have to hustle real hard, I mean real hard. Invest in hustle real hard, I mean real hard. Invest in your craft, join groups and talk your book up as if it’s getting ready to drop tomorrow. And by all means do not allow anyone to change your direction without your permission.

THE MOTHER/GRANDMOTHERTELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY LIFE AND HOW YOU BALANCE IT ALL WITH EVERY-THING ELSE YOU HAVE GOING ON? My youngest daughter is at North Carolina Central University; my oldest is at home with my grandbaby she works at night so I assist her in

ARE THERE ANY DREAMS OR GOALS THAT YOU HAVE YET TO FULFILL? There are many but I learned to keep those to myself until it is time to reveal what is for me.

WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF IN REGARDS TO YOUR BUSINESS AND LIFE ACCOMPLISHMENTS? First I am most proud of doing what man said I would not be able to do and second would have to being a 2010 finalist for The Steve Harvey 8th Annual Hoodie Awards in the Best Community Leader Category.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR UPCOMING PROJECTS/EVENTS/APPEARANCES THAT WE ARE NOT AWARE TELL US ABOUT YOUR UPCOMING PROJECTS/EVENTS/APPEARANCES THAT WE ARE NOT AWARE OF. I am currently working on securing space to “Let’s Keep the Conversation Going” with women and girls 2/13. Looking to partner with liked minded individuals to draw awareness monthly to HIV and I am speaking at Illinois State University for Women and Girl HIV Awareness Day event.


ANYTHING TO ADD? “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding

DeVondia Roseborough is a certified life coach, motivational speaker, author and founder of Rasberrirose Foundation Inc. To book DeVondia for speaking or signing: or Foundation Inc. To book DeVondia for speaking or signing: or Follow Twitter @DeVondia and Introduction Bio information courtesy of her website.

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