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by Teatro delle Moire, Milan

Transcript of IT'S ALWAYS TEA-TIME

I  t’s      A  l  w  a  y  s      T  e  a  –  T  i  m  e  

I  t’s      A  l  w  a  y  s      T  e  a  –  T  i  m  e  Premiered  29th  September  2011  

A  long  table,  whitely  pure.  The  table  is  laid,   is  cleared.  Carefully,  very  carefully,  in  a  search  for  an  elegance  not  aesthetic  but  related  to  emotions,   to  the  taking  care  of  small  things.  A  place,  a  house  suspended  in  time.   Social   rituals   are   held.   An   imaginary   tea   is  had,   no-­‐food   is   eaten,  with  an  eye  to  Alice   in  Wonderland.  The  idea  is  not  distorting  the  world  but  creating  a  world  sort  of  similar  to  the  one  we  live  in  and  whose  basic  codes  spring  from  the  dark  realm  of  early  childish  fantasies.   As   in   a   light-­‐hearted  game,   images   that   keep  emerging   and  vanishing  are  arranged  in  a  new  story.   It's  a  way  of  working  through  the  grief  over  the  loss  of  the  father,  of  fathers,   of  the  world.   Life  that   Blows  alongside  death.  What  we  are  and  what  we  used  to   be.  What  one  has  and  what  one  misses,  and  nothing  is  as  it  looks  like.

“It's   always   tea-­‐time”,   says   the   Mad   Hatter   to   Alice,   revealing  a   time   gone   haywire,   neither  circular   nor   linear,   just   never   changing.   In   this   suspended   time,   where   what   happens   is  marked   by   sounds,   rhythms,   repeated   actions   and   songs   coming   from   an   old   radio,   our  investigation  keeps  focusing  on  the   issues   tackled   in   the  Company's   latest  play,  Never  Never  Neverland:  childishness,  body  representation  in  the  contemporary  society,  identity.Once  more  we  make  an  extremely  free  use  of  different   languages:  theatre,  dance,  veiled  hints  to  circus-­‐like  atmospheres,  with  an  eye  to  silent  slapstick  comedies.

Tools   and   furnishings   gathered   from   cellars,   trunks   and   roadsides,   are   once   again   our  accomplices   in  this   investigation.  Waste  materials   are   born   to   new   life,   gaining  an  aesthetic  trait  they  will  no  longer  be  able  to  abandon;  and  thus  helping  create  a  timeless  world  where  to  seek  how  to  be  what  one  is  and,  as  if  by  magic,   to  be  a  Bleeting  image  of  something  else;  where  to   Bind  the  breadth  of  the  words  to  be  said,   to  work  on  the  threshold.  To  pay  attention  to   the  rhythm  of  bodies   that  come  and  go  as  if  they  were  drawing  signs  and  then  erasing  them.  To  ponder  on  the  trail  that  every  image  leaves  behind  itself.

FULL  VIDEO  teatime


Tea on the desert of living(extract)

Teatro delle Moire gives the impression of being a continuously rising company, that every time seems to add to the baggage something from the results achieved in the previous experience: their ironic expressive style, biting, based on rigorous score of gestures, seems now completely matured, able to recall a wide range of subtle shades.


It's always tea-time is a kind of visionary rite in which four characters, without saying a word, incessantly set and clean the dazzling white table, in a room in a also dazzling white: it is a ceremony as elaborated as useless, because the cups, the plates, the glasses will remain hopelessly empty and the guests, that one by one will seat at the table, will eat inexistent food. Better saying, will try to become food themselves, sitting naked on the plates or laying down on the table cloth, or using the glasses as food putting them in the mouth.


The atmosphere is inspired, in a very distant way, by the world of Lewis Carroll, the Mad Hatter’s tea of Alice in Wonderland: but this is just a pretext, a pure game of similarities, because these short sequences of strong physical relevance - punctuated by a bewildered background soundtrack - well beyond the fantasy universe of the English writer, transcend the refined composition of images to become something else, something that regards the substance of our time.

In a craving will of giving shape to the disorder of life, the line that connects the actions of the four performers, in their need to gobble reality, to become then the substance to be eaten, substance to be served at the table, there is in my opinion – behind the apparent lightness – the sign of a frozen lost of identity, an emptiness, an irreparable loss of the sense of the relation between man and the things he produces.

 (Renato Palazzi) , 2011-10-04

Concept  and  Direction  Alessandra  De  Santis,  Attilio  Nicoli  CristianiDevised  and  Performed  by  Gianluca  De  Col,  Alessandra  De  Santis,  Attilio  Nicoli  Cristiani,  Emanuele  Sonzini  Dramaturg  Renato  GabrielliProject  Assistant  Celeste  SergiannoLighting  Design  Paolo  Casati  Organisation  Anna  BolliniInternational  Booking  Filipe  ViegasPress  Of@ice  Renata  Viola,  348  5532502,

Sponsored  by  Comune  di  Milano  -­‐  Cultura,  PROGETTO  ÊTRE  -­‐  Fondazione  Cariplo

Info  and  Bookings

0039  3284259527