Its All About Planning – Lesson Planning for Spartan Early Learning Center A Tutorial By Nancy...

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Transcript of Its All About Planning – Lesson Planning for Spartan Early Learning Center A Tutorial By Nancy...

It’s All About Planning –

Lesson Planning for

Spartan Early Learning Center

A TutorialBy Nancy Woods

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Lesson Plan Sheet Name:

Theme: Team: Day: Start Time: End Time: Actual time in minutes: Circle Lesson Type: Complete ONE sheet for each type of lesson Music Math Reading Muscle Mania Science Art Our World Kindergarten Readiness Skill(s) / SOLs: Specific Objective - (Never use Learn, Know, Understand…) Start by saying “The child will be able to” TCWBAT 1 2 3 Gain Attention – How will you begin the lesson? Lesson – What specific activities will be used? Step-by-Step instructions (think about someone covering for you) Materials needed: How many? What Color? Where is the supply (book, paper, item) located in the room? Check for Objectives: (How will you check for understanding?) Closure - How will you close this lesson and transition to the next activity? Evaluation- What went well? What needs improvement? (Fill this out immediately after teaching.)

(For Teaching Supervisors to Complete) Cleaned Up YES NO ____Started on Time ____ Ended on Time Comments: Positive – Needs Improvement –

This is the lesson planning template we use at Spartan Center.

Use this tutorial to learn or review how to complete the template.

Click on the area to see its instructions.

Lesson Plan Sheet Name:

Theme: Team: Day: Start Time: End Time: Actual time in minutes: Circle Lesson Type: Complete ONE sheet for each type of lesson Music Math Reading Muscle Mania Science Art Our World Kindergarten Readiness Skill(s) / SOLs: Specific Objective - (Never use Learn, Know, Understand…) Start by saying “The child will be able to” TCWBAT 1 2 3 Gain Attention – How will you begin the lesson? Lesson – What specific activities will be used? Step-by-Step instructions (think about someone covering for you) Materials needed: How many? What Color? Where is the supply (book, paper, item) located in the room? Check for Objectives: (How will you check for understanding?) Closure - How will you close this lesson and transition to the next activity? Evaluation- What went well? What needs improvement? (Fill this out immediately after teaching.)

(For Teaching Supervisors to Complete) Cleaned Up YES NO ____Started on Time ____ Ended on Time Comments: Positive – Needs Improvement –

Your Name

Each planning calendar notes monthly themes and weekly themes. Write the theme that applies to your lesson here.

Your team color goes here. Red, Blue, Green, or Purple

There are two preschool days each week, so there are two teaching days. Day 1 or Day 2 – which day is this lesson for?

According to the schedule, what time does your lesson begin?

According to the schedule, what time should your lesson end?

You won’t complete this until after you’ve taught your lesson. Then, write here how long the lesson actually took.

Circle the lesson type – like the subject – for your lesson.

Kindergarten Readiness Skills or KRS are like the SOLs (Standards of Learning) for Pre-kindergarten.

You should be able to identify and write at least two KRS that your lesson includes.

Kindergarten Readiness Skill(s) / SOLs:

Almost all lessons could include “follow age appropriate directions” and “ability to listen”. Try to identify the skills that are more specific to your lesson.

For example: A math lesson on counting 1,2,3,4,5 might include “can count out loud from 1 – 5”. Use the specific skill, not just the category (Basic Number Recognition) whenever possible.

Click here to see the KRS chart.

Kindergarten Readiness Skill(s) / SOLs:

Specific Objective - (Never use Learn, Know, Understand…) Start by saying “The child will be able to” TCWBAT 1 2 3

Objectives are your goals.

What do you want the children to be able to do at the end of your lesson?

Specific Objective - (Never use Learn, Know, Understand…) Start by saying “The child will be able to” TCWBAT 1 2 3

Objectives begin with TCWBAT.

This stands for The child will be able to.

When you write your objective, read it with TCWBAT at the beginning of your sentence. Does it make sense?

Specific Objective - (Never use Learn, Know, Understand…) Start by saying “The child will be able to” TCWBAT 1 2 3

Objectives are specific.

Never use the words learn, know, or understand.

Use words like: describe, identify, count, explain, define, write, say…

Bloom teaches us about higher order thinking skills and the verbs to use.

Specific Objective - (Never use Learn, Know, Understand…) Start by saying “The child will be able to” TCWBAT 1 2 3

Let’s look at an example.

A parachute lesson from the Parachute Resource Book states the objective is to introduce the parachute.

BUT – Does The child will be able to introduce the parachute make sense? No. YOUR objective might be: The child will be able to identify the colors on the parachute. OR The child will be able to grasp the parachute and make a wave with it.

Gain Attention – How will you begin the lesson?

Gain Attention

You will need to get the preschoolers’ attention before you begin your lesson. How will you do this?

Remember – we use the lesson planning template to plan out every part of our lessons. This way we are as prepared as possible when we teach.

Click here to view some ways we gain attention.

Lesson – What specific activities will be used? Step-by-Step instructions (think about someone covering for you)


What exactly are you teaching? What are the steps you will use to teach your lesson?

This area should include Step by Step instructions on teaching your lesson.

Pretend like you are leaving directions for a substitute to teach your lesson.

Lesson – What specific activities will be used? Step-by-Step instructions (think about someone covering for you)

What specific activity will the preschoolers do? How will you explain the activity?

Write these instructions in the order that you will do them.

For example: You might pass out materials – or you may want them set out on the tables before the preschoolers sit down. You’ll want to give the preschoolers directions before they begin – and so on.

Materials needed: How many? What Color? Where is the supply (book, paper, item) located in the room?

Materials needed:

What materials do you need to complete your lesson? How many? What colors? Where are they kept? Where will they be found this day?

Materials needed: How many? What Color? Where is the supply (book, paper, item) located in the room?

This area should include the locations of all materials necessary to teach your lesson.

Materials that you have created should be kept in your team’s teaching tray.

A a

C c

B b

Materials needed: How many? What Color? Where is the supply (book, paper, item) located in the room?

Materials that are common resources – things like counting bears, the parachute, or a music tape – are kept in their permanent location. You’ll need to note where this is.

This is another time when it helps to pretend like you’re leaving instructions for a substitute.

Check for Objectives

How will you know your lesson was successful? Did your lesson meet the goals you set? How will you know?

Check for Objectives: (How will you check for understanding?)

There are many ways to check for objectives.

Click here to view some techniques.

Closure - How will you close this lesson and transition to the next activity?


How will you end your lesson and transition the preschoolers to the next lesson?

You may wish to have the preschoolers help clean up, or take their work to their cubbies or the drying rack. Maybe you want them to line up for the Library or have a seat on the carpet.

Evaluation- What went well? What needs improvement? (Fill this out immediately after teaching.)


This is your area to self-evaluate your lesson.

What was successful? What didn’t go so well? How could your lesson be improved?

(For Teaching Supervisors to Complete) Cleaned Up YES NO ____Started on Time ____ Ended on Time Comments: Positive – Needs Improvement –

Your 2s, as team leaders, will complete this area.

On Fridays, you will have the opportunity to read their comments.

The purpose of these comments is to tell you what someone viewing your lesson sees.

Ability to Listen-SocialCan sit still and listen to a storyCan follow age-appropriate directions

Ability to Play well with Others-SocialSharesTakes turnsIncludes classmates in play

Strong Fine-Motor Skills-PhysicalCan hold a pencil to draw or writeCan use scissorsCan use glue and glue sticks

Basic Letter Recognition- Mental/Cognitive Can identify upper case lettersCan identify lower case lettersCan identify letters in their name

PALs (Phonics Awareness Literacy)- Mental/CognitiveStarts to identify beginning letter soundsBegins to identify rhyming sounds, wordsBegins to identify word concepts (1 to 1 correspondence by pointing)May be familiar with sight words by the end of the year

Basic Number Recognition- Mental/CognitiveCan count out loud to 25Can write numbers from 1 – 5Can identify numbers from 1 – 10Can count a set of objects to 10

Colors and Shapes- Mental/CognitiveCan identify colors


Can identify and draw shapesCircleSquareRectangleTriangleOctagon

Can repeat a simple pattern- Mental/CognitiveCan sort objects by color, size, type- Mental/Cognitive

Kindergarten Readiness Skills

5 areas of child development.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom headed a group of educational psychologists who developed a classification of

levels of intellectual behavior important in learning.

During the 1990's a new group of cognitive psychologist, lead by Lorin

Anderson (a former student of Bloom's), updated the taxonomy

reflecting relevance to 21st century work.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Remembering: can the student recall or remember the information?

define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state

Understanding: can the student explain ideas or concepts?

classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase

Applying: can the student use the information in a new way?

choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write.

Analyzing: can the student distinguish between the different parts?

appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test.

Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or decision?

appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate

Creating: can the student create new product or point of view?

assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write.

Gaining Attention

1,2,3 Eyes on Me – don’t forget, you must teach the preschoolers the response, 1,2 Eyes on You, before you can expect them to respond!

Clap a pattern – The preschoolers will clap it back if you teach them to.

Ring a bell – Don’t forget to tell the preschoolers what you expect when they hear the bell ring!

Gaining Attention

Catch a bubble – Preschoolers are instructed that when they hear Catch a bubble they pretend like they catch a bubble in their mouths. You can’t talk with a bubble in your mouth!

We vary the methods used to gain attention. If you use the same method over and over again, it stops working!

This is the child's ability to learn and solve problems. This is also called cognitive development.

Examples at the preschool age include using their senses, trying to solve puzzles, and engaging in dramatic play.

Preschoolers are ruled by their emotions, but don’t always understand why they feel like they do – or how to react appropriately.

Preschoolers may bite, hit, or kick when frustrated. They need to learn self-control.

Emotional development goes hand-in-hand with both social and moral development.

For preschoolers, moral development means developing empathy for others. They are learning to understand how others feel and that their own self-interest isn’t always the most important.

This includes learning to express feelings, being considerate of others feelings, and learning about fairness.

Modeling empathy is the best way to encourage a preschooler’s moral development.

Checking for Objectives

You can check for objectives by

• asking the children questions.

• walking around the tables, looking at the children’s work.

• asking your fellow teachers – those helping the children with your lesson – about the children’s performance.


Your lesson plan must be totally complete before you turn it in to your 2.

Write legibly – both your 2 and I must be able to read your lesson plan.

Your lesson plan contains all of the elements necessary to present a fully prepared lesson. It is a valuable tool for YOU to use when teaching!