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It’s a Holmes Chapel Community Newsletter Issue 40: December 2017

Working for the whole community

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Christmas is all about children, that’s where it all started - with one small child - they all start that way, not too sure why! I always thought that, despite my age, as long as I have at least one parent then I am technically still a child. My parents have been gone for quite some years now but I no longer need a reason to behave as I do … I have realised it’s part of who I am, in reality, who we all are. The Editor

Holmes Chapel Christmas Market: Don’t miss this popular annual event - Sunday 3rd December 2017, 4.00 – 7.00pm You are all Invited, adults and young people, to meet in the precinct at 3.45pm to follow the parade led by Laura Wilson School of Dance and Father Christmas - let’s see how much noise we can all make as we swing and sing along in to the market square to the music of Jingle Bells! Co-op Car Park 30+ Outdoor stalls - Tech Truck - Food and Drink - Father Christmas - Entertainment Scout HQ Indoor Stalls - Scout Refreshments and BBQ St Luke’s Church Hall Indoor Stalls - Guide Refreshments and Entertainment Outdoor Entertainment Programme. 3.30pm - peal of Church Bells 3.45pm - Parade. 4.00pm - Laura Wilson School of Dance. 4.30pm - Hermitage Primary School Choir. 5.00pm - Holmes Chapel Primary School Choir. 5.30pm - Rising talent from HCCS. 6.00pm - Holmes Chapel Singers. 6.30pm – Lee, a Dane Sound ‘Star’ Indoor Entertainment in St Luke’s Church Hall 5.15pm - Hermitage primary School instrumentalists 5.40pm - Holmes Chapel Ukulele Group An important reminder for the smooth running of the day for this Community event – please do not park cars in the Co-op car park after 1.00pm on the 3 December and please, please do come along to help set up the market at 1.30pm and/or to dismantle the stalls at 7.00pm.

The Current Partnership project - Dementia Friendly Village: Congratulations to the George and Dragon – they are the first business to be recognised as part of Holmes Chapel Partnership project as ‘Working towards becoming Dementia Friendly’. We are aiming for all our businesses to join the scheme – if your business would like to know more, please contact us. Since our last newsletter, members of the sixth form at HCCS have become Friends of Dementia, as have Holmes Chapel Tangent and More to Life groups. Our Champions will willingly come and talk to your group. The Memory Cafes at the Methodist Church are proving relaxing and fun mornings. There has been great laughter over the games of indoor skittles plus a variety of activities over a cup of coffee and reminiscing chats. We give you all a warm welcome and especially offer support to those living with dementia. The cafés are held on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of the month 10.00am-12noon. For more details of how you can be part of this project, please contact:

Holmes Chapel RUFC Monthly Update: The villager’s mixed season continued for Holmes Chapel RUFC. The first team had success with wins against Winnington Park 2 (26-25) and Aldwininans 2 (21-7) but succumbed to Chester 3 (19-33). Meanwhile, the Seconds have been down on their luck. The fixture against Congleton had to be cancelled due to a lack of players followed by defeats against Newcastle 3 (12-72), Moore 2 (10-37) and narrowly to Mossley Hill 2 in the LBS Plate (5-12). Forthcoming fixtures Date 1st Team 2nd Team 2 December Whitchurch 2 (H) Marple 3 (A) 9 December New Brighton 2 (A) Moore 2 (H) 16 December Didsbury Toc H 2 (H) 23 December Didsbury Toc H 2 (A) 6 January Widnes 2 (A) Eagle 2 (A) All home fixtures are at Holmes Chapel Community Centre Holmes Chapel Rugby Club is always looking for new players, they continue to go from strength to strength after 3 consecutive promotions but they are looking to build for the future now. If you or anyone you know fancies joining the club then please get in touch with them via:

Christian Aid Holmes Chapel Committee: The committee would like to thank everyone who supported them at our Annual Coffee Morning, which was held this year on 7th October. The quiz on Nursery Rhymes was very popular; out of 232 forms sold, 31 were returned, 8 of which were correct. A member of staff at the Library drew out the winner, congratulations to the Bayley Family. A donation of £1,001.83 was sent to Christian Aid; thank you to everyone for your continued support. Look out for the Christian Aid Holmes Chapel Committee at the Churches Together stall who will once again be attending the Christmas Market. There will be a fun game with prizes and leaflets given out for adults and children to remind everyone of the true story of Christmas at this busy time of year … we are looking forward to seeing you on 3rd December.

HC3 Community Cinema: The new season of films at HC3 Community Cinema got off to a flying start with 142 coming to the last film, Goodbye Christopher Robin, as many of you will probably know as lots of you were there! Upcoming films: • Breathe: Thursday 14th December 2017 • Murder on the Orient Express: 18th January 2018

Editors view: To quote Poirot “It is the brain, the little grey cells on which one must rely” and mine quite liked the film … David Suchet fans, understandably, may wish to tut a little, out of loyalty, but Kenneth Branagh does do the role justice, if somewhat differently.

These are both excellent films and tickets will be available as usual from Holmes Gifts and Interiors or the Community Centre, price £5.00. Films commence at 8 pm at the Community Centre. Thank you to all who have supported HC3 during 2017 and hopefully 2018 will continue to be successful. Details at

Recent Traffic Enforcement Activity: As you may have seen on the Cheshire Constabulary social media platforms, they have carried out a week of the speed operation called Op Captured. The idea was to flood areas with patrols to try and address issues raised with us. These included the contravention of weight restrictions, parking and our ‘Fatal 4’ offences: • Speeding • Mobile Phones • Seatbelts • Drink/Drug Driving. Resources were divided and covered Sandbach, Middlewich and Holmes Chapel over 3 consecutive days with help from our Roads Policing Units (RPU). The operation was a success and we had the following results. • Total number of Traffic Offence Reports issued is calculated as 91, with this figure likely to be in excess

of 100 once all RPU reports have been included. Offences are mainly for the use of mobile phone and seatbelts. TRUCAM caught 171 drivers speeding.

• 5 tickets issued to HGV drivers for weight restriction offences. • 3 tickets for non-endorseable – parking obstruction offences. Liz Chesters – Police Community Support Officer Cheshire Constabulary - Sandbach Police Station Follow @cheshirepolice on Twitter | Like Cheshire Police on Facebook

St. Luke's Quiz Friday 13th October: Update Due to the unavailability of members of the social committee the annual Harvest Supper this year did not take place. However, it was decided to do something a bit different, an easy-going, non-taxing quiz for all ages and abilities. The person who came to mind to sort this out Derek Copley, who holds in his mind a host of useless information. Cheese, biscuits, pickles and nibbles were provided, and thank you to those who donated of lots of cakes. Everyone brought their own drinks which seemed to work very well. Profits from the event were donated to the Holmes Chapel Partnership group to go towards a sensory garden in the village, the Partnership turned up with a team to take part in the quiz – and won!! Stuart Gammon gave spoke about the project, as we are aiming to become a Dementia-friendly village, and this is all part of the overall plan. A profit of £140 was made and this will be donated to the project; a big thanks you to everyone for making it such a good evening.

Our new PSCO, introducing Liz Chesters:



Shehasalwayshadapassioninimprovingthequalityoflifeforthepublicandthereforesawthisasanopportunitytohelpothers.Asaresidentclosetotheareasthatsheisresponsiblefor,sheisintuneandfamiliarwithlocalpeopleandlocalissues.Hermainpriorityistoensurethattheresidents,businessesandvisitorswithintheHolmesChapelcommunityhaveaccesstoagoodqualityoflifeandthatmeanslisteningto,andactingupon,issuesthatareimportanttothem. AsanewfaceinHolmesChapel,sheisalsoensuringthatshehasavisiblepresenceinthevillageandatlocalevents.Shebelievesthatthepresenceofpoliceinthevillageprovidesreassuranceandallowslocalresidentstohaveapointofcontact. SheiskeeninengagingwiththeyoungercommunityofHolmesChapel,asshereallybelievesthateducationabouttheimplicationsoftheirbehaviourcanhelpreducecrimeandantisocialbehaviour.Shewillalsoberegularlyengagingwiththeelderlyinthevillageandensureshevisitsthemwhenavailabletohaveachataboutwhatconcernstheymayhave.


FIONA BRUCE - DIARY: 3rd November 2017: Mental Health Services discussion

Fiona Bruce met with Sheena Cumiskey, Chief Executive of local mental health trust Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust, to seek assurance on the future of mental health services for Eastern Cheshire in light of recent speculation about the future of the Millbrook mental health hospital in Macclesfield.

“Sheena Cumiskey confirmed that the Trust has been listening to patient and public feedback and is now working on a set of options, together with Cheshire East Council and local clinical commissioning groups. There are links on the Eastern Cheshire CCG website and CWP website for local people to register their interest in the upcoming engagement events, south-cheshire/ 23rd November 2017: Fiona Bruce MP hosts meeting to highlight the impact of excessive alcohol drinkers on their families 24th November 2017: Chancellor commends Fiona in his budget speech on success of her campaign to protect young people from harm from "White Ciders. Fiona Bruce has long campaigned for tax to be increased on White Ciders and welcomes the success of the campaign with the inclusion of this by Philip Hammond in the budget. 24th November 2017: Fiona Bruce MP realises animal sentience at Prime Minister’s Questions this week. 24th November 2017: Fiona Bruce calls on residents to support local businesses this Small Business Saturday on 2nd December. Small Business Saturday UK is a grassroots, non-commercial campaign, which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to ‘shop local’ and support small businesses in their communities. This year will be the fifth year the campaign has run, Fiona has supported it every year, and nationally it has involved millions of customers and businesses. For more information: Website: Contact Details: Fiona Bruce MP: Tel: 01260 274044 Email:

Welcome to the ‘What’s On’ section of the newsletter. In this section we are highlighting events open to the public in Holmes Chapel during the next month. If you would like to put your (non-profit making) event in this section, please email the details to Submissions must include a date, time, contact detail and short description no longer than 40 words. Unfortunately images cannot normally accompany “What’s On” entries.

“What’s On”

Holmes Chapel Music Society– December Concert What: Concert by Emma Johnson (Clarinet) and John Lenehan (Piano) “(Emma) ... does not just perform but uses the music to communicate something wonderful.” “Beautiful piano playing from the peerless John Lenehan” - The Guardian When: Saturday 2nd December, 8pm Where: Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre More info: details at Tickets: £16 (members £10), Students £5, Benefit claimants and Children (under 16) with ticket-holder £1

Holmes Chapel Chorus What: Annual Christmas Concert When: Friday 22nd December 2017 at 7:30pm Where: St Luke’s Church Holmes Chapel Under the baton of the new Musical Director, Julie Barker, the concert will be a mixture of traditional and modern items – with some carols for all to join in and sing - and also items from ‘Cheshire Brass’ Everyone is warmly invited to join in this evening of ‘Christmas Celebration’ and then to join the Chorus for refreshments in the Church Hall afterwards. There will be a collection in aid of the Children’s’ Society

Community Carol Singing on Christmas Eve What: Community Carol Singing When: Christmas Eve, 6:00-7:00pm Where: George and Dragon, Holmes Chapel Come and join this village event and help us raise money for The Christie. Last year our buckets totalled £962.00 – can we make the £1000 in 2017? Looking forward to seeing you there.

Goostrey and Holmes Chapel Art Club What: 30th Exhibition of Art When: Saturday 30th December 2017, 10:00am – 4:00pm Where: St Luke Church Hall Showcasing accomplished artist’s works in various disciplines with card sales of artists work. Light refreshments and homemade cakes and a raffle drawn on the day A warm welcome awaits you. Free Admission


Calendar of Monthly Events Dec-17

Sa 2 8:00- 10:00 pm Holmes Chapel Music Society

Concert by Emma Johnson (Clarinet) and John Lenehan (Piano)

Small Hall Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre

Su 3 4:00 - 7:00 pm Holmes Chapel Partnership

Holmes Chapel Christmas Market

Coop Carpark

Tu 5 2:00 pm Church Hulme Ladies Probus

Monthly Meeting Cranage Village Hall

2:00 pm HC & District Men's Probus Monthly Meeting Methodist Church Hall

2:00 pm HC & District Ladies Probus

Monthly Meeting St Luke's Church Hall

7:30 pm HC Women’s Institute Christmas Party St Luke's Church Hall

We 6 2:00 pm Church Hulme Men’s Probus

Monthly Meeting St Luke's Church Hall

Mo 11 7:00 pm Holmes Chapel Partnership

Monthly (Committee) Meeting


Tu 12 7:45 pm St. Luke's Mother's Union Evening Meeting Christmas meal out

St Luke's Church Hall

We 13 7:45-9:30pm The Arts Society Dane Valley

The Queen of Instruments: the Lute within Old Master Paintings Speaker: Adam Busiakiewicz

Holmes Chapel Community Centre

Th 14 10-00-12:00 Holmes Chapel & District U3A

Monthly Meeting Methodist Church Hall

Th 14 7:30 for 8:00 pm Holmes Chapel Community Cinema

"Breathe (12A)" The inspiring true love story of Robin and Diana Cavendish, an adventurous couple who refuse to give up in the face of a devastating disease.

Holmes Chapel Community Centre

Tu 19 10:30 - 12:30 Holmes Chapel Carer's Support Group

Monthly Meeting St Luke's Church Hall

We 20 2:00 pm St. Luke's Mother's Union Afternoon Meeting Hermitage School choir

St Luke's Church Hall

Th 21 2:00 - 4:00 Jodrell Ladies Probus Monthly Meeting Christmas Dinner

Methodist Church Hall

Fr 22 7:30 pm Holmes Chapel Chorus Christmas Concert St Luke's Church