hbude, nil combine to render...

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Transcript of hbude, nil combine to render...

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Our Premtiini Eitgrtivlngft "AN AMM V\ II* ' - Thin |irrmtum til-

ffftvittg wliloh wt uAW to ull who pro-rum u« « new iub«ctibf»rt at well M to %nry MW •ubieHbtr, ii Juit th» pietrms tor hotn*t tint hay© children to Ito tl«-UffhtiMl with kitten*! Tho memo tit laid in • Mlnbln with nil the rtiatio Mtrrottnri* liiK«, • •*!•/' n btftttUftil little Imrvfootcnt girt, ItM intftileit the untictum of the old oat, with tier hull down kittens width© Utile witoh In trying tn carry them nil •way ftt one nmi full, but hna got more thftn II load. It in A rory Hfe-llke fttul aptrltrd picture, Its author in l«\ T. Ktowiirt, ftuthnr of from uHhore to HhorV* Thin in ft fine hulldny prewnt.

uV*iivmm7^^irnlnteffntin^pl^tnre fcbii'h wo ouVr nn it premium fur new nnbneribpin, roprenoutn Mary, Jnnrph •nd the child Jrius, ou their return from Kgypt, Wo gire the following Hible no counti

"llwl when TTero»l wnn ilmul, Wlndd, ftn ntigel of the Lord Appenrcth tn ft riroitiu to Joseph in Kgjrpt. anying* ArUc fttul tnke tho child »nd hi* mother, fttul go into the land of Israel \ for they »rc Hem! which nought the young chlM^Ufc. And he nrone und took the young child nml hin mother, fttul oniue into the In ml of Urft*h Uut when he heard ArchditUH did reian in Jtuleft in the room of hin father Herod, ho wun tifruiil to go thith­er i notwithstanding, being warned of Uod in u drentu, he turned onide Into the pftrtn of Ofitileo ; and enmo and dwelt in II olty cnitee* Naftaroth i thnt it might be fulfilled which Wftft*|>oken by theproph »ti, Ho nhnll bo culled n NttBiimu)/'

The grouping uf the Kngrnring it very fine i There ntundn Mnry in inajoittc beauty, holding tho nweet nnd nubmin nlte child by bin hand; Joneph with holy pride ntnnding by them i they lmve enri dmttty Jttnt alighted, on their arrival from Egypt* Tho npiotatom nnd nenrtuitn of the Irnt, whero they make their tempor­ary hbude, nil combine to render the pic­ture nrtiatk And attractive,

'•Tin Bug of irirm.fiMM.M«-ThlA fine eugtftviugin another of our premium picture* offered on the name term* nn the other*,

The ArtUt hat choscm tlttn interesting leene« The Babe in the Manger, Mary (her face beaming with nwcetnenn nnd beauty,) kneel* beside It, Joseph tran* qrtllly ntnnding clone by, the Bhephcrda who have evidently brought A sacrificial Lamb, have laid it on tho floor, nnd bow in humble adoration before the Holy child, The figures at tho left, a mother and child, arecautiottn fttul interested •peotfttom, The Cattle in their stalls, the Hhepherd'n dog meekly waiting nt the door, the starn shining through tho casement, the glimmering tight from tho swinging tampi the burning fagots on the floor, the rustic appearance of tho stable, in fact the whole grouping of the picture in admirably portrayed; oftch fiico bears itn own moaning, while the "/fato of ihihlthmn" is tho centre of their hopos and the joy of the heavenly host, No Unson can be more instructive, or theme more profitable than the plan of human redemption*

This Kngravlng tnoieeuted (tithe high* est style of ntlppte and line, by Messrs* Kellogg ft Wtlcoi, of Boston, Tho ntylo as well as the subject is a most excellent match for "Christ blessing little chil­dren"

'•Faow Anon* TO ftttttnu.—A Ftm ttt**l Ktyravlng liy P. Tt Stuarts (liv­en to every new subscriber to thin paper.

This lumutiful Kngraving in nuggestive of Life's Journey from Childhood to Old Ay** tt repronentn a Boat cronslng a sttearn \ on the forward part, Childhood Is represented by a Hoy and (Mrl, joyous and delighted with tho prospects ahead, which to them seem nil bright And fair. How the well springs of great o*pectn< turns gush up in their warm young hearts. How their ungnlded tmagtna* lions paiut the futu-o with fairy beau* ties,

Partite*along, to the boat Is 1WA,« a

iknng Udy carelessly playing with lilies, ter tuitui rotuuiug in"love s young dream*

as her admirers pours In her ear hin ear* nest protestations of undyina attach-meut, To them, the responsibilities of life begin to take form nnd outline, still "distance lendn enchautmeut to tho view," nnd stent reality waits upon their wild dream,

Near the eetttre of the boat $fan< hiMMi standi erect amid nil the giaro re­sponsibilities and weighty realities of •life's oonltlet.u With him, tho vision­ary has given place to practical calcula­tion. Ills steady eye discerns tho way, hin filature Judgment directs his course Tito fond wife, (with her heirless child ou her lap,) looks up to him with a con­fiding and cheerfull smtle, and feels safe with htm as her pilot.

In the after part of the boat OUl Am in shown by an old man and Woman who have traveled "Life's Journey" together, with all its nl»»y« and sorrows," "hopes and fears", th® old gentleman leans tor-ward upon his cane, deep in thought, while tho old lady sits with Iter basket lit her lain looking back, evidently re­viewing tho past* Tit?is is represented by the Itardy oarsman, whoso only care teems to bo in pulling the boats crew across the stream,

Hut whose is thin sweet little face lit the nun bonnet looking no intently this way } Hhe appears to bo the daughter of the (kinmun, ihtt why has tho ar­tist placed her here, and what is she do­ing f With nu interest mainly in her ffttlter*s labors, she steadily observes the "hAtadmarks/' by which sho care-fttllt observes every foot of progress made, Iter relation to the Oanmcm, tint her constant watchfuluoss, are to remind us of our relation to Hm* and tho importance of improving it AS it Hies, The whole pieturo in ft "dincourno on tife'i this tuteronting tittlo figure in the A/wcif, end In typical of tho little moni­tor in the human heart, which con­stantly reminds us of duty, and prompts to u*ttvfyuln*9*t

- — ^tii i <e**i

Ottt* *mi* InetHiitimte* TV to. Oareaynski, regular correspond*

ent of the Hew York lHm§§t is writing a aeries of articles on our Htate institutions, and recently paid a visit to Clinton Prison.

From a long communication which ho Hrites from that place Nov. 'U, we have room for only tho following brief extract thin weeki

After thoroughly Inspecting the Iron* Works and seeing the manufacture of tho wiMHlen kegs in which the nails are sent for «mle, t endeavored to pick up a little information about the pecuniary s^uuling of the prison, t soon convinced myself that this WAS thoroughly unsatisfactory. Tho convict costs vcrv nearly throe times at Otiutoti what his brother costs nt Au­burn, The monthly cipensos of the former are I4.5IM At Clinton they are •lil.SU, Tho cost of keeping the (jtintou man from running away is tho immense yearly sum of 8M.05 per mau. and there are now 015. Now Auburn, through the contract system, is nearly self support­ing less so, every voar, ou account of the failing dematul for prison labor. What the deficiency may be here 1 rcallv have no means of knowing, for, to tell tho truth, Mr, Rhodes, the agent, has fairly avoided mo, and t have not been able to see him. Tho management, an far an t can learn, is very ridiculous, They have More labor than they can em­ploy remuneratively, a,\d yet seventeen civilians Are employed iu the mines at flight time because they are so short of Irou, The nails are hoarded up until thero are some nojHH.) kegs, and then they are hurled broadcast on tho market, There is a rumor that a Troy Hrm can get what nails It wants bolow the market rate and at long credits i and also that 4tNa* are pAid for in notes At long dates, Tlds may be true or false, but there is

* doubt thnt a rigid scrutiny of the nc-*• verv much needed,

LEGUL NOTICES, _ t l KllzAb»'iM,..\vn, 1»»'<*. -t, U*1t. NutUu ii hereby given thnt on Ou> lttti t|u> .<r IVIVIHIH'C lSTt, ut 10 o'tlock A> M , rt tmiu'l of Omi!<l tent IV'tit Jnrnrn Will hi* «ttnw«» nt thit «)IU<M , to 9vr\v itt u i'ounty OoUrt tttvt Oomt of Hvtfloim, to K> hot,l In mut tot thik tSitinty of Kin»*s, tt \hv four* ttounc tit KHE-ftMMown, on On* 3,t Tui>n<ln> tttu' UMh il>»> > i>r .tnii* ttity. tsT'i.

WILMAM ie.UAI.KHte, CM»rk.

NttTtMl.WrilK KttK^Vtt.t.K NAfiuNAL I !AM\ -KsusiMLLK, N. Y.. iH'iM-mhiT i, 1*71.

Nottectn tu'ri*tty glVt'ti, tti»« tliehf will hr i mi*etlni{ of ttttf »torkho|iti>riof \\\\* Htitik, ut Us HattkiftK Of-ftci1, tli K(>(>•%>11lit-, on Uu* neroint Tut §iluy uf .lutiiiury nrlt, nt 111 o'Olovk hooh, for the ptirtuiRu of ^UTUI»»< HVsn Utr^ctoM of ttw »ittit lUttk, mi>l U>r tho trantne-thin of •ttch othiT bUiliM-iift «« nh\y Ut* brought tnf-Toro ttivtn. tsWwS

fiAM'l. AUV.B, Cniihkr.

I W TfiK titn'rtttr v OOUIIT"O>Ttt« rNtttU) H T A l K d - K o r tlo Mortln-rti lHitrlct of Nt-w

Vork. ! s tliSiSl'MCV * th tit* flmttff of I V Ki^or iron

Computi), ttiiiikMipt. t huriMi) uivo notteu itutt ttn> thiril gctwhtt ttttetttitf

of ttu» iart*itllors uf tin* iitHivo imtiii*<l Hnnkru|it will bt* hi'hl »t thi* otltvi' ot HAIIHIVI Atui'P. KI«»J.. Ki'tclfttur tit Itttnkrupti1)-, In \hv vilini/o of Kucftuvtlks in fluid Din-trletvoti the'Jflth »tiiy« f IK'«oinbi»r. HTI.HUIMIOVUH k A, the iiHnsriii


rhAitt i t D, PliiiUfi'ft iBttate. "

NOTIC 1*1 T<» €'I lI-; i>lTO!l! i .—Hy oi-duf of |l)r«.ii rinnl, Kn'iuit*', H»iir,»giU*'of the County

of KMPt, nutloi' in h m h y given |iumunni to tin* tu t -Uto In ttltfli en«i» intuit' to nil nut-noun lutvlng clitiinii ftgHlmt I'M A HI,KH D SMt I'll, tutu of TtcomU'roKii, In m\U\ rownty, tlvH't'ioH'U, thnt the) uru na<|ulr«*t to ex­hibit thu Biune with tht' votichurH ttu'roof to tin* uu-<it>fitgiif(l Ailinlniittratrix, ^ c , of sold IK-CVIOUMI, H[ m$ M'it«lvni-c In TU'otuli'rogn nfori'unhl, on or bi'Tori' t h e i t i h itttv »f NoVfiiiburtH'xt.- 1>HIIM1 Mny to, t«7l.

I5yuin6 ' H A N N A H HMITU, Aitmx, \i\t of Mnld vk'cvn«iMl.

St., for tho pur pi mid minuul tn thu J vh m* Hon of v ItHiikrntit Ai l or M tire 11 2, 1^)7.

A. IiK\VAf,n. AMtgnw,

T t l n i t i A t C t t S t e f^e t tS V*nU\ie*

Nt l i l t K T O < ' l t l - : i } l T O U A . - - H y onltr of |t)ro'» I'oo.l. t*>i|iim•, Hurroguti' of the County

of Knitt, ttottii» la hfrnhy g iwn purmmnt to the etui-uti> in mtt'h ni* niiuh*. to nil tx>rtoni> hnvlnir Hnlmt* ti* gntmt't HOM AH t'HAHK KK1.T, l«tu of KU*nhvlh. town, tit ftnl'l County, thnt Uuay atv r*.M|iilro*1 to i**-hlhtt thu •nun'wUh'tht'voHch^ri thun'of to Oii> tin-(torlftfttcil KiVL'titorn, Ae,. of mild dvoemi'd, nt the ot-ft\w of thu mtili'Milgiii'il Oliver Abvl, Jr., In unid town. on or ttvfor* thi' yuth dny of Ki'luutry luxt. Ibitcd fctUftht'tlitnwn, Augnut 14. 1H71. 1«07

Oli lVKli AllKli.Mr.,) Kfeetltofl. A c , \VAI / l i :H t*. KK(.T,{of Ml'] JocensvO,

I n t t t K h t H T n t C T a n t T U T O F T I I K U N ' i T K l > HTATKH -Kor tint NortluTii I»l*trh'l of New

York. tit tUs inmcv -tn ttionmltur of The KUhcr Iron

Cotnpnnv, tUnkfupt. To whom It niny uotu'i'titt 'Phi* ti to glvp hollro

thnt t hnv« Hied my lu'coutit t\* A«nngnm> of thu K#-t»U» of Th* Klnhvr lrun Compnny, Hunkrupt, In mild Court, tttid thnt on thu irtlh dtiy of Deeetnhur neit.tit the ottleu of Hnmuel Amen, Itt'ghitur In llnukrviptiy, lit thu vtllnge of Keepeville, in tntd t)intrii't> 1 nlmll npply to mod Court for the nettlement ot mv mild nc-tiotintft, nnd for \\ dltchnrge from nil hnbility n« nn-nlgnett of m»ld entnte. In nceordiuu.e with t)ie provin-ion§ uf th»» twentvulghth luutloii of thu lhuikrupt Act ot Mured! .'. 1^0?. Vourt, *e . ,

\mw J A. t .KWAl.n , A«itsm*o.

i s Tiii>; matntcT corRTVi THK rxtTRi> - STAl'Kd --For the Northern I)o»liiet oT New York. In Mnnkruplev, Nt». a»">l,

In tltM matter of Wilhun II. Conger, n Rmkrupt. Hy Order of tie* m»! 1 Court Notk'e m hereby iflV*

I'll, noi'ordlng to Uw, to ult oruilttorn of the" p»aid rtttnkrtipt, to ii}>pent on the tuh >\\y of Jtuumry, IH72, nt ltt oVUH'k In the forenoon, before the m i l Court, nt thu UnltudHtutiM Court Uoom In Ilutrilo, kn mild Olltrlut, and fthow cuufte why it dim hurgu *houtd not be Mrnnied to the mild H.tukrupt.

An»l lurther notice U hereby given, thrtt ttii» ifcond nnd third meetings of mild twill torn will be hnd hv fofe Haimi»l AmeH, Kmp, ttcginter in Hitnkruptiy, nt ItlH olltee tn Keemvllle, In mild Oiitrkt, on the £!d 'Iny of tbM'umbei', ISTl. ut luo*clock in the forenoon.

Putuil. ttnftitlo, N. Y.( Nov. 'it, 1H7I. M. t». r i l .LMORi: . Clerk.

A K., ftfUtloiiur^ Attorney. 102iwU b T A T K OF WmV* VOUK.»*iiFPUK\fS O COl'u'L C o n n >>*• K-* + *\. Ounlol Nelm>n n<

Y-ninnl itttmuA Adttiui, Orneu Ailnmn, nnd Ii hnbod Iroinluy. tftitnmont for Kelluf. (Com. Her.) To tfittnei Ailittim, Urneu Aittuup, aihl letniboil

ttrotnlu). Oefwndnntn: You m e hvruhy dummottui l to ntt»wi»r t h e Com-

tilnlrtl of Onhlut Nulion, ji'ntntltl", which wan ttleil in thu oflhe of the Clurk ot KMCI County, N. YM on the i t th <Uy of November, ISTt.nnd to serve u copy of your ntmwur oft thu nubicrlhur nl Kee§eville, Ki« • e l Co., N. Y., within twenty dny» nfter tin* forvicu of ihtl iiiiiiinoni, uxcluptvv of thedny of iervlce, nnd if you fnil to nnnwi-r nfthl uomphdnt nn hereby re4-.1l-reif, the plnintUV will npply to the Court for the rev lluf ihMttnmtuit iti thu eomplnlnt,

tOitwl M. FLVCH PtttlnllfT'ii Attorney.

N' l w Ynntc"M*rnKriiM"rointiT- COUNTY OF KHriKX. rinmli n. Winter nnd

Cnrullnu 1>. Winter, I'UlutifTV, «igui>uf Mtiry l.u llnrro nnd Unne l«n Murre her liimhtiml, nnd nil per-lont or ownum tinknown hiiving or tlniming nny in-turutt lit thu premlften nought to he pmtitioiM'd to thin notion. IMundnntf.

T o t h e I»efundnnti Yott nru hereby s u m m o n e d Slid fvuulrud to nnnwur thu eomplnlut of the mid plrtlntlmi. which wnn tlle<l In th*> (Mtlce of tho Clerk of thu County of Ktm'i, nt Klltnbuthtown, in mild County of ki*ei , nnd Btute of New York, on the 3d dny of November. 1971, nnd to nurve n copy of your nntwer on u* nt our otllce, In the vlllnge of Keune* vlllu, In Clinton Count), N V., within twenty doyn lifter the nurvlcc hiruof on you, eichiilvn of the dny of iurtleu: nnd yott &rv further pummoned and ru> •pilr«d to tnku notice, thnt If you full to nntwer thu •nlit complrtint within the time nforennid, the t'lalti* tlftl Will npply to thin Court for the relief deimuided In thu complnlnt, Ontud Kienovllle, N. Y., ;t,l dny of Notuuiber, |«*?1.

AMKP. U K W t T T A XTATHoy, iftlSwl riAlnlllla* Attorneys

i^fonTttriift nwTitit'T r>F KKW vottic, on thin 87lh «lsy of November, A. TV UTt. <»« fend*

Ing the foregoing putltloti, It ll '»rdered by tile Court, thnt n hunrlng hu hud upon the anlne on the tuh dny of tlniiunry, A. 0 . 1^72, t»efore naid Court tit tin' Uni­ted Htntert i „urt lloom In tlulV.ito, In mild Ihntrlct.fcit tun o'clock A. M.; nttd thnt notice thereof be pub. llnhed to two luwspnpern printed tn mild IMntrlct for three tlmenonce n week ; nnd ttmt nit creditors who hnvu proved thulr dvbtn, r.nd other tiurmin* tn Inter-uit, mny nppeitr nt the mild time and plnce, mid nhow cnum», If nny they hnve, why thu pmyer of the mild petition ihould not be grinled.

And It h further Ordered t»V thu Uotitt, that nit •Uoh erudUorn wlioiie plncen of residence nre known, ihull be untitled to n nurvice of notice of the mild pe­tition nnd order, either pernonnlly or by letter nil-dreMul to ttietn nt their known ununl phice of rent-dencu, nttuntud by thu Clerk of the Court, or »urved ftt thulr tttuttt of nbodu by tin* Mnrnbul or hi* deputy, or ftunl t>y mnll, whereof due proof Htinli be given.

And ll t« further OrdVruo*, thai thu puhllcnthm of •Uch ttotiuunui thnil \w nut lu In th<> newntmpt'r^ dr-nlfbntud hy the 3id Uulu In llmkruptey nureloforu Ath»pte«l by tbin Court, nnd thnt the nccond nnd third tneetlngi of the creditor* of the tnhl H.inkrupt, if not before h#ld, nhnll be held before Hntnuul Amen, Kmi., Hegliti r In Hnukruplcy, nt hit oflW In Keenuvilte, in the nntd District, on thu 2'A dny of l>oe>miber. 1S71, ut 10 o'clock, A. M.nnd thnt noilcc of nuch inuutlng* be published In like mnnner,

Wltnuii thu Itott. Xntlmii K. Hull, dudgu i . !• of the tnld Court, and llo'iK'ul thereo*. nt

llulfilo, In nntd Oistnet, on the '27th dny of November. A. I). 1*71.

l n - i m M. r. Ftl.f.MnHH. Utufk of ntnttlet Court for unld lMntrlut,

READ THIS! Thp linwtBt Pricr Lint rvvrpuhlhfarf uf

WATCHES, in Holiil Ool.lnn.l Coin Stiver I ' w i only,


I t l .VKtt WATCH ~ ~ ^ l l e u M l e U . M . . f»0 UOi.OdR k't) •' " W Hit,VKU WATCH, W. ttun^tkt 45 0 0 1 , 0 Us k't) " " 1U6

Atttoii< im Walthnttt %Vot« IHN, PRICES.

OolnHtlv*r H u n t i n g Wu<< h e n . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , . . I I R . O D tlold Hunting Wntehun, Oent'n nix* "tU»U Oold Hunting Wutcher, l.idien' ntr.e , . , 7f».00

Hunt to nil pnrtn of the country by Kinrenn, with privilege to "inuune beforr pitying, Hend for n iirlce lint »nd eotnpure ptlcct hnforu purcbnnlng uloewlieru.

HKNKOICr IIHOTHKHH, JdWulurn ,tnd Keepert of Citv Tlmu,

nwi Umndwny, N*-w York, Hwtr i^ftirtti Htruut, ti'Jttuiiit $8.00 T



jVU'ti WRW siti^rniiiRn 'i in tt„. WKHt'KUN WOULD ui

l.irrfu H jmtie We»'kly pnpei) ruculven, grttri'i, ii MAoirioRKTid HTHRL KNOIU-• IgU.'i1* by !W Inches, ent i t led " T I I K NATIVITY OF OCU LOUD,* ot one of r*AKM'^ CfUHMlMO f^ CKHOUOg, 14 by 17 Ineheft, untitled "IIAVK V\ TtKNCK." n little country girl lent-itw n nhephurd dog, one of trie moid •ittrnctlve litll# urtlntlc guini evei Untt'

,»'d. Term-* ft n Y'ottr < holee be. tWi un the two "premlumn. Bpm.linen

jeopy of WBATKHK \VOHI.O, with full 'donerlptlon, pent for itrtmp.

A O B N ' m W A N T I - : i t . » » A t t y rtttr Who will etli;ngi' to urt )IM locnt ll-gunl, nnl nend %l , nhiill reueive n per­fect cony of eltlo-r premium hu denire.*, with full Inntructlonn, nnd thu Wiii-tunsi WORLD for threu month* fm. -lioonl nguntn enn ennlly mnke ffi n dny. AddreM .tAMKH It. KfiMnT. Pub-llnber, No. JO llloomlleld Ht., It.minti, Mnnn. 18-JleMiil

KrmrviM.K Union Free School.

hi h\ llVl/fsAMh A. M>i Principal, '\trt5fTEit T r u n H K H I ^ J\*. «, *iv*

O Hoard, and Room* for nelfdioarding can be se­cured t»y apph Inn to ttie I'rinHpnl.

HAMUKI, AMKH. rrvftMuhl tloftrd ot Kdth'utton.

W. 0. WATSON, Bw^, ttvj-iwv

For ti© West. ~ Tt f f lOt '1411 T I C K E T S T O HI r F A f > » ,

Clunigo, St. l.M iti, niu:ibn. Denver, Han Franeii-eo nnd nil polntn Went, Booth-W»*nt nnd North-Went, ror mtle nt the Kxpienn OthVe, Keenevllie, N. Y.

It. M. MoUI.1i, Ticket Aguht, Ku«#vlltP, April 1,187L iml

WATr t t r i t r . « , to Aguhtd to Introducu nftl-rli'i lint Hi-1! in every houne.

10i4w4 l .ATTA A CO.. rittituirtth, f r t ^

B T.liliPffl- On* Tnnnud, nil nUuit, And hart Lt-ilher. for mile by

It. !». CT.AtT A rrt. Jinu 16, Hit, 16»7

r i A S i l P A t n r t l t t UUAt^f of nil kinln nt

& V-' the New Feed fcf'qr', o iuttb. ' t 'ppur Mill, by


Cl f AWPI*«*Ticg Chnln«, troh »ml hrnnn, Hnltur Chftlnn, Tmce Chalnn, and Coll Chain of nil ftt-

«#*.fornntu l»v 11. O C t A I T A C(». liny LU, 1171, lf»t>4

OHWA!««1fTAf,t IHON, Atftl ItKoNXK IIUACKKT.-* Foriwluhv

If IV C I . A t ' P A On, Hfty tf , 1171, 15WJ

Cl | I A t * « " T h u MiittttfrttNifi ftf* prnpttrutl t o ilutlvur ' ritorunttd Uhuftltuit ftlze« of (Jonl, at lowunt ennh

prtui«P. H l> CLAP!' A Co. KuuWVlttP, Attg. It, t*?t. loUOmJ

T^ttKiii! a n n r * n niTKWtir AT I 1 FLOCK, nt the Feed autre l'» the old Hank ,h"""*"' fltnoicwK.,!. A ntusrm.

Kt»«H»Vlltu, !*oV. % 1171. VH?

Wi l l IB* Tfon. tlmMttnl (loppuf.nnd WltuColti in ffthety, for mile hy - • .* , •#»-%!. iw*

,'Unqtu»tifmoJ)ly tlie h*nt tnsiaiitt)d| w o r k of t h * k i n d in *h« 'Wor ld ,

Harper's Magazine. .Vnl*VMi/fft> r « i f .

Thur* nte few tntutllgent Ainurtcitti fatnlttui Hi wtiu ti l U n i i n •< MiUittSB would not beunaporielHted and highly weh-otiu goent. TIM'W* in no moid lily Matdtxinu nn Intelligent rending family can !e»n titl'ord to be without. Many MnimRlnen nre accumulated. II AMP-nn'* In edited. "Tbere tn not a Magazine that in print­ed which nhow* morv tntelli«rnt ptiinn expended ou itn nrlleien nnd mechanical execution. There in not a cheaper Magazine published. Tin re In not confenned-ly, a more populnr M^gn/.itu* in the world.—iVne Kntf-U\nd llorH'tltOtt,

A rupunitory of hlogtaphy nml lilnlory, lltprntttrt?, Bclencu and art, ueuouallud by any other American publlx-ntloti. * • * The volumen are an viiluablu nn n mure work of refuieiue nt nny cyclop»Jla we cou plnee in our librnrien. HAUMU'S 'MAUA/.I.NI in n ro-cord of trovul evurv where nlmru the hour of Itn ontnh* Itthtnent. Ltvlugntonu mid Ourdon Cummlug In Afri­ca, HiriiinniuoiiK the AmU^. and Ho«n Hrowne In the l a i ' , Hpeku on the Nile nnd Macgrei/gor on the dor-dan indeed,all r*ct*iit traveler?'of note have neen their mont Important dlaeovuvlen reproduced in tnene pagen. Mont of li-ir younger and m»ny of out older wrltern llnd here their liter iry blogmphy. Our artt*tn net- the bent evldeiici n of tln-tr ueiiiun and ibe mont undurhig finuelniunn of then work In thu Magazine. A'. Y. -Vftimfitrif.

It Inotiu of thu Wottdefiof littirtiallnm -thf»tditoilnt mannguiiiuiit of lURritH'i*. — Tht A*UCI»/I, A'. )*.

§TTBSCniPTldNS.*.18T2. T « r m i ;

TtthPiliV MAQA/.iKie, one year . * » . , , , , , * • , .ft 00 An Krtnt Cokty<{f th' MAUAXINK, WRKIH.V, or HA/AR

Mill br SHMtti'd yrtttit /or wry t'lut* of FiTt HIBHOKI-BlRt) at f4 00 '<ic/i, IN en* remittance ; er, ,Si.r Cupifi /or 1*0 00, t4if/i"H( trtra *<>i>y.

iVi(6fi*pi|ifii>n« to Harper's Mihtat(*tt YVffkhf ttmt tin* far, to vnf attilr*$-/<>roht year, 11000 ; '"", twuttf //ur/j-er'i i^rit^iraisMo ottf mhtttti/or oitf year, |7 00.

/iudt yumben can IK» nupplled at any time. A oomplutft i*ut of Nnrper'n Magnziuu, now eotn-

prilling 4:1 Volumen, In neat cloth binding, will bu nent by uiprenn, freight at expunnu of pttrchaner, fur f i 25 per volume, tiittylr vo!umrst by IIIHII, ^)*<;«iii/, t"» 00 Cloth uiiftun, for binding, £»S uunti*, by mall, pontpaUI.

The pontttgoott Hnrpur'n Mngarlm* ll 24 centn a year Which imiAL b»' paid at the tubirrihrr't p<»nt-olllce.


* A C o m p l e t e P i c t o r i a l H U t o r y o f t h e T i m e i . "

<*Tlit» Ueiit, e h r « t » e n < , U l i a tftOut Stu< e*nf n l F n n i l l y 1 ' u p e r i n t l i « l i t l o i i * M

Harper's Weekly. HPI.F.NDIDI.Y II. l .USTUATKD.

tfvtim of f c PftIL Thu Monitt. Xftwitpii'itn of our country. Com.

ntetu h> nil the depnrtmentft of nn American Futility Paper, llarpur'n Weekly ban earwed Tor Itnelf a right to Itn tlth\ UA .lounml of Civilisation." -yew York Kr'ninu l*ntt. .

The h'-nl publication of ttflt ctann lit AmoHcn, Slid no far uheiid of all other weekly JournaU an not to permit of nny compnrinon between It and nny of their number. Itn columnn contain the llnunt collectlonn ot ruadl'.tf-maUer that are prti.tud. * * * Itn tlhudm-tlonn ar- nuineroun and beautiful, being fumlnhed by thuehh't artlntn ot the country, -iloiton TraveUr.

1 turpi r'n Weekly In the bent and mont interenttng llluntrati-d newspaper. Nor doen Itn value depend on ItilllunM itionn alonu. Itn reading-matter in of alilgh order ot Iterary merit varied, Inntruutivu, unteitiitn-Ing. and unexceptionable.- .V. )'. A'u;i.

StJBSCRiPTICWS,.-li«i T e r m s .

TtAiirm^ XVMilt.Y, one yeitr. i*i . l tt .t»t«. .$4.00 .4n tljrlra Copy of either th* Magazine, Weekly or

Ha/.nr will be supplied y rat it t'*>r 't'*ry Club o/ 'rtvu HubncrH" r at | 4 *'««*'(, in one rrmithiw:* ; t)rt Sir Cop-its for f'i.i, without fJttra copy.

Nuhicriptinnt to Harper1! Magnztni*, Weekly, ftttd Hiifiu, tonne tuVhess Jor on* y^ir.tlu.00; or, two uf Harper't P«rvnticalt, to one addrettfvr one year, $7.00.

Hack yumben can be nuoplicd at nnv time, Thu Annual Viiluuicn of Harper'n Weukly. frt neat

Cloth hlndiim, will be tent by uxpienn, free of ux-

ponl AddruNN

H A t t f U t t A HTtOTrTKR3, Now Vork .

A Great Offer! Only $3 for $11 in Value !

Or, For $1.00, $18,00 lit Value 1

Or, for $5, $20 in Value!

TH R I I K A V T I F M J A N D A I I T I 8 T I € Chroiuo. "ISN'T HHK PRHTTY i" highly llnlnhed,

mounted and varninhed. Ht/e, 13x17 aTter cLtille M. Hpeneer,) retal price, |", will hu nent by mall, luutire* ly done up, ponl-frcc, an n premium to rvery |;t yearly •uhnerlhur to UKMcllKHTri MONTHLY, acknowl-edged the mont huutitlful and useful Tar lor Magaxlue lu America. "IHN'T Snt 1'MKTTT t" in a beautiful Chromo, and nplendtd Parlor l'lctuie, and a valuable work ot ntt, WORTH MOKH THAK POI * II I. II THU UO?»T or 8fB.HOiiti-rioM, and, together with PKMCHKST'H MONTHLY, nttVirdn an opportunity for the Invent-muni of »:j nuch nn may never occur again ; or. In place of' t«n't Hhe I'retiy f" for f l additional, HIA-WAiHA'n WootNo, (after Jerome Thompson), nir.c, 15x'2f», will bu nent free ; or both Chrbmon nnd Pmi-uhiiiT'H MONTULT, for one )unr, for |5 . HIAWATH-A'H Wool NO In an uonally nplendid work of art, a large nnd hunutlfiil Chromo, and worth four timet the price chary*?. Hunhuudn, Fathern, itrothem, nnd I,f»VPM, do not fail to nubneribe for PKMOItKHT'H MA'lAZINli , and present It with a beautiful Chro­mo. It will make uyen nparklu with dulight and iat-Infarction, *nd prove n monthly reminder of your

Yvod tnnt*' and Klml fueling. Addrenn W. .JHNKUM!* ~>HMoitHiir, Has llroadway. New York. Copien ot the

latent nuiubum of th« Magazine *6 centn encli, ponl. free. Km

T H E GUh VOLUME! F o r m r i !



FAMILY MAGAZINE. P h r r t t o t o g f y * - T h u Hraln ttnd Its Function!;

Lociuiuu of the th-gann with dlreelkmn tor culture and training, and the relation* of Mind and Hody dr »eribud.

Fhy»<iOf n a m ) * , or thu u Blgtut of Character with Uluntr.itioiin, and bow to rund them," i* n special fcrtlurr.

K t h t t o i r t g y , or The S'aUtral iHthtyuf Man, tttUn-trrtted, Will be given.

PliynlotoKjr Hint A«»toitiy**Thu tlfgantan-tlon, ntruetun* and fiinniion4 of ibe human body; with thu lawn of lite and hrath. What we should ent and drink, how clothed and how to exerclnu, nleup nnd llru, In aeeurdanue with hygienic principles.

P o l t r a i t s , nkitidien and biographies **f leading rnen and wotneti in all department* of life, are spucinl features,

P n r i t t t , T ^ m l i n r i i ftlul o tht»r« . - Ann guide In tdue:ii!iig and imiuiu-^ Childpit, t hte tnagitzlne has no nupurlor

Mueh guncral Inftrmatton on thu Ifiiillng loplM of the day in given, and no uflorii aru spnrud to make thin the mont Interesting and instructive iw well nn the Hunt I'lctorial Family Magazine over published.

R n t a b l I n h e r i t — T U B .IOI'UMAI. has reached Itn Mlh Volume, It has steadily Increased In favoi du­ring tlie many yuarn it has been published, and was nuver mure popular than now.

T e r m * . Monthly, nt |:i n ynnr In advnneu. Single tiuiubcrn, :JO cents. Clubn of ten or more, %'l urich, and an extra copy to Agent.

We nre ollerlng thu most liberal Frcmtnmi. Inclohu 10 centn tor n sample number, with n»*w lMctorlnl Tonter and Prospectus, and a complete List of Tru-mituns. ^

Address B. It. WKLLB, ruhltshef, 1610 3^9 HUUAHWAY, Nkw Yoni ,

ly ^ I a K » / . l u r «



Drugs & Medicines, Books'&SStationery,

Fancy Goods, Fishing Tackle, &c.

Thotr i to tk consist! of ft targe Rfiiort

ment of

Drug^ Medicines, Chrmtrah, Paint*, 0U#t Varnlnhes, Paint and Var­

nish IlruHhen, l>yc Stuff*, Pam* Uy Dye Color*) Patent Mrd>

ivitie*i Mineral Waters wntz WINKS AND Ltcircms for :tt*d-

l i n l P u r p o s e s ,

Stiotvh Ah, London Porter, Cigars, Ci­gar Canes, Briar Pipes, Choice

Smoking Tobacco, i<*o. A fine assortment of

Fishing Tackle, Consisting of Hods, Peels, Lines,

Mies, Trolling Spoons and Gangs

Leaders, &T< School ami Miscellaneous Hooks in Rrcat

Variety. I Foolscap, Note ami Letter Papt r , and Initial Paper,

j Envelopes, Gold and Steel Pens, P e l Holders, Pencils, Desk i t Pocket Inkstands.

Photographic Albums, Pocket Cutlery, Rubber, Ivory, and Shell Combs, flair, Nail, and Tooth Brushes, Toilet and Tooth Soaps, Toilet SuttB, Perfumery, Ac, Also, Photographic Views of the

(hasm of the Ausable River* Agents for Renne's Pftin K i l l ­

ing Muglc (HI. Any Books furnished to Order,

()rd«*ni from Physicians solicited, and Prescriptions carefully compounded.

Open on Sundays from 9 to 10 A* M., and 12 to 1 P. M.

Kee^vllle, July 21, 1870, 1560


AL W A X S K t M U K f i l N C * W I T H I N -UToHtmu Stork'H, I'ot'ins, Muslo, l'ur/U'M, TIBV*

fls, tiunt's, ami <tth«*r I'ktifthiit KouUiri'S nil VKO-Kl'HKhV ILLUHTUATKK unU mh-iitiited to u. mui»o, tuslriht, «n«t I'k'vuio the ttmt** of tin? young* fttul nmko their livus useful, truthful, uml happy.

Hiri||lu copU'S, tvn I't.'hts, pust-frui". Veurlv, | 1 , or With u vtiottit' of tho following b'«nutl(ul una viilim-bli' prsmliims to IMU-II •uhsuribur, fur 50 <ts. i»itru : » Hut* I'ltrlor Chroaio, worth *0, or two liiti'rcitlnit Ju-vonili' Hooks, bouml In cloth util gilt, worth |1.70, post-froe ; or i* tin*' m'nr' •hii.iulk'il two-bliulo Pockot Kmfu nnd f% pulk't of bt-st P»ints, post-friM*; ur n Ti*ry powerful brasl-niotinttMi, (loiihU>-**vnmb'rl Ivory tip-ptnl, ftiljuntiilili' Mkrusi-op", worth |2 , postimv '24 its.; urn good MUTi-osi'op^ with u si-iifS ol vh-ws, pontuiff 1H rts.; or tin t'li'ijiiiit PholngMph Album f"l liotdthtt 60 pirttiri'tt, poDtutft' 1»1 rts.' niul vnhmbk' pn'mHitn* fort-lubs. Addri-wi W. .1 E N M X t l d t>KM<iHKST, S31 l!ru:ulwii)\ Nuw Vork. 10'il

"TSXtit)KAT¥Kl7lOliR'H NKWBrArKltr

The Methodist. tKtllM-ttNtiRNT ANI> FHATBRNAL, T.OYAI. AKD


A 0oMrt.«Ttt FAMILY SifW^rArKlt,

Itclnutntosri puri- l.ttptiituir. It publishes from thnt- toToiir Kt)tfoKtit.» Wt-ekly,

on tin* Issui's ol tits* tiny, both tn CHURCH uiid HTATI. A NKW HKRIAI. HTOHY Is tt fiMtturu ut the pnpi*r this

ye»u It ftdvocntps h i t Dki.itoAffo?nt nnd MrrBODiiT


THifi riKHMnK n ^ r X u T M E N T eontnttm frosb sortuoris nt-itrly fvirv wvuk from viulous ministers from our own uml otlior wutiict'llfiil dt*tiimiiliiiitloni, umong whom tin1 some of tlte brlgtitt^t lights of tliv Ami'rii'ftii Pulpit.

KIFKHOIHCKD WtttititB contributi- to the vnrlotis Hpi'oiul iH'piirtmcfits of tht- Pjipi-r.

It contains ii Wft'klv Huinniitry of tlidlgtotts TnUl-ll|*t'iKM' botlt from tht* Methodist Kplscopitl und other dunotnltmtions.

TIIK NKWrf DlCf AUTMKNT td tttulor 0 t « i u p # r vision of «n t'tlltor who mnkes it u sjuueinlty.

TIIK t.Mlll.DHKN'H DKPAHTMKNTeoittalni ft fresh story uvtry wt*vk, written expressly for It; itlso, "Our Weekly Thnt Willi the Little Folks."

THK F I N A N C I A L , (M)MMKUCIAt*, MRU 0ANTIMC A N D A t l U l C l ' I / l U U C A L COliVMNH ur© sunpUs'd with vnltinble tnformution for Business Men, RJU'chnuUs, Miinufitcturersnnd Farmers.

Altogether, as \ religious mid literary weekly nPWI-pftper, T h e M e t h o r t l M h«s ln-eii pronounced, by ilUinterexti'd judges, to bo without it superior.


ItkV ORORGK U. CHUOK8, D IT, AtttfttiMl by un nble Corps of Contributors. iiffiOTig

Whom Pre: Ilev. Hlsbop Hliiinson, 1>. 1*., ltev. J. M.'Clllitoek, l .h. I) , Uev, R \\. Nudftl, 1>. D., IU*Y. Abel Btevens, \A.. 1*., «nd others.

T l i i r s -T i> Mnllfiubicrlbers.Twotlotlnrsiihd Fifty Jents per Yeur, In itdvuiiee. Postitwe, prepaid nl the 'ost-oftlce where received, Twenty Cents per year.

•ST* Arty one sendtnu Three Subscribers Hiid |7 50,

u p

will receive i\ fourth copy free for one yenr. ItT^Hutiscrlptions reee'ived itt any time dttrtTtg thu

year. %T$t»e<meh Copies furnished onrorelptof K twe

Cent postHge stamp to prepay single postittfo. f&W* Liberal <'<t.*h C mint sunns or Premiums a Hawed

toaynts canva.tsina for Subwibers. Send for Premi urn Ctrcii/nri

W*t$ul)*rrtptlons tniiV bo Hent dtfect Intttcotlico or t . mtv HUthorlzed nttentn. Address

II. \V. IHU'OliAH, Publlshor, h t t 114 Nassau atr»«et, NeW York*

1 F A I N T S UU*. (-*,1*,,!, *••"• Varnishes, for sule t.y IV I). CI .APP * CD.

Jtifte 16, tS?t WJ1

Bm t l A M / S COItN «I IRLi . l£ f l* -Tht best In the world, tor sale by

n. ir cr.APP St (?n. rtetobH- ! * . 1*71, IMrt

Willsborough, Essex County, N. Y.,

Btoni- Cuttcw, and Dealers in all kinds of

Stone Trimmings For Building Purposes,



Grave Stone Bases, Grave Yard Coping,

Gate and Fence Posts, Heavy Blocks

For Dridgo and Lock Work, Also, a superior article of BUILDING

STONE, for all kinds of Masonry, A c , furnished to order, and at fair prices*

The 8tonc are a superior quality of Blue Lime; also a tine quality of Bird's Eye Marble, for Ornamental and Monumental work, Busceptiblc of a very high polish, and adapted to the finest carving purposes.

Bltuate convenient for shipping by any vessels on Lako Cham plain, and through lines to New York and intermediate places,


March 25, 1869. 1481

Nebraska, The Garden of the West.


GRAIN AND GRAZING LAND, (Mored to actual mttlem only, for |1,'2A per *cr« out-•Ideot Railroad Lund ilrnnt Limit*; or 12,60 jx*racrt Imldo of audi llmltpt under tin- pro iani{>ituii law. (Jr

A Homestead of 80 afri'H hiaidu of IUIIroud limit*, uud of 100 acret outBi'li', for |1N,00 till told.

A SOLDIER Of 18*31 cn\\ hftvu 100 Inmde of Railroad llnnp, for 2,00, all fpos liK'ludi'd, rrt!*emptura muct rt'tldo upon and cultivate thf land atx muntlia to get a Deed from tlio United Bt»ite». Homenteuder* tmut n*hk« upon and cultivate lha land live yvura to gel a Deed from the United Htatei.

SIX MILLION At-rea Railroad land, f'AbO, to |lu,00 an acre, caah,

or on lon« <-redlt at low Interent. XMPUOVKD FARMH nnirly IUHK-lu market.

N, H, Nobody wiahen to lenvu Netiraaka'n rich plain*, limpid water*, biltjLl nkle*. nnd vital air.

coMMis.sioynns op IHMICHATIOX, K. W. IIOIIMAN, Trea, Lincoln, Neb. 1. N. TAYLOlt , Her., (Jolumbu*, Neb. O. K. WALTIIKR, AniK", Neb. ,1. W. I'KARMAN, NebrankaCHy. J. RATH, Danl*li Conaul, Omaha. 1608

HENRY E. HART, Watch Maker and Jeweler^

i x n P I A I . I H IK

Watches and Clocks, S I L V E 11 WA R E,

FISHING fAlkl.K, S T A T I O N E R Y , P E R F U M E R Y ,

B H I A H A N D 9 I K K H N C I I A t M I M P B H ,

Sheet Music & Musical Instruments, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OK

Yankee Notions FAN-CYSGOODS.

Kufii-Till*, Augudt 5,1R7L 16*4

I, 0, of G. T. Mtt«. t t l A F H A ^ < IS MC<JC;K1T W I t X

comnn'iH'i' lur It-eturtiiK Heaniiii on Temperance in Ktdi'X Cuiitity the second wei«k In Noyemt)er. IlnviiiK enllaln Htute* Went, a* well tia In Northern New York, but a*uJltdent time to vi»1t?arh LotWo can be allowed in the CountU* - Kutox in Nov., (Minton hi December, therefore Lodgca ruqueitrng Mr«. L.'* »orvlcn« will vm the nevcaalty of applying tintnadiate* ly. An entirely new leettire will be KIVMI unli'tfa oth-ami**) dtftlred. Tho unbounded •uceeM attending and good dmiu by Mr*. Leggelt last §ea*on, in a aufU* uk-iit guaranty to Lodge* and llie pnblic.

'IVrnii | l u and expense* in towti, nl*o teaming to nnd from inland town*. Poater* ttirnlahed gmti*.

Lodg?* unable to aflord tha flu nrn re<|uc*ted to give their hall* free, providing they are willing to euiniily with the remaining terms, in which ca*e an adtniMion fee will have to be charged.

Do not neglect or delay. Tim« i* proclotlP. Read tht* In the I«udge, take action upon ltf and auRwer Immediately.

Addre** MRP. IDA FRANOIB LKOdKTT, laiGlIlt KKIflfcVILLK, K*H*X C".» N. V,

Wood Lot For Sale. TH K St H S t H I UK It O F F R I I S FOR HALK


117 ACRES, ntoatfy aeeuitd growth, with an nu* large and valtiuljti* timber. It I* »iUnited ou llalleek Hilt, near the Cllntonvllle road, and i» convenient to market at Ollntonvlllennd Keeaovllle. The lot in feitalhle for bualneaa purpuHef, atnl 1* i-aally travemeil lu all di­rection*.

For particular^, and full Information, Inquire of Henry .1. Arnold, on Hal leek Mill.

JOHN MACOMUKM. AufUibte, Oot. 19, 1871, Ul5tf

Painting* Tl I M f N D R f l S I t l l l K n W O l t D A N .

nounce t«« the I'ublie that he ha* thin day oi»un* ed n*hop on Vine Htreet.ln K. II. Fuller1* liulliling, and that lie will do

Homo, sitfii, & r a n iiiffo Fiiltitftig:, P a p f r - I I f i i i f f ln (r v O l A z l n i r &, G r u t n l r i g ,

to the tutlifactlon of customer*, Hi* experience and aucee*a hare 1-wn aiich, that

he conlldently a*k* tho patronagi* of the Public. UKOItUK Df)IIKAUTV.

Keeilevllle, March 27, 1871. lf.»0vl

THVINK ABTT) COItllAGK In variety of atzt andfivialltv, for aale by

A * n D. cLAPr * on. •Ttttle 1, tUtl. \'A)b

CA R R l A t / ^ ANnTTAUNKSfl miMMTNOB Any tiiHte can be suited, tiy

II. V. LLAl 'P A (V>. JMtVe 8, 1871. HlKJ

^AIIIBA^KS* 1 F.r *ale by May 13, 1871.



CIIOTCR S M O K I N G T O I I A r r i l — A t W. MOULD A HON%

May 18, 1871. 1603

SA W S , tfltt Pawl, Oroei'L'ttt Hnw , Hand flaw*, Meat Haw*, Hack Haw*, and the Carpenter'*


'KKTC yon have a naive combining Hu'-tbi; ^ ll|"l M • healing proper tie*, with no dntigernn* lugred-l«nt. A remedy nt hand A.r the niariv pain** and achel, wound* and hrul*c* to wlih-h Jb^h W heir. 1* muro easily applied than many other tvimdie^. never producing a bad eflVet, but ulwa}* it-It*-\ 11 u pftin, however *«*vere.

It t* prepared by Mitt fiatrycr, whn ha* tiwd It tn her own extensive treatment of the il«k. f<<i nearly twenty year*, wilt- great nucco**.

The prhii'lpul dUeiiaup l<>r whbh tht* salve I* rec­ommended arc. ('hithluint, Ifhtuttmti>nttt Piiet. Scrofula, Old r/<vr#, Salt fthfum, $]>ra{titt Hums, Perer Soyet, P*tOHt, Piwplts, Pry*\ln!*t*t i*<>re fCyet, fittrbet't Itch, />e<ifm*t, ttvilt, /fiuff-Vortnt Corns, HitcM of Iu*ect«t'Ctt!tit IK, Tvoth'tt he, h'tir-*che, Xore Xipjdr-*, lialdtiettk, Airo//in Huastt, rt>ht S.atd Head, Te,th tScfttdn, Vutt% ///'«/*<•!, Cfvup, *'nuked Uj'St and Sorts on Childrtn

It never fall* to etire ttheutn;di-m If properly npnllcd. Huh It on well with the hand thre** tlmea a tlay. In ievcriil ca»»c* ll ha* curi-d palsied limb*. For Pih H it ha* bectt dUcovered to be a sure rem­edy. Persons that have been ulllbted for years have been relieved by a fe w application*, F<»r*»y-ttptla* it work* wonder*, allaying the li»lhtmm;'tioii and tjiiietlng the patient. For Chupird /fandt ll produce* a cure Imiiledlately, Let thone with Suit ilheum obtain till* Halve, and npply It freely .and tboy will Ibid It invaluable, It U good in CIIM'K of Acrtffubt and Tumor*. ('<tnnr* huve been euivd with it, Tho best Halvo ever Invented for Swollen liread and Sow Xipjilet. No way Injurious, but sure w ulf>jrd relief. Sot* <»r UV(/3l //M'l*- Hub it on Uu» lids g«nlly, oliee or twlcv a day. I'nl'esdeaf* nu't* bv putting in the ent* on a piece «»f cutloo For Adon* thin is superior t<» onylhilig known. For Pimidt* this act** like u charm. For Hm-nt ami Sraldt, apply the Halve; at once and it give* Immediate relief, * Kor old Sores, appl) onve a diiy.

Fort Ttoitaka AND CATTTJe, — For Hore* o|* uu HoravH or Cattle thi* Halve is Invaluable, und ban nPtonl*hlng effect in curing M-ratchct* ou iKtrce*. This Salve hu* worked Its own way into notoriety, und Is a safe and NUIW remedy f>n all tin above ailiiH'tiU.

Wo. the undersigned, have been acquainted villi M1»*K S.iwyer fjr many yenr*. und believe l.ei to b« a (MirUtian Lily an 1 a skilful nur^e, nnd having lined her salve in our families, it glv« » u» great pleasure in saying it is thu bc*>t general tin dU hie, w« have vver used : Hev I!. Y. flitter, lit'* W. ti. Holiaatt, H*\. J')»vj)!i Ksiliicli, Iter, inoritv Pratt. (itn. J. 1'. CllU-y *inl wlfr, ('•l>t. J. t'rtH'kor nnd wilt'. Cup*. DHVIII Ame» iniJ wif», Win. Wiliuii BUII wife, J! It. Hii'ar, A. S, HW, (lw. W. Khnbtttl, jr. (M*vof

.# ItovklanU) and wife, ' J'*i't>h Furwtfl', ('. H Mallard, Kplimini Harrctt, Lvaixlir Wecki, linn. N. A. Hur|K>e, traiM-ii I'obb,

John T. tlpm*, Win, 11 Titeoittti, Mri. C'iiftrlif Hnuw, Mrt. AU'x. SIIUW, ]>r K. P. Chaw ami »lh«. J Waketldii und wife, Win Hcattiu ami wife, Jlicob ShRW *ti(t wilo, John S Cane uml wifp, II. W. Wlglii anil wife, *NV. o. Fuller ami \\\U; Thutnti* L'OIION anJ vi ifr, Dc*. Ibnry Iitgrubutu *>it

Witt', U. J Coimut (Postmaster t.l

Itni'klanU > and win*, I K Khntiiill utid viU\ YVillium 3bL«»un

TO Tilt* AFFLICTED. Tf your Druggist is out of the Halve, and neglect*

to keep supplied, send seventy-five centn us directed below, and receive a box by return mall.

Put up In Itote* at 5 0 c e n t s each. Prepared - f MIKrt <\ SAWVKIt, and put up by L . M BOBBINS, W h o l e s a l e and Rotai l Drug V»y

(fist, l iockland, Mo. A i'rial IJ-x sent ft so by mail on reetdpt « f seventy live e< nts, by L, M. HtJBlHNH, Hoeklumi. Me.


Head Quarters FOR

The undci-Higiied continue to make atldi-tlons to their

Stock of Goods, and will add fretdi sunplieB from time to time as the wants of the trade may require, and which they will dinposc of to custom* erB as usual at a

SMALL ADVANCE FOR CASH. In the line of Dry Goods they would

make note of

Brown Sheeting. Prints, (in variety)

Alpacas, Merinos, Coburgs, Delaines,

Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., To which they would invite especial at

tention. They also present a large stork of

Groceries and Provisions, Ready Made Clothing,

Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,

Crockery and Glassware, Drus & Medicines, &c*, &cM

And YANKEE NOTIONS generally* Our stock of goods is always open to ex­

amination. Please call and tuke a list of prices, and be satinfied that the place to purchase goods is with

W M . COWLBKCK ft HON. Ausablc Porks, July 27, 1871, 1500

Carriages & Wagons FOR SALE,

At Keeseville. T H E B f l M C n t l t K R WIT-I , K K K P Ooti-X Mitntly im huifl, ur will iurniuli <>n »byrl notice,

till klmUof

Single Wagons, Double Carriagesf And Farm aud Road M apons,

fttl Rinnufacturi'il from tli« ln-iit mntcriitl, nnd Uy ftrpt* clris* workman, ut one of tho mo»t rvllnbk* mtubllnh-mfntR in Northern Now York. All work warranted.

II. C. HTKVKNH. Kcene¥ltlo,July 27, 1871- 1W5

PIANOS. " L Y N C H *fe ( J O M E I S ,

Wanufaciitrors of all stylos of PIAS0 FORTES,

No». 93?, 034, 93C A 938 rtronilWAy. Cor. 22*181., N. Y Circular* inMlcl froe, Write for one nnd Pet* let*

t*ri* from pnrtlmln nil jmrti of the country, hnvlnf our PlntiOB In u*e. We «lve the following us ft i«m-pie from Mm. Gen. W. T. BHIHXAH :

Wimtilngton, D. C.,Nov. 21,1870. Weimri. hyUr.h St (lomein: Gentlemen:

I am very much pleiiped wllli tfit* I'lnno you miifle for me. It l l rcftlly ft lino Inntrument In every re-upert, and !• admired hy nil who hnvo seen find henrd It, fo,-itn line tone, dellcncy of touch nnd beauty of ttnlnh. Mrtiiy good munleffinw und dl»tln»ctil*lifd per­sons have enlled slnee It hB»« been In our parlor, nnd all pronounee U H tint* Instrument. We ourselve» nr«? chnrmud with U. I f*b»H most eerliilnly recommend It to my lrlends, mid »ll who mny wlnh to purchase. 1 nm very truly and respect hilly, Yours,

Klfen B. K.HIu'rtn»ht2u61 Bl. Otir prices are low utid terms ensy, N. B. —1'Arlor Orgiuifiniid Melodvort** tSt0m3tc

Sterosoopio Views.

Get the Best! V f r t t ' I / r i W B V1RWPJ OK AUHABLK HIV* i T l er ChiiHm, John Brown1* House, (Imvc »nd Mutiumeiit; Kllburn'i Views of Colored Flowers, Frost Work, A c , White Mountain mid Mt. Wash* Initton Hcenery ; Mlscelhint'ons Views In vurl^ty, s>nd HtereoscopescoiiHtimtly on hand and for sale by

1 W. MOUM) * HON. Kccivlllc .Ttttio 29,1871,, 16M

Custom Work. TI I R S t ' n S C I U B K H <;ONTINl KH TUB T A I*

lorlnu Business, 111 the I'reseoU Building. In th* rooms formerly occupied by Dr. llownrd, where all sorts of men's garments will be made up to order and tn a workmanlike manner.

CUTTING done promptly for others to mnkf op. CLEANING nnd KKl'AIKINU done with n^at

ncssandpespateh. B. LKVKNTII ALL Keeseville Mny 1 1869 1419

Friend, for snlc by .Tune 1. 1*71. ]f.Wi

D r t » E l t l O R IIARV15RT WAi'II lNRnY

lUflwuy Fltebttitf Apparattn; Oomptete BtHck«r; Pulley for rduclng travel; Grapples for suspending Horse Forks. Agents wanted. Hend for Circular, to FaTls Furnace Co., Cluyvllle, N. Y.

BELL*,—Tea Bells, Call Belli, Dinner B«lt», House Bells, C<>w Bells,Bheep Bells, and Horsa

Bell* In strinifs and otherwise, for sale by B. I> C L A V r * CO,

May«26, U71. 16«4

TI O C K F T A N D TABLK CUTLKTtY Tn fTeat variety, for sal* by

n. D. cLApr •> co. Jane «, 1P7L HM

WE f X B f T K R T H - f o r ssle by B. lb CA.AVV * (*0.

Juno 16, 1R71, bbQl

WHIP*...Binge Whips, Buggy Wldns, L»ay*i Whips, and Whip everything, f<>r ssle by tps

Mav 2fi, 1871. B. I». Cl .At' l ' A C«>.


HARDWARE. Vow Opf D & In order for Bnsloeis,


Hardware Store AT KEESEVILLE,

* Next door south of

Adirondac Hotel, Where will be found t full a«d com­

plete awortment of HEAVY etui 8IIKLF UAKDWAUK, consisting of

Iron, Steel, Nails, Springs, Axles, and

Blacksmith's Supplies. Bent Shafts, Felloes,

Hubs, Spokes, and Carriage Trimmings.

Mill Saws, Carpenter's Tools, and

House Trimmings. Table and Pocket ( i i t lm.


Cordage and Oakum. Agricultural Implements. Oak-Tanned Leather Belting,


Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead,

Zinc and Solder. Guns, Pistols,

And Ammunition. READY ROOFING.

Tarred and Dry Felt for SHEATHING.


In fine, we tfeslgn to keep everything usually found in a FIRST CLA88 HARD-WARE STORE, and we rcBpcctfully ioH-cit the patronage of the citizens of Clinton, Franklin, and E&sex Counties.

D . D . C L A P P Si T O , Kecscvinc. May 11, 1H71. 15U2

Diu B. F, G A R V I N ^ "



uiin mixture of all iha Twelvv VRIUHIIU* nrtiv<» yrlncl* p1v« of tliu Wi'H-kuown cumtlvi* iitfi'tit 1'INK TUKU TAK. UnciniHlli'd in OOUKII*, CoUl*, «J»tarrJi. Attli-inn, nr(inrmtinttii(1 Coiiaumpttoti. Cl'HKH WITII* OUT KAI1. u riu'i-iit cold In thrw l» i»lx lioum ; Hud ulioby IU Vltttllzlri(f, TurlfylMK and Htlmuliitliut ef­fect upun the Kuiii'i'tti fcfyhk'in, U rvmorkhltly <ftlcn* cieloim in till

niMTAKr* or THE nroon, Tnetudiim Ht-ruiuhi itn<l Jviu^UiXiM uf the Bkkn, Dyn* rppwlii, PUeum'* of the \,\wr MM\ KMn<*y«, lleiirt

HWMP and (leneiul DcMl.ty. c»NJi THI A I. CON*. V1NCKHI Alaott

Volatile Solution of Tar For Inhnlrttlon without njipllcntlnn of float. Art* tnnrkiihle viilUHhln dUcovory, KR the whole npparatut CUM he ctirrlt'd In the vent pocket, rendy nt any time for the rnopt effectively nnd poulttvclv curatlv* uie In A U , n i 8 K A H K B O H T I l i ; N O H K / h l H O A T A X l > IX'NOB. The compound

Tar and MandraH Pill for tme lh connection with the Klixlr T»r It a cmtit»|. nation of the \wo mont vttluuhle Altemtlve Medt< Glne» known In the TrofeMioii, and tender* On* Pill withhout exception the very bent ever vtUVred. Hend for Circular of positive t.uren to your liruiculut, or to

1, V. HYPJ: A CO., yole Proprietory 1 1 0 Knnt 4 i n d Hfr««kt, N e w V o r k .

WTtjold hy J>ru«u»»t*«em.'rully. lUlumiJae

ITMOVALr The SubBOilbcr, having removed to the

Cowlbeck Stand, one door south of Garfield, would announce to hi* customer* and the public, that he will continue to furnish

First Class Work at the lowest possible Cash Prices,

He has on hand an

Assortment of Goods of the best styles and quality, which he will make to order, or sell for Ready Pay*

Plewe call and make an examination, CHARLES MORRIS.

Keeseville, Oct. 27, I860. 1490 S T I H U ' O f t f O P r a ,



V * W» T * AftTHONY * TO,, " • 5 9 1 B r o a d w a y , N e w York* Invite the titUiitiun of the Trade t«. their exteni l t t MMirttnetit of the above tioodii, o\ their own pubticatiutit manufacture aud imjwrtatiott,




E, A H . T , A N T H O K Y & CO., ^yi Ujt'AiiWAT, N«W V o N l ,

Ojtjtosite Metropolitan HoiA, iMPORTinff ivt> MAxrricn'Riiti or


XL REVOLVERS I Tho Nnw X h nevotror. No. 1 22100 Out, Wo. 2

8'MOO Cftl., •horl, No. 3 Wl 100 OHI„ lonjf, No. 4 3S-100


A neitftciitatltv an<l ChninpUn of Atnrrlcan Art.

THE ALDINE: An litutiritted Month** Journal ctaimed to be the hand-

torn est Pofter in the World*

«*(Mvo my l o w lu the *rtUt w«wkm«»ti of THK At.-D1XK who an* •trlvhiK to m»kt* thtdr iir.»t«^«loo worthy of admiration for twmity, »• it lu* niwiiy* Iwvti fur u*t*fullM'M.u- llmry Ward Httrher.

TUX AID1SR, wlill** tPiUi'd whli *l« the n^ulnri-ly, IIH» mm* of tin* temporary ovtlmtty luU*if«t clinr-licu-nnilc of ordinary tH-rioJlcttlp. It U HII *.U*Knnt ml«c«*IJMiy of nun*, ll«lit, *nd g l e e f u l lltcr»turv» and tt colU'ctlon ot pU'tun-0, the mrwi Pp«ciiiu'ii» ot HI-tUtk »klll,lnhlttik und whiU'. Althohgti cacli «nc-««edlti|f tiumlKr HfTiirdu ti fn-nh pWnjnir*' to Itn frii-mlP. tlu> r tit vuhif i»nd lnwuty of THK ALD1KK will »«• most tt|»tiri'*'«»»tid Ktt<r It httP U'eti bound up ut lh** clow; of th« yt»ur. Whih- other puWIcuitonn ro»y rluttti nuiNfttor t'hi'iipimw a» t^»mpurvd with rivum ol u nttnllur c luw t TllK A U ) I N K U u unlijuf und oHift. nnl conception-ulom* und uimpproachi'd -«»»«ilut«*ly without competition In prlc« or ctiurAftcr. The i»o#. WMor of ttio volume JUPI complcttd cuimot duplit »u« the quantity of fine |»«|K!r und •iigmvltucu in uny oth* er uhntiv or numtu'r of volume*/«r uu (tmes the eutt*

ThelulK>rof t«\\ti\* TIIK ALH1NK on the prou* Ii »f» f rout Ihut reprinting it out of the queutlon.— With thfe icept lonof u umutl numlwr tpvclitlly re-m'r%«d for bindinif, the edition of 1 71 l« u!n*dy e i -huu»U d, und It In now m tcatxt uu well uu vulimlne book, [


The ciithuniu^t.t- puiipuii f*o reudily accorded to their enterprlm- wherever it huii t»een Imrodurvd, hu«« convinced the putilltheru of TIIK ALDINK of the •oundneM of their theory ttmt the A mem an public would K'ootfiiitc und heartily tupport utiy Pincerv ef­fort to CICTUUS the tone und ntundurd of Illustrated publlcftttoti*. That no muny weukly wicked nln-eu eiint und tlirtve in not evidence Ihut there IN no mar­ket for anything better-Indeed the uucceiui of THK ALD1NK from the utartli direct proof to the con-trur>, With a population ao va»t, and pueh varied tante, a publlahvr can chooae hla putrvmp, and hi« pa­per la rather indicative of hla own tlmn the ta*te of the couiiirv. Aa u Kuaiuntee of the excellence of thia depiutment. the jiubhahera would he« to announce dunng the coming year, upeclmenu from the follow-lt)K eminent American artlata:

\V. T. Klchurdp. Win. n . Wilcox, Wm. Hart, .lumea H. Beard, Win. Beard, .lamea Hmiley, (ieorge Brolley, K. K. l*iicuet, AUK. Will, Frank Beard, UrHiivillererklna, Tuul Dixon, K. O. C. Parley, it. How*. Victor Nehllg,

Theae plcturea arc being reproduced without regard to ex pen ae hy the very lH»*t engravera In the country. and will l>cur the aevereM critical compariaon with the beat being the determination of the puhllthera that TIIK A L D i N K ahall be a auc-cepaful vindication of American tantc In competition with any exlating publication in the world.

L I T E R A R Y D E P A R T M E N T S Whi'i-e. ao mUL-h atteiilioii ia paid lu illustration

and g«'t up of the work, too much dependence on dj»-pearanct* may very naturally be feared. To antici­pate Htich ntUglvltigp, It la only neceupary to Ptate, that the editorial management of THK ALI>1%K haa U«en inlrupted to Mr. RICH AUD IIKNKY bTODDAUD, who haa received aaaurancea of a»-Pip-tance from a lioat of th« mo»l popular --vrllera and poetaof the country.

T H E V O L U M E F O R 18T2 Will eon'.am neally '^^ pagea, a!id about iii>U rtoe en-gravlngp Commencing with the numt>«r for .Tanua-ry, every thud number will contain a beautiful tinted plctuieon plate paper, inaerted aa a frontlapteee.

The Chriatmaa nunihet for 18*2, w>ll be a Pplendid volume In itaelf. containing fifty engraving*, (four In tint) and, although retailed at | 1 , will be aeut without extra charge to ail aubacribert.

A C h r o m o t o E v e r y Subacr ib&r wna a very popular feature laut \eui, aitd vviji l»e re-

f»eaU*d wltn the prepent volume. The publinhera late purchaaed and reproduced, at great expense, the

beautiful oil painting by Hata, entitled "iUMt N i -iraa'a BrnooL." The chromo la 11x13 inch* •, and la an exact fac-almlle, In alto and appearance, of the original picture. No American chromo, which will at all compare with it, haa yet been ofl'ered at retail for ICM than the price aaked Jor TIIK A L P I N K and It together. 11 will be delivered free, with the Janu­ary number, to every subfcriuer who pays for one year in advance.

T E R M S T O R 1872-One, Copy, uot y<ir, with Ud cA/'w/i.* ....»••.o|5-0G Five Copith *' " " »»• •«-°° Any peraon sending 10 names and $40 will receive

an extra copy gratis, making 11 copiea tor the money. Any peraon wishing to work for a/vrmium, can

have our premium circular on application. We give many beautiful and deairable articles offered hy no other paper.

Any per»on wishing to act. permanently, ** our agent, will ;tpply,tei//< r^r<oc#,encloping ft for outfit.

J A M K * K I T O * A C O . , PTJU.lSillJiS,

\m 53 M b e r t y Ktrrcl, Tf«?w Vork .

Oal., for Pocket Revolvers, are unsuryatted. They unu the ordinary Copper Cartridge, and are beautiful tn phape and tlnipli.


41-100 Cal., tins no equal as a JK>rHnger.

Kull and complete stock of

Guns, ftirflc*t Pistols, Ammunition and Sportmrn** (foods,

WAHtTiCTt Sit) i f

M E R W I K & H U L B E R T , H13amtf *1 Chambers and (>•> Reade bl recta,

Betid for Catalogues, NKW YORK.

Brick. Tfir, srn*ciunicit HAS ON HAND


300,000 Brick, of first quality, and ready for sale. The work wll bt» prosecuted anew early lu the spring, so that fo next aeuson any reasonably quantity can \xs furnish* ed. An examination it requcated.

RefereiK es -R . Prcscott, A. Dowllng, Keeaevllla.— Hamplep ttmy he seen at Mr. Dowllng^s, of whiuk he will keep a constant supply on hand.

.TAMKH MCCARTY. Houth l'latuburgh, If. Y.

r>ecpmbcrl6 ,mo. 1671


Silver Cornet Band. Rrc*Pi;CTFTM,Y ABTNOrifCR T H A T

they aru NOW pr*'par'''l to play on puhlie ()ccu* alortp, oii uliort notice, und on the'most reasonable term P. Address

II. K. nART, Clerk of tha Rand,

ffeesevllle, Vnh, 2,1171. 1077m«

Job Work, Erccutcit Promptly, at ttie Office of the

Essex County Reoublican. TERM8.»»Ca»h on Delivery.




Wlieitf, Ontij H e m p , n u t ley, Hy*, II l l< U \ * l i t a t . * . i UHP»-Kced,

l i t e r , F l u x . A c ,

T H E H A N D M A C H I N E Sows from Pour to tAyht Act**\ici Huui ui a common walking gait, throwing out Wheat about Forty Keet Wide.

T H E H O R S E - P O W E R M A C H I N E . At the upuiii walking gait of a l io^e, f***vva Jiom 7>« to Fifteen Acret jK-r hour.

By chHnglng tho discharger, this machine aowa Guano. IMaster, Ume, Ac.

The hand machine, at u common walkinggalt,aowf* from four to eight acres per hour. The tv-u nowlcdgcd superiority of these tmuhincp over all others haa al­ready placed them tn the front rank of labor-saving agricultural Implements. A Paving of fuur*rlfihs ol the labor and on»-third the aeed ut<ed In band sowing Is effected by using these machines, A person entirely unused losowlng by huudcan use either machine with perfect i*ucccpa.

They are warranted to give perfect aatipfactlon,and to save their cost in IC»H tttne than any farm imple­ment yet introduced. They are auhntmrtlaHy built, and with ordinary care will hint many years.

D. II. GOODKIX, A CO.. Bole Manufacturers. Antrim, K. II.

Machines on bund, IIutid Machines |10. Horse power Machines |60.

V. D . I I E I I I t l A H , o f W e n f p o r l , 1634 Ag*.nt /»>• Px*'JC C->untf,

' S S M

'= V I in

w CD

o W 2 o p


O a o f O w (ft ®

PfW!»• • - -Cla tem Tumpi. four different Pl«t and Lead l'lpc of all alxca.

1 it jv n.AW k ro,

Cash Paid Tor Beans. r p t l K Nl H S C H I l l K H \ * 1 I , L P A Y C A * H X for Reanp, and th«- hltrhept Komg prices, from this

date until the '.lose of navigation, more room in ths rear of II. Prescott'p bulldngp, foot of Front Ptreet.

O. D. MOON. Keeper-lie, Sept. 21,1*71. 1611ma*

Soldiers War of 1812, WH O U A V K A R I t V R D UO D A Y * , A^fl>

have been honnrnhly dip('hur«e<l, ur* #<rttll'.»'d to a pension of f*lp'r month, commencing February 14th, 1971.

Claims promptly nHended to hy *8<

1«1« w. <;. WATdox, JR. ,

Kei*aevlll», 7?. Y .

.Tnti n. \%"A, I f.t»»

A Cutter Tor Sale, V K R V c m ; A T .

JCrASPtllls. Koe. 1\. 1*71. Inquire at this "filer.

i « l i


Unman Misery. A M C C T I ' R r 0% T I I K S A T t ' R K , T r e n t -

ment ami radicul eureof Hemiijul \Veiikn<»«. HtHtmatorrtuea, induced by 8e|f*Ahuae, Involuntan Ktnlaalons, ImpoUmcy, Nen*ousl>et»lltv,and Imped­imenta to Marriage grnertiliy; Consumption, Kptletisy and Kits; Mental nnd Phyalcal Incapacity, A c Hy HOB. .), CUl.VKItWKI.L, M. D., author of thi " Green Uook," Ac.

The world-renowned author, In this admirable I**. ture,clearly prov«* from his own experience that the awful conpcrjueneei of ttclf-Abuse may t>e effeclually removed without medicine, and without dangeroup purtflcal operations, bougies, Instrument*. HngP orc<»r-dialp, pointing out a mode of cure at once, certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may he, mny euro himself cheaply, private­ly and radically. This lecture will prove a l»oon to thouaanda and thousand*.

. Bent under seal, in a plain envelope to any addresp, J on receipt of alx cents, or two postage stamps, by ad­

dressing the publishers, AIPO, !>K. C U L V K K W R U / g li Marriage Guide,"

price 20 cents. Addrens the 1'ubflphers, CH AX. J . K f . l M ; &, C O . ,

. . . . I H t K o w c r ) ' , K r w l ' o r k * IW«\1 V<m\ Oftlce lirx 4 .5HIU

Weather Strips. TORBEY'S PATENT. j QriMTv «.ii5rr.ti\Ei>. ^

FHees compole wllti the

CHEAPEST. K. % A J . T O I i H E V f

A QHEAT M?Dm IHSCSVr,.< Dr. W A t K E l t ' 3 C MFORNIA

VINEGAR BITTEKS s £ Hundred* of


jkiii twtti^i'i.y i J ih ir \*' ouik'i-lutc.iUi.Live bUc«ia.



FAf4CV D R I N K : i - . . . f


.Ill ;dtV


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Mgdoof I»««r ICitm. W l i h l . c uud llviv.tiv IAmi*n.*<~"*-*,; cDcd Ut tilvasc the l.^lc, vJA+ii crs,M •• Bcatorcra," * c , ti.ut tr drnukeuQcaa aad ruin, Pu» cr« r irv from the Kativo Iioots aud l.u'. « from n i l A l c o h o l i c r*Jti:.i.t«*;i;<. '...c. *.: -G R E A T ULOOi> I H U l l IVAL UUU A !.'•* G I V I N G r u i N C l T l . K ipvr; ct. Uc-ovat . Invigurator of the by t-tun. carrymg oil nil ;.u.. • • • matter aud restoring the blooa to ahcalt! y cc-<-.- • No person cautc^c tticac BUtcrs ;xcciu.. j ; • • Uon aDd reiuulu .oug unwell.

§ 1 0 0 will bo t'ivuiforau IncmaUcc^**, j . . -ttic buucj a/a iict deetroyed by mineral pc.»^ a « • otlicr mcaits, axd the vital organs w s s u d btyou* t ^ point of renal'

F o r l i i f lntmni i tory m i 4 C'hroulc K L u n f.-t U m a n d <ioul f I)yei>r|»HUtt o r Iiidijjc'Hti'ii , l i i l l o u u , U e m i i i c t i t uncnucc i ' in i t tc i i t I I N C . . D I H C H K I K O I tht' 1/loe.J, lJvt. i - , K i u i i t i k , i.*.« l t l i iddcr , tin. < Iliiici'H u>>; Lwen Biviviuccu.-lui. ^ueU D I N C U M M urc cauitd Vy Vitti«t<*» B l o o d , which h generally proUUisvU by Ue;L^i;u»*<. * . i iht l>ltret*tlvt' Orgntts .

D V M ' L l ' J - I A O R I N D I G E S T I O N , Head ache, Pain lu the Lhouldorfc, Coughs, Tigi;t:.caa cf tUc CUc^t, Dixxibuas, Qcur Eruciallo&s of the Stomach, Bad uiatc iu the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, PmlpitaUon of thu Heart, Iuflauitcation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and. a hundred other pa'.niU b>uiotoUiatare the offsprings cf D>>pcpbia.

Thry invigorate tho bicmach and sUin^lato tho tor­pid l: vcr and bowels, v 1.1th render them of unequalled vfllcacy iu cleansuig the blood of all impurities, i u c lujparting new life and vigor to tho wiivlo i?ybtcxi.

F O I t S K I N D I S i : A S E 8 , E r u r a o n s , T c t w r , f a l t liheuuj, blotches, bpou, I'iiiiples, l'ustuk-p.r.oilti,< -...-• bunclce, Ulng-WoruiS, Bcald-licad, £oro fc'yyc. H*> ^ r * elo£, Itch, Scurfs, Dlacoloratlons of the 6khi, l i t : ^ and Discuses of the bkio, of whatever Lame oi Lutu;., arc literally dug up and carried out vt tLosybtcic i.... *hon time by the use of these Bitters. One hot* lo i i tuck caaee will convince the mott iuctuiuloun v,, tl.i.. curative effect. «

Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you C~X it * impurities bunting through tho skit\ ia 1 u.;: •, i : • • tlcua or bores ; cleanse it when you ti:«d A «•.• u . • -and sluggish lu the vcine; ckaanj it \ \ ! . M ii :; and your feelings will U11 you vuc i. K -.-1 .„». i. «. pure and the Ucfiltu of the vy:u x. ». .:i i .il

IMN, T A P E and otlicr \VO;: .H^, r... i ( : • •ysuui of to uiany thousuu^, i-ix . u\ ad aud removed. l o r full tU.i-i :.:•:<, .aU t the circular around each U/i.; ; .? . i. ; guages—Lug1,i.h,Oui).a.., y.* ;..w ...

J .TALKER, PioprLtot. It. II. : • . . . .

Pnigglata and Oeu. / - te i .^. .**-and 82 uud Ht Cwtuii^.c. . ; . t : < V

g r & O L D BY ALL Dl.'Jf .


Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, F o r D i s e a s e s o f t h e T h r o u t a n d L u n g s ,

s u c h AH CouKha, C o l d s , W h o o p i i i R C o u g h , I3ronchi t j t , A s t h m a ,

a n d C o n s u m p t i o n .

Probably never beftu-e iu the whole hi iiu'«licine, has anything won KO widely and M> <I upon the coiilhlencc of mankind, a* thi^ o \ o reined v lor imlmonury eomplainU. Through a long scries oi vear*, und uinoug moM of the races or jnen it hiiH rUcn higher and higher iu their ePtisj*-lion, as it ha« become belter known. It* m i l i u m character and i>owcr to cure the various affectiaM of the lungs and throat, have made it knowu ;u ;i |ts> liable protector against tljcm. NVhilc adapte I to milder fornib o id i seasc and to young children, it is at the tame time the mo*t effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, utid the dan­gerous affections of the throat and lungs. A s a pit*, vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, ami indeed as all arc sometimes subject to colds and coughs, ail should l>e provided witli this uutidotc for them.

Although settled ConsiuMptiott is thought in­curable, still great numbers of ca-cs where the dii" case seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Chcrvtf Pectoral, 8o complete is its mastery over the disorder* of the Lungs and Throat, that the most of them yield to it. When noth­ing else could reach them, under the Cherry JVc-torat they subside and disapi>car.

Stnrjrr* nttd Public Spealccri find great pro­tection frum it.

Anthma U always reUc\ed and often wholly f ti red by it,

Uronchitt* ia general!v cured by taking the I'hvrry Pectoral in small and frequent doses .

*o generally are its virtues known that w c need not publish the certificate* of them here, or do moi e than assure the public that i u qualities are fully maintained.

Ayer's Ague Cure, f*or F e v e r a n d A K U O , I n t e r m i t t e n t F e v e r ,

ChiU F e v e r . R e m i t t e n t F e v e r , D u m b A g u e , P e r i o d i c a l o r B i l i o u s F e v e r , & c , a n d i n d o e d ai l t h e a f f e c t i o n s w h i c h aria« from m a l a r i o u s , m a r s h , or m i a s m a t i c p o i s o n s .

As its name implies, it does Cttrc, and doe* not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, (Quinine, TtiMiHith. Zine, nor any other mineral or poisonut* MihstAnce whatever, it iu nowise iniurcs any patient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague dis­tricts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine Our pride U gratified by the acknowledgments \u* receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed.

rnaccl imatcd persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic local i t ies will IK* pro­tected by taking the AGVR CVttR daily.

For TAvor Complaints, uri.-ing from torpidity of the Liver, it is ;m excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy act iv it v.

For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaint». it i-an excellent remedy, producing manv truly re­markable cures, where other medicines had failed.

Prepared by Dit. J. C. AVKK * Co., Praetical and Analytical ChemULs Lowell, Mass., ami sold lU round the world.

PRTCI:, $1.00 picn BOTTLE. Bold y 11. W. Cadv A Co., Balch A DatiisJ. P

cy A Sou, Platuburnn, W. l lou l 2 A Son, Keesevittc sad all driitfgiftla and dealers iu medicine every where. mSKvi gi81?\l

HALL'S Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer

Kcvpg *fcap iurpeases the poptt-lacittf of this cal liable Ihtic jfV<'|>» a patient* which is thte to merit atone. We cau assure our <tlt 1*11trans that it is kept ftttttf up to its Itiifh stauiUtrd< and to thost who hare ueeer used it we eon confldrnflp sag, that it is the onttt reliable and perfected prepara­tion to restore UWKX O i l I A I > ! S> II k i l t to its uoathfal color, niah-ioff if s<ffti lustrous, aud silken ; the scalp, hu its use, becomes whit* and cleat*; it rem ores alt eruptions and dandruff, a hit htf its tonic properties prerentu the hair from falling out, as it stim­ulates a net nourishes the hair f/tands. Jig its use the hair grows thicker and stronger. In halunes* it restores the eapilhtrg alands to their normal rigor, and will create a new growth except in extreme old ftfje. it is the most economical II t i l t O K I . S M X ; erer used, as it reauires fewer applications, and gtces the hair that splendid qlossu appearance so much admired hu tilt. A. A. Jlaucs, M,I>., State Assauer of Mass., sous, "the constituents ate pure ana care fall if selected for excellent 'fualittf, and I consider

it the IU:*T IMII;PAKvna\/<„ its intended purposes.** We pub­lish a treatise on the hair, whieh wc send free hu mail upon appli­cation, whieh contains commen­datory notices from eleruttmeu, uhusicians, the press, and others. We. hare made the study of the hair and its diseases a specialty for years, and know that we make the most effect ice preparation for the restoration and the preserca­tion of the hair, extant, and so acknowledged by the best ItI<-<!L < u l n n d < li<-mi< ; i l Ai iCl iorEi .v . Snfd bn alt Druggists and lJ«iUr$ in M<-diciiw.

T*sr\r* o n e D o l l a r I»er t t o t i l e .

R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors. L A B O R A T O R Y , N A S H U A , N . H .

House and Lot lor Sale. I^IIK S I B S C H U I K H OKPKKB FOR HALH

. his re*idrn<-« <MI Nui.i.. Street, in the village of Keeaeville. Foi particulars inquire on the prem tea, or of the undersigned.

« „ w a O. W I L K I N S O N . Knrsenlle, May 11, i«m. iff*

MlOmftae l « l Fulton St., N. Y. ' KMOT, .T„ne ?«. l« : i

Canal Boat for Sale. n r i l R S V B s r i U I l K R OFFKU8 K()U BALK A the Can:*I \uM\ B. NOBLK," now on the wavs

•*t Kss<x for repairs, calking and itainttnir. When tepalrp are complete, the Boat will U* sound, aulstan-lal and seaworthy, and will be sold on very rewona-

hie terms both as to price and terms of payment. P. K. 1 I A V K N 8 .
