ITB2016 - Mixing up the front end with ColdBox elixir

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of ITB2016 - Mixing up the front end with ColdBox elixir

Mixing Up the Front-end with ColdBox Elixir

What this talk isn't4 For people with a highly specific build tool / chain

4 For people who never start any new projects

4 About ES6, Babel, Sass, or any of the other tasks in our build chain

What this talk is4 Quick, simple, out-of-the-box front-end builds

4 Builds specific to ColdBox

4 An overview of the latest *Box product

Other Session Right Now4 AWS Lambda — what, why, when, how?

Box Room

Who am I?Eric Peterson

! Utah

" O.C. Tanner

# 1 wife, 1 kid

Front-end Builds

4 Grunt

4 Gulp

4 Webpack

4 NPM Scripts

4 ???

Every New Project

Every New Project

4 Decide if you are going to keep your same source and destination path conventions

4 Create all the folders you need

4 Wire up your front-end build with your decided-upon conventions

Every New Project

4 Write a crazy gulpfile.js

4 Bang your head against the wall remembering weird gulp syntax

4 Hope that copy and pasting your config from a previous project won't be worse

Introducing ColdBox ElixirInspired from Laravel Elixir

// gulpfile.js

var elixir = require( "coldbox-elixir" );

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.sass( "app.scss" );} );

That's it!

Convention over Configuration

ColdBox Elixir knows about your ColdBox project

You don't have to specify the conventions!

Default ColdBox Conventions4 Javascript

4 /resources/assets/js => /includes/js


4 /resources/assets/css => /includes/css

Standard Elixir Task Format

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.styles( /* source filename */, /* override the destination folder */, /* override the source folder */ );} );

Yes, the source and destination folders can be overridden

But just stick to the conventions

It makes your life so much easier!


Styles • Pre-processors

elixir( function( mix ){ // ./resources/sass/app.scss mix.sass( "app.scss" ); // OR // ./resources/less/app.less mix.less( "app.less" );} );

Styles • Pre-processors

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.sass( [ "app.scss", "bootstrap.sass" ] ); // ./includes/css/app.css} );

Styles • Combining Stylesheets

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.styles( [ "vendor/normalize.css", "vendor/bootstrap.min.css", "app.css" ] ); // ./includes/css/all.css} );


Javascript • Concatenating Scripts

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.scripts( [ "./includes/js/jquery.js", "bootstrap.js" ] ); // ./includes/js/all.js} );

Javascript • ES6 Transpiling

elixir( function( mix ){ // ./resources/js/app.js mix.babel( "app.js" ); // ./includes/js/app.js} );

Javascript • Module Bundling

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.browserify( "app.js" );} );

Watch Mode

gulp watch

Asset Versioning

Asset Versioning

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.sass( "app.scss" ) .scripts( [ "jquery.js", "bootstrap.js" ] ) .version( [ "css/all.css", // => "includes/build/all-16d570a7.css" "js/all.js" // => "includes/build/all-89de4a22.js" ] );} );

Asset Versioning • ColdBox Helper Functions

<html> <head> #elixir( "css/all.css" )# </head> <body> ....

#elixir( "js/all.js" )# </body></html>

Minification in one line!gulp --production

Live Reloading

Live Reloading

elixir( function( mix ){ mix.browserSync(); // OR specify your proxy server mix.browserSync( { proxy: "" } );} );

Live Reloading

Live ReloadingThis is awesome for TestBox tests!

Custom ExtensionsFigure it out in Gulp, once

Custom Extensions

var gulp = require( "gulp" );var shell = require( "gulp-shell" );var elixir = require( "coldbox-elixir" );

var Task = elixir.Task;

elixir.extend( "speak", function( message ){

new Task( "speak", function(){ return gulp.src( "" ).pipe( shell( "say " + message ) ); });


mix.speak( "Hello World" );

Get Started!box coldbox create app skeleton=coldbox-templates/elixirnpm installgulp


Check out the docs

Other Sessions at dev.Objective()

CFML Sessions for DummiesWednesday3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Live Testing a Legacy AppThursday1:45 PM to 2:45 PM

Thank You!! elpete

