Italy Creative DMC Brochure 2015 v4

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Italy Creative DMC Brochure 2015 v4

the travel tailoredon luxury.


Luxury TravelLeisure Travel

Business TravelMade in Italy


il viaggio a misura di lusso.


Nothing is too beautiful,nothing is too expensive.

our Luxury Travel


Shopping & Glamour

Fashion Tours

Land & Sea

Exclusive Venues

SPA collection

(Ettore Bugatti)

italy creativeLUXURY TRAVEL

An extraordinary experience.

A luxury trip to Italy organized by Italy Creative is

an exclusive journey that is not at the fingertips of

all, a trip which means perfection and dream.

Most important is the exclusivity of services offered,

from choosing the best destination to hotels,

transport, restaurants and all accessories services.

Among services offered we provide also effective

Team Building Ateliers. Detailed programs will focus

on your requirements and duration.

Details make the difference.

Un viaggio di lusso in Italia organizzato da Italy

Creative è un viaggio esclusivo, un viaggio fatto

di perfezione e di sogni.

L’aspetto più importante è l'esclusività dei servizi

offerti, dalla scelta della migliore destinazione,

agli alberghi, ai trasporti, ai ristoranti e ai servizi

accessori, sempre al top.

Tra i servizi offerti non mancano i Team Building

Ateliers. I programmi saranno dettagliati e mirati a

soddisfare le vostre esigenze.

I dettagli fanno la differenza.

italy creative

To travel is to live.(H. C. Andersen)

Wine & Food

Art & Design

our Leisure Travel

Romantic Wedding

Relax Time

Fancy Ideas

italy creativeLEISURE TRAVEL

Get the most of your free time.

Viaggiare significa crescere, incontrare altre

culture e tradizioni. L'Italia è uno dei paesi più belli

del mondo e le sue città sono dei veri gioielli


Siamo convinti che tutti dovrebbero provare i

nostri itinerari, gustare i nostri progetti creativi e

condividere il nostro amore per l'Italia.

Italy Creative è specializzata in tour su misura per

le imprese, ma anche per gruppi di amici e per

individuali. Per tutti coloro che vogliono conosce-

re la cultura, le bellezze, il cibo e l'arte dell’Italia e

sognare l'Italia per la loro vacanza, l'Italia è vicino

con Italy Creative!

Travelling means growing, meeting new people,

new cultures and new traditions. Italy is one of the

most beautiful countries in the world and the cities

are a true artistic jewels.

We are convinced that everyone should try our

itineraries, enjoy our creative projects and share

our love for Italy.

Italy Creative is specialized on tours tailored for

companies, but also for groups of friends and

individuals. For all those who want to learn about

Italy ’s culture, beauties, food and art, and dream

Italy for their leisure travel, with Italy Creative Italy is


B-Side EXPO.Nutriamo il pianeta.

E la tua voglia di viaggio.

italy creative

Investment in travel is an investment

in yourself.(Matthew Karsten)

our Business Travel

VIP TravelVIP Travel

Tailor made TravelTailor made Travel

Services around youServices around you

italy creativeBUSINESS TRAVEL

That little bit extra.

Viaggiare non è sempre sinonimo di vacanze. La

valigia deve essere sempre pronta per i viaggi di


Ma i requisiti del viaggio di lavoro sono diversi e

tuttavia simili per alcuni aspetti. Italy Creative DMC

si prende cura di ogni singolo dettaglio del vostro

viaggio di lavoro, per offrire il massimo del comfort,

visto che viaggiare per lavoro può essere


Noi sappiamo come trasformare lo stress in un

piacevole viaggio d'affari. Quasi sempre,

viaggiando per lavoro, non si ha molto tempo a

disposizione e gli imprevisti possono accadere,

per questo motivo abbiamo un servizio 24/7.

Traveling is not always synonymous of holidays. The

suitcase has to be prepared for business travel


But the requirements are different and yet similar for

some details! Italy Creative DMC takes care of

every single detail of your business trip planning,

offering the maximum comfort, since traveling to

work some time can be stressful.

We know how transform your stress into a pleasant

business trip. Generally, the business man has no

time to spend and the growing needs and the

contingencies are unforseen, for this reason our

customers are protected by 24/7 service.

italy creative

our MICE Travel

Plans are nothing: planning is everything.

(Dwight D. Eisenhower)


Team building

Meeting & Congress


italy creativeMICE TRAVEL

Impactful event experiences.

Sia che si tratti di un viaggio incentive per premia-

re i clienti o i rappresentanti di vendita, di un ritiro

per il top management, un convegno o un semina-

rio di marketing, la Divisione MICE di Italy Creative

DMC è in grado di organizzare un evento di


L’offerta italiana include edifici storici, città medie-

vali, enogastronomia tradizionale e tipica, negozi

e glamour, manifestazioni culturali e un’eccitante

vita notturna.

Qualunque siano i vostri obiettivi, Italy Creative è

in grado di proporre la meta perfetta per le vostre

esigenze aziendali e circondarvi della bellezza

naturale e artistica di siti riconosciuti dal Patrimo-

nio Mondiale UNESCO.

Whether it ’s as an incentive to reward customers,

clients, or sales representatives, a management

retreat, a convention or a marketing/sales seminar,

Italy Creative MICE Division can find the right tour

for you.

Italy ’s offering includes historic buildings, medieval

cities, traditional food & wine, shopping & glamour

and cultural events to exciting nightlife of the cities.

Whatever your business goals are, Italy Creative

can help find the perfect destination for your

business needs. Italy also offers natural beauties,

like Sardinia, Sicily, Alps and many of which are

UNESCO World Heritage sites, for no other


italy creative

our GOLF Travel

Confidence is king in golf.(Jason Dufner)

Amazing golf itineraries

Breathtaking landscapes

Golf in Italy

italy creativeGOLF TRAVEL

Unforgettable locations.

IIn Italia, oltre alla pizza, pasta, parmigiano,

spaghetti, Campari, Fiat, Ducati, Ferrari, tutti simboli

della cultura italiana alla moda, si può giocare a

golf in posti che godono di panorami mozzafiato.

Giocare a golf in Italia è un'esperienza che non

dimenticherete! Possiamo organizzare itinerari di

golf speciali nei luoghi più suggestivi in giro per


Niente di meglio che godere di una splendida

vacanza per migliorare il vostro gioco e divertirvi

allo stesso tempo.

In Italy, besides pizza, pasta, Parmigiano (parme-

san), spaghetti, piazza, Campari, Fiat, Ducati,

Ferrari, all symbols of the stylish Italian culture, you

can play golf in beautiful places enjoying

breathtaking landscapes.

Playing golf in Italy is an experience you will never

forget! We can organize you a special Golf

Itinerary in one of the most suggestive places

around Italy.

Nothing better than to enjoy a wonderful vaca-

tion to improve your game and have fun together..


italy creative

made in Italy

(Mark Twain)

The Creator made Italy from designs by Michaelangelo.

(Mark Twain)

italy creativeMADE IN ITALY

Be ready to travel with us.

Fancy ideas

Lake’s treasures

Art & Coffee

Magic museums

Venetian theatre

Italian design tour

Leonardo da Vinci

VIP travel

Meeting & Congress



Team building

Speak Italian experience

B-side EXPO 2015

Holiday of the month

Ferrari challenge

Vintage 500 tour

Luxury Travel

Leisure Travel

Business Travel

MICE Travel

Shopping & Glamour

Wine & Food

Art & Design

Land & Sea

Romantic wedding

Sacred & Mystic

Tailor made travel

Ateliers & Courses

Food & Mode

Shopping & Relax

SPA collection

My fashion show


Personal shopper

Fashion tours

Golf in Italy

Luxury tours

Gondola compilation

Fairytale nights

Exciting landscapes

Ballooning over Italy

Luxury charter yacht

Dolomites experience

Oil, food, wine

Food, trufle, relax

Tuscany & Chianti

Tour with sommellier

Catering & Restaurant

Amalfi coast & Gourmet

Creative itineraries

italy creativehow to contact us

Get in touch!

come contattarci

Office address20020 Lainate (Milano)


Phone+39 389 171 9221


italy creative

I love places that havean incredible history.

I love the Italian way of life.I love the food.

I love the people.I love the attitudes of

Italians.(Elton John)

italy creative