Issuetrak Team

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Issuetrak Team

a few issuetrak pics

Well, this is Dan Luhring. He’s our CEO. And he steers the vision for product development. It’s been good to have him at the helm.

Some holiday fun with employees, customers, and partners.

Lee’s chatting it up at the Issuetrak holiday party. He’s been a Software Engineer at Issuetrak for 11 years! Do not start a discussion about Dune with him because he will finish that conversation.

This is a cake. It has our logo on it. It was tasty.

Kim, one of our Senior Sales Engineers, is saying something fascinating as Rusty Luhring (#partytieguy) looks on with wonder.

Lisa’s the Development Manager. She helps keep the dev folks in line and makes sure we’ve got clean code! And, Brian, he’s pretty great too. He’s been a developer for 8 years at Issuetrak.

This is a guy who attended DevFest. He’s having a really great time and learning so much.

That’s Sarah (left) and Therese (right). Sarah manages Issuetrak’s marketing, and Therese is one of the staff accountants. #busyladies

Dan’s welcoming a really great local developer turnout for DevFest. We hosted and sponsored the event. Dan’s all about the Norfolk tech scene.

Gabe & Brian listening to a DevFest speaker. They’re both developers at Issuetrak. So dedicated that they showed up for a Saturday event.

These are a few of the Issuetrak managers. They’re talking about something. #seriousdiscussions

That’s Hank and Dan doing father-son things at the office. Hank founded the company in 1992, and Dan’s doing a great job running it these days!