Issues in prenatal development

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Figure 1

While rare, the fetus is still prone to diseases and birth defects while it is still in utero.

Four percent of babies born in Canada experience congenital abnormalities at birth. They are born with abnormal structures and organs that do not function properly.


There are two types of genetic disorders.

Autosomal Disorders: caused by genes located on the chromosomes, they are generally caused by the combination of two recessive genes.

Sex Linked: diseases that are caused genes on the X sex chromosome.

Figure 2

CHROMOSOMAL ERRORS Chromosomal disorders are caused by having too many or too few chromosomes.

A common disorder is a trisomy, a trisomy is the presence of a third chromosome in a pair.

The most common trisomy is the presence of a third chromosome on the twenty-first pair. This chromosomal error is also known as Down Syndrome.

Figure 3

TERATOGENSTeratogens are harmful substances that impact the fetus while still in utero.

They can impact the development of organ systems, the most critical time that this can occur is during the first eight weeks of fetus development.

TERATOGENS: MATERNAL DISEASES Sometimes diseases that the mother has while pregnant can transfer to the fetus.

Diseases like Rubella, HIV, and syphilis can be transferred or cause abnormalities in the baby.

Some are transferred through the placenta or directly to the fetus, while others may be transferred during the birthing process.

Figure 5


While pregnant it is recommended that you avoid the use of drugs, things such as alcohol and tobacco products.

The use of alcohol during pregnancy can result in fetal alcohol syndrome, which is characterized by learning and behavior deficits.

The use of street drugs and prescription drugs during pregnancy can result in heart and lung defects and low birth weight.

Figure 6


Figure 7

Nutrition is incredibly important when considering the health of your child.

Poor nutrition leads to the increased risk of low birth weights and even possibly miscarriage or still birth.

Figure 8 Age and Psychosocial status of the mother can also affect the well being of the fetus.

With young and elderly mothers, the risk of miscarriage and chromosomal diseases increases. As well, the mother is at risk for more complications with birth.

Mothers who are suffering from depression or illness may also affect the overall health and viability of the fetus.


Figure 9

Mutagenic: a physical agent that alters the DNA of the fetus. Changing the DNA and allowing for fetal deformities.

Epigenetic: the DNA is not physically altered, but the way the gene is expressed in the child is different. This abnormalities is thought to effect all descending generations from the individual (ex. dietary habits)

Environmental: The damage and alteration of DNA through environmental factors. This can be things such as radiation and area’s with poor air quality.

Figure 10

PATERNAL INFLUENCES: GENETIC More studies have been looking into the fathers role in prenatal care.

Studies have shown that 55 of the mutations found in the fetus actually come from the father, versus the 14 that come form the mother.

Fathers pass on more mutagens with age, the number of mutagens a father will pass on doubles every sixteen years after he has reached puberty.

DNA damage to sperm resulting in chromosomal changes has been seen to increase risks for childhood cancer and anomalies.

Figure 11

PATERNAL AND OTHER INFLUENCES: PHYSICAL If the mother is abused during the duration of her pregnancy it can lead to premature Labour, the detachment of the placenta from the uterus, and potentially low birth rate.

Emotional abuse can cause premature Labour due to the stress on the mothers body.

Nearly six percent of pregnant women in Canada are abused.

Abuse during pregnancy is preventable with accurate screening and the recognition of signs of abuse by the health care provider.

Figure 12

FETAL ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENTThere are processes you can go through to help prevent your baby from having a congenital abnormalities. These tests and procedures can be done in both the preconception and post conception stages.

Genetic counsellors can help women who are at risk, the can preform diagnostic testing and genome analysis to determine if the fetus is at risk.

Ultrasonography is a routine part of prenatal care in Canada. It is used in the monitoring of fetal growth.

Other tests can be done such as amniocentesis’, these are done by sampling some of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus. Fetal cells can be analyzed in this test.

Figure 13


I found this topic to be relevant to myself because someday I would like to have children, and I think it is good to know the issues that can be involved in pregnancy.

As well, I believe it to be a topic that everyone should have a general knowledge of. Pregnancy is something that someone in your life will likely go through, and having an idea of what can happen will help prepare you.

Figure 14


This topic will be of use in my professional life because I am very interested in maternal nursing and Labour and delivery. I will be evaluating fetus health and the health of the mother in my everyday practice. So understanding the complications that can occur during fetal development is essential to be able to efficiently teach expecting mothers.

Figure 15

REFERENCESFigure 1 retrieved from:

Figure 2 retrieved from:

Figure 3 retrieved from:

Figure 4 retrieved from:

Figure 5 retrieved from:

Figure 6 retrieved from:

Figure 7 retrieved from:

Figure 8 retrieved from: age/

Figure 9 retrieved from:

Figure 10 retrieved from:

Figure 11 retrieved from:

Figure 12 retrieved from:

Figure 13 retrieved from:

Figure 14 retrieved from:

Figure 15 retrieved from:

Boyd, D., Johnson, P., Bee, H., (2015) Issues in prenatal development. Lifespan Development (5th ED.) Ontario, Canada : Pearson Canada Inc.