Post on 07-Jan-2020

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Transcript of ISSUE Telefon GPRS MANUAL DE ·...



P/N : MMBB0121241




MODEL: C1100


Telefon GPRS


MODEL: C1100

Citi˛i acest manual cu aten˛ie Onainte

de a utiliza telefonul mobil.

P"stra˛i-l pentru referin˛e viitoare.


Telefon GPRS


MODEL: C1100

Citi˛i acest manual cu aten˛ie Onainte

de a utiliza telefonul mobil.

P"stra˛i-l pentru referin˛e viitoare.


V" mul˛umim pentru c" a˛i ales telefonul mobil C1100,creat special pentru a fi compatibil cu cea mai recent"

tehnologie de comunica˛ie mobil" digital".

Acest manual de utilizare con˛ine informa˛ii importante asupra

utiliz"rii acestui telefon. Citi˛i cu aten˛ie toate informa˛iile pentruca aparatul s" func˛ioneze la parametri optimi ∫i pentru a preveniorice avarii sau orice utilizare gre∫it" a telefonului. Orice

modific"ri care nu sunt aprobate explicit On acest manual de

utilizare pot duce la anularea garan˛iei pentru acest echipament.


Recomand"ri pentru o utilizare sigur" ∫i eficient"

Citi˛i aceste recomand"ri. Nerespectarea regulilor poate fi

periculoas" sau ilegal". Mai multe informa˛ii detaliate sunt oferite On

acest manual.

Expunerea la energia frecven˛ei radio

Expunerea la undele radio ∫i informa˛ii despre Rata de

Absorb˛ie Specific" (SAR)

Acest model de telefon mobil C1100 a fost creat pentru a respecta

cerin˛ele de siguran˛" On vigoare pentru expunerea la undele radio.

Aceste cererin˛e se bazeaz" pe indicii ∫tiin˛ifice care includ marje de

siguran˛" create pentru a garanta pentru fiecare persoan" siguran˛aacesteia, indiferent de v'rst" sau stare de s"n"tate.

? Indiciile privind expunerea la undele radio utilizeaz" o unitate de

m"sur" cunoscut" sub numele de Rata de Absorb˛ie Specific"sau SAR. Testele pentru SAR sunt realizate utiliz'nd metode

standardizate cu ajutorul telefonului care transmite la nivelul de

putere certificat cel mai mare On toate benzile de frecven˛"utilizate.

? De∫i pot exista diferen˛e Ontre nivelele SAR ale diferitelor modele

de telefoane LG, acestea sunt create pentru a respecta indiciile

relevante privind expunerea la undele radio.

? Limita SAR recomandat" de Comisia Interna˛ional" a Protec˛ieiOmpotriva Radia˛iei Non-Ionizante (ICNIRP) este de 2W/kg pe 10

grame pe ˛esut.? Cea mai mare valoare SAR pentru acest model de telefon mobil

testat de DASY4 pentru utilizarea la ureche este de 1,120 W/kg(10g).

? Pentru reziden˛i On ˛"ri/regiuni care au adoptat limita SAR

recomandat" de Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) v" inform"m c" limita SAR este de 1,6 W/kg pe un gram

de ˛esut.

Recomand"ri pentru o utilizare sigur" ∫i eficient"


Œntre˛inerea produsului

Aten˛ie: Utiliza˛i doar bateriile, Onc"rc"torul ∫i accesorii

aprobate pentru a fi utilizate cu acest model de telefon.

Utilizarea oric"ror tipuri pot invalida garan˛ia telefonului

mobil ∫i poate fi periculos.

? Nu dezasambla˛i acest aparat. (Apela˛i la un centru de service

autorizat pentru eventuale repara˛ii).? fiine˛i-l la distan˛" de dispozitive electrice, cum ar fi aparate TV,

radio sau calculatoare.

? Aparatul trebuie s" fie a∫ezat la distan˛" de sursele de c"ldur",cum ar fi radiatoarele sau cuptoarele.

? Nu Ol arunca˛i.? Nu Ol supune˛i vibra˛iilor mecanice sau ∫ocurilor.

? Carcasa telefonului poate fi avariat" dac" este acoperit" cu

materiale din vinil.

? Utiliza˛i un material uscat pentru a cur"˛a partea exterioar" a

telefonului. (Nu utiliza˛i solven˛i cum ar fi benzin" sau alcool).

? Nu expune˛i telefonul la ac˛iunea fumului sau prafului excesiv.

? Nu p"stra˛i telefonul On apropierea c"r˛ilor de credit sau cartelelor

de transport; poate afecta informa˛iile de pe benzile magnetice.

? Nu lovi˛i ecranul cu un obiect ascu˛it; altfel, pute˛i avaria telefonul.

? Nu expune˛i telefonul la ac˛iunea lichidelor sau umezelii.

? Utiliza˛i cu aten˛ie accesoriile, cum ar fi casca.

? Nu atinge˛i antena dac" nu este necesar acest lucru.

Œnlocuirea siguran˛eiŒnlocui˛i Ontotdeauna siguran˛a ars" cu una de acela∫i tip ∫i m"rime.

Nu utiliza˛i niciodat" o siguran˛" mai mare.

Utilizare eficient" a telefonului

Pentru ca aparatul s" func˛ioneze la parametri optimi cu un consum


? fiine˛i telefonul ca ∫i cum a˛i vorbi la orice alt telefon. Œn timp ce

vorbi˛i direct On microfon, Ondrepta˛i antena On sus ∫i spre um"r.

Dac" antena este extensibil"/retractabil", aceasta trebuie extins"

On timpul unui apel.

? Nu ˛ine˛i cu m'na antena On timpul utiliz"rii telefonului. Dac"

proceda˛i astfel poate fi afectat" calitatea apelului sau pute˛i chiar

m"ri consumul de energie al telefonului, scurt'nd totodat"

perioada de convorbire ∫i durata modului standby.

? Dac" telefonul dumneavoastr" are suport infraro∫u, nu Ondrepta˛iraza infraro∫ie spre ochii unei persoane.

Dispozitive electronice

Toate dispozitivele wireless pot interfera, fiind afectat" performan˛atelefonului.

? Nu utiliza˛i f"r" permisiune telefonul mobil On apropierea

echipamentelor medicale. Evita˛i s" pune˛i telefonul On apropiereaunui stimulator cardiac, de exemplu On buzunarul de la piept.

? Unele dispozitive auditive pot fi deranjate de telefoanele mobile.

? Interferen˛e minore pot afecta aparatul TV, aparatele radio,

calculatoarele, etc.

Siguran˛a On trafic

Verifica˛i legile ∫i regulile privind utilizarea telefonului mobil On

regiunile unde conduce˛i.? Nu utiliza˛i un telefon care trebuie ˛inut On m'n" On timp ce

conduce˛i.? Concentra˛i-v" asupra condusului.


? Utiliza˛i un kit handsfree, dac" este disponibil.

? Opri˛i ma∫ina Onainte de a r"spunde la un apel, dac" acest lucru

este necesar.

? Energia RF poate afecta sistemele electronice ale autovehiculelor

cum ar fi echipamentele de siguran˛".? Atunci c'nd automobilul dumneavoastr" este echipat cu airbag,nu bloca˛i zonele On care se afl" airbag-ul cu echipamentelewireless portabile sau cu cele instalate. Performan˛ele acestora

pot fi afectate.

Zone cu pericol de explozieNu utiliza˛i telefonul On zone unde se produce o explozie. Respecta˛irestric˛iile ∫i regulile impuse.

Atmosfer" cu poten˛ial exploziv? Nu utiliza˛i telefonul On sta˛iile de alimentare cu carburant. Nu Ol

utiliza˛i On apropierea carburan˛ilor sau a substan˛elor chimice.

? Nu depozita˛i ∫i nu transporta˛i substan˛e inflamabile, lichide sau

gazoase sau explozibil cu ajutorul automobilului atunci c'nd

telefonul mobil sau accesoriile acestuia se afl" On interior.

Œn avion

Dispozitivele wireless pot provoca interferen˛e atunci c'nd sunt

utilizate On avion.

? Opri˛i telefonul mobil Onainte de a urca Ontr-un avion.

? Nu Ol utiliza˛i la sol f"r" permisiunea echipajului.

CopiiNu l"sa˛i telefonul la Ondem'na copiilor. Aparatul con˛ine piese mici

care, On cazul On care se demonteaz", pot fi Onghi˛ite ∫i exist"

pericolul de Onnecare cu acestea.


Recomand"ri pentru o utilizare sigur" ∫i eficient"

Apeluri de urgen˛"Este posibil ca apelurile de urgen˛" s" nu fie disponibile pentrutoate re˛elele de telefonie mobil".

De aceea, nu trebuie s" depinde˛i doar de apelurile de urgen˛" ale

telefonului. Consulta˛i-v" cu furnizorul local de servicii de telefonie


Informa˛ii despre baterie ∫i Ontre˛inere? Nu trebuie s" desc"rca˛i complet bateria Onainte de a o reOnc"rca.

Spre deosebire de celelalte sisteme de baterii, memoria bateriei

nu este afectat" ∫i performan˛ele acesteia nu sunt compromise.

? Utiliza˛i numai bateriile ∫i Onc"rc"toarele LG. Œnc"rc"toarele LG

sunt create pentru m"ri durata de via˛" a bateriei.

? Nu dezasambla˛i sau scurtcircuita˛i acumulatorul.

? P"stra˛i curate contactele de metal ale acumulatorului.

? Œnlocui˛i bateria atunci c'nd nu mai ofer" performan˛e acceptabile.Acumulatorul poate fi Onc"rcat de sute de ori p'n" c'nd trebuie


? ReOnc"rca˛i bateria dac" nu a fost utilizat" o perioad" Ondelungat"de timp.

? Nu expune˛i acumulatorul la lumina direct" a soarelui ∫i nu Ol

utiliza˛i On condi˛ii de umiditate ridicat", cum ar fi On baie.

? Nu l"sa˛i acumulatorul On locuri foarte reci sau foarte calde,deoarece exist" pericolul deterior"rii bateriei.




P"r˛i componente .................................................................... 12

? Partea frontal" a telefonului .................................................. 12

? Partea din spate a telefonului ............................................... 13

Descrierea tastelor .................................................................. 14

? Tastele laterale ..................................................................... 15

? Tastele pentru litere .............................................................. 16

Informa˛ii afi∫ate

Informa˛ii afi∫ate ..................................................................... 17

? Iconi˛ele afi∫ate ..................................................................... 17

Preg"tirea telefonului

Instalare ................................................................................... 18

? Introducerea cartelei SIM ...................................................... 18

? Scoaterea cartelei SIM .......................................................... 18

? Instalarea bateriei ................................................................. 19

? Œnc"rcarea bateriei ................................................................ 19

? Deconectarea Onc"rc"torului ................................................. 20

Realizarea ∫i acceptarea unui apel ........................................ 21

? Realizarea unui apel ............................................................. 21

? Apeluri interna˛ionale ............................................................ 21

? Realizarea unui apel cu ajutorul agendei .............................. 21

Func˛ii suplimentare

Meniul apelare ......................................................................... 22

? Œn timpul unui apel ................................................................. 22

? Apeluri multiparty sau conferin˛" ........................................... 24



Coduri de acces ...................................................................... 26

? Codul PIN (4 sau 8 caractere) .............................................. 26

? Codul PIN2 (4 sau 8 caractere) ............................................ 26

? Codul PUK (4 sau 8 caractere) ............................................. 26

? Codul PUK2 (4 sau 8 caractere) ........................................... 27

? Cod de securitate (4 sau 8 caractere) ................................... 27

Accesarea meniului

Meniu ........................................................................................ 28

Mesaje [Meniu 1] ..................................................................... 30

? Scrie mes.scurt [Meniu 1-1] .................................................. 30

? Scrie mes.multimedia [Meniu 1-2] ......................................... 32

? Inbox [Meniu 1-3] .................................................................. 37

? Mes. de exped. [Meniu 1-4] .................................................. 38

? Drafts [Meniu 1-5] ................................................................. 40

? Asc. casuta voc. [Meniu 1-6] ................................................. 41

? Info mesaj [Meniu 1-7] .......................................................... 41

? Sabloane [Meniu 1-8] ............................................................ 42

? Setari [Meniu 1-9] .................................................................. 44

Registru apel [Meniu 2] .......................................................... 48

? Apel. neprel. [Meniu 2-1] ....................................................... 48

? Apel. Primite [Meniu 2-2] ....................................................... 48

? Apel. formate [Meniu 2-3] ...................................................... 48

? Sterge apel. recente [Meniu 2-4] ............................................48

? Tarife apel [Meniu 2-5] .......................................................... 48

? Info GPRS [Meniu 2-6] .......................................................... 51

Profiluri [Meniu 3] ................................................................... 52

? General [Meniu 3-1] .............................................................. 52

? Tare [Meniu 3-2] .................................................................... 52


? Casti [Meniu 3-3] ................................................................... 52

? Masina [Meniu 3-4] ............................................................... 52

? Numai vibratii [Meniu 3-5] ..................................................... 52

? Discret [Meniu 3-6] ................................................................ 52

Setari [Meniu 4] ....................................................................... 55

? Data si Ora [Meniu 4-1] ......................................................... 55

? Setari tel. [Meniu 4-2] ............................................................ 55

? Setari apel [Meniu 4-3] .......................................................... 57

? Setari sigur. [Meniu 4-4] ........................................................ 60

? Setari retea [Meniu 4-5] ........................................................ 63

? Satare GPRS [Meniu 4-6] ..................................................... 64

? Sterge setari [Meniu 4-7] ....................................................... 64

Organizator [Meniu 5] ............................................................. 65

? Ceas alarma [Meniu 5-1] ....................................................... 65

? Planificator [Meniu 5-2] ......................................................... 65

? Agenda tel [Meniu 5-3] .......................................................... 67

Diver. si Instr. [Meniu 6] ........................................................ 73

? Favorite [Meniu 6-1] .............................................................. 73

? Jocuri [Meniu 6-2] ................................................................. 73

? Calculator [Meniu 6-3] ........................................................... 74

? Dosarul meu [Meniu 6-4] ....................................................... 74

? Convertor unit. [Meniu 6-5] ................................................... 75

? Ora in lume [Meniu 6-6] ........................................................ 75

? Inreg.mes.voc. [Meniu 6-7] ................................................... 75

? Stare memorie [Meniu 6-8] ................................................... 76

Internet [Meniu 7] .................................................................... 77

? Home [Meniu 7-1] ................................................................. 77

? Repere [Meniu 7-2] ............................................................... 77

? Profiluri [Meniu 7-3] ............................................................... 77



? Mergi la URL [Meniu 7-4] ...................................................... 80

? Setari cache [Meniu 7-5] ....................................................... 80

? Setari cookies [Meniu 7-6] .................................................... 80

? Certif. sigur. [Meniu 7-7] ........................................................ 80

? Reset. profiluri [Meniu 7-8] .................................................... 80

? Vers. browser [Menu 7-9] ...................................................... 80

Meniu On browsing ................................................................. 81

Java [Meniu 8] ......................................................................... 82

? Aplicatii [Meniu 8-1] ............................................................... 82

? Descarcare [Meniu 8-2] ......................................................... 83

? Profiluri [Meniu 8-3] ............................................................... 83

Accesorii .................................................................................. 84

Date tehnice ............................................................................. 85

Partea frontal" a telefonului



Tast" list"


Tast" st'nga soft

Tast" favorit

Tast" expediere

Tast" profil

Tast" stelu˛"

Tast" dreapta soft

Tast" oprire/pornire

Tast" ∫tergere/anulare

Taste numerice

Tasta diez


Tast" mesaje


P"r˛i componente


Partea din spate a telefonului

BaterieCompartimentcartel" SIM

Terminale baterie

Blocare baterie

Orificiu curea de sus˛inere

Muf" cablu/

Muf" Onc"rcare baterie/

Muf" kit handsfree pentru ma∫in"


Œn tabelul de mai jos sunt prezentate func˛iile tastelor telefonului.

Descrierea tastaturii

Tast" Descriere

Tast" st'nga soft/ Tast" dreapta soft

Fiecare tast" realizeaz" func˛ia indicat" de textul

afi∫at imediat deasupra ei.

Tast" mesaje

Pute˛i activa meniul Mesaje (Intr"ri, Mesagerie vocal",

Program sau Alarm") On mod direct.

Taste de navigarePentru a derula numele, numerele de telefon, meniurile

sau op˛iunile set"rilor. Dac" men˛ine˛i tasta ap"sat",

pute˛i vizualiza lista meniului Favorite.

Tast" expediere

Pute˛i s" forma˛i un num"r de telefon ∫i s" r"spunde˛ila un apel. Dac" ap"sa˛i aceast" tast" f"r" s"

introduce˛i un num"r, telefonul va afi∫a cele mai

recente numere formate, recep˛ionate ∫i ratate.

Tastele numerice

Aceste taste sunt utilizate On principal pentru a apelaOn modul standby ∫i pentru a introduce numerele sau

caracterele On modul de editare.

? Utilizate pentru a apela c"su˛a vocal" cu 1.? Utilizate pentru apeluri interna˛ionale cu 0.? Utilizate pentru apelare rapid" de la 2 la 9.


Utilizat" pentru a Oncheia sau a respinge un apel.Aceast" tast" este utilizat" de asemenea ca tast" de

pornire a telefonului, dac" ap"sa˛i ∫i ˛ine˛i ap"satc'teva secunde.

Descrierea tastelor








Tast" Descriere

Taste sus/josAtunci c'nd ridica˛i clapeta, pute˛i modifica volumul

sau tonul tastelor On modul standby ∫i volumul On

timpul unui apel.

Tast" Descriere

Pute˛i s" ∫terge˛i caractere sau s" reveni˛i la meniu.

Œn plus, pute˛i vizualiza lista memoriile vocale atunci

c'nd ap"sa˛i scurt acest buton On modul standby.

Tastele laterale



Tastele pentru litere

Fiecare tast" poate fi utilizat" pentru mai multe simboluri. Acestea

sunt prezentate On tabelul de mai jos.

Tast" Descriere

1 .,/?!-:'"1

2 ABC√AAA2abc"aaa

3 DEFE3defe

4 GHIII4ghiii

5 JKL5jkl

6 MNOOOA6mnoooŒ

7 PQRSTM7pqrs∫ß

8 TUVfiUUU8tuv˛uui

9 WXYZ9wxyz

0 [spa˛iu] 0

Descrierea tastelor

Informa˛ii afi∫ate17

Informa˛ii afi∫ate

Pe ecran sunt afi∫ate mai multe iconi˛e. Acestea sunt prezentate On

tabelul de mai jos.

Iconi˛ele afi∫ate

Iconi˛"/Indicator Descriere

Indic" puterea semnalului re˛elei.

Apelul este conectat.

Pute˛i utiliza serviciul GPRS.

Indic" faptul c" utiliza˛i un serviciu de roaming.

Linia 1/2 este utilizat" pentru apelurile realizate --

dac" utiliza˛i Serviciul de Dou" Linii

Alarma a fost setat" ∫i este activat".

Indic" starea bateriei.

A˛i recep˛ionat un mesaj text.

A˛i recep˛ionat un mesaj vocal.

A˛i recep˛ionat un mesaj impus.

Pute˛i vizualiza programul.

Toate semnalele sonore sunt oprite.

Meniul general On profil.

Meniul zgomotos On profil.

Meniul silen˛ios On profil.

Meniul casc" On profil.

Meniul automobil On profil.

Pute˛i direc˛iona un apel.

Preg"tirea telefonului18

1. Introducerea cartelei SIM

Loacaliza˛i compartimentul pentrucartela SIM de pe spatele telefonului.

Urma˛i pa∫ii de mai jos pentru a instala

cartela SIM.

1. Scoate˛i bateria dac" este On


2. Introduce˛i cartela SIM On slot, sub

supor˛ii argintii, cu conectorii

galbeni On jos.

2. Scoaterea cartelei SIM

Urma˛i pa∫ii de mai jos pentru a scoate

cartela SIM.

1. Scoate˛i bateria dac" se afl" On


2. Scoate˛i cartela SIM din slot.


? Scoaterea bateriei din telefon On timp ce acesta este

pornit poate provoca defec˛iuni.? Contactele metalice ale cartelei SIM pot fi u∫or avariate

de zg'rieturi. Ave˛i mare grij" atunci c'nd manevra˛i sau

instala˛i cartela SIM. Respecta˛i instruc˛iunile furnizate

Ompreun" cu cartela.


Preg"tirea telefonului19

3. Instalarea bateriei

1. A∫eza˛i proeminen˛ele din partea de

sus a bateriei On suport.

2. Œmpinge˛i la jum"tatea bateriei

pentru a fixare.

4. Œnc"rcarea bateriei

Pentru a conecta la telefon adaptorul pentru c"l"torie, trebuie s"

ave˛i bateria instalat".

1. Cu s"geata Ondreptat" a∫a cum

este prezentat On diagrama de mai

jos, Ompinge˛i mufa On adaptorulbateriei aflat" On partea de jos a

telefonului p'n" c'nd se aude un


2. Conecta˛i cel"lalt cap"t adaptoruluila priz". Utiliza˛i numai Onc"rc"torul

inclus On pachet.

Preg"tirea telefonului20

5. Deconectarea Onc"rc"torului

Deconecta˛i adaptorul de la telefon prin

ap"sarea butoanelor laterale, a∫a cum

se observ" On imaginea al"turat".



? Nu for˛a˛i conectorul deoarece se poate deteriora

telefonul sau/∫i adaptorul.


? Pe ecran este afi∫at mesajul "Se Oncarc" bateria" dup" ce

a˛i conectat adaptorul. Dac" bateria este desc"rcat"

complet, va dura mai mult timp p'n" va fi afi∫at mesajul"Se Oncarc" bateria".


? Verifica˛i dac" bateria este complet Onc"rcat" Onainte de a

utiliza telefonul.

? Nu scoate˛i cartela SIM On timp ce bateria se Oncarc".

? Barele care se mi∫c" pe ecran se vor opri atunci c'nd

Onc"rcarea s-a Oncheiat.


Dac" bateria nu se Oncarc",? Opri˛i telefonul.

? Verifica˛i dac" bateria este a∫ezat" corect.

Preg"tirea telefonului21

Realizarea ∫i acceptarea unui apel

Realizarea unui apel1. Tasta˛i num"rul de telefon, inclusiv codul regiunii. Dac" dori˛i s"

∫terge˛i num"rul, ap"sa˛i C.

2. Ap"sa˛i S pentru a apela un num"r.

3. Ap"sa˛i E pentru a Oncheia un apel.

Apeluri interna˛ionale1. Ap"sa˛i ∫i men˛ine˛i ap"sat" tasta 0 pentru prefixul

interna˛ional. Caracterul "+" poate Onlocui codul de acces


2. Introduce˛i codul ˛"rii, codul regiunii ∫i num"rul de telefon.

3. Ap"sa˛i tasta S.

Realizarea unui apel cu ajutorul agendei1. Œn modul standby, ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume].

2. Atunci c'nd este afi∫at meniul, selecta˛i Search prin ap"sareatastei <.

3. Dac" g"si˛i elementul dorit On timp ce c"uta˛i numele sau

num"rul, ap"sa˛i tasta S pentru a apela.

Func˛ii suplimentare22

Meniul afi∫at pe ecran On timpul apelului difer" de meniul principaliar op˛iunile sunt afi∫ate aici.

1 Œn timpul unui apel

1-1 Apel On a∫teptare

C'nd un apel a fost realizat sau acceptat, ap"sa˛i tasta S[Expediere] pentru a trece On a∫teptare. C'nd s-a realizat acest

lucru, ap"sa˛i S [Expediere] pentru a activa apelul.

1-2 Realizarea unui alt apel

Pute˛i utiliza un num"r din agend" pentru a realiza un al doilea apel.

Ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume] apoi selecta˛i C"utare. Pentru a salva On

agend" num"rul format On timpul apelului, ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume]

apoi selecta˛i Adauga nr. nou.

1-3 Comutarea Ontre cele dou" apeluri

Pentru a comuta Ontre cele dou" apeluri, selecta˛i < [Op˛iuni], apoi

selecta˛i Swap sau doar ap"sa˛i tasta S [Expediere].

Pute˛i realiza unul din cele dou" apeluri selectate prin ap"sarea

s"ge˛ii sus/jos. Dac" dori˛i s" Oncheia˛i unul dintre cele dou" apeluri,

selecta˛i apelul, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta E [Œncheiere] atunci c'nd apeluldorit este selectat.

1-4 Acceptarea unui apelPentru a accepta un apel ap"sa˛i tasta S [Expediere].

Telefonul v" poate avertiza dac" primi˛i un apel On timp ce sunte˛ideja Ontr-o convorbire. Se va auzi un ton On difuzor, iar pe ecran

apare afi∫at apelul On a∫teptare. Aceast" caracteristic", cunoscut"

ca Apel On A∫teptare, este disponibil" doar dac" re˛eaua o suport".Pentru detalii privind activarea ∫i dezactivarea acestei func˛ii, vezi

Apel On A∫teptare [Meniu 4-3-4].

Meniul apelare

Func˛ii suplimentare23

Dac" func˛ia Apel On A∫teptare este activat", pute˛i trece primul apelOn a∫teptare ∫i pute˛i r"spunde la cel de-al doilea apel, prin

ap"sarea tastei S [Expediere] sau selecta˛i < [Acceptare], apoiblocare & raspns.

Pute˛i Oncheia apelul curent ∫i pute˛i r"spunde la apelul aflat On

a∫teptare select'nd < [Meniu], apoi term & rasp.

1-5 Respingerea unui apel primit

Dac" nu sunte˛i On timpul unei convorbiri pe telefon ∫i primi˛i un apel

pute˛i respinge acest apel f"r" a r"spunde cu ajutorul tastei E[Œncheiere] sau ap"s'nd mai mult timp atunci c'nd clapeta este


Dac" sunte˛i On timpul unei convorbiri, pute˛i respinge un apel cu

ajutorul butonului < [Meniu] ∫i select'nd conferinta/Reject sau cu

ajutorul tastei E [Œncheiere].

1-6 Oprirea microfonului

Pute˛i opri microfonul On timpul unei convorbiri prin ap"sarea tastei

< [Op˛iuni] iar apoi select'nd mut. Poate fi pornit din nou prin

ap"sarea tastei < [Pornit].

Atunci c'nd microfonul este oprit, convorbitorul nu v" aude, Ons"

dumneavoastr" Ol pute˛i auzi.

1-7 Pornirea sau oprirea tonurilor DTMF On timpul unui apelPentru a activa tonurile DTMF On timpul unui apel, de exemplu,

pentru a permite telefonului s" utilizeze un comutator automat,

selecta˛i < [Op˛iuni], apoi DTMF activ. Tonurile DTMF pot fi opriteOn acela∫i mod.

1-8 Accesarea meniurilor Mesaje ∫i SIM Tool kit

Aceste meniuri pot fi accesate din meniul de apeluri primiteselect'nd < [Op˛iuni]. Meniul SIM Tool kit este afi∫at doar atunci

c'nd cartela SIM din telefon suport" serviciul SIM Tool kit.

Func˛ii suplimentare24

2 Apeluri multiparty sau conferin˛"Serviciul conferinta sau conferin˛" ofer" posibilitatea de a realiza

mai multe conversa˛ii simultan cu mai mult de o persoan", dac"

re˛eaua suport" aceast" caracteristic".

Un apel multiparty poate fi setat doar dac" ave˛i un apel activ ∫iunul On a∫teptare, ambele fiind acceptate. Odat" ce aceast" func˛iea fost setat", pot fi ad"ugate apeluri, deconectate sau separate

(Ondep"rtat din grupul de apeluri multiparty dar r"m'ne conectat la

telefonul dumneavoastr") de c"tre persoana care a setat apelul


La un apel multipartypot participa maximum cinci persoane. Odat"

pornit, ave˛i control asupra apelului multiparty ∫i pute˛i ad"uga alte


2-1 Realizarea unui al doilea apel

Pute˛i realiza un alt doilea apel On timp ce sunte˛i deja Ontr-o

convorbire. Pentru a realiza acest lucru, introduce˛i cel de-al doilea

num"r ∫i ap"sa˛i tasta S [Expediere]. Atunci c'nd se face leg"turacu cel de-al doilea num"r, primul num"r va fi trecut On a∫teptare.

Pute˛i comuta Ontre cele dou" apeluri select'nd < [Op˛iuni] apoi


2-2 Setarea unui apel conferinta

Pute˛i trece un apel activ la apel conferinta cu ajutorul tastei <

[Op˛iuni] apoi select'nd op˛iunea conferinta / toate.

2-3 Trecerea apelului conferinta On a∫teptare

Pentru a trece un apel conferinta On a∫teptare, selecta˛i < [Op˛iuni]apoi conferinta / retine tte.

Meniul apelare

Func˛ii suplimentare25

2-4 Activarea apelului conferinta aflat On a∫teptare

Pentru a activa un apel conferinta afla On a∫teptare, selecta˛i <

[Op˛iuni] apoi conferinta / toate.

2-5 Ad"ugarea unor apeluri la apelul conferinta

Pentru ca un apel activ s" fac" parte dintr-un apel conferinta,

selecta˛i < [Op˛iuni] apoi conferinta / toate.

2-6 Afi∫area persoanelor participante la apelul conferinta

Pentru a naviga prin numerele persoanelor participante la apelulconferinta afi∫ate pe ecran, ap"sa˛i tastele U ∫i D.

2-7 Trecerea On a∫teptare a unei persoane care particip"la apelul conferinta

Pentru a trece On a∫teptare o persoan" (al c"rei num"r este afi∫at

pe ecran) care particip" la apelul conferinta, selecta˛i < [Op˛iuni]apoi conferinta / Exclude.

2-8 Un apel privat Ontr-un apel conferinta

Pentru a avea o convorbire privat" cu un participant la apelulconferinta, afi∫a˛i num"rul acestuia pe ecran, apoi selecta˛i <

[Op˛iuni] ∫i conferinta / privat pentru a trece On a∫teptare ceilal˛iparticipan˛i la apelul conferinta.

2-9 Œncheierea unui apel conferinta

Participantul la apelul conferinta care este afi∫at pe ecran poate fi

deconectat prin ap"sarea tastei E [Œncheiere]. Pentru a Oncheia un

apel conferinta, ap"sa˛i tasta < [Op˛iuni] apoi selecta˛i conferinta

/ term.confer.

Select'nd < [Op˛iuni] apoi conferinta / term.tte.apl, ve˛i Oncheia

toate apelurile active ∫i cele care sunt On a∫teptare.

Func˛ii suplimentare26

Coduri de acces

Pute˛i utiliza codurile de acces descrise On aceast" sec˛iune pentrua evita utilizarea neautorizat" a telefonului dumneavoastr". Codurile

de acces (cu excep˛ia codurilor PUK ∫i PUK2) pot fi modificate

utiliz'nd [Meniul 4-4-5].

Codul PIN (4 sau 8 caractere)Codul PIN (Num"r Personal de Identificare) protejeaz" cartela

dumneavoastr" SIM Ompotriva utiliz"rii neautorizate. Codul PIN este

de obicei furnizat Ompreun" cu cartela SIM. Atunci c'nd codul PIN

este activat, telefonul dumneavoastr" va solicita introducerea

acestui cod de fiecare dat" c'nd este pornit. Œn schimb, atunci c'nd

codul PIN este dezactivat, telefonul mobil se va conecta la re˛ea On

mod direct, f"r" a mai solicita introducerea codului PIN.

Codul PIN2 (4 sau 8 caractere)Codul PIN2, furnizat Ompreun" cu unele cartele SIM, este solicitat

pentru a accesa anumite func˛ii cum ar fi Informa˛ii privind durata

apelurilor, apelarea numerelor fixe. Aceste func˛ii sunt disponibilenumai dac" sunt suportate de cartela dumneavoastr" SIM.

Codul PUK (4 sau 8 caractere)Codul PUK (Tast" Deblocare PIN) este solicitat pentru a modifica

un cod PIN blocat. Codul PUK poate fi furnizat Ompreun" cu cartela

SIM. Dac" nu, contacta˛i furnizorul local de servicii de telefonie

mobil" pentru a primi acest cod. Dac" pierde˛i codul, contacta˛ifurnizorul de servicii.

Func˛ii suplimentare27

Codul PUK2 (4 sau 8 caractere)Codul PUK2, furnizat cu unele cartele SIM este solicitat pentru a

modifica un cod PIN2 blocat. Dac" pierde˛i codul, contacta˛ifurnizorul de servicii.

Cod de securitate (4 sau 8 caractere)Codul de securitate protejeaz" telefonul Ompotriva utiliz"rii

neautorizate. De obicei este furnizat Ompreun" cu telefonul. Acest

cod este solicitat pentru a ∫terge toate intr"rile din telefon ∫i pentrua activa meniul "Resetare set"ri". Codul implicit este "0000".

Accesarea meniului28

1 Mesaje

1 Scrie mes.scurt

2 Scrie mes.multimedia

3 Inbox

4 exped.5 Drafts

6 Asc.casuta voc.

7 Info mesaj8 Sabloane

9 Setari

2 Registru apel

1 Apel.neprel.2 Apel.Primite3 Apel.formate4 Sterge apel.recente5 Tarife apel6 Info GPRS

3 Profiluri

1 General

2 Tare

3 Casti

4 Masina

5 Numai vibratii

6 Discret

4 Setari

1 Data si Ora

2 Setari tel.

3 Setari apel4 Setari sigur.5 Setari retea

6 Satare GPRS

7 Sterge setari

5 Organizator

1 Ceas alarma

2 Planificator

3 Agenda tel


Accesarea meniului29

6 Instr.

1 Favorite

2 Jocuri

3 Calculator

4 Dosarul meu

5 Convertor unit.

6 Ora in lume

7 Inreg.mes.voc.8 Stare memorie

7 Internet

1 Home

2 Repere3 Profiluri

4 Mergi la URL

5 Setari cache

6 Setari cookies

7 Certif.sigur.8 Reset.profiluri9 Vers.browser

8 Java

1 Aplicatii2 Descarcare

3 Profiluri

9 Services SIM

Acest meniu depinde de

cartela SIM ∫i de serviciile


Accesarea meniului30

Acest meniu include func˛ii referitoare la mesajele SMS, (Serviciulde Mesaje Scurte), MMS (Serviciul de Mesaje Multimedia),

mesageriea vocal" precum ∫i mesajele de servicii ale re˛elei.

Scrie mes. scurt [Meniu 1-1]

Pute˛i scrie sau edita mesaje text, verific'nd num"rul paginilor din


1. Accesa˛i meniul Mesaje prin ap"sarea tastei < [Select].

2. Dac" dori˛i s" scrie˛i un mesaj nou, selecta˛i Scrie mes. scurt.

3. Pentru ca introducerea s" fie mai u∫oar", utiliza˛i T9. Pentru mai

multe detalii, vezi Cum s" utiliza˛i T9 (Pagina 35).

4. Ap"sa˛i [Inserare] pentru a ata∫a urm"toarele.

5. Dac" dori˛i s" seta˛i op˛iunile pentru textul dumneavoastr", sau

pentru a finaliza mesajul, ap"sa˛i < [Op˛iuni].


? Trimite

Expedierea mesajelor text.

1. Introduce˛i num"rul la care dori˛i s" expedia˛i num"rul.

2. Ap"sa˛i tasta D pentru a ad"uga mai mul˛i destinatari.

Mesaje [Meniu 1]


? Telefonul care suport" EMS varianta 5 poate expedia

imagini color, sunete, stiluri de text, etc. Cel"lalt telefon

este posibil s" nu recep˛ioneze corespunz"tor imaginilecolor, sunetele sau stilurile dac" nu suport" asemenea


Accesarea meniului31

3. Pute˛i ad"uga numere de telefon On agend".

4. Ap"sa˛i tasta < dup" ce a˛i introdus numerele.

? Salvare

Stoca˛i mesajele On Ie∫iri.

? Font

Pute˛i selecta˛i m"rimea (Size) ∫i stilul (Style) fonturilor.

? Culoare

Pute˛i selecta culoarea fundalului ∫i a prim-planului.

? Aliniere

Pute˛i alinia con˛inutul mesajului Dreapta, St'nga sau Centru.

? Adaug. dict.T9

Pute˛i ad"uga propriile cuvinte. Acest meniu poate fi

afi∫at doar atunci c'nd modul de editare este Predictive


? Limbi T9

Selecta˛i modul de intrare T9.

? Iesire

Dac" ap"sa˛i Ie∫ire On timp ce scrie˛i un mesaj, pute˛i Oncheia

mesajul ∫i pute˛i reveni la meniul Mesaje. Mesajul pe care l-a˛iscris nu a fost salvat.

Accesarea meniului32


? Simbol

Pute˛i ad"uga caractere speciale.

? Imagine

Pute˛i insera imagini Implicit sau imagini On Dosarul meu care

sunt disponibile pentru mesajele scurte.

? Sunet

Pute˛i introduce sunete care sunt disponibile pentru mesajelescurte.

? Sabloane text

Pute˛i utiliza Sabloane text care sunt setate On telefon.

? Agenda tel

Pute˛i ad"uga numere de telefon sau adrese de e-mail On Agendatel.

? Semnatura

Pute˛i ad"uga informa˛iile de contact mesajului.

Scrie mes. multimedia [Meniu 1-2]

Pute˛i scrie sau edita mesajele multimedia, verific'nd m"rimea


1. Accesa˛i meniul Mesaje ap"s'nd tasta [Select].

2. Dac" dori˛i s" scrie˛i un mesaj nou, selecta˛i Scrie mes.


3. Pute˛i crea un mesaj nou sau pute˛i alege unul din ∫abloanele de

mesaje multimedia deja create.

4. Ap"sa˛i Introd. Simbol, Imagine, Sunet, Inreg. voce, Sabloane

text, Agenda tel sau Semnatura.

Mesaje [Meniu 1]

Accesarea meniului33


? Trimite

Pute˛i expedia mesajele multimedia la mai mul˛i destinatari sau Ol

pute˛i expedia mai t'rziu.

? Previzualizare

Pute˛i viziona Onainte mesajele multimedia pe care l-a˛i scris.

? Salvare

Pute˛i salva mesajele multimedia On proiecte sau ca ∫ablon.

? Adaug. diap.

Pute˛i ad"uga un slide Onainte sau dup" un slide curent.

? Mergi la diap.

V" pute˛i deplasa la slide-ul anterior sau urm"tor.

? Sterg. diapoz.

Pute˛i ∫terge slide-urile curente.

? Setare form. diap.

- Setare cronom.

Pute˛i seta timpul pentru slide, text, imagine ∫i sunet.

- Schimbare text ∫i imagine

Pute˛i modifica pozi˛ia imaginii sau a textului din mesaj.

? Sterge media

Pute˛i ∫terge imaginile sau sunetul din slide. Aceast" op˛iunepoate fi afi∫at" doar atunci c'nd exist" media.

Accesarea meniului34

? Adaug. dict. T9

Pute˛i ad"uga cuvinte proprii. Acest meniu poate fi afi∫at doar

dac" modul de editare este Predictive (T9Abc/T9abc/T9ABC).

? Limbi T9

Selecta˛i modul de intrare T9.

? Iesire

Pute˛i reveni la meniul Mesaje.

Mesaje [Meniu 1]


? Dac" selecta˛i imaginea (15K) On mesajul multimedia,durata de Onc"rcare este de cel pu˛in 15 secunde. Nu

pute˛i utiliza tastele On timpul Onc"rc"rii. Dup" 15 secunde,

pute˛i scrie mesajul multimedia.

Accesarea meniului35

T9 permite introducerea rapid" a textului.

Œn T9, nu este nevoie dec't s" ap"sa˛i tasta corespunz"toareliterei o singur" dat". Acesta se bazeaz" pe un dic˛ionarOncorporat On care pute˛i ad"uga cuvinte noi.

? Scrierea unor cuvinte utiliz'nd T9

1. Œncepe˛i s" scrie˛i un cuv'nt utiliz'nd tastele de la 2 la

9. Ap"sa˛i fiecare tast" o singur" dat" pentru o liter".

Pentru a scrie de exemplu "Girl", ap"sa˛i tastele 4, 4,7, 5. Caracterele pe care le tasta˛i apar blocate.

Cuv'ntul se modific" la fiecare ap"sare a tastei. De

aceea, nu trebuie s" acorda˛i prea mare aten˛ie asupra

modului On care apare cuv'ntul pe ecran p'n" c'nd nu a˛iap"sat toate tastele potrivite.

Pentru a ∫terge un caracter din st'nga, ap"sa˛i tasta C.

Pentru a introduce mai multe numere, ˛ine˛i ap"sat" tasta

# ∫i tasta cu num"rul respectiv.Dac" ˛ine˛i tasta * ap"sat", pute˛i modifica tipul limbii.

(Pute˛i utiliza op˛iunile).

Telefonul suport" trei moduri: Predictive (T9Abc, T9ABC,

T9abc), Multitap (ABC, abc), Numeric (123). Dac" dori˛is" modifica˛i modul, ap"sa˛i tasta #.

Cum s" utiliza˛i T9

160 1 T9Abc 159 1 T9abc 158 1 T9abc

157 1 T9abc 156 1 T9abc


His Girl

4 (Pentru G) 4 (Pentru i)

7 (Pentru r) 5 (Pentru l)

Accesarea meniului36

Alternativ: Ap"sa˛i tasta * ∫i selecta˛i inserarea de

simboluri. Selecta˛i caracterul dorit ∫i ap"sa˛i Select.

2. Atunci c'nd a˛i terminat de scris un cuv'nt, verifica˛i dac"acesta este corect.

Dac" cuv'ntul este corect: Ap"sa˛i tasta 0 ∫i scrie˛icuv'ntul urm"tor.

Dac" cuv'ntul nu este corect: C"uta˛i cu U , D(Cuv'ntul anterior sau urm"tor).

Alternativ: Dac" nu este nici un cuv'nt pe care Ol dori˛i,pute˛i ad"uga propriile cuvinte. Ap"sa˛i tasta < [Op˛iuni] On

modul de editare Predictive. Selecta˛i Meniul dic˛ionaruluiAdd T9. Pe ecran apare afi∫at astfel:

3. Pentru a introduce un semn de punctua˛ie apoi ap"sa˛i 1On mod repetat p'n" c'nd apare semnul dorit.



Salv. inapoi



Salv. inapoi




Mesaje [Meniu 1]

Limbi T9

? Pute˛i selecta limbile T9 select'nd Meniul. Œn

modul T9, pute˛i de asemenea selecta meniul

T9 Oprit (Setarea ini˛ial" este T9 Pornit).

Accesarea meniului37


[ ] Mesaje multimedia

[ ] Mesaje scurte

[ ] Mesaje SIM

[ ] Citire

[ ] Mesaje multimedia de notificare

Inbox [Meniu 1-3]

Ve˛i fi avertizat atunci c'nd a˛i primit un mesaj. Acesta va fi stocat On

lista de intr"ri.

Œn aceast" list", pute˛i identifica fiecare mesaj dup" iconi˛". Pentru

mai multe detalii, vezi instruc˛iunile iconi˛elor.

Dac" telefonul afi∫eaz" mesajul "Nu exist" spa˛iu pentru mesajulSIM", trebuie s" ∫terge˛i mesajele SIM din lista de intrare sau de

ie∫ire. Dac" telefonul afi∫eaz" mesajul "Nu exist" spa˛iu pentru

mesaj", pute˛i crea spa˛iu prin ∫tergerea unor mesaje, media sau


Mesaje SIM

Mesajul SIM reprezint" mesajul stocat doar pe cartela SIM.

Pentru mesaje multimedia de notificare, trebuie s" a∫tepta˛i s" fie

desc"rcat ∫i procesat mesajul. Pentru set"ri de notificare, vezi

[Meniul 1-9-2] pentru mai multe detalii.

Pentru a citi un mesaj, selecta˛i unul dintre mesaje cu ajutorultastei <.


Pute˛i r"spunde expeditorului.

Accesarea meniului38


Pute˛i Onainta mesajul selectat c"tre un alt destinatar.

Returnarea apelului

Pute˛i returna apelul expeditorului.


Pute˛i ∫terge mesajul curent.


Pute˛i extrage imagine, sunet ∫i text. Acestea vor fi salvate On

Directorul meu sau On Agend".

Vizualizarea informa˛iilor

Pute˛i vizualiza informa˛iile despre mesajele recep˛ionate: adresa

expeditorului, subiectul (doar pentru mesajele multimedia), data

mesajului ∫i ora, tipul mesajului, m"rimea mesajului.

Redare (valabil doar pentru mesajele multimedia)

Pute˛i reda mesajele multimedia.

Receive (In the case of notification message)Dac" mesajul multimedia este setat pe auto download oprit,

pute˛i primi doar Notific"ri. Pentru a recep˛iona un mesaj, trebuie s"

selecta˛i [Recep˛ie].

Mes. de exped. [Meniu 1-4]Aici pute˛i vizualiza mesajele expediate sau cele neexpediate.Pentru mesaje expediate, pute˛i vizualiza starea de livrare.

Browsing-ul este la fel ca cel pentru mesajele primite.

Mesaje [Meniu 1]

Accesarea meniului39

Atunci c'nd un mesaj care a fost deja expediat


Pute˛i expedia mesajul curent c"tre un alt destinatar.


Pute˛i ∫terge mesajul curent.

Vizualizarea informa˛iilor

Pute˛i vizualiza informa˛iile despre mesajele expediate: Adresa

destinatarului, subiectul (doar pentru mesajele multimedia), data

mesajului ∫i ora, tipul ∫i m"rimea mesajului.

Atunci c'nd nu a˛i expediat mesajul:


Pute˛i edita mesajul.


Pute˛i expedia mesajul.


Pute˛i ∫terge mesajul curent.


[ ] Expediere

[ ] Eroare de expediere

[ ] Confirmare expediere

[ ] Expediere SMS

Accesarea meniului40

Vizualizarea informa˛iilor

Pute˛i vizualiza informa˛iile despre mesajele expediate.

Drafts [Meniu 1-5]

Pute˛i vizualiza mesajele salvate ca proiecte. Mesajele proiecte sunt

listate cu data ∫i ora la care au fost salvate. Naviga˛i prin list" cu

ajutorul butoanelor de navigare sus/jos.

Fiecare proiect are urm"toarele op˛iuni. Ap"sa˛i tasta < [Op˛iuni].


Pute˛i vizualiza mesajul selectat.


Pute˛i edita mesajul selectat.


Pute˛i expedia mesajul.


TMterge˛i mesajul selectat din directorului proiecte.

Mesaje [Meniu 1]


[ ] Mesaj multimedia

[ ] Mesaj text

Accesarea meniului41

Visualiz. info

Pute˛i vizualiza informa˛ia despre mesajul selectat: subiectul (doar

pentru mesajele multimedia), data ∫i ora la care a fost salvat, tipul ∫im"rimea mesajului, prioritatea (numai pentru mesajele multimedia).

Sterge tot

TMterge˛i toate mesajele din directorul cu proiecte.

Asc. casuta voc. [Meniu 1-6]

Pute˛i asculta mesajele vocale.

Info mesaj [Meniu 1-7]

Mesajele serviciului informativ sunt mesaje text furnizate de re˛eape GSM. Acestea ofer" informa˛ii generale cum ar fi starea vremii,

informa˛ii despre trafic, firme de taxi, farmacii sau pre˛urile de la

burs". Fiecare informa˛ie are un num"r; astfel, pute˛i contacta

furnizorul de servicii de telefonie mobil" at'ta timp c't a˛i introdus

num"rul corect pentru informa˛ie. Atunci c'nd a˛i recep˛ionatmesajul serviciului informativ, ve˛i fi informat c" a˛i primit acest

mesaj. Pentru a vizualiza sau nu mesajul din nou On modul standby,

respecta˛i instruc˛iunile prezentate mai jos;

Citire [Meniu 1-7-1]1. Atunci c'nd a˛i recep˛ionat un mesaj de la serviciul informativ

∫i selecta˛i Citire pentru a vizualiza mesajul, acesta va fi afi∫atpe ecran. Pute˛i citi un alt mesaj cu ajutorul tastelor de derulare

L , R sau < [Urm"torul].

2. Mesajul va fi afi∫at p'n" c'nd va sosi un alt mesaj.

Accesarea meniului42

Subiecte [Meniu 1-7-2]

? Adauga nr. nou

Pute˛i ad"uga mesaje ale serviciului informativ On memoria

telefonului cu diminutivul acestuia.

? Vizualiz. lista

Pute˛i vizualiza numerele serviciului informativ pe care l-a˛iad"ugat. Dac" ap"sa˛i tasta < [Op˛iuni], pute˛i edita ∫i ∫terge

categoria mesajelor informative ad"ugate.

? Lista activa

Pute˛i selecta mesajele serviciului informativ On lista activ". Dac"

activa˛i un num"r al serviciului informativ, pute˛i recep˛ionamesajele expediate de acel num"r.

Sabloane [Meniu 1-8]

TMabloane text [Meniu 1-8-1]

Ave˛i la dispozi˛ie 11 ∫abloane de text. Pute˛i modifica ∫abloanele

predefinite On ∫abloane preferate sau pute˛i ocupa spa˛iile goale


Modele multimedia [Meniu 1-8-2]

Pute˛i utiliza urm"toarele op˛iuni:

? Previzualizare

Pute˛i vizualiza mesajele scrise.

? Salvare

Pute˛i salva mesajele multimedia On lista cu ie∫iri sau ca ∫abloane.

Mesaje [Meniu 1]

Accesarea meniului43

? Adaug. diap.

V" permite ad"ugarea unui nou slide Onainte sau dup" slide-ul


? Mergi la diap.

V" pute˛i deplasa la slide-ul anterior sau urm"tor.

? Sterg. diapoz.

Pute˛i ∫terge slide-urile curente.

? Setare form. diap.

- Setare cronom.

Pute˛i seta timpul pentru slide, text, imagine ∫i sunet.

- Schimbare text ∫i imagine

Pute˛i modifica pozi˛ia imaginii sau a textului din mesaj.

? TMtergere media

Pute˛i ∫terge imaginile sau sunetul din slide. Aceast" op˛iunepoate fi afi∫at" doar atunci c'nd exist" media.

? Adaug. dict. T9

Pute˛i ad"uga cuvinte proprii. Acest meniu poate fi afi∫at doar

dac" modul de editare este Predictive (T9Abc/T9abc/T9ABC).

? Limbi T9

Selecta˛i modul de intrare T9.

? Iesire

Pute˛i reveni la meniul Mesaje.

Semnatura [Meniu 1-8-3]

Pute˛i s" realza˛i propria carte de vizit" care s" con˛in" numele,num"rul de telefon, num"rul de fax ∫i adresa de e-mail.

Accesarea meniului44

Setari [Meniu 1-9]

Mesaj text [Meniu 1-9-1]

? Tipuri mesaj

Text, Voce, Fax, Paging, X.400, E-mail, ERMES

De obicei, tipul mesajului este setat pe Text. Pute˛i modifica textul

On alte formate. Contacta˛i furnizorul de servicii de telefonie mobil"

pentru informa˛ii privind aceast" func˛ie.

? Perioada valabilitate

Acest serviciu de re˛ea permite setarea perioadei pentru care

mesajele text vor fi stocate On centrul de mesagerie.

? Raport expediere

Dac" seta˛i pe Da, pute˛i verifica dac" mesajul dumneavoastr" a

fost expediat cu succes.

? Rasp. via acelasi centru serv.

Atunci c'nd un mesaj a fost expediat, destinatarul poate r"spunde

∫i v" poate ad"uga costul mesajului la factura dumneavoastr".

? Centru SMS

Dac" dori˛i s" expedia˛i un mesaj text, pute˛i recep˛iona adresa

centrului SMS cu ajutorul acestui meniu.

Mes. multimedia [Meniu 1-9-2]

? Prioritate

Pute˛i expedia mesajul dup" ce a˛i setat nivelul de prioritate: Slab,Normal ∫i Urgent.

Mesaje [Meniu 1]

? Per. de valab.

Acest serviciu de re˛ea permite setarea perioadei pentru care

mesajele text vor fi stocate On centrul de mesagerie.

? Raport de exped.

Dac" seta˛i op˛iunea Da On acest meniu, pute˛i verifica dac"

mesajul dumneavoastr" a fost expediat cu succes.

? Descarcare auto.

Dac" selecta˛i Pornit, ve˛i recep˛iona automat mesaje multimedia.

Dac" selectati Oprit, veti receptiona doar mesaje de notificare On

lista de intr"ri apoi puteti verifica aceast" notificare.

Doar re˛eaua de acas": Œn re˛eaua de acas", pute˛i activa meniul

desc"rcare automat" "Pornit". Pute˛i activa de asemenea

desc"rcare automat" On re˛eaua roaming atunci c'nd seta˛i peop˛iunea "Oprit".

? Setari retea

Pentru a desc"rca MMS de pe server, trebuie s" seta˛i o

conexiune de date CSD sau GPRS. Dac" selecta˛i server-ul de

mesaje multimedia, pute˛i seta URL pentru server. Pot fi setate

p'n" la 5 profiluri pentru a conecta serviciul.

? Tipuri admise

Personal : Mesaje personale.

Reclame : Mesaje comerciale.

Informatii : Informa˛ii necesare.

Accesarea meniului45

Centru mes. vocala [Meniu 1-9-3]

Pute˛i recep˛iona mesaje vocale dac" aceast" caracteristic" este

suportat" de furnizorul dumneavoastr" de servicii. Atunci c'nd

primi˛i un mesaj vocal, simbolul va fi afi∫at pe ecran. Apela˛i la

furnizorul de servicii pentru mai multe detalii privind serviciile

acestuia pentru a configura telefonul On func˛ie de acestea.

1. Ap"sa˛i tasta 1 On modul standby.

2. Pute˛i verifica urm"toarele submeniuri.

? Home

Pute˛i asculta mesajele vocale select'nd op˛iunea Home.

? Roaming

Chiar dac" v" afla˛i On str"in"tate, pute˛i asculta mesajele vocale

dac" serviciul roaming este suportat.

Info mesaj [Meniu 1-9-4]

(Depinde de re˛ea ∫i de abonament)

? Recept.


Dac" selecta˛i acest meniu, telefonul dumneavoastr" va

recep˛iona mesajele serviciului informativ.


Dac" selecta˛i acest meniu, telefonul dumneavoastr" nu va mai

recep˛iona mesajele serviciului informativ.

Accesarea meniului46

Mesaje [Meniu 1]

Accesarea meniului47

? Alerta


Telefonul dumneavoastr" va emite un semnal sonor atunci c'nd

a˛i recep˛ionat numerele mesajelor serviciului informativ.


Telefonul dumneavoastr" nu va emite un semnal sonor atunci

c'nd a˛i recep˛ionat mesajele.

? Limba

Pute˛i selecta limba pe care o dori˛i prin utilizarea tastelor

[Pornit/Oprit], apoi mesajul serviciului informativ va fi afi∫at On

limba selectat".

Mes. push [Meniu 1-9-5]

Pute˛i seta aceast" op˛iune s" recep˛iona˛i sau nu aceste mesaje.

Accesarea meniului48

Apel. neprel. [Meniu 2-1]Acest meniu afi∫eaz" numerele ratate recent. Aceste numere le

pute˛i apela, salva sau pute˛i vizualiza data ∫i ora apelului.

Apel. Primite [Meniu 2-2]Acest meniu arat" apelurile recep˛ionate recent. Aceste numere le

pute˛i apela, salva sau pute˛i vizualiza data ∫i ora apelului.

Apel. formate [Meniu 2-3]Acest meniu arat" ultimele 20 de apeluri realizate.

Sterge apel. recente [Meniu 2-4]

Pute˛i ∫terge apelurile recente din Apeluri pierdute, Apeluri

recep˛ionate, Apeluri realizate sau Toate apelurile.

Tarife apel [Meniu 2-5]Œn acest submeniu, pute˛i vizualiza durata ∫i costul apelurilor.

Registru apel [Meniu 2]

Accesarea meniului49

Durata apel. [Meniu 2-5-1]

Aceast" func˛ie permite vizualizarea duratei ultimului apel, a tuturor

apelurilor, apelurilor recep˛ionate sau realizate, On ore, minute ∫isecunde. Pute˛i de asemenea reseta contorul de timp al apelurilor.

1. Ap"sa˛i < [Meniu] On modul standby.

2. Ap"sa˛i tasta 2 pentru acces direct sau utiliza˛i L ∫i Rpentru a accesa Registru apel, apoi selecta˛i Tarife apel.

3. C"uta˛i op˛iunea Durata apel. apoi ap"sa˛i < [Select].

Vor urma cele 5 submeniuri: Ultm apel, Toate apel., Apel.

Primite, Apel. formate ∫i Sterge tot.

Costuri apel [Meniu 2-5-2]

Aceast" func˛ie permite verificarea costului ultimului apel, tuturor

apelurilor, suma r"mas" sau resetarea costurilor. Pentru a reseta

costurile, ave˛i nevoie de codul PIN2.

1. Ap"sa˛i < [Meniu] On modul standby.

2. Ap"sa˛i tasta 2 pentru acces direct sau utiliza˛i L ∫i Rpentru a accesa Registru apel, apoi selecta˛i Tarife apel.

3. C"uta˛i op˛iunea Costuri apel apoi ap"sa˛i < [Select].

Vor urma cele 4 submeniuri: Ultm apel, Toate apel., Remas ∫i

Sterge tot.


? Costurile actuale facturate pentru apeluri de furnizorul de

servicii pot varia, On func˛ie de caracteristicile re˛elei, taxe,


Accesarea meniului50

Setari [Meniu 2-5-3] (Dependent de SIM)

? Setare tarif

Pute˛i seta tipul monezii ∫i unitate de facturare. Contacta˛ifurnizorul de servicii pentru a ob˛ine unitatea de facturare. Pentru

a selecta On acest meniu moneda sau unitatea, ave˛i nevoie de

codul PIN2.

Dac" dori˛i s" introduce˛i simbolurile @, £, $ ∫terge˛i toate

monezile apoi ap"sa˛i tasta *. Dac" dori˛i s" modifica˛isimbolul, ap"sa˛i tasta * din nou.

? Setare credit

Acest serviciu de re˛ea v" permite limitarea costurilor tuturor

apelurilor On unitatea de Onc"rcare selectat". Dac" selecta˛i Citire,vor fi afi∫ate unit"˛ile r"mase. Dac" selecta˛i Modificare, pute˛imodifica limita costurilor.

? Afisare auto.

Acest serviciu de re˛ea v" permite s" vizualiza˛i automat costul

ultimului apel. Dac" este setat pe Activare, pute˛i vizualiza ultimul

cost atunci c'nd apelul a fost Oncheiat.

Registru apel [Meniu 2]


? Atunci c'nd au fost utilizate toate unit"˛ile, nu mai pot fi

realizate apeluri dec't cele de urgen˛". Œn func˛ie decartela SIM, ve˛i avea nevoie de codul PIN2 pentru a seta

limita costurilor.

Accesarea meniului51

Info GPRS [Meniu 2-6]

Pute˛i controla cantitatea de date transferate On re˛ea prinintermediul GPRS. Œn plus, pute˛i vizualiza de c't timp sunte˛iconecta˛i.

Durata apel [Meniu 2-6-1]

Pute˛i verifica durata apelurilor din meniurile Ultim apel sau Toate

apel. Pute˛i, de asemenea, s" reseta˛i contorul de timp al apelurilor.

Vol. date [Meniu 2-6-2]

Pute˛i verifica volumul de date din meniurile Expediat, Receptionatsau Toate ∫i Sterge tot.

Accesarea meniului52

Œn acest meniu, pute˛i modifica tonurile telefonului pentru diferite

evenimente ∫i momente.

1. Ap"sa˛i tasta < [Meniu] On modul standby.

2. Ap"sa˛i 3 pentru acces direct sau utiliza˛i L ∫i R.

3. Pute˛i de asemenea accesa acest meniu On mod direct ap"s'ndtasta L On modul standby.

General [Meniu 3-1]

Pute˛i modifica profilul pe General.

Tare [Meniu 3-2]

Pute˛i modifica profilul pe Loud dac" v" afla˛i Ontr-un mediu Tare.

Casti [Meniu 3-3]

Pute˛i modifica profilul pe Casti atunci c'nd utiliza˛i casca.

Masina [Meniu 3-4]

Pute˛i modifica profilul pe Masina atunci c'nd utiliza˛i kitul


Numai vibratii [Meniu 3-5]

Pute˛i modifica profilul pe Numai vibratii dac" dori˛i s" activa˛imodul vibra˛ii. Œn acest mod, toate alertele sunt trecute pe Vibra˛iisau Silen˛ios.

Discret [Meniu 3-6]

Pute˛i modifica profilul pe Discret dac" v" afla˛i Ontr-un loc unde

este lini∫te.

Profiluri [Meniu 3]

Accesarea meniului53

Activare [Meniu 3-x-1]Activeaz" profilul selectat.

Personalizare [Meniu 3-x-2]Fiecare con˛ine submeniurile prezentate mai jos, cu excep˛iaDoar vibra˛ii.

Tip alerta apelPermite selectarea tipului de alert" pentru apelurile primite, cum ar

fi Ton, Vibra˛ii, etc.

Ton sonerie

V" permite setarea tonului de apel.

Vol. sonerie

Permite setarea volumului tonului de apel. Volumul sunetului porni/oprit

∫i toate sunetele de alert" setate On func˛ie de Vol. sonerie.

Tip alerta mesajPermite avertizarea atunci c'nd recep˛iona˛i un mesaj.

Ton mesaj

Permite selectarea tonului de alert" pentru recep˛ia mesajelor.

Vol. taste

Permite setarea volumului pentru tastatur".


? Profilul Headset ∫i Car poate fi activat doar atunci c'nd

microfonul este fixat pe c"∫ti. Propriet"˛ile acestora pot fi


Accesarea meniului54

Ton taste

Permite selectarea tonurilor pentru taste.

Ton tasta

Permite setarea tonului pentru clapet".

Volum efect

Permite setarea volumului sunetului pentru efect.

Volum activ./dezactiv.

Permite setarea volumului pentru pornit/oprit.

Rasp. auto.

Aceast" func˛ie va fi activat" doar atunci c'nd telefonul este

conectat la casc" sau la kitul handfree.

? Dezactiv. : Telefonul nu va r"spunde automat la apeluri.? Dupa 5 sec : Dup" 5 secunde, telefonul va r"spunde automat.

? Dupa 10 sec : Dup" 10 secunde, telefonul va r"spunde automat.

Redenumire [Meniu 3-x-3]

Pute˛i modifica numele profilului ini˛ial cu excep˛ia modurilor vibra˛ii,casc" sau automobil.

Profiluri [Meniu 3]


? Dac" seta˛i kitul handsfree, nu pute˛i utiliza modul vibra˛iilegat de tipul de alert" a apelului sau de meniul alert"

mesaj. Œn meniul automobil, sunt disponibile urm"toarele


- Tip alerta apel : Sunet, lumin"

- Tip alerta mesaj : Sun" o dat", sun" periodic, f"r" alert"

Accesarea meniului55

Setari [Meniu 4]

Pute˛i seta urm"toarele meniuri On func˛ie de preferin˛e.

1. Ap"sa˛i tasta < [Meniu] On modul standby.

2. Ap"sa˛i 4 pentru acces direct On meniul Setari.

Data si Ora [Meniu 4-1]

Pute˛i seta func˛ii legate de dat" ∫i de or".

Setare data [Meniu 4-1-1]

Pute˛i introduce data curent".

Format data [Meniu 4-1-2]

Pute˛i seta formatul pentru dat" On felul urm"tor: ZZ/LL/AAAA,

LL/ZZ/AAAA, AAAA/LL/ZZ. (Z: Ziua / L: Luna / A: Anul).

Setare ora [Meniu 4-1-3]

Pute˛i introduce ora curent".

Format ora [Meniu 4-1-4]

Pute˛i seta formatul pentru or" 24 ore sau 12 ore.

Setari tel. [Meniu 4-2]

Pute˛i seta func˛iile ˛in'nd cont de telefon.

Wallpaper [Meniu 4-2-1]

Pute˛i selecta imaginea pentru fundal On modul standby.

? Default

Pute˛i selecta o imagine sau o anima˛ie pentru wallpaper ap"s'nd


? Myfolder

Pute˛i selecta o imagine sau o anima˛ie pentru wallpaper.

Accesarea meniului56

Nota intampinare [Meniu 4-2-2]

Dac" selecta˛i op˛iunea Activare, pute˛i edita textul care este afi∫atOn modul standby.

Limba [Meniu 4-2-3]

Pute˛i modifica limba pentru textul afi∫at pe telefonul

dumneavoastr". Aceast" modificare va afecta ∫i modul de

introducere al limbii.

Lumina [Meniu 4-2-4]

Pute˛i seta durata luminii pe afi∫aj.

Contrast LCD [Meniu 4-2-5]

Pute˛i seta luminozitatea afi∫ajului LCD utiliz'nd L , R.

Fereastra info [Meniu 4-2-6]

Pute˛i previzualiza starea curent" a meniului selectat Onainte de a fi

deschis. Starea acestuia este afi∫at" On partea de jos a afi∫ajului.

Culoare meniu [Meniu 4-2-7]

Pute˛i selecta culoarea preferat" pentru meniu din multitudinea de


Indicator.LED [Meniu 4-2-8]

Atunci c'nd indicatorul LED este setat pe Pornit, aceasta lic"re

atunci c'nd serviciul este disponibil.

Nume retea [Meniu 4-2-9]

Dac" selecta˛i op˛iunea Activare, pute˛i vizualiza numele

furnizorului de servicii care va fi afi∫at On modul standby.

Setari [Meniu 4]

Accesarea meniului57

Setari apel [Meniu 4-3]

Pute˛i seta meniul legat de un apel ap"s'nd tasta < [Select] On

meniul Set"ri.

Redir. apel [Meniu 4-3-1]

Acest serviciu permite devierea unui apel vocal primit, fax sau

apeluri ce con˛in date c"tre un alt num"r. Pentru mai multe detalii,

contacta˛i furnizorul dumneavoastr" de servicii.

? Toate ap. voc.

Deviaz" toate apelurile vocale necondi˛ionat.

? Daca e ocupat

Deviaz" apelurile vocale atunci c'nd este utilizat telefonul.

? Daca nu raspunde

Deviaz" apelurile la care nu r"spunde˛i.

? Daca nu are acoperire

Deviaz" apelurile vocale atunci c'nd telefonul este oprit sau nu se

afl" On raza de acoperire.

? Toate apel. date

Deviaz" necondi˛ionat apelurile la un num"r cu conexiune la


? Toate apel. fax

Deviaz" apelurile la un num"r cu conexiune la un fax.

? Anuleaza tot

Anuleaz" serviciul de deviere al apelurilor.

Accesarea meniului58


Meniurile Deviere apel con˛in submeniurile prezentate mai jos.

- Activare

Activeaz" serviciul corespunz"tor.

Catre centrul mes. voc.

Inainteaz" c"tre centrul de mesaje. Aceast" func˛ie nu este afi∫at"On meniurile Toate apelurile ce con˛in date ∫i Toate apelurile fax.

Catre alt nr.

Introduce˛i num"rul pentru deviere.

Catre nr.

Pute˛i verifica 5 numere deviate recent.

- Anulare

Dezactiva˛i serviciul corespunz"tor.

- Vizualiz. stare

Vizualiza˛i starea serviciului corespunz"tor.

Mod raspuns [Meniu 4-3-2]

? Clapa deschisa

Dac" selecta˛i acest meniu, pute˛i recep˛iona un apel doar prindeschiderea clapetei.

? Apasa orice tasta

Dac" selecta˛i acest meniu, pute˛i recep˛iona un apel prin

ap"sarea oric"rei taste cu excep˛ia tastei E [Œncheiere].

? Numai exped.

Dac" selecta˛i acest meniu, pute˛i recep˛iona un apel ap"s'nddoar tasta S [Expediere].

Setari [Meniu 4]

Accesarea meniului59

Exped. nr . propriu [Meniu 4-3-3]

(depinde de re˛ea ∫i de abonament)

? Activare

Pute˛i expedia num"rul dumneavoastr" la o alt" persoan".Num"rul dumneavoastr" de telefon va fi afi∫at pe telefonul

persoanei cu care vorbi˛i.

? Dezactiv.

Num"rul dumneavoastr" de telefon nu va fi afi∫at.

? Setare prin retea

Dac" selecta˛i aceast" op˛iune, pute˛i expedia num"rul de telefon

On func˛ie de serviciul pe dou" linii, cum ar fi linia 1 sau linia 2.

Apel in asteptare [Meniu 4-3-4]

(depinde de re˛ea)

? Activare

Dac" selecta˛i aceast" op˛iune, pute˛i accepta un apel On


? Anulare

Dac" selecta˛i aceast" op˛iune, nu ve˛i recunoa∫te un apel On


? Vizualiz. stare

Afi∫eaz" starea apelului On a∫teptare.

Minutar [Meniu 4-3-5]

Dac" selecta˛i op˛iunea Activare, pute˛i verifica durata apelului

printr-un semnal sonor la fiecare minut al apelului.

Accesarea meniului60

Reapel. auto [Meniu 4-3-6]

? Activare

Atunci c'nd aceast" func˛ie este activat", telefonul va Oncerca

automat s" reapeleze num"rul On cazul On care nu reu∫i˛i s"

stabili˛i leg"tura.

? Dezactiv.

Telefonul nu va mai Oncerca s" reapeleze num"rul atunci c'nd

prima Oncercare de apelare a e∫uat.

Grup utiliz. inchis [Meniu 4-3-7]

(depinde de re˛ea)

Restric˛ioneaz" utilizarea telefonului la un num"r de telefoane care

apar˛in unui anumit grup de utilizatori. Atunci c'nd este utilizat"

aceast" func˛ie, fiecare apel realizat este asociat cu un index de

grup. Dac" este specificat un index de grup, acesta va fi utilizat

pentru apelurile realizate. Dac" nu este specificat nici un index de

grup, re˛eaua va utiliza un index preferen˛ial (un index specific care

este stocat On re˛ea).

Implicit : Activeaz" grupul acceptat de operatorul de re˛ea.

Setare : Seteaz" index CUG selectat.

Editare : Editeaz" numele CUG ∫i index CUG.

Stergere : TMterge CUG selectat.

Sterge tot : TMterge toate CUG.

Setari sigur. [Meniu 4-4]

Solic. cod PIN [Meniu 4-4-1]Œn acest meniu, pute˛i seta telefonul s" solicite codul PIN al cartelei

SIM atunci c'nd acesta este pornit. Dac" aceast" func˛ie este

activat", codul PIN va fi solicitat.

Setari [Meniu 4]

Accesarea meniului61

1. Selecta˛i codul PIN solicitat On meniul de set"ri de securitate,

apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select].

2. Seta˛i Activare/ Dezactiv.

3. Dac" dori˛i s" modifica˛i set"rile, trebuie s" introduce˛i codul PIN

atunci c'nd porni˛i telefonul.

4. Dac" introduce˛i un cod PIN gre∫it de mai mult de 3 ori, telefonul

va fi blocat. Œn cazul On care codul PIN este blocat, ve˛i aveanevoie de codul PUK.

5. Pute˛i introduce codul PUK de maxim 10 ori. Dac" introduce˛icodul PUK de mai mult de 10 ori, nu ve˛i mai putea debloca

telefonul. Va trebui s" apela˛i la furnizorul dumneavoastr" de


Blocare tel. [Meniu 4-4-2]

Pute˛i utiliza codul de securitate pentru a evita utilizarea neautorizat"

a telefonului. De fiecare dat" c'nd porni˛i telefonul, acesta va solicita

codul de securitate dac" seta˛i func˛ia de blocare pe "Activare".

Dac" seta˛i func˛ia de blocare pe modul "Automat", telefonul va

solicita codul de securitate doar atunci c'nd schimba˛i cartela SIM.

Blocare apel [Meniu 4-4-3]

Serviciul de blocare a apelurilor previne recep˛ionarea sau realizarea

unei anumite categorii de apeluri. Aceast" func˛ie necesit" parola de

blocare a apelurilor. Pute˛i vizualiza urm"toarele submeniuri.

? Apel. efect.

Serviciul de blocare pentru toate apelurile realizate.

? Apel intl.

Serviciul de blocare pentru toate apelurile interna˛ionale realizate.

? Apel intl. exceptand tara de orig.

Serviciul de blocare pentru toate apelurile interna˛ionale realizate

cu excep˛ia re˛elei de acas".

Accesarea meniului62

? Apel. recept.

Serviciul de blocare pentru toate apelurile primite.

? Apel intl.

Serviciul de blocare pentru toate apelurile primite On timpul modului


? Anuleaza tot

Pute˛i anula toate serviciile de blocare.

? Modif. parola

Pute˛i modifica parola pentru serviciul de blocare al apelurilor.

Fiecare meniu pentru blocare con˛ine urm"toarele


? Activare

Permite solicitarea activ"rii restric˛iei apelurilor de c"tre re˛ea.

? Anulare

Dezactiva˛i func˛ia de restric˛ie a apelurilor.

? Vizualiz. stare

Verifica˛i dac" apelurile sunt blocate sau nu.

Fomare nr. fix [Meniu 4-4-4](depinde de cartela SIM)

Pute˛i restric˛iona apelurile realizate la numerele selectate.

Numerele sunt protejate de codul PIN2.

? Activare

Pute˛i restric˛iona apelurile realizate la numerele de telefon selectate.

? Anulare

Pute˛i dezactiva func˛ia de apelare a numerelor fixe.

Setari [Meniu 4]

Accesarea meniului63

? Lista nr

Pute˛i viziona lista cu numere salvate ca numere apelate fixe.

Modif. coduri [Meniu 4-4-5]PIN reprezint" prescurtarea Num"rului de Identificare Personal

utilizat pentru a preveni utilizarea de c"tre persoane neautorizate.

Pute˛i modifica codurile de acces: Cod PIN2, Cod sigur.

1. Dac" dori˛i s" modifica˛i codul de securitate/codul PIN2

introduce˛i codul ini˛ial, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [OK].

2. Introduce˛i noul cod de securitate/codul PIN2 ∫i verifica˛i-l.

Setari retea [Meniu 4-5]

Pute˛i selecta o re˛ea care va fi Onregistrat" automat sau manual.

De obicei, selec˛ia re˛elei este setat" pe Automat.

Automat [Meniu 4-5-1]Dac" selecta˛i modul automat, telefonul va c"uta automat o re˛ea

pentru dumneavoastr". Dup" ce a˛i selectat op˛iunea Automat,telefonul va fi setat pe modul automat chiar dac" telefonul este opritsau pornit.

Manual [Meniu 4-5-2]Telefonul va g"si lista cu re˛elele disponibile ∫i le va afi∫a. Pute˛iselecta re˛eaua pe care dori˛i s" o utiliza˛i dac" aceasta de˛ineroaming cu operatorul de re˛ea de acas". Telefonul permiteselectarea unei alte re˛ele dac" telefonul nu poate utiliza re˛eaua

deja selectat".

Preferat [Meniu 4-5-3]

Pute˛i seta o list" cu re˛ele preferate iar telefonul va Oncerca s" se

conecteze la prima Onainte de a se conecta la celelalte. Aceast"

list" este setat" din lista predefinit" a telefonului de re˛elecunoscute.

Accesarea meniului64

Satare GPRS [Meniu 4-6]

Pute˛i seta serviciul GPRS On func˛ie de diferite situa˛ii.

Pornit [Meniu 4-6-1]

Dac" selecta˛i acest meniu, telefonul este Onregistrat automat la o

re˛ea GPRS atunci c'nd telefonul este pornit. Pornirea unui WAP

sau a unei conexiuni dial-up pe calculator, conexiunea Ontre telefon

∫i re˛ea ∫i transferul de date este posibil". Atunci c'nd Oncheia˛iaplica˛ia, conexiunea GPRS este Oncheiat" Ons" Onregistrarea la

re˛eaua GPRS r"m'ne.

La nevoie [Meniu 4-6-2]

Dac" selecta˛i acest meniu, conexiunea GPRS este stabilit" atunci

c'nd conecta˛i un serviciu WAP ∫i Onchis atunci c'nd Oncheia˛i o

conexiune WAP.

Sterge setari [Meniu 4-7]

Pute˛i ini˛ializa toate set"rile din fabric". Ave˛i nevoie de codul de

securitate pentru a activa aceast" func˛ie.

Setari [Meniu 4]

Accesarea meniului65

Organizator [Meniu 5]

Ceas alarma [Meniu 5-1]

Pute˛i seta 5 alarme care s" fie activate la un timp anume.

1. Selecta˛i Activare pentru a introduce timpul dorit.

2. Selecta˛i perioada de repetare: Odata, Lu ~vi, lu ~sa, Zilnic.

3. Selecta˛i tonul dorit pentru alarm" apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [OK].

4. Edita˛i numele alarmei apoi ap"sa˛i < [OK].

Planificator [Meniu 5-2]Atunci c'nd accesa˛i acest meniu va apare un calendar. Œn parteade sus a ecranului exist" sec˛iuni pentru dat". De asemenea On

partea de jos a ecranului sunt sec˛iuni pentru iconi˛e (program,

memo). De fiecare dat" c'nd modifica˛i data, calendarul va fi

actualizat On func˛ie de dat". Va fi utilizat un cursor p"trat pentru a

localiza o zi anume. Dac" ve˛i vedea o bar" pe calendar, Onseamn"

c" exist" un program sau un memo pentru acea zi. Aceast" func˛iev" ajut" s" v" aminti˛i de program sau de memo.

Telefonul va emite un ton de alarm" dac" seta˛i acest lucru.

Tast" Descriere Tast" Descriere






? Telefonul dumneavoastr" trebuie pornit pentru a utiliza

aceast" func˛ie.





Adaugare [Menu 5-2-1]

Pute˛i edita maxim 39 de caractere ∫i pute˛i lua maxim 20 de noti˛e.

? Program

Introduce˛i subiectul, ora programului, repetare, alarma ap"s'ndtastele permise.

? Memo

1. Selecta˛i Adaugare ap"s'nd tasta < [Select].

2. Ap"sa˛i Memo.

3. Introduce˛i noti˛ele apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select].

Vizualiz. [Meniu 5-2-2]

Indic" notele pentru ziua selectat". Utiliza˛i U , D pentru a naviga

prin intermediul listei cu note. Dac" seta˛i alarma pentru not",ceasul pentru aceasta va fi afi∫at pe ecran. Œn acel moment, dac"

ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select], pute˛i vizualiza notele On detaliu. Ap"sa˛itasta < [Op˛iuni] pentru a ∫terge, edita nota selectat".

Vizualiz. tot [Meniu 5-2-3]Indic" notele care sunt setate pentru toate zilele. Utiliza˛i U , D

pentru a naviga prin intermediul listei cu note. Pute˛i utiliza acela∫imeniu ca Vizualiz. tot utiliz'nd tasta < [Op˛iuni].

Sterge ultim. [Meniu 5-2-4]

Pute˛i ∫terge programul trecut care a fost deja utilizat de


Sterge tot [Meniu 5-2-5]

Pute˛i ∫terge pentru toate notele.Accesarea meniului66

Organizator [Meniu 5]

Accesarea meniului67

Agenda tel [Meniu 5-3]1. Pentru a utiliza agenda, ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume] On modul


2. Pentru a utiliza agenda, ap"sa˛i tasta < [Meniu] On modul

standby ∫i selecta˛i Organizator.

Cautare [Meniu 5-3-1]

(Apelare din agend")

1. Œn modul standby, ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume].

2. Op˛iunea Cautare ap"s'nd tasta < [Select].

3. Introduce˛i numele ale c"rui numere de telefon ∫i adrese de e-

mail dori˛i s" le c"uta˛i sau selecta˛i "List" pentru a vizualiza lista.

4. C"utarea rapid" este disponibil" prin introducerea ini˛ialeinumelui sau num"rul pe care dori˛i s"-l c"uta˛i.

5. Dac" dori˛i edita, ∫terge, copia o intrare sau ad"uga vocea

uneia, selecta˛i < [Op˛iuni]. Va fi afi∫at meniul urm"tor.

? Editare : Pute˛i edita nume, numere, e-mail-uri ∫i fax-uri

cu ajutorul tastei < [OK].? Scriere mes. : Dup" ce a˛i g"sit num"rul dorit, pute˛i expedia

mesaje la num"rul respectiv.? Copiere : Pute˛i copia o intrare de pe cartela SIM pe

telefon sau de pe telefon pe cartela SIM.

? Nr principal : Pute˛i selecta un num"r de telefon mobil, de

acas", de la birou, num"r pe care Ol utiliza˛ifrecvent. Num"rul principal va fi afi∫at primul,atunci c'nd seta˛i aceast" op˛iune.

? Sterge : Pute˛i ∫terge o intrare.

Accesarea meniului68

Adauga nr. nou [Meniu 5-3-2]

Pute˛i ad"uga o nou" intrare On agend" cu ajutorul acestei func˛ii.

Capacitatea memoriei telefonului este de 200 de intr"ri. Capacitateamemoriei cartelei SIM depinde de furnizorul de servicii de telefonie


Pute˛i salva de asemenea 20 de caractere pentru nume On memoria

telefonului ∫i pute˛i salva caracterele pe cartela SIM. Num"rul de

caractere depinde de cartela SIM.

1. Œn primul r'nd deschide˛i agenda cu ajutorul tastei > [Nume] On

modul standby.

2. Selecta˛i op˛iunea Adauga nr. nou, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta >


3. Selecta˛i memoria unde dori˛i s" salva˛i: SIM sau Telefon. Dac"

selecta˛i memoria telefonului, trebuie s" selecta˛i num"rul pe

care Ol dori˛i ca num"r principal.

a. Ap"sa˛i < [OK] pentru a introduce un nume.

b. Ap"sa˛i < [OK], apoi pute˛i introduce un num"r.

c. Ap"sa˛i < [OK].

d. Pute˛i seta un grup pentru intrare cu ajutorul butoanelor L , R:

e. Pute˛i seta un personaj ∫i o imagine pentru intrare cu ajutorulbutoanelorU,D,L,R.

Grupuri apelanti [Meniu 5-3-3]

Pute˛i lista p'n" la 20 de membri pentru un grup. Exist" 7 grupe

pentru care pute˛i crea liste.

1. Œn modul standby, ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume].

2. Selecta˛i op˛iunea Grupuri apelanti apoi ap"sa˛i < [Select] ∫iva fi afi∫at" lista fiec"rui grup.

3. Selecta˛i numele grupului dorit, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select].

? Lista membri

Afi∫eaz" membri grupului selectat.

Organizator [Meniu 5]

Accesarea meniului69

? Ton sonerie grup

Permite selectarea tonului de apel pentru membri grupului


? Simbol grup

Permite selectarea iconi˛ei On func˛ie de grup.

? Adauga membru

Pute˛i ad"uga noi membri On grup. Fiecare grup nu trebuie s"

dep"∫easc" 20 de membri.

? Sterge membru

Pute˛i ∫terge un membru din lista grupului. Numele ∫i num"rul

de telefon vor r"m'ne On continuare On agend".

? Redenumire

Pute˛i modifica numele unui grup.

Apelare rapida [Meniu 5-3-4]

Pute˛i aloca oricare dintre tastele de la 2 la 9 pentru un nume

din lista de intrare.

Pute˛i apela direct ap"s'nd aceast" tast" pentru 2-3 secunde.

1. Deschide˛i agenda cu ajutorul tastei > [Nume] On modul


2. Selecta˛i Viteza de apelare apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select].

3. Dac" dori˛i s" ad"uga˛i o nou" apelare rapid", selecta˛i <gol>,

apoi pute˛i c"uta numele dorit On agend".

4. Selecta˛i un nume alocat apoi selecta˛i op˛iunea Modif sau

Sterge pentru a edita numele.

? Modif

Pute˛i aloca tastei un nou num"r de telefon.

? Sterge

Pute˛i ∫terge un num"r de telefon alocat.

Setari [Meniu 5-3-5]

1. Ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume] On modul standby.

2. Selecta˛i op˛iunea Setari, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select].

? Setare memorie

Selecta˛i Setare memorie, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select].- Dac" selecta˛i Variabil, atunci c'nd ad"uga˛i o intrare,telefonul v" va Ontreba unde s" fie stocat".

- Dac" selecta˛i SIM sau Telefon, telefonul va stoca intrarea

pe cartela SIM sau pe telefon.

? Cautare prin

Selecta˛i Cautare prin, apoi selecta˛i < [Select].- Dac" selecta˛i Variabil, telefonul v" va solicita modul de


- Dac" selecta˛i Nume sau Numar, telefonul va c"uta intrarea

dup" nume sau dup" num"r.

? Vizualiz. optiuni

Selecta˛i Vizualizare optiuni, apoi selecta˛i < [Select].

- Numai nume : Seta˛i lista agendei telefonice pentru a

afi∫a doar numele.

- Cu imagini : Seta˛i lista agendei telefonice cu

informa˛iile caracterului ∫i imaginii.

- Nume si numar

Accesarea meniului70

Organizator [Meniu 5]

Accesarea meniului71

Copie tot [Meniu 5-3-6]

Pute˛i copia/muta intr"rile de pe memoria cartelei SIM pe memoria

telefonului sau invers.

1. Œn primul r'nd deschide˛i agenda cu ajutorul tastei > [Nume] On

modul standby.

2. Selecta˛i Copie tot, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select] pentru a

accesa acest meniu.

? SIM la Tel. : Pute˛i copia o intrare de pe cartela SIM On memoria


? Tel. la SIM : Pute˛i copia o intrare de pe memoria telefonului pe

cartela SIM.

3. Pute˛i vizualiza urm"toarele submeniuri.

? Pastrare orig. : Atunci c'nd copia˛i este p"strat num"rul


? Stergere orig. : Atunci c'nd copia˛i, num"rul original este


Sterge tot [Meniu 5-3-7]

Pute˛i ∫terge toate intr"rile de pe cartela SIM, de pe telefon sau cele

vocale. Aceast" func˛ie necesit" codul de securitate cu excep˛iaintr"rilor vocale.

1. Ap"sa˛i tasta > [Nume] On modul standby ∫i selecta˛i op˛iuneaDelete all, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select].

2. Selecta˛i o memorie pentru a fi ∫tears".

3. Introduce˛i codul de securitate apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [OK] sau

> [Œnapoi].

Accesarea meniului72

Informatii [Meniu 5-3-8]

? Fomare nr. service

Utiliza˛i aceast" func˛ie pentru a accesa o list" de servicii furnizate

de operatorul de re˛ea (dac" acest lucru este suportat de cartela


1. Œn primul r'nd deschide˛i agenda de telefon cu ajutorul tastei

> [Nume] On modul standby ∫i selecta˛i op˛iunea Informatii.

2. Selecta˛i op˛iunea Fomare nr. service, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta <[Select] pentru a accesa meniul.

3. Vor fi afi∫ate numele serviciilor disponibile.

4. Utiliza˛i tastele U ∫i D pentru a selecta un serviciu. Ap"sa˛itasta S [Expediere].

? Stare memorie

Aceast" caracteristic" permite vizualizarea memoriei libere ∫imemoriei ocupate din agend".

1. Œn primul r'nd deschide˛i agenda de telefon cu ajutorul tastei

> [Nume] On modul standby ∫i selecta˛i op˛iunea Informatii

cu ajutorul tastei < [Select].

2. Selecta˛i op˛iunea Stare memorie, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta

< [OK].

? Nr propriu (depinde de cartela SIM)

Pute˛i verifica num"rul propriu de pe cartela SIM.

Organizator [Meniu 5]

Accesarea meniului73

Diver. si Instr. [Meniu 6]

Favorite [Meniu 6-1]

Pute˛i seta maxim 9 meniuri pe care le utiliza˛i frecvent ca Favorite.

Pute˛i conecta acest meniu On mod direct cu ajutorul tastei D.

Dac" dori˛i s" Onregistra˛i meniul ca favorit, selecta˛i <Empty> din

list". Dac" meniul este deja Onregistrat, op˛iunile sunt afi∫ate On felul


- Selectare : Activate the registered menu.

- Modificare : Modific" meniul.

- TMtergere : TMterge meniul Onregistrat.

- Sterge tot : TMterge toate meniurile Onregistrate On Favorite.

- Informa˛ii : Vizualizarea informa˛iei meniului Onregistrat.

Jocuri [Meniu 6-2]Acest telefon v" ofer" jocuri cu care v" pute˛i distra.


? Tastele de control difer" On func˛ie de joc. Fiecare joc

con˛ine o introducere On care sunt explicate tastele de

control principale. Celelalte taste sunt urm"toarele:

[Func˛iile tastelor comune]

< : Meniul jocului

> : ŒnapoiC : Pauz" sau revenire la joc

Accesarea meniului74

Calculator [Meniu 6-3]Acest calculator con˛ine func˛iile standard cum ar fi +, --, x, ÷ :

Adunare, Sc"dere, Œnmul˛ire ∫i Œmp"r˛ire.1. Introduce˛i numerele cu ajutorul tastelor numerice.

2. Utiliza˛i tasta de navigare pentru a selecta un semn pentru calcul.

3. Introduce˛i numerele.

4. Ap"sa˛i tasta < [Rezultat] pentru a vizualiza rezultatul.

5. Ap"sa˛i tasta < [Reset] sau introduce˛i numere pentru a repeta

procedura de mai sus.

6. Utiliza˛i tasta C pentru a ∫terge orice num"r sau semn.

7. Dac" ap"sa˛i tasta *, pute˛i introduce un num"r negativ.Œn plus, dac" ap"sa˛i tasta #, pute˛i introduce o frac˛ie.

8. Pentru a p"r"si meniul Calculator, ap"sa˛i tasta > [Œnapoi].

Dosarul meu [Meniu 6-4]V" permite vizualizarea imaginilor ∫i a sunetelor downloadate.

Acestea pot fi setate ca wallpaper sau ca ton de apel. Pute˛ivizualiza, asculta, ∫terge sau redenumi datele desc"rcate.

Imagine [Meniu 6-4-1]

Sunet [Meniu 6-4-2]

Submeniurile pentru fiecare meniu principal

? Setare ca fundal / setare ca ton de apel

Pute˛i seta sunetele sau imaginile downloadate ca wallpaper sau

ca tonuri de apel.

? Scrie mes. scurt / Scrie mes. multimedia

Pute˛i scrie mesaje scurte/mesaje multimedia (disponibile On

func˛ie de tipul media) cu imagini sau sunete ata∫ate.

Diver. si Instr. [Meniu 6]

Accesarea meniului75

Convertor unit. [Meniu 6-5]Aceast" func˛ie transform" orice m"sur" On unitatea pe care o

dori˛i. Exist" 4 tipuri care pot fi transformate On unit"˛i: Lungime,

Zona, Greutate ∫i Volum.

1. Pute˛i selecta unul din cele patru tipuri de unit"˛i cu ajutorul tastei

< [Unitate].

2. Selecta˛i valoarea standard cu ajutorul tastelor L , R.

3. Selecta˛i unitatea pe care dori˛i s" transforma˛i utiliz'nd

tastele U , D.

4. Pute˛i verifica valoarea convertit" pentru unitatea dorit".

De asemenea, pute˛i introduce o frac˛ie cu ajutorul tastei #.

Ora in lume [Meniu 6-6]

Pute˛i vizualiza ora celor mai importante ora∫e din lume.

1. Selecta˛i ora∫ul care apar˛ine zonei orare cu ajutorultastelor L , R.

2. Pute˛i seta ora curent" a ora∫ului selectat utiliz'nd tasta <


Inreg.mes.voc. [Meniu 6-7]Aceast" caracteristic" v" permite Onregistrarea a maxim 10 mesajevocale de 20 de secunde fiecare.

Inreg. [Meniu 6-7-1]1. Pute˛i Onregistra memorii vocale On meniul de Onregistrare vocal"

∫i de asemenea men˛in'nd ap"sat butonul C On modul


2. Odat" pornit" Onregistrarea, va fi afi∫at mesajul Recording ∫i

timpul r"mas.

3. Dac" dori˛i s" Oncheia˛i Onregistrarea, ap"sa˛i tasta < [Salvare].

4. Introduce˛i titlul memoriei vocale, apoi ap"sa˛i tasta < [OK].

Accesarea meniului76

Vizualiz. lista [Meniu 6-7-2]

Telefonul va afi∫a lista cu memorii vocale. Pute˛i reda sau ∫tergememoriile vocale Onregistrate.

Stare memorie [Meniu 6-8]

Pute˛i verifica m"rimea memoriei libere ∫i fiecare meniu al memoriei

cum ar fi mesajele text/imagine, primite, expediate.

PC Sync

PC Sync este un program pentru schimbul de date dintre

calculator ∫i telefon prin intermediul cablului de date. Pentru

mai multe informa˛ii, pute˛i utiliza ghidul fi∫ierului PC Sync

Help de pe CD.

Diver. si Instr. [Meniu 6]

Accesarea meniului77

Internet [Meniu 7]

Telefonul suport" servicii bazate pe Protocolul Aplica˛iilor Wireless

(WAP). Pute˛i accesa servicii suportate de re˛eaua dumneavoastr".

Meniul serviciilor permite ob˛inerea de informa˛ii cum ar fi ∫tiri,starea vremii ∫i orele de zbor ale avioanelor.

Home [Meniu 7-1]Conectare la pagina principal". Aceasta poate fi o pagin" de

internet definit" On profilul activat. Va fi definit" de furnizorul de

servicii dac" nu o realiza˛i On profilul activat.

Repere [Meniu 7-2]

Ap"sa˛i tasta < [Select] pentru a accesa op˛iunile disponibile sau

ap"sa˛i tasta > [Œnapoi] pentru a p"r"si meniul.

? Conectare : Conectare la un marcaj selectat.

? Adaugare : Ad"uga˛i manual un marcaj.

Profiluri [Meniu 7-3]

Pute˛i crea p'n" la 10 profiluri ∫i pute˛i activa doar unul dintre ele.

C"uta˛i profilul dorit ∫i ap"sa˛i tasta < pentru a accesa op˛iuniledisponibile.

? Activare

Pute˛i activa profilul dorit.

? Setari

Pute˛i edita sau modifica set"rile WAP pentru profilul selectat.

- Pag. initiala

Aceast" setare permite introducerea adresa (URL) unui site pe

care dori˛i s" Ol utiliza˛i ca pagin" de start. Nu trebuie s" tasta˛i"http://" On fa˛a fiec"rui URL deoarece browser-ul WAP va ad"ugaautomat acest lucru.

- Apelant

Pute˛i selecta mesagerul de servicii.

? Data


- Setari date

Apar doar dac" selecta˛i set"rile datelor ca mesager/serviciu.

Adresa IP : Introduce˛i adresa IP pentru gateway WAPdorit.

Formare nr. : Introduce˛i num"rul de telefon pentru a

accesa gateway WAP.

ID utiliz : Identitatea utilizatorului pentru server-ul dial-

up (nu gateway WAP).

Parola : Parola solicitat" de server-ul dial-up (nugateway WAP) pentru a v" identifica.

Tip apel : Selecta˛i tipul apelului: Analogic sau Digital(ISDN).

Viteza apel : Viteza de conexiune; 9600 sau 14400.

Timp asteptare : Trebuie s" introduce˛i perioada de oprire.Dup" ce a˛i introdus acest timp, serviciul de

navigare WAP va fi indisponibil dac" nu se

introduc sau nu se transfer" date.

- Setari GPRS

Set"rile serviciului sunt disponibile doar atunci c'nd GPRS este

selectat ca serviciu de mesagerie.

Adresa IP : Introduce˛i adresa IP pentru gateway WAP pecare a˛i accesat-o.

APN : Introduce˛i APN pentru GPRS.

ID utiliz. : Identitatea utilizatorului pentru server-ul APN.

Parola : Parola solicitat" pentru server-ul APN.Accesarea meniului78

Internet [Meniu 7]

Accesarea meniului79

- Tip conexiune

Op˛iunile pentru tipul conexiunii sunt Temporar sau Continuu ∫idepind de gateway pe care Ol utiliza˛i.


Un mecanism confirmat de furnizare dar genereaz" un trafic de

re˛ea mai mare.

TemporarUn serviciu non-confirmat (f"r" conexiune).


- Setari ProxyAdresa IP: Introduce˛i adresa IP pentru proxy.

Port: Introduce˛i num"rul portului pentru proxy.

- Setari DNS

Introduce˛i DNS primar ∫i secundar dac" este solicitat de

operatorul de re˛ea.

- Setari sigur.Œn func˛ie de portul gateway utilizat, pute˛i alege aceast" op˛iunes" fie Activare sau Dezactiv.

- Afis. imag.

Pute˛i alege dac" imaginile de pe cartelele WAP sunt afi∫ate sau


? Redenumire

Edita˛i numele profilului.

? Stergere

TMterge˛i profilul.

? Adaugare

Pute˛i ad"uga manual un profil.

Accesarea meniului80

Mergi la URL [Meniu 7-4]V" pute˛i conecta On mod direct la site-ul dorit. Trebuie s" introduce˛iun URL specific.

Setari cache [Meniu 7-5]

Pute˛i ∫terge con˛inutul memoriei cache sau s" schimba˛i modul cache.

Golire cache [Meniu 7-5-1]

Con˛inutul memoriei cache va fi ∫ters.

Verific. cache [Meniu 7-5-2]

Pute˛i seta aceast" op˛iune pentru a verifica sau nu memoria cache.

Setari cookies [Meniu 7-6]

Informa˛iile serviciilor pe care le-a˛i accesat sunt salvate On memoria

cache a telefonului.

Sterge cookies [Meniu 7-6-1]

Va ∫terge con˛inutul salvat din cookie.

Verifica cookies [Meniu 7-6-2]

Pute˛i verifica dac" un cookie este utilizat sau nu.

Certif. sigur. [Meniu 7-7]Va fi afi∫at" o list" a certificatelor disponibile.

Reset. profiluri [Meniu 7-8]

Pute˛i reseta profilele pentru a reveni la set"rile ini˛iale.

Vers. browser [Meniu 7-9]Este afi∫at" versiunea browser WAP.

Internet [Meniu 7]

Dac" sunte˛i conectat, pute˛i vizualiza urm"toarele meniuri.


Apela˛i la [Meniu 7-1].


ReOncarc" pagina curent".


Vezi [Meniu 7-2].

Salvare ca marcaj

Pute˛i salva un site ca marcaj.


Œn timpul unei conexiuni Wap, pute˛i vizualiza mesajele scurte.

Mergi la URL

V" pute˛i deplasa la site-ul la care dori˛i. Œn acest meniu, pute˛ide asemenea edita adresa site-ului.

Accesare server email

Pute˛i accesa server-ul pentru e-mail pe care l-a˛i configurat.

Setare ca server email

Pute˛i seta adresa site-ului curent ca server e-mail.

TMtergere cache

Con˛inutul memoriei cache va fi ∫ters.

Salvare imagini

Pute˛i salva imaginea care este furnizat" prin WAP. Accesarea meniului81

Meniu On browsing

Aplicatii [Meniu 8-1]

Op˛iunile meniului Java

Selecta˛i o aplica˛ie apoi Options.

1. Nou : Pute˛i crea un nou director.

2. Deplasare : Pute˛i selecta un director dorit.

3. Despre : Afi∫eaz" informa˛ii Java MIDP.

4. Informa˛ii : Afi∫eaz" informa˛ii despre MIDlet selectat.

5. TMtergere : TMterge MIDIlet selectat.

6. Reactualizare : Acceseaz" serverul ∫i reactualizeaz" MIDlet


7. Op˛iuni : Unele aplica˛ii Java necesit" o conexiune de

date. Selecta˛i pentru a seta op˛iunile deconectare.

- Œntotdeauna : Conexiunea este creat" imediat f"r" o notificare.

- Prompt : Ve˛i fi Ontrebat Onainte ca aplica˛ia s" realizeze


- Niciodat" : Nu este permis" nici o conexiune.

8. Redenumire : Pute˛i redenumi aceast" aplica˛ie.

9. Ie∫ire : Se p"r"se∫te meniul Aplica˛ii.

Accesarea meniului82

Java [Meniu 8]

Descarcare [Meniu 8-2]

Pute˛i edita ∫i seta adresele server-ului MIDlet. Descarca˛i MIDlet

utiliz'nd browser-ul WAP ∫i stoca˛i-le On telefon. Pute˛i deasemenea vizualiza pe ecranul aplica˛iilor lista cu MIDlet stocate.

Profiluri [Meniu 8-3]Unele aplica˛ii Java necesit" conexiune la re˛ea pentru a func˛iona,de exemplu jocurile multiplayer. Pute˛i seta maxim 5 profiluri ∫i Ol

pute˛i activa pe cel dorit. Este similar cu setarea profilului wap.

Apela˛i la profilele wap atunci pentru setare.

JAVATM este marc" Onregistrat" a Sun Microsystem, Inc.

Accesarea meniului83

Exist" o multitudine de accesorii pentru telefonul dumneavoastr"

mobil. Pute˛i selecta aceste op˛iuni On func˛ie de necesit"˛ilepersonale de comunicare.

Baterie standard

Handfree portabil

Acesta se conecteaz" la telefon, permi˛'ndfunc˛ionarea dispozitivului handsfree.

Adaptor c"l"torie

Acest Onc"rc"tor permite Onc"rcarea bateriei

atunci c'nd nu sunte˛i acas" sau la birou.

Cablu CD/Date

Pute˛i conecta telefonul la calculator pentrutransfer de date.




? Utiliza˛i Ontotdeauna accesoriile LG originale.? Dac" nu ve˛i respecta acest lucru se poate Ont'mpla s"

pierde˛i garan˛ia.? Accesoriile pot diferi On func˛ie de regiune; consulta˛i-v"cu compania de servicii regional" sau cu un agent pentrumai multe Ontreb"ri.


Date tehnice


Numele produsului : C1100

Sistem :GSM900/DCS1800

Temperaturi ambient

Max : +55°C

Min : -10°C


Nr. 105/14.01.2005

Noi, LG Electronics

Kangnam Tower, 679, Yekosam-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea,

Tel: 0082-2-2005-4950, Fax: 0082-2-2005-4941

TMi LG Electronics Rom'nia SRL

Sos. Bucure∫ti -- Ploie∫ti, nr. 17 -- 21,

B"neasa Business Center, et. 5,

Sector I, Bucure∫ti, Romania|

Tel: 0040 21 2332491, Fax: 0040 21 2332478

Declar"m pe propria noastr" r"spundere c" produsul:

Marca: LG

Nume comercial: C1100

Tip sau model: GSM C1100

La care se refer" aceast" declara˛ie este On conformitate cu

cerin˛ele esen˛iale ∫i celelalte prevederi aplicabile ale Hot"r'rii

Guvernului nr. 88/2003 (R&TTE) ∫i ale Directivei 1999/5/EC


Produsul este On conformitate cu urm"toarele standarde ∫i/saualte documente normative:

Protec˛ia s"n"t"˛ii [Art.3.1.a]: EN 301 489-7:2002

Siguran˛a utilizatorului [Art.3.1.a]: EN 60950-1: 2001

Compatibilitatea electromagnetic" [Art.3.1.b]: EN 50360: 2001

Utilizarea eficient" a spectrului de 3GPP TS 51.010-1, V5.6.0:2003

frecven˛" radio [Art.3.2] GCF --CC. V3.12.0

EN 301 511

Informa˛ii suplimentare:

Organismul notificat consultat (NB): IGCTI

Dosarul tehnic al echipamentului este disponibil la: LG Electronics Romania SRL

Locul ∫i data redact"rii (acestei DoC): Bucure∫ti, 14 Ianuarie 2005

Lot de x buc"˛i importat On 2005

Semn"tura fabricantului sau a unei

persoane autorizate:

Nume (complet): JUNG DONG SONG

Calitatea (titlul): Product ManagerLG Electronics Rom'nia SRL







GPRS Phone


MODEL: C1100

Please read this manual carefullybefore operating your mobile phone.Retain it for future reference.


Congratulations on your purchase of the advanced and

compact C1100 cellular phone, designed to operate with

the latest digital mobile communication technology.

This user's guide contains important information on the use and

operation of this phone. Please read all the information carefullyfor optimal performance and to prevent any damage to or misuse

of the phone. Any changes or modifications not expressly

approved in this user's guide could void your warranty for this



Guidelines for safe and efficient use

Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be

dangerous or illegal. Further detailed information is given in this


Exposure to radio frequency energy

Radio wave exposure and SpecificAbsorption Rate (SAR) information

This mobile phone model C1100 has been designed to comply with

applicable safety requirement for exposure to radio waves. This

requirement is based on scientific guidelines that include safetymargins designed to assure this safety of all persons, regardless of

age and health.

? The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit of

measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.

Tests for SAR are conducted using standardized method with the

phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all used

frequency bands.

? While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various

LG phone models, they are all designed to meet the relevant

guidelines for exposure to radio waves.

? The SAR limit recommended by the international Commission on

Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is 2W/kgaveraged over ten (10) gram of tissue.

? The highest SAR value for this model phone tested by DASY4 for

use at the ear is 1.120 W/kg (10g).? SAR data information for residents in countries/regions that have

adopted the SAR limit recommended by the Institute of Electrical

and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is 1.6 W/kg averagedover one (1) gram of tissue.

Guidelines for safe and efficient use


Product care and maintenance

Warning: Use only batteries, charger and accessories

approved for use with this particular phone model. The use of

any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty

applying to the phone, and may be dangerous.

? Do not disassemble this unit. Take it to a qualified service

technician when repair work is required.

? Keep away from electrical appliance such as a TV, radio or

personal computer.

? The unit should be kept away from heat sources such as radiators

or cookers.

? Do not drop.

? Do not subject this unit to mechanical vibration or shock.

? The coating of the phone may be damaged if covered with wrap

or vinyl wrapper.

? Use dry cloth to clean the exterior of the unit.

(Do not use solvent such as benzene, thinner or alcohol.)

? Do not subject this unit to excessive smoke or dust.

? Do not keep the phone next to credit cards or transport tickets;it can affect the information on the magnetic strips.

? Do not tap the screen with a sharp object; otherwise, it may

damage the phone.

? Do not expose the phone to liquid or moisture.

? Use the accessories like an earphone cautiously.Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily.

Fuse Replacement

Always replace a blown fuse with a fuse of the same type and size.

Never use a fuse of a higher rating.

Efficient phone operationTo enjoy optimum performance with minimum power consumption


? Hold the phone as you speak to any other telephone. While

speaking directly into the microphone, angle the antenna in a

direction up and over your shoulder. If the antenna is extendable/

retractable, it should be extended during a call.

? Do not hold the antenna when the phone is in use. If you hold it, it

can affect call quality, it also may cause the phone to operate as a

higher power level that needed and shorten talk and standbytimes.

? If your mobile phone supports infrared, never direct the infrared

ray at anyone's eye.

Electronics devices

All mobile phones may get interference, which could affect


? Do not use your mobile phone near medical equipment without

requesting permission. Avoid placing the phone over the

pacemaker, i.e. in your breast pocket.

? Some hearing aids might be disturbed by mobile phones.

? Minor interference may affect TVs, radios, PCs, etc.


Road safetyCheck the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the

areas when you drive.

? Do not use a hand-held phone while driving.

? Give full attention to driving.

? Use a hands-free kit, if available.

? Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if

driving conditions so require.

? RF energy may affect some electronic systems in your motor

vehicle such as car stereo, safety equipment.

? When your vehicle is equipped with an air bag, do not obstruct

with installed or portable wireless equipment. It can cause serious

injury due to improper performance.

Blasting area

Do not use the phone where blasting is in progress. Observe

restrictions, and follow any regulations or rules.

Potentially explosive atmospheres? Do not use the phone at a refueling point. Don't use near fuel or


? Do not transport or store flammable gas, liquid, or explosives in

the compartment of your vehicle, which contains your mobile

phone and accessories.

In aircraft

Wireless devices can cause interference in aircraft.

? Turn off your mobile phone before boarding any aircraft.

? Do not use it on the ground without crew permission.


Guidelines for safe and efficient use


Keep the phone in a safe place out of children's reach. It includes

small parts which if detached may cause a choking hazard.

Emergency calls

Emergency calls may not be available under all cellular networks.

Therefore, you should never depend solely on the phone for

emergency calls. Check with your local service provider.

Battery information and care

? You do not need to completely discharge the battery before

recharging. Unlike other battery systems, there is no memory

effect that could compromise the battery's performance.

? Use only LG batteries and chargers. LG chargers are designed to

maximize the battery life.

? Do not disassemble or short-circuit the battery pack.

? Keep the metal contacts of the battery pack clean.

? Replace the battery when it no longer provides acceptable

performance. The battery pack may be recharged hundreds of

times until it needs replacing.

? Recharge the battery if it has not been used for a long time to

maximize usability.

? Do not expose the battery charger to direct sunlight or use it in

high humidity, such as the bathroom.

? Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, this may deteriorate

the battery performance.




Part of the Phone .................................................................... 12

? Main body of the Phone ........................................................ 12

? Outside of the Phone ............................................................ 13

Key Description ....................................................................... 14

? Side of the Key ..................................................................... 15

? Letter Keys ............................................................................ 16

Display Information

Display Information ................................................................ 17

? On-Screen Icons ................................................................... 17

Getting Started

Installation ............................................................................... 18

? Inserting the SIM Card .......................................................... 18

? Removing the SIM Card ........................................................ 18

? Installing the Battery ............................................................. 19

? Charging the Battery ............................................................. 19

? Disconnecting the charger .................................................... 20

Making and Answering Calls ................................................. 21

? Making a call ......................................................................... 21

? International Calls ................................................................. 21

? Making a call using the Phonebook ...................................... 21

Additional Functions

In call Menu ............................................................................. 22

? During a call .......................................................................... 22

? Multiparty or Conference Calls .............................................. 24



Access Codes ......................................................................... 27

? PIN code (4 to 8 digits) ......................................................... 27

? PIN2 code (4 to 8 digits) ....................................................... 27

? PUK code (4 to 8 digits) ........................................................ 27

? PUK2 code (4 to 8 digits) ...................................................... 27

? Security code (4 to 8 digits) .................................................. 27

Accessing the Menu

Menu Tree ................................................................................ 28

Messages [Menu 1] ................................................................. 30

? Write short message [Menu 1-1] ........................................... 30

? Write multimedia message [Menu 1-2] ................................. 32

? Inbox [Menu 1-3] ................................................................... 37

? Outbox [Menu 1-4] ................................................................ 38

? Drafts [Menu 1-5] .................................................................. 40

? Listen to voice mail [Menu 1-6] ............................................. 41

? Info message [Menu 1-7] ...................................................... 41

? Templates [Menu 1-8] ........................................................... 42

? Settings [Menu 1-9] ............................................................... 44

Call register [Menu 2] ..............................................................48

? Missed calls [Menu 2-1] ........................................................ 48

? Received calls [Menu 2-2] ..................................................... 48

? Dialled calls [Menu 2-3] ......................................................... 48

? Delete recent calls [Menu 2-4] ...............................................48

? Call charges [Menu 2-5] ........................................................ 48

? GPRS information [Menu 2-6] ............................................... 51

Profiles [Menu 3] ..................................................................... 52

? General [Menu 3-1] ............................................................... 52

? Loud [Menu 3-2] .................................................................... 52



? Headset [Menu 3-3] .............................................................. 52

? Car [Menu 3-4] ...................................................................... 52

? Vibrate only [Menu 3-5] ......................................................... 52

? Quiet [Menu 3-6] ................................................................... 52

Settings [Menu 4] .................................................................... 55

? Date & Time [Menu 4-1] ........................................................ 55

? Phone settings [Menu 4-2] .................................................... 55

? Call settings [Menu 4-3] ........................................................ 57

? Security settings [Menu 4-4] ................................................. 60

? Network settings [Menu 4-5] ................................................. 63

? GPRS setting [Menu 4-6] ...................................................... 64

? Reset settings [Menu 4-7] ..................................................... 64

Organiser [Menu 5] ................................................................. 65

? Alarm clock [Menu 5-1] ......................................................... 65

? Scheduler [Menu 5-2] ............................................................ 65

? Phonebook [Menu 5-3] ......................................................... 67

Fun & Tools [Menu 6] ............................................................. 73

? Favorites [Menu 6-1] ............................................................. 73

? Games [Menu 6-2] ................................................................ 73

? Calculator [Menu 6-3] ............................................................ 74

? My folder [Menu 6-4] ............................................................. 74

? Unit converter [Menu 6-5] ..................................................... 75

? World time [Menu 6-6] ........................................................... 75

? Voice recorder [Menu 6-7] .................................................... 75

? Memory status [Menu 6-8] .................................................... 76

Internet [Menu 7] ..................................................................... 77

? Home [Menu 7-1] .................................................................. 77

? Bookmarks [Menu 7-2] .......................................................... 77

? Profiles [Menu 7-3] ................................................................ 77


? Go to URL [Menu 7-4] ........................................................... 80

? Cache settings [Menu 7-5] .................................................... 80

? Cookies settings [Menu 7-6] .................................................. 80

? Security certification [Menu 7-7] ............................................ 80

? Reset profiles [Menu 7-8] ...................................................... 80

? Browser version [Menu 7-9] .................................................. 80

On browsing menu ................................................................. 81

Java [Menu 8] .......................................................................... 82

? Applications [Menu 8-1] ........................................................ 82

? Download [Menu 8-2] ............................................................ 83

? Profiles [Menu 8-3] ................................................................ 83

Accessories ............................................................................. 84

Technical Data ......................................................................... 85

Main body of the Phone


Display Screen

Phone book

list key

Soft Left Key

Favorites key

Send Key

Profile Key

Star Key

Soft Right Key

End/Power Key

Clear/Cancel Key

Numeric Keys

Hash Key


Message key


Part of the Phone


Outside of the Phone

BatterySIM Card Socket

Battery Terminals

Battery Lock

Handstrap Hole

Cable Connector/

Battery Charging Connector/

Hands-Free Car kit Connector


The following shows key components of the phone.

Keypad Description

Key Description

Soft Left Key / Soft Right KeyEach of these keys performs the function indicated

by the text on the display immediately above it.

Message keyYou can go to Message menu (Inbox, Voice mail,Scheduler or Alarm) directly.

Navigation KeysUsed to scroll through name, phone numbers, menus

or setting options. When you press down key, you can

view Favorites menu list.

Send KeyYou can dial a phone number and answer a call. If

you press this key without entering a number, your

phone shows the most recently dialled, received and

missed numbers.

Numeric KeysThese keys are used mainly to dial in standby mode

and enter numbers or characters in editing mode.

When you press these keys for a long time.

? Used to call your voicemail box by 1.? Used to call for international call by 0.? Used to call Speed dials by from 2 to 9.

END/PWR KeyUsed to end or reject a call. This key is also used as

Power Key by pressing this key for a few seconds.

Key Description








Key Description

Up/Down Side KeyWhen you open the flip, you can control the volume

of key tone in the standby mode and the volume

during a call.

Key Description

You can delete the characters, go back the menu.

In addition, you can view voice memo list when you

press this key shortly in a standby mode.

Side of the Key



Letter KeysEach key can be used for several symbols. These are shown below.

Key Description

1 .,/?!-:'"1

2 ABC2AAAAAAÆCabcaaaaaaæc

3 DEF3EEEEdefeeee

4 GHI4IIII˝ghiiiiiⓒ

5 JKL5jkl

6 MNO6NOØOOOOŒmnonoøooooœ

7 PQRS7ßTMpqrsß∫

8 TUV8UUUUtuvuuuu

9 WXYZ9wxyz

0 [space] 0

Key Description

Display Information17

Display Information

The screen displays several icons. These are described below.

On-Screen Icons

Icon/Indicator Description

Tells you the strength of the network signal.

Call is connected.

You can use GPRS service.

Shows that you are using a roaming service.

Line 1/2 is in use for outgoing calls -- if you

subscribe to the Two Line Service.

The alarm has been set and is on.

Tells you the status of the battery.

You have received a text message.

You have received a voice message.

You have received an push message.

You can view your schedule.

All audible signals are turned off.

General menu in profile.

Loud menu in profile.

Silent menu in profile.

Headset menu in profile.

Car menu in profile.

You can divert a call.

Getting Started18

1. Inserting the SIM Card

Locate the SIM card socket in the back

of the phone. Follow the steps below to

install the SIM card.

1. Remove the battery if attached.

2. Slide the SIM card into the slot,under the silvery holders, with the

golden connectors facing down.

2. Removing the SIM Card

Follow the steps below to Remove the

SIM card.

1. Remove the battery if attached.

2. Take out the SIM card from the slot.


? Removing the battery from the phone whilst it is

switched on may cause it to malfunction.

? The metal contact of the SIM card can be easily

damaged by scratches. Pay special attention to the SIM

card when you handle and install. Follow the

instructions supplied with the SIM card.


Getting Started19

3. Installing the Battery

1. Position the lugs on the bottom of

the battery into the retaining holder.

2. Then push to the half of the batteryinto position.

4. Charging the BatteryTo connect the travel adapter to the phone, you must have installed

the battery.

1. With the arrow facing you as shown

in the diagram push the plug on the

battery adapter into the socket on

the bottom of the phone until it

clicks into place.

2. Connect the other end of the travel

adapter to the mains socket.

Use only the included packing


Getting Started20

5. Disconnecting the chargerDisconnect the travel adapter from the

phone by pressing its side buttons as

shown in the diagram.

Warning? Do not force the connector as this may damage the

phone and/or the travel adapter.


? Ensure the battery is fully charged before using the

phone.? Do not remove your battery or the SIM card while

charging.? The moving bars of battery icon will stop after

charging is complete.


If the battery does not charge,? switch the phone off.

? ensure the battery is correctly fit.



? "Battery Charging" is displayed on the screen after

connecting the travel adapter. Only if the battery is

totally empty, Call indicator Light is on without

displaying "Battery Charging".

Getting Started21

Making and Answering Calls

Making a call

1. Key in phone number including the area code. If you want to

delete number, press C.

2. Press S to call the number.

3. Press E to end the call.

International Calls

1. Press and hold the 0 key for the international prefix."+" character may replace with the international access code.

2. Enter the country code, area code, and the phone number.

3. Press S.

Making a call using the Phonebook

1. In standby mode, press > [Names].

2. When the menu is displayed, you select Search by pressing <.

3. If you find out the desired item through searching by a name or a

number, press S to call.

Additional Functions22

The menu displayed on the handset screen during a call is different

to the default main menu reached from the idle screen, and the

options are described here.

1 During a call

1-1 Putting a Call on Hold

When a call is made or answered, press the S [Send] to place it

on hold. When a call is held, press the S [Send] to make it active.

1-2 Making a Second Call

You can get a dial number from phonebook to make a second call.

Press > [Names] then select Search. To save the dial number

into phonebook during call, press > [Names] then select Add


1-3 Swapping Between Two Calls

To switch between two calls, select < [Options], then select Swapor just press S [Send] key.

You can make one of two calls focused by pressing up/down arrow

key. If you want to end one of two calls, make the call you want to

end focused, then press E [End] key when the call you want to

end is focused.

In call Menu

Additional Functions23

1-4 Answering an Incoming Call

To answer an incoming call when the handset is ringing, simply

press the S [Send] key.

The handset is also able to warn you of an incoming call while you

are already in a call. A tone sounds in the earpiece, and the displaywill show that a second call is waiting. This feature, known as Call

Waiting, is only available if your network supports it. For details of

how to activate and deactivate it see Call waiting [Menu 4-3-4].

If Call Waiting is on, you can put the first call on hold and answer

the second, by pressing S [Send] or by selecting < [Answer],then Hold & Answer.

You can end the current call and answer the waiting call by

selecting < [Menu], then End & Answer.

1-5 Rejecting an Incoming Call

When not in a call you can reject an incoming call without answeringit by simply pressing the E [End] or for a long time when the flipis closed.

When in a call you can reject an incoming call by pressing the <

[Menu] key and selecting Multiparty / Reject or by pressing E[End] key.

1-6 Muting the Microphone

You can mute the microphone during a call by pressing the <

[Options] key then selecting Mute. The handset can be unmuted by

pressing the < [Unmute].

When the handset is muted, the caller cannot hear you, but you can

still hear them.

Additional Functions24

1-7 Switching DTMF Tones on During a Call

To turn DTMF tones on during a call, for example, to allow your

handset to make use of an automated switchboard, select <

[Options], then DTMF On. DTMF tones can be turned off the same


1-8 Calling up Messages and SIM Tool kit main menu

The Messages and SIM Tool kit main menu options can be reached

from the in-call menu by selecting < [Options]. SIM Tool kit menu

is shown only when SIM in the handset supports SIM Tool kit


2 Multiparty or Conference Calls

The multiparty or conference service provides you with the ability to

have a simultaneous conversation with more than one caller, if your

network service provider supports this feature.

A multiparty call can only be set up when you have one active call

and one call on hold, both calls having been answered. Once a

multiparty call is set up, calls may be added, disconnected or

separated (that is, removed from the multiparty call but still

connected to you) by the person who set up the multiparty call.

The maximum callers in a multiparty call is five. Once started, you

are in control of the multiparty call, and only you can add calls to the

multiparty call.

In call Menu

Additional Functions25

2-1 Making a Second Call

You can make a second call while you are already in a call. To do

this, enter the second number and press S [Send]. When you getsecond call the first call is automatically put on hold. You can swap

between calls by selecting <[Options] then Swap.

2-2 Setting up a Multiparty Call

You can connect a call on hold to the currently active call to form a

multiparty call by selecting <[Options] then Multiparty / Join all.

2-3 Putting the Multiparty Call on Hold

To put a multiparty call on hold, select < [Options] then

Multiparty / Hold all.

2-4 Activate the Multiparty Call on Hold

To make a multiparty call on hold active, select <[Options] then

Multiparty / Join all.

2-5 Adding Calls to the Multiparty Call

To join an active call to the held multiparty call, select < [Options]then Multiparty / Join all.

2-6 Displaying Callers in a Multiparty Call

To scroll though the numbers of the callers who make up a

multiparty call on the handset screen, press U and D keys.

Additional Functions26

2-7 Putting a Member of a Multiparty Call on Hold

To place one selected caller (whose number is currently displayed

on-screen) of a multiparty call on hold, select < [Options] then

Multiparty / Exclude.

2-8 A Private Call in a Multiparty Call

To have a private call with one caller of a multiparty call, display the

number of the caller you wish to talk to on the screen, then select

<[Options] and Multiparty / Private to put all the other callers on


2-9 Ending a Multiparty Call

The currently displayed caller of a multiparty call can be

disconnected by pressing the E [End] key. To end a multipartycall, press <[Options] then select Multiparty / End multiparty.

Selecting < [Options] then Multiparty / End all, will end all the

active and held calls.

In call Menu

Additional Functions27

Access Codes

You can use the access codes described in this section to avoid

unauthorized use of your phone. The access codes (except PUK

and PUK2 codes) can be changed by using [Menu 4-4-5].

PIN code (4 to 8 digits)The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code protects your SIM

card against unauthorized use. The PIN code is usually suppliedwith the SIM card. When PIN code is set On, your phone will

request the PIN code every time it is switched on. On the contrary,when PIN code is set Off, your phone connects to the network

directly without the request PIN code.

PIN2 code (4 to 8 digits)The PIN2 code, supplied with some SIM cards, is required to

access some functions such as Advice of call charge, Fixed Dial

number. These functions are only available if supported by your SIM


PUK code (4 to 8 digits)The PUK (PIN Unblocking Key) code is required to change a

blocked PIN code. The PUK code may be supplied with the SIM

card. If not, contact your local service provider for the code. If you

lose the code, also contact your service provider.

PUK2 code (4 to 8 digits)The PUK2 code, supplied with some SIM cards, is required to

change a blocked PIN2 code. If you lose the code, also contact your

service provider.

Security code (4 to 8 digits)The security code protects the unauthorized use of your phone. It is

usually supplied with the phone. This code is required to delete all

phone entries and to activate "Reset settings" menu. The default

number is "0000".

Accessing the Menu28

1 Messages

1 Write short message

2 Write multimedia message

3 Inbox

4 Outbox

5 Drafts

6 Listen to voice mail

7 Info message

8 Templates9 Settings

2 Call register

1 Missed calls

2 Received calls

3 Dialled calls

4 Delete recent calls

5 Call charges6 GPRS information

3 Profiles

1 General

2 Loud

3 Headset

4 Car

5 Vibrate only6 Quiet

4 Settings

1 Date & Time

2 Phone settings3 Call settings4 Security settings5 Network settings6 GPRS setting7 Reset settings

5 Organiser

1 Alarm clock

2 Scheduler

3 Phonebook

Menu Tree

Accessing the Menu29

6 Fun & Tools

1 Favorites

2 Games

3 Calculator

4 My folder

5 Unit converter

6 World time

7 Voice recorder

8 Memory status

7 Internet

1 Home


3 Profiles


5 Cache settings6 Cookies settings7 Security certification

8 Reset profiles9 Browser version

8 Java

1 Applications2 Download

3 Profiles

9 Services SIM

This menu depends on SIM

and the network services.

Accessing the Menu30

This menu includes functions related to SMS (Short Message

Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), voice mail, as well as

the network's service messages.

Write short message [Menu 1-1]You can write and edit text message, checking the number of

message pages.

1. Enter the Messages menu by pressing < [Select].

2. If you want to write a new message, select Write short


3. To make text input easier, use T9. For details, see How to Use

T9 (Page 35).

4. Press [Insert] to attach the followings.

5. If you want to set option for your text, or to finish your writing,

press < [Options].


? Send

Sends text messages.

1. Enter numbers of recipient.

2. Press D key to add more recipients.

3. You can add phone numbers in the phone book.

4. Press < after entering numbers.


? The phone which supports EMS release 5 is available

to send colour pictures, sounds, text styles, etc.. The

other party may not receive pictures, sounds or text

styles you sent properly if the phone does not supportsuch options.

Messages [Menu 1]

Accessing the Menu31

? Save

Stores messages in Outbox.

? Font

You can select Size and Style of fonts.

? Colour

You can select Colour of foreground and background.

? Alignment

You can make the message contents aligned Right, Centre or


? Add T9 dictionary

You can add your own word. This menu can be shown only when

edit mode is Predictive (T9Abc/T9abc/T9ABC).

? T9 languages

Select a T9 input mode.

? Exit

If you press Exit while writing a message, you can end the writing

message and back to the Message menu. The message you have

written is not saved.

Messages [Menu 1]

Accessing the Menu32


? Symbol

You can add special characters.

? Picture

You can insert the Default pictures or pictures in My folder that

are available for short messages.

? Sound

You can insert sounds that are available for short messages.

? Text templates

You can use Text templates already set in the phone.

? Phonebook

You can add phone numbers or e-mail addresses in Phonebook.

? Signature

You can add your contact information to the message.

Write multimedia message [Menu 1-2]You can write and edit multimedia messages, checking message


1. Enter the Messages menu by pressing < [Select].

2. If you want to write a new message, select Write multimedia


3. You can create a new message or choose one of the multimedia

message templates already made.

4. Press Insert to add Symbol, Picture, Sound, Text templates,Phonebook or Signature.

Accessing the Menu33


? Send

You can send multimedia messages to multiple recipients,

prioritise your message, and make it sent later as well.

? Preview

You can preview multimedia messages you wrote.

? Save

You can save multimedia messages in the drafts or as templates.

? Add slide

You can add a slide before or after current slide.

? Move to slide

You can move to previous or next slide.

? Delete slide

You can delete current slides.

? Set slide format

- Set timer

You can set timer for slide, text, picture and sound.

- Swap text and picture

You can switch the position of picture and text of the message.

? Remove media

You can remove pictures or sounds in the slide. This option can be

shown only when any media exists.

Accessing the Menu34

? Add T9 dictionary

You can add your own word. This menu can be shown only when

edit mode is Predictive (T9Abc/T9abc/T9ABC).

? T9 languages

Select a T9 input mode.

? Exit

You can back to the Message menu.

Messages [Menu 1]


? If you select the picture (15K) on writing multimedia

message, loading duration will take around 15

seconds at least. Furthermore, you can't activate any

key during loading time. After 15 seconds, it is

available to write multimedia message.

Accessing the Menu35

T9 allows you to input text quickly.In T9, you only need to press the key with the correspondingletter once. This is based on a built-in dictionary to which you

can also add new words.

? Writing words by using T9.

1. Start writing a word by using the keys 2 to 9.Press each key only once for one letter.

To write for instance 'Girl', press 4, 4, 7, 5.The characters that you enter appear blocked.

The word changes after each keystroke. Therefore you

shouldn't pay too much attention to how the word appears

on the display until you have pressed all the appropriate

keys.To delete a character to the left, press C.

To insert several numbers, hold # down and key in the


If you hold * down, you can change the type of

language. (You can also use options.)

Also, the phone supports three modes: Predictive (T9Abc,T9ABC, T9abc), Multitap (ABC, abc), Numeric (123). If

you want to change a mode, press # key.

How to Use T9

160 1 T9Abc 159 1 T9abc 158 1 T9abc

157 1 T9abc 156 1 T9abc


His Girl

4 (For G) 4 (For i)

7 (For r) 5 (For l)

Accessing the Menu36

Alternatively : Press * key and select insert symbols.Select the desired character and press Select.

2. When you have finished writing a word, check whether the

word is correct.

If the word is correct: Press 0 and write the next word.

If the word is not correct: Search by U , D (Previous and

Next word).

Alternatively: If there is no word you want you can add your

own word. Press < [Options] in the Predictive edit mode.

Select Add T9 dictionary Menu. You can see the following.

3. To insert a punctuation mark, press 1 repeatedly until the

desired mark appears.



Save Back



Save Back


T9 languages

? You can select T9 Languages by selecting Menu.


your word

Messages [Menu 1]

Accessing the Menu37

Icon directive

[ ] Multimedia message

[ ] Short message

[ ] SIM message

[ ]Read

[ ] Notified multimedia message

Inbox [Menu 1-3]You will be alerted when you have received messages. They will be

stored in Inbox.

In Inbox, you can identify each message by icons. For detail, see

the icon directive.

If the phone shows 'No space for SIM message', you have to delete

only SIM messages from Inbox. If the phone displays 'No space for

message', you can make space of each repository as deleting

messages, media and applications.

SIM message

SIM message means the message exceptionally stored in SIM


For notified multimedia message, you have to wait for downloadingand processing of the message. For notification setting, see [Menu

1-9-2] for detail.

To read a message, select one of the messages by pressing <.

ReplyYou can reply to the sender.

Accessing the Menu38


You can forward the selected message to another party.

Return call

You can call back to the sender.


You can delete the current message.


You can extract picture, sound and text. They will be saved in Myfolder or Phonebook.

View information

You can view information about received messages; Sender's

address, Subject (only for Multimedia message), Message date &

time, Message type, Message size.

Replay (applicable to Multimedia message only)

You can replay multimedia messages.

Receive (In the case of notification message)If Multimedia message is set to Auto download off, you can get

only Notification. To receive a message, you need to select


Outbox [Menu 1-4]You can see sent and unsent messages here. For sent message,

you can see the delivery status.

The browsing is same as that for the inbox message.

Messages [Menu 1]

Accessing the Menu39

Icon directive

[ ]Sent

[ ] Failed

[ ] Delivery confirmed

[ ]SMSsent

When you already sent the message:


You can forward the current message to other recipients.


You can delete the current message.

View information

You can view information about outbox messages; Recipient'saddress, Subject (only for Multimedia message), Message date &

time, Message type, Message size.

When you didn't send the message:


You can edit the message.


You can send the message.


You can delete the current message.

Accessing the Menu40

View information

You can view information about outbox messages.

Drafts [Menu 1-5]You can view the messages saved as a draft. The draft messages

are listed with the date and time when they were saved. Scroll

through the list using up/down navigation keys.

Each draft has the following options. Press < [Options].


You can view the selected message.


You can edit the selected message.


You can send the message.


Deletes the selected message from the drafts folder.

Messages [Menu 1]

Icon directive

[ ] Multimedia message

[ ] Text message

Accessing the Menu41

View information

You can view the information of selected message: subject (only for

multimedia message), the date and time when saved, message typeand size, the priority (only for multimedia message).

Delete all

Deletes all the messages from drafts folder.

Listen to voice mail [Menu 1-6]You can listen to voice mail.

Info message [Menu 1-7]Info service messages are text messages delivered by the network

to GSM. They provide general information such as weather reports,traffic news, taxis, pharmacies, and stock prices. Each type of

information has the number; therefore, you can contact service

provider as long as you have input the certain number for the

information. When you have received an info service message, you

can see the popup message to show you that you have received a

message or the info service message is directly displayed. To view

the message again or not in standby mode, follow the sequence

shown below;

Read [Menu 1-7-1]1. When you have received an info service message and select

Read to view the message,it will be displayed on the screen. You

can read another message by scrolling L , R or < [Next].

2. The message will be shown until another message is reached.

Accessing the Menu42

Topics [Menu 1-7-2]

? Add new

You can add Info service message numbers in the Phone memory

with its nickname.

? View list

You can see Info service message numbers which you added. If

you press < [Options], you can edit and delete info message

category which you added.

? Active list

You can select Info service message numbers in the active list.

If you activate an info service number, you can receive messages

sent from the number.

Templates [Menu 1-8]

Text templates [Menu 1-8-1]You have 11 text templates. You can change the predefined

templates into your favorite ones or fill the <empty>s.

Multimedia templates [Menu 1-8-2]

You can use the following options.

? Preview

You can preview multimedia messages you wrote.

? Save

You can save multimedia messages in the outbox or as templates.

? Add slide

You can add a slide before or after current slide.

Messages [Menu 1]

Accessing the Menu43

? Move to slide

You can move to previous or next slide.

? Delete slide

You can delete current slides.

? Set slide format

- Set timer

You can set timer for slide, text, picture and sound.

- Swap text and picture

You can switch the position of picture and text of the message.

? Remove media

You can remove pictures or sounds in the slide. This option can be

shown only when any media exists.

? Add T9 dictionary

You can add your own word. This menu can be shown only when

edit mode is Predictive (T9Abc/T9abc/T9ABC).

? T9 languages

Select a T9 input mode.

? Exit

You can back to the Message menu.

Signature [Menu 1-8-3]You can make your Signature. Key in Name, Phone number, Fax

number and Email.

Accessing the Menu44

Settings [Menu 1-9]

Text message [Menu 1-9-1]

? Message types

Text, Voice, Fax, Natl. paging, X.400, E-mail, ERMES

Usually, the type of message is set to Text. You can convert your

text into alternative formats. Contact your service provider for the

availability of this function.

? Validity period

This network service allows you to set how long your text

messages will be stored at the message centre.

? Delivery report

If you set to Yes, you can check whether your message is sent


? Reply via same service centre

When a message is sent, it allows the recipients to reply and

charge the cost of the reply to your telephone bill.

? SMS centre

If you want to send the text message, you can receive the address

of SMS centre through this menu.

Multimedia message [Menu 1-9-2]

? Priority

You can send the message after setting the level of priority: Low,Normal and High.

Messages [Menu 1]

? Validity period

This network service allows you to set how long your text

messages will be stored at the message centre.

? Delivery report

If it is set to Yes in this menu, you can check whether your

message is sent successfully.

? Auto download

On: The messages are downloaded automatically on receipt.

Off: Requires to confirm the message which you want to


Home network only: In home network, you can activate Auto

download "On" menu, Otherwise, you can activate Auto download

in roaming network when you set Off.

? Network setting

In order to download MMS from the server, you need to set up a

CSD or GPRS data connection. If you select multimedia message

server, you can set URL for multimedia message server. You can

set over 5 profiles to connect service.

? Permitted types

Personal : Personal message.

Advertisements : Commercial message.

Information : Necessary information.

Accessing the Menu45

Voice mail centre [Menu 1-9-3]

You can receive the voicemail if this feature is supported by your

network service provider. When a new voicemail is arrived, the

symbol will be displayed on the screen. Please check with your

network service provider for details of their service in order to

configure the phone accordingly.

1. Hold down 1 key in standby mode.

2. You can check the following submenus.

? Home

You can listen to voice mails by selecting Home.

? Roaming

Even when you are in abroad, you can listen to voice mails if

roaming service is supported.

Info service [Menu 1-9-4]

(Dependent to network and subscription)

? Receive

- Yes

If you select this menu, your phone will receive Info service



If you select this menu, your phone will not receive Info service

messages any more.

Accessing the Menu46

Messages [Menu 1]

Accessing the Menu47

? Alert

- Yes

Your phone will beep when you have received Info service

message numbers.


Your phone will not beep even though you have received info

service messages.

? Languages

You can select the language you want by pressing [On/Off]. Then,the info service message will be shown in the language that you


Push messages [Menu 1-9-5]You can set the option whether you will receive the message or not.

Accessing the Menu48

Missed calls [Menu 2-1]This menu shows recently missed numbers. You can call these

numbers, save and view the date and the time.

Received calls [Menu 2-2]This menu shows recently received numbers. You can call these

numbers, save and view the date and the time.

Dialled calls [Menu 2-3]This menu shows the latest dialled numbers up to 20.

Delete recent calls [Menu 2-4]You can delete recent calls of Missed calls, Received calls,Dialled calls or All calls.

Call charges [Menu 2-5]Within these submenus, you can view the duration and the call cost

of your calls.

Call register [Menu 2]

Accessing the Menu49

Call duration [Menu 2-5-1]

This function allows you to view the duration of your Last Call, All

Calls, Received calls and Dialled calls in hours, minutes and

seconds. You can also reset the call timers.

1. Press < [Menu] in standby mode.

2. Press 2 for direct access or use L and R to enter Call

register, then select Call charges.

3. Scroll to highlight Call duration and Press < [Select].The following 5 submenus: Last call, All calls, Received calls,

Dialled calls and Reset all.

Call costs [Menu 2-5-2]This function allows you to check the cost of your last call, all calls,

remaining and reset the cost. To reset the cost, you need the PIN2


1. Press < [Menu] in standby mode.

2. Press 2 for direct access or use L and R to enter Call

register, then select Call charges.

3. Scroll to highlight Call costs and Press < [Select].The following 4 submenus: Last call, All calls, Remaining and

Reset all.


? The actual cost invoiced for calls by your service

provider may vary, depending upon network features,

rounding-off for billing, tax, and etc.

Accessing the Menu50

Settings [Menu 2-5-3] (SIM Dependent)

? Set tariff

You can set the currency type and the unit price. Contact your

service providers to obtain charging unit prices. To select the

currency or unit in this menu, you need the PIN2 code.

If you want to input @, £, $ symbol, clear all currency strings and

then press * key. If you want to change symbol, press * key


? Set credit

This network service allows you to limit the cost of your calls byselected charging units. If you select Read, the number of

remaining unit is shown. If you select Change, you can change

your charge limit.

? Auto display

This network service allows you to see automatically the cost of

your last calls. If set to On, you can see the last cost when the call

is released.

Call register [Menu 2]


? When all units have been used, no calls can be made

except emergency calls. Depending on the SIM card,

you need the PIN2 code to set a call cost limit.

Accessing the Menu51

GPRS information [Menu 2-6]You can check the amount of data transferred over the network

through GPRS. In addition, you can view how much time you are


Call duration [Menu 2-6-1]You can check the duration of Last call and All calls. You can also

reset the call timers.

Data volumes [Menu 2-6-2]

You can check the Sent, Received or All data volumes and Reset


Accessing the Menu52

In this menu, you can adjust and customize the phone tones for

different events and environments.

1. Press < [Menu] in standby mode.

2. Press 3 for direct access or use L and R.

3. You can also enter this menu directly by pressing L key in

standby mode.

General [Menu 3-1]You can adjust the profile as General.

Loud [Menu 3-2]You can adjust the profile as Loud if you are in a noisyenvironment.

Headset [Menu 3-3]You can adjust the profile as Headset when you put on a headset.

Car [Menu 3-4]You can adjust the profile as Car when you activate Handsfree kit.

Vibrate only [Menu 3-5]You can adjust the profile as Vibrate only if you need vibration

mode. In the mode, all kinds of alert are Vibrate or Silent.

Quiet [Menu 3-6]You can adjust the profile as Quiet if you are in quiet place.

Profiles [Menu 3]

Accessing the Menu53

Activate [Menu 3-x-1]Activates the selected Profile.

Personalise [Menu 3-x-2]Each has the submenus as shown below except for Vibrate only.

Call alert type

Allows to select alert type such as Ring, Vibrate, etc. for the

incoming for adjusting environment.

Ring tone

Allows to set the ring tone for adjusting environment.

Ring volume

Allows to set the ring volume for adjusting environment. The volume

of Power on/off sound and all the alert sounds set according to Ringvolume.

Message alert type

Allows to alert when receiving a message for adjusting environment.

Message tone

Allows to select the alert tone for message reception.

Keypad volume

Allows to set the keypad volume for adjusting environment.


? Headset and Car profiles can be activated only when

Handsfree kit or Ear microphone put on the handset.

However, their properties can be personalised.

Accessing the Menu54

Keypad tone

Allows to select the keypad tone for adjusting environment.

Flip tone

Allows to set the flip tone for adjusting environment.

Effect sound volume

Allows to set the effect sound volume for adjusting environment.

Power on/off volume

Allows to set the power on/off volume for adjusting environment

Auto answer

This function will be activated only when your phone is connected to

the headset or handsfree kit.

? Off : The phone will not answer automatically.? After 5 secs : After 5 seconds, the phone will answer

automatically.? After 10 secs : After 10 seconds, the phone will answer


Rename [Menu 3-x-3]You can change the default profile name except of Vibrate only,Headset, and Car menus.


? If you set the Handsfree kit to the phone, you can't

use the vibrate mode related with Call alert type or

Message alert menu. In car menu, the followingsubmenus are available;

- Call alert type : Ring, Lamp- Message alert type : Ring once, Ring periodically,

No alert

Profiles [Menu 3]

Accessing the Menu55

Settings [Menu 4]

You can set the following menus for your convenience and


1. Press < [Menu] in standby mode.

2. Press 4 for direct access to enter Settings.

Date & Time [Menu 4-1]You can set functions relating to the date and time.

Set date [Menu 4-1-1]

You can enter the current date.

Date format [Menu 4-1-2]You can set the Date format such as DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY,YYYY/MM/DD. (D: Day / M: Month / Y: Year)

Set time [Menu 4-1-3]You can enter the current time.

Time format [Menu 4-1-4]

Your can set the time format between 24-hour and 12-hour.

Phone settings [Menu 4-2]You can set functions relating to the phone.

Wallpaper [Menu 4-2-1]

You can select the background pictures in standby mode.

? Default

You can select a picture or an animation of wallpaper by pressing


? Myfolder

You can select a picture or an animation as wallpaper.

Accessing the Menu56

Greeting note [Menu 4-2-2]

If you select On, you can edit the text which is displayed in standbymode.

Language [Menu 4-2-3]You can change the language for the display texts in your phone.This change will also affect the Language Input mode.

Backlight [Menu 4-2-4]You can set the light-up duration of the internal display.

LCD contrast [Menu 4-2-5]

You can set the brightness of LCD by pressing L , R.

Information window [Menu 4-2-6]You can preview the current state of the selected menu before open

the menu. The state is shown at bottom of the display.

Menu colour [Menu 4-2-7]

You can select the preferred menu colour among various


LED indicator [Menu 4-2-8]

When the LED indicator is set to On, it flashes when the service is


Network name [Menu 4-2-9]

If you select on, you can see the network service provider name

which is displayed in standby mode.

Settings [Menu 4]

Accessing the Menu57

Call settings [Menu 4-3]You can set the menu relevant to a call by pressing < [Select] in

the Setting menu.

Call divert [Menu 4-3-1]

The Call divert service allows you to divert incoming voice calls, fax

calls, and data calls to another number. For details, contact your

service provider.

? All voice calls

Diverts voice calls unconditionally.

? If busy

Diverts voice calls when the phone is in use.

? If no reply

Diverts voice calls which you do not answer.

? If out of reach

Diverts voice calls when the phone is switched off or out of


? All data calls

Diverts to a number with a PC connection unconditionally.

? All fax calls

Diverts to a number with a fax connection unconditionally.

? Cancel all

Cancels all call divert service.

Accessing the Menu58

The submenus

Call divert menus have the submenus shown below.

- Activate

Activate the corresponding service.

To voice mail centre

Forwards to message centre. This function is not shown at All data

calls and All fax calls menus.

To other number

Inputs the number for diverting.

To favourite number

You can check recent 5 diverted numbers.

- Cancel

Deactivate the corresponding service.

- View status

View the status of the corresponding service.

Answer mode [Menu 4-3-2]

? Flip open

If you select this menu, you can receive an incoming call by only

opening the flip.

? Press any key

If you select this menu, you can receive a call by pressing any key

except E [End] key.

? Send only

If you select this menu, you can receive a call by only pressing

S [Send] key.

Settings [Menu 4]

Accessing the Menu59

Send my number [Menu 4-3-3]

(network and subscription dependent)


You can send your phone number to another party. Your phonenumber will be shown on the receiver's phone.

? Off

Your phone number will not be shown.

? Set by network

If you select this, you can send your phone number depending on

two line service such as line 1 or line 2.

Call waiting [Menu 4-3-4]

(network dependent)

? Activate

If you select Activate, you can accept a waiting (receiving) call.

? Cancel

If you select Cancel, you cannot recognize the waiting (receiving)call.

? View status

Shows the status of Call waiting.

Minute minder [Menu 4-3-5]

If you select On, you can check the call duration by deep sound

every minute during a call.

Accessing the Menu60

Auto redial [Menu 4-3-6]


When this function is activated, the phone will automatically try to

redial in the case of failure to connect a call.

? Off

Your phone will not make any attempts to redial when the originalcall has not connected.

Closed user group [Menu 4-3-7]

(network dependent)

Restricts usage of the phone with numbers that belong to certain

user groups. When this function is used, every outgoing call is

associated with a group index. If a group index is specified, it is

used for all outgoing calls. If no group index is specified, the

network will use the preferential index (a specific index that is stored

in the network).

Default : Activate the default group agreed on with the network


Set : Setting the selected CUG Index.

Edit : Editing the CUG name and CUG Index.

Delete : Deleting the selected CUG.

Delete all : Deleting All CUG.

Security settings [Menu 4-4]

PIN code request [Menu 4-4-1]In this menu, you can set the phone to ask for the PIN code of your

SIM card when the phone is switched on. If this function is

activated, you'll be requested to enter the PIN code.

1. Select PIN code request in the security settings menu, and then

press < [Select].

Settings [Menu 4]

Accessing the Menu61

2. Set On/Off.

3. If you want to change the setting, you need to enter PIN code

when you switch on the phone.

4. If you enter wrong PIN code more than 3 times, the phone will

lock out. If the PIN is blocked, you will need to key in PUK code.

5. You can enter your PUK code up to 10 times. If you put wrong

PUK code more than 10 times, you can not unlock your phone.You will need to contact your service provider.

Phone lock [Menu 4-4-2]

You can use security code to avoid unauthorized use of the phone.Whenever you switch on the phone, the phone will request securitycode if you set phone lock to On. If you set phone lock to

Automatic, your phone will request security code only when you

change your SIM card.

Call barring [Menu 4-4-3]

The Call barring service prevents your phone from making or

receiving certain category of calls. This function requires the call

barring password. You can view the following submenus.

? All outgoing

The barring service for all outgoing calls.

? Outgoing international

The barring service for all outgoing international calls.

? Outgoing international except home country

The barring service for all international outgoing calls except home


? All incoming

The barring service for all incoming calls

? Incoming when abroad

The barring service for all incoming calls when roaming

Accessing the Menu62

? Cancel all

You can cancel all barring services.

? Change password

You can change the password for Call Barring Service.

Each call barring menu has following submenus:

? Activate

Allows to request the network to set call restriction on.

? Cancel

Set the selected call restriction off.

? View status

View the status whether the calls are barred or not.

Fixed dial number [Menu 4-4-4] (SIM dependent)

You can restrict your outgoing calls to selected phone numbers. The

numbers are protected by your PIN2 code.

? Activate

You can restrict your outgoing calls to selected phone numbers.

? Cancel

You can cancel fixed dialling function.

? Number list

You can view the number list saved as Fixed dial number.

Settings [Menu 4]

Accessing the Menu63

Change codes [Menu 4-4-5]

PIN is an abbreviation of Personal Identification Number used to

prevent use by only unauthorized person.

You can change the access codes: PIN2 code, Security code.

1. If you want to change the Security code/PIN2 code input your

original code, and then press < [OK].

2. Input new Security code/PIN2 code and verify them.

Network settings [Menu 4-5]You can select a network which will be registered either

automatically or manually. Usually, the network selection is set to


Automatic [Menu 4-5-1]

If you select Automatic mode, the phone will automatically search

for and select a network for you. Once you have selected

"Automatic", the phone will be set to "Automatic" even though the

power is off and on.

Manual [Menu 4-5-2]

The phone will find the list of available networks and show you

them. Then you can select the network which you want to use if this

network has a roaming agreement with your home network

operator. The phone let you select another network if the phone fails

to access the selected network.

Preferred [Menu 4-5-3]

You can set a list of preferred networks and the phone attempts to

register with first, before attempting to register to any other

networks. This list is set from the phone's predefined list of known


Accessing the Menu64

GPRS setting [Menu 4-6]You can set GPRS service depending on various situation.

Power on [Menu 4-6-1]

If you select this menu, the phone is automatically registered to a

GPRS network when you switch the phone on. Starting a WAP or

PC dial-up application created the connection between phone and

network and data transfer is possible. When you end the

application, GPRS connection is ended but the registration to the

GPRS network remains.

When needed [Menu 4-6-2]If you select this menu, the GPRS connection is established when

you connect a WAP service and closed when you end the WAP


Reset settings [Menu 4-7]You can initialize all factory defaults. You need Security code to

activate this function.

Settings [Menu 4]

Accessing the Menu65

Organiser [Menu 5]

Alarm clock [Menu 5-1]You can set up to 5 alarm clocks to go off at a specified time.

1. Select On and enter the alarm time you want.

2. Select the repeat period : Once, Mon~Fri,Mon~Sat,Everyday.

3. Select the alarm tone you want and press < [OK].

4. Edit the alarm name and press < [OK].

Scheduler [Menu 5-2]When you enter this menu a Calendar will show up. On top of the

screen there are sections for date. Also on bottom of the screen

there are sections for icons (schedule, memo). Whenever you

change the date, the calendar will be updated according to the date.

And square cursor will be used to locate the certain day. If you see

under bar on the calendar, it means that there is a schedule or

memo that day. This function helps to remind you of your schedule

and memo. The phone will sound an alarm tone if you set this for

the note.

To change the day, month, and year.





Key Description Key Description






? Your phone should be switched on to use this function.

Add new [Menu 5-2-1]

You can edit maximum 39 characters and take up to 20 notes.

? Schedule

Input the subject, the schedule time, the repeat, the alarm by

pressing allowed keys.

? Memo

1. Select Add new by pressing < [Select].

2. Press Memo.

3. Input the memo and then press < [OK].

View [Menu 5-2-2]

Shows the note for the chosen day. Use U , D to browse throughthe note lists. If you set alarm for the note, Alarm watch is displayed.At that time, if you press < [Select], you can see the note in detail.

Press < [Options] to delete, edit the note you selected.

View all [Menu 5-2-3]

Shows the notes that are set for all days. Use U , D to browse

through the note lists. You can use the same menu as "View" by

pressing < [Options].

Delete past [Menu 5-2-4]

You can delete the past schedule that has been already notified


Delete all [Menu 5-2-5]

You can delete for the all note(s).Accessing the Menu66

Organiser [Menu 5]

Accessing the Menu67

Phonebook [Menu 5-3]1. To use Phonebook, press > [Names] in standby mode.

2. To use Phonebook, press < [Menu] in standby mode and

select Organiser.

Search [Menu 5-3-1]

(Calling from phonebook)

1. In standby mode, press > [Names].

2. Search by pressing < [Select].

3. Enter the name whose phone numbers or e-mail address you

want to search or Select 'List' to view phonebook.

4. Instant searching is available by inputting the initial letter of the

name or number you want to search.

5. If you want to edit, delete, copy an entry, or to add the voice to

one, select < [Options]. The following menu will be displayed.

? Edit : You can edit the name, number, E-mail and

fax by pressing < [OK].? Write messages : After you have found the number you want,

you can send a message to the selected


? Copy : You can copy an entry from SIM to phone or

from phone to SIM.

? Main number : You can select the one out of mobile, home,office that you often use. The main number

will be displayed first, if you set this.

? Delete : You can delete an entry.

Accessing the Menu68

Add new [Menu 5-3-2]You can add phonebook entry by using this function.

Phone memory capacity is 200 entries. SIM card memory capacitydepends on the cellular service provider.

You can also save 20 characters of name in The Phone memory,

and save characters in the SIM card. The number of character is

SIM dependent feature.

1. Open the phonebook first by pressing > [Names] in standbymode.

2. Scroll to highlight Add new, and press < [Select].

3. Select the memory you want to save: SIM or Phone. If set to

Phone, you need to select which number you want as Main


a. Press < [OK] to input a name.

b. Press < [OK], then you can input a number.

c. Press < [OK].

d. You can set a group for the entry by pressing L , R:

e. You can set a character and a picture for the entry by pressingU,D,L,R.

Caller groups [Menu 5-3-3]You can list up to 20 members per one group. There are 7 groups

you can make lists to.

1. In standby mode, press > [Names].

2. Scroll to Caller groups item then press < [Select], and every

Group list will be displayed.

3. Select Group name you want by pressing < [Select].

? Member list

Shows the group members you have selected.

Organiser [Menu 5]

Accessing the Menu69

? Group ring tone

Allows you to specify ring tone for the group members' call.

? Group icon

Allows you to select the icon dependent on Group.

? Add member

You can add group members. Each group member souldn't be

exceeded 20.

? Remove member

You can remove the member from the Group member list. But

the name and the number still remain in phonebook.

? Rename

You can change a group name.

Speed dial [Menu 5-3-4]

You can assign any of the keys, 2 to 9 with a Name list entry.You can call directly by pressing this key for 2-3 seconds.

1. Open the phonebook first by pressing > [Names] in standbymode.

2. Scroll to Speed dial, then press < [Select].

3. If you want to add Speed dial, select (Empty). Then, you can

search the name in phonebook.

4. Select allocated a name by speed dial, and choose Change or

Delete to edit the name.

? Change

You can allocate a new phone number to the dial key.

? Delete

You can remove the allocated phone number from the dial key.

Settings [Menu 5-3-5]

1. Press > [Names] in standby mode.

2. Scroll to Settings, then press < [Select].

? Set memory

Scroll to highlight Set memory, then press < [Select].- If you select Variable, when adding entry, the phone will ask

where to store.

- If you select SIM or Phone, the phone will store an entry to

SIM or phone.

? Search by

Scroll to highlight Search by, then press < [Select].- If you select Variable, the phone will ask how to search.

- If you select Name or Number, the phone will search an

entry by Name or Number.

? View options

Scroll to highlight View options, then press < [Select]

- Name only : Set the phonebook list with displaying onlyname.

- With pictures : Set the phonebook list with the

information of character and picture.

- Name & Number

Accessing the Menu70

Organiser [Menu 5]

Accessing the Menu71

Copy all [Menu 5-3-6]

You can copy/move entries from SIM card memory to Phone

memory and vice versa.

1. Open the Phonebook first by pressing > [Names] in standbymode.

2. Scroll to Copy all, then press < [Select] to enter this menu.

? SIM to Phone : You can copy the entry from SIM Card to

Phone memory.

? Phone to SIM : You can copy the entry from Phone memory

to SIM Card.

3. You can see the following submenus.

? Keep original : When copying, Original Dial Number is kept.

? Delete original : When copying, Original Dial Number will be


Delete all [Menu 5-3-7]You can delete all entries in SIM, Phone, and Voice. This function

requires Security code except for voice.

1. Press > [Names] in standby mode and select Delete all, press

< [Select].

2. Then select a memory to erase.

3. Enter security code and Press < [OK] or > [Back].

Accessing the Menu72

Information [Menu 5-3-8]

? Service dial number

Use this function to access a particular list of services provided by

your network operator (if supported by the SIM card).

1. Open the phonebook first by pressing > [Names] in standbymode and select Information.

2. Scroll to Service dial number, then press < [Select] to enter.

3. The names of the available services will be shown.

4. Use U and D to select a service. Press S [Send].

? Memory status

This feature allows you to see how many free and in-use are in

your phonebook.

1. Open the phonebook first by pressing > [Names] in standbymode. Select Information by pressing < [Select].

2. Scroll to Memory status, then press < [OK].

? Own number (SIM dependent)

You can check your own number in SIM card.

Organiser [Menu 5]

Accessing the Menu73

Fun & Tools [Menu 6]

Favorites [Menu 6-1]You can set up to 9 menus which you have used often in Favorites.

You can connect this menu directly by pressing hot key D.

If you want to register the menu in favorites, select <Empty> on a

list. If the menu is already registered, the options are displayed as


- Select : Activate the registered menu.

- Change : Change the menu.

- Delete : Delete the registered menu.

- Delete all : Delete all menus which are registered in Favorites.

- Information : View the information of registered menu.

Games [Menu 6-2]The phone offers you the games to play with.


? The control keys are different depending on a game.

However, each one has an introduction to explain the

main control keys. The rest ones are as follows.

[Common Key Function]

< : Game menu

> :Back

C : Pause or resume a game

Accessing the Menu74

Calculator [Menu 6-3]This contains the standard functions such as +, --, x, ÷ : Addition,

Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.

1. Input the numbers by pressing numeric keys.

2. Use a navigation key to select a sign for calculation.

3. Then input the numbers.

4. Press < [Result] to view the result.

5. Press < [Reset] or enter numbers to repeat the procedureabove.

6. Use C key to erase any numbers or signs.

7. If you press * key, you can input a minus number. In addition,If you press # key, you can input a decimal number.

8. To end Calculator, press > [Back].

My folder [Menu 6-4]Enables you to view the downloaded pictures and sounds. They can

be set as Wallpaper or Ring tone. You can view, listen, delete or

rename downloaded data.

Picture [Menu 6-4-1]

Sound [Menu 6-4-2]

The Submenus for each main one

? Set as Wallpaper / Set as ring tone

You can set downloaded sounds or pictures as wallpaper or Ringtone.

? Write short message / Write multimedia message

You can write Short message/Multimedia message (available

depending on type of Media) with attachment pictures or sounds.

Fun & Tools [Menu 6]

Accessing the Menu75

Unit converter [Menu 6-5]This converts any measurement into a unit you want. There are 4

types that can be converted into units: Length, Area, Weight, and


1. You can select one of four unit types by pressing < [Unit] key.

2. Select the standard value by using L , R.

3. Select the unit you want to convert by pressing U and D.

4. You can check the converted value for the unit you want. Also,

you can input a decimal number by pressing #.

World time [Menu 6-6]You can view clocks of the world's major cities.

1. Select the city belonged to the time zone by pressing L , Rkey.

2. You can set the current time to the city time you select by

pressing < [Set].

Voice recorder [Menu 6-7]The voice memo feature you to record up to 10 voice messages and

each memo is up to 20 Seconds.

Record [Menu 6-7-1]1. You can record voice memo in Voice recorder menu and also

holding down C in the standby mode.

2. Once recording is started, the message Recording and the

remaining time is displayed.

3. If you want to finish recording, press < [Save].

4. Key in Voice memo title, press < [OK].

Accessing the Menu76

View list [Menu 6-7-2]

The phone shows voice memo list. You can Playback and Delete

the recorded voice memo.

Memory status [Menu 6-8]You can check the size of free memory and each menu of memory

such as text/picture message, inbox, outbox.

PC Sync

PC Sync is a program for data exchange between PC and the

phone by data cable. For more information, you can use the

guide of PC Sync Help file in CD.

Fun & Tools [Menu 6]

Accessing the Menu77

Internet [Menu 7]

The phone supports services based on Wireless ApplicationProtocol (WAP). You can access services supported by your

network. The services menu allows you to get the information such

as news, weather reports, and flight times.

Home [Menu 7-1]Connect to a homepage. The homepage may be the site which is

defined in the activated profile. It will be defined by Service Provider

if you don't make in activated profile.

Bookmarks [Menu 7-2]Press < [Select] to access available options, or press > [Back]to exit.

? Connect : Connect to the selected bookmark.

? Add new : Add a new bookmark manually.

Profiles [Menu 7-3]You can make up to 10 profiles and activate only one out of them.

Scroll to the desired profile and press < to access available


? Activate

You can activate the profile you want.

? Settings

You can edit and change WAP settings of the selected profile.

- Homepage

This setting allows you to enter the address (URL) of a site you

want to use as homepage. You do not need to type "http://" at the

front of each URL as the WAP Browser will automatically add it.

- Bearer

You can set the bearer data service.

? Data


- Data settings

Appeares only if you select Data settings as a Bearer\service.

IP address : Enter the IP address of the WAP gateway youwant.

Dial number : Enter the telephone number to dial to access

your WAP gateway.

User ID : The users identity for your dial-up server (andNOT the WAP gateway).

Password : The password required by your dial-up server

(and NOT the WAP gateway) to identify you.

Call type : Select the type of data call: Analogue or Digital(ISDN).

Call speed : The speed of your data connection; 9600 or


Linger time : You need to enter timeout period. After enteringthat, the WAP navigation service will be

unavailable if any data is not input or


- GPRS settingsThe service settings are only available when GPRS is chosen as

a bearer service.

IP address : Input the IP address of the WAP gateway youaccess.

APN : Input the APN of the GPRS.

User ID : The users identify for your APN server.

Password : The password required by your APN server.Accessing the Menu78

Internet [Menu 7]

Accessing the Menu79

- Connection typeThe options for connection type are Temporary or Continuous

and depend on the gateway you are using.


A confirmed delivery mechanism but generates more network


TemporaryA non-confirmed (connectionless) service.


- Proxy settingsIP address: Input the IP address of the proxy.

Port: Input the port number of the proxy.

- DNS settingsInsert the primary and secondary DNS if required by the network


- Secure settings

According to the used gateway port, you can choose this optionas On or Off.

- Display image

You can select whether images on WAP cards are displayed or


? Rename

Edit the Profile Name.

? Delete

Delete the Profile.

? Add new

You can add a new profile manually.

Accessing the Menu80

Go to URL [Menu 7-4]You can directly connect to the site you want. You need to enter a

specific URL.

Cache settings [Menu 7-5]You can remove the contents of Cache memory or change the

Cache mode.

Clear cache [Menu 7-5-1]The contents of Cache memory will be removed.

Check cache [Menu 7-5-2]You can set the option whether you will check the cache memory or


Cookies settings [Menu 7-6]The information or services you have accessed are saved in the

cache memory of the phone.

Clear cookies [Menu 7-6-1]

Removes all context saved in cookie.

Check cookies [Menu 7-6-2]

Check whether a cookie is used or not.

Security certification [Menu 7-7]A list of the available certificates is shown.

Reset profiles [Menu 7-8]You can reset profiles to return to original settings.

Browser version [Menu 7-9]The WAP Browser version is displayed.

Internet [Menu 7]

If you are on line, you can view the following menus.


Refer to [Menu 7-1].


Reloads the current page.


See [Menu 7-2].

Save as bookmark

You can save a site as bookmark.


During Wap connection, you can see the Short messages.


You can move to the site you want. In this menu, you can also

edit the site address.

Go to email server

You can move to the E-mail server that you configured.

Set as email server

You can set the address of current site as E-mail server.

Clear cache

The contents of cache memory will be removed.

Save Images

You can save the image which is provided by the WAP. Accessing the Menu81

On browsing menu

Applications [Menu 8-1]


Scroll to an application and select Options.

1. New : You can create new folder.

2. Move : You can select a folder which you want.

3. About : Shows Java MIDP information.

4. Info : Displays information about the selected MIDlet.

5. Remove : Deletes the selected MIDlet.

6. Update : Accesses the server and updates the selected


7. Options : Some Java applications may require a data

connection to be made. Select this to set the

connecting options.- Always : The connection is created immediately without a


- Prompt : You will be asked before the application makes the


- Never : No connection is allowed.

8. Rename : You can rename the application.

9. Exit : Exits from Applications.

Accessing the Menu82

Java [Menu 8]

Download [Menu 8-2]You can edit and set MIDlet server address. Download MIDlets

using WAP Browser and store them in the phone. You can also

view the list of MIDlets stored on the Applicatons screen.

Profiles [Menu 8-3]Some Java applications may require a network connection to

operate, for example, multiplayer games. You can set up to 5

profiles and activate the desired one. This is similar to wap profile

setting. Refer to wap profiles when you set this.

JAVATM is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Accessing the Menu83

There are various accessories for your mobile phone. You can

select these options according to your personal communication


Standard Battery

Portable Handsfree

This connects to your phone, allowinghandsfree operation.

Travel Adapter

This charger allows you to charge the batterywhile away from home or your office.

Data cable/CD

You can connect your phone to PC to

exchange the data between them.



? Always use genuine LG accessories.

? Failure to do this may invalidate your warranty.? Accessories may be different in different regions;

please check with our regional service company or

agent for further enquires.



Technical Data


Product name : C1100

System :GSM900/DCS1800

Ambient TemperaturesMax : +55°C

Min : -10°C




I hereby declare under our sole responsibilitythat the product mentioned above to which this

declaration relates complies with the above

mentioned standards and Directives

Signature of representative

Name Issued Date

Product Name

Model Name

Trade Name

LG Electronics Inc

LG Electronics Inc. LG Kang-nam Tower

679, Yoksam-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Dual Band Terminal Equipment



Suppliers Details

R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC

EN 301 489-7 : 2002

EN 60950-1 : 2001

EN 50360 : 2001

3GPP TS 51.010-1, V5.6.0 : 2003

Selection according to GCF-CC. V3.12.0 including requirements of EN 301 511

Jin Seog, Kim / Director March 13, 2004

Product Details

Applicable Standards Details

The conformity to above standards is verified by 7Layers AG GmbH with Certificate No.(04-510077)

and GSM test report (no. 4_LGE_0204_GSM_1), EMC test report (no. 4_LGE-0204_GSM_EMCa),

safety test report (no. S40045) and SAR test report (no. 6620_392a)


LG Electronics Inc. Amsterdam Office

Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere, The Netherlands

Tel : +31 - 36- 547 - 8940, e-mail : seokim @

Supplementary Information


